@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons Can Make Trades This Offseason To Get Better

The Detroit Pistons Can Make Trades This Offseason To Get Better

let’s say the Pistons are really interested in Cody Williams and they believe Cody Williams who they could pick at five will probably be there at 10 Utah has a 10th pick there’s been a lot of talk of Utah wanting to move up let’s go get the 10th 29th pick and maybe take on one of their contracts for an additional asset for our fifth pick yeah I mean take T I don’t know right or or even a John Collins I I know that like it’s it’s it sounds unappetizing to Pistons fans who haven’t I know they want to go out and get a Brandon Ingram or they want to go out and get an ogan anobi and I understand that completely but I’m also saying I’m starting to understand the mindset that Tran’s using because at first I had the same feeling I was like I don’t know if that’s really the right mentality for this team I don’t know if that’s like the right direction for them to go because I really feel like with Cade kind of blossoming into that star that we all know he can be shouldn’t you go out and maximize that potential but I think in order to maximize that potential you have to maximize the assets you have and you have to accumulate a lot more assets because to be completely Frank with you the Pistons have no picks to trade right all their picks are pretty much locked up because of the Stewart trade back in 2020 so they need to to go out and get other teams first round picks not just meaningless second round picks they need to go get first round picks in order to go make a trade like that in the future in order to make those steps and that’s not saying they’re just going to turn over and be bad this season they’re going to get what they want but they’re also going to get assets for the things that they want if that makes any sense what I will say and then we can move on to the next segment um is I think a lot of Pistons fans view of what trun wants to do is a very black and white subject where there’s no room in the middle to where you can take on a contract and still get a good player people think oh I’m gonna we’re gonna I’ll just use this player as an example and I hope it doesn’t happen if I if it does I’ll just I don’t know maybe I’ll I’ll do something stupid like Ben Simmons right okay he’s got one year left on his deal people think oh we’re just gonna take on Ben Simmons for a year and use like 40 million of a cap I don’t really think it’s that black and white I I think there’s some ground Rune in the middle to where there are some players that are on some mid tier to larger deals that can come in and help this team win more basketball games I don’t think it’s so drastic the way some fans are arguing right now on Twitter as as we’re doing this podcast right now probably about all these guys on big big contracts that are going to use like 90% of our cap space you know I like because again I felt that same way initially I was like you know like okay what you’re going to go out and get Ben s Ben Simmons was really a name that was brought up right I heard Ben Simmons I was like uh you know like is that really what we’re going to do I think with the new CBA coming to into effect and with a lot of teams approaching a second apron who aren’t contending or aren’t in the space to contend yet or need to make moves in order to contend there a lot of teams will be looking to get off of money this summer and I look at maybe someone like Andrew Wiggins or I look at you know maybe even uh God Zack LaVine a uh let’s see DeAndre Hunter a who else comes to mind um Jonathan kaminga yeah because I’m those are all guys so like let’s say let’s say Andrew Wiggins let’s use Andrew Wiggins as an example the Pistons have been known to have interest in Tobias Harris right we all know they have a lot of interest in signing Tobias Harris bringing him here would you rather sign Tobias Harris or would you rather take on Andrew Wiggins and get like a Moses Moody also you know for taking on that contract so I I don’t think it’s going to be as bad as we’ve kind of been conditioned to think it will be and I I don’t blame anybody who who really like has a lot of hesitancy towards like the taking on bad contracts I just think what is seen as a bad contract is changing because of the new CBA so a bad contract last year was Joe Harris and we all know how that went you’re not gonna go get a Joe Harris this year you’re gonna probably end up with a player [Music] who that is a is in a tier of a player you would probably want to go out and sign anyways teams are just going to be looking to make cap space if they’re not where they need to be yeah 100% agree with you I think sometimes we get so reactionary to any kind of news we hear and we always expect the worst because why wouldn’t we I mean we’re Pistons fans like we’re gonna overreact to everything but I think Tran to your point is a smart enough guy that where he’s not going to get flee he’s not gonna help the New York Knicks so they can sign Jaylen Brunson yeah um he’s not gonna do any of that I I think he he knows what he wants and he’s probably going to go get it he’s probably going to get a pick in the meantime I I I think that’s exactly like the plan and I I don’t I don’t think that means they’re not going to try and be a lot better this year I just think it will look a lot different than we were expecting it to look um and I I I I truly am very curious because like I hear things right and whatever I don’t report everything I hear but a lot of the things that I’ve heard before trun really got settled in was like the Pistons are going to be aggressive they’re going to be looking to you know build around Cade and assar now it seems more like okay what do we have in Ivy what do we have in Duren um and I think they really want to explore that young core and I think that’s a positive development especially if you think that Monty Williams last year didn’t help their development if anything he might have hurt their development so if you truly believe that then totally go out and get assets while also helping this team win more games like I think we all are thinking I don’t know like the 200000 whatever the Sixers the proc the process Sixers right where they just take on and trade away you know I mean like they’re they’re not trying to win I think if there is a blueprint for this team it might not be the Rockets from last season like we thought it was going to be it might be more like the Utah Jazz from the last couple of years where they go go out and acquire players who can help them and they also acquire bad contracts who also can still provide help on the court I know they haven’t made the play in the last couple years but if they were in the Eastern Conference maybe not this past year but the year before they would have made the plan they had 37 wins and I believe Chicago this year had like 35 and they made the plan so I I think this team is going to be a lot more competitive and the whole thing of we might not win every game but we’re going to be competitive and we’re going to play winning basketball every game is exactly that type of identity and if if I’m a Pistons fan I go and look at a team like Utah the last couple years and I go okay that might be what we’re looking at yeah I agree I think Utah is a a good team to look at I think what OKC’s done over the past couple of years of taking on bad contracts for draft capital is definitely an Avenue that I think some Pistons fans should look at o [Music]

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Zariq from Bullyball the two talked about the trade market the Pistons could take this offseason.

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