@Boston Celtics

Celtics Can Win Back-to-Back TITLES | Cedric Maxwell Podcast

Celtics Can Win Back-to-Back TITLES | Cedric Maxwell Podcast

Cedric Maxwell podcast is powered by prize picks the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network well the celebration continues here on the Cedric Maxwell podcast I am Jose pone he is of course Cedric Maxwell the Boston Celtics are your NBA champions after beating man what an NBA Finals after being the Dallas Mavericks in game five man it turned into a party in that fourth quarter Max I know I know joula didn’t pull starters until like the two-minute Mark or whatever the case may be but you could you could feel The Vibes the championship was was was there man it was it was there for them to to to celebrate what does that have to do with anything with him pulling the Stars so dude you know what did they tell you when you when you’re going in trying to put a fire out drown it drown it again make sure it’s out right right make sure it’s out I mean why you you why are you going to take a chance until Kyrie came out the game until you know Luca came out the game okay okay I think we’re done here now I think I think our work is done I just remember looking at the clock being like there’s no way they could nah there’s no way like you know like it’s just one of those things where it happened so fast for me Max you know the fourth quarter flew by next thing you know is the two-minute Mark you’re like this thing is done this thing turned into a party and the t t guard was rocking man with night here’s the thing I’ll ask you was this thing over when pyton priter hit that half court at the half court yes yeah I think so max went but I don’t think I’ve ever heard the garden that loud that’s the loudest I heard all season long that’s exactly what I told people that is the loudest I’ve heard it all year long went ballistic and then ask you a question because then you know I’m gonna put you be the guy this time Kyrie Irving goes that the in the fourth quarter late in the fourth quarter with about three minutes ago he start dapping up the Celtic players missou congratulates them did you have a problem with that no I got a problem a lot of people did really why I think like I feel like they would respect it a lot of people went out I got no problem with that you know all he wants to do be it by himself you know show he’s like dude just went to say congratulations what the hell what the hell see but and if he doesn’t do that Max if he doesn’t do that he’s he’s a sore loser right he’s a oh man Kyrie he couldn’t even shake their hands man you’re right Kyrie had no way to win there’s no way for Kyrie to win either either or if he congratulates the Celtics if he doesn’t do this he doesn’t do that then you know he he was he was [ __ ] out of Lu regardless what happened to that and uh so I applaud Kyrie for doing what he did uh I’m just laughing right now when I think about all the pundits it said nine out of 12 reporters who on ESPN and around Dallas and six that’s what they said most Dallas D Stephen A Smith you’re a guy Dallas Dallas yeah man I saw him actually in Dallas before game three and he was like there’s no way right now I’m picking Dallas tonight because no porzingis my what necessarily count and boy Brown showed his ass Tatum showed and the defense I mean this is just the this is just this is a seriously good team they’re no the Marquee names are like Tatum now it might be brown but but the other guys right PES of the world Drew holiday uh you know Derek white you know Pritchard Hower this team is only going to get better they they don’t lose any people you know everybody’s under the contract and Al Horford is going into his glory Year I’m not sure if Al Horford can’t come back and play another year after this I I will go if I’m out I go year by year you know just see how my body feels you know if you can get your another ring now you can but this team is built to win another championship I think several more championships with the Personnel they have and if if Max gu what if they stay healthy this team can win this team can this team can repeat and for all those Lakers fans out there people who are watching us on this podcast I know you want to throw up in the back of your throats right now but go ahead do it because uh they were there was that’s what Ked me about the Laker fans it was anybody except the Celtics win right right I don’t care I don’t care if it was a Church League school that came in as long the damn don’t win yeah and that that carried over to the National media Max all those guys at ESPN including Stephen A Smith people who predicted the Dallas Mavericks I’m like have you not been watching how deep this team has been even without Chris Das porzingis you can’t see the kind of problems that this this team provides you know against the Dallas Mavericks with their depth like these guys a ready man they just weren’t ready and I’m not saying that the Dallas Mavericks didn’t deserve to be on that stage to to play against the Celtics in the NBA Finals no they absolutely did they they went through some grueling Series against the you know the Western Conference and Minnesota Timberwolves and all that but when it came down to it this was a better team and I think that’s what now everyone understands the depth of the Celtics Team Al Horford starting the that entire NBA Finals he was a he was a killer man and it wasn’t just about the three-point shot it was the defense it was like you said Derek white defending in the back court you know uh Drew holiday showing his uh veteran leadership you know it was so many guys that it got to to the point where Midway through the series regardless of what Dallas was doing regardless of how well Luca was playing you know offensively I should say you were like how are the Dallas Mar going to match this offensive production against the Celtics and then that’s how I felt going into game four that’s how I felt going into game five you know yeah the Dallas Mavericks were able to keep their Series going and didn’t get sweat but going back to Boston with this crowd with the 617 with the history and everything and then again the dep I’m like the Dallas Mavericks are not going to be able to survive that environment and you knew that you knew that right at halftime like you said Pritchard knocking down that that halfcourt shot all of a sudden it’s the 21-point game and the places rocket and the Dallas Mavericks are backs against the wall you just knew there was no way they’re gonna be able to survive that no way their margin uh for eror wasn’t good because you had guys like Jones who couldn’t throw it in the ocean in this series uh PJ uh was uh Washington yeah he did not play like he played against when he played against Minnesota and everybody else on their bench was just marginal there was nobody look at Lively and um um who was their other Center um never really got never got involved in the game they weren’t weren’t that good they never and then they were Lively Powell you had um exom exom had a couple threes or whatever you know exom was probably the best one consistently coming off the bench and so gaffer was another guy oh my God gaffer’s going to kill you guys that’s the other bit yeah with the rim run well that didn’t happen that that’s almost a gimmicky play you know get it a few times but you know you don’t get against the C because that big porzingis is in there with his length and the defensive um principles that the Celtics had in this series that was that was the key to it I mean haters can hate all they want to but these guys have won them a championship I talked to Tatum I talked to Brown and uh I couldn’t be happy for guys that the narrative really I thought it was funny oh my God people were wishing that the Celtics lost game five oh my God if they lose game five this series goes back to Dallas and now it’s going to be a seventh game well let them play the freaking game first oh my God never it never got to that right I just remember again all the all the guys uh from um that Haslam all the all the people that I know right oh Haslam was begging for an L man he was praying for the Celtics to lose that game five man he just wanted he just wanted them to lose that game five to be honest with you he knew deep down they were going to win the series but he was like please don’t let them win here 617 on their day all that stuff you know like you can just tell yeah yeah it it was it was crazy for them to even think that way uh what he what did he say he said something to you what do you mean put the back I went back to the Green Room he said we know I’m with he said you know I’m not with you I said boss said it doesn’t I’m sure you aren’t being you know with the heat but guess what the Celtics are coming down and partying in your city after they win the championship that’s right how do you feel about that I love I love people are like why Miami I was like why not what do you mean why Miami have you been to Miami that’s what I was telling people CU they you know my friends and and people close to me were like hitting me up like but why are they going to Miami for a few days why you know the prayers on Friday I’m like why not you got three days to kill why F not like what are you saying stay here in Boston then do what part work go right go to Encore for a couple days or whatever like you know the part is going to be lit on Friday for the parade and all that like they’ll come right back like I didn’t mind them doing that it’s just I was just I was just feeling like who okayed that who thought that that was gonna be a good idea yeah whose idea was too I want to know was it like a group decision or I didn’t see I didn’t see anything good that could happen by having a bunch of young men who had just won the championship go to Miami alcohol women right right I’m just happy there’s no footage Max you know because if if someone caught him on TMZ or whatever if someone caught him in general it would have been on TMZ and all that so the fact that they kept it in house they kept it 100 on that one because you could tell man they made sure there was no Outsiders going to put them on blast man I’m sure they had a good time whatever they did whatever they did out there is gonna stay between them I like that they they had an excellent time you know that the next measure of business isn’t like okay you know that Tatum is going to be signed he’s going to sign the extension then after that you know that Derek White’s gonna sign the extension so your top seven eight players are in play are gonna be with you now are you going to get somebody who wants to come over and win the championship that that’s what’s going be who that’s what happens yeah who wants who wants to come over and what veteran player you know wants to come over and you know win the championship you know Blake Griffin is he’s not playing anymore but you know guys like that something like that I know what you mean yeah yeah something like that my dad coming to Boston who like they can come in they can make a small contribution but be there with these these young horses man I mean these are young horses that are saying look you want to get on with me get on board you know I’m G take you I’m get get a ring I mean I still can remember me talking to Tatum after after they won and got ready to go to the finals and he peered in on me and said yo man I’mma win you a ring and I remember saying to him dude win one for yourself I already got two that’s right that’s right but I think now he now he got now he got one coming his way man good for good for T man so proud of these guys but they’re in a position right now which I love I absolutely love this position they’re in of understanding who they’re going to be what they can do uh being able to be aggressive the the the pressure bubble is now first for Tatum for brown uh and Michael feler your guy here who was a big radio personality or or whatever he might be talking about that’s what he is yeah he first he always wants to be controversial with this thing well uh who was the best player in the series uh for the Celtics was Tatum better than brown or brown better I said it doesn’t matter I think Brown won it I think that was a a fair just that he won that that he was able to to get that but yeah I agree with that then he went on to say well you know there’s still meat on the bones uh for the Celtics and said talking about Jason Tatum possibly win the MVP in the finals and brown being a a Allstar then he comes back his next question after that so what does the Celtics what what do they have to prove I said that’s exactly it I said exactly what you said there’s meat still left on the bone for the Boston Celtics because Tatum can come back and be a Finals MVP and brown can become an Allstar so if you think about those things this team is I just think this team can be really it can be special and they got an opportunity to win again this year uh you know bar Barn injury baring injury right this team now and and I think they’re so well coached and I think the coach gets it when it comes to resting his players Alford not playing on the second can I were back to back right that was huge Max yeah they stuck with that principle that did help them because now Al has some gas at the end of the season um you know kristofer zingis obviously hurt but how does he come back you know it said his injury was only I think 1% of the people in the world have ever had the injury he’s had why is he so lucky but you know hopefully he comes back well and healthy and uh you know it’s just it it it it will be the would be a much easier process if you think of it you know being that way this episode of the Cedric Maxwell podcast is brought to you by priz piix Price pick is America’s number one daily fantasy sports app with over 5 million active members price pick is the easiest and most exciting way to play Fantasy daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize picks it’s just you against the numbers all 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or just started their prime years in their 20s still Chris I know it’s close to 30 but he’s got he’s got plenty left if if of course when he’s able to respond you know from the injury when he able to bounce back but yeah I’m not I’m not too worried about it Kristoff is 28 just way I know he don’t look that I know he don’t look to be 28 but he’s 28 right the Browns are just going to cross Brown and Tatum are just you know Crossing that 25 barrier only guy you have right now Drew holiday and Drew holiday stays in tremendous shape had a great season Derek white is the the the odd man that you have to sign and I yeah you have to that’s a must this summer if you can yeah yeah they’re not gonna let him you know he has one more year on his contract they’re gonna make sure they get him an extension and you know bump his salary up so this team is is collectively as a unit you know the one I want him to go out and extend his contract would be Joe Mula let’s give Joe some of that loot man let’s give let’s give Joe let’s give Joe his flowers right yeah for real he’s earned it manoula has you know went to he would he would have been close to going to a finals last year uh you know when Tatum hurt his ankle you know twist his ankle against Miami uh you know I think that was freakish but he coached well enough for them to get there and uh this year to come back and win the championship the man said two years two successful and uh I I can only see it actually getting better and as much as he is a odd bird a crazy kind of you know by himself religious yeah he’s he’s an odd duck he’s an OD duck yeah yeah the same thing when he he took the trophy over into um um or the the North End North you the trophy walk walking around with the trophy and it was just just you just this dude he’s different he’s different he’s different he’s different in the way that his players love Jo they relate to him well and the fact that he’s not that much older than these guys I think that’s the biggest thing 35 now 33 35 some some place in the area Al Horford is older than the damn coach yeah he’s older than Joe yeah yeah true so yeah there’s some really uh beautiful things about this team right now that are set up well and all them haters over there man can hate all they want to but I I this this team is you know they again they they they kick the door down and that was the most important they kick the door down and that that that had to be huge when it came to Tatum and brown that’s why man I was so happy they won in game five the last thing I wanted to do is go back to Dallas oh man I wasn’t trying to do that either Max I was good with that man all that noise from the Dallas fans yeah and and oh my God the media would have crushed they would crush them if they had to play one more then the way they wanted you know there’s a I think you know obviously you saw the point where Michael webborn was talking and he’s doing a live thing back to yeah that [ __ ] was funny run behind him I’m like you know you know what I did I said you know what I hit them how about them damn Celtics uh you know just and you and the funny thing oh just hold on for a second see grab this he’s like we live max what we doing yeah yeah yeah yeah we live we live we live we live I got it got it but I love the fact that we had our um we had this going on the other day because yeah we and we’ve had people call in for this hold them up baby that’s it that’s the that’s the shirt right there how about them damn Celtics we can say what we want to say but you know we got to send one to wilbor we got send one of those shirts the think that Michael F had one on yeah that was that was great I was on that night with Michael Willborn and Michael Holley and uh you know they and he had to put one on but he was they were so vgar was so adamant man just and people say they were lucky and that that they this person they get injured they the Celtics played who was in front of them right do they how much do they talk about Kristoff being hurt everybody just forgets about oh y Kristoff was one of your best players this year he goes down with injury and you essentially win it almost without him man I can’t say enough about alord I’m so happy he’s a champion man 38 years old Al Horford just anchored that defense anchored the culture if you ask guys like Jaylen and Jason Tatum man it was just a a special moment but um yeah I can’t say enough about about Horford you know and spelling those rumors about him retiring man he’s trying to run this thing back he got man his wife put up a video of him from the on the on the parade route on the duckboat being like man we we going for back to back here let’s go it’s on to 2025 now and and you know I’m so happy that he was uh starting that entire NBA Finals even when por was back and for game one I said man let Al start let him get that you know honor and then of course to carry it over through throughout the entire series I loved it man it was it was incredible you know even Ann Horford put out a tweet being like man this guy doesn’t want to stop playing until his body says no you know and he hasn’t reached that he’s nowhere near that point he’s like he’s still one of the best centers and one of the best bigs in the NBA and damid Max when I think about it I’m like he’s still top 10 like it’s incredible like how how can you how can you say he’s not when you look at the body of work and you look at what he just did throughout this entire postseason man you think one of the biggest plays over the last couple years we’ve seen was when he dunked on Giannis oh yeah yeah 2022 that that nod he gave him he’s said okay when you scored him like all right I got you absolutely to be a highlight I mean dunked on him gave him a elbow and then s Just J I was like Wow but I was so happy for him uh with the ability he did but uh this this Boston sou team they’re gonna be tough they’re they’re going to be tough to beat uh only only way I think that the landscape changes and moves a little bit that’s if and I I don’t know if he’s going to do it or not but the free agency is coming up so we’ll see does Paul George come to the Sixers uh what that’s what embiid want look like he was he was campaigning on a live television Joel embiid was Joel embiid was just hating all over the place you know uh uh Portland Portland gave Portland gave the Celtics a championship well well I mean Milwaukee had Drew holiday under contract right blame Milwaukee my guy right they didn’t have to do that they decide to go elsewhere what you want me to do what do you want how salty can you be though like really you you’re going to bring that up you’re gonna go all the way back to last summer like that’s where that’s where things went wrong for you if there’s one there’s one thing about this Championship that puts a damper in my heart that’ be the fact that Marcus Smart didn’t win it who was arguably the heart so of what this team was and for years not to get that credit not to be on that big stage and I understand the trade work I’m not look don’t don’t get on me say oh well it was a trade if it had well yeah and and obviously Drew was a tremendous fit but I’m just talking human nature of a guy who bust his ass played through injuries played with all the adversity all the people who hated on and to be kicked away and then the Celtics will win the championship once he leaves that that just that has to be tough on him as as a player yeah n no no no doubt man he actually got his uh he got his old look back I don’t know if you seen him he uh recently did an event a charity event he’s got the uh he’s got his hair kind of like mine in a sense or maybe a little shorter but remember when he uh before he grew his hair out yeah he’s back to the short hair look and um I’m I’m looking forward to see how he how he bounces back on the court man hopefully he can get out there soon but I’m with you Max he’s certainly on people’s minds for sure southex Nation I see I saw a lot of tweets out there talking about Marcus you know Shou him out and rightfully so man he gave his heart and soul to this team for nine years um like you said though it was part of the sacrifice into putting this team together and um yeah you can’t help but but but think about him for sure but um one of the things I I I want to definitely talk about for a few minutes here I know you touched on it earlier but Jaylen Brown winning the finals MVP I’m just I can’t say enough about how happy I am for Jay signing the Rich’s contract in NBA history you know what goes into that and the pressure and all that and he just he he he passed every test with flying colors if you ask me uh just gave everything he had this season made a commitment to the defensive end of the floor from the very beginning and it really showed throughout the postseason you know he was not afraid to take on the the opposing team’s best player he showed out you know he put He put forth the effort that I thought um really just resonated with the rest of the team and at the end he’s not only a champion but a Finals MVP won the MVP after winning the Eastern Conference Finals and to me it was about what he did on defensive end of the floor and the efficiency on offense you know 44% uh shooting from the floor just really giving it to the Dallas Mavericks on both ends of the floor and I thought it was welld deserved and I’m glad I’m glad it wasn’t it wasn’t as close as some people would have thought you know given the fact that yeah Tatum averag more points you know may have averaged more rebounds but at the end of the day I I I thought it really Jaylen Jaylen got my vote if you ask me because of again the defense the efficiency and just the consistency we saw throughout the entire series from Jaylen yeah he did I mean there’s no doubt I walked to up to him um at the little ceremony they had the other day before they got in the duckboats and I said welcome to the club Finals MVP finals MVP Club that’s right and I laughed and I said man what was your mom I said your mom was crying he said man my mom was done she said she just went back to the room she was done after this was when she cried she had nothing else she EMP emptied the tank and you did say that it was but you know does Joel and B want to get mad right now at the uh writers who didn’t give Jaylen Brown a all NBA n for real like they poured fuel on the fire for him to say look you know I see all these guys who aren’t as good as me and they’re getting these accolades he said I’mma show you and uh he he proved his point on top of that to guard Luca uh you know Luca scored his points but he worked Luca had to work a lot of times Brown would just harass him make steals up on him and Lucas’s legs at the end of the day were just that he didn’t have one he didn’t have it the thing that Luca is gonna have to do is he’s gonna have to be disciplined about one thing and that’s getting in shape getting his body getting his body in tip Luca lose needs to lose 20 pounds to put 20 pound he’s strong but lose 20 pounds and then maybe put put that in muscle on his body and dedicate that for one year and and you’ll see him being a lot stronger at the end he didn’t he didn’t have a lot at the end when it came to you know as as much as he scored the ball he wasn’t as efficient he was exhausted Max they made him work they made him play the defense y I think because of brown brown made Brown made him work made him work made him work and then where you know when you were talking about Minnesota you remember the play everybody talks about right now was when Luca got that switch on goar yeah on go and goar was running around like a you know that in in in the Dominican land you know where you do a chicken and kill him and chicken just kind of running around with no head yeah yeah he he had goar running around like that well the Celtics on the other hand when they made a switch they set a pick and then you had Derek white on it you you set a pick you you switch and then you had Drew holiday on it right and you had tat them you had or even Al got a couple stops in yeah had some stops so the sub defensive scheme was a lot better I think the biggest narrative that I saw that that that was in this that was a mistake was by the writers the writers and you know boy it they just they made Luca and Kyrie the best duo ever to play the game in the back court defensively maybe the best duo to defend teams in a long time might have been holiday and white so you add into that and I think that brown actually and Tatum because Luca was defensively Luca was was was not good no he was put on blast I think that’s a big part of of this for sure it said he he got blown by 60% of the time 60% juste that that’s damn near like a matri d saying hey this way to your table sir this way pressure everybody yeah so so I I don’t know I think for them to get back in the mix it’s going to be tough it’s going to be tough right I mean it was it was hard for them to get there this year so you can imagine teams going to come better better equipped this time around the Denver Nuggets you got the Minnesota timber wols I mean there there’s hurdles out west for sure for the Dallas Mavericks but when you swing over to the east though you don’t see those same type of uh challenges for the Celtics you know you really don’t so seeing them back in the NBA finals next year is is a very realistic possibility for sure but Max take me through game after game five man because I saw you which is which is a rare sight I should say for everyone without a Blazer you had the white button up you were walking away from the locker room like man you was you was done by the time I saw you but I want to know what you saw throughout that I want to say maybe an hour after the final buzzer just a celebration and all that what was the locker room like man I was I was down the hall for most of it well I went into the locker room and I had my suit on as you know knowing me Splender attire and of course and they’re they’re like this champagne fly yo you know this is you know what my suit cost you know this Italian whatever they’re trying to give you a pair of goggles you like n damn the goggles I need to protect all this I don’t need that so I just took my jacket off and you know and my pants and all that stuff got wet so but it was just a celebration they was they was smoking cigars in and H you know in there and they you know had the beer flu here’s the thing I’ll ask you for the parade at the parade they said they didn’t want people who were out who were in The out in the crowd they didn’t want public drinking right right is that what they said what didn’t they say that oh yeah they said that for sure yeah but that’s not what that’s not what I saw I saw plenty of that but here’s the thing I ask you how can you ask them to not drink and everybody on the duck bat is there passing beers and whatnot Michelob yeah BS tequila you know chugging it down I mean so that was the that was the biggest oxymoron to me the fact that you said hey we’re not going to let the public drink but you know we got beer and and wine and liquor flowing on this boat for the next two hours that’s what we got and there’s a million people but man it it was just a the thing I I I will say to was really cool about Boston they’ve been there and done that so unlike the mishap in Kansas City or some of these other places where people have died and really got injured Boston I did not hear anything about you know people getting hurt at the parade right they they’ve had enough parades where they understand how to act whereas some of these cities you maybe they’re just not used to it but the Boston is because of the legacy of championships which come through here right it isn’t summer in New England without making a trip to Fenway Park and this year is no different thanks to game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major 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C clns for 20% off your first purchase that’s code clns terms apply again create an account and redeem the offer code clns for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest prices guaranteed and we’re talking about over a million people that showed out man it was a heck of a celebration man all Positive Vibes you know everyone just sort of embracing the moment man like yeah yeah for sure M that’s a great point and for me it was my first Celtics parade you know I’m almost ashamed to say that because I’ve been to the Patriots I’ve been to the Red Sox but I didn’t get a chance to go in 08 so this was super cool for me man uh taking it in with my friends and and and not being on the clock was kind of cool as well uh I I did try to catch up with you but it was so hard to get to where you were at because I’m on the other side right so by the time I crossed over everything had kind of di down or whatever but there was still plenty of people celebrating out the streets man it was it was special for sure and look game five that night man if flew by like it was so surreal just to see all the confetti and everyone celebrating all the fans didn’t want to leave you know we did our post game show by the time we wrapped up we did like a late we did a postgame postgame show late show it was about 3:00 a.m. Max 3 3:30 and and it was still plenty people plenty reporters around getting work done but also kind of celebrating man because it was that type of night and my favorite moment though my favorite moment of the night Max was when Jaylen Brown and his friends came came down to the court because someone brought a basketball out man we had um we had media players playing we had Zaron Mike Zarin came back he got into I think it was like a game of 21 these dudes were playing in so Jaylen heard the ball bouncing he came out with his boys in the trophy he said man what a beautiful sight man I’m looking at I’m looking at jayen like yo we you do know we do love the sport too right Jaylen this isn’t just our job right like we just saw what you did we just saw you guys win the a championship here man of course some reporters want to someone bring a basketball out we’re going to get some shots up man we’re going to embrace the moment with confetti on the ground and all that it was like a movie Max it was so surreal I it was like I was dreaming for sure man here’s the thing that I didn’t understand which I thought was so cool and I didn’t see it where did they come up with these with the uh confetti guns did they just push him in all of a sudden because I didn’t I never where I i’ never seen him before yeah I said essentially is where they rolled them in but I never noticed the guns at home until when when Eddie said suix win and then all of a sudden this confetti from four different these things from the corners right I just the way they were shooting out it was nonstop it from the corners and it was such a beautiful scene of green in situation and to see that it was it it was it it was UN but the NBA playing stuff like that people say well no what they do they rehearse it they rehears because that’s what we did when we rehearsed uh you know the uh the ceremony that we had in Indiana right had to get the trophy out uh so they rehearsed those points for the Celtics they couldn’t rehearse it for the Mavericks because the Mavericks couldn’t win not not that night so it was a it was a really cool moment to see how everything kind of went down absolutely man the celebration continues here in the city man you can just feel it everyone rocking their Celtics gear you got the ghost Celtics you got the murals you got it the entire city just painted green and white man everyone celebrating it’s a beautiful site and it’s it’s it’s crazy to think it’s been SI there it is yes sir how bought them damn Celtics it’s crazy to think it’s been 16 years man but you can tell merch you can tell the merch is everywhere if you want one you know holler at us man headit us up we’ve had people holler I think our guy Nick Jolo you know our grand poopa this U podcast I like that he said the merch he said the merch is so out he said these how about these damn sub I was walking and several people came through and they had their shirts on how about them damn Celtics so um it was it was just it was it was hot man it was it was it was really cool to to be there to see the players and and uh uh be with the fans the fans are so happy and the player I mean Tatum’s reaction at the end wasn’t kind of like like Kevin Garnett because Kevin Garnett was told what kind of what to say everything’s everything’s possible yeah but he he he he butchered it remember I think Adidas wanted him to say impossible is nothing he said anything’s possible that that was the Adidas slogan Adidas the guy said Okay Kevin you got it you got it you got it impossible is nothing and Kevin Kevin go [Laughter] the like oh God you know because you know his boss is calling him up like yo you had one job man you had one job you had to make sure kg killed this line yeah but that line lived that’s in Celtic’s history man for sure see Tatum though Tatum was was just so generic the way he said it was like like you know we did it we did it we did it it was just like and it just hit him all that’s the only thing seemed like just came out of his M we did it we did and the coolest moment of the night to me would have been when jayen got the MVP but the first person he acknowledged was brown was Tatum it was Tatum y said I couldn’t do this without my partner in crime partner in crime love it that to me that was like the biggest moment I Lov I I I got a chance to talk to um Miss Horford Al’s wife and I said uh and I saw the AL didn’t go down to Miami I said uh did you veto that she said you don’t need Miami man you’re good with that you good got five kids at home the last thing he need to do is go talk about being him matter of fact Al was at uh he was doing a um uh an appearance yeah yeah he did um’s chicken yeah was good spot by the way good spot Raising Canes is right in Copley yeah yeah he did he did he didn’t an appearance there so I I mean it was this day is the the for them to win it is is so cool uh now the next thing that happens is can you the question starts already can you win it again and for me the summertime starts to wind down for me once I get to July the 4th dude July the 4th is right around the corner I haven’t even been home yeah man it’s coming up this this is the key though how is Tatum gonna react this year because he’s on the Olympic team when does he have a chance to rest his girlfriend is about to have a baby he is going to be he is going to be pulled at tucked at everything right now how does he exhale chance to do that without everybody with datab boy and all that LeBron right and before you before you know it he’s gonna he’s gonna sign that he’s gonna sign for that for that new bag he got new bag and then you’re GNA be right back in the middle of the season so it’s be that that that n and then what I hear is the Celtics are possibly going to Dubai so if they go to Dubai uh you know for um ex a preseason game yeah yeah that’s right there so man you’re your your schedule is already full and you know he loves making appearances and doing commercials and all that stuff how will he manage all this summer how will he manage this stuff yeah superar our status man for sure but he’s got he’s got a championship ring coming he’s got the status as as a as a Celtics champ and and plenty of uh opportunities for for for um to add to that man for sure but yeah man it’s a good it’s a good point I I I I just love the way he’s matured as a player you know the his approach has shown that you know he didn’t go into this being like I gotta win the finals MVP or I got to put up these 30 points a game so I can shut up these critics no he kept his Focus he knew what was best for this team and and that’s a testament to who he is as a player for sure man the the the highs and lows what he went through a couple of years ago I mean all that is what is is is turned him into who he is today and I’m super proud of him man he’s the NBA champion for sure I can absolutely I can remember the the SE when they lost in Miami of going into the locker room and him having his head buried and his ankle was you know in a bucket of a of a tub of ice and you could just see the the agony the pain that he and he was able to come out of it and The Testament of who he is as a player a person this organization and man all them Laker haters my goodness this is enjoy it when I was on when I was on TMZ you know it was I loved every moment I was sitting on my floor uh doing a u a podcast with TMZ and just talking about the Celtics and you know all the hatred that I had from you know Michael Cooper and oh man I forgot about coop he’s been quiet he’s been awfully quiet these last couple of weeks oh you ain’t hearing nothing from them brothers no more man I got I gotta go on I gotta go you know what I gotta get up with with Nick to go on cp’s podcast you should yeah man did he take a break or something I haven’t seen an episode in a bit see if I get James Worthy on that podcast with me because uh you know when we were losing them haters you know they all up but but when you win them haters disappear so ain’t that the truth yo Max let me get you out on this man NBA drafts coming up Believe It or Not uh the the Boston Celtics have the 30th overall pick do you just want to see Boston go out there and just draft Brony James you know if he’s still on the board like do you do that just to sort of be like oh oh hey Lakers you you want to you want bronny well how bad do you want him who who you who you willing to give up for this dude right here like as a as as a as a as a look we’re gonna do whatever it takes to to get more assets because we’re not done so let’s see how badly you want you want Brony James here he is I don’t know if bronnie James is worth the circus that will come along with it the circus that will come along with him that’s a trade piece though Max you ain’t trying to hold on to him you’re not gonna not gonna get him and trade him I mean I think I think it would be to me this is this is when I talked to you before man Cara’s a [ __ ] I I I’m not here’s I’m saying this I’m not [ __ ] with that piece like that I’m not doing man I thought you talking about the other side that’s Lakers Karma right there I’m not I’m not getting bronny James to stick it in the Lakers face and grab him and look for a trade no no I’m not doing that I’m I’m I’m good let’s as this let’s stay Let’s Stay classy Boston you know Obama when they go low we go high yeah because you know you know the Celtics don’t need another guard man you know they they don’t have they don’t they got like seven of them so you know it would be it would be under those yeah it’ be under those guidelines you got you know you got Pritchard over there who who was dying to play you got those two studs over there playing in front of them you’re playing the best defensive back sometimes doing what they do I mean you got you know um Davidson over there who want Davidson is still is still trying to get on right right trying to get on you know with the rack I mean so yeah I I I don’t uh I don’t subscribe to that one that you go out ran James is not going to change what this team this team needs a um this team needs some somebody who’s going to back up to the back up to the centers and I already and I like what they have already in Luke I mean I like what okay I like the guys they have there so yeah tman too yeah yeah tman so I mean I don’t know where you go at uh I you know the chemistry of this team was so good the loser is peret gonna be back you know this year I think he’s he’s got that option yeah that’s a good question who who’s who’s going to be who’s going to be where and that’s going be key to it but guys and yeah yeah yeah no I was gon to say real quick some people forget too man ‘s he’s 25 years old man so he’s still got plenty of development in them so yeah absolutely all that stuff is there so guys it is H you know you guys only make us stronger yes sir you have en we have enjoyed this ride this year you’ll be hearing from us from time to time during the summer talking about the Celtics and talk about any other thing that you know kind of comes to mind and I’m sure we’re going to have some more special guests want to thank our our last guest you know uh uh Chuck D oh Chuck D man that was incredible conversation man that was that was so cool uh he I finally felt uh uh um uh um I guess I wasn’t guilty anymore when I talked about your your guy uh E40 [Laughter] and that was funny as when I met E40 you know Jo’s rapper he said to me I’m like in I’m like yo man how you doing I said yo man meet you man said ping pong ping pong and I asked Chuck D that and Chuck D said he has his own language he make up his own and you could tell the way he said it like that was straight up off experience that wasn’t off of like something he heard he like n man like I’ve I’ve spoken to this dude and I don’t even know what he’s saying half the damn time yeah get get with us on that one that guess yes sir something about Stevie Wonder which was amazing so we were we were all our our mouth just Dro when you said something yeah that was funny man so yeah great stuff man yeah man plenty of guests coming up for sure man and of course uh plenty of uh people’s reaction to What what what transpired throughout that NBA finals for sure man all kinds of content this off season and I can’t wait to get into it man we’re going to really surprise you with some of these guests we have lined up as well but like I like like Max just said man you guys make a stronger appreciate the support uh everyone who subscribed if you haven’t already please do so rate review all that good stuff man we’ll continue to bring over some more of that uh great exclusive content like we always do here on the Cedric Maxwell podcast he’s Cedric Maxwell I am josee pone we’ll see you guys next week man just pone here CLS media and if you made it this far that means you really like this video so hit subscribe make sure you keep our notifications on D and we got plenty of uh great content coming your way

Cedric Maxwell and Josue Pavon reflect on a long, successful season for the Boston Celtics ending in Banner 18. They discuss their experiences at the parade, what it will take for the Celtics to repeat, break down how the finals unfolded, and much more!

0:00 – Boston Celtics win NBA championship
2:55 – Kyrie Irving congratulating Celtics players
8:30 – Haslam praying for Celtics to lose
10:51 – Potential new players for Celtics
13:27 – Celtics’ future championship opportunities
16:53 – Players entering prime years in their 20s
18:59 – Celebrating Coach’s impact and success
21:38 – Al Horford’s pivotal role in the championship
25:58 – Jaylen Brown’s impressive Finals MVP win
29:00 – Defensive schemes and player matchups
31:20 – Reflections on the celebratory parade in Boston
33:46 – Understanding the legacy of championships in Boston
37:45 – Confetti celebration and player reactions
42:13 – Tatum’s upcoming challenges and schedule
44:09 – Reflecting on Tatum’s growth as a player
45:42 – Discussing the NBA draft and Celtics’ options

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  1. KI can’t do a thing right after he stepped on lucky and how he left the Celtics. But it was ok. It did not change a thing
    Yo great cast, all year
    How about them dam Celtics

  2. Saw some people accusing Tatum of stat padding later in the game on a couple of the sports shows the next day. Gimme a break! They get mad when they take the foot off the gas and when they don't they still have something to say.
    Tatum was making damn sure the Mavs didn't get back into that game 😊

  3. Feels so good to be Champs so proud of this team. As for The Lakers Lebron has that franchise held hostage he is setting them back a lot of years from being a real contender!!

  4. Tatum and Brown at 26, 27 years old respectively 2 maybe 3 more chips, because the only doubt about the team were coach Joe and he passed with flying colors. Tatum win 2 more chips he's in the conversation with bird, 3 more only Russell and Red is ahead of him……………they'll win back to back…

  5. I think about Marcus all the time and how glad I am that we traded him away finally called for it the last 4 years of his career never would have won without getting rid of him❤. Some people have delusional ideas of what he was 😂

  6. The only question of this team now should be can they be a dynasty all that other nonsense is put to bed and thank god

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