@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Looking To Trade 8th Pick & Trading For Number 1

Spurs Looking To Trade 8th Pick & Trading For Number 1

what’s going on everyone so Victor whama is absolutely special I mean he showed that coming in in his rookie year all the hype all the excitement all the anticipation all the like hey this is the chosen one this is the guy that is going to end the Jordan in Lebron debate and he’s off to an incredible start San Antonio they have their Foundation piece they have their Cornerstone they have their franchise player and now they really need to start kind of putting the piece to the puzzle to to Really contend for an NBA championship hopefully sooner rather than later right because Victor was so good right out the gate there is I think this pressure of like hey we don’t want to we don’t want to waste this we have an opportunity right now especially with the new CBA we have an opportunity right now where you know he might already be a top 15 player in the league is a rookie and it’s like we have one of those guys right now on a minimum you know out a rookie contract but basically a minimum right like you have a guy on such a cheap deal take advantage because eventually Victor whama he’s going to be getting a bag right he’s going to be making 60 plus million a year so it would be in your best interest to kind of try to expedite this as soon as possible and you need to kind of get your your running mate know is it Devon Vass is it him is it you know is it the guy that you’re going to draft in this year’s draft do you trade for that guy right like you know does uh Donovan Mitchell end up reigning and or sign a new extension with the Cavs and now Dari as Garland becomes available and the Spurs go to trade for Garland apparently they are like enamored with Garland and they really want him like that’s their their prize right do you do something like that we will see but there’s a lot of talks about this upcoming draft and what the Spurs are looking to do so one they are still incredibly interested in trading up to the number one pick to basically ensure that they get their guy um right now it kind of seems like it they’re between uh Alexander SAR and then rizer right like that they kind of are like one of those two right so it’s either SAR or rizer um you know I I think you can make an argument for either right I think you genuinely right do you want that perimeter weigh that that versatile guy or do you want to just kind of Go Big Move Victor to the four have like Sar play the five and now you got these two just big body versatile big men um you know that you can kind of build around then again you know maybe go trade for a a Darius Garland and now you got like Garland vle you got uh SAR and wimy and now you’re just looking for that three and D um you know small forward can you go convince an OG come you know I think he wants like big big money and I don’t think he’s worth big big I think he’s worth you know money but I don’t think he’s worth that big of money but oh can you maybe go get somebody like that or maybe go pick up a young guy somewhere whatever right like there there’s you’re definitely off to the right foot so the San Antonio Spurs are really looking at their options at moving up to number one to basically ensure that they get their guy um the other thing too is the San Antonio Spurs really um are focused on trading the number eight pick so they Bas they want to keep their for pick or use both to potentially move up to number one uh so they really want to keep that pick or they want to draft number four and then use number eight as leverage to go and potentially pull off a trade right my guess is that they’d be attaching that to Johnson and whatever else and then trying to pull off some type of move right which you know some people might argue hey keep both picks right like you know get two young guys but one like this draft is looked at as a very weak draft this draft is looked at as a draft that like you know basically outside of the top like four or five guys it’s just this drastic drop off I mean they’ve talked about like people have reported that like if you looked at this compared to any other draft basically take off the top five six guys in that draft and imagine drafting from basically number seven on right like you’re not getting a superstar Talent or even a potential Superstar Talent now obviously every draft there are those guys that you know that you think are going to be Superstars that aren’t or you there’s the guys that you think are going to be bust that turn out to be really good or potentially even Stars right it’s a crap shoe you’re always taking a again but you’re always taking a risk with these young guys you never really know who’s going to translate I mean some of the greatest players in the league today you know where second round picks being drafted while like a Taco Bell commercial was playing or whatever right or we’re late in the first round or middle first round right so just just because you’re a lottery pick or anything doesn’t necessarily translate so but the Spurs I I get it right like you you get a guy at number four cool right like maybe you could get you know uh I don’t know Klean or something right if he’s still there right and now you got that longside Victor okay you get a number four guy and then you could look to trade number eight cuz the other alternative is then then you’re bringing in a bunch of like rookies and stuff in at number four and number eight which again they’re a young team but it seems like San Antonio want doesn’t want to have a bunch of young guys that basically it’s going to take three four five years to really start getting and building that momentum it seems like they want they want a nice influx like they want a guy like if they can get somebody at number four let’s say you know let’s say castle Stefon Castle right they’re looking at is we can get like a castle or maybe like Dillingham right you get somebody like that that now you got this young guy and then we want to go and trade for like I said a Darius Garland right like so then now it’s like okay well we have Garland vassel We have castle and then we have you know Victor wiama and then let’s go get a center you know maybe we could trade for a Mitchell Robinson or something right and and now let’s go let’s go try to make a push to to be a playin team or maybe even a playoff team right like because the alternative is that you basically draft at number four you draft at number eight now you got these two young guys may let’s say it’s castle and Dillingham or it’s castle and you know uh topic right like okay cool now you got these two young guys that you’re adding to Victor how long do they take to kind of get along right how long do they take to kind of you know really really get the ball rolling right like CU again Victor was great out the gate Victor was just very impressive out the game but it’s not super common for you know a guy I’m not even talking about being you know top 15 top 20 I’m talking about just being a really good player like arguably All-Star level player type guy right out the game I mean there’s guys you know even in in his draft you look at like Hae hawz had a really good season or pod had a really good season you know even uh Trace Jackson Davis had a good season for the Warriors right but you look at like scoot Henderson really had his struggles right Brandon Miller had his struggles early on kind of looked and picked it up he he had his good and bad moments but you know like again just cuz you’re a top pick just cuz it you you’re taking a gamble always so I think the Spurs like okay we’ll take the gamble at number four but let let’s let’s look to to move number eight especially in this type of draft where it’s just but also you can make the argument that you know given this draft is so weak are you going to get the value for the eighth pick like you would in any other draft right like so let’s say the eighth P eighth pick is looked at as like the you know say top six cut off right so you’re talking the 14th pick in a normal draft 14th pick is a big difference from than a lottery pick again going under the assumption that you know hey cut off the top six of any other draft and then now start picking right that would make basically the eighth pick the 14th pick in a normal draft right or a draft that is looked at as good so you know what what is the value of the 14th it’s not the value of the eighth so you know do if there is a guy that you’re interested in I think that there’s an argument that you’re almost better off to just take that guy and and grow and develop him rather than you know selling the eighth pick for pennies you know panut and is the fourth and eighth pick worth the number one pick in this year’s draft right because it’s not again it’s not this highly tooted draft and yeah stranger things happen you know you might end up getting a sar or know SAR hasn’t even worked out last we heard about reports hasn’t even worked out for Atlanta so Atlanta might not even take him Atlanta and there’s teams looking to move up to draft Klean right so you know you might end up just having rizzer just fall in your lap right depending on how these other teams draft and move and whatnot but anyway as always this is a discussion pass question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts what do you think that the should do should they trade up for the number one pick no stay at number four you think trade number four and number eight but for like more proven Talent do you think no draft at four trade number eight uh do you think you know whatever how you feel whatever your thoughts are love to hear it let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate yall see you in the 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The San Antonio Spurs are looking to best round out the roster around Victor Wembanyama. Spurs News has came out that they are looking to trade the 8th Pick in the 2024 NBA Draft and want to move up to the first Pick from the Atlanta Hawks.

#spurs #Spurstrade #victorwembanyama


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