@New York Knicks

Knicks Offseason Central: Knicks Want Paul George?! | NYK WAS Mitch Trade w/ Jonathan Macri

Knicks Offseason Central: Knicks Want Paul George?! | NYK WAS Mitch Trade w/ Jonathan Macri

all right here we go salute to Nicks Nation on this Monday afternoon they say Monday is typically the busiest day of the work week and we got a lot of work to do man because the NBA off season is just about to get into full gear we got NBA draft this week Wednesday and Thursday and then free agencies hitting well the next part of free agency rather uh this Sunday man so a lot to talk about a lot to discuss you have a lot going on on the nck hot stove and joining me today we got some homework to do we got some research to do my guy Jonathan Macker the head of the Knicks film school is in the building man so lock in hit the like button hit the share button and subscribe to the channel Nick fan TV Nick film school on the ones and twos let’s get into it man let’s go let’s go all right my dude how we doing man how we feeling bro uh just don’t ask me to teach Summer School uh I need a break no I’m uh I’m good I’m excited it’s great it’s great to be here it’s always good to talk to you um I you know one of these years I feel like we’re gonna be uh we’re going to luck out and we’re going to get a stressfree off season um still waiting it’s not this year obviously um which uh you know what like look that’s it’s a good place for the Knicks to be in like we’re going to get a lot of questions and we’re going to bounce around some different topics obviously this is a you know I don’t know if you say it’s a pivotal offseason for the Knicks I think that’s you could you could make the argument that it is but they are they’re operating from a position of strength and that’s a good that’s where you want to be right yeah no absolutely and that was the question I was going to have for you is how do you feel about this all season just overall temperature- wise as as compared to to years past I mean look it’s not that long a I know you remember where we couldn’t get a meeting with Fred Van vet you know and that’s not under Phil Jackson or whoever as that that that was under Leon Rose you know um and so to be you know wasn’t that long ago i’ spend you know 70 however many million dollars to get Evan 48 to to look in our Direction and ultimately ass sign here uh times have changed uh you know obviously regardless of what you want to do with like the whole Paul George situation how you feel about that the fact that his name is is coming up I think is an indication like as people have been speculating for a while now BigTime players are going to want to come play here alongside Jaylen brunon and it’s just a matter of now with the cap concerns I know you had Bobby marks on you had a great conversation with him like it’s going to take a real de touch to be able to thread the needle here where you’re balancing genuine roster questions and we’ll get into all that but also the the cap ramifications that come with those roster moves so it’s like there’s there’s two things going on at once here it’s a lot um and then you have to of course topic number one for me at least got to handle your own business first and that means o anobi and Isaiah hardenstein yeah no no question I’m with you man this is the year where I feel like between Rose West all this is really where they they’re going to cut get their check here because how they navigate this not just in terms of addressing needs for now but with an eye towards the future it it’s it’s going to be incredible and very interesting to see I thought they’ve done a great job so far they’ve been patient they’ve been diligent for the most part you know no regime bats a thousand but overall they’ve done a great job and now now we have to see uh which direction they’re going to go in because you know when you look at Boston how do you see it like do do you do you look at this off season as you know we really need to swing for a home run or get a home run here or do you think a single double gets us closer to the Seas you know what the interesting thing about Boston is and like I’ve I’ve sung their praises a lot I mean I was very high on them before the season started and I’ve I’ve been pretty consistent that like they should have won it all if they didn’t underperform and they didn’t underperform they performed admirably even though you could say that maybe their top two guys you look at the numbers for Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum just in the finals like their numbers weren’t weren’t great but they did enough when you consider everybody else like they’re they they deserve to be mentioned you know alongside maybe the best uh five six seven teams of the LA like since the Jordan Bulls um over you know what is that 26 27 years but they’re not the KD step Warriors they’re not that the level of super team where you’re like well it doesn’t really matter what we do you know and like credit to the Rockets of those days they at least tried came up short they’re not that level of team and the most interesting thing to me about how they built their team is I just talked about how bra Brown and Tatum like they didn’t need to be these all World players because they were just so sound and so devoid of weaknesses yeah from not only at one and two but spots three four five six where they had all the answers on defense they have all the answers on offense so how do you beat a team like that is it going out and trying to get better at the top in terms of like trading for like you know your nominal star player or is it to minimize your weaknesses at you know again spots three four five six ideally like seven eight like how many different guys can you throw at a team like that over the course of a 48 minute game it presents really interesting team building questions but I do think just to your point it like I do think you have to have the Celtics in your sights you can’t just be like well whoever we Face we face like no like that team’s going to be there barring a bunch bunch of injuries or something like they are so good and they’re so sound um but it’s you know there’s also other teams like you know Milwaukee’s going to be back I’m sure like nobody wants to hear it but Philly’s probably going to do something hopefully it doesn’t impact us but that they’re going to be good so you know it’s going to be a better East next year than it was this year for sure salute to everybody in the chat once again hit that thumbs up button for your boys CP the fanchise Jonathan Macker in the building busy off seon ahead hit the like button hit the share button and subscribe to the channel we are going to take your calls this is going to be an actionpack show 65738 31509 or hit us up on the kftv Discord okay Nicks Philly Clippers Wing Market let’s start with Paul George Stein Mark Stein came out with his newsletter over the weekend um that feels and and in his newsletter he stated that the Knicks could be an option here for Paul George given that he’s had a contract impass with the Clippers seems like he wants that 4-year deal at 221 the Clippers seem to be bulking at the extra year maybe they’re they’re around the threeyear I believe it was like 150 between 150 and one one um 160 the kawhai deal they kaai deal the kawhai deal now steinline saying the Knicks could be interested if he chooses to opt in which is his date is June 29th what did you think about when when you when you heard that news as it relates to the Knicks so I’ll just add to itar I’m just looking and and shout out to New York basketball great Twitter account um that he they they just retweeted um windhorse clip from this morning on get up saying windhorse saying that the let me Paul George situation could come to a head in the next day or two according to him in terms of an optin and trade because you know I don’t know how much you’ve been getting into the the cap part of the George thing but like if he want yes he could walk in he could become a free agent and walk into you know Philly’s cap space or Orlando’s cap space but if he wants to come to the Knicks without getting boring everybody to sleep with the with the cap stuff it would need to be an optin and then get traded so he like on his 4 roughly N9 Million number for next year look I I love Paul George as a player I think he is again if we’re bringing it back to Boston what do you want to have if you want to try to be Boston you want to have a guy who is not going to present any weak spots on either end of the floor meaning could defend a multitude of positions when he’s on defense and then on the other end can create his own shot yes which Paul George could obviously do but he’s also he can play easily a second fiddle I mean he’s one of the best spot up Shooters in the league and he’s a willing uh shooter as well the guy’s only increased his three-point percentage in terms of volume over the years I I love the idea of like lining up Paul George and oan and Obi I like the idea of lining up Paul George and and Julius Randle I think there are benefits to both unfortunately the way the cap Works you’re not getting all three of those guys it’s just there’s no way it’s there’s no way that it’s going to work so if you’re the Knicks and you’re looking at a George situation you’re saying all right do we go with what we have here already which we kind of know what that is we saw it in January or do we upset the apple cart and if you upset the apple cart to bring in George obviously there’s the Age part making a ton of money um you’re gonna have to give them three years on top of next year um the the easiest way to go would seem to be to include Randall in some type of deal again that’s just the way the math Works under the cap I’m not going to bore everybody with why is that a trade-off you want to make like a lot of people would say no some people would say yes I’m not doing it you’re not doing it look I for all the reasons you just said I love Paul George if you want to pick that like the one of the most perfect profiles to go with this team right now it’s him that’s it I liked him when they were after him last year when those rumors started to percolate and I like the type of player now but it’s just like you said I put it out there on Sunday on Twitter like am I trying to see them trade a 29y old Randall for PG right now is it is it that drastic of a change are they really ready to to go that route then not even to trade the asset but then you got to sign him you gotta pay him a guy northwards of 35 I don’t I don’t I just don’t like it man I just don’t like it maybe it’s the trauma the the PTSD of of being a Nicks fan and and you know of of yesterday year when when they gave those guys those type of deals and it never worked out he had a great year last year I just don’t trust him man I don’t trust him um I I and when it’s funny you say you don’t trust them because you’re talking about the health yeah you could very easily be talking about the playoff performance where you want to talk about night and day I mean if you went and watched I forget what game was it against Dallas this year where he went out SC like 25 points in the first half he looks like he looked like the greatest player on the face of the Earth and then you turn on the TV a few days later it’s it’s like did Paul George play in this game like you know one two for 10 or whatever the heck he he went in like one either game five or game six against the MS I don’t think either game was particularly good um so but but again the thing there is that’s him as the first option I think we know enough to know yeah like you don’t want to pul George as your first option even though he he did an admirable job when quiet went out a few years ago and he he helped take them to the Conference Finals but but as a second guy specifically with Brunson as the head of the snake for me it really does come down to how do you think this guy is going to age what kind of shape does he keep himself in is he G to be committed to you know an offseason training regiment like you know basically you’re asking him to be LeBron not LeBron in terms of a player type but like LeBron in terms of being able to keep himself longevity exactly long thank you that’s that’s the word I was looking for if you have doubts about that then you probably can’t make the move because you are taking what right now is it’s not a wideopen Runway because again the cap stuff is is coming it’s it’s here but when you when you make your move for a guy that that’s this age it’s like all right we’re we we think it we’re going to be able to do this in the next two to three years which look they it’s not that they can’t but but you’re are you cutting yourself off at that point as opposed to if you stick with Randall but then is it like oh you know trying to have our cake and eat it too and then we end up with nothing it I I think it’s a really interesting discussion I’ll just say that and I I could I could see both sides having a point so to everybody in the chat once again hit that thumbs up button for you boys we got a $10 Super Chat from David Crockett DAV Crockett in the chat man says if anyone is still mad about National media type still doing the LOL Nicks thing we got CP Macker the Strickland and others doing the holy work for us thanks for everything yall are doing all love and respect man yeah salute to David Crockett definitely appreciate the support and if you you guys are in the chat man on your lunchtime grind go ahead and leave a hashtag grind in the chat and we will shout you guys out let me let’s let’s play the windhorse clip I do have it pulled up here sure and then I want to look at this Paul George thing from another angle as well this is Brian wior courtesy of get up this morning and NBA New York for uh for pulling up okay here we go Paul George the guy though this the most important domino in free agency well let’s remember that Paul George has three options one is to re sign with the Clippers two is to enter free agency and go somewhere else like Philly or Orlando three he can opt into his contract and get traded by this weekend that is something that is going to come to a head in the next day or two if he wants to go with that option because obviously you’d have to negotiate a trade and then the team wouldn’t necessarily need salary cap space so the Paul George sweep Stakes is going to come to a head at least that aspect of it faster than those other players who are going to be free agents like Klay Thompson or demard de rosan so Paul George has a different menu of options and we’re gonna see some action in that probably coming up you know very quickly after the draft well whatever it is we know that Paul George is a championship caliber player who hasn’t show all right so we’ll pause that so that was get up now do we know that Paul George was Championship caliber player yeah right I I like Paul George a lot I’m a I’m a bigger fan of the potential move than you but that was interesting to you yeah that was very interesting now what about the reports that you had the Shams report last week that Phillies cooled off on him I find that hard to what do you think about that they need him they need a guy like that they have the cap space for him I think Phil is trying very hard to make it seem like they have the situation under control uh you know this is not Philly film school so we’re not going to spend a lot of time on them but like they there’s no more desperate team in the league this summer they have they have to do something with that moneyy and that’s part of the reason why I am going to Contin like a lot of people are like yeah don’t worry about Oobi he’s gonna come back Leon’s not GNA let him get away I I buy all of that and I think ultimately OG is gonna sign on the dotted line our our mutual friend Ian Begley when Ian comes on with you know with me last week and he says until I see OG fire CA as his agency I’m not going to be worried I’m going to take that to the bank all that being said if you’re Philly and you’re like okay well GE Paul George we don’t think he wants to come here so he’s not an option for us and then you start looking at it it’s like all right well you know Jimmy Butler we can’t get him for what we have to offer Like Pat Riley’s not going to do that and and he’s not going to let Jimmy Force his way here and like we’re not getting LeBron and Brandon Ingram doesn’t really do anything for us like pretty soon you get close to okay well why don’t we just screw over the Knicks offer OG the max and worse comes to worse you leave them in a tougher salary cap situation because they either let him walk for nothing or we got him so that’s why I’m kind of I do I am worried about Philly um I I don’t know if you’re Paul George do you want to go play in that environment I I’m not sure I do yeah ask ask Tobias Harris right so and then once once mbid goes down because you know he’s going to go down at some point with you know some sprain knee ligament some type of thing you know not wishing it on him but it’s his history then hey now it’s a lot more on you to to deliver in Philly yeah I don’t you know the thing like yes there’s a lot of attention in LA but like he gets to play for the Clippers yeah yeah it’s not the Lakers you know um and I feel like I don’t know maybe George doesn’t care about that stuff maybe he does and then oh and and then on top of that I’m sure you guys have talked about this the comments he made on his podcast recently about implying very strongly that maybe D Mor is not a guy that he wants to get into business with because of the lack of ability to trust him now money goes a long way so I you know maybe that doesn’t matter but it’s a very interesting situation and and really for as much as the George Domino is the first Domino on the player side the like Philly what they do is going to dictate a lot of other stuff so you know it they bear watching for sure yeah and you mentioned OG his date his player option date is today correct so we will find out which we could expect that he is going to opt out test the waters and he’s sitting pretty right now just as you said with the Philly situation that could push his number up with the Knicks where Scot’s reporting 35 a lot of people you talk to think it’s mid-30 some people I’ve talken to speak say it could be 40 I’m expecting that between 35 to 40 range I just like I’m going to go back to Fred cats who you have on as well as me said to me months ago like early in the season or middle of the Season like middle after they got OG anobi where he’s like OG’s reps are going to look at the Jeremy Grant contract where he got 32 a year and be like that’s dude’s getting 32 a year like I never in a million years did I think that he was going to get a dime less than 35 because there’s not a team out there who would rather have Jeremy Grant no offense to Jeremy Grant jemy Grant is a really great player he’s if you’re looking to win a championship you’d rather have ojan anobi on your team than Jeremy Grant so like the I always thought it would start at 35 yeah and then you know all you need is is is one one a-hole as they say so like that that a-hole is here it’s Philly like they have the ability to say nothing you want to hear my hot take if you’re the Pistons and maybe they’re going to look to tank next year I don’t know they don’t see like they know what they’re doing but if you’re the Pistons why wouldn’t you throw a Max at OJ and Obi for the Detroit what better thing do you have to spend your money on this summer fair you know Fair they have $60 million so I’m looking at it like man if you could get OG for under 40 annually good job you know that’s where I’m at at this point Josh B sends a fight out Super Chat salute to Josh B says does the Scotty Barnes extension hurt us does that mean we’re going to Max OG now let’s see what the what was the Barnes number did did you see that it’s it is a it is a Max with it’s the it’s the it’s the rookie Max which is 25% of the cap so I don’t know what the number is but it has in it the language which all of these rookie Maxes now have which is that if he makes lnba next year or I think it’s WIS defensive player of the year I think it’s the other one um it gets bumped up to a supermax so potential to be you know two 260 or whatever the heck it is um I don’t know again if like you tell me if you’re if you’re uh who who’s his M agent I know it’s Fred talked about this on his podt recently it’s not Sam Rose it’s it’s uh is it mince mince George Paul George no no OG’s agent oh no OG is uh yeah it’s not Rose it’s uh Brown it’s brown I don’t think it’s m it might be brown so okay so if you’re awesome Brown and you’re going into talk to your your good buddy your former boss Leon Rose and you’re like man OG my C he thinks he’s better than Scotty Barnes he thinks he’s more valuable to a team trying to win a championship right now than Scotty barns he could shoot like Scotty Barnes can’t shoot he could defend like Scotty Barnes can’t defend um he looked pretty good out there creating for himself in that that last game before he got hurt when he was the Knick’s best offensive player they wouldn’t have been in in game to if it wasn’t for ojan anobi um like that dude’s getting quarter of a billion dollars and you’re out here offering me know what he’s offering right now but like again I don’t think it helps even though this was probably always expected for Barnes to get the max you got to pay it man it is what it is whatever they ask for here you go buddy unless unless there is a very clearly defined and certain backup plan which I just I do I want to just say if you let OG walk for nothing or you or you it’s a it’s a sign and trade and then you get you know maybe some picks or something for you know let’s say I don’t know I can Envision scenarios where maybe it would be a sign a trail it’s not likely you then do one thing by doing that you take away your certainly your second apron concerns but realistically you take away your first apron concerns the reason why that matters potentially just throwing it out there is it allows you to make some types of Trades including if there was a Paul George trade in which you something you could be worked out with the Clippers where you kept Randall but then you’d have to do bogy and Mitch and realistically it would be Deuce um like in a where you could take back more money than you send out you can’t do that once you’re over the first apron you can’t send out more salary in a trade and um you know then you take back all of a sudden if the first apron is isn’t a concern you could do that and you could hard cap yourself because you’re not up against the first apron so like again I’m I’m trying to think of all the scenarios are the Nicks like is somewhere in the corner of their whiteboard this thing where it’s like well we really don’t want to pay OG this but so like if he leaves then we could potentially do this I don’t know I I agree with you I think OG needs to be kept at all costs i’ pay him essentially whatever it took to get him but I I there are there’s always things happening that we don’t maybe think of always scenarios no question about it let’s talk about the center rotation all signs point to as right now nothing guaranteed but all signs are pointing to iHeart and the Knicks coming to a deal potentially for the that full 4-year 72 million what do you think about iHeart the market and the latest news right now oh sign me up for that like yeah it’s it would be if you take out I did this a few weeks ago if you take out the guys like the centers who would would obviously be on a max if they were eligible so uh wanyama Chad homr and uh you might get maxed this summer but like Opera s June if you if you rather if you add in those guys putting putting hartenstein on a contract that would pay him an average of 18 million a year would make him roughly I think the like the again including those three rookies or guys on rookie contracts make him like the 17th highest paid Center in the league I think Isaiah hardenstein is a top 15 Center might be on the lower end of the top 15 but I think he’s a top 15 Center so like I think it’s a fair deal I think he’s instrumental to what they do on both ends of the floor and I just I don’t it doesn’t sound like they’re going to have any hesitancy to offer him the full four for 72 and I think he’s going to take it I don’t think and I think the like people talk about the thunder that kuso trade they’re goingon to have to pay Caruso in a year now yeah so lessens the possibility maybe that they want to go big for two years on somewhere on someone like Harden so I I feel pretty good that he’s going to be back but likewise and I also wonder you know the four years providing that stability from the Knicks team you have the chemistry with he’s established the home here he is going to be the starting five and we’ll talk about Mitch in a little bit I just feel like you know not knowing him personally obviously or what his motivations are it just seems like that’s something that he would take rather than a couple million dollars difference on a shorter term balloon contract where you got to kind of start over I think you you’d rather go for that security stick with the Knicks I I was worried about something like something stupid like two for like 55 or something like that like but it doesn’t again as of now it doesn’t sound like that’s coming whether it be from Oklahoma City Oran they’re really the the the team that you would worry about for for something like that shout out to my guy Tom from Huntington man $10 Super Chat to salute to the chat and the best show for the fans by the fans CP and Macker is the ultimate winning combination Earl and Clyde like no thanks to PG no thanks to Paul Georgie says what Championship has he won okay so Tom from Huntington is all the way out on uh on PG and speaking of Tom from hunon shout out to one of our sponsors of today’s show and that is at manscape fellas make sure that you guys go to use our code kftv for 20% off plus free shipping Okay so so that’s the the news right now on iHeart and now the trade Rumblings are kind of picking up around Mitch our guy the block Nest Monster uh first it was reported by by Evan cidery of fors magazine uh that who heard that Mitch could be on the Block Ian Begley shared the same and now uh Ian says that the Wizards were among the teams that the Knicks have spoken to on a potential deal man um does Mitch automatically too become a casualty by bringing IH hard and and OG back no I I don’t think so and I know you had uh again Bobby on Bobby was on our show a few months back and he actually I saw him going back and forth with John schm a little bit today on Twitter about whether the Knicks are going to be a second apron team and that’s really what we’re getting at here right do you move Mitch for financial reasons and I if it again I don’t want to bore people to sleep but like without if if you do away with the precious auua cap hold or the qualifying offer if you don’t tender him the qualifying offer and you wipe that 6 million off the books like you’re not really up against the second apron this year and I’m my two cents if you’re the Knicks and you’re like if it just came down to like would we rather have Mitchell Robinson or we rather have preter zoua I would think that they are going to want to have Mitchell Robinson even at his number versus what would I don’t know what a cha would would would get if on an eventual contract six seven8 million so I don’t think that’s a reason to move him I do think at this point like and I you know I talked about it on my show today it’s not that you can’t pay a backup center 14 million and it’s not that he’s not good enough to Warrant that expenditure even if he’s only playing 18 20 22 minutes a night it’s when you combine the injuries in too and it pains me to say this because I love Mitch I know you love Mitch you know he’s the longest 10e Nick which means something to me I know it means something to you too we were man me and you were back doing this stuff when this team was facts I’m gonna they yeah they were they were booty and we had one thing to look forward to every day right it was Mr like what tonight that was it man who’s three corter than Mitch block that that was it man that was the key attraction of most seasons most games and he’s one of one man there’s nobody like Mitchell Robinson from a personality standpoint from a player standpoint like there like combine the the the the defense pick and roll defense Rim protection offensive rebounding all that but I don’t know man if if you’re the Nixon you have to you’re accounting for all of this stuff is there a more cost efficient way to go at that spot now that you know you’re presumably with hardenstein back you have a guy who in a perfect world Isaiah hardstein is on the floor for 30 minutes a night right you know um it’s tough what are you getting for him I mean I’ve seen some some fake Wizards trades that I I I just like don’t don’t make a lot of sense but I don’t know Denny AIA that’s a that’s you could you can make that trade pretty much one for one um and you know he’s a nice player um more vers you know again we keep going back to how you gonna beat Boston yeah are you g to beat Boston by having multiple centers that only could kind of play in one scheme especially if they’re playing against a stretch five like kristofh porzingis or are you trying to add a little bit more versatility you know get a go get another big Wing who you know I know OBD is not the best shooter in the world but like he that dude could defend that dude could rebound like he could pass he could playmake he do a lot of things you know just again I’m making this up I don’t know if they’re interested in that but like I don’t know it’s an interesting question I’m with you in that it’s just my question is given that hartenstein is going going to be that five he’s more durable he’s more versatile with the with the offense defensively and his rebounding has has improved mightily since his since his first year with the team he’s been great for the team and so now it’s with that 15 million in Mitch given that he’s an injury liability are they better served filling in a hole somewhere else at the expense of Mitch now it might be a name where you say one for one well Mitch is a better player but does this one player help fill a potential need for the Knicks as they continue to look to shape this roster and and move forward and it’s about there’s always offshoots of these moves when you’re considering things so the offshoot of a potential Mitch trade where you’re trading him for a non- center which I think is what what they I would again I’m just guessing is what they’d be doing well can you replace him with someone that is not maybe as good as Mitch but is 80 85 90% of Mitch you know a name that’s been again Ian floated out there a few days ago goo baz now a lot of fans hear the name goo baz like who what like why why should I get excited well he was good enough to start for the magic for how you know whatever it was half the season last year he’s a serviceable center who could go out and do the job on both ends for 15 minutes a night and if you could get that guy for the taxpayer mid level exception which means you’re not hard capping yourself at the first apron um which I think they could I would guess that he’s not going to get more than $5.2 million um is that a a more feasible option especially when I’m going to keep bringing it back to the same thing you are looking ultimately at trying to beat a team like Boston where you may not want to have a traditional five on the floor for All 48 minutes of the game um I don’t think it’s nuts that’s all I’ll say Fair Point man salute to everybody in the chat once again hit the like button hit the share button and subscribe to the channel CP Macker on the ones and twos shout out to everybody watching on YouTube on Twitter on Facebook as well we are in here on this Monday man dissecting what will be an important next offseason no question about it let’s go to the Discord uh let me hear from Stilo man Stilo go ahead and unmute your mic 1212 check sir loud and clear let’s go man CP salute John hope yall are having a fantastic Monday start to the week likewise man uh my one thing about Paul George I don’t like it on its face but there is one scenario okay where I think that Paul George I’d start to entertain that idea and that’s when OG’s contract negotiations start to approach a Max contract the higher that number goes after he and I I’m not saying he will if we can keep him below you know 42 40 something like that God bless I’ll take that in a heartbeat but once he starts getting 45 48 something like that if Philly decides they’re just gonna throw money at him until he says yes if we decide to match that the higher that number goes the more that I sit here and I say can we pull off a trade for Paul George with OG and attach you know however many assets we need to because OG I mean let’s keep it a buck he was absolutely a pivotal player for us but he’s not a Max contract All-Star caliber player that he isn’t he’s not going to go out and get you 20 a game he shoots very well Paul George shoots better he also has more assists and more rebounds every stat barring blocks is better for Paul George so if OG starts getting to a Max contract number we need to start entertaining the idea of can we get better value for that elsewhere and I think Paul George can be an option all right appreciate the call man rate that call in the chat man one being trash five being facts would you guys thing about still Co Cole man go ahead man can I can I pee in the soup for a second yeah sorry um there’s only one problem with that I think he was angling towards getting OG potentially to agree to assign a TR LA right sign a trade yeah the problem is unless La wants to Vanquish James Harden’s cap hold which is some absurd number 50 million dollar I think um because and basically say goodbye to James Harden because going to sign I don’t know what he’s going to sign for it’s going to be but whatever the number is they’re so close up against the the uh first apron as it is whatever he signs for is going to put them over the first apron you are not allowed to acquire a player via sign and trade if you are a first apron team so that would and if you’re going to say all right well then the next um I mean that that there’s there’s really there’s just no way around it like the the Clippers would essentially need to offload money elsewhere on their roster to accom that that move which maybe they could do um but you’re you’re starting to get into lots of complications that would make that difficult to Envision on top of the fact that like again maybe ojan and Obi doesn’t maybe he doesn’t want to go play in LA like that you would have to you would have to convince him of of that and if you’re the Clippers and you don’t want to and you don’t want to Max Paul George do you want to Max oan anobi right right that’s why I can’t can’t really see it yeah if it’s an injury like because you’re if you’re not maxing Paul George near the Clippers the only reason you’re doing is because you’re worried he’s you’re going to get hurt right well so you’re gonna trade him out for a guy who gets who also gets hurt all the time I yeah I don’t I don’t know about that can’t see it 65738 31509 call us up with your questions and comments on the Nicks offseason or you can hit us up on the kftv Discord what do you want to do with the bogdanovich contract guaranteed date is uh the 29th 19 million what do you what do you what do you want to see them do with it um I think they should pick it up um because I I just think it’s long and the short of is if you don’t pick it up the reason you’re not picking it up is because you are you you are there’s someone that you see out there that you could get on the um non taxpayer midlevel which is 12.8 million I think to essentially replace bogey like give you give you better value for whatever you could get for Bogey and like I know we’re going to do I think a segment in a little bit in which we can talk about potential candidates for that and like there’s some interesting names out there I would just rather have that salary slot I know it comes with apron concerns and we don’t have to sit here and get fully into it but like they valued that so much at the deadline they were dead set on moving fornier not for an expiring contract otherwise who knows maybe they could had tus Jones but they wanted a guy with that second that second year option I think they did that for a reason I’d be shocked if this is where me and Jer my colleague jery Cohen we disagree on this vehemently he thinks they’re going to decline it i’ I’m consistent that I think they’re going to pick it up I think they should pick it up I’m with you I think they would you know I think that was the importance of holding on to that 48 deal until you could get someone where Fred had reported that for most of the Season that they still wanted to keep that flexibility with the next person that they would swap 484 and so now they get bonovich I don’t know I I just can’t see them declining that option and and letting letting him go there but I do think they will try to use it to upgrade at that spot uh look he gave you good shooting thought he came on strong near the end of the season Philly series you started to show some promise some pop but I think they’ve got to move away from the injury business the guys who have those the history right you can’t predict everybody’s injury but guys like OG guys like Bach Don they have that history I think they need to move away from that get younger try to get some more Wing depth obviously shooting will be good I’m looking at Atlanta man what what are the Hawks going to do they got the number one pick is De jonay Murray gonna go to the Lakers is he still an option they were interested last year Lakers were interested as well and I like DeAndre Hunter man I like DeAndre I wondering if that’s where you were going Hunter I like him as a sleeper pickup man it’s a lot of money for I think what he would be on the Knicks because I don’t I don’t think there’s a world where he starts in New York right like he’s you know and you’re talking what is he like 23 23 million this year and then I think it goes up to like 24 25 whatever it is it’s a he’s like he’s like he’s solid right he’s like solid across the board he’s like pretty good Defender he’s like pretty good three-point shooter is he making a positive difference for you in a playoff series I don’t know maybe the answer is yes and maybe we just haven’t seen it because he hasn’t been there because the Hawks have been kind of not a a great spot um I’ve thought about him this summer I have I’m not gonna lie I like to see what tis can do with him you know 68 gives you some versatility at the three of the four showed some promise early especially in that series against the Hawks I mean he was checking Julius he was Gard RJ he was doing a good job there he was all over the court he’s probably one of their best players in that series and like you said yeah he hasn’t really shown you much to say like all right this guy’s going to take the next step but I’d like to see him with tibs in this team man I think he could fill a nice role remember didn’t like yeah the Hawks went out of their way to get him because they didn’t they package because it was the he was the Lakers uh it was the Lakers pick that they got or no it was sorry it was the Pelicans pick because they it was the ad trade but then the Hawks went out of their way to like go get him he’s the fourth pick in the draft four the draft man you he came with a lot of Promise yeah yeah I know for sure it was like yeah I know it was a drop off after RJ in that draft but like that I don’t know maybe there’s still some meat on the bone there I I don’t think it’s nuts let’s get to your sleeper offseason acquisition your sleeper offseason acquisition is my sleeper offseason acquisition is the guy that I wrote to you about an hour ago who I’m going and looking up right now um oh okay so this is just like potential offseason trade acquisition right yes yeah yeah okay um Colin ston okay talk that Colin ston yeah so Colin seon is a guy that I haven’t really heard come up in connection with the Knicks maybe his name floated around the deadline last year um but the thinking is like well you know you do business with Utah you’re going to pay out the nose it’s going to get ugly I like seon from this perspective he’s a guy guy who has really come around as a shooter um over the course of his career I think he’s a solid you know catch and shoot guy like he you teams have to guard him behind the arc which is important um and he yes he’s small and yes he probably you know gets into bad you know situations a little too big for his britches like we saw against Jaylen BR last year but he’s he’s feisty he defends I think you could play him next to Brunson I think you could play him next to Deuce even though he’s whatever he is 6’2 63 and he is a guy that can like he I hate to use the the overused term but he’s kind of a bucket like if you he’s a guy that can go get you points and how does he do it he does it in the way that Nicks the Knicks love he drives the ball yeah that’s all that guy does is he drives consistently relentlessly he’s tenacious around the rim in in more way than one the reason I’m not 100% on it and I’m more like like 85% on it is you’re just you’re making your team smaller and now all of a sudden it’s like okay so we got Brunson Deuce sexon Divan chenzo and Hart that’s five of your yeah eight or nine rotation players whatever it is and they’re all six4 or shorter so I don’t love it from that perspective but like this just for me goes to show how I don’t think there is an ideal guy out there that’s like you know below a certain level of of player might not be perfect but not a bad idea man like in the past these guys whether it was seon and Deon Murray I didn’t necessarily like for the Knicks but now that I’ve seen how far they’ve come in this past run and just looking out you know how they need to just Tinker with the roster a little bit I do like him coming off the bench man like that Tandon with him and Deuce would be good we need more shooting efficiency we’ve done a good job of improving there with Divan chenzo and DEA steps have been incredible OG’s been incredible there so adding ston would add to that mix and like you said I I I feel like we need more guys who can attack the rim and finish at the rim and he was he was one of the best in the league and his draw rates are good his his his fouling draw rates are pretty good man so he is a gamer man what is tibs love rebounding guards exactly exactly he is a gamer so I think he would kind of fit in here the question is it’s just what what does Utah want to do No One Ever Knows What Danny a is thinking they kind of stuck in like this no man’s land they have some young talent but you know they’re in the west man it’s tough and and without drafting it’s hard for them to or or making a big trade it’s hard for them to acquire players um you would like I don’t I’m not a big draft guy but like you hear already that the 25 draft is supposed to be like pretty good like it’s it’s there’s not WBY at the top but like it’s tank worthy I guess would be the way to say it and there’s like there’s going to be so many teams trying to win like are they if they keep sexon like presumably they’re going to want to keep marketing too you know like are they too good to tank in that scenario I don’t know I mean there’s a lot of good teams out west I’m I’m curious to see what the J I think the Jazz are like this was my sleeper Target the Jazz are like my sleeper team for the next week or or so like where where are they going um because I think they could go in any number of directions and I wouldn’t be surprised your midlevel pick if they had the full which is about 12.9 your full mid-level exception pick if if the Knicks have that available to them I think it’s going to cost close to the full midlevel to get this guy and that’s Naji Marshall uh from New Orleans he is uh seemingly a victim of circumstance a team that has all of the big wings you know putting aside Brandon Ingram uh Murphy the third and and obviously herb Jones like these guys are are awesome and um Naj Marshall is kind of got caught out has never really maybe gotten the consistent playing time now fair question would he get that consistent playing time here I I don’t know maybe maybe not but if you um if you buy the three-point shooting from last year and again that he was not a good three-point shooter for three years of his career and then last year he he took off he was making a lot of Threes if that’s real with his defense at his size that’s a guy that like every team in the league would want for the the mid-level is it real like do the Knicks have the minutes for him again it’s it’s imperfect but he’s he’s a guy that I like I like him man Wing depth shop damn near 40 from three 67 and just like you said with with New Orleans and and I was reading this um fre forgot from where New Orleans has never paid the luxury tax no in their 20y year existence so you have Jones you have Murphy who they love Ingram a lot of you know a lot of people speculating that he could get traded even have like a guy like a Dyson Daniels I mean they have a lot of guys at that Wing Spot so could Marshall be a guy who could who could fall out of that wouldn’t be a bad idea man I I think there’s going to be competition for his like if I was a like again we talk about Detroit if I was a a a bad team now again is he is is like Nigi Marshall gonna go in there and into a bad team and like change things no he’s not that sort of player but like I think he’s a guy you make a bet on you know young youngish player I’m intrigued by Derrick Jones man oo Derek Jones now tus Jones tus Jones was one of my my midlevel picks I don’t know if if he’s going to command more is the Mitch deal a potential swap there a signning trade type of Swap and then I also think like you know Bruns is going to be playing northwards a 35 minutes a night is Ty Jones really going to come here just for you know that backup spot I don’t know is that enough minutes for him the thing about and this is the tough part about Jones is well two things one he was just a starter full-time starter 30 minute and night guy for the first time of his career is he gonna want to go someplace where he is yeah he like brunson’s Gonna Miss games and he’ll start those games and probably P 45 minutes in those games but like you know he’s not gonna play with Brunson in a like any moments any minutes with Brunson in a big spot it’s just too big of a target for a good opposing team I just it’s that’s where I that’s where I I have trouble Derrik Jones is the other guy filled a nice role for the Mavs now you’re hearing Jeremy Grant potentially them being interested in him I think they do need a bit of an upgrade there so he’s a journeyman who could potentially find another home good Wing versatility I think that’s very important for me this offseason especially if you’re going to consider bringing OG back at a high number they need Wing depth whether it’s through the draft or somehow free agency vet minimum whatever it is they they have to bring more Wings in here DK Jones is a guy on my target list you can’t have enough of these guys which is why you know again I I spotlighted Marshall and like you know I know the three-point shooting you know it wasn’t couldn’t quite make it all the way across the finish line for Mavs it kind of petered off there in the finals but like this is a guy who once upon a time like he wasn’t shooting from outside the paint right for or like early in his career the fact that he’s confidently taking above the break three you know in the finals that’s that that means something to me I again I I think he’s a guy if I again if I’m a team looking to win I I would spend a big portion of my mid-level on on him let’s go to the phones here with the people after to say man 518 518 what’s your name where you calling in from this is uh OG d d from upstate New York oh GE salute man if you’re on the speaker phone please get off the speaker phone yes much better much better hey um how you doing CP and uh J Jona I love that that’s great that’s a good one man okay well um I’mma Be Quick I’m just going to make a statement and then I’m G ask a question uh the the statement is uh um Bernard King is the greatest Nick ever and H Brown is the greatest Nicks coach ever second um I don’t think anybody that uh that we’ve been discussing or what people have been discussing over the last few weeks about who we can potentially get and uh what trade we could possibly make and uh I um I think the goal is to win a championship and I don’t think any of those players really tip scale as much as what we had last year and uh I don’t know it lends to me saying again that I think we should run it back but uh even in the draft I think they should look at a a shooting because this is a three-point uh uh League now and uh a de and defense and uh I think that’s about it thank you appreciate the call man appreciate the call yeah I mean look I I I don’t think think you could look at these moves as the Savior move it may not be there and the Knicks may not need that uh you know look each year they’ve been adding to their core bringing more guys who fit tibs as mold the chemistry’s gotten better Brunson has taken his team to another level let’s see what what Randall looks like let’s see if they run this thing back with Julius and they can get to April healthy January is not when the final starts January’s not when the Playoff starts January was a good sample but April is a completely different time when players are coming in at different levels it’s hard it’s hard to get to that point let’s see what they look like because you just never know if those two guys are coming together they’re in their healthy couple of bench upgrades that might be all they need we just don’t know yet I like the Savior thing like why do you bring in a franchise savior like the there’s different ways to look at that like a true savior guy can like you know guarantee you 50 wins a year right if if you put the right infrastructure around him but at the end of the day you you want the guy who in the last five minutes of a close game when it’s your best guy versus my best guy we feel confident in our guy and that’s we already have that guy like I there there aren’t I the amount of guys I would say I would trust over Jaylen Brunson in the last five minutes of a close game I could count those guys on on one hand and so then it becomes about well how do you keep Jaylen Brunson fresh so that he is at his best for those last five minutes and that’s where I think all of these conversations become interesting because it’s not again it is it might not be about going to getting the sa it’s just about building the best possible infrastructure the soundest infrastructure where you are can withstand injury ideally get guys who don’t get injured in the first place and I don’t think that there’s a one-size fits-all mattt maybe it is running it back I don’t I wouldn’t hate it if they ran it back next year I don’t think that’s the craziest idea in the world at all at this point they might not have a choice so you have you might have mid-level you get OG taken care of you get ihar taken care of fortify the bench now let’s let’s go draft I mean it’s so hard to predict where they go they they’re they’re very unpredictable every year in the draft right could they trade up could they trade back what do you think they do with these three picks I I don’t think they make all of them right that’s what let’s start there yeah know I don’t I don’t know what what it’s going to be it’s tough because the fundamental the fundamental issue is people are speculating like the Knicks are trying to trade out of one of these picks okay great you’re not getting a future first for the 24th or 25th pick in this draft just not no team is going to give you a future first for these one of these picks in these drafts in this draft which means you have to do something more creative again I’m not going to we could go through 100 scenarios check out you know the Nicks Film School pod that dropped today in which Jeremy literally went through all the possible scenarios I I think they will end up with a player like again Ian has predicted that they will get a guy at least one guy with one of these picks who will help them potentially this year so you know shooting like you said got to bring in a shooter um although like you know there’s also this Ryan dun smoke right who is a guy who is absolutely not a shooter but he might be the best defend probably is the best offender in the draft like do you take a project like that and just leave him in Westchester for a year or two I don’t know I tend to like my guy that I’m I’m kind of on and I haven’t like watched a ton of tape on him but Tyler KCK out of um out of uh marqu Marette uh yeah I like he could he seems like he’s a guy you know graduating seeing you come in and give you minutes if you need next year feisty backup point guard type like would fit in like you got to get someone who fits in with the culture like what they what they’re trying to do and make sense on on the court so I he’s just a guy I have my my eye on yeah makes sense I mean look if they feel like they can they can get done to respectable shooting percentages hey take a swing on them it would be ideal if they can get somebody who’s Plug and Play ready you get some rookie value out of that contract especially the way that you have to navigate the CBA that’s ideal so so let’s see what What They Come Away with man do you want to draft the center I wouldn’t mind it I I I definitely wouldn’t mind it you know getting another guy in here I’m I’m not sure about Sims you know he’s another guy I like he’s working but you like him right he’s a nice guy yeah’s super guy but I don’t know man the simulation just hasn’t been getting it getting it done it doesn’t doesn’t look too promising but but it’s early um but yeah I could we could definitely use some Center depth definitely Wing depth and they feel like kic is a guy who who can come in and and uh contribute right away hey take take a flyer on them all right let’s go a couple more on the phones 646 what’s your name where you calling in from TY standing on the desk talking next baby Ty Clemens he’s at work man first show he called he said he was under the desk he was whispering man he had this Library voice on but he still got his point across Ty let’s go man listen man you called it we need to get you in the nick organization we need to go hard after mry and then find backup for OG to limit his minutes and then we going to do it that’s what I feel that we need to do to get it right and I feel that Leon like I said I believe him he’s save he’s gonna do what he need to do to get it done let’s go man appreciate the call Ty every time it’s Ty Clemens checking in from work man 862 what’s your name where you calling in from 862 hello yes sir yo what’s going on bro my name is Matt I’m from North Jersey what’s going on how we doing man listen man I just wanted to bring up how everyone keeps talking about trading Mitch man you know and and Mitch you know he’s been here for a minute he’s I understand he’s not always healthy and you know he you know he’s not always on the court when you need him to be but the thing is like the return that we can get from this guy in the market is that really something that you can outweigh when it comes playoff time this guy locked up a former MVP he’ll give you 48 minutes of that and if we have ihart on on starting lineup you know what I mean like he’s not going to get as much exposure in the paint get hurt as much I really think we should we should look into keeping Mitch you know and maybe try developing a nice rookie to come off the bench okay all right it’s fair it’s fair point God wants to keep the block Nest monster man Mitch just bought a house in Nashville he’s out in Nashville this weekend I had fans saw yeah Mitch was out there with the people bought a new house in Nashville so and Nashville’s wonderful I have my wife’s family bunch of them live over in Nashville in like Franklin Nashville area great spot I I would wouldn’t blame anybody for B it’s developing quite nicely I’ve been there once a couple years ago on a business trip it’s developing nicely man 91734 what’s the name where you calling in from 917 gentlemen there he is number one thank you for let’s go thank you for taking my call okay you already know Rapid Fire King let’s go from Huntington um CP the connector the originator uh MRE the true fan okay the true fan just want to say this um I’m picking up bogdanovich’s option only if he gets a haircut um his only value is an asset uh is his contract that’s number one are you saying he’s got to get rid of the bird’s nest are you saying he’s got to get rid of the bird’s nest he’s gotta yeah you know what when you only have 30 cents in the bank account you close the account there’s nothing left let it go buddy it’s okay it’s okay I’m folically challenged myself God Bless America all I got to say is um Let It Go that’s number one and get him out of here please um great guy thank you high five thank you um PG forget about that I like the deante Murray thing we need I want to go younger man let’s let’s stop with this over 30 thing I get it if they can give you an immediate impact like Drew holiday did for the Celtics that’s great but you know what at at where we are we have that nice mix let’s get some young guys in there too maybe through the draft I I love dun is was it Ryan dun love to get him in here but let’s get both let’s get like a promising uh player that can play now like maybe an older player from college like that guy that good shooter Baylor I forgot his last name um get a guy that can shoot and then get a project you could put on the bench because I I’m I don’t want these I don’t want Charlie Brown Charlie Murphy I don’t want any of these guys on the bench like that we need we need to get stronger we need to and I love Charlie Murphy rest in PE yeah um we need to get get stronger on the bench that’s basically where I’m coming from um let’s go NS is going to be a big week can’t wait to see more of your shows both of you um have a wonderful day and uh uh let’s go manscape no testimonial let’s go Tom from Huntington man five star Call Shout Out My Guy Tom man always rep man CP you you like Murray right yeah you’re not worri about him don’t love him I I don’t love him but I think at this stage in the game I gotta see what the cost is I got to see if Landry is willing to give us a little bit of a deal now I just worry about the fit in the starting five I I I love I I irrationally so full admit yeah I I love Deon chenzo fit in the starting five and and taking that out and replacing it with a guy who you know wants the rock a little bit more and isn’t quite the the threat from Deep that’s it’s the only thing with with Murray that that if he was willing to come off the bench and like go for a six Man of the Year award yeah promise him 30 minutes a game whatever like I’d be all for it I I I don’t know that’s where worldwide West has to come in and play here he’s got to sit down with Rich I need Rich down West and Deon in in the room right the best Italian spot we got here in the city man what what’s the best spot in the city right now best Italian spot oh is it still like Rous uh uros arturos is is uh Carbone is I’ve so we Tak him to Carbone right that’s that’s where all the young kids that’s where the in crowd’s at these they take them to Carbone they would let me in there sit them down and say listen we need you to sacrifice it didn’t work with Trey he’s a bum don’t worry about them it hasn’t worked out in San Antonio you sacrifice deuce and de jante Off the Bench let’s go for it man I’m picturing the scene in The Godfather what take it take him to that restaurant and then go get the gun strapped in the toilet that that’s the only thing um why I’m like H probably not likely but never know never know if if he’s willing to to sacrifice him and tibs him and Deuce off the bench he’s hell of a player like the dude again talk about guy who gets buckets like he he gets buckets I I I’d like to see them take that chance but we we’ll see what happens there okay I want to get to you know this this worst take segment has really been taken off man this is where we re this is where we react to the sound bites around the NBA podcast fear and so for today’s edition of of worst take I’m going to start with uh Kevin Garnett him and Paul Pierce were on the uh the kg certified podcast and they had a couple things to say about the Knicks so let’s uh hear what kg have to say has to say and and uh let’s react to it here here we go now here’s kg man next year the [ __ ] bro we got to pull up to that we going to have to pull up to that I need to see that in real cuz that is to me the Knicks are built to challenge this Celtic team when you go back I think they need one more piece no no hit me out bro you you see this is what you’re not thinking about you got a [ __ ] point guard who’s a closer he’s activated you’re not going to d none of his Lord know how to score on a 65 67 real talk your small forward he can score on then you got an animal who’s been in the cage [ __ ] shakeing right man Rand man I’m putting money on Randle dis year Robinson he is one of the old heads who just wants to do his job I want a rebound and offens to rebound throw me a lob every now and then I’m the new Tyson chanler you got to have [ __ ] ain’t even talking about bogey over here [ __ ] don’t even know they got bogy they don’t even know they got banovich over there banovic the catching and if you ain’t there say yeah in your head yes I’d must break you yes bogey you know me you know I mean I feel like deino turned into him man man three divin don’t even get get hard they all been activated the kid the white kid who didn’t even start came off and gave him great minutes what’s my man name in the middle what’s his name hardstein hardenstein dog that’s man yeah the left white kid he should all them [ __ ] stepped up man McBride all them [ __ ] they should man listen Nicks they can stay healthy Pete that’s going to be the AST that if they if they can stay healthy this is to me Philly and and the New York Knicks to me are going to be the two teams that I think they give the Celtics a chance or I mean what saying all right man what do you think kg says it’s it’s the Knicks give the Celtics the biggest the bigest run for their money next year man your thoughts I agree with him that the Knicks if you look at the East are probably the team that is best constructed to give the Celtics a run for their money I say probably because I everybody has that team that they can’t quit I can’t fully quit the Bucks I know they were a disaster this year but just like and they need to figure out their depth and maybe there’s obviously there’s Rumblings that they may rejigger some important pieces on the roster but like I’m not willing to to write them off quite yet um tough year for Dame personally so maybe he get you know puts that behind him um but no I don’t think it’s a crazy take I guess the the the P I I I hate that I have to be the one to do this but the push back that I would have as far as like again the Celtics are just constructed that any weak spot you have they’re going to be able to exploit it that’s how they’re built it doesn’t matter what your weak spot is they could exploit that week spot and the the Knicks will present a presuming they run it back right it’s like okay well you got two prominent players in Brunson and Randall who were kind of defensive liabilities for different reasons you have a traditional kind of traditional five that you’re playing at all times so how does that jive with trying to guard KP or whoever whatever you do with him and then you know on the other end it’s like you got you just all of these guys that they put on the floor that can take whoever off the dribble and and and create a a one-on-one advantageous matchup um I it’s it’s it’s tough but I I I agree that I think all things considered they’re still the best the best rival for Boston yeah I’m with you I think they can be that that number two seed there we’ll see what Philly does if they get Paul George and and you have a an MB that can play for you know a good three quarters of the Season obviously you have to put some respect on their name I’m not ready to count out the Bucks just yet I’m with you let’s give them another year see what that looks like with a healthier Middleton yeah Dame in a better situation seemed like there was a lot of off court stuff that was distracting him there you know Giannis do well let’s see what happens there um Miami I you know I’m not really worried about I think you probably have to put some respect on the paac’s name could they’ be in that like fifth spot so I I think two is doable for the Knicks it’s Julius for me man is is he going to be there when they need him Brunson alone is is and Brunson alone and and his band of merry men and a good depth is not going to be enough to beat Boston as you stated one through five all at varying degrees of skill level they can put the ball on the floor they can create for each other they play smart like you that’s the type of team that you’re going to need to go up to to put up against Boston like you’ve got to be able to work you’ve got to be able to think and make good decisions against that team you know and is a coincidence you just put through in the you got to be able to think and make good decisions right after you talked about it comes down to Julius no not a coin no coincidence at all if you told me that we were going to get the best version I’m not even talking about like the 100 percentile version of Julius yeah the 88 perti version of Julius Randle in a series against the Celtics next year I would with all my chest Nick Nick’s going to take that serious if I knew that we were going to get the the like the a version maybe like between the A and the a minus version for seven games because that guy there there is no you can’t you have to put two on the ball doesn’t matter if you’re the best defense in the league which I think Boston is arguably you have to come he bends everything because he’s that good he’s that dangerous um are we getting that player if we could it would be fantastic because then you got you got dvon chenzo out there you’ve got OG out there on the wings it’s a completely different story you know this spot up opportuni version of jul get that back getting that back can we get Jaylen Brunson easier opportunities and just having a you know dribble his way in into uh press defense light in the workload no question about it what do you guys think in the chat man leave some comments in the chat so to everybody in the chat once again hit that thumbs up button for you boys okay one more on the worst take scene and this wasn’t really a take it was more of a prediction but a lot of people around the Nicks Twitter sphere are responding to it so let’s talk about it this is from the Craig carton show and uh Craig Carton has a particular player who he sees as the perfect spot or in a spot of interest when it comes to the Knicks here we go I I know who the Knicks I know who the Knicks have had conversations about somebody tell us there’s I’m going to tell you there is a player that I don’t think they can get but I know who’s number one on an extreme list I know this and it’s a fact it’s 100% just trust me on it I’ve said it on the show before the New York Knicks if they could make it happen and figure it out would like to add Anthony Davis to the roster that’s the guy that they want more than any other player in the league what do you think about that so you sent me this clip yeah and I didn’t know who he was gonna say because I I don’t pay attention to this stuff very much yeah I don’t think it’s crazy I really don’t think it’s crazy because again for the eenth time maybe this will be the last time I have to do this but if you’re talking about beating Boston right what is what is the one archetype of a player you maybe want putting aside like elite shot creator with size what’s the one archetype that you want you want a the Uber switchable versatile defensive big man who you cannot play off the FL you cannot put into compromising situations whether you have a stretch five or not and and can also like protect the rim like he could do everything like Anthony Davis I don’t think we need to argue this like when he’s healthy and when he’s going he’s top three defender in the sport like full stop um I had him top three on my defense player of the year ballot this year um uh and it’s at a position where like we’ve just ex extol the virtues of Isaiah hartstein and like Mitchell Robinson it is a I love is say hardstein he’s not Anthony Davis you know on either end of the floor and it’s like just an obvious position of upgrade if here’s the big if you can keep your other main pieces but as it always comes back to it’s like and we don’t have to get into this because it’s just like pie in the sky thing but like what are you giving up to get him like you have to build a $40 million in salary essentially because if you want to you know basically do dollar for dollar um that’s tough $40 million is a lot of money are you giving up Julius in that deal like I don’t you know I don’t I don’t know so need more information but like from a theoretical perspective like I don’t I don’t think it’s crazy yeah I I don’t think it’s crazy by by any stretch um certainly the the player of his caliber uh of his profile like you said going up against the Celtics having that type of Versatility because that’s certainly what Boston has the the more versatile you can be I think the better off the Knicks are and then offensively I think he’d be perfect playing off for Jaylen Brunson as well oh question question saw that in in the 2020 I look jayen Brun is not LeBron James I get it but like we’ve seen him be the finisher the the number two guy who all he has to do is finish like he didn’t have to create a ton on that 2020 Lakers team he can do a little bit of that but like you I don’t think the Knicks would need him to no I I don’t think so uh question is how long does this LeBron ad JJ reic experiment last you heard reports earlier this week or last week that you know he he’s on the ouch with R because reck didn’t put him on the NBA all defense team I can’t believe that to be true anything’s possible I just can’t believe that to be true so the question is how long does this whole thing and it all revolves around LeBron and bronnie and all that how long does that whole thing last and at what point does AD look to sever that tie if at all because you know he’s so deep with within clutch with LeBron and Rich Paul would even entertain something like that I mean I’d love to know I’d love to have been a fly on thewall at the alleged the peace treaty you know if what would you pay for a transcript of that me facts facts I need someone who was there to uh to to put that out there man maybe Draymond leaks it you know one day who knows maybe he leaks it one day I who was in the room that’s what I want to know just give me the list of who’s in the room that’s all I want to know yeah well we’ll check with our guy Robert Randolph maybe he was there man maybe he was probably there he was actually he was in charge of the meeting brought that’s it the minds together yeah Craig Carton says trust me on this one I think he went to the the Robert Randol School of sources man so there that is man but either way man great show oh actually you know we got one more call one more call let me get to it um who’s this on the Discord Carlo check it in from the Philippines Carlo let’s go Carlo CP and John how you doing man what’s up uh it’s it’s 1:30 a.m. here right now I have to lower my voice for a bit since my wife and son are sleeping in the other room okay uh just just a rapid far comment uh I I I think I already mentioned this take on your Facebook page uh it might be a worst take as well and I know you guys are sick of hearing Mall Bridges and the Nets won’t send him to the next directly but let me insinuate him again in this trade discussion uh my suggestion is we make a three-way trade with the Raptors Raptors trade pick and whoever they want for Bridges then we let it simmer they let it simmer for a while then the next trade Bodega noncore players and picks to the Raptors just like what the Bucks and the Blazers did for Dam and Drew holiday now you would you would ask why would the Raptors do that uh they owe us from that data Bridge incident from last year and if I were the nck if I were the nyck if they pull that off I would dis I will disregard that lawsuit and bur the hatchet so tell me what you think my suggestion and thank you for accepting my call Carlo checking in from the Philippines what do you think man um I mean I I I’m not breaking any any news here I I like Mel bries a lot really really good basketball player I don’t know um if so based on how the Nets have talked about like it’s not quite Apples to Apples like the the the bucks had to give up Drew holiday to get otherwise they there was no way functionally for them to get Dame and they tried from everything you see reported tried mightily to turn it into a three- team deal so to avoid the very thing unfolding that unfolded which is him eventually going to their arrival the Nets have no such imperative to trade M Bridges so I I I have to think if there is a team out there whether it’s a raptor or anybody else who gave up what it seems like it would cost to get M from Brooklyn and I don’t even know what that would RJ’s probably in that deal right I would have to think so if for no other reason than for for salary purposes and like to get you know like to get a something of significance back uh well whatever it’s neither here nor there but like whatever A team’s going to give up they’re going to give up a lot of stuff I don’t think they’re just going to then turn around and flip maau to the Knicks for whatever you know the knck would happen the fans are hoping man they’re hoping for a miracle I I just don’t see it ever happening to be completely honest anything’s possible I just I just don’t see it man what I’m gonna ask you one one F what would surprise you more M Bridges is on the Knicks or Anthony Davis is on the Knicks maau Bridges really you said that without hesitation wow I they haven’t traded with each other since the 80s I mean Shawn marks and and Joe saiah can pretty much they might as well just go really go back to New Jersey because the the level of irrelevance that that team has been through or or that team is currently under it’s a this is a one- team town it’s a one team town man but yes obviously I I can’t see it I’d be much more surprised to see Macau bridges on the Knicks than Anthony Davis within the next you know year or two uh Harrison Doan go ahead and close us out man what’s up guys can you hear me yep lad clay how you feel hey I’m feeling good just on my lunch break uh what’s up Jonathan up TP good to hear from you guys nice man likewise yeah I’m Gonna Keep it rapid fire I hear all these MIT Rob rumors and I don’t like it I don’t like replacing him with Goa baz I just don’t think he’s good and you know Orlando just played against Cleveland in a seven game series and baz played 10 minutes in all seven games true you know I’m not convinced either that t guy and it’s Cleveland it’s the team that Mitchell Robinson almost singlehandedly decimated in the playoffs last year yeah so I I don’t think we should just trade Mitch Rob just to trade him I understand you’d be putting 30 million into your Center core but with the salary cap going up and with Brunson possibly even giving us a discount I I don’t see why we should just trade Mitch just to trade him because I think that onew punch of IH hard and Mitch Rob is an factor in the playoffs for sure fair fair points man appreciate the call and you know I don’t think they they’re looking to trade him for trading them sake but it’s about having options it’s about having scenarios especially in this offseason where anything could go down you just you can’t predict it they’re not going to trade him just to trade him they’re not going to trade him purely for financial reasons it’ll be be because they think they are making their basketball team better when it’s whatever between that move and whatever other moves coincide with it um and it but ultimately it comes and I think this is what the caller was getting at it’s a good point the Knicks need to decide is Mitchell Robinson maybe not a necessity but like is he a luxury or is he vital to their core and I could I think there were decent Arguments for both sides but I I certainly sympathize with anybody who is taking that that caller side on Mitch well said man great show shout out to everybody who tapped in man I thought we really dissected this thing and got down to it covered all the bases what do you guys think man Paul George Mitchell Robinson NBA draft there’s a lot going on this week it’s going to be a busy week but make no mistake man we got you covered Man nck film School Nix Fant TV we will have you covered for the entire NBA offseason so make sure you guys are tapping in hit the like button hit the share button and subscribe to the channels uh Macker probably next time we link up will be in Vegas still trying to figure out the summer league move it’s looking like potentially July 14th will be the Nicks fan Meetup so for for fans looking to meet us out there in Vegas summer league is a great opportunity man to come through and and check out some hoops a lot of the young NBA players will be out there obviously you’ll have to hold bronny James will be the highlight there as well we’ll see who the Knicks pick and if they play but definitely try to meet us out there in Las Vegas is going to be a great great opportunity and uh stay tuned for more details on the Meetup for sure man so let me get back to a couple more Super chats and and then we’ll wrap up Dela Music 50 fight out Super Chat says uh sorry no more BS for you out the door via my Knicks the train is done left the station bye-bye Paul George we have have a nice life elsewhere so he’s out on the Paul George uh rumors and shout out to K maros says I wish the NBA had unlimited cap like the MLB CU I don’t want to lose any of our guys you need to do more shows together love y’all both man K Marco salute and hey if there’s no salary cap ni be the Yankees man but that’s just uh you know the the Decks that we’re playing with here and it is what it is man got to got to deal with those cards uh Mack what what do you got on deck for this week man let the people know what’s going on uh what do we got on Deck um usual array of PODS I think we got uh the great Fred cats uh I think I’m pretty sure we’re recording with him later today uh we’re doing a big live show for on draft night uh Chris Percy aan shout out to him he’s been heading up our our draft coverage for a while so um check out that and then you know like you do anytime news breaks we’ll be there you know live on the ni PP school YouTube channel um and uh yeah I guess the last thing if you’re around the Garden on draft night Wednesday night uh I’ll be in the lounge at uh pen 6 great spot uh be some some giveaways I believe uh uh former Nick Gerald Wilkins will be there sign autographs and doing some pictures and and things so uh yeah shout out to p for hosting that on Wednesday but uh yeah man I’m just excited for whatever we got in store my my Fearless prediction is that a week from right now we will have something to talk about there we go as we always do man well once this thing you know finalizers or gets to a cruising altitude whether it’s Vegas or back here man let’s let’s get back up and we’ll react to everything uh for everybody at home thanks again for tuning in remember that this show is available in audio podcast format no reason to miss it if you did shout out to the replay gang salute to you guys for always holding us down and remember to support our sponsors man use our code kfv for 20% off plus free shipping go ahead and check out a number of manscapes great products man and they Shi to a number of locations so no need to miss out but as Tom from Huntington said no testimonials just go out there and get it man no testimonials man so anyway great show everybody we’ll see you guys uh tomorrow for our mock draft as we get ready for the NBA draft this week man have a great day we’ll see you guys next time peace

Knicks Offseason Central: Knicks Want Paul George?! | NYK WAS Mitch Trade w/ Jonathan Macri


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  1. We don’t need PG I don’t understand why do we need him. Ok we need a shooting guard but not someone who is injury prone and old smh.

  2. I was screaming for this last season, but if this shit actually happens ima be pissed. 29 vs 34 years old 😂.

  3. Give me grant at 32 instead of og at 35-38 at least he not hurt all the time. They about the same guy

  4. Why are the Knicks even considering over the hill stars who better days are behind them? and you would have to give up alot for him and he is like 35 and is always hurt lol, I dont like it at all!

  5. 4 years for George is too big of a commitment at this point in his career. Maybe 2 with a team option Paul.

  6. PG is injury prone and in his mid 30s. OG is very injury prone. Both players are. Not worth signing nor trading for

  7. You trade for Paul George if you can keep Randle and OG. Give them 3 or 4 1st Rd picks, Boogey and another filler.

  8. Not feeling PG trade at all. Too old, expensive, and injury prone. Dante will continue to improve, as will Deuce. I would rather get Mikal Bridges (if we can) or D. Murray from the ATL. Otherwise #runitback.
    On another note, a suggestion: The Liberty are the best team in the W right now. Would be good to give them a segment or two during the offseason.

  9. Am I the only one who sees Jericho Sims as a potential back center? Yes, he looks lost half of the time he’s out there, but the more you play him, the more he’ll look comfortable and knowing his spots. Deuce will also grow into a solid back up as well. With the changes I believe we need to make – I am a huge supporter of Mitch – he averaged more offensive rebounds than a handful of teams before he was injured – but with his injury history – he was barely walking on the floor during the playoffs – it’s hard to justify his contract. Trade him for a shooter. Bojan can be that shooter that we’re looking for – he just needs to stay healthy. We only saw a sample size of him last year. Didn’t seem like he didn’t adapt to New York basketball yet.

  10. If we have to overpay for OG, how will that affect Jalen Brunson being that he is giving the Knicks a hometown discount on his contract extension this summer? Just asking.

  11. Scotty Barnes getting $270 mil not going is not a good look for the Knicks with OG. OG could put Barnes numbers no problem but he is the 3rd or sometimes 4th option on the team. I doubt OG is going to take less $38-40 mill

  12. No PG. We want an older player, with injury history, to continue to be a great defender and also score and stay healthy?

  13. Why Deandre? Instead of bogy? I guess.. frank and Knox where high picks w a lot of promise too

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