@Detroit Pistons

Is This the Start of a MASSIVE TURNAROUND for the Detroit Pistons?

Is This the Start of a MASSIVE TURNAROUND for the Detroit Pistons?

Tom gors and we talked about the Jeff rer question yeah all right and he he came at him pretty hard mhm and I thought that Tom a to make himself available to do the one on ones to answer that type of question I thought for as great of a question as it was Tom bottom line this is all I ask for yeah and this is where I’m going to go with this for you got a weird look on your face right now H you just get have a little twinkle in your eye when you talk about Tom goris all the time okay here all right okay flannel well here’s why okay here’s why because we get to ask a question like that what does he say we haven’t won enough we have to win more yes I know that I’m aware of that we have to do better he doesn’t say uh here go talk to Tran right he stands there and takes the shot and as I’ve always said and look no one’s been harder on Tom Gores in this room than Spencer raxer y but he can delineate the two mhm and say at least that Tom gors if there’s a check to be written he writes it if there’s a move to be made he makes it has it worked no it hasn’t not even close they’re the’re they’ve been a dogwater franchise since 2009 I’m just saying well I mean like they did take a swing and did make the playoffs like you can’t it’s not like they’ve been sitting here being the Charlotte Hornets you know what I’m say the charlot Hornets have had more success in the past 15 years in the Pistons have right but I’m saying though they they took a swing did it work out no even though I mean I guess structurally it kind of did you got analytically the best year of Blake Griffin’s career you did I know that’s not the narrative because that’s not what people don’t want to put out there but whatever doesn’t matter the man said it himself into the microphone we have not won enough we have not done enough we have to do better flannel all I can ask for from an owner other than winning right all I can ask for is that you’re going to do what it takes to try to try to win to not say well we’ll see what happens all right uh well you know there’s there’s a I know there’s a guy here all right if there’s a player that is directly impeding the progress of the franchise yeah would they still be a Detroit Piston would they still be a Detroit Tiger well I I I think at this point there are players still on the Pistons roster that are impeding the progress of the team right but at the same time when you say that though I’m talking about could you just write a check and get the problem to go away would he do it well I mean Tom G Tom gor did it with Monty I I give him credit for that he did that with Monty Williams and now I’m asking is for the little consistency that’s and they and they uh they they put a a bullet in Killian hates they did it with Blake Griffin yeah yes they they didli they did it they did with with with Killian Hayes and hopefully and we’ll see we’ll see what happens I hope that trag and Langan is given the Reigns to make the decisions that he wants because as GM of the Pelicans they had they had success at least with Drafting and accumulating Talent it’s just so much of it too often was injured that was what that was what impeded the the uh pelicans and we’ll just we we’ll just have to see there’s certain players on the Pistons that I wouldn’t mind being shipped out of town that maybe some people are more attach to and others that I like that maybe some don’t I’m not going to mention them quite yet but at the same time that that will be a big uh that will be a big question to me like for example Jaden Ivy I’m not married to keeping him in the slightest bit however I am married and I think it’s a good idea to resign Simone fonio I think that that’s imperative jayen ivy can be part of a trade package for all I care at this point even assar Thompson can be part of a trade package for all I care because he is unplayable as a three-point shooter even though he does other things well just get shooting that’s all I ask that’s all I ask at this point because by the way the top 18 three-point shooting teams in the NBA this year were all either playing or playoff teams you have to shoot the three ball you just do and the only other two teams that weren’t in the top 18 were the Bulls who lost in the playin and the magic who lost in the first round just get shooting get shooting and will be as happy as a clam until the season starts and we’ll see how it actually plays out and treyen brought that up he absolutely did but just to the time Gore’s point I I felt like he he did a solid job up there I I gained a little more respect from him with this press conference he kg that was exactly my takeaway he went he went up there humble he went up there and had some accountability he told you this is the most involved I probably ever have been with the Pistons I’m used to just relying on one person to you know take the d away and and handle the team but he admitted he’s made some mistakes along the way now does that absolve him of everything no but he didn’t get up there talking about oh I do all this for the community and things of that nature he owned up to his mistakes and you can at least see that he’s trying so I can I can rock with that I can rock with that Spenny your take man I mean yeah they said the right things they sounded good it sounded genuine they went out there and I liked what trasan said about wanting to build the team around Cade and have to having to put him in a better situation to where he it’s not as hard for him to do different things and by that he means put Shooters around him put guys who can shoot the ball you know to bring out the best of his abilities um so yeah I like what they said but I need to see some action 100% yeah and and that’s it I think something that he brought up that I didn’t hear any of the media talk about what was he said we have to be Tran langon said quote we have to be objective about our roster yeah and the players we have here m y cuz I I know what that tells me that no nothing nothing is Untouchable yeah that there will be some kinds of moves made mhm he he said he’s not afraid to get in the trade market that they that’s a strategy that they are going to implement so now there’s a couple of different ways to do it he talked about the fact flannel and this is where with Troy this is where I kind of didn’t Vibe with Troy like stylistically where when you make moves when you make trades because they they did it to some degree but they didn’t go all the way in on it because the Pistons always had a lot of cap space right and he he weaponized at cap space that’s how they got Jaylen Duren was was using cap space but with all that being said I just I don’t think that they fully weaponized a cap space in terms of draft Capital this is the way going forward right in the NBA how have we seen these franchises change their fortunes IE Oklahoma City IE Orlando how have they done it well they’ve done it by drafting guys like Chad hren and jayen Jaylen Williams and obviously getting Shay in in in a trade was massive as well and of course with with Orlando they drafted Pao and they drafted France vogner what’s what’s the constant over and over and over again draft draft draft draft like that’s and you got to have Capital to do it you do you got to and I personally think when it’s all said and done maybe a lot of you will disagree with me that all those Weaver tum whatever drafts you want to call them it might have only yielded one or two good players yeah I’m not sure like and one of them you had to draft cuz he was the number one Pi especially for this team like Jaden Ivy I don’t think he’s a fit with Cade sadique Bay you traded him you traded a guy who wasn’t perfect wasn’t as good of a Defender as you might have liked but could get hot from three he could also get really cold you traded him and your biggest piece you got back was a a big and James wisman I mean Isaiah Stewart I am higher on him than some based off of how he improved his three-point shot last year but you just never know assar Thompson is a teens three-point shooter regardless of everything else he does and Jaylen Duran I think was a little bit disappointing as a Defender last year and he shooting threes is not a part of his game even though I’m not ready to throw him out yet because he’s a double double machine it’s just a lot of these draft picks that we or draft classes that a lot of us thought were good and obviously killing Hayes was awful we all know that I think I I’m hoping that tran Lon uses the the is is better at that even though I don’t want them making the pick this year uh Woodward Sports Chat thread dncn for for billions of dollars a years you can take shots at me all you want yes he takes it on the chin and addresses it but at some point you got to show us hey he said it though yeah he said it Mike G uh gors has wasted his money funny to hear people at Woodward defend gors like he’s a passionate owner would he write the check to win yeah would other owners in this town write the check to win and we got to call it like we see it we’re not defending the guy of course he sucked the whole tenure he’s been here he said that yes Tom Gore said that we haven’t W what more can you ask of somebody what more can you ask he said that right but some other owners in this town would they write the check to win kg they would not and we know that the the problem though is that so many mistakes have been made and this front office has been such a [ __ ] show for so many years that it’s like what do you want Tom goris a cookie what do you want Tom goris to clean up what you part of the mess that you made I’m not going to bow down and kiss his feet just yet and we not doing that either Neal is I’m giving him respect for looking looking a man in the eye and saying we haven’t been good enough congratulations does that congratulations I know of many owners in this town that do not do that I’ve got an idea get good enough wow actions speak louder than words words that may be Hollow anyway because it’s Tom freaking goris no doubt flannel the greatest owner in in in in NBA history according to Neil rule right what the [ __ ] are you talking about you love this man no I like that he does what other owners in this town don’t he’s better than congratulations do you want do you want a cookie yes he is do you want a cookie for that yes he’s better than Chris illage do you want a cookie do you want it in peanut butter macaroon chocolate chip fudge I like snicker doodles Snicker doodle Snick if Tom goris wants a Snicker about oatmeal raisin I will personally deliver that cookie to Tom goris I will so that’s my point that was the point of the segment all right you’re like hey he said we didn’t win enough and B I would take him over some other owners in this town do you think that when they’re on the precipice of winning do you think he’ll be like well let’s just see how the young guys play out do you think he would say that no okay then we’ll move on to the pre of winning Tom bis can’t even see that he can’t even see the precipice of winning it’s so far along right has he been to the playoffs within the last decade congratulations a playoff appearance that they got swept in and had no chance just like we haven’t had a chance on the baseball side for over a decade fair enough goris is better than illich do you want me to admit that do you want me to stand on this table and admit that cuz I will I just stand on the table and do it no please no you just you just said do you want me to believe your Hollow words do you want me to get down and kiss your feet cuz you say you’ll stand on the table but then you don’t do it are your words just Hollow flannel no my words are no they are Hollow cuz you just said you were going to get on the table and say that it’s a viral moment waiting to happen please stand on that table please let me know I can I can zoom out please well wait stand on business Sam all right fine stand on business I I do want you to stand on you lose let me see if I can get up there all right come on those little step stools yeah what the [ __ ] is don’t fall flannel we don’t have health insurance what the [ __ ] is going on hey stand on business Sam all here all here Tom corus is a better owner than Chris [Music] ill there you go everybody business he stood on business give it up to Sam flannel everybody that’s what he does hurry up and do the Lady Jane’s read hurry up get back down H come on don’t be don’t be knocking the cords out and everything like that uh let’s go reving spy do it nerd burn careful no injuries Chuck Brewer face plant JB smooth do it bada bing baboom wanted you to also say I have a wife this is great uh this is actually pretty good uh broer the athleticism Del liing sit your ass down I figured that was coming too oh man that was great Mike G I win you lose so there’s that one out there as well Tiger Town lots to talk about your legs chicken legs flannel they’re not the best legs but I’m working on them U Mark walson your Nikes are busted oh it’s all good it’s not about Aesthetics with me it’s about substance bam art vand says you dress like you’re on your way to GameStop I mean I look better than you though I guarantee that just stand open this they about we’ll right off with this one Detroit debor 313 the desk will have to be bleached twice now before Armani and actual [Music]

Neal Ruhl, Flannel Sam and the rest of the BDE crew discuss their excitement and hesitation for the Detroit Pistons since their addition of Trajan Langdon to the front office. Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. We need to get Sam Cassell rajon rondo sheed Ben Wallace coaching staff sam head coach trade Stew for Wiggins straight up sasser wiseman (on sign and trade vet's minimum)the 5th pick and two seconds for anfernee Simmon resign fronttechio and grimes get oubre mo Bamba bol bol in Free agency start
    Duren with


  2. Wheb are they going to grt rid of Flannel. Dudes so annoying it makes me stay away from the show

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