@Philadelphia 76ers

[Joey Linn] According to @TheSteinLine there is a growing feeling around the NBA that Paul George opting into his contract and pursuing a trade is a realistic scenario. The Warriors and Knicks could have interest.

[Joey Linn] According to @TheSteinLine there is a growing feeling around the NBA that Paul George opting into his contract and pursuing a trade is a realistic scenario. The Warriors and Knicks could have interest.

by Impressive-Theory-27


  1. AggressiveLender

    Opting in def makes Philly less attractive. I hope it happens with Knicks if it happens and Og then becomes available.

  2. darkglobe1396

    What depth pieces could they go for instead of a third star?

  3. Lockhead216

    Crazy I thought he would just give us a discount

  4. tugginmypeen

    We are gonna overthink this, be high and mighty and not go after it like we passed on Siakam, and then laugh at whatever team overpays him.

    Then when we lose in the first round and watch the team that traded for George go to the ECF 90% yall will still not hold Morey accountable.

    George shoots 8 threes a game at 40%. Our window is like one year. We are done being cute. Get a wing for Embiid.

  5. theducksmuggler363

    PLEASE KNICKS DO IT!!! Then Morey sign OG immediately!

  6. fillinlaterrr

    Glad we punted the season in order to setup maximum cap space!

  7. HoagieTwoFace

    This sounds like the Knicks think OG is leaving. I rather have OG over PG anyway

  8. bobdylan66

    Forgive my ignorance but how does opting in and requesting a trade benefit the player in anyway?

  9. IcyAd964

    Paul George is a loser man really don’t want him

  10. amJustSomeFuckingGuy

    This dude trying to make his new team have even less assets to win. Loser energy.

  11. Weak-Cable-4672

    This would be a pretty brutal miscalculation by Morey but not terribly surprising

  12. VoidMageZero

    Where are the trades?? All this talk and no trades!!!

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