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Nico Harrison Said the Mavs Will Just Run It Back?! | Dallas Mavericks Rumors | ONE MORE THING

Nico Harrison Said the Mavs Will Just Run It Back?! | Dallas Mavericks Rumors | ONE MORE THING

one more thing did Nico Harrison just say the Mavs are just going to run it back no I’ll explain why in today is one more thing I’m here because uh I have to be is going to get a the table that’s it it’s me the machine don’t let take away from Qui you can rest later you’re young I recover beer wait wait one more thing yeah welcome you’re still locked on in the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member and your best friend covering the Dallas Mavericks to the lock on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as playoffs wind down Sports start stopping like we want them but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there something for everyone every day all summer long visit lockon to get started today we’ll talk about Nico Harrison he had a press conference over the weekend talked about some things that he wants to do and one of those things he said is uh talked about the priorities he’s named the 1 a and 1B priority for the Mavericks in the offseason so we’ll talk about that and uh he also said we’re going to spend all the money what does that mean we’re going to spend all the money couple other quotes that I found interesting from him so we’ll get into that and uh this is exactly why I decided to start doing one more thing the bonus this is a bonus episode of lockdown Mavs did the full episode with Reggie atula talked about the rumors around Jeremy Grant Tobias Harris if you missed that episode go listen to that one but I had more things to say I had one more thing so I’m going to this is what I got so let’s uh let’s start here Nico Harrison did his exit interview over the weekend talked about how you know the priorities for the Mavericks in the off season and all that and uh one of the first things he was asked about is what what things do you need to do what pieces do you need for this team to take another step and it kind of sounded like he was saying they’re just going to run it back what do you think really I think we have the pieces I think we just need to get better ourselves um i’ since I’ve been here always um I say I but our our front office staff we’ve always been looking to to make it better so we’ll continue to do that but the core is intact um you know our our if you look at our top seven eight players that play the the biggest minutes I don’t see anything happening with that nothing happening with that the core is intact if you look at our top seven eight players that played the biggest minutes nothing is happening with that to me that could sound like you know what we’re good we’re just going to run it back he said you know what it’s not about making big moves it’s about us getting better internally which I found interesting that he said but if you look at the MS like top seven or eight I’m gonna go top seven or eight from the playoffs which takes Tim Hardway JR out of it because then it becomes Luca Kyrie PJ Dereck Jones Jr we’ll talk about him in a minute but that’s kind of an an iffy one he’s a free agent he’s the only one on this list it’s a free agent Derek Lively gaffer Josh screen Maxi with Derrik Jones Jr that’s that’s eight right there so that’s the eight he doesn’t expect a lot to happen with any of those guys the seven or eight he said and so that leaves you with the Tim Hardway Jr what happens with Dante exom Jaden Hardy and you know in omx I guess he doesn’t expect a lot to to change the core is intact now on one hand you go H how could Nico Harrison just be they just got beat five games in the NBA Finals didn’t look like they were were close to the Celtics at some points how could they just sit back on their Lal rest on their Laurels and not do anything and he’s got to make a move how could he possibly he just said the core is intact and also this team just made the finals they were together for four months so if you find yourself upset about that that he doesn’t seem like he’s going to do anything I would I would take that Solace to think first of all niik Harrison has made a move at every stage of the game the first draft he had ever been a part of he was on the job for not that long traded for Jaden Hardy or he he did he did the draft nothing really happened every draft every trade deadline every free agency something happens the Mavs do something they all he always has made Moves he has always put the team and said all right we need to make some kind of move one of his first big moves he made traded porzingis for dwy and Davis Berton that’s a ballsy gutsy move where he took a team that was like all right we’ve got got a chance with with him and maybe Jaylen Brunson gets better and he traded him he niik Harrison is my point here is that niik Harrison is not afraid to make moves so I would not just chalk this up to oh he we’re going back we’re going backwards this team is just going to run it back this team is just going to run it back and they’re not going to make any moves and this team doesn’t want to win and they’re not serious about winning and they’re just going to plan powder and they’re just going to keep it the same way the other thing is so what so what if they did we all want them to make moves I want them to make moves I think they have they have a couple holes they need to fix and some things that they need to get better at the other thing is they just made the finals so what if they just run it back there’s a team that played together four months that Celtics team some of them have played together for six years Luca and Kyrie have played like 50 games together now more after the playoffs now I think about it they have not played that many games together what if they run it back if he says the top eight is seven or eight is intact and they trade Tim Hardaway to bring back Derrick Jones Jr let’s say they only bring they only trade Tim Hardway so that they could bring back T Derrick Jones Jr they keep it as it is they run it back and their big quote unquote addition is some more chemistry and continuity maybe omx takes a step maybe Hardy takes a step Lively takes a step step maybe Luca takes a step one of the big things that Nico Harrison said is he wants everyone to come back 10 to 15% better players staff coaches everybody come back 10 to 15% better and is it so bad for the Mavericks to just internally be like let’s just all get better together would that be so terrible as long as they’re not taking a step back to me I don’t think that’s so bad I want them to make a move I want them to add another ball handler I want them to add another offensive Creator I want them to add a better point of attack Defender I want them to add another shooter that’s not Tim Hardway I want them to add something like that for sure do they need to maybe I think with in with if they have any injuries on this team it becomes very tough for them to to replace some of these guys but I think if you take this quote and you go man I think Nico just said they’re not going to make any major moves first of all I don’t believe it but if it is true I think it might be fine how Wild is that it might be fine if they do that might be fine they just keep it intact he says I don’t see anything happening with that they keep the top eight players intact they move Tim Hardway figure out something maybe he considered Dante exom as part of the top eight maybe it’s you know somebody else but yeah even if you go top eight in the regular season like Max season there but exom is not Hardy is not it’s interesting it’s interesting how you could take it you can take it one of two ways let me know in the comment section which way you took that quote the core is intact if you look at our top seven players you know maybe we just need to get better we have the we have the pieces we just need to get better ourselves that was the quote we have the pieces we just need to get better ourselves how did you take that quote did you take it as they’re just going to run it back or did you take it as well you know we we’ve got a good we’ve got a good group here we just want to build on it we don’t want to tear anything down we just want to build on it we don’t have to make any major moves we don’t want to do the thing where you’re like all right we we did this and now let’s trade Gafford or PJ Washington or Derrick Jones Jr the signing trading like you don’t want to just like mess it up for the sake of just trying to move forward by any means necessary I’m curious what you guys think about that let me know in the comment section how you took that quote but I think either way if you took it as upset the maps won’t do anything or if you took it as uh they’re just man they’re just going to run it back see what happens I think the Mavs are in a are in a good spot they can make some moves on the edges try to get better internally and I don’t think that’s such a bad plan for once for once I don’t think that’s such a bad plan coming up let’s talk about their plan for their the offseason though they do have priorities niik Harrison told us exactly what one of those priorities are we’ll talk about that and more coming up you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here today’s episode is brought to you by eBay Motors passion Drive patience the formula for winning an NBA Championship is also what keeps your ride or die car truck Suburban SUV alive they have all kinds of things to level up your vehicle and maintain it with superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights things like that whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million different parts to choose from for your number one ride or die you always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay’s guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or you get your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber and not cash with all the parts and the prices you want it’s easy to make your card the MVP and bring home huge wins keep your ride or die alive at eligible items only exclusion Supply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us [Music] customers all right back here on the one more thing lockdown Maps bonus episode of the day talking about the nicoo Harrison press conference what the maps are going to do in the off season I had some more stuff to say and I wanted to hear from nicoo Harrison I wanted to play the clips I wanted to hear it all we wanted to talk all about it we talked about the core keeping the core intact top seven or eight that’s fascinating niik Harrison also told us about the priorities for the team and he was asked the question about Derrick Jones Jr the question is what’s your optimism as far as being able to work out a deal with Derrick Jones Jr this is what niik Harrison had to say um yeah I mean I I don’t know how we’re going to do it but he’s a priority he’s Priority One One a and one b um I think he fits in with our team he loves it here we have to figure out obviously the the the Dynamics to to get him to stay but yeah that’s a priority and we’ll do what we have to do to to get it done and so what are the other priorities this summer you mentioned 1 a 1B no I said he’s one a and one B oh he’s one a he’s both I got you yeah uh how’s he’s both he’s both Priority One a and one B because he’s the only player from their rotation that is going to be a free agent and so I don’t think that he’s saying that he’s so important if they lose him but they can’t take a step backwards I also found it fascinating that niik Harrison said I don’t know how we’re going to do it because that’s the position they are they’re in right now slightly I talked about this the other day on the the offseason overview they don’t have enough money right now to stay in the tax bracket that they want to stay in and bring back Derrick Jones Jr they have to figure something out and so he doesn’t know how they’re going to do it it takes two to 10 go with the trade and so you want to trade the Tim Hardway Jr contract trade it to somebody get off some of that money resigned Derrick Jones Jr but the fact that Derrick Jones J’s priority 1 a and 1 B to me is one of two things one the Mavericks cannot take a step back they cannot right I’m cool with what we said at the beginning of this episode where I said man if they just run it back that’s actually could be fine not great but fine but they can’t take a step back that’s unacceptable they they can’t do that they can’t take a step back I’m not really for the you know what we think omx and AJ Lawson can fill the Derrick Jones Jr void and with Dante XOM will’ll take a step forward and okay that that I don’t think is tenable if omx is gonna come in and take some some a role in this rotation as some of you think that he will and you may be right and I hope you are because I love that guy if omx is going to come and take a step forward and take a spot in this rotation he’s got to take it it can’t be given to him I don’t think Dereck Jones Jr came and took his spot and took it again took it in training camp and then took it when Daniel Gafford came and was was traded and he Lively ended by being better than Gafford in the playoffs which is crazy still but you can take it that way where he’s like all right the Mavs cannot take a step back Nico Harrison also is not an idiot very smart individual explain yourself sorry very smart individual and he knows that Derrik Jones Jr is listening to this stuff and how many times do we hear guy do we hear coaches say really great things about players and you go really that guy niik Harrison saying that Derrick Jones Jr is priority 1A and 1B is a message to Derrick Jones Jr 100% 100% sending a message to him he fits with our team he loves it here he’s a priority he’s priority 1A and 1B feels good feels good as a free agent we’re making you a priority man he’s never been a priority before think about Derrick Jones J’s path in the NBA and now here’s the thing about Derrick Jones Jr that I me my message to the sub texters when I was talking about this earlier is that Derrik Jones Jr has bounced around has not really found a a good spot been been part of a trade been you know signed here and there he had a pretty good deal in Portland he was making 9 million in Chicago he made 9 million he’s only made 26 27 28 million total in his career now okay only for an NBA player but he made like $28 million this is his chance this is his chance to make a double digigit you know million doll a year deal a $10 million $11 million $12 million a year deal this is his shot I don’t know you’re going to get a better chance than you just started in the finals and so they’ve got to pay him they’ve got to pay him to bring him back the Maverick can’t lose him and this is Derrick Jones Jr’s shot and so trying to make a priority and making him seem like a priority he is a priority but making him you know making it apparent that he is a priority and public that he is a priority I think is a good thing absolutely the next quote I wanted to mention uh was about about spending all the money this one really had this one really perked my ears up about about because I just said the Mavs may not do anything in free agency and I think that may that could be fine but ni Harrison kind of contradicted it a little bit later here’s what he said and I’ll tell tell you exactly what he means about it it does it doesn’t sound like you’re planning to spend a bunch of money in the off season and there would be salary cap constraints anyway I’m just curious we’re going to spend all the money we have in offseason well that that gets to the question that with new ownership with the Adon and dant families what’s your sense of their commitment to spending what would be necessary on the player salary front to go where the franchise wants to go yeah I don’t I don’t think money is going to be an object I think it’s doing it the right way um bringing in people with good character uh the money is not going to be the the limiting factor they they want to win um we’re going to be smart about it though but I I don’t expect we’re not having money conversations money is not a factor we’re gonna spend all the money we have I don’t think money’s gonna be an object money’s not going to be a limiting factor we’re not having money conversations those are all things Nico Harrison just said all these quote all these quotes I’m taking one of two ways right first here’s the first I got it’s the same for this one first one oh my God money’s not an object anymore we don’t have to deal with the well we don’t want to spend for a team that’s not good enough oh man we don’t have to talk about money we’re not talking about money anymore it’s not an issue it was kind it shouldn’t have been an issue with Cuban but then sometimes it seemed like it was and sometimes like secretly we’re like all right do we actually not pay for that guy because we don’t have any money it’s not not not a conversation anymore awesome the other way though money’s not a problem anymore because of the new CBA this is not a just Golden State Warriors spend as much money and the only thing that suffers is the owner’s pocketbook that’s not where we are anymore because now the team suffers look at what the suns are going to have to do this off season Square pegs round holes all these issues they got to deal with and not a lot of ways to do it they got one draft pick they got a couple of contracts trade they can only trade one player at a time you can’t trade like nurkic plus Nas little for something else can’t do it there’s so many different loopholes they have like holes they holes Hoops there’s so many Hoops they have to jump through money’s not an issue because this is where we are in the the CBA what Nico said though we’re gonna be smart about it of course every GM says that always but they’ve only got a certain amount of money to spend money is not an issue because money is not an issue it’s not about the amount of money it’s not about the amount of money you have it’s not about the paying the luxury tax itself that’s what it used to be that’s old that’s gone that’s old thinking oh why why W ownership just pay up if ownership pays up the Mavs will be so stuck in where they are they won’t be able to make other moves like the suns are right now if you’re G to do that kind of move you got to make sure that it’s the team and that’s why they don’t know how they’re going to sign Derrick Jones Jor back cuz you could just sign him cuz you’ve got his rights you’ve got his bird rights you could just sign Derrick Jones Jr straight up but then you could go over the second luxury tax and the second apron then all of a sudden you’re stuck and then what do you do can’t do that on a team like this you gotta you got to have the flexibility that’s why nicoo Harrison said we’re going to do it smart money’s not a problem because that’s not the problem anymore that’s not what it is it’s not about just how do we pay it’s not just about how do we accumulate enough money to pay this you heard the reports of like the the Golden State Warriors are signing you know a a player to a 10day and it’s going to cost them 10 times the amount of money than they’re signing him to you remember those talk it’s not the case anymore I mean it will but that’s not the biggest that’s not the biggest thing that hurts them anymore as a team money is not an issue because there’s a different issue now it’s about how do you navigate this new CBA this new way this new luxury tax levels and all that kind of stuff it’s we’re going to talk I’m going to talk about it a lot because I think it matters I think teams are I think teams are like acting like it it matters a lot now there you go uh the last thing I thought niik Harrison said that was really funny I don’t have the I don’t have the clip but uh he was asked about the Brony James quote that he’s like an uncle to bronny James and he can’t he can’t talk about any any stuff like that he can’t comment on any player that’s not in his team he can’t do that but he smiled really big when he was asked about bronnie he’s like an uncle to him he smiled real big and was like I can’t comment on it but you know no that was it he smiled real big which I thought was funny imagine him thinking about like the times he spent with LeBron and bronnie and all that there you go guys thanks for hanging out with me on the one more thing being part of the show bonus episode if you didn’t listen to the episode with me and Reggie go check it out guys thanks much for listen to lockdown Ms one more thing [Music] oh

Mavs Trade Rumors: The Mavs made the NBA Finals but have some work to do in the NBA Offseason, how can Nico Harrison make the roster better for Luka Doncic, Kyire Irinvg, Dereck Lively II, and the Mavs?

Nick Angstadt shares one more thing about the Dallas Mavericks Offseason plan that Nico Harrison shared this weekend.

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  1. Run it back is our worst case scenario when it comes to our core. THJ is gone. Maxi may be gone as well. We clearly need to develop internally and sign another scorer/playmaker.

  2. Were not close, this year was a perfect storm, next year with this team were not getting to the finals. Quote means – we dont have assets to make a big move, get a great player that would make a difference. And Nico has an alibi cause we made a finals. simple as that. Only 1 that can improve is Lively, now if he makes a big jump – hes young its possible, he could add 3 point shooting, he has a stroke… wel with Lively shooting 3s they can actually play 5 out and he could be third option on O… but thats a lot of ifs…
    Other players dont have that kind of ceiling – DJJ, PJ… those other guys are already in their prime, what you see is what you get.
    Realistically they can get Grant, and they should get Grant, starting 5 needs talent upgrade at wing.

  3. This is a very new team, and they made the finals 4 months after adding PJ and Gafford . With the upside of Hardy, OMax and Lively and a full season of experience, I’m not complaining about anything Nico decides to do.

  4. He said the " core is intact" ….Of course, he's not gonna tell you what his next move is. Mavs will make some sort of trade. Bruh, you're overreacting

  5. If we don’t consider maxi and THJ as a part of the core, we have 27m of salary and 2 first round picks to improve (maybe add green or hardy if worth it). We definitely can add a real third option

  6. He is only saying that because the Mavs have a very limited amount of options to get better and a big chance of getting worse, so he is just covering his bases in case none of the moves he is trying works out

  7. Yeah people are treating it like we lost in the first round in 5 I saw a trade on fanspo for us to get rid of 7 players and recoup 2 in trades

  8. That's just something that you say.

    I would have said the same and I'm desperate for 1 trade. It reassures the players (DJJ) that after making it to the finals they're valued, it communicates to them to take the off season seriously, and doesn't undermine your own leverage in talks with other teams.

    Also grounds fan expectations so they don't go for the pitchforks if nothing pans out.

    Then when you do make the trade you say "we wanted to keep everyone, but this opportunity came up and we just couldn't pass it over."

    Also Green and Maxi are on the edges of this 7-8 core, if you use them for salary matching you didn't even contradict yourself that much.

  9. I think that they don’t have DJJ’s bird rights, because I read that they actually can’t sign him unless it’s MLE for 5,2 million or to dump Hardaway.

  10. Remember, you only finished 3 games out of the 10th seed. Golden State was missing Draymond for 27 games. Memphis will be formidable again. Why wasn't Nico asked about the Kyrie at TD Garden issue? It is a major problem. None of this is worth anything if at the end of it is a similar Kyrie performance at TD Garden in the Finals. Unprepared for Porzingis, despite him having played for you? Your wings are glorified backups. They did not hold up well against Brown and Tatum.

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