@Detroit Pistons

The Pistons Pulse: NBA Draft Preview

The Pistons Pulse: NBA Draft Preview

[Music] [Applause] hello and welcome to your goto Pistons podcast the Pistons pulse co-hosted by me Bryce Simon and Motor City Hoops a former D1 Hooper and current teacher husband and father of three amazing kids and I’m Amari Sanko for the second Pistons beat writer for the Detroit Free Press and of course we’re blessed to always be joined by our producer West Davenport and it’s a big week Amari we tweeted about this we text about this we talked about this this is kind of the start of a lot of really fun content a lot of decisions we don’t have to project and predict as much anymore we can just give our analysis on things so I’m really excited for this episode but also the episodes we have coming up here shortly before we get started Amari I wanted to give a chance we don’t do this a lot plug everything all the Articles youve put out because I’m sure people are going to ask questions and want to know stuff let everybody know what you’ve written about here recently yeah I mean I’ve been writing a lot of stuff this past week I have a lot of coverage from the TR and Lang langon conference on Friday which A lot’s happened since our last episode they party aways with Mon and then press conference happened like two days later so a lot of coverage on that uh I’ve draft coverage from the past few days I have a new M draft going up the morning up the draft Wednesday and man just th conent like it’s that time of year I have trade projections looking for it just go on to check all of that out and then I’m gon to plug this on the Pod here like check out Bryce’s substack because he has a lot of great notes for the draft prospects and I’ve actually been leaning on that among the other all the other analysis that’s out there so check that out as well I appreciate it I actually was going to plug today Wes was a part of this Blake man over at dbb usually Amari was a part of these mock drafts we do over on the basketball bulletin substack Amari wasn’t able to because all of this news dropped but like I said Wes and Blake were and we did a predictive mock over on the basketball bulletin that one’s completely free that’s a project I do with Trevor Lane and Keith Smith over there and then yeah you graciously shouted me out on Twitter with all of my Scouts I have a lot of Pistons specific stuff on my Motor City hoop substack a few other things guys just some house cleaning so Wednesday night this stream will not be live I will be over on Game Theory with Sam but on the dbb YouTube Wes and Blake and the dbb crew will be live for I believe the entire first round on W Wednesday night not just the Pistons pick but an entire first round so you guys lock in over there and watch that with them and then we will be back Thursday morning with everything we got going on Amari writing me podcasting all of that we will be back first thing Thursday morning for our reaction to whatever Detroit does in the first round and then yes guys we will talk food a couple months from now so if you guys saw that on Twitter today I gave a little peek behind the curtain I said Amari what are we gonna do during the dold drums and he said doldrums equal food takes or something like that I said I’m out I put it on Twitter and I got immediately overruled everybody wants to food Tes SP I feel like we took a break for a while which is totally cool because we are basketball first SP but we have to remember our Roots too you know this was part of the the the early Journey the lace potato chips on the peanut butter I don’t even know how that became a thing like I don’t either still the thing everybody brings up I I have to go back to like episode three and figure out how that became a thing but we will get to it we will get to it but the next month obviously uh after this week we at free agency and then summer league and me and Vegas will be in me and Bryce will be in Vegas for a couple days as well so it’s going to be a fun off guys I think we’re excited yeah it’ll be a lot of fun David says all right guys I’m here cutting the grass and looking forward to a good listen if I hurry I may be able to enjoy the remainder of the episode over some bourbon drink responsibly but you know adult have one in your house there relax you deserve it after mowing the grass Omari never move next to me if you’re mowing the lawn before my wife is awake and it ruins the rest of my day because you piss her off I don’t know how good of friends we’re going to be well here’s the thing this is probably another offseason topics later in the summer but I’m like very anti-g grass in general like I never want to be responsible for a line in my life so you really don’t have to worry about that what is your anti-g grass you don’t want to pay for it you don’t think it’s environmentally friendly what what is the issue here it’s like ol ofely above but it’s just work it is it’s literally just adding work to your to your life for no real upside at all like kids don’t need well I guess it’s cool to have grass if you have kids but like like we were playing basketball out on the street on the sidewalk like we were fine uh you have to water it like if your grass looks bad like people judge you like your neighbors are like man like brown spot Brown patch like look at them they don’t care it’s like I didn’t I don’t want this like I I’ve got a house I didn’t get a line like that’s just something I’m burdened with so I’m perfectly cool never having a line to take care of at all I just think that’s extra work Chile Damon says cut it real low on a hot SUNY day it will burn out and not be a problem that’s that’s very am mari’s house is about to have no curb up listen you’re talking to the wrong guy here my I’m very very proud of my lawn so for some people who don’t know I worked in a for a landscaping business through high school and then it was my full-time job when I first got out of college after I stopped College coaching so mowe Lawns put in sprinkler systems Landscaping all of that stuff Amari so I’m very very particular about my yard nobody else touches it I get really upset when my kids walk through it and ride their bikes through it and all of that stuff before the kids who was this serving I don’t like my kids playing on it at all to be quite honest but we have a a trampoline that’s ground level so I have to let him play in the back and all of that I will say though I feel feel like I stepped up the game on the Block and now everybody else on the block has looked at our yard and been like oh we’re going to step up our game with theirs as well got they’re so annoyed they are so annoyed are you start caring and now I gotta care they are not annoyed preach them why is everybody on your side look I come on like nobody has ever made a good argument for grass like what is going on this is worse than the food takes I actually understand when people cook me for my food takes because I have no whatever I’m right you guys are all wrong the neighborhood that’s what I’m saying they’re like man now I gotta do on purpose like don’t be mad at me my long game what what did you say the game is the game or whatever you said to me the game hey the game is the game that’s right if you take care of your line everybody else has to like that’s what I was getting at though like we could all collectively not but there’s one person he he said you’re raising kids not aine there we go no I’m with Bryce there we go we get one person there we go Wes is like behem against my take like Wes is saying amarius nuts let take his unhen and he’s asking Bryce for Grant I got you Wes I can help you assistant recommendations next time I’m in Detroit we’ll put it we’ll put it in for you we’ll do it all um listen we got way more important things than to spend this amount of time talking about come back we’ll come back to it I want to give my guy Harry a shout out he said what up though I was over with them on the order of the Blazing horse and it’s it’s a really fun pod they got a little thing that they got with it but we talk legit stuff over there they’re really smart good stuff so check out that one and then oh no yeah hate yard L I guess that’s where I get it here’s the thing I’m also allergic to Grass I put that out there too like I have I have horrible season of allergies like it’s really bad oh my gosh listen I love Mr sanova he’s my favorite this I’m blaming him though this is his fault this isn’t even your fault he ruined you and it’s it’s okay it’s okay and then I gotta shout out Richard Brooks he had a funny one here whenever we started late seven or eight minutes he said it’s Tom Gore’s in traffic so shout out Richard with a nice one there here’s the thing um Marcus says what up do fellas all right Amari speaking of the press conference we don’t have to talk about you guys waiting you also speaking of things your fault that was your fault you sent out a tweet we’re all here it’s going to get started on time and then an hour later nobody was there so you jinxed it that was your fault that it got started now there we go okay your takeaways where do we want to start we talk about your your takeaways from the tras pressor or Monty Williams firing all of this kind of the same thing yeah like it all kind of goes in one uh like it seemed like for most of the summer uh really like most of the off season just and we’ve talked about it but the feeling was just that Monty didn’t have the support you know really to come back if that’s what the new president wanted to go with a new coach and it did seem like there was actually really strong momentum for him to come back but I think in and like the work just wanted the frh start um you know so we’ll see like what happens with with that maybe they’ll get a little Financial release relief next time he gets a coaching job but beyond that uh I thought tring came off really well somebody asked me after like what I thought about it in general and it kind of caught me off guard because usually after press conferences I’m just thinking about how how to organize information and then how like figuring out what to write and whatnot but I didn’t necessarily have like an opinion but if you want a coherent plan for how they’re going to move forward and you hear I’m talking about eating assets and um well e eating assets I should say and then with that uh also just honing again on shooting uh def Fred Vincent H obviously hinted toward that seems like there’s a coherent plan and he didn’t put a timeline on it which was to be expected because who to say how long this thing is going to take to get off but just you know for somebody inheriting a team of 64 million in cap space it seemed like he had a pretty uh rational plan for what to do with it and we’ll see what that looks like and how shakes out but I thought everything he said made sense given the position the team is in Matthew ble says can’t believe I finally caught a pod live this is great we appreciate it obviously everybody listening watching right now we appreciate you hit the like button subscribe button catch us live all the time again we’ll be back Thursday morning if you’re listening on podcast subscribe rate review all of those things we love it we really appreciate it all right let’s go with this first Amari Monty Williams is gone we all know I don’t I don’t have a whole lot of interest in getting into the 12 months that was Monte Williams we know it wasn’t good it was an awful year forgettable year I don’t think anybody is going to think that we really have to defend him getting fired or anything like that Monty’s moved on I think everybody was ready for a new start all of that here’s my thing what does the new coach look like I don’t even want to throw out names because I think we learned 12 months ago when everybody was ready for Dwayne Casey to be gone and everybody was excited about Williams or Kevin Oly that maybe we don’t really know much about coaches and whether they’re going to be successful or not maybe we I don’t know what we learned I feel like I don’t know I learned that I don’t know anything and that giving an opinion is kind of for me not very smart but I can say what I would look for in a coach so if you want to throw out some names that’s great but what would you look for yeah I mean we like we’ll see how it un foros uh you know we we’ve talked about some of the candidates I think James bgo um you know as a candidate well I guess we haven’t talked about but I read about it last week I think James bgo has a strong chance but just from talking to to trasan not just during the press conference but sort of off to the side after uh he really just emphasized winning a leader like a leader of men uh you know somebody who can really work well with young players but you know obviously knows the ex’s and those aspect but uh somebody who could just really come in and just sort of own that leadership for a young team and really establish good habits and things like that so A young player coach coach right you know maybe that’s a coach with younger energy uh we’ve seen you know coaches like will hardy come in and like really joke quickly with their rosters and really that’s sort of the route I think a lot of rebuilding teams I’ve gone with over the past you know six seven years like even five years ago with Taylor Jenkins where he wasn’t super proven and he’s done a good job in in in in Memphis so obviously that’s not James morgo they’re at some assistance too but I expect they’ll get somebody in who can really hone in on the Player Development aspect and really sort of light some fire under under these guys yeah I’m with you I think a new level of energy is what I feel like would be great also just somebody that and I’ve said you know if I wasn’t a pound the table Dwayne Casey needs to be fired I was probably known as a Dwayne Casey supporter but one thing I always said about Dwayne Casey was I did want to see a little bit more offensive creativity and I hope whoever gets hired I think that that will be important is to to be creative with the offense because no matter what happens this offse well I shouldn’t say no matter but there’s a chance this offseason that there is still some spacing issues and maybe there’s some clunky fits and stuff like that I want a coach who at least is going to try to figure out if Kad and Jay and Ivy are gonna work if if Tran sees or wants to see these two guys try to play together then you’re gonna have to be a little bit creative with him you can’t just stand these guys in certain spots get some actions get some movement those type of things and then whether it’s the head coach what whatever it is if it’s an offensive minded head coach then bring in an assistant coach that’s really defensive oriented or vice versa I know Sean Sweeney is a name that comes up a lot obviously that would be your defensive-minded head coach if he is hired as the head coach well then I would be interested to see who he hires as an assistant coach in terms of the offensive stuff I want to see offensive creativity Omari but I think the energy thing is something I just think it’s important at the end of the day you have this young team most likely it’s still G to be very young uh just somebody that kind of has the appetite for and the energy and enthusiasm for growing these youngsters up and just understands what it’s about and I do want to as we transition to Tran it does seem like Shan was adamant about having one kind of focus and goal and path did you get that from the press conference as well because that’s something I’ve talked about and I think is important the organization has Just One Vision here moving forward yeah I mean that’s really what they’ve emphasized is just everybody being on the same page like I think we have seen this front office get a bit splendored especially once the losses start piling up and uh you know everybody has an idea for how to sort of get this thing going right and you look at a guy like Tran Langan who’s coming in with an Outsiders perspective which is probably important in the gr game of just uh moving this thing forward beyond the the past era and Tom talked about him being like a CEO a lot like I think at the end of the day a lot of things are said during press conferences you just kind of have to see how things play out um I think to go of press conference is to obviously build hype and um say things that sound good but with that yeah yeah we are an adaptable coach who doesn’t take stats and analytics as a personal ins so yeah I just imagine that they’re going to go with a coach who is an extension of the the front office essentially right like it remains to be seen what they go with as far as analytics and everything else but they’re absolutely going to bring in a coach who’s on board with everything the front office wants and understands coming in that this is going to be a uh a uh re a rebuild job right a gut job and what’s interesting is that they I’m not hired a coach like that really in a long time San gunny was brought in to win Dwayne was brought into to win he became a rebuild coach and then manty essentially was brought into to win as well so it’s really a very different Shi in philosophy compared to the last decade really of coaching hires for this franchise Travis rinsky says I’m here for the food debates why are we talking ball what’s up amarian Bryce yes we you missed it at the beginning so if you if you want to go back if you weren’t here from the start the first five minutes for food and Lawn takes and all of that so yeah it’s I’m I’m interested to see who they hire somebody brought up the you know by summer league summer league I think starts on the 11th obviously you’d want to staff together so you can pick which assistants are gonna coach summer league and all of that I mean ideally they would know who their coach is before they make this pick on Wednesday because again if you’re gonna have this shared Vision you would want to draft a player that this coach is going to like and fits what’s going on and his system and all of those type of things so what did did you you mentioned a little bit earlier what did you think just in terms of the vibe of Langan with the roster how he’s going to try to build this out specifically in the short term I think you mentioned and I think one of my biggest takeaways and we’ll talk draft in a second trading out all of that let’s save that but in general I think there was the specific mention of taking on quote unquote bad money for future assets but that bad money being players that could actually contribute am I am I paraphrasing that correctly was that kind of your Vibe with maybe a little bit of how this cap space would be spent that was my vibe uh he talked yeah I mean as you said he talked about both right like eating salary for assets but also bringing in veterans who can really lift the floor and sort of get these young guys to support that they need uh maybe you can check both boxes at the same time like let’s say like this is probably an extreme example but obviously there’s a lot of speculation about Zack LaVine and if they just end up salary dumping him like if you get a first take on Zack LaVine and that’s a lot of salary but obviously he can still play it’s not like he can’t play is just that he’s been hurt so that’s there’s a lot of risk with that but he would accomplish your goal essentially of doing both right you’re eating salary for a first round pick and all you you’re you’re even in first round picks you don’t just owe a Fusion Run anymore which opens up a lot of flexibility but you have to bring in somebody that can play uh just whatever speculation named Andrew Wiggins like he’s had some I think just some behind the scenes stuff he’s been dealing with obviously a guy that can still play if you take on assets and you can sort of rehabilitate I guess for lack of a better word some of these guys then maybe you’re in good shape or maybe you do both right maybe you just take on bad salary um you know you don’t expect much from it but because you have 64 million you could still invest about 30 million of that into um you know whatever free agents you might be able to get two really solid guys around 15 million per uh those are all options when you have the most caps space in the league so uh it’ll be some juggling for sure um you know I’d be curious to see how you want them to approach it Bryce but it seems like they could probably check both boxes just depending on who’s trying to be dumped yeah real quick Sharon dton says and Marian Bryce will you guys be in Vegas for the summer league we will I will be there the first weekend Thursday night through I fly back out Monday morning so essentially Thursday night through Sunday I you’ll probably be there a little bit longer we will actually oh lucky you uh we will definitely plan on recording an episode like we always do kind of become a tradition the first time we ever met and recorded before the Pistons pulse was in Vegas but we’ll try to do one together like we did last year so yes we will both be there so if any of you guys are out in Vegas that’s always one of the coolest things for me Amari is when we’re walking through Arena and somebody randomly just like hey pry hey Amari you know whatever so guys definitely say what’s up and we’ll come over and talk to you I always en enjoy doing that how did he from Thomas Hardy then we’ll we you we’ll answer this one then take it to the break says do you guys see the JJ presser love to talk about game is changing and he is going to use analytics and evolve do you guys feel the same I only saw bits and pieces of it here’s my thing with analytics I do buy excuse me buy analytics to a point I think they are important part of the game I think they make sense I think sometimes people misuse them or misrepresent them and what they mean or what they’re trying to tell you I think about that with the three-point shooting stuff it’s not just about threes are worth more than twos it’s also about floor spacing it’s about offensive rebounding it’s about things Beyond just the numbers but I’ve never coached at the NBA level obviously and the one year I did was very low division one there are things that go into this is why I say I don’t think we know about coaches Omari because there’s so much that goes into personalities connecting with players demanding the locker room holding players accountable seeing the right vision for players right like me and you can watch the same game can watch the same player and Come Away with two different visions of him Wes and I have talked about Wes I’m gonna need the pronunciation guide for tinjon Salon I believe tinjon Salon I will get it right I’ve been saying it wrong but Wes and I see him have seen him just a little bit differently so there’s a lot that goes into it Beyond just analytics Omari of hey yeah shoot at The Rim shoot from the three-point line there’s all sorts of other factors no doubt and I’ll take it into the segment too briefly but what really did stand out about Tran talking about spacing is that he didn’t just say yeah we need shooting he talked about it in context of moving the ball and cutting down on turnovers though I did ask him his assessment of the roster and he admitted like hey I was was in the Western Conference we had our own stuff going on we start to piss this twice so you know I still have a lot of deep Dives to do but that was just a very specific thing for him to say especially when last season they struggled to shoot but also were the League’s most turn of prone team or among them so I think going back to analytics just for him to immediately address the correlation between the two to me shows that he’s thinking like big picture right like how do we maximize these guys it’s not just we be the guys that can take threes over twos right because you do have guys that can shoot from mid-range and it’s worthwhile yeah I mean and that’s what the numbers say it nobody says don’t take mid-range Omari they just say if you’re a 35% three-point shooter you need to be better than 50% from the mid-range or the numbers don’t add up if if you’re insane from the mid-range and not any good from three then take the mid-range shots and it is the defense is going to give that so if the defense isn’t drop coverage maybe you’re going to do it a little bit more like there’s there’s all sorts of nuance with it but I think analytics have made the game better whenever we do use it right Batman says California Native But Die Hard Detroit Pistons fan just want to say Bry and Amari do a fantastic job breaking down my Pistons good job fellas thank you we appreciate that one actually let’s go to break and then we’re gonna come back with this question from Jonathan Schwarz or his comment because we talked a little bit about this before we started today so we’ll go to a break when we come back we’ll start with that comment from Jonathan all right we’re back with segment two and we’re GNA start to dive into some drafts stuff we’re going to start with this comment from Jonathan Schartz I don’t think they want to get all that better it’s pretty clear Lang langen doesn’t want to miss out on the 2025 draft like I think that’s a valid point like obviously that’s the Cooper flag draft not just Cooper flag but there’s several players at the top who could be transformational for the Pistons but I would also say that that’s just a natural consequence of inheriting a 14-1 team like there’s probably only so much you can do to meaningfully move that needle forward um until you actually have like a genuine star you could build around I’m not saying K like could to be that I’m just saying uh most rebuilds are at some form of stasis until you really get the gears going on that and then you figure out what can add and then you really start to invest in that so yeah I would say if I’m a president inhering 14 win team like I’m that I’m mapping out the next three drafts you know like I’m I’m just doing this with the expectation that’s it’s G to taken longer and if we beat expectations cool but I don’t think you set high expectations or uh put a clock up to get better especially when you know that those types of prospects start coming along and listen guys we’re 12 months away from the 2025 draft and so there’s a lot that could change in terms of who plays well who explodes all of those Willie brings up Nolan trayor that’s a name Ace Bailey VJ Edom I like common malok I’m really interested to see how he looks Drake pal Trey Johnson all sorts of dudes that can play a little bit so and maybe it ends up being a flat draft like 2024 but I think there’s a little bit more than just Cooper flag where it’s not number one pick or Bust at least for me right now now do you want to be in the top five the top three sure but we’ve just seen this play out for three years where this team had one of the worst records and still picked at five we just saw the team with the 10th worst record jump all the way to one and so what I would say and I was gonna talk about this a little bit earlier when just team building I think you asked me I would change I have changed a little bit of what I feel like this summer Amari from I don’t think for a little while I bought into potentially a Brandon Ingram or somebody like like a second is star to get some buckets and really help move this thing forward I’ve kind of reverted back to actually what Andrew sleck talked about let’s just fill this out with quality NBA players really good role players that can space the floor defend and help this team this organization figure out what is Kate Cunningham what is Jay Navy what is Jaylen Duren I don’t think doing that Omari is GNA get them the 35 wins or something like that I think I said on a recent pod I think it was order of the Blazing horse get to 25 wins like can can we make an 11- win jump can this team make an 11- win jump maybe a 13 get to 27 28 you’re still gonna finish with the six worst record or something like that with odds to jump into the top five top three all of that I would rather do that than win 15 games again and and have the worst record and then still have a 50-50 chance of falling to five no doubt and this is going to lead us into our draft debate a little bit but um again yeah I look at this draft I was goingon to make a point but like I completely forgot my point like this is the first time that’s happened to be on this F like I had a point in my head and then it came back to me we were so excited for this one and I will say Wes you can I feel like we’ve had more mess ups in the first 25 minutes than we’ve had in a while I know I messed up the intro I wasn’t going to say anything cuz I messed up the intro before too I was just like episode 29 and I messed up saying Detroit or something like that and so it’s just it’s one of those episodes we got excited and we we sound like we’re a little bit uh like it’s our first one no listen let’s get into the draft because I know that’s what we have coming up soon we can talk we’re gonna have a little bit of time between the draft and the start of free agency to talk how this thing is going to build out real quick uh Troy Weaver did get a position with the Washington Wizards so just wanted good luck to Troy yeah good luck to Troy I know Pistons fans can have their in all of that whatever I get it but he goes back to the DMV area gets a job there my point came back to me we had this debate on social media earlier where you know I I tweeted the other day like I I think the best player available at five might be Deon Carter and I’m not saying the pisss are gonna take up at five or anything else I’m just saying in my opinion I’m watching this dude Devin Carter and he’s really good and he might be the best player there at five when you look at this d a few years down the road and a lot of people were talking about well you know does he fit this and that this and that and then this morning I posed a question like why are we talking so much about fit like this is a 14 win team like they just need structure like they just need guys who can fulfill necessary rows and I agree with you in that sense where it’s like yeah maybe it’s not like an Ingram type swing maybe it is just a let good a vent that can protect the r let’s get a big Wing that could shoot and also hold their own defensively maybe not lock down guy but at least do that let’s add some defensive specialist let’s just add these basic things that we lacked so that we could begin to turn the page and really see what guys like Ivy Duran assar look like in a more stable environment so I do subscribe to that like I do think you know in that sense this offseason is really not about the big swing or fit or anything it’s just let’s just get some good players and then we can move forward from there yeah I mean I think we’ve talked about this where this team was one of the worst in the NBA when it came to three-point metrics it was one of the worst in the league when it came to turnovers we know the defense wasn’t good and on that on top of that they fouled and put the other team on the free throw line all the time Wes and I talked about this one those seem like the the floor raising type of things Amari where even if you just shoot the three average turn it over at an average rate and don’t put the other team on the free throw line at just an average rate maybe you can you know win some games more than 14 that and it seems like any guys that can do that you don’t have to get a star to be able to do those type of things I it’s why I always go back to I stand by liking the Monte Morris move last off off season the Joe Harris one I was wrong 100% it was not worth it I get it Monte Morris we didn’t realize how injured he would be as well and and some people say we should have I get it that’s fine call us out for the Joe Harris one I’m cool with it but with Monte Morris what does he do he makes threes and he doesn’t turn it over I think that would have worked if he wouldn’t have been hurt and again maybe people should have said hey you should have known he was gonna be hurt back to Devin Carter here’s my thing Amari I I I don’t think they’ll take Carter at five I don’t think I don’t might end up being a top 10 pick for those saying that five’s way too high I think it’s too high I’d rather take trade back and get him I think Deon Carter has a real chance to end up in the top 10 and I think he’s definitely a lottery pick but if I said what would you look for next to Kade Cunningham in the backboard backourt shooting somebody that can second side create and somebody that defends on ball on the perimeter against the other team’s best player you know what Devin Carter theoretically does and all of these prospects are theoretical space the floor he played point guard in college so he can second side create and he is supposed to be one of the best point of attack on ball Defenders definitely in the first round lottery so in terms of fit that that was my big thing was he does fit depending on what you want with jayen iy and what you think about him but I think he does fit in the back court now you can make an argument there’s you’re too small with ji Sasser and all of that but my other thing is we get into this Amari they’re going to draft over somebody at almost every position outside of just a couple if you draft a big if you draft somebody in the back court the only thing would be really like a fourman I think you that’s why ree but I didn’t understand the questions about fit with Devin Carter yeah uh I would say a lot of people just saw 62 and they’re like why are we taking a 6-2 guard some people said well we have Sasser I saw some people say well the league is going away from small guard so why would we do that instead of a player with more upside which like I’m about saying those are not fair points I just think it UNS what Carter is as a player just to say oh well he’s 6’2 he has a 69ine wingspan like a massive wingspan it’s not just he isn’t just one of those dudes has a massive Wings span but doesn’t use it like he uses it he is a dog on defense one of the best defenders in the draft I feel good about him defending any player up to like 66 right like you know you could put Kade on the bigger player but absolutely he’s G to plug a hole for you defensively in that back court he is an insane rebounder he average over eight rebounds a game he was like the craziest outlier rebounder one of the craziest outlier rebounders in college to be 62 and that’s because he has bounced like he’s a great athlete and uh Bryce talked about the playmaking but the last aspect to him I think complet it is that he shot 37.7% from three on tough volume he was taking them from Deep range like even some from the logo like they had some injuries so he was the main focal point for the opposing team’s game plan like they were throwing Defenders at him he still shot a good percentage and to me that’s up with a seiz in one season for me to think that this guy is legit like he is everything you want pretty much in a a starting modern guard and I compare him more to like a Josh Hart or a Derek white that I do really in the other uh you know point guard like he’s more of like that hybrid maybe slightly undersized offguard who just does so much stuff and is so great defensively that you don’t even think about his size like you’re not gonna look at dein Carter like a 62 player he plays like he’s 66 so I’m not concerned about that at all and if you move back from five which like I think there’s a great chance they do Trey and sending himself on Friday to me that’s one of the guys look at in that 8 n range like can you get Devin Carter if some of the other wings are off the board YouTube usually brings up a good point I think drafting guards in the first round for five consession drafts is annoying to fans I get it I understand it and and here’s the thing they should take a wing slash forward 100% like this is why I continue to talk about Matas and why I still have these dreams of Zachary Ray falling to five somehow and we talk about Dalton connect I mean at the end of the day I see a lot of people that like Dalton connect he has his own issues with everything else Steph Castle is bigger so you know Cody Williams I think that’s a little bit high at number five but again if we’re talking about trading back he makes a lot of sense so I agree that drafting a wing or a forward like salon and I agree with it 100 per my only point is that Devin Carter is very good and I do think he makes sense to next 2 Cade Cunningham it probably makes a lot more sense if you have some other thing with Marcus Sasser or if you were going to trade ji or something like that I completely get it I just didn’t understand where people really really hated it I don’t think he’s a non-shooter as truth tell says but I do have some questions about his shot because it was a one-year sample so he didn’t shoot over 30% from three until this season so I do have some questions about how sustainable it is but that dude put it together on both ends this year he had all the usage offensively and he was taking all the defensive matchups disruption and I agree with you I think he’s a multipositional Defender even at his size because of his wing wings span his strength and his athleticism so I didn’t even mention two like three stocks per game what it was like a block and like 2.8 steals or something like that or steal and a half like to average a block a game as a 62 guard is crazy like but he has a lot of stats that pop it that way yeah no for sure and that’s what you know again I don’t think he’s non shooter as some people are saying in the chat I’m just saying that I do have some questions is it really going to be there or not but let’s talk about a few of the actually let’s just get this over with you mentioned the potential trade back let’s start on the other side do you think that there’s a potential tra like do we see some fireworks at the top where the Pistons trade up for some I mean there’s more and more Buzz that maybe Reay goes one to the Hawks it sounds like SAR isn’t in not I shouldn’t say isn’t in play but isn’t the BET betting favorite I don’t know what the betting lines actually are but odds on favorite to go number one is there anybody else you would trade up for nobody else other than Reese makes sense to me yeah I I don’t know if there’s a guy in this draft I would actually trade up for the only only player I would trade up for is Clingan because I think to get a guy like that on a Ricky deal really feels a major ho for like the next four years minimum until you have to pay him and even then he’s probably going to be worth paying but beyond that um you know like and I mentioned that example like let’s say Memphis wants clinging and they are like hey we’ll give you nine for five and some other draft capital or or something like that’s a team where clinging makes a ton of sense so I could see that but beyond that I don’t think there’s a guy in this draft I would I would trade up for and I think just given that the Pistons really want to Value the assets that they have unless there’s a young guy that a team above them would take in L of a draft pick that the Pistons are pretty much out on which that’s a lot of ifs you know like I’m not saying that that’s going to happen um there’s probably just not a lot of avenues for them to move up just simply because they don’t have that f pick but it see but but moving down absolutely I think seems like a much more likely certainty just given that as you mentioned there are a lot of teams that are looking to get into that four through eight range where some guys are going to go quick yeah I don’t I don’t see anybody they trade up for it doesn’t make sense to me it would take assets they’re already at a deficit in terms of future picks they still owe the one to the Knicks that hopefully eventually conve and all of that um you know people brought cling and slipping to five allowing for the Pistons trade Downs probably the best case I kind of agree I I I think the scenario where that happens for Detroit on draft night is somebody other than S or kinging goes one obviously you can’t have kinging go one and then be there at five so like Reet goes one the wizard Sprint to the podium to take SAR at two and then unless somebody jumps them to get to number three for klling in I could see him falling to five I don’t see San Antonio taking him at four where would you be comfortable Trading back in terms of the Pistons I know we’ve seen a lot of these you have Memphis at nine I don’t think the Thunder would trade up for him or you know where how far are you willing to move back I guess with this yeah I think that’s the key question because I think for me um it’s like well one how many guys in that range do you feel really good that you know could still be worth whatever you would get at five which I think five is just sort of like this I don’t want to say no man’s land but it seems like there’s like some certainty with like the top four then you get to five and it’s like I don’t know how this is going to break down uh but I would like absolutely Memphis I move back to nine because if I could get Devin Carter there uh there’s been a lot of talk about Saloon today uh you know who I think is intriguing you know personally I’m not sure if I’m there as far as him as a player but he absolutely is one of the biggest upside scenes you can make but I mean even beyond that like there’s just so many players who could justify taking in that range I think if you took Cody Williams and like that you know seven through 12 range you can feel pretty good about that I like Tristan the Silva like I think he’s really solid if you’re like 9 10 11 you start talk about him a little bit Jared McCain if you’re so comfortable with a like there’s just so many to be good guys in that range that I almost like being at nine more than five just because the value proposition becomes a lot better yeah I have eight nine 10 guys kind of in my top tier and yeah like truth teller says here this draft is no man’s land there isn’t one complete player they all have a flaw I agree I think the best way to say it is I don’t like to say that it’s an awful draft I think it’s just very flat especially at the top and my yeah my favorite range is 10 to 20 I think that’s where value starts to get really good somebody brought up Don Holmes in the chat earlier I love donon Holmes he may end up going in the teens he may end up going later if you look at MOX recently he’s going at the end of the first round a lot of times to the nuggets and so you know somebody brings up khil wear again not a guy I love in the lottery but a guy that I’m really intrigued by so these bigs that can space the floor would be very fascinating to me Amari I think it would probably take a double trade back unless somebody really loved somebody at five and was willing to give up some real assets and pistons like if the Pistons move back to 18 or something and they got real assets to do that I don’t know why somebody would do that I think 18 is what Orlando I don’t know why Orlando would do that they’re not going to do that but if the Pistons would do that and get some future stuff I would be cool with it it’s just I think that’s where the value is so the closer you can get to that the more I’m comfortable with it every time I come up at number five in a mock draft if Ray is not there which in some of them he actually is I just did one today where he was actually I just don’t know where to go I don’t believe in Matas is shooting I don’t believe in Steph Castle shooting Reed Shepard Devin Carter these guys are smaller guards we’ve talked about that topic doesn’t make as much sense to me Ron Holland is very Boomer bust kinging becomes what do you do a Duran it just becomes very convoluted at number five so I would love if they’re on the clock at five and trade back absolutely I think this is the perfect draft to trade back in I’m going to go Ahad and bring it to segment three and if you have any questions feel free to bring them in and otherwise we’ll just look through our last handful of guys who the Pistons could look at at five all right we are back with segment three so let’s play this game I think a lot of people would agree universally that five is sort of a weird spot to be just because you’re not getting the certainty you usually want right there what player do you feel the most certain about at five that’s going to give you the return on value so it’s not necessarily like an upside question right like if this player does X or this player does y what player just do you feel best about like I got a good NBA player with this pick at five okay so who’s gone is this like SAR is gone re s is gone re is gone and Reed Shepard is gone and that’s just say everybody else is available those are just the three guys I just can’t imagine with far pass for yeah so Stephen P brings up Clingan I think that makes a lot of sense kingan I think at least is a really good Defender that play finishes on the offensive end I think connect is the opposite of that I feel really good about Dalton connect and that he’s just going to be able to come in and the floor is he spaces the floor at a super high level I think he’s got more juice to his offensive game even than that the defense is a real concern but I think you’re G to get some sort of value out of Dalton connect’s career some of these like again I’m I like Steph Castle I’m just I’m more nervous about the shot than other people are and this is where like even the Fred Vince and stuff is okay how much do believe in Fred Vinson because if you do then him and Montas Vel has become really intriguing to me if I feel like Fred Vinson can fix their shooting stuff but yeah I I think kingan or Dalton connect are probably the answers for specifically what you’re asking I feel the same way and I think what’s also interesting about Clingan is that his value will hold beyond the draft you know like we’ve seen teams take players that essentially just sort of sit tight until a different deal opens up I’m not saying the pons would do that I’m just saying I think clling is probably the one guy there if it’s just from a value proposition standpoint a big who’s Elite and drop like he is can see the floor like he can uh lob right like everything you want in the modern Center of that archetype at the very least of the more Rim running archetype uh it’s just man like I just can’t imagine why a team that needs a center like it could be at any point in the season right if you’re committed to durran you know you just figure it out but I agree with kinging I also like connect like I just think he’s a bucket uh pure bucket getter you don’t have to think too hard about him I don’t know if he’s a longterm starter or what but I think he’s a guy that can probably give you a pretty solid 12 to 13 a game I think even as a rookie just with the way he could shoot let’s get into a couple other guys we do have a few guys on this list here I recall you being a Ron Holland fan yeah yeah I’ve not for Detroit I’ve never been a Ron Holland fan for Detroit I think Ron Holland when you ask what is a valuable archetype in the NBA I think two-way Wings would be one of the very first things that people bring up right I I think a floor spacing Rim protecting big is maybe the most difficult to find I don’t know and I think it’s kind of a cheat code so I’m talking like the Chet hram chrisop porzingis obviously Vic is getting there those type of bigs are insane I’m talk like two-way wings that can get Buckets on one end in in any way not necessarily just floor spacers Shooters but get Buckets and then defend on the other end of the floor and I think Ron Holland is the guy that has a chance to be that my problem is my percentage chance for him actually hitting that has gone down a little bit even throughout the process but I just I can’t quit that that archetype is valuable in today’s NBA I can’t quit that the ignite program was a complete disaster and was so bad they completely just wiped it out and got rid of it and so I’ve held on to that just a little bit his floor as people I’m sure somebody’s about to bring it up in the chat is hamdu dialo who’s not in the league so I understand the floor is extremely low the medium outcome to me is something like what we saw from Derek Jones Jr this year with the Dallas Mavericks so you would hope that you get more than that but maybe there is a medium outcome where he on a right situation right team can still be valuable but as somebody said you already have a sar on this team that’s not great if then that’s what Holland becomes so I don’t love Holland for Detroit but for a team that has a chance to take a swing like I think Utah at 10 is a really good spot that Holland for Holland and I think that’s probably where he ends up yeah I would say the one thing with the Holland and a star like it’s not ideal to have two young Wings who can’t shoot like I agree with that but I trust Holland much more as a ball handler I just think he’s much more fluid with the ball much more fluid getting downhill and I think he’s going to draw crazy fouls at NBA I think eventually going to get to become a player where as he tightens his handle as his shot improves even without the shot he’s going to get to the line a lot like I just think he’s he just has some innate gifts that in a draft like this um that’s probably worth a little bit more um Jacob Hamburg says do you think Ron can pass I think Ron is unselfish he he will get the selfish tag a lot I don’t think that he is selfish but I do think he struggles to see the floor make quick decisions all Ron Holland is an the ball player to me he is a wing playing off the ball transition come off Zoom action actions those type of things and then he he can really defend he has a motor he’s had that reputation since coming out of high school so very interesting I’m a little sour on him for the Pistons I want to bring up a name to you because I’ve seen it a few times in the chat Rob Dillingham not even necessarily for the Pistons unless they trade it down at least for me it would have to be a trade down what do you think about him in general where are you at with Rob Dillingham as you’ve looked into this draft a little bit I love his game like I really do like I think he’s one of the most electric scorers in the draft like his range is handle like as far as small guards he would want a small guard to have his type of scoring package for him to survive and I don’t think he’s going to have any issues scoring or moving the ball in the NBA it’s just the other end like he’s probably not GNA have a real chance to become a good Defender and that’s why I think with him the fit is so important like I just don’t see him as an option for a Pistons team that just has some of the other hoes elsewhere and if they have one thing it’s a primary Bond Handler like that’s probably the only thing we know about this team is that they have a primary Bond Handler I think Rob can play next to him it’s not that Rob can’t play next to Cade it’s just I don’t know if you can live with a Rob Cade back court unless you have like a Victor wiama or Rudy Gober sort of lurking in the background to clean everything up so I actually love Rob dillingham’s fit with the San Antonio Spurs for that reason right sure uh like I think that’s like absolutely perfect but for the Pistons I love his game It’s just tough for me to see what de that feels for a team that’s already so po defensively and probably has that primary guy already yeah I’m I’m lower on Rob Dillingham in general uh compared to the consensus I had somebody hit me up today like where do you have him I showed him and they’re like oh my gosh let’s let’s talk about this my thing with Rob Dillingham he’s very very small like people will complain about Reed Shepard being small Dillingham is smaller and I compared him to Malik monk because we like to mock him to the Sacramento Kings whenever a lot of people are thinking monk was going to leave he was like 30 pounds lighter than Malik monk coming into the draft we compared him to Marcus Sasser and I think the wings fan was substantially smaller and just his size so I have some concerns in a vacuum Rob Dillingham offensively is about as talented as this draft sees I mean just when you take everything else out of the equation that dude can get Buckets and I think he can in terms of passing and playing on ball I think he can do those things a little bit as well let’s talk about Cody Williams Jacob Hamburg says is there a case that he has the highest ceiling highest floor or the most likely to achieve something close to his ceiling among the top Wing group where are you at on Cody Williams seems like there’s a lot of Buzz Pistons fans are really going there with him he is the ultimate you got to watch the film to sort of get an understanding of his strengths and weaknesses as a player and he’s it’s been interesting to see the the wide range of opinion with him as well um with there’s some people who are like I feel like if his brother wasn’t Jaylen Williams he wouldn’t be seen as a lottery pick but other people are like oh this dude’s a starter like he sees the floor so well he can defend he does this and that I would say I like his footwork getting to the rim I think he has great footwork getting to the rim um I think defensively he’s solid but the there’s just some weird numbers like I am a numbers guy to an extent and I more so look at numbers for like red flags or just like outlier things that make me believe in a in a a prospect more and with him just the lack of blocks and Steals on top of the fact that he was like a shutdown Defender he’s pretty good but he wasn’t like a lock down guy like what is his calling card in the NBA is he just sort of a jack of vatre it’s master of none type guy or is he going to become Elite really or above average at enough things to where he really can become a long-term solution for you after three or four like I’m just like I’m curious to see how how you feel about him Bryce but I just don’t know if he’s there I don’t know if he’s like an elite playmaker I don’t know if he’s an elite Defender uh the jump shot needs work I think he could get downhill but beyond that I’m not sure yeah I’m probably the wrong guy to ask I’ve been a little bit lower on Cody Williams going back to high school I I didn’t love him as much whenever he was coming out and then he went to Colorado and it was a lot of the same things I don’t know how to evaluate somebody who lacked some of the aggressiveness and the mentality that I wanted to see from him maybe it was the injuries maybe it was the other guys on his team I don’t know you know it’s easy to look at the three-point percentage and go oh well but it was 42% on 1.7 attempts per game he only took 41 threes all year he only played 24 games so but then he only shot 71% from the free throw line so if we’re going to question people’s numbers like if you want to tell me Devin Carter isn’t a shooter I will take his shooting numbers and metrics from this last season over Cody Williams if we’re trying to project things he has real touch he may be one of the best finishers of all the guys we’ve talked about just in terms of his touch around the rim he had like the highest field goal percentage at The Rim uh a all the players in this giraff right like I think somebody had a tweet where it was comparing the guys just at the top and he yeah like if you go to Synergy you go to half court at The Rim I think it’s around 70% it’s one of the really good numbers it is it’s a really good number and so then that makes you think well maybe he can play through the contact and the the slight frame and all of that isn’t a concern but Wesson I have talked about this are we thinking he’s going to fill out his frame just because Jaylen looks the way Jaylen looks I don’t know if that’s what we should do we’ve seen siblings who don’t build out their frames the exact same way and so I don’t know what to think about Cody Williams because of what you said though Omari he does a lot of things very well I think he can pass but I don’t think he’s like an on ball Creator I think he has good feel for the game I think he’s a good Defender but I don’t think he’s a great defender so do all of those things combin to a really good player they might but a lot of times we talk about somebody needing Elite skill what is their superpower and he just doesn’t seem to have one so I think with Cody this will be a learning experience for me in terms of can I take all of these things together being at a certain level and that’s actually his quote unquote superpower is that he does all of these well but at the end of the day if he can’t shoot it at a real level then I don’t know that any of it’s gonna matter and I see him as more of a mid first round guy than maybe top 10 like I know he’s been mocked like top 10 12ish but yeah it’s just tough like I love his finishing at The Rim but typically when you’re that type of player you hardly get blocks or steals that’s a red flag as far as how you’re going to be able to handle the NBA and that level of physicality and then it’s just the shooting yeah like I would love him at 15 or 16 I’m just like it’s going to be a learning experience for me as well right like how much of this stuff just peer processing how much of that translates and the touch around the rim which he does have like you know with both hands how much of that translates to being able to space the floor uh let’s talk about Saloon I know you kind of hit it earlier that you and West had differing opinions so real quick I’ve been saying it wrong so I will take I try listen guys I I tried to go listen to videos of people talking in their games and I swear announcers called him Saloon this it came out today I think it was NBA Communications Wes I think they had the initial tweet it’s ton Salon ton Salon is how it’s pronounced according to that so I think that was the big one that I had been Mis mispronouncing so I want to get what your thoughts are on salon and then I will give mine so I don’t have like really he’s like one of the prospects I don’t have really deep like thoughts on just because like throughout this process like he just wasn’t a guy that was going to go at five so I I haven’t dove into him as much as some other prospects to be 100% honest like what I have seen I think he has the tools to be a really good Wing like I think it’s shot looks fine like I think he plays really hard I think he plays some physicality I like all of those things I think I do kind of fall into the Cody Williams issue like what is this guy’s skill going to be are you just comfortable with just waiting two or three years for the rest of his game to really fill out and again he’s in that range for me where it’s like I think he could be a good Pro like I just don’t know if you know this is a a team that can necessarily wait for him to begin to show that PR it’s also a possibility that he’s way ahead of the curve compared to where people think he is like I think he’s an intriguing Prospect I think if you look at other the wings in this draft I don’t necessarily feel like uh buellis or Cody Williams or all these other guys are a significantly better Prospect like I kind of put all those guys in the same range in my head but uh so line I love the like it’s really solid like I’m curious to see what he’s able to round out but I do think if you’re if you want to block a clay like let’s talk about clay like that’s somebody you could eventually form into a pretty good basketball player so I’m gonna put a link in the chat for Sam andai over at Game Theory you guys can click on that and go over there we did a huge breakdown on Salon I think it was like 40 minutes I’m just going to read you my little thing I think this is up on the Motor City Hoops prototypical 3 and D4 that possesses all the qualities that go into that label for me outside of yes this archetype you have to be able to knock down catch and shoot three-point attempts which is something that he is doing so at a quality level and has a free throw percentage that gives you more confidence so quality that may be a little bit too much ended up 32% on four and a half attempts 75% from the free throw line I don’t have synergy pulled up right now so I’m not exactly sure what the straight catch and shoot numbers are mechanics of the jumper while slow are also something I’m willing to buy well-rounded off the player on offense he’s instinctual cutter offensive rebounder and may make as much of an impact in offensive transition than any Winger forward in this class Omari when I tell you this dude runs the floor like nobody else he runs the floor like nobody else it’s not just for him to catch and score he draws other Defenders into the lane that gets his teammates open so I think that’s a real impact depending on what the new coach wants to do will leave something to desired early in his career in terms of playing with the ball in his hands but contribute to the offensive flow with Ball moving passes absolute worker on the defensive end might play with as much intensity and energy as anyone backs that up with a good understanding of Team defensive schemes plenty of nuance fundamentals he has to iron out though specifically screen navigation and at times he will be able to make an impact until he gets those things ironed out but is I don’t think he’s going to come in and start and play 30 minutes a game as a rookie but I do think the the rim running the cutting the defensive energy and intensity could get him some playing time off the bench at a position that this team quite frankly Amari they need they don’t have that guy on the roster right now no they don’t I mean if you’re taking a I think you have some of the same logic as AAR last year right where this guy just has physical tools you can’t teach and if the shot could come or this or that could come he really makes a lot of sense uh I know a lot of people are wondering if he the next seu and I think I think I think P’s fans of like PTSD from France just you know with the lack of success they’ve had with fren prospects over the last five or six years uh I don’t know the difference between seou and salana as prospects like I I did not evaluate seou as a prospect in that capacity so it’s hard for me to make that comparison I would say the swing skill with seuda never came came together was his uh shooting obviously you know but also I think there’s a level of intensity you have to play with to really you know cut it in the NBA that he didn’t like play with per se so I’m not going to say these guys are simply prospects just because they’re raw athletic guys from France like I really can’t compare him at all but you know I think with that like everything I’ve heard about Salon just about him as a competitor and you know just as a person leavs me to believe that it’s not going to be an ticity issue with him yeah I wasn’t here for seu either he was already on the team even when I started the piss and stuff and I wasn’t doing draft stuff at all until the last couple years this is the part of it I hate I just don’t have the history people will ask me I think I was doing a thunder podcast and they asked me to compare him to Usman Jang and I’m like ah I didn’t evaluate Usman Jen so you guys tell me what Usman Jang was supposed to be and then I will be able to compare whether and it ended up that they weren’t alike at all because Usman Jang was supposed to be able to play with the ball in his hands and do some things like that that’s that’s not Salon like Salon is not gonna play with the ball he is an off ball forward that plays in the corner Cuts dunker spot offensive rebounds those type of things so I think he’s interesting let’s finish up with a couple here we talked about the big so I just want to shout out here really starting like Tyler Smith game he’s my sleeper guide this year what do you think about I mean you would have to really be able to trade back I mentioned donon Holmes Kyle filipowski Tyler Smith I don’t think they want to trade back into the first round that doesn’t make any sense at all to me are do those guys interest you I guess is my question ofari if they traded back twice or really took a big leap into the late Lottery middle of the first round in terms of those kind of archetypes of bigs that can stretch the floor a little bit Yeah the back half of this draft is interesting because there are I don’t know about the bigs in this draft necessarily like I don’t know if Tyler Swift gives you or Tyler Smith gives you enough outside of the shooting aspect which was still very much developing um you know I may be a little bit lower on him than the average but I do I do see the appeal with him but if I’m moving back to that extent I believe he got Johnny fury like I think he is just like big Wing like could really shoot the ball 19 I think he’s going to be good um I’m looking at Darren Holmes like you know like I I’m surprised he’s being marked as low as he is to me he should being at the range of you know 14 through whatever uh yeah like I like 10 through 30 in this draft more than like the the top 10 I think in general so if you’re giving me enough assets like I’ll move back to 22 and still probably feel pretty good about it I don’t know if you feel like it has that type of death but that’s how I feel yeah no that’s that’s a 100% where I’m at and I should mention Salon is only 18 as well he doesn’t turn 19 till August so I do factor in age a little bit with these guys I think it matters at the end of the day there’s a difference between a 18yearold and a 23y old and how long they’ve had to develop their bodies and work on their games how many jump shots they’ve taken in their career and all of those things so I I do think it’s important to factor those things in at least a little bit yes I think this is where the value really starts to get good is 10 to 20 somewhere in there because people have been talking about Zack Edy even Omari I think Zack Ed is gonna end up being a really good value where he gets taken I mean I don’t think the Pistons end up in that range with him but if you’re drafting Zack Edy in a Range where hey come in play 18 minutes A Night in the second unit and just go terrorize second units with just his size his ball screening offensive rebounding all of that I’m I I understand that stuff a little bit so I don’t know that there’s any other guys we really need to talk about here I think we’ve hit on everybody I do want to give my guy Mickey Jacobs a shout out he was doing the order of the Blazing horse podcast as well over there with Harry so we talked a little bit about what this team could do trading back I know there’s talks of you know with Memphis it seems like the their 2025 first top four protected gets thrown around a lot when I did a mock with Sam we traded back to San Antonio at eight I can’t even remember what year it was I think I talked him into a 2027 top seven protected best of it would been the best of whatever they had and so I think you could get a first a future first round pick with some protections on it don’t you I think from Memphis for sure CU they are pretty much at capacity as far as like players they need to commit to long term like they got uh GG Jackson who blew away our expectations last year and then my name Vincent his last name slipping me butam Vincent Williams like you still have two other young guys you’re gonna have to pay money to at some point you’ve already locked down Jen you’ve locked down Bane you’ve lock down J uh you need to feel that Center hole but if you do that in this draft man you look at that Rost it’s like this is the group that we’re moving forward with and if you need to tr somebody then you do that but no absolutely like I think that that’s a team that could probably sacrifice a future first it feel pretty fine because they’re not trying to get more guys into develop I think they’re moving to the next phase of their of their uh Team Builder all right so Handover fist brings it up Wes had it in the outline we’re ending the getting to the end of the Pod real quick reminder for everybody that’s still listening we will be back Thursday morning pretty early I would assume and so you guys can get in Wednesday Night Live stuff with Wes over on the dbb YouTube you can listen to the other podcasts all of that Wednesday night and then we’ll wake up with you fresh Thursday morning you can get our thoughts and Analysis on that pick and then we’ll be back on Sunday or Monday with the second round pick and previewing free agency and all of that stuff so just make sure you guys tune in to that you’re following Amari on Twitter for all of his articles you’re following me on Twitter for stuff I’m going to put out on the substack all of that and you follow Wes on Twitter as well because he’s doing great things as well he asked or she asked who y’all taking so call your shot here Omari and is it a trade back if it’s a trade back you don’t have to say compensation but at the end of the day just who do the Pistons walk out of the first round with the safe pick still feels like buus like I think it’s really tough to predict trades so I’m assuming that they stay at at at five I’m going to go with buus just because I really does do think he checks the most boxes so if they move back who knows but at five I’m going to go with buus all right everybody I want to see your guys as well so if you’re watching live here put it in the chat we’ll bring it up on the screen and we’ll take a quick poll here as we’re finishing off the episode and and type it in whether you’re on Twitter Youtube buellis seems like he makes a lot of sense still if it was buellis you think it’s just there at five yeah yeah yeah like I could see clinging too just because if you want to if you want to build a strong defense that’s probably the best route you could go with that fifth pick as well and of course that would bring a lot of questions about durren but hey when you win 14 games I think you have to consider everything here here’s what’s amazing here is what is amazing we have connect Castle Salon Cody Williams Ron Holland those are the first five or and then clling in so of the first six seven that come in we get we get different names right away I think that tells you exactly where things are at there’s a lot of Cody Williams here which I think is interesting Thomas Hardy says guaranteed trading back I’m going to go trading back I don’t know where I think they stay in the top 10 they trade back and I’m saying either Dalton connect or ton salon and I’ll say Dalton connect just because I feel like there’s a lot of Salon conversation out there Wes I just I everybody’s just gonna be like oh you’re just copying off everybody else so I’m gonna go something a little different Dalton connect has been of one of one of my guys quote bronny amazing thank you for this BR straight back to get bronny I love it um dton connect has been one of my guys throughout this whole thing so I’m gonna go with Dalton connect yeah here’s the thing David janca calls it we’re just gonna have to trust the decision I think we get a couple things on Wednesday night Omari we get a little bit of insight into how Tran sees this roster what he feels like all of that and we actually just get to analyze some stuff right no more projecting predicting talking about multiple different players Thursday morning morning we get to wake up maybe talk about a trade but we have one player we get to talk about who that player is and how they fit with the team so that will be a lot of fun I’m excited for it like we talked about at the top we got a lot of good content coming the next few weeks yeah I’m excited for it too like it’s it’s it’s go time this at the point of the offseason we’ve all been waiting for it’ll be fun to learn more about traion and the stop process and what he’s prioritizing additionally with this Pistons team and yeah I’m excited like I think that Thursday morning pause is going to be a lot of fun yep absolutely appreciate you guys all tuning in tonight if you haven’t guys real quick hit the like button hit the Subscribe button it helps us it helps us grow the Pod all of that if you’re listening on podcast leave us we haven’t got a review in a while leave us a review we’ll read it here on the Pod we’ll shout you out we appreciate everybody that Tunes in to these live we love the engagement it was really good tonight in the chat everybody kept it clean and nice and and friendly so we always enjoy that thank you guys so much and we’ll talk to you Thursday morning yeah close this out big thanks to our audio producer Robin Chan our editor-in chief Nico Avery Nichols and big shout out to usest as always and we’ll talk to you on Thursday

The Pistons Pulse is your go-to Detroit Pistons podcast for all the best news, analysis, insights and opinions on the team.

Hosted by Omari Sankofa of the Detroit Free Press and Bryce Simon of Motor City Hoops. Omari brings insider insights and analysis as a Pistons beat writer and Detroit native combined with Bryce’s in-depth on-court analysis as a former D1 player and current high school coach of 12 years.

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  1. I agree Omari about the grass. Extra maintenance for NOTHING. Unless you are farming .. the little patches of grass for a house are pointless.

  2. i agree…the first time i heard anyone say forget about fit!! before fit we must establish foundations, systems n culture…do not wsnt to here about metrics when we had killian, umade,rhoden,brown, old fornier, nowell, etc G League squad..3 yrs of no coaching, injuries n tanking mode, it out of the question that fred Vinson gets ivey to shoot 37,38% fr 3s ?? in 2 yrs auser to shoot low 30s fr 3s..good coaching w skeems n healthy players can improve our defense especially duren?? the only trade i would make is stew,saser n 5th to nuggets for Michael porter jr…nuggets save 20 mill..we get strecth 4…everyone forgets that Giannis, fox, sga etc werent very good 1st 2 yrs…Ja never shot 35% fr 3s ever…so patients n build correct..we dont need svg n 7th seed next 5 yrs

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