@Philadelphia 76ers

Clippers Fan WARNS Sixers About Signing Paul George To Max Contract!

Clippers Fan WARNS Sixers About Signing Paul George To Max Contract!

what is going on welcome in to Philly take with RB today joining me I got a special guest right when we want the news the rumors the inside scoop we go to the best in the business and my guy covers the LA Clippers dime dropper go follow him on all socials Man YouTube Instagram Twitter he’s one of the best out there doing it in Clipper land thanks for joining the show man oh thanks for having me RB I was trying to get you on a preview the Sixers Nick series on my Channel but it obviously didn’t work out we didn’t have the timing aligned but I always have a lot of respect for you because you’re I love local content creators man like that’s what I gravitate towards that’s what my channel is um so yeah I just I I love supporting people that make that kind of content absolutely man likewise and there’s never been a better time I think for us to collab than right now because we have the Paul George situation Clippers Sixers and I just feel like both of our teams are kind of in the same area I would say we’ve both had the big names we’ve had the talent the superstars we just cannot get over the hump for whatever reason it is and here we are and you know both our teams really face a big decision I think it could really weigh what happens in free agency but before we get into all that let me just take a step back what is the vibe right now in Clippers land because I feel like when you go in to a free agency or you have a player you look at it through your own lens like in terms of what happened recently L like if you look at a guy like Tobias Harris right now sixer fans will tell you he’s the worst player of all time you go to a low Market team like the Charlotte Hornets for example they’ll say oh well he averages 16 points per game he’s okay so I guess just from the Clipper perspective what is the vibe around Paul George right now what do they think do they want him back what do you think’s going to happen very mixed opinions it feels like it’s it’s definitely the talk of clipper land the uncertainty with Paul George and the thing about the Clippers now is there is a difference between the Sixers and the Clippers the the main thing is that embiid being your franchise player he is younger than Kawai younger than our players and he’s in the middle of his prime like he’s obviously had very unfortunate circumstances when it comes to being injured every postseason still plays through it but he’s just never quite at the in the shape that he’s in when he’s putting up MVP stats on a nightly basis in the regular season but for the Clippers with Kawai we’ve not had a healthy playoff run with this guy since the bubble and he wasn’t you know drafted by us he didn’t have the process coming from the rebuild into you know something where what Joel embiid has really built that you know cult-like warship in Philadelphia from what it looks like on the outside we don’t have a player like that and Paul George is one of those guys that he he has given the Clippers a lot of great memories got us to our first Western Conference Finals but right now the conversation is like there’s people that want to blow it up then there’s people that that want to run it back and just say we got to resign them and just get better complimentary pieces get a little younger around the margins and stuff like that which again it’s going to be hard to get good quality players if the Clippers do if we resign PG and Harden because the fact of the matter is if you’re committed to Kawhi Leonard and and getting a good team around him you should not lose Paul George and people are so pissed off at Paul George that there’s a lot of clipper fans that are like can’t wait to see him go you know he just makes excuses he doesn’t perform when you need him he just leaves a lot on the table and they’re like addition by subtraction but I think those people are being slightly naive you’re not replacing the all he’s still an All-Star level player was an All-Star this year and while that was a little controversial at worst he’s just missing the cut you know what I’m saying this guy is a consistent 235 and three on really solid shooting splits every single year but he definitely leaves a lot on the table and I know we’ll talk more about that but it’s pretty split in Clipper land I think it really comes down I think the the the one group that’s way off is the people that want to run it back and think we can just lose Paul George and be okay I think unless we get a trade because I know if we’re talking Philly we’re gonna be talking about if you guys Max him out so that would be us losing him for nothing yeah right so if we lose him for nothing complete disaster and we’re not going to be able to replace him because we’re going to definitely resign James Harden I would think just to make the team competitive going into the new stadium that we’re bringing in so it’s very mixed it really comes down to if your team blow it up or if your team bring it back back if your team run it back and don’t want Paul George I’m just very confused at those people yeah no I think that’s you know you made some really good points I thought the Clippers were going to end up blowing it up they go through another playoff run kawai’s not healthy how are you going to get there right and by the way shout out to Dime dropper cuz he’s one of the only people in Clipper land when the James Harden trade happened he said I don’t want this to happen I don’t like it so this guy knows what he’s talking about and you talk about Kawai James Harden PG problem is if a sign and trade for example is an option Sixers don’t really have anything to trade unless it’s Tobias Harris which was actually kind of like a false BS rumor report today and I know Clipper land probably does not want to buy his Harris back Maybe I’m Wrong you can correct me but overall it’s like I feel like Paul George can bring some good to the table but there’s so much risk for both of our franchises right now it’s like do you want to make that investment but is there another alternative out there what’s the opportunity cost is is that the right way of thinking when it comes to Clipper land it’s yeah the thing is Kawai resigned in the middle of the Season which I was adamantly against that he we resigned him before he even proved that he could stay healthy for the playoffs I that was insane to me but we resigned him and he doesn’t take the Mach he takes three years about 50 million each year so his contract expires at at the end of the 20127 season and Paul George clearly wants more than three years and the Clippers don’t want Paul George to be paid for more years than Kawai and they also I don’t think want him to be paid as much as Kawai because he was getting the same amount of money as kawhai these past four years and he’s not the same basketball player that Kawai is but if you’re Paul George and you’re walking into the room negotiating with Florence Frank and them you’re like well who’s been on the court who got us to our first Conference Finals when kawhai got hurt and those are some those are valid points because he is he has been more available in the playoffs than Kawai even though he has had his fair share of injuries as well but yeah it is all about what you’re risking the Clippers don’t want to Max Paul out he’s not a max player but I think it’s really interesting from your side man I can’t lie because I think Paul Paul being a third guy with Tyrese Maxi and embiid is the perfect stage rule at this stage of his career for him to want to compete for a championship but did you hear his comments the other day about how much like prioritizing a championship he’s like I just want to play the right way I don’t know about you know it’s not all about a championship for me which in that I don’t know what that even means is that a shot at harden and kawhai for being a little slower I don’t understand it’s just always something new with that guy yeah a a couple things you said so just to bounce off that point you just made I thought that was interesting I honestly feel like people kind of took it out of context like he said you know I don’t I’m not chasing a chip like I’m not going to go to the best team in the league but I want to play the right style that compliments me and I feel like people took that as him saying I don’t want to win at all you know I just want my money Etc maybe he was talking about a team like Orlando or Golden State whatever it may be but it almost felt like throughout that episode that he was throwing shots at kawhai James Harden like I do agree everything he was saying was like well we weren’t clicking all the time or our defense wasn’t clicking together the the one other host was talking about effort and we saw how the playoffs kind of went you know the Clippers fizzled out again you know with Harden kind of doing the same Tendencies Etc PG was saying the mads were throwing different looks and you know nobody could get to their spots on the floor it felt like that whole episode he was throwing shots at the clippers but at the same time when you about complimenting his game I do agree with you like Paul George with Joel embiid and Tyrese Maxi as a third option I think is beautiful on the basketball floor as a fit but the question is do the Sixers want to get in another situation where they pay him a four-year Max the Clippers don’t want to go the fourth year Sixers pay him a four-year Max and you’re exactly right he is not that guy from the 21 Western Conference Finals who elevated I think he averaged like 28 points per game in that series and was amazing without kawhai he’s not that guy but can he be that third option and do you want to pay him a Max contract where you may not be able to improve in the margins with the new CBA with the new restrictions and what if he gets hurt in the first year then you’re almost looking towards maybe like another Tobias haris situation what do you think yeah it’s it’s so tricky man now that you me you did a good job articulating it with the new CBA you you definitely want a Supporting Cast but if your big three is that great then you just have to accept the fact like for example the Miami Heat teams of the early 2010s they didn’t have a crazy Supporting Cast they started Mario Chalmers who I don’t want to take anything away from him he was very good at the time for what he did but he was you know not in the top 20 starting point guards in the NBA they had a bench of guys that didn’t really create their own shot it was still always dependent on LeBron and Wade and Bosch to get shots the thing is the availability thing that’s the main thing Paul George is also an injury risk if he gets hurt and you’re paying him that much money and as you said you can’t fill out the roster with those solid complimentary pieces and you already have Joel embiid whose health is always a concern so it’s such a tricky thing Man it really is it’s gonna be fascinating I hope Paul George well you know I I want this blown skyh High bro I’m done with this I I I just I’m talking about the team as I I’m I’m treating it more like work these days but I’m a DI hard Clipper fan man this breaks my heart to talk like this but it’s not fun just praying for kaw Health every single season at least embiid when he’s injured he’s still such a good Ambassador for the team he’s so Lively like he pumps up the crowd he’s pumping up the crowd at Road games kawhai is is we don’t even know anything about the guy really except for that he’s a big rap fan some I’m SM smoking at the concert he’s a he’s a more of a funny guy Than People realize behind the scenes but as a franchise player his best attribute is he’s an incredible basketball player but he doesn’t do the extras but when he’s not even playing basketball it’s like it’s hard man he’s in the face of your franchise he’s the biggest question mark of the whole thing so I’m personally just like I don’t want to resign Harden I don’t want to resign Paul the issue is the Clippers have nowhere to go we gave all of our picks up for Paul George we gave you guys an unprotected first-rounder for 2028 for Harden so it’s very hard to tank with no picks when you’re opening up a new building so honestly what I want at this point is we find some kind of compromise with Paul George if we can’t compromise you just can’t let him leave for free try the sign and trade route if it comes to that but the ball’s in Paul’s Court to me not the Clippers he can do what he wants to do if he wants to leave and get money and and leave for nothing for you know for free I mean he has the right to do that the Clippers aren’t giving him what he wants so we gota I think find some kind of compromise with him and then my my vote would be to wait for the Clippers to have an inevitably great stretch in the regular season where they all look like a contender and just trade them all sell them all sell them all now it’s not gonna happen though man it’s not gonna happen what I want is not happening the C is goingon to try to run it back if that’s the case you’re just got have to bite the bullet and pay him like that’s how I feel at this point you just have to yeah and I and I’m starting to see what you’re saying about business kind of triumphing the play because you know the the new Arena and stuff that’s not the time to go sell everybody in tank so you know unfortunately and I do feel for you and Clipper Nation I respect the hell out of you because it takes a lot to come up here and say that like it’s time to blow it up get rid of everybody I’m sure Clipper Nation probably thinks you’re a villain at this point but it is a lot of them do man it’s like it’s very 5050 some think I’m a great voice for the fan base other others cannot stand me but it’s like at the end of the day man I’m I was season TI get hold of this year and I’ve been a fan for 19 years I’m and once we change direction once we have a new core I think everyone’s gonna like me because it’s I’m gonna be so positive no matter how bad we are because I push for this you can’t have it both ways I just want something that feels real this is just just feel like we’re just adding a lot of stars and no process to it and it’s just I don’t know man it’s not how I felt with Blake Griffin at all yeah not it feels like you’re kind of running it into the ground at this point but in terms of you know the basketball fit Etc I want to try something here I want you to take your bias out of it pretend you’re not a Clippers fan either you know you’re an NBA analyst in general or maybe you know you’re a Sixers fan whatever I’m going to give you the floor for like 60 seconds and I want you to either make the case for whether the Sixers should or should not go for Paul George man I wouldn’t do it I wouldn’t do it just because there’s already uncertainty with with embiid at times and his health during the playoffs like to me that’s the biggest thing like I know this season he still played in the playoffs and average 30 points in that series but the way he tends to sometimes seems to get fatigued in the in the end of games in the playoffs I don’t know if it’s because he’s injured or his conditioning or what it is but I’m I wouldn’t just put all the help you can around him and me around and be without The Supporting Cast with someone so questionable like Paul George uh I wouldn’t do that honestly man I would I would try to work it a little bit differently and and if you want me to be you probably want me to give my take as a clipp fan on his basketball because we should we should not end this segment without talking about the basketball flaws because until you watch him every night you will not see it because Paul George is the type of guy that his highs look incredible and and his averages end up being good when you don’t see how inconsistent he is as a star and if it wasn’t the max conversation if you can get him for less than the max I just don’t think that’s going to happen because if it’s less than the max he’s coming back to us but if you were hypothetically to get him for less than the max then I would do it I would do it but it’s it’s going to be a Max goes to Philly in my opinion or 50 million at least per year yeah now the the whole off season what I’ve been saying to sixer nation is I’ll take him on a two-year Max with a third-year option no problem at all but he’s not going to do that his Camp’s not going to do that he has one cont left in them the problem with where sixer fans are at is kind of what you’re saying you know they want that Supporting Cast but at the same time they know embiid’s likely to go down so at that point your whole season’s kind of canned when embiid goes down the team’s not going to flourish that’s how any team is with their big Superstars could PG step in and be that guy but I want to go back to the point you just made and then take into your consideration when it comes to a Clippers fan perspective because there are a lot of players like that and when sixer fans look at PG they looking at well 20 25 points a game you know shooting 41% from three give you five rebounds four assists knockdown shooter etc etc but tell us about what it’s like on in the ins and outs right the night toight bases what is it like having Paul George on your team it’s it’s a a roller coaster man I thought Blake Griffin left a lot on the table that times but it’s nowhere near I Paul George is the most frustrating Clipper that we’ve ever had when it comes to Performance ments because he literally is one of the most talented players of this generation physical gifts and skill he’s one of the most talented players I’ve ever seen like he makes you think he’s some of the stuff that he does when he’s on is like wow especially watching it live like him at his size how low he can get on his handle and all the spots he can shoot from and how versatile he is in terms of like he you he’s a coach’s dream in ways because you can run him off so many screens he doesn’t need the ball so much doesn’t need to hold the ball too long uh he can do he can score from everywhere but the problem is all these things I mentioned all the great things he does he it’s almost like he he doesn’t know his bag he has no go-to move he takes he has one game one night he’ll have 30 points on efficient shooting and then for every night of that there’s a night where he’s four for 15 there’s nights where Kawai won’t play and he won’t even register 20 shots like he he doesn’t sometimes understand that he’s as good as he is and he’s so often settles for jumpers and just shoots himself out of games he doesn’t get to the rim nearly the same way and he doesn’t when sometimes he’ll get by somebody and instead of going into the contact which I don’t know if he’s if it’s because he’s afraid he won’t get calls he does not get calls very often not like Harden and Norman pal D and uh he I don’t know it’s because if he’s been injured so much in his career he’s afraid to get hurt but he’ll sometimes get the step and then he’ll snatch back to try to make a highlight and the guy will recover it’s like dude you’re just so much when people say guys waste dribbles in today’s game and kids waste too many dribbles Paul George is a perfect Ambassador for that wasting too many dribbles doing too much he literally if he wanted to could just catch the ball 15 feet away turn in face and shoot and when he does that it’s a thing of beauty he doesn’t even have to dribble the ball but he so often doesn’t he his basketball IQ for for a star is it’s Russell you know how people say Russell Westbrook’s basketball IQ is low for a star I think Paul George is even lower I’m gonna be honest with you it’s really he has these bone Head Live ball turnovers once or twice a game that are so appalling dude you guys would go nuts on him if he did that in Philly like it would be crazy and the worst part about it bro is he’s just confidence is very important man in sports you know like he has such wavering confidence and he makes so many excuses about things for example he’s been he and Kawai been wanting a point guard for so long that he goes in the media and asks for no first with Glen we we can oh I love this that Philly fans and Clipper fans can agree that we hate Glenn Rivers just sucks but when after the bubble when Paul George had his all-time worst moment he goes on all the smoke and he says I was being used like a JJ reic or Ray Allen and I didn’t feel that way but then the next year we get tyo and he puts the ball in Paul George’s hands more as like a little bit more of a point forward he and kawhai and he had that 2021 season that you referenced earlier which was amazing but then in 2023 he goes I would you know I’m okay handling the ball but I would like someone to have be have a point guard someone to take the roll off of me it’s like okay bro like what do you want like I just don’t get it and then we get Westbrook and then we get Harden like and and Paul George and kawh are signing off on all these moves I don’t believe that these are happening without their approval and then now he talks about that on his podcast this year he goes we wanted James here and now he’s doing those shots and those subtle things that don’t sound like you want him it’s like he just makes a lot of excuses so For Better or Worse man Paul Georg extremely talented player that leaves a lot on the table because his basketball IQ isn’t high enough he doesn’t have enough dog in him and uh yeah but I’ll tell you what we’ve never seen him in a third option roll so with the Philadelphia 76ers in that third option role it’s it’s fairly enticing let’s see what he could do yeah and I love him still by the way I know it sounds like I hate him but I actually do love the guy because of 2021 and as you know right now Philly fans in your generation probably feel similar to how I do that second round dude is so annoying we can’t get by it yeah we’ve never gotten by it so yeah yeah no you uh you froze up a little bit on my screen but I can still hear you and I I know I froze I froze I see I’m frozen as well you’re all good but I’m just sitting back and like that whole you know uh rant that you just went on it it just sounded so much like sixer fans with Tobias Harris like I can’t even begin to tell you how parallel that was to the frustrations we have on the daily when it comes to Tobias Harris and the lack of confidence and turning the ball over and not having that go-to move like it was it was very beautiful to be honest but um at the end of the day man I I think it’s going to be an intriguing free agency he can go back to the Clippers four years 221 or he can go somewhere else four years 212 I don’t know I really don’t know but I think he’s going to shake things up now we hear the reports Sixers may not be interested in them it feels like every Star this off season is 34 or above so we have some decisions to make but at the end of the day uh I think the Sixers and Clippers could have really big impacts in this free agency uh and I appreciate you coming on and giving your Insight about Paul George oh I appreciate you bro anytime and one one last question dime dropper uh is your burner account uh was it dropping dimes 510 570 is that you nope I’m not that guy man that tries to break news and stuff that’s not me yeah the no profile picture I just had to give it a try man but no appreciate you tapping on be sure to follow him everywhere and uh we will catch you on the next one man peace [Music]

Today, Dime Dropper (a diehard Clippers fan) joins the show to discuss whether Paul George should stay with the Clippers or go to a place like the Sixers. He made some very interesting points about PG’s game that Sixers fans need to hear. #Sixers #76ers #paulgeorge #nbafreeagency #darylmorey #joelembiid #tyresemaxey #NBA #76ersnews #SixersNews #nbanews #clippers




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  1. Mark stein just tweeted out 100 % paul George will pick up his option and force a trade to either the Knicks or warriors. So sixers never wanted to give George the 4 years max that he wanted. Sixers only wanted George to pick up his option and force a trade to them . But after what happened to harden, George not trusting sixers to give him the new contract that he wants next summer

  2. The Sixers are going nowhere. We will be stuck in mediocrity for the next 10 years and ruin what’s left of Embiids career. It’s downright disgraceful. He should force a trade and get out of philly while he’s healthy.

  3. The Sixers only sign players that are past their prime and get rid of players when they are young and developing. It's been that way since the 90's. Am I tripping?

  4. After Morey signs George to a max contract, we’re not going to have money left for anyone else and we’ll lose Oubre. We’ll end up with Lowry, Maxey, PG, Batum and Embiid with Council, Reed and a few minimum contracts on our bench. We’ll lose in the first round again and Embiid will demand a trade. This time next year, we’ll be looking for a new president of operations and trying to figure out how to trade Embiid and George to start our rebuild.

  5. If any sixers content creator thinks Paul George is the right fit for the sixers, don't know basketball.

  6. This gm is an asshole , you wanna put defense around scoring perfect roll players would have been Monk , Drummond , Isaac's from Orlando and ale ander-walker from wolves trade first round but what ever you do bring in shead from Houston in da second round to slow down Bru son and he a floor general ! Mic drop !!!

  7. I want Paul George and his loser ass nowhere near the Philadelphia 76ers. The man straight said he could care less about a championship and wants to play basketball the way he wants, I think it’s actually incredibly stupid that after those comments Daryl Morey still has a hard cock for this guy, but he still had a hard dick for a 40 year old James Harden, so I guess we can’t be too surprised

  8. You don’t need to warn Sixers fans you need to warn Sixers ownership and general manager. We don’t want him as Sixers fans not at the contract. He is asking for absolutely no!!!

  9. If Morey is Braindead enough to give PG Unlucky 13 a Max, then they should've just kept James Harden who yes is less of a Choke than PG Unlucky 13.

    At least Harden will win you 2 Games in any Playoff Serie alone like he did against the Celtics with the Sixers and done this past playoffs against the Mavs. PG Unlucky 13 will more likely lose you 2 games within the playoffs.

  10. I was watching his reaction to the James Harding trade, I enjoyed his view of things. was very transparent and honest. I honestly liked his podcast and takes, fn awesome u guys linked up.

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