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How The Chicago Bulls Start The Rebuild…

How The Chicago Bulls Start The Rebuild…

what is up everybody and welcome back to Lester athletes my name is CH and today like always another interesting video for you here on the channel today is how to start the Chicago Bulls rebuild now if you’re a fan on this channel you know and hopefully you are a fan of this channel you know that I do occasionally how to start rebuild with a team where I go through some steps why I’m doing this why the news is kind of going on about this and I explain how I would kind of start a rebuild for a team now necessarily Doesn’t Really Happen doesn’t really whatever go on I did it for the Wizards I did it for the Raptors I did it for there was another team I’m forgetting about maybe it was the Bulls it might have been the Bulls already um and they have you know kind of done a little bit of what I’ve done not entirely done some craziness whatever um but we’re going to talk about how I would start the Chicago Bulls rebuild now a lot of news let’s get started why are we even talking about this why would the Chicago Bulls rebuild well we have some news first news is Alex ausa has been officially traded to the Oklahoma City Thunder for Josh giddy it a crazy trade that shocked everyone started the trady season off what a trade I think it was good for both sides you know the Thunder get what they want in a defensive player somebody that is a good shooter that I think works well with their system Josh giddy goes to a new area goes for somewhere where he could maybe flourish into that guard he always possessed maybe was a little held back in Oklahoma City now what also is very interesting that came out liter L today Zack LaVine trade rumors have been flying like crazy for the Chicago Bulls they floated as much as 15 trade offers to the Kings the Sixers the Jazz were even involved and there’s one more team I’m forgetting about the magic even the magic now some interesting stuff um I think there’s another team that’s probably getting involved and I actually want to talk about what I’ve kind of done for some trades for them um I think this trade that I did today is a little outlandish I do think that there’s a possibility it happens but I’d rather probably say some other trades would happen too so let’s just begin with some interesting things something that’s very interesting to me is the fact that Demar de rozan and Lonzo ball are two guys that we didn’t really know what was going to happen next season they kind of showed what was going to happen with maybe the future another person I would put on here is Nicole vich last year got an extension for three years kind of showed us okay maybe there is a chance that they’re going to keep trying to compete well now can’t really say the same for them I don’t think that they really are I mean when you have demard de rozan who looks like he’s going to be probably a 40 mil plus free agent uh was on a one-year contract you traded him for nothing he now is going to free agency probably thinking well if you know Alex kuso’s gone they’re trying to trade Zack LaVine why would I come to Chicago big thing for kind of an interesting factor of what they’re going to go Lonzo balls here because he just accepted a player option to stay of course he’s going to set the player option cuz it’s going to cost like 20 something mil for the uh Chicago Bulls to get him paid um but I am interested to see potentially what’s going to happen with him because with Josh giddy coming into the mix the reason why they got him was because they wanted someone like Lonzo ball that could playmake and do a little bit better maybe maybe not as defensive as Lonzo Ball but I think honestly could be a better playmaker could have that All-Star capability with his size what’s going to happen with Lonzo ball we’ll talk about that later looking at this roster with the 2024 2025 season the people that stick on the roster that are sore thumbs honestly when it comes to rebuilding are Zack LV and Nicole vich i’ look to see maybe Patrick Williams would be in that list free agent and he’s probably going to get like a 25 mil free agent deal with something crazy like that we’re also probably looking at you know Demar gone there’s not really options for trading aspects and trading just in general so what would I do I’m looking at just and vich what can I get for these players and let’s just get started with that in this scenario Zack LaVine would be traded to the Golden State Warriors on their last leg trying to find a way into having a competitive run doesn’t really cost them much in my opinion yes Jon kaminga is probably a big thing of their future and does probably hurt them a little bit but with Zack LaVine becoming a little of a younger Prospect in my opinion to their roster right now and with Steph Curry having maybe one to two more years in him I wouldn’t say one year in him two to three more years in him wherever his contract’s at with Steve cerr signing a two-year extension with draymond’s contract kind of fishing up in that two to threee range I do think that this does make sense for the Warriors I think getting Zack LaVine a player that is a Bonafide Allstar can help you a lot where are you giving away Chris Paul something maybe the Chris Paul experiment didn’t work but now you get this defensive guard in Javon Carter that can go and help with your defensive side of the ball Now Kevin Looney Kevin Looney he played his I think the least amount of games he’s ever played for the Golden State Warriors and that’s counting injuries for him but he was not injured he just did not play the games they just did not play him so why would you have him on the team one-year contracts look like gold for teams that are tanking I think they’ll be fine with that same with Chris Paul honestly to be honest they will probably cut Chris Paul in this scenario where Chris Paul wouldn’t play for the Chicago Bulls instead he would be cut in this scenario I don’t think there’s a way for them to trade him I think it’s just a straight up cut and he tries to join another team the only thing that is in here is really Jonathan I think it makes sense for Jonathan kaminga to go to the Bulls if you already have giddy if you already have Kobe white those are the two players that are your future find players around that’s either forwards that’s either centers whatever it means kaming is here another trade that I thought of was the Kings oh also that pick the pick makes the most sense because if it is a 2025 first and if you are the Warriors and you’re playing to be good the pick’s not going to be that bad I think it’s not going to or sorry the pick’s not going to be that good and I think you’re fine if you’re the warrior is throwing that away for a Johan kaminga uh Zack LaVine kind of trade away it makes sense even in a better class than this year it just it doesn’t really hurt you for the future if you would want a tank it just works out well um up next though um I was talking about a king’s trade I really think that the kings are going to be big players in the Zack ofine Market what it could be is I think just surrounding Keegan Murray and if the Bulls think that you know with The Playmakers around him um it would work well for Keegan Murray to go to Chicago Bulls well then they could do something like that where it’s pix and Keegan Murray um but for now because it was already kind of floating around and uh Kam and the Warriors just didn’t know about kaminga I think they pulled a plug now Jonathan kaminga is going to be uh going to uh Chicago Bulls I genuinely believe that this trade Could Happen Nicole vich fits what the Pelicans would want in a kind of yonas valunas replacement I don’t really see a world where they go with yonas valun again unless it’s on a smaller deal which granted Y valis is on a uh was on a bigger deal than Nico vich who has a similar play style and I think honestly maybe a little bit better than yonas funis um honestly not even a little bit I do believe that he is better than jonis valunas played very well for Chicago Bulls now if the Pelicans would do this secure them their Center position for the future I think they would be 100% fine with this for the Bulls they’re just getting Trey Murphy the third and I honestly could see a swap like we saw today for Trey Murphy II third because I do believe Trey Murphy I third has shown enough star potential that could work as a good power forward with great defensive capabilities what would help with the bulls right now some good defensive capabilities some good athletic capabilities that Trey Murphy has the good scoring capabilities Trey Murphy has I think it will work out well but because vich is on a pretty good deal they would have to extend Trey Murphy II thir and vovi is probably better than Trey Murphy I third I threw in a first round for this year that is in a bad draft class not going to have too much value you’re probably looking at an early second last year something like that um just it just makes sense I think that it just makes sense to add it in especially with uh not really 100% knowing with Trey Murphy the third um and I think the Pelicans wouldn’t be lost without getting this um could they get a center in that draft yes but I don’t think it’s you know something huge um I just really like this I think it it does make sense for both sides and I generally believe that this trade could happen after the crazy trades let’s look at the roster for the 2024 2025 season for Chicago Bulls you’ll start with Josh giddy Kobe white Jonathan kaminga at the small forward power forward Trey Murphy already good with your forward something that not really that good right now uh looking at the roster for next year without any free agents um Center position I genuinely believe that with their picks at 11 and now 21 they could find some great Center play Kell Weare is a good Center that I think has really elevated his game into the center position where has you know the blocking capability but can also score the the ball who else had a good rebounding blocking capability that could also shoot the three ball vich I do think that vich uh could you know be a this could be a replacement you could help him like you did vich um bench I think Lonzo ball is going to stay and you might say oh CH you’re crazy but with a one-year deal with him I think just him staying on the team and kind of being this player that they can build and maybe trade to a contender halfway through would work out I I generally believe that and if it doesn’t it doesn’t and you just saved yourself 20 mil probably uh for trying to compete for no reason um because right now you’re tanking works with the CBA uh it would be fine next IO dunu I think he could have been the guy that you know you try to build around Kobe white with how many Great Performances we’ve seen off of him but now he’s looking like a scoring guard Off the Bench I do think that still works out for him and it’s going to be okay I have free agent here because when you really look at their their team there’s really no one else and with all the money extra they’re going to have they’re going to have to sign someone or trade for bad contracts and I think that’s where we see a bad contract getting traded here and then next I have that 21 pick I think Ryan Dunn could fit a way where if you want fors that can play great defense he could be a little gamble you take especially I think a little bit of a project when it comes trying to get to his offensive side and if you want somebody that I think really shine and show some flashes of being that shooting guard small forward of the future um that you could take a big gamble on is kaon George he looked like a Dante Devan chenzo could shoot the three ball very well but also defended very well Tall for his position um granted Kobe white is um going to be the shooting guard point guard of the future but I do think that that’s a good small forward um to have in the back look at Dante demon chenel right now for the New York Knicks would work out well after all this what is the next steps for Chicago Bulls in my opinion it’s developed young talent I think the biggest thing that teams do is at that first year rebuilding they really focus on the talent and find the key players that’s what your first Year’s going to have to be I think Chicago it just makes sense you have young players on the team try to get that young talent and see if there’s still a chance maybe you can compete with Kobe white with giddy with other players but just find the young Talent your second step is find defensive players that fit rotation if you look at that team there is barely any defensive true defensive players Trey Murphy I third is a player that can be defensive with his long body but isn’t truly defensive that’s not somebody that you look at him you go okay that’s a defensive guy it’s more of an athletic guy at Center position I think if you do get a Kell whereare a Zach Edy that can rebound the ball if you would go that route uh Messi uh juvis Messi I think that juus Messi is honestly the guy that looks like a Nick claxon where he’s going to be more defensive than anything that could work out well for you too um and then last but not least pray you get Cooper flag if you are a team that are debating on tanking this year or next year this is the year to do it there is a prospect in the draft in 2025 in Cooper flag that is probably one of the better prospects we have seen in a long time yes I I think wem’s better I think uh some others our player but other than Wy I think we haven’t seen a prospect like a I mean Prospect not NBA Talent moving forward a prospect like Cooper flag in a long time probably since Zion and then after that maybe something this is the clear number one pick if you don’t pick him number one I would be 100% shocked um yeah I’m actually thinking that if you’re the danking team if you’re Chicago Bulls this is the perfect time I’m excited but other than that let me know what you guys think about this new Rebuilding Chicago Bulls thing down in the comments below and I will see you in the next one goodbye

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