@Miami Heat

What Do The Miami Heat Do at 15 in The NBA Draft?

What Do The Miami Heat Do at 15 in The NBA Draft?

this is the Big O [Music] show this is the Big O [Music] show Lyra good morning sir I hope you had a great weekend the Florida Panthers yeah that kind of that kind of tempered the entire weekend till maybe the most gut crunching uh gut-wrenching moment I can recall in hockey in South Florida here probably ever let alone even the Heat this type of situation reminds me a little bit of last year with the heat in the Eastern Conference Finals but again that was just the Eastern Conference Finals from Up 3 0 33 winning in Boston going on the road where maybe people didn’t expect it there’s a Panthers expectation tonight so it’s a little bit different so I’d say it’s more of a pins and needles weekend and it’s just interesting with hockey going this late into the summer that the NBA draft we’re now two days away from the first round and has sort of gotten short shrift or forgotten simply because is taken over the stage after I think what we both would consider a dud of an NBA Finals yeah and the thing that I was going to uh mention to you is that the Panthers um in in a sad way hopefully they avoid it but you know I’m I was talking about this in the postgame show the nine and2 Dolphins were really really good under Marino and schula and they ended up folding and lost five strength and it was a disaster of an end for That season the N the 86 canes that lost to Penn State uh that was a team that had a lot of potential and should have won probably the 2010 Miami Heat watching JJ Berea post up LeBron and we’re like what the hell is going on here uh we’ve seen some really really ugly ugly finishes to Seasons or losses uh that’s what the Panthers want to avoid because this would historically be right up there which it may be the worst or it might be right up there with the 96 the 86 canes or the 2010 you know Miami Heat because those were devastating and even in the bigger SC you know scheme you could look at the undefeated Patriots what happened against the Giants in the Super Bowl you can look at the Yankees against the Red Sox is more mainstream Sports and what happened there but this is going to Garner the type of attention that no one when the playoffs thought started Florida and Edmonton a smaller Market in the US a Canadian Market ever would have because people love the drama and if nothing else for the last seven months the Panthers have given us high level drama culminating tonight at amaran Bank Arena yeah man all right so what do you think what’s your prediction they win I I don’t know I I I have a feeling my prediction is this is going to go to overtime and it’s going to turn gut wrenching to a completely different level of living in the moment because I just think the the Panthers have that kind of fight but I think Edmonton has shown it absolutely even on the road now can play on equal footing let’s find out all right let’s uh let’s get to it here um I don’t know [ __ ] about this I I’ll I am more than happy to tell you when I don’t know something if I know something I’ll give you my two cents I have no problem with that but uh I go you know perusing through the uh websites Isaiah klier Rob Dillingham Tyler Kik Tristan D Silva nobody has there’s no consensus correct Miami at 15 so what’s your idea of what the hell the heat are going to do it seems like a lot of people think point guard is the consensus that there’s more point guards than anything else being picked for Miami at 15 so talk to us about the draft well you know it’s interesting when you mention point guard because one you can make an argument that if you consider Terry Rosier more of a scorer or combo guard and if you consider that both Delon R and Patty Mills leave The Heat don’t have a true point guard and yet if you look at the point guards in this draft they’re really all combo guards which is where the game is going anyway so maybe you have someone like the size of a Jared McCain from duke but he’s a shooter he’s a scorer he’s going to be on the floor like Tyler hero is on the floor to score the ball you have someone like Isaiah Ker who from USC who absolutely attacks the rim on every shot again more of a scoring mentality but not many contenders if you consider the heat a contender are going to play a rookie in that role anyway so you’re going to either bring back a Delan Wright or a Patty Mills or find a lower cost option something similar to what you gave up in in in Kyle Lowry to sort of man that so I know it sounds cliche and I wrote a story about it today just posted at I think this really is a gra where you take the best best available player from this standpoint you take the guy who Falls to you so if you have a guy in the top 10 and he’s there perfect example perfect example is a little bit lower just as Winslow fell to the heat in that 2015 draft they didn’t work him out but he was just as freaking Winslow who was a top five pick on most boards sometimes that doesn’t work out earlier in 2002 Karan Butler fell to the heat there was all kinds of rumor about a health problem that worked out perfectly so I think the heat really are in that five minute segment from number 14 to number 15 and when they heat pick going to see who’s left how they have them rated and then they have the out of the boox options then they can say you know what we don’t know if it’s going to work but maybe we’ll go big maybe a Zach Edy maybe a Kyle Philip howski from duke combo four five kind of player it’s really interesting big old because there are safe picks there’s like you mentioned Tyler Co from Marquette uh people because he’s a left-hander gets in the paint compar him to gor and dragic certainly can work with this team Tristan D Silva out of Colorado a Defender he can score maybe not at the three-point level necessarily but he can give you something so it’s going to be interesting the heat keeps saying we draft for the future we draft with the best long-term Outlook but you see what haime hakz did this past season you’re even seeing just two years in what ni yic did so I think the heat are going to try to play it both way I think they’re going to get a player they see potential with but because of where the roster is so topheavy when it comes to salary with Bam’s extension potentially with Jimmy at least his current salary Tyler Hero’s contract Terry rosier’s contract I think they also have to think about living in the moment or they could just disappoint all of us and wind up trading the pick and just saying we’re all in on the moment I really so many ways they can go when the Draft starts the first round on Wednesday night did you think Jimmy Butler and Ryan did you think Jimmy Butler wanted to knock the [ __ ] out of Ryan Garcia when you saw that video Yeah and and the fact they were sitting next to each other for the people don’t know they played at a hustler poker tournament none of it was their money so when they’re showing Jimmy stuff in the money in his bag that’s all appearance feed that’s all all for show and all of that Jimmy is the kind of guy who always has surrounded himself with his people you see it all the time Big O on his social media when he goes Instagram live you see it I think it bothered Jimmy I don’t want to say that someone didn’t kiss the ring because he doesn’t have a ring but what I’m saying is I think someone talking back to Jimmy I’ve tried that it’s not always the most successful approach I think he was bothered by that I think he handled it maybe for Jimmy as well as he could but I think Jimmy’s also looking at some social media influencer and saying who the hell are you I’m Jimmy freaking buckets Y and so if you didn’t catch the exchange between uh Ryan Garcia and Jimmy at a poker event here you go appreciate that bro a long time moment those were some good years yeah I don’t know what I liked is when he said who do you play for now and how awesome would it have been amid all the trade rumors if Jimmy listed a team other than the heat then then I’m sitting here I got my story for the week so uh yeah he sort of put him in his face a little and let’s face it if you want to dig a Jimmy ask him who he plays for now after he missed third of the Season not the worst dig you can get in there quarter of the Season no no no but see it’s Ryan Garcia so you kind of like you know the guy’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic as it is so you you you know he’s not really the average person the average person knows he plays for the heat the average person’s kind of keep keep up with it but Ryan Garcia’s you know he’s not all there Ira so it’s just but it’s just funny how how Out Of Tune that guy was believe I’m sure Jimmy talked to his people about that not winding up being spotted in a situation like that Jimmy is meticulous when it comes to what he chooses to put on social media and how he casts himself so maybe not one of his best moments but I’m sure the payoff whether was the actual cash he was stuffing in the briefcase or otherwise he came out just fine oh he came out great it’s it’s actually a horrible moment another horrible moment for Ryan Garcia it just shows that Ryan Garcia anyway all right uh look as expected Caleb’s going to opt out of his player option yeah I don’t see any reason why a guy who’s projected to make 15 million next season stays in for 7 million unless there’s a wink wi kind of deal to help the heat work with their money and Big O I just don’t see the heat being able to afford to bring him back unless unless the heat go to all these guys to Caleb to Haywood heith and to other guys we have something Brewing be patient we can find the money whether it’s trading Duncan or Tyler or Rosier or the big one the big fish Jimmy Butler you shave off that 50 million you bring in a a 30 million a Norman Powell a $20 million dollar player all of a sudden you have room to take care of everyone else so it it’s again the question of depth versus singular Talent is he the guy who can lead you to a championship when he plays enough games I still don’t think that Jimmy has had this sit down with Pat Riley that many thought could settle all of this I don’t think that’s Jimmy’s way I think Jimmy’s way is sort of like we saw in the video I’m Jimmy freaking buckets of course I’m the best player you’re ever going to have of course you’re going to pay me so I think it will be interesting because stuff moves fast Wednesday night the first round Thursday night the second round Saturday the deadline for player options Sunday 6 pm to start a free agency we’re here now we’re in the moment and what we’ve seen from players before whether it was Max stru or Gabe Vincent last year players aren’t going to work on team schedule players have to take care of themselves because big you see it every year free agency starts in the NBA and three days just three days later players are looking for money that’s not there if you don’t move quickly whether you’re Hayward heith or Caleb Martin all of a sudden the train might leave town without you then you become like Thomas Bryant last year like uh Josh Richardson last year where all of a sudden okay I’ll just take the best minimum deal possible so he’d have to have a sense of what they’re going to do in the big moments in July with a Jimmy extension a bam extension probably right now and I’m sure they do the problem is they have plan a plan B and plan C I’m not even sure they’re sure which of the Ws is going to play out well because it’s out of their control because like the story that came out last week that that uh apparently um what’s it called Philadelphia has kind of cooled their interest in Paul George and the feeling is that Paul George is going to resign with the Clippers and then they started mentioning a couple of other names that weren’t Jimmy Butler you know overall so really if it’s not Philadelphia I don’t know who else is going to make a move for Jimmy Butler at this point so you know to me that what do you sense from this whole thing is it is is Philly all of a sudden trying to not act like they’re really interested or are or are they really not interested no they’re trying to act like hey you want five picks we’re going to give you three picks that’s all we see now with these teams that have the stashes the picks how they’re going to do it I do think the Knicks would have interest because I think he would fit with Jaylen Brunson I think the Nets would have interest and it’s a market Jimmy would appreciate because they need to establish relevance I think the Clippers Nicks have cap space the Knicks have enough flexibility again you’re talking about a trade anyway so it’s not this 30 cap space if they move off some of their money probably three-way deals the Knicks have a bull of draft picks that’s what we talked about last year and the possible Deals they can move so can will end up having to give you back a shitty contract whereas with Philadelphia with their picks and the money space that they have you you you have a better chance of cutting a deal without taking back any dead weight overall whereas if you consider a dead weight maybe you consider pieces I’m not saying I want Mitchell Robinson that’s been rumored out there you have Josh Hart you have other Nicks potential pieces you could take back with small pieces to make your salary cap work with the Nets Mel Bridges stands out there if they’re willing to make a deal the Clippers are moving into the new Arena next season if Paul George doesn’t come back they have to find a body I think there’s enough teams on their terms who would take on Jimmy but I think the possible outcome could be and it’s going to be fascinating on our accur of Penbrook Pines reports it could be Jimmy just saying I’m gonna go into the final year of my deal and then does Jimmy play a final year of his deal saying I’m going to show these mfers how great I am that I’m going to get a contract or is Jimmy G to play his final year like in Minnesota or even at the end toward Chicago and say screw it you didn’t give me the deal I’ll get my money anyway and I think I’m taking Monday and Wednesday off this week Friday and Sunday off next week and we’ll get to the end of the season and see how it plays out all right all right uh one more thing before I let you go sure in hin sight I’m wrong on this really yeah because when um when they announced that kayln Clark wasn’t making the the national team I was like I’m I’m a traditionalist I’m good with that all right you weren’t good enough for it that’s that’s understandable dude the team is super deep but now as I start to look at it and see that you’ve got 41y old Diana terasi on the roster and like she has nothing left to prove she has national championships championships gold medals she’s a an icon in the sport I get what you’re doing by giving her the spot and all that but um women’s basketball actually needs you know as much Caitlyn Clark as possible last night $356 a ticket uh a two Friday night uh the uh what’s it called the um that team uh what was it they play in a 3500 seat Arena uh that they played on Friday night Atlanta right they play they play in a 3500 seat ARA they moved it over to where the the Hawks play for 17,500 yeah they moved from their G League facility yesterday against the Chicago Sky tons of celebrities watch some of that game against Andrew Reese Chicago came back in that one so I’m paying attention there always are going to be Legacy selections because the one thing USA Basketball is fair and good about if you commit to them throughout your career they’ll take care of you that’s why bam even with this great US Olympic team going to Paris is on the team because he committed to them in the World Cup because he played with them he played select team he went through the process that still means something and I got to tell you if you consider Caitlyn Clark there were so many either or suggestions possibilities Christian lner didn’t deserve it no that was a different thing that was if the NBA goes USA Basketball want to a colle and that was that was sort of the meshing point moving forward but no I I I think it’s reasonable if there’s an injury on that roster you know again Cameron Brink it doesn’t matter that was the three onree tournament uh Caitlyn CLK is not eligible but if something happens between now and then I agree yes it it’s a it’s definitely a talking point but the bottom bottom line is this Caitlyn Clark has gotten Orlando aliger and Ira winderman to tune in WNBA games she’s done plenty already we were going to watch the Olympics already doesn’t matter as much she’ll be there soon enough yeah oh I know she’ll be there soon enough but for women’s basketball in in hindsight I got to say I was wrong this one going traditionalist not for them they need the sport needs the Boost needs every shot possible and by putting her there you are going to have your blowout games you can wheel her out on the blowout games and all that kind of stuff I I just you know I I lner you know lner was just kind of you know that whole thing he different time different era though yeah different but you know it’s been done before and his popularity was huge at that moment because my God those two years of Duke and UNLV God I love you college basketball in those man I miss those days but you know that was so special for us as sports fans to watch unov for two years you know so it rolled over his popularity into that and I get it and with her God she’s such a monster dude it’s amazing the interest that that I mean I watched the whole game last yesterday the whole game which I would have never done that normally I you know I watch WNBA games but I’ll watch a quarter or a half or something and I’m gone or so but I really don’t sit there from beginning to end and watch it and break it all down and and say yeah no you know Rees and cardoo just dominated inside Indiana had no no answer for him you know inside so it was just I’m watching the game and I’m seeing the impact that this young lady has had in two games over the weekend the amount of money she made for that League selling out NBA arenas That’s crazy dude come on man it’s definitely good for this spard I agree yeah it’s C so so you’re all right with terasi because of because I understand how USA Basketball Works they take care of their own no issue right okay all right good stuff all right what do you got going on in the senal so uh folks can check you out my friend I just posted a story that he’d say they’re not drafting by position I don’t believe that every mock draft you read says the heat need this therefore they might get this player spoke to Adam Simon the heat draft Guru I went through every position the five positions on the Heat roster Center power forward small forward shooting guard point guard and said okay but here’s what they have left here’s what might work in the draft so if I can suggest to the eat I’m going to do that so I offered that up and then sort of we always annually a draft time look back at ones that got away so my ask Ira today was looking back at the Tyrese Maxi pick when they picked precious tuua a pick earlier because they had Tyler hero and it just shows you that sometimes you do pick for position and you get in trouble because of it because if they didn’t have Tyler hero they almost assuredly would have taken Tyrese Maxi over precious tuua so you can say all you want best player available but I still think you do look at your roster will the Panthers have a warm body to hit the drum tonight you know it’s interesting I think the choice should be I don’t even know who they picked I would go with Roberto loango I would go with the franchise’s alltime icon and someone of Panthers or melan B I mean there’s a no I just think leango is the guy actually Russo corrected me uh Michael Russo uh he saw my tweet and he he dm’ me goes no no hey dude Melby works for another organization so they I forgot what hey Billy Lindsay is always in the building doing radio color you can go in that direction also sure Brian scrin I don’t know does he work for an organization if he doesn’t dude bring him over there we go let’s go I mean there are so many great selection there are but there’s one name you probably don’t want to bring back and that would be John vanbrook because of what happened after he left he kind of misspoke on a a certain levels yeah yeah yeah so politically correct probably not the move you want to make before a game seven you gotta deal with all that other [ __ ] so yeah yeah you’re probably right you want to deal with somebody yeah Billy Lindsay would be just absolutely he’s right there then he just goes back to broadcast absolutely that would be actually phenomenal but yeah get somebody with life dude somebody that will actually pump up the ground I felt bad for Jack man that was like a a terrible decision on their part it’s not Jack’s fault you put him in a position like come on bro it’s Bang the Drum not tap the drum right right you know just show them in the stands good enough I agree exactly uh follow him on Twitter at Ira heatbeat Ira have a fantastic week enjoy the draft my friend appreciate and next Monday be the second day of NBA free agency we’ll break it all down on our Acura Penbrook Pines report thanks bigo thank you sir there you go the great IRA winderman and visit our friends at Acura of penro Pines they’ve got the 16th anniversary sale going on right now and by the way if you haven’t seen it yet I mean they’re using DMX in the commercials X going give it to you the ZDX is there the electrified one so go check it out go drive it that thing man that thing moves I mean that thing hauls ass it’s awesome gets like I don’t know 318 miles or something something which is fantastic anyway go check out the 16th anniversary sale going on right now 3.9% financing up to 60 months the 2024 Integra 319 the 2024 RDX 419 go check it out tell them that Big O sent you and if you 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  1. Please no more Tyler. Caleb is gone. No more Rozier. That’s about $60m. Hopefully they can upgrade.

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