@San Antonio Spurs



all right guys so I am back from out of town I appreciate everyone tagging me and different Spurs news while I was gone it means the world to me truly it truly does mean the world to me um but I’m going to take some time man and go through at least four topics that I want to discuss with you before uh Wednesday I want some n are we having fun yet all right so we definitely got some Spurs news to go over now before we do before we do um please guys could you could you please please go subscribe to my second Channel Spurs Invasion um we’re already at 1.2k it was so funny looking through the comments of this first video so this is a channel where I’m going to be doing more edited content in which you know I’m going over whatever topics I want to uh one right now I’m doing a script on Jeremy soan which I’m going to have a lot of fun with that as you guys know um but if you guys are interested please go over there it is so funny looking at the comments because there’s people in the comments like is this clan it it sounds like Clan is this who is this it’s so funny cuz some people literally just found it just because they were on YouTube and then some people knew that I was you know making the channel but if you guys are interested please please please head on over there support your boy the link is in the description so it’s right under this video you just click there subscribe and come back uh to this video um so you don’t forget okay but I’m I’m going to have other videos on here uh soon I’m going try to hit two a month um but hey don’t hold me to that I’m not not going to have a a clear schedule you know it’s it’s going to be out of passion okay it’s going to be out of passion so but yeah if you guys want to support please head on over there all right so let’s go ahead and dive into the first bit of news here this this this this I had to make sure this was an NBA sentel uh so it says here there are Rumblings about the Spurs potentially moving up to the number one uh per the Stein the Stein line I guess SARS and wimy SARS wiely projected to go number two overall to Washington as we covered here Wednesday but rumbles about San Antonio interest in jumping from number four to number one uh by constructing a trade with the Hawks haven’t gone away so yeah we went over that already I think we went live and and talked about that briefly uh you guys know my opinion on it I don’t think that this is a draft to do any of that I mean I’ll just be real I I don’t think you have to go out of out of your way to move up um you know especially if we’re sitting nicely at four and you could potentially get Stefon Castle not saying Stefon Castle is better than SAR right if we’re if we’re talking like a better player right now it’s it’s definitely SAR um but I I don’t think that there’s this massive skill Gap in this potential draft between players and the lottery it’s it’s not as it’s not as big as you would expect um in a in a draft so I I’m I’m not really worried about it I wouldn’t do it um and hopefully this is just you know smoking mirrors and they’re not actually um doing that uh cuz that would probably you’re probably going to give a 48 I saw someone uh mention well you can give a 48 and also a number one pick next year why would we do that it’s it’s not worth it I wouldn’t do it um but we’ll we’ll see how things you know turn out and if they do if this is true and they actually do go through with it um you know may maybe it maybe it does pan out but you know when when you have somebody as great as wimy you can kind of sit back and do a lot of different things um but piggybacking off of the Alex uh potential you know moving up to get him news here’s alexar talking about wiim banama and basically said he’s better than everybody all right let’s let’s let’s listen say something when I say the name of a player better than Victor wanyama all Rudy go gosh this is turned down so low hold on you guys probably didn’t even hear that say something when I say the name of a player better than Victor woman you can read it Rudy go Draymond Green CH hren bam AO say something dang dang dang so he basically said wimy is better than Rudy goir Draymond Green Chad hren which we all agree with right I don’t think we’re crazy um and but he’s not as good as bam adab which that’s a tough one that’s it’s like out of respect out of respect cuz bam is a great player I want to say yeah that’s true I don’t know I’ll let my bias speak I I think this might be part of my bias but I think wimy is better than bam I don’t know all right but moving on so uh some people have looked at this clip and speculate like oh SAR really wants to play with wom yeah it’s just a little I mean he was asked a question it was prompted he didn’t sit here and just go on a whole tangent on how wimy is the goat and he would love to play with them but it’s good nonetheless somebody said not bam though he’s not wrong I agree this is common knowledge for all those who actually watch games well duh not much of a gamble with that statement uh he’s better than bam to y’all gonna see he is but yes not it’s not let not do that all right moving on moving on now this is another big chunk of news that I wanted to go over so the Spurs are showing interest in pairing Donovan kingan with Victor wanyama and it just goes on I won’t read this whole thing it just goes on to say that this could potentially be a chess move that the Spurs are are making right like they’ve interviewed him they’re talking to him show o some interest like ah we kind we kind of like him we might take him at four you know trying to force other teams to to take them a little bit earlier um than than they than they might have you know expected they needed to or whatnot so uh so it it’s a chess move I think I don’t think the Spurs actually have legitimate interest in kingan but you know if we took this seriously let me go ahead and say this I do think that kingan is a archetype that the Spurs will need like we need someone who can be a backup uh defensive guy behind wimy uh we we we know that you know having that archetype is important he’s he plays very similar to yaka Perle if you don’t know anything about kingan he’s like a younger yaka Perle basically right I think that’s the that’s the most accurate that’s the most accurate statement you can say about him is that he’s very CL similar to uh uh yakob so you need this I just don’t think I would take it at four right I I I I think our most pressing need is perimeter Defenders and you can get that whether it be Holland I know everybody gets angry when I mention Holland for some reason I I don’t know why his stock has dropped so substantially um you you have Stefon Castle as well is a player that you can do that with uh so there there’s there’s some guys in this draft that I think that you can go ahead and take um early on I I just don’t think kingan is one and this could potentially just be the Spurs like trying to Spook teams so they can get the guy that they actually want um I don’t think this is necessary if they were to get clinging I do like him a lot I think that it will be a very solid pick um but I I’m not looking for just solid right now right I I want I want someone with some immense potential and that could be D let me let me go ahead and segue over well actually do we want to segue to that yeah we’ll go to the next bit of news uh segue over to segue over to Stefon Castle I think he has a lot of potential guys please go support NBA draft dude he does a great job with this thread here basically highlighting some of the uh guard skills that he does have cuz some people have been pretty unsure on whether or not Stefon Castle can be a point guard in the NBA we already know that Stefon has actively um avoided teams that have point guards so his his Camp has made it clear I do not want to work out for teams or go to a team that has a defined point guard already um so he’s very confident in his abilities to play that role and I’ll be real with you not only do I think that he’s the perfect fit for the Spurs because he’s a player that uh had played in a motion offense um very similar to what it would look like or what his role would look like with the Spurs High basketball IQ phenomenal defender in which that’s what you need but I also think that he has some of the most potential in this draft to be something because he didn’t necessarily get those opportunities at Yukon and if he did get those opportunities to really really flesh out all of his skills and be the guy I mean he might not have a championship right um but I think that he could possibly go higher in this draft rather than people having him go at to four or five um it could have been higher than that so I I really like him and I I probably should go and say this now he’s at the top of my list as far as guys that I that I want we’ll go live uh Tuesday night uh pre-draft and I I’ll go over we we’ll make a big board I’ll probably do it together with the chat honestly um we’ll do a big board board and but I’m telling you this right now he’s going to be at the top it’s going to be him it’s going to be buellis it’s going to be Holland it’s going to be Williams um it’s going to be Dilly he’s going to be on there speaking of Dilly the last bit of news he did an interview recently with Shams and a few Spurs fans got excited about this saying hey this could be a guy uh which we already saw him interview and say hey I would love to play with wimy I I would give him the ball I I’ll get out the way um but this is a clip basically him saying that he has some uh a little bit of a chip on his shoulder just a little bit what were those emotions like sometimes when you coming off the bench you might not be playing as much as you wanted to and the whole world knows how town you are what you were capable of how difficult was that for you at first it was a little difficult but over time it just like you got to grow into and you got to play with a chip on your shoulder and play basketball and understand that when you get in the game you got to perform and if you don’t you won’t get no more time so that’s how I look at it and I just try to go in the game and do what the coach want me to do in the time he wants me to do so I never looked at it as like a like I’m not as good or I just looked at it as motivation to go out there and I get to watch the players play before I get to go in so they be a little tired when I get in so that’s how I look at in I try to keep that same mindset though yeah I think a lot of people so he he he definitely has a chip on his shoulder but he also doesn’t have too big of an ego where he would get angry if papovich asked anything of him and you love to see that right very jery Jeremy soanes in that way look at you teams otherwise look at you as a guy that in this draft you think about star power you think about Flair you’re a guy that can bring some of that do you feel like you’re that guy uh I mean growing up I always had the mon set of in my head I feel like I’m that dude but in the back of my head I I don’t ever show it to people and you know like sometime you got to be a little confident to actually believe it andtime like I have this the negative confidence in the back of my head to be like oh but over time I feel like it’s just the fact of I just started praying and understanding that it don’t go the right way every time so that just motivated me and made me more balanced to just play basketball the right way every time and understand it’s not going to go your way every time so yeah so basically and then this just goes on to uh Shams ask him like hey you know can you be a star in the NBA and he’s just basically like look I love basketball I I can’t not see myself as being better or whatever so it it’s it’s it’s a decent interview if you guys are interested in you can go over to uh Shams it’s like five minute yeah 5 minutes and 20 seconds uh long if you’re interested uh my takea away from this is yeah he’s who I thought he was he seems like he has a good head on his shoulders um you know anything that I’m worried about when it comes to Dillingham it it it really it really does come down to that defense I saw somebody comment uh the other day and they were like oh man you really don’t know what you’re talking about when it comes to this defense he’s a really great defender and I’m like I don’t know I don’t know what you’re talking about um now he can get some steals don’t get me wrong like he has pretty quick hands at times but Dillingham often gets beat he’s undersized and and some of the things are out of his control and some things are in his control that he can be a better Defender but he’s often beat and it’s as far as guys that he can guard he’s pretty limited right he’s not going to be somebody that you want uh to switch very often he he’s like I said undersized so maybe he could benefit you know on on a defense on the defensive side if he’s guarding someone that’s just kind of stay in the corner someone that’s more stationary um but for the most part we’re not going to be seeing him on small forwards or even shooting guards um at that but like I said when you have somebody like wimba nyama uh it it really does uh help you hide some of those flaws uh that your team has but most importantly what the Spurs need I think are some more Defenders that could potentially develop into something greater ain’t that right ain’t that right kaai can you guys see kawhai you can see you can see him a little bit you can see you can see him a little bit all right well that’s all I really have um so you know they none of it was bad news you know all of it’s pretty you know decent news are are things that we would expect right like I expect the spur to play a little some mind games um I I expect the Spurs to explore uh the the possibility of of you know moving around and I expect all of this now as far as will this come to flourish I I don’t know I I don’t I don’t I don’t know um but what I do know is right now I got my sight set on Stefon castle and the perfect draft which isn’t going to be possible I don’t think it’s getting Stefon castle and then getting Modis buellis or Ron holl I I think that that would be incredible and right now where rod and Holland sitting in mock drafts it might might be maybe possibly um and I know some people also wants uh Devin Carter and I’m not mad at that at all either so if you’re a Devin Carter fan um I’m I’m not angry with that just as long as we get who we need at four um I’m cool with you know take it’s not really much of a chance you’re taking on him it’s just that he’s not a player that has high potential um or or high ceiling um due to his age and everything but it it’ll be fine it’s fine um anyways I’ll give it you guys later that’s all I really have to say please please please please please please please please please subscribe to Spurs Invasion okay Spurs Invasion we got a video up if you guys want to go check it out please go do that um we’re already at 7.5k views on it what the heck I guess you guys really like edited content I actually got upset making this because once I uploaded it and it was it was good to go I looked through and I was like wait one of the editing things messed up so I’m still I’m still working on it you know it’s it’s it’s a it’s a learning progress but my next video will be will be much better so if you guys are interested please please please go go subscribe to it anyways give with you guys later till next time bye [Music] m


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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

0:00 Intro
1:42 Moving Up For Sarr
3:27 Sarr LOVES Wemby
5:10 Clingan Interest?
7:25 Stephon Castle, Please.
9:11 Dillingham Interview
14:02 Do Me A Favor!

I am not affiliated with the San Antonio Spurs
or #NBA


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