@Boston Celtics

Kendrick Perkins Wasn’t Invited to Celtics Parade?

Kendrick Perkins Wasn’t Invited to Celtics Parade?

and apparently according to scal Kendrick Perkins is not invited was told to stay away or whatever the case may be you’re shaking your head that’s pathetic I think it’s embarrassing yeah they had a handful of 08 championship team members on one of the one of the the duck boats but yeah perk’s now Persona nrata so I mean that that that’s pathetic that is pathetic it makes you hard to like you know it’s just this is what I say about the Celtics and their fans all the time it’s like kids table stuff it’s like he said mean things about us you can’t come I mean really so it’s like it’s just hard to get behind you know I think he’s a fabulously entertaining NBA analyst I think he’s one of the few guys that is critical of everyone tells it like it is to the point where he became very critical of his former team and and all up and down from Individual players to the coach Joe Missoula uh all of it and you apparently don’t want to hear it so he’s out not invited to the parade could you be a bigger baby oh my gosh that’s like I I got to call that borderline unprecedented I don’t know if it’s unprecedented I I I would doubt that it’s unprecedent I mean it’s you know it’s like James Dolan kicking Charles Oakley out of the garden because he doesn’t like Charles Oakley what he said you know what I mean oh it’s so so weak Genie bus with the Lakers kicked out Jerry West took away season tickets okay things like that bow down kiss the or you’re no longer part of the family that’s what this is now wow I me this should have been a sign when NBC Sports Boston banned perk from pre- and post game coverage at the beginning of season and I had everybody been like oh no no no it’s a scheduling thing no you didn’t want him there just admitt it it’s okay yeah I nice Network he got there foger that’s Petty I was told that it was a scheduling thing it had nothing to do with the team or that a lie you were a lie to Mike I might have been you should you should expect better from your TV network I don’t know uh scal pretty much said it right there he’s not welcome back with open arms because what he called Joe moua a bird brain I mean maybe it’s a little a little strong you know but he’s he’s speaking in his Texas colloquialisms you know what I mean he didn’t mean it as viciously as it may have come off I don’t think technically I don’t think he called him a bird brain no he said if you put his brain in a bird it would fly backwards yeah which is like another way of saying bird brain but either way I kind of liked it but it just it just confirms to me what the Celtic experiences it’s I just you get a bunch of kids which is great like go ahead you know Dino nuggies for everybody but it’s really sort of just childish we have to cut the grapes into quarters or take the crust off my sandwich per said mean things about make sure you take the stem off the strawberries and cut them in quarters please so he’s out I mean really that that is petty that is petty do you want some uh Fruity Pebbles in with your milk but the people support ref fresh them after the milk changes color so I found this clip sent it to you cuz I heard this I heard Joe play it late last week on his show too but I mean just some of the comment oh Joe and scaz oh yeah yeah oh yeah no they’re fully in support of boy yes fully in support yes banned Kendrick Perkins for life scaz like he’s just looking for clicks to which I I just like when I hear media people say that I love scaz and Joe I do sounds it but I mean no I mean I do but when I hear media people say that it’s like um guys that’s our job our job is to get listeners or readers or clicks or however you want to say it my job used to be to sell newspapers now my job is to get people to listen to and advertise on the radio station that is my job so when they he’s just there for clicks yeah that’s his job that should be your job unless you’ve just let the fan thing take over so badly which they have you let the fan thing take over and now you think the job is to be fair to the Celtics or support the Celtics or you were wrong or what it’s not about that’s not the job the job is to be a commentator and to provide commentary that gets people to watch and listen and read or click or whatever the case may be that’s your job too your job is not to protect the Celtics unless you’ve just completely lost sight of what you’re here for which I happens with the Celtics and their media and their fans so Kendrick berkens just does his job is critical maybe you deem it over the line but be that as it may it still comes from the same place where you know Park is a strong cup of coffee but you just can’t handle it you children it’s a hard team to get behind if you’re not you know part of it why would I support that I don’t know I don’t know what word to use other than Petty and I would also tell you this that because I you know you use the word colloquialisms with with Perkins to me it’s like there’s a there’s a a little bit of or some levity in what he says like it’s funny it’s I I I guess what I’m saying is I don’t think it’s malicious I don’t feel like it’s malicious so I don’t think he’s like you know sharpening his knives you know going to Revel in their defeat it’s not like Nick Wright if you like that clip check out more videos from felger and Maz here for more Celtics analysis and opinion hit this playlist and for all the latest from The Sports Hub download the app and 985thesportshub decom

Mike Felger, Tony Mazz and Jim Murray react to rumors that Kendrick Perkins wasn’t invited to the Boston Celtics’ championship parade.

Thumbnail Images Courtesy of USA Today Sports (Bob DeChiara & Kyler Terada)


  1. Wow, that's so petty. It really is kids' table, dyno nuggies type stuff. All because he doesn't suck the D of the Celtics like Scal and Eddie House.

  2. There is literally nothing about Kendrick Perkins to defend. Yā€™all look silly. Kendrick did more than say ā€œmean thingsā€

  3. These chumps. All the tough talk on the radio. These pieces of garbage wouldnā€™t crush a grape in a fruit fight. Canā€™t stand them

  4. Felger the only reason you have a job is because of fans. Of course, fans get upset if someone criticizes their team itā€™s the whole point of being a fan. Otherwise whatā€™s the point of spending thousands of dollars on a team you support and hours and hours of your life? You literally are on radio 4 hours a day because of fans. If there was no such thing as fans, you would not have a job in radio and all these athletes will not be making millions of dollars. Itā€™s because of us they are.

  5. I love how thinned skinned Felger and Mazz are. Hereā€™s a clue dopes, you donā€™t get to be friends with people you tear down.

    You canā€™t say your job is to get clicks and then get upset when people decide your clicks suck and so do you.

  6. Clown radio hosts. Y'all don't have to invite people that don't support you and you don't like lol. Real kids table shit is thinking everyone has to get an invite. "its his job to get clicks" It's not the celtics job to coddle him. Consequences on his own actions? OH NO

  7. Criticism is one thing its his job but he has crossed the line all because he was 100% rooting for them and picking them to win in 2022 and they let him down. Since then he has been but hurt and down right disrespectful towards this team.If it were just a few things here or their ok but 100% has been overboard with his criticism so Fuckem we don't want anything to do with him. Perkins is the one that has been petty because that team disappointed him. He acts like The Celtics team he was on was perfect and didn't blow it a few times themselves they should have won more than 1 championship as well we dont critisize them for that we celebrate that team for winning a championship!! If I were The Celtics players I wouldn't want a guy that goes out of his way constantly to make sure he criticizes them to be around Why would they ? Either your with us or your not he is clearly Not !! Pound sand Perk !

  8. It's completely justified if Perkins is going to use his access to make more ridiculous hot takes. If he wasn't an active member of the most low brow media organization that would be one thing. But the last thing we need is him to go on ESPN and start saying "I was there and I can tell you that it's definitely jalen's team…"

    The Celtics have a legitimate beef with the way Perkins dealt with them all year. I'm not saying he should be persona non grata for the rest of his life but so long as he's continuing to do this first take nonsense, he's got to stay in his own lane. You can't be hanging out on the duck boats while you're actively s***** on the team in the national media

  9. KP chose every other team but the C's. Clippers, Bucks, Knicks, Nuggets, Timberwolves, etc. Never the Celtics, every time BOS loses he switches teams, he did it throughout the season. And also he bitches and criticizes JT on not having a JT takeover game during the playoffs, even though we were winning as a team. Which yall praised BOS for too. Yall are impossible.

  10. You guys need to stop name one Celtics in history that talk bad about their formerly team you will not find one. Been a fan since 1976 Perk cross the line with the players and coaches

  11. "Petty?" Y'all sound a little worried. Kendrick was loved as a player will continue to have the support of Boston fans for the player he was but his commentary has been unjustified, personal and vitriolic—Perkins unquestionably took it too far. You didn't see anyone lining up to defend him other than y'all and for good reason, he earned it. "Clicks" don't justify the means.

  12. He doesnt deserve to be invited. Spoke against Celtics for tearsss. Still bitter over them trading him. He cried on camera for an hour when he got traded

  13. Perkins had to learn the hard way. Celtics fans are the most serious in all of sports. They actually care about sports and know sports. Perk tried to be like Stephen A and it backfired. Stop hating

  14. The guy literally said that if Jokić won the MVP it was because of racism, screw him and all the other race baiters out there

  15. How are these people on Boston Sports radio when they only talked bad about the Celtics until they won it this year.

  16. Folger & Mazz no one cares about your opinion either. You donā€™t have to talk about the Celtics too. šŸ¤”

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