@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers, JJ Redick agree on 4-year deal to become new head coach | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Lakers, JJ Redick agree on 4-year deal to become new head coach | NBA | UNDISPUTED

I think it’s if if if fine is such a word to describe the hire it’s fine is that damning with faint praise no it’s fine look it is he was he their first option no we all know he was not their first option he was an option and then whatever went they went through to make this decision they made the decision that he was the right hire at this time for where they want to go the Lakers have been down this road before many people aren’t even thinking about this remember 2017 they hired a unknown guy in the front office named Rob pinka all he was was an agent of Kobe Bryant for the most part that that that was his big he worked with arell but his big claim to fame was he was a sports agent with no experience in the front office it’s a different experience when I look at data sheets and scouting reports of who’s going to go where in the draft that’s how an agent looks at players they don’t go looking at a play and say oh I’m going to find the diamond and Ruff he’s going to be the greatest guy in the world playing basketball that’s not it’s different as a general manager now with his tenure as a general manager for the Lakers what would you say you would say he’s done pretty good Ian he’s done when they’ve gotten into trouble he’s gotten them out of trouble right for the most part they won the bubble you were there Rachel but he’s made in season trades to get him over the hump all those sorts of things so they kind of they know the process now they go out and hire a guy who who was a what did he 16 15 years in the NBA 15 years in the NBA no I actually have 17 Seasons that he play in it’s a long time it’s a long time yeah go ahead okay so you got a guy 17 years in the NBA with no coaching experience at all enough playing experience that could potentially carry over into the coaching Circle for him now when you think about it what are they going to do who are they going to hire are they going to go get all these veteran ex head coach es that are going to kind of help him out along the way is he going to have the sole voice in the locker room as a coach or does he have to really lean on these guys in the learning process with LeBron James and only I don’t know two to three years left in his NBA career before he starts to say you know I don’t want to play anymore I’m done you know I want to go do other things in life because when you look at what a Lakers are and where they were Phil Jackson was the last coach win 50 plus games outside of Frank vogle it took all it took them all the way to get to Frank vogle to get the 50 plus games you go back to phield Jackson that was the last time before Frank voger I mean that’s a long time then that was in the but many people like you skip would say h Mickey Mouse whatever it was they won a championship but then they wind up firing a guy who won the championship and then wind up firing the guy who took him to the Western Conference Final which in a three-year span it did it did it’s just like like what are we doing so now we got to give them the benefit of the doubt let’s see where it goes let’s see the staff they put together let’s see what happens in free agency at the end of this month all of those sort of I don’t care about the draft the free agency is most important what are they going to do to build around JJ reick to get him to be successful in this short window that’s left for LeBron James and then you ask me that question what do I think about the hire at that point in time and I could give you a different type of answer well right now you’re just sort of I’m fine whatever yeah I’m like whatever whatever let’s just see what it is I’m not like this isn’t Pat Riley coming this is not Phil Jackson coming you know this is a hell it’s not Rudy coming it’s not it’s just yeah it’s like okay you just damned your team with faint praise but go ahead yeah I mean that may be true but I’m I’m sure I’m not the only person I would agree with that yeah I don’t think you are because this is a very very difficult thing to be certain on it is just such a huge gamble the metaphor in my head is say you’ve got a guy was a waiter at a restaurant then he went on to be a food critic very respected very good he’s suddenly hired to be the head chef even though he’s never worked in a kitchen before is is that going to work maybe it becomes the hottest restaurant in town maybe it’s closed in a month there is literally no way to know we can project we can say oh JJ has this in his favor is this against him but we won’t know until he actually does it because he’s never done it before and that’s where the Lakers have sort of made an interesting choice here they they made this huge gamble on their seventh head coach in 13 years eighth if you count that they had an interim head coach for four or five months so this is a point where as you guys as just showed with all those head coaches that they fired can they afford to be taking another gamble that in a year might completely blow up in their faces they’ve done it so I it’s pretty interesting that this hire and this chance has come at this time and even JJ if he was going to be honest with you would be very surprised because I I want to underline what I’m talking about here with some of JJ’s social media there was a tweet it was like a little bit more than a year ago it was in response to the idea that JJ on his podcast had been rallying for nickol yic instead of Joel embiid for MVP and and this fan out there was like hey JJ you know embiid made you a lot of money you should be thankful without embiid you would just be coaching middle school right now and JJ’s response was amazing he said I’m actually coaching eight and nine-year-olds right now I’m hoping to move up to Middle School in 3 to 5 years that was a year and change ago so in fact not three to five years in a year and change he is now the head coach of the Lakers much less middle school and it’s jarring when you see the photos of him with the team he has coached in the past because that’s not LeBron James there so so again how much of a gamble we are talking about has to be factored into any analysis is of this hire who’s he talking there uh I assume his son I don’t know is that uh Austin Rivers or something yeah okay I continue to hear that this move is high risk but High reward and I got to tell you I I get high risk because it’s the highest risk I don’t get high reward because how can you know this move is completely unknowable at this point because you have no track record to go on whatsoever even we just watched Joe Missoula win a championship at age 35 and you pointed out well they just picked like the fourth assistant down the the row they did and said here you come up and do this out of emergency obviously because they had the EM situation they had to remedy and yet I look at Joe missoula’s background for two years he was the head coach at Fairmont State in West Virginia and for a year he was in I’m sorry a couple of years he was assistant on the Celtics g-league team so he had quite a background of growth and education and and he had been a head coach and they were the Fairmont State was 43 and 17 in the twoey coach my point is he yeah he’ done this before he he knew what it felt like to run a game even a small college basketball game JJ reck only played basketball and he was a pretty good player for a very long time he was only a part-time starter he started about half the games he played in in the NBA he started for the Clippers out here for Doc for four years and then he went to Philly and did start for that year so he has five years of starting experience but was he considered as a player a dynamic leader as a player no not really he he was kind of a role player he was a three-point shooter and a great three-point shooter but not a team leader not not a point guard so so it often you project the point guard to be a head coach and yet I look at what happened you you know I keep hearing that JJ has you know extraordinary basketball IQ well I I’ll buy that from listening to their podcast we we know we hear him talk on TV but help me out here higher IQ than Steve Nash I I doubt it because Steve Nash has it’s way up there trust me and he was a back-to-back DP and was a dynamic leader of the Phoenix Suns and then what happened when he got his first shot with no coaching experience again he got thrown into a really difficult situation with some really difficult to handle Superstars that he was trying to juggle and it flamed quickly out so that would indicate well this this might not work but I I have no idea all I know is when we talk about building a staff the truth is the lead assistant right now for the Los Angeles Lakers is LeBron James and I keep parking back to Byron Scott you had him on your podcast we had him on this show sitting right there in Rachel’s seat and what was the first thing he said about the Lakers situation and and he he wasn’t kidding he he’s actually tongue and cheek yeah but but he was a little bitter about it because he doesn’t like to see head coaches done wrong and he thought Darin ham had been done wrong 100% right now when you when you look at when you look at it now on its face yeah I I kind of feel the same way like when I look at it you know now that JJ is officially hired exactly you look at it you go wait a minute man you had a tube there wait wait a minute man I’m with you on that but Byron was saying well LeBron should just go ahead and Coach it well I think he has a chance to be sort of a player coach because he and JJ obviously are close from the podcast and they have good connection on the podcast I don’t know how close they are off the field or off the floor but at least they have a pretty deep connection and I think they’ll be able to communicate at a very high quick level where LeBron can help him just the way a lead assistant would help him and yet the the only issue I have with this whole process was you know where I I would be more impressed is if right away if if they had fired daring ham one day and two years I’m sorry two days later MH they had hired JJ reic because they had it all set up and they they said that’s our guy we had targeted JJ reic from the start I’d say w i’ I’d get goosebumps I’d say maybe they found Pat Riley but as you kept pointing out about Pat Riley he was an assistant coach for the Lakers he knew the team from the inside out for what was it a couple of years yeah okay not only that you go back to not just an assistant coach he was in the organization so he understood Dr bu and he just understood the organization whether it was him calling the games of chick hears or him on the bench yeah okay so I got to know Pat a little bit in his first two or three years with the Lakers and I was around him a lot in media situations trust me he was a tough guy he he he had he had powerful Charisma where the locker room listened to him they already knew him but he obviously inherited an alltime great team we get that but he was commanding from day one I don’t know if JJ’s commanding or not because we’ve never seen him in this situation I I have no idea maybe you would have some feel for it but can he walk in and just take a locker room over again as a player he wasn’t Doc Rivers when he played he he came straight from sort of playing to coach he was a leader of the team and I looked down some Steve Nash I’m sorry uh U Steve K Steve Kerr I covered those Bulls Steve Kerr was kind of The Unofficial spokesman for the team when we needed a quote when we needed it put into perspective we went to Steve cerr because Michael could be a little distant and difficult with the media where he he just didn’t want to get involved okay but but Steve cerr had leadership you could just see it where everybody looked up to Steve Kerr and he was a starter for that team okay and then Mark Jackson he he was the leader of those Nicks teams that he played for and when he stepped in he took over Nicks all those type of yeah okay so Dave McManaman keeps he said this several times he said that from the start their list was this it was Jason kid tyou and JJ Reed and I’m like when I look at that list I think of the it’s like the equivalent of LeBron James Anthony Davis and Max Christie you know like like right that’s kind of the the the order the pecking order then we’re down to Max Christie as a as a potential head coach right is JJ reck well they weren’t going to get Jason kid right they they they weren’t going to get tyo because they had some bad blood history right yeah okay so then they they interviewed JJ reic and then all of a sudden we’ve talked and talked this to death and I don’t want to beat the dead horse of Dan Hurley but but Dan Hurley just swoops in kaboom and all of a sudden they say yes yes we’ll take you and we will offer you 6 years $70 million and then you’re saying well that’s not nearly enough and I’m saying for Dan Hurley that’s a lot of money because he there’s some X Factor there whether he can translate into pro basketball it’s not enough if you look it wasn’t enough if they wanted to get it done they should have just anied up a little bit more money to get it done now you say the pecking order right one two three he was never three and the reason he wasn’t three is because Dan Hurley was able to come in down never three he was never three and one and two were never going to happen one and two never gon to happen that is such a fact it was never going to happen so when they came up with the plan of trying to find a head coach they they had to usher Darwin ham out of the building immediately because the two superstars for whatever it’s worth they never said it I’m just looking at body language as an athlete and facial expression on the players in quotes after the season yeah especially the one Rachel pointed out from Anthony go ahead yeah not just from Anthony but also where they start talking about he wasn’t prepared he come in late all of those you start looking at that it’s like oh okay that is a players move more so than an owner front office move and what I mean by that is once the players start to sour on they have to as you know Rachel move on from dwin Ham they can’t try to make nice just won’t happen because you you gotta you got to cater to your Superstar players now whether or not the Superstar player said I’m out of here I want to get traded and I’m not signing back unless you keep get rid of him that’s not what I’m saying I don’t need to verbally say anything they can see the same things I see which is you’re not challenging that we not playing defense oh and they sit back they go okay we got to do something about this and they didn’t have a plan in place at the time that was the biggest issue that I had with jeie bus and Rob pinka now you look at some of the other firsttime head coaches Rachel you’ve been covering this league for a long time whether it was Jason kid that failed early on to a degree but since then he’s learned because he’s been on benches he’s been on benches I think Isaiah Thomas was a firsttime head coach that really never had any real experience as an assistant it happens right are the Lakers willing to wait though it out and let The Growing Pains happen in NC in year three of JJ’s career where he is at opposed to if all of a sudden you look up and he wins what did we finish the eighth seed this year and all of a sudden he’s a six seed or we happy and said oh there’s Improvement because they’re going to spin it that way if that’s the case you should be better because of LeBron James and AD look there is a chance he is a buffo box office success we have seen it before Doc Rivers came in with no coaching experience and was named coach of the year in his rookie season as a head coach it is possible Larry Bird came in did an excellent job right and then we’ve seen it again Steve Kerr obviously he inherited a team that was already very well coached and and very talented to Mark Jackson but yes but he did it it could have been a disaster and he didn’t so there is absolutely precedent that JJ reck could come in here and do a great job it’s possible JJ in the way different from Darin ham and some of the other coaches the Lakers have had is he is super into analytics he is super into very precise this is what we need to do sort of like you know how Boston was like we’re going to shoot threes all the time because this is how it matches our personnel and these are the statistics and these are the odds JJ is going to be doing stuff like that he also is maniacal about preparation I have been around him both as a player as a media person he is going to be you talk about complaints about Darin coming late or not being prepared or Anthony Davis saying that he’s not prepared none of that’s going to happen with JJ reic JJ reck is a pre guy and he will spend this summer up until training camp preparing and every game he will come in prepared however the reason this could go completely the other way is that you can only prepare for the situations you know about and as a first-time head coach you don’t know what you don’t know and when you look at they say oh we’re going to surround him with Elite staff how much Elite staff is even out there to get hired some of the names that I’ve heard are very unlikely right Jared Dudley he’s already an assistant coach in Dallas Love Jared Dudley and by the way he’s super popular in the Lakers locker room but Dallas wants to keep him really good spot and that’s a team that just went to the NBA finals Sam Cassell is a name that’s one of the first names that get banded about from Sam Cel why why am I going to Lake I’m just saying Sam casselle just won an NBA title with Boston their favorites to win so he’s not coming so I do think that Scotty Brooks there’s are there are Brett Brown there are coaches out there that could help JJ but it’s not like there’s like a ton of them sitting around rep Brown as much as he’s done would he leave pop to come to the well that’s the thing with wiy and I I don’t know would you really would you leave to to be the lead assistant for the Lakers I I don’t honestly the biggest harbinger of JJ’s success is going to be what happens with the roster in the next six weeks because you can say what you want about Darin ham and his rotations he didn’t have the right guys to put in his rotations in the first place and I I know what you’re saying about Rob Pinko but that was a failure this past season well yeah yeah this this this past season but I mean if you just look at the body of work is some of the things that he was able to do time he’s got to do better right he has some trade assets but not as many trade assets as a lot of other teams around the league and he has needs that match a lot of other teams around the league they need a two-way Wing in fact they could use two of them so do a lot of other teams so there will be competition for those guys they need a big man who can sort of push Anthony Davis to the four which is where his preferred likes to play and we’ll talk later about what JJ can do for Anthony Davis well there’s other teams who want that Phoenix could use a quality big man so I I just think there’s some variables with we’re going to get him Elite coaching staff we’re going to get him the best roster we don’t know okay I’m going to defend Rob pinka on one count these four players barely played last year listen Jared Vanderbilt and Gabe Vincent and Christian w and cam reddish barely played last year okay if if you put those four in there you got a much better chance to me especially starting with with your Defender and probably a little different yeah a little bit different it just would now back to Rob Pink’s track record is part and partial of this stat and that is the Lakers have finished better than seventh in the west only one time in the last nine years only once in nine years better than seventh in the west and that was when you finished first in the pandemic year and went and won the Mickey Mouse Championship with a coach that you then fired that’s that’s correct but that’s but but this is almost like cowboy esque here because you keep saying they’re the Lakers but then they don’t they don’t back it up and the Cowboys don’t they haven’t backed it up for like 30 years that’s going to be one of the biggest problems that JJ faces as a head coach this is and I know we talked about some of the other greats going on to be first-time head coaches but they W coaching the Lakers yeah that’s that that the seat is already having Flames underneath it okay this it’s already hot when he’s walking into the bit because it’s not again they can spin in any type of way they would like if they move from 8 to seven or seven to six they can spin and say look he’s done a great job for us they can cap you out and make you feel a certain way but in the end you can see exactly what it is all right and so now one of the things like Rachel was saying involv six weeks that’s what it’s going to tell you what does this roster look like what do we make any significant trades do we bring in some other guys from asset standpoint I don’t care about the draft because I don’t even know who’s in the draft but in the end what what is he starting October off with all right I got it this is where I also feel sorry for him going forward he’s in a tough spot because of what appear to be factions that are split in the lake front office and my my first example of that was you said you had a good source which I completely believe in trust inside the Lakers who told you I don’t know a month ago there’s two months almost huh two months there’s no way JJ is going to get this job because whoever your source is believed with all his or her heart and soul there’s no way J J reic is going to coach this team right okay and I’m not doubting your Source I’m just that that’s faction versus is faction somebody inside is saying seriously and then somebody else said yeah well and then somebody else said well maybe that’s all we’re left with here is that that’s our best option and that is exactly that is exactly the way it went okay was it again he wasn’t the choice they offered somebody else the job okay think about it they offered somebody else job and they did offer that college coach with no NBA experience about 12 million a year you said it wasn’t nearly enough and I got you but but was still about 12 million a year and they just gave JJ reportedly about 8 million a year for four years instead of six years still good money but but again how’s JJ feeling about he he’s got to know he wasn’t first choice and he didn’t get offered Dan Hurley money right I think he’s okay he’s got money think a media Empire that can continue on without him because it’s not just his podcast which I assume he won’t do anymore he’s got other podcast and other things coming in and he wanted this job really badly that has been obvious he would like to be a head coach this is a fast track to get to do it and it’s one of the most elite programs that you can have in the country so of course I think he will be just fine with his 8 million there one thing I am sure about JJ R he will be huge box office for this team because man I’m on the edge of my seat how’s it going to work is he going to flame out immediately or what I mean look he has LeBron and a if he could just sit back and allow them to play and coach him enough and not get in the way he’ll be successful they’ll win with just those two sure they’ll win with just those two they’ll win enough games and if he gets the right assistance to teach him you know certain things that he may not know as a coach because even as a player a lot of players know more than coaches believe it or not he may be one of those players that knew more than all of his coaches he just couldn’t Express his feelings because he wasn’t a superstar player that could do that can he translate that into leading the team it just it it all depends on who’s buying in yeah is Anthony Davis buying in I know LeBron for whatever it’s worth is probably buying in well he he will until it goes south and then he might yeah this feels different this feels different with him okay we got to talk about the move of the day or night yesterday first big NBA postseason Splash Alex Caruso for giddy who won the trade thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Keyshawn Johnson and Rachel Nichols discuss the latest news in sports including the Los Angeles Lakers hiring of JJ Redick. Redick replaces former head coach Darvin Ham who was fired on May 3rd following the team’s elimination in the NBA Playoffs.

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Lakers, JJ Redick agree on 4-year deal to become new head coach | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. NGL i miss skip. I know thats only his persona to hate on lebron. But he makes good argument. I wish unc is still here because espn is so trash right now.

  2. JJ should be an Asst coach first before a HC! Talking about a white guy got a job w/0 experiences n just talking his way into HC position. Best salesman ever!

  3. This is how you know for certain these guys don’t know basketball, cam reddish played TO MUCH last year. Its not that he didn’t play ENOUGH. Hes a end of the bench guy that’s just the reality.

    Also Rachel is cool, but the reality is not that they need a wing defender, they were fine in the wings, they need a point of attack defender for guards. So that reaves who isn’t a great defender athletically but will play hard, can play the defensive role of chasing shooters around which fits his athletic ability more. Who has killed the lakers the last two postseason? Jamal Murray, they need a point of attack defender who is also a threat offensively which is why they pursued dejounte Murray.

  4. JJ is brilliant and classy. He is capable of learning quicker than any other mediocre individual. Lakers are super lucky to be able to lock him down. JJ is superior overall to all other poor choices they had . Go Lakers! Go JJ!

  5. I want to see Skip succeed but his cadence of speaking is so boring and long winded. It’s like listening to your Grandpa tell you about the “olden days”. I understand why Shannon would chime in now when he spoke. You need something to wake us back up bc Skip puts you to sleep.

  6. I think JJ is in over his head. My opinion he should coach in the NCAA and then make that move. Another huge question is will the players give him respect? He’s no Phil or Pat or even a Rudy T! Huge gamble and I actually like JJ.

  7. When this thing first started JJ was the first option it got dicey after LeBron felt the phone back of people saying LeBron hiring JJ them all the sudden they started taking applications from different people Hurley turning them down Hurley never was coming you guys can't see this was a ploy JJ was a target from the beginning this is so stupid of people to think he wasn't when it first bring up his name they said JJ was the clear front runner then all of a sudden he wasn't believe your eyes believe what you see not what you hear

  8. If you been watching JJ podcat wit Bron then you know JJ is the perfect coach Bron just has to listen a lil and JJ can definitely take the lakers to the finals i been seeing he was finna be the coach just looklike he was breaking down teams to lebron 😎🔥🔥🔥🎯

  9. This is going to be a bad season for the Lakers. The west is loaded with better and younger teams and it’s going to make JJ look bad.

  10. Lakers are the laughing stock of the league. While they keep letting James run their organization and tearing it down, the Celtics will continue to gain championship space and easily get to 20 titles and beyond. Lakers will be stuck on 17 (bubble mickey mouse title doesn’t count no matter who won it).

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