@Detroit Pistons

Why Kenny Atkinson Getting Cavaliers Job Impacts The Detroit Pistons Coaching Search

Why Kenny Atkinson Getting Cavaliers Job Impacts The Detroit Pistons Coaching Search

the Cleveland Cavaliers have hired Kenny ainson to be their new head coach how does that impact the Detroit Pistons head coaching search well I’m going to tell you in today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lockdown pist podcast per usual I’m your host kahill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys for making locked on Pistons your first listen of every single day we’re fre of podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as playoffs wind down the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit lockon to get started today so later on today’s episode we’ll talk about a potential draft day trade with the Detroit Pistons and then also a former Detroit P actually the former piston GM I think we all know what we’re talking about signs with the Washington Wizard we’ll talk about that a little bit at the end of the podcast as well but where I want to start off with is obviously the fact that Kenny Atkinson has gotten the Cleveland Cavaliers head coaching job now obviously on the surface Kenny ainson signing with the Cleveland Cavaliers what the Cleveland Cavaliers do and cou why should we care about what the Cavs do well I think that really directly impacts the Detroit Pistons and let’s let’s go through it so a few weeks ago when we had James Edwards I third on the podcast and we talked about the potential of moving off of Monty Williams if you remember in that episode and if you remember I believe it was an episode last week when I talked about how Tom Gores needs to step in and make the decision because there’s good candidates right now with connections to your front office that if you move on now you have candidates out there that you would like um after the Cleveland Cavaliers hired Kenny aans as their head coach I’m going to reference our guy James Edward III again he tweets this out impacts Detroit search as bgo is available and this is the sentence right here this sentence right here is what I want you guys to really pay attention to he says and with that to my knowledge every candidate Detroit would have went went for aside from JJ reick had they moved on from Monty Williams a month ago is still available to them so if you go back and watch the episode with James and you watched the episode last week maybe just maybe maybe just maybe the reason why the Detroit Pistons didn’t move as quickly with the head coaching decision or maybe didn’t move as urgently with the head coaching decision art moving it seems like as urgently with their head coaching search is because when Tom Gores and and the search firm went through and AR telling whoever else was a part of it when they went through all the candidates and had their interviews I’m sure they talked about hey if we move on from Monty Williams who are some guys you’d like to bring in are there so do you have an idea of who you’d like to bring in and it seems like that everyone that was on Tran lon’s list everyone that tran Lan would have interest in the list that he provid or the list that he had at that time those candidates are still available June 24th which is when I’m recording this and maybe be maybe they believed that if they took their time with this decision with Monty they were not concerned about losing those candidates and bgo is one of those candidates now I believe that James bergo now that they the Cleveland Cavaliers who I’m speaking to is they now that the Cleveland Cavaliers have hired Kenny ainson I think James burgo shoots to the top of the Pistons list I think it has been kind of telling for a while we’ve kind of hinted at on the podcast quite a few times that I feel like the Pistons were watching what La did and what Cleveland did and they wanted to see how that would go before they acted now obviously if La went a different route and didn’t go after JJ or if they didn’t end up hiring JJ let’s say they ended up getting Dan Hurley I do think there’s a chance that they’d be going after JJ re right now but JJ’s gone like James mentioned he is one of the players that was on the list that has been taken off um Cleveland doesn’t look like they were interested in Kenny ainson so let’s wait to see what Cleveland does do what do we lose one of our candidates is what they’re thinking and they did not so where they would be technically like a month ago whenever they first hire trasan with the head coaching search they are basically it seems like to them and I I can’t say I disagree you’re in the same spot as you would have been a month ago or three weeks ago or two and a half weeks ago whenever you made the hiring official I think it was the 31st they’re in the exact same spot so there’s nothing for them to be too concerned about nothing for them to really Rush about because they had the guys that they were interested in are right there um so I want to talk about that also like I said I think James bergo jumps to the top of this list um I would say he would be the betting favorite I don’t think he is 100% going to be the coach but he is who I would believe to be the betting favorite he had time he spent time I should say with Tran Lon last year in New Orleans as an assistant coach um he I think is a really good offensive mind X’s and O’s wise and this last season he had in Charlotte despite the injuries and despite what they went through he actually had a good season and they still moved on from him so whatever I don’t know what the exact reason was for that I I I’m goingon to go talk with blackon Hornets um and see what they can give me about that but he is a really well-respected uh coach in the NBA and there were a few tweets one of them was from Evan cider who one of those guys I have my notifications on because you know reports and rumors Etc um one of the things they tweeted out or he tweeted out was um that ber goes coaching style offensively would really suit K Cunningham and and and uh bargo’s ability to get the most out of Cade offensively so and again obviously they have connections going back him and trasan going all the way back to New Orleans so I think bero shoots to the top of this list but I would not rule out at all Sean Sweeny now wouldn’t rule out Mikey M Nori so this is how I’m looking at the Pistons head coaching search as of right now it depends which way trean Lon actually wants to go because after his press conference after sleeping on a little bit I think there is a good chance that he I don’t want I don’t think he was bsing everybody but maybe I don’t think he revealed his hand as much as I initially thought I think he covered a lot of his bases I think he said a lot of things that a lot of people would like to hear but I don’t the only real thing I think that at this point now that I’ve sat on it and and slept on it they really took a stance on is having good development now I don’t know I don’t know if I really necessarily completely age agree that having good development a good developmental system means you want to keep every young guy and you want to develop all of them I don’t know if that necessarily is the case I also don’t necessarily think it’s the case that he’s just ready to I don’t want to say punt on this season but not necessarily care as much about winning this year and trying to take it slow I think that could be the case but I don’t know if it’s 100% that way either so I think a lot of things are wide open and I think after re listening to a lot of what he said I think Tran left the door open for really any route he wants to go I don’t think he really I think he hinted at how how some of the things he feels like but I don’t think he really put himself into a corner of where he has to go I think he left the door open to a lot of things um I say that to say if they are trying to put together a good team next year and I don’t mean like sacrifice everything to be a 4 win team like that’s not what I’m saying I’m saying if they’re trying to put good pieces on the team next year to be competitive to compete for the play in maybe make the play maybe hey maybe make the AC as they battling through the plan like if that’s what they’re trying to do then I think BGA would be the best bet that’s who I would go with if that’s what they are trying to do in the kind of offseason the kind of actions and moves they make that’s who I would go with I’d go with burgo if they are trying to go slow if they are not going to make much changes if they’re gonna keep all of the young guys if they’re trying to just you know like I said take it slow and just develop all these guys and give them a chance to grow again if that’s the route they want to go and they’re going to take on large contracts that aren’t good contracts and like I said I said this in the last episode I went through and looked at all the contracts you possibly could take on there are like really bad contracts but they’re still good players and you might still get assets with them there’s not very many opportunities for that out there like I don’t see very many at all like maybe Zack LaVine but I don’t know if the Bulls are that desperate it sounds like the Kings and the Bulls are already talking about a potential trade doesn’t mean the pisses can’t but I don’t know if the Bulls are attaching all these assets to Levine I don’t know if they hate them that much um and then the only other one I can really look at is Andrew Wiggins but what isn’t what’s the asset people are talking about from the Warriors what is this big asset I don’t think they’re giving up one of their young guys to get off of Wiggins like that’s not happening so like I just don’t know how possible those you know we’re GNA take on big contracts they’re still good players but overpaid contract and get assets with it I just don’t know how many opportunities there actually are of those out there so I I think if he does go that route Trac that is you’re taking on bad contracts and the players are probably not that good so if that’s the route they go to replenish the assets and you want to go slower Sean Sweeney is who I’d go with so that’s where I’m at right now with the coaching search I think it’s between my personal opinion I think it’s probably between Sweeney and and burgo and for me it just depends which rout are you going this offseason are you making some doesn’t have to be ultra aggressive moves why you making somewhat aggressive moves this offseason okay if so now I’m going with burgo if you’re being slow about it you’re kind of trying to be patient and not do as much and kind of just let it go let it grow as it goes now i’ go with Sean Sweeney and hope he has a great developmental staff and he knows how to develop these guys like that those are the two routes I’d go it really depends so that’s where I’m at as of right now but I do think Kenny ainson getting the Cavs job is a big big deal for the Detroit Pistons because James burgo I’m telling you is on this list and is highly thought of on that list I’m telling you guys that so don’t know if he’s 100% going to get it like I said I think it’s between Sweeney and burgo but that Kenny ainson getting the cash job really makes it interesting for the Pistons and I’m I’m again I’m really interested to see which way they go I know bgo is one of those guys that they really like so they go with Sweeney heck maybe Michael Nory Michael Nory may maybe they really like him but I think it’s between Sweeney and bgo we’ll see which way they go I think it depends what kind of actions they want to take this off season but let me know in the comments section down below where you guys are leaning do you guys think this Cavs hiring of Kenny ainson is a big deal do you guys like bergo do you like Sweeney is there another Cy you like allog together that the Pistons should be going after let me know comment section down below or over on Twitter at CER Hill when we come back is there a possibility of the Detroit Pistons making a draft day trade talk about that coming up passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find 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hit that subscribe button all the five star reviews all the followers we’ve gained the community we’ve built I really appreciate all of your guys’ support really um and let’s continue to show locked on that we are the fastest growing Network or the fastest well we are the fastest growing Network that is true but also the fastest growing fan base at the network fastest growing community at the network continue to show them that I really appreciate you guys um before we get into the draft day trade I just got done watching JJ re’s introductory press conference with the Lakers I’m so upset I’m I’m I’m so upset they didn’t get JJ I know that he doesn’t have any coaching experience but I really really feel confidently that Jade is going to be a hell of a coach like I know he doesn’t have NBA coaching experience but he knows the game so damn well I’m not talking about just one of those people who are on a Network and happens to say a smart thing or two like he knows the ex’s and O’s he knows how to play he knows like the very Min details he knows how to create an offense what goes into a defense he knows what he’s looking like that press conference was tremendous I was just sitting there watching it and the little F bombs he was dropping I was like whoa okay the energy I I’m loving it so I’m I’m disappointed man I would have loved to have JJ in Detroit and you know he already follows me on Twitter we’ve interacted before would have helped me out you know you feel me having JJ in Detroit maybe could have got on the podcast you feel me who knows I know he say he’s not messing with the podcast no more but all that kind of stuff could happened you feel me but anyways let’s move on past that I really am rooing for JJ though I think he’s gonna be great um but let’s move on to the draft a trade now um so at the press conference with Tran Lon um something we talked about in the last episode obviously but I just want to bring it back up for those of you guys who maybe did not listen um or didn’t tune into the press conference either he was Tran was not asked directly about this he just said it himself and that’s it jumped out to me as soon as he said it I was like well you didn’t have to say that like you weren’t asked about that that’s telling um and the quote he said was whether we’re picking at five or somewhere else we’re gonna have a pick in this draft and I feel confident about the guys in this draft so again he did not have to say or somewhere else in this draft whether it be five or somewhere else he kind of or already told that hey we’re looking at moving off of five we might move back into this draft but we like the guys in this draft so after that obviously you the takeaway is okay the PS might trade their pick um but we’re gonna shout out our guy friend of the podcast again I feel like we we we’ve been mentioning James a lot um we gotta get James back in the pockets I’ve had him on the pockets like three times in the last two months he’s probably sick of it but um those you guys who are listening go hit up James and his DMS and mention some him to get back un locked on Pistons um but anyways James with a podc or not podcast article today 24th is this is why I’m reading it um and in this article he talked about his sense what he’s hearing what he understands what he feels like is that the Detroit Pistons are going to have a pick in the first first round he doesn’t believe the Pistons and I haven’t heard this either but the Pistons are not gonna trade out of the first round completely like they’re not going to trade the fifth pick for a player and that’s it they want to stay in the first round however I think as of right now that I’m moving away from James article but I now I’m saying my own opinion I think the Pistons are going to trade back I think it’s incredibly likely that the Pistons are going to try to acquire future assets by trading back one of the things like I said earlier in the episode I don’t feel like immediately after the Press I recorded my quick reaction I feel like okay he gave a very clear Vision he told us basically what’s going to happen what he’s going to do we know what’s going to happen this offseason I don’t feel that strongly anymore I think there’s still a bunch of ways they could go I don’t think he revealed his hands as much as I originally thought but he did reveal I feel very quickly that and and and repeatedly that acquiring assets is a major thing for him and I can’t blame him you guys remember on this podcast I spent months once it became clear that Weaver was probably not going to be here I spent months talking about this the asset management and even years to be honest the asset management of the last front office was absolutely horrific it was terrible and it goes all the way back and we went into what went wrong with this past regime I think we did that in like March or whatever I forget when exactly we did that episode but I went all the way back I said it started in 2020 when the Pistons had created all that couch space a lot a big misconception a lot among Pistons fans is that Troy Weaver took over a team with salary Capell and he had to get off of Blake’s contract and no the Pistons had cap space the previous year they got rid of Andre and Reggie’s contract for a mediate expiring contract it was literally just Sal cap that’s all it was so they created cap space for the next front office to take over and have that flexibility that was the whole point in why Weaver was brought in he didn’t have no s Capell I I that’s a big Mis misconception amongst Pistons fans simply because Blake was still on the team and they ended up wavering stretching Blake I or no they ended up buying him out either way his contract wasn’t like tying them down they had a lot of cap space still and instead of using that cap space to acquire back contracts like a lot of rebuilding bad teams do look at what OKC did look at Philadelphia a lot of these teams what they do at the beginning of a rebuild they take on bad contracts to acquire future assets look at I know it’s not it’s not the same thing at all but just look at all the other rebuilding te I don’t Houston and Brooklyn didn’t or not Brooklyn but Houston didn’t acquire it the same way obviously they had s but just look at all the rebuilding teams the assets they have when you don’t have that star to trade to get assets the way you go about getting assets is by look we’re going to be bad so we’re goingon to acquire this bad contract we’re going to take some assets so when we’re ready to be good we have these assets to use to go all in we have these assets instead of doing that Troy Weaver used his cap space on players for the immediate Jeremy Grant Mason plumbley Josh Jackson jul okaf for that that’s what he did so they never once made acquiring future assets a priority actually in that first off season along with those signings they also traded away their first round pick which is by the way still protected and owned by the New York Knicks and it it really handicaps and makes trading their first- round picks in the future wonky let’s say that so really never once over the last regime was acquiring assets a big deal or or or like a priority it just never happened it was it drove me insane if you guys have been listening to the podcast for for a while you guys know it drove me insane I was going crazy I hated it I hated it so I don’t blame Tran at all like I made a joke the other day on Twitter like I’m sure Tran got hired he was like all right let’s look at all the assets we got uh nothing what the hell have you guys been doing the last four years like I’m sure that’s how he looked at it so I don’t blame him at all that if he takes over this team he’s like okay yeah one of the areas we have to get we have to get assets because this is Detroit people aren’t going to be willingly choosing to sign here I’m sorry everybody I love Detroit but that’s just not GNA happen we gota be realistic it’s cold weather City it’s not gonna happen Okay the way you get these guys and the way the 2004 team was built was by trades you have to have assets to go get these guys to go get players and the pitons have none uh this was a long-winded way of saying I’m sorry I went on a little bit of a you know rant with the last regime I’m sorry it still makes me angry the whole point is assets assets assets was like a big a big priority from trean in the press conference the easiest way to acquire future ones is by moving back in the draft move back with Oklahoma City move back with Oklahoma City get their first this year and maybe get first next year or move back with who are some of the other teams we’ve been hearing about Portland move back with Portland at 14 get 14 and maybe a future pick next year or two years down the line move back with the bulls maybe the Bulls want to come up maybe you get 11 LaVine and another pick for five who knows maybe that’s something you do maybe you go move back with the Kings the Kings have rumor to be trying to go up maybe move back with the Kings get their 13th pick and move and get a pick in the future the quickest and easiest way I know Utah has also been counter rumored Grizzlies at nine that’s real interesting to one to watch that is the easiest way to acquire future assets if you don’t want to take on bad contracts for nothing the easiest way quickest way is to trade back in this upcoming draft get keep stay in the first round and for moving back you get a future asset I won’t be surprised honestly I’m betting on it I think that’s incredibly likely because of how important TR in Lon really made acquiring assets sound and look am I would I be excited about watching this team next year if they took on back contracts to get assets and knowing that they’re probably not GNA be much better next year no I wouldn’t be excited about the product on the floor but I again I would not be able to sit here and blame Tran for wanting to like make assets a big priority because the Pistons literally have none compared to any other rebuild rebuilding team they can’t make trades they don’t have value in trades they’ll just get out bid by everybody like that is a big deal so I have no problem whatsoever actually I’m happy about it that Tron looks at that and he’s prioritizing that it should have been prioritized years ago so long story short yeah I think a draft day trade is coming for the Pistons I think they’re going to move back into the first round um because this draft is so crazy after like the top and even in the top three I feel like what I’ve read a lot about this draft is from 5 to 20 like guys could go anywhere like whoever’s at five fall they could go at 15 whoever goes at 15 could go at six like it’s it’s all there’s not much of a gap it seems like between each player um according to the league across the league and if you like a guy that’s like you know you feel like will be there at 13 why not move back it’s is in this kind of draft um so that’s where I stand with it um there is a player that they really like or not let me not say they really like I don’t know I think that they would really like is someone that James mentioned in his article um he plays for cholet basket I believe that’s how you say it um his name I believe is tajan Salon Salon he is turning 19 he’s a prospect um he’s a guy that tanon has ranked at 13 Going to Sacramento I like that’s a name I’d watch for everything I’ve read about him is he’s a high ceiling kind of guy they want to take a swing at high ceiling guy lay or mid first and get a free your asset I I wouldn’t be shocked about that please guys don’t don’t clip that don’t don’t cut that podcast right there and why I said they really like that was a misspeak I didn’t mean to say that I think they like him I would be intrigued by him James mentioned him so I’m just saying watch out for him I don’t know whether they actually really like him or not I haven’t asked about it I haven’t talked about it with anyone I know don’t don’t read too much into that that one I know I tell you guys of reading some of the stuff I say that’s one of those ones where I’m saying that is more so me just trying to connect some dots that is not me hinting at anything do not let’s let’s you know don’t don’t get me in trouble don’t get me in trouble here um but when we come back speaking of Troy Weaver he signed with Washington the Washington Wizards what’s going on I love sports and I’ve played them my whole life and I’ve Loved Sports literally since I was a kid I they Sports has been everything for me I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like how I usually want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I had to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head over to lockon and start making the most out of your summer that’s with FanDuel the official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball again try out FanDuel today so I want to thank you guys again for being lock on pist your first listen of every single day free toel all your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast so Troy Weaver former Pistons GM we all know very we know a lot about Troy Weaver don’t we um and he has signed with the Washington Wizards which I believe is his hometown right I believe I read earlier that it was his hometown let me click the article this from the Detroit News let me I’m almost 100% sure that is his hometown yeah they say here he’s going home um so he’s signed with his hometown in Washington um and they according to W’s tweet he is being signed as a senior advisor so don’t know what exactly um what exactly that is I know the Detroit news says here they’re not exactly sure what role he’s going to play I know wer tweet said a senior adviser but I’m sure that could mean a lot of things he could be doing a lot of things with them I he probably would be doing some scouting that’s what I would say is probably what he’s doing um I’ll say this I I don’t want want anyone to be unemployed obviously so the fact that Troy got a job you know good for him um two things I have to say about this two things and then we’ll wrap up the podcast first thing I have to say is I’m a little bit confused and again I’m not not I’m happy he’s employed I’m happy he’s got a job you know I hope it goes well um I don’t know how like watching these last four years in Detroit and how this went how he got a job so quickly I don’t know what Washington was like maybe he wilded him in the interview or maybe they really like him I don’t know we’ll see what happens um so that’s the first takeaway I had the second takeaway I had or second thought I had was and this one’s probably where a lot of Pistons fans are thinking um there is a lot of debate within the Pistons Community about how much of this really was Troy Weaver’s fault there is a lot of discussion about which decisions was Weaver which decisions were AR tellum which ones were Tom which one was another faction of the front office we remember we had it report a few days ago from Vincent Goodwell that there’s four factions in this front office in this organization or at least there was this past year in the last few years so there’s a lot of debate amongst the community about how much this actually was Weaver’s fault and how much was he handicapped I think there’s going to be a lot of Pistons fans that let’s say Washington like drafts amazing this year or let’s say Washington Leap Frogs the Pistons next year they like they’re already ahead of them but let’s say they move even further into the rebuild next year two years from now they’re farther along in their rebuild and they’re they’re doing great it’s going to be a very interesting discussion that will be being had in the business Community I know it I know it’s going to be if if Troy Weaver goes over to Washington and Washington starts doing some good stuff and they start drafting the some good players and all of a sudden like in a year you start hearing weaver or two years from now you start seeing Weaver’s name circulate again and potential jobs because Washington’s doing well oh my God it’s going to be a very heated time in the Pistons Community because there like I said there’s already some people that believe it wasn’t all Troy’s fault and that he was kind of handicapped with one arm behind his back because he couldn’t make all the decisions if he goes to Washington all of a sudden he’s playing a big role in what’s going on and now Washington does great oh my God it’s going to be like it’s going to be hell in the Pistons it’s going to be crazy so um I know that P would lead some people to say he prob should be rooe for him to fail no I’m not gonna Ro for anyone to fail I hope they do well I hope he does well in Washington um obviously not as good as the Pistons like you’d like to see the Pistons do some good things but hope all things go well for Troy over in Washington really hope you know he’s able to keep the job and you know do good things don’t want to see anyone unemployed but yeah definitely in a few years of Watch is looking really legit and Troy is like you know a prominent role in that like o it’s not going to look good Pistons fans are going to lose it it’s and I can’t you know what at that point I might not be able to blame him like that would be pretty that that would be a turn of events I’ll tell you that much but um let me know how you guys think about it comment section down below or over on Twitter at cuk Hill that’s all I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day fre on podcast platforms hit that subscribe button at the YouTube channel leave us a firear review and whatever podcast platform you listening to us on and until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there till next time peace out

Kenny Atkinson has officially been hired by the Cleveland Cavaliers; this hiring impacts the Detroit Pistons in a big way, as New Orleans Pelicans assistant James Borrego is now looked at as a prime target for Trajan Langdon.

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  1. @Locked on Pistons I believe what the Pistons does in the draft with the 5th pick by either keeping the pick, trading back, or trading the pick for an established player will give us a clearer picture on what direction he's going in.

  2. During the press conference Langdon is not going to show his hand on what he's going to do. We'll have to just wait and see what transpires on draft night. Get your 🍿 ready.

  3. I don’t think JJ was considered to be a candidate here. He wanted to go to LA and I don’t think we needed him imo.

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