@Golden State Warriors

Klay Thompson Out, Paul George In

Klay Thompson Out, Paul George In

Dre about joid let me dream about janisa kmo we’re going to just dream well they’re going to resign Maxi and they’re going to try to bring in a Paul George like that’s what they’re trying to do right now they actually the report was that they were simmering out Paul George that was the latest report that they were kind of good off a b so this the clutch points guys so in clutch points if for those of you who don’t know they’re basically like an aggregator kind of like they always report like uh so and so happened according to Adrian wowski or according to so and so like one of those sites but Brett seagull who works for the site uh this is what he had to say it was quote Paul George’s situation with the Clippers is very interesting should the Clippers decide not to pay George what he wants it may not be an Eastern Conference team that pursues George keep a very close eye on the Warriors regarding George if Klay Thompson is to leave that’s it and again like we I want I do I want a guy who’s 25 years old and and yeah of course but it just doesn’t feel like that that guy out there now I know that Paul George has a contract situation and it feels like he’s going to be on the move so it’s it’s logistically plausible to connect him to the Warriors that doesn’t mean he’s going to the Warriors we’re just going hypotheticals here and it does feel like the Warriors themselves the reason why they haven’t made a determination on Chris Paul is they’re exploring probably 500 different options and I do think Paul George is one of them whether it’s at the bottom middle or top of their list I don’t know Brett eagle national NBA Insider and reporter for clutch Sports this the first time I heard it and I I looked him up and he was actually following me so I’m a follow him back right now uh just because I want to figure out who this guy is who is he who is Brett seagull maybe we could get him on the air I don’t know but Paul Georgia situation would keep a very close eye and the go to State Warriors so we’ll see about that anybody anybody interested in Paul George on the team 888 957 957 I’m in not going to say no to it I’m not trading all those assets cuz I don’t believe the Clippers will just say hey give me Chris Paul and that 30 million and we’ll we’ll we’ll figure out the rest here goes Paul George I don’t just see them handing that to the gold State Warriors no no I mean come on this is this is NorCal SoCal rivalry here and this is Steve Barber heading over Paul George sword expiring Chris Paul hell yeah who wouldn’t do that if you’re a warrior fan who would do that but would if they say you know what forget all that we want kaminga too I’d probably end up I’d probably still end up doing it wow you know I’m reluctant I’m I’m telling you I’m reluctant but like I probably would look Paul George is is a better basketball player currently than than kaminga now I know you have to like look down the road past this but I think the way the Warriors are setting this up they’re they’re not really looking that far down the road I could be wrong and I also give that that means I still have Wiggins who I can either keep or trade as well right so now I’ve got some options I I don’t think it’s one move I think the Warriors are thinking like we’re gonna do bang bang bang and it’s GNA be two or three moves coupled in are you keeping Looney are you finding a way like if if you make this Paul George move I do believe Klay Thompson’s out the out the window and they’re going to probably guarantee the 30 million for Chris Paul and move him in some sort of a deal so Paul George look at game logs here so he played 77 games in 201819 201920 played to 48 games 20 2021 played the 54 2122 played the 31 games 2022 23 played 56 games last year he did play 74 in a contract year and I’m looking at the percentages here not bad for PG 41% from three 47% from the floor 22 and a half points per game five rebounds three and a half assist and look the James Haron deal there’s no doubt they were playing a lot they were playing some good ball before James hard then they started playing better with James Harden then they fizzled due to kawhai injury whatnot is Paul George is that a name Warrior fans want here in the Bay Area is that a guy you want the Warriors to go all in on I I you you seem very reluctant I don’t know how much better you’re getting with Paul George on his current roster now but is let me ask you is a second ball isn’t he a catch and shoot guy better Defender I can’t look I can’t stop looking at the playoffs comings with Paul George when I need him to come through for me he doesn’t come through for me but but it can’t just be Curry or bust anymore Curry Curry’s slowing down a little bit too I but the last Curry slowing down and he’s going to see the he’s going to see all that stuff but the last two playoffs if he’s playing the two right and and I hate turning this into a clavor as Paul George thing because it’s not that he played to with the Clippers he’s been better the last you know multiple years than clay klay’s been pretty bad in their he’s Paul George but what what have the Clippers done what have the I’m not asking him to be my top dog on this team right the Clippers weren’t asking him to be the top dog kaai was hurt but they weren’t asking him to be the top dog when it was time for he to be the top dog it was time for Paul George to be the top dog what happened but they’re not asking him to be that here and again I’m not saying you never asked to do that with the Clippers he was a two guy the year that he was their top guy when kawhai was out they went to whatever the Western Conference kawh got hurt in a series before like game five to me it’s an upgrade I think that they’re better defensively again these are marginal but I think they’re better defensively I think they’re okay in terms of shooting but where it is for me is like I think he’s another playmaker in the half court I just think he fits I think he fits what they want to do I don’t love it yes he’s old yes he gets hurt I agree with you like I’m not the biggest Paul George fan but Bonte we’re choosing amongst very minimal options listen we’re just bringing this up because there’s a rumor about it there may be no validity to this whatsoever but in terms of replacement for clay sure I’m I’m I’m with Paul George but let me just I’m just calming the waters here because I know the expectations if oh you get Paul George Championship Championship Clippers got bounced for the first round the last two years and a year before that they didn’t even make the damn playoffs so so so when Kawai so when kawhai does get hurt and Paul George is there running the show they don’t do too well now as a number two option okay great great number two option that’s awesome how much better are you with if you’re to go to State Warriors with Paul George as your number two option yeah but I don’t think that’s how you’re making moves like you’re not making M no I know that no I’m not I’m not no Dum what they’re doing is they’re saying like Steph who do you want to play with it’s the building blocks around those two guys then you you V how you you build your roster just George let’s just say I I somehow swung a deal for Paul George and I still have Wiggins now I can keep Wiggins all right and and and who knows maybe you end up keeping them but like if I told you somehow some way the Warriors turned this off season and they got rid of some of the young players and the expiring deals and Wiggins and you ended up with Lori marinin Draymond Green Lori Mar in Paul George and Steph Curry is that not a better offense come on man I don’t think it’s a great team but I think they’re better than what they were this year you know what it’s going to cost for marketed you know what it could potentially cost for pa George Bonte I’m throwing things at then who would you like I mean I I I just want to see how I don’t care I don’t really care like I’ll take like for example you get yourself aone Mark like we just throwing these names out here Lori Mark is going to cost a lot it’s going to cost you cost a lot but it feels like the Warriors are trying to cook up gut this roster out you got to gut this roster out nobody’s even watch I know around these parts nobody’s even watch marketing is that big getting you better like here’s the thing with marketing all right he’s a big that plays on a three-point line now can he rebounds sure sure but he’s a guy who prefers to play on the perimeter and I get it the Boston Celtics since one a championship go a five out with poras and Horford and all that stuff and maybe that’s the Warriors are trying maybe the Warriors are trying to be a carbon copy of that mve forward here as they evolve do they go five out they need five three-point Shooters where is this Draymond what does Draymond Green fit in that equation is he going to be a shooter like Al Horford from the quarter can he do that I believe he can but we haven’t seen it Market it against the West all right you got all these bigs in the west patrolling the West how Chad hongren Catman do Nas Reed defens wimy uh Jabar Smith and Shan goon down in Houston we know about zubot with the Clippers we know about ad with the LA Lakers it’s pedot we were talking about this on Friday he plays against ad and he gets gets so I don’t think people understand you know I don’t I don’t know how good I don’t know how good so my suggestion for the go to State Warriors is you got to figure out what to do with Klay Thompson and Andrew wigin I’m just not I’m just not going to play around with the fairy tale and Paul George because I understand it’s going to cost you a lot to get Paul George and Warrior fans willing to do that are we really are you really willing to see them part ways with all these assets to try to get a Paul George who’s 34 years old I thought the whole point was to get younger and more athletic yeah but I don’t think that’s an option that’s plausible and Lor’s a little younger but I would say that Trace Jackson Davis is going to play a role on that team in some fashion I don’t know how cuz it clearly feels like Draymond Green side Trace Jackson Davis does work and so like to me if you if you had a starting five of TJ D Draymond Green Lori and Paul George and Steph Curry I’m just trying to think this out Steph Curry that’s workable like I to me that’s is it perfect no but I would probably end up gutting a lot of the youth on this team to make that happen just cuz it’s a final two-year run with st Draymond tjd in the front court with Lori it doesn’t look great I agree so now you’re play 305 offensively game because basically tjd you’re putting him in every pick a roll but Shooters a little bit better it’s a little bit better I think people honor people are going to honor the the playmaking and the playmaking off the floor I believe Paul George could set up staff you can set up others Draymond as your point I got to stop this this marketed at Paul joring I’m just throwing solution I know I know this ain’t a solution this is dream what is your Sol this is this is a fairy tale this is a fairy tale my solution is to figure out what the hell is going on with Andrew wickins all right and then you figure out what you’re going to do we don’t know that we don’t know that if he’s out the door or not don’t know you don’t know that who’s going to trade for him what type of value you’re going to get for him you know what I’m saying and we’re talking about point of attack Defenders well Wiggins right now is your best point of attack Defender so if we’re talking about defending at the point of attack now you’re getting rid of one of your better Shooters and one of your better point of attack Defenders see what I’m what I’m starting to come to is with the go to State Warriors is that they may have to build not for next season but for the year after this may be a two-year process here because right now you’re in no man’s land you’re in the second apron you’re paying the most tax you just lost in a play and got blown out in Sacramento Klay Thompson’s older Chris Paul you got that you got that extension for the 30 million you could figure out what to do with him but how can you get younger when the whole League’s trying to get younger you’re going to need to replace your shooting if Klay Thompson walks if you trade Wiggins for whoever and don’t please don’t tell me that you’re going to trade Wiggins for Paul George and Lori marked it’s going to take a lot more to trade for those two guys than Andrew Wiggins I I don’t know I I I I don’t like this may be a two process feel I just have a hard time feeling that the Warriors are all of a sudden going to Throttle Down with two years left to Steph Curry they’re so need deep in their financial situation to me they’re going Full Speed Ahead at the wall and there’s only one way that this thing ends it just today now they might swing and Miss on all these trades and to your point they don’t have the package to even execute one let alone multiple deals but I’m of the nature I think they’re going to swing big I think they’re trying to swing big and I think there’s a reason why they’ve been negotiating with Chris Paul to build out that extra you know week or so of flexibility on the $30 million guarantee because they’re looking around and they’re saying to themselves we need that $30 million trade chip because there are other teams out there that want that expiring deal and there are other teams that are going to be kind of screwed where the Warriors are and maybe don’t have the financial flexibility and need to get out from underneath that apron so it’s not like these are all very unlikely scenarios and I’m not trying to get on you for throwing these hypothetical out I’m just trying to make sense of them right so I’m just I’m trying to think about the other team here not just our team trying to think would the Clippers be willing to set Chris Paul back cuz we know they they try to get a point guard but you still have James Hart you still have Kawhi lard all the the team Li but with the Clippers be willing to do business with the Golden State Warriors in a signning trade right now Jimmy Butler Kevin Durant like I can go right around the league these guys are all required when those teams had very little cap room and you are forced into a sign and trade situation because you either are getting zero assets for the player or you’re getting something back in return don’t you think the Clippers could go find better assets elsewhere only wants to play somewhere like that’s where the players do have some power when you’re on the highend of free agency and you’re a coveted player you do have a little more wiggle room than let’s say a Malik mon do we know that Chris Paul George wants to play with the go to state war no that’s I’m just spitballing right I’m going off the report right the report and again I’m looking at the report too and I I credibility matters to me I don’t know who Brett seagull is can we get him on the air where did he hear this from where did he come up with it is he talking to agents is Agents floating that out there because I don’t know who he is Paul George kind of came out of nowhere well I think Paul George has been a logical uh you know someone that the the Warriors probably circled multiple years ago and have been trying to you know finesse for quite some time and they know what their their situation is look they know their biggest need right now is a bigger body number two alongside Steph Curry need a playmaker doubt about is he older absolutely he’s older is he hurt a lot absolutely he is but when I look around the league I’d rather have Paul George than let’s say Zack LaVine currently for the Warriors for what the Warriors are looking for the ultimate answer but I do believe he he solves some of their issues and he’s a start Paul George with the player option uh if if he accepts a player option he’ll be making $ 48.7 million $ 48.7 million now again this is a report from what’s this name again Brett seagull Brett seagull Brett seagull National NBA Insider reporter for clutch Sports I never heard of him he follows nobody apparently that’s that’s what I’m looking at right now um I haven’t heard anything from Chris Haynes haven’t heard anything from sh sham Shania now here’s a question 408 would you why not trade for Jimmy Butler I I suggested Jimmy Butler about a week ago I would love to have Jimmy Butler I think you know he comes with his own injury injury history especially of recent and unlike Paul Jordan has a odd locker room Dynamic history everywhere he goes it starts off good and then it ends up being bad but again this is where we go back to like I think people need to come to the grips with everyone we’re trading for is going to have some flaws whether it be character personal professional age injury history or maybe they don’t play defense chimy Butler making a lot of money I’m interested in like I’m going to be real with you is a part of me it’s like playoff Jimmy you know in terms of defense and attitude how’s that going to Flying the west or conference St I don’t know because every time they play the West they get smoked they get smoked in Miami it’s one thing to play against the East and try to punk those guys and he wants a new deal like there’s other parts I mean this guy Jimmy Butler’s making 48.7 this year he’s got a player option at the age of 36 For $52 million $52 million for3 6ye old Jimmy Butler now do your defense get better at the point of attack absolutely is Jimmy the best shooter no no no but he does get to the free throw line a lot he’s a streaky shooter and he’s rugged and I think he fits he fits the Draymond profile for defense he fit the read and react offense probably not he’s going to hold the ball a lot he’s a midrange guy yes so I almost think the Warriors my my thought process warri got my my thought process with the Warriors cuz I’m not high on any of these guys to be honest with you like Paul George doesn’t move me Jimmy Butler doesn’t move me I almost feel like you have to build for not this season but the year after I just don’t see them taking a step I don’t see I don’t see it happening either but I almost feel like that’s the most logical scenario here and get your books in order well okay so get your books in order it’s interesting I think one of the big things that people aren’t talking enough about is if they keep kaminga they’re going to pay him $30 million now how does that affect your books As you move forward right so if you decide you’re keeping kaminga a part of that decision is well now it’s not just I’m keeping kaminga it’s I’m paying kaminga and I don’t know how much I’m paying him how much am I uh you know uh how much am I looking down the line and I’m saying okay I’m projecting he will become this type of a player I can build the team with him making x amount he might be one of my more high paid players like it’s it’s it there’s layers to that decision and then any team that ir’s kaminga is asking the same questions on the receiving end okay I get kaminga I have to know by October 31st am I extending kaminga otherwise he becomes a restricted free agent so do and I’m cool with either or that situation I would bet on kaminga because I think 30 million a year in a couple years could be a bargain for Jonathan kiga who’s only 21 years old is’s getting better and better and better but do you play that game with the restrict to free agency and then risk a team giving him a max deal and you have to match it maybe that’s the way to go maybe that’s the way to light a fire under JK every single game saying hey we haven’t page it yet but then again he may SP out of control to say well trade me trade me team to a team that wants to pay me no idea no idea what’s going to happen there but let’s talk more about it Klay Thompson and the go to State Warriors negotiations are Frozen right now and that’s where we’re talking about Paul George Lori marinin have no idea what’s going to happen here in y but do the Warriors even have the assets to trade for guys I think we need to Humble ourselves as Warrior fans it’s could to be a long offseason we’ll see uh let’s get this one hey let’s get to the isy

Would Warriors fans be okay with making that swap? It might not ideal, but it might be the best option for the Warriors.

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  1. PG is a good friend of Klays, i could see him teaming up with Klay somewhere before i can see him replacing him in GS.

  2. I think k what bonta forgets when hes talking about the warriors is that theyre going all in for steph…. Like everything he says makes sense if they just want to give it all up and look towards the future right… but if theyre going all in for steph then they need to make some moves for this next year and its not like there are alot of choices… paul George is the best option, he can make plays happen, he plays defense, he can shoot. I personally think they should try to keep klay if thats the case as well. N they need to get a 7 foot defensive big and i think they are overall better. Drop chris paul, hopefully you can trade wiggins and kuminga and a draft pick for paul George.

  3. Keep playing with old farts . Hopeless. Curry fell out of top 10 players. Green is medicore. George is a dinosaur.

  4. paul george don't care about winning. these nba players with their podcast is more concern about growing their listener and sharing how smart they think they are and all that garbage.

  5. Im probably in the minority but I’m cool with running it back without Klay and trading Chris Paul and Wiggins but keeping the young guys. I want to see moody and JK get one season to prove themselves and if they don’t trade them in the offseason or sign them to a cheap contract. I don’t see warriors winning a chip next year regardless who they bring in.

  6. Shasky is trippin on this one. There's no way PG is worth losing Klay, CP3 and KUMINGA. No way we're in a better spot if that happens.

  7. No way do you trade any young player for Paul George. None. Cp3 and Wiggs, that works, gives both teams a little upside, and some risk

  8. Scoffing at a hypothetical line up with PG and Lauri is insane. We have STEPH CURRY. That's easily enough help.

  9. Does Bonta like anyone ? Dudes so unreasonable about everything. Stop holding on to the past

  10. The free agent/trade candidate search is almost two-fold: you're looking for a guy who fits the warriors offense (PG, Lauri) but you also need to consider that maybe the solution is shaking up our now predictable/defendable offense with a guy who can just get a bucket on his own (jimmy butler, Brandon ingram)

  11. Bonta, please wake up. Wiggins is their best POA defender and they did not make the playoffs. Wiggins is gone

  12. The dude on the left with the hat is ignorant. First off they have been asking PG to be the #1 when Kawhi hasn’t completed a full playoff run since 2021 that’s 4 years PG hasn’t had his running mate. PG got them to the conference finals in 2021 and 2022 got them in the play in without Kawhi. Last year Kawhi and PG were out the majority of the year.

    PG has always been a better individual player than Klay. Klay just had the system to be successful you replace Klay with PG the Warriors are way better.

  13. Forget the season and concentrate on next cause you ain’t feelin Paul George ?? Bonta smoking some good crack 🤣

  14. With bird right tech doesn’t have to be either or could tech do both but you’d be gutting any young asset you have and depth so if PG or someone goes down for any amount of time or Draymond get suspended again it’s for not and they’ll be in a worse spot.

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