@Portland Trail Blazers

The Blazers Want Zach Edey at 7?! Latest Mock Draft, Rumors and Predictions | Blazers Uprise Live

The Blazers Want Zach Edey at 7?! Latest Mock Draft, Rumors and Predictions | Blazers Uprise Live

[Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] think uh [Music] [Music] what’s going on everybody welcome into Blazers uprise live here on a Monday a very very important Monday as the draft is less than 48 hours away I can’t believe it’s already here Eric and today we got some juicy stuff to talk about Zack eedi did I speak him into existence who knows we’ll talk about it we’ll talk about who Portland likes in this draft we’re going to talk about the latest draft rumors we’ll talk draft predictions as well we did a whole Lottery prediction stream I think that was last Thursday but we’ll see if we have any new predictions and then we’ll do a full mock draft based on who we would take and then tomorrow might have a Draft preview stream um depending on if I have the time I’ve been busy editing I got about a 1 and a half hour draft in-depth preview dropping tomorrow morning hopefully you guys check that out a ton of work has gone gone into that just dropped Eric’s offseason preview and the draft Graphics this year are going to be something special I’m looking forward to that so a ton going on in the NBA with the draft R around the corner a ton going on with us here at Blazers uprise Eric what’s going on with you uh I had something kind of crazy happened to me today I was on lunch at work got into my car closed the driver’s side door and the window of the passenger side door just shattered into thousand pieces you closed your passenger door and the window shattered the driver door and the passenger door just shattered so so were you so pissed off by the zachi rumor that you like slammed your door so hard with your Hulk strength that you smashed your other window or how how’s it even happened I do not know I mean my car is kind of old so maybe not but uh I don’t know if this is a coincidence or not but uh so I went into a store having listen to sports radio on my way between stores and uh I forgot to turn it off because I knew once I got back in my car it would be a certain time of the day when a certain Blazer media member has his show on and so I get in my car I turn it on and uh he’s spewing a bunch of dumb crap so in the like five minutes I drive to the to my lunch uh I hear like you know a bunch of wrong CBA things and just I’m just getting like triggered right this show and so like I go in I’m like in the Twitter GC make a jokes about how I’m about to go rip my stereo out of my car and stuff and so is it a coincidence that I go back to my car and my window shatters when I I go back but wow that’s crazy I mean that’s unfortunate I know what it’s like to have a shattered passenger window unfortunately and mine also related to the Blazers in a way cuz it was when I was at a Blazer game Blazer game yeah yeah but I mean my goodness my goodness that’s very unfortunate you kind of spoke that into existence Eric we have a way of speaking things into existence I don’t know what it is not this story how are you doing how is everyone in chat BR I I let me just say like I’ve been working so hard past couple weeks like edited for a YouTuber friend of mine last Sunday for like 14 hours straight basically just working on computers constantly my my temples are starting to Twitch my I started twitching today I even tweeted about it that was not a joke right um so this is just the craziest time of year with the draft stream on Wednesday and Thursday and then free agency on Sunday and normally it’s like I got a lot of energy about like this time a year man I am uh I am working my ass off right now but I love it I love it it’s it’s a lot but I love it wouldn’t trade it for the world excited to be able to bring yet another draft stream to you guys this is going to be our wait hold on 1 two 3 four five this is our sixth draft stream that’s crazy we’re losing count of what draft stream it is so a sixth draft stream for you guys our first draft stream was our first live stream on this channel back in 2019 the playback all uh jittery and screwed up but the production that we got for Wednesday I’m looking forward to it I’ve had chish helping me out with stuff shout out to him he’s making some animations that’s all I’m going to say we got some animated stuff for I never got that far in my uh design Quest but draft stream is going to be a lot of fun so hopefully you can make it we’re going to be live streaming every pick of both rounds on Wednesday and Thursday we’re not going to have Twitter feeds up we’re not going to be looking at Twitter we’re going to react live so if you want to react to pxs live you can shut down Twitter you can throw on our stream you can try and sync us up with an ESPN feed if you want to but if ESPN does what they did with the NFL draft they’re going to spoil picks before Adam Silver comes to the podium because they had Adam schfer spoiling picks before Roger Goodell came to the podium during the NFL draft and I hated it and I hated it so our stream is pure because it doesn’t have spoilers and we’re going to have mods policing chat you know no no spoiling picks that sort of thing so it’s a ton of fun if you’ve never tuned in for a draft stream it is one of my favorite draft streams of the year and Eric this year is just it’s going to be something else there’s going to be so much favorite draft streams it’s one of our favorite streams well now it’s like you have a favorite draft stream and a least favorite draft stream because there’s two of them technically uh but yeah no one of our favorite streams of the year last year like there’s a lot stress going into the you know trying to please Dame and trying to build a winner around Dame and feeling like they weren’t going to do it and they were going to run him out of town there was a lot of stress that came with that this year it’s completely different now there might be stress about who the Blazers take at seven and who they take at 14 but there’s so much mystery around this draft there’s so much mystery about the Blazers two lottery picks I’m just happy that they have two lottery picks after missing out on two lottery picks a couple years ago and I’m just excited to see how it plays out even if they do something crazy that I do not like like take Zack Ed at 7 it’s it’s not going to it’s not going to be anywhere near as bad as the pain we went through last offseason so I’m just ready to go Eric ready to find out what this team is going to do as well as seeing where some of these intriguing prospects land yeah and uh for those that weren’t with us last year draft stream it was pretty much everyone thought we were going to trade the third pick uh and we were pretty much the only people saying prior to the draft don’t be surprised if the Blazers just keep the pick and this is unfortunately the end of the road for uh for Dame so uh that was that was a tough thing to talk about the possibility of um but uh yeah uh ended up being what happened and that was not very good for us but uh yeah at least we uh we brought it up beforehand though right yeah yeah 100% man shout out to John Fitzpatrick welcome to starter membership um sup John yeah we just I don’t know I don’t know what’s going to happen but did I foreshadow it Eric what did I say was the worst case scenario zakie of 7 filipowski of 14 well we already got one of those two things being rumored but let me just say this like how fell for that Tor how do I explain this like there’s a certain level of humor that goes into expecting the worst with this team and then seeing a rumor even if it’s from somebody that like we don’t like Kevin oconor I’ll say that the hate on nurkic in the past was just too much like um don’t agree with a lot of his opinions like we’re not Kevin otter fans we’re not going to sit up here and say oh yeah what he said is legitimate also not GNA sit here and say what he said isn’t legitimate because you hear a bunch of things from a bunch of different people and some of it’s going to be right some of it’s going to be wrong we’ve experienced that we’ve seen other people experience that you know I mean going up to draft time sham shiria was saying that the Hornets were probably going to take scoot Henderson at number two last year and of course they took Brandon Miller so there’s always a ton of noise right so I I’ll just say this I don’t necessarily believe this report but what I saw it it was humorous because in the past I’ve predicted stuff that I don’t want to happen and then it’s happened and this year I’ve kind of been going a little wild with it and my wild thing is like yeah they’re taking Zach at 7 Philip hsky at 14 and then you see the Ed rumor today so I tweeted out called it got a response from uh Travis deur I forgot what it exactly it said but basically like oh you uh you really believe this yeah like you really believe this it’s like bro it’s a joke man I don’t expect him to understand he’s not a part of this community right but if you’ve been watching our streams for a while you know this is a running joke at this point predicting our least favorite thing and then it happening hopefully it doesn’t happen this time you know what I mean and it’s funny because we’re at the point I’m at the point Eric where it’s like if they just take a forward at seven assuming it’s not somebody that’s mocked in the second round I’m okay like that’s how low the bar is at this point it’s not hard to clear but Zak at 7 your thoughts well that’s what someone said last stream right I forgot who it was but someone said the bar is so low if they just take a forward at seven I’m happy that resonated with me yeah so um I all right so there’s a lot there’s a lot of layers to this one despite I I mean I don’t like Kevin o Conor but he has been one of the few people pushing out rumors um this draft cycle uh W and Shams have been surprisingly quiet on the draft front at least um gavone has been a little more vocal than he usually is and uh you know you of course have some random people like uh Ian Begley and um Evan like there’s some guys that have have been pushing stuff but uh Kevin o Conor has been the only one with some of these like out there rumors and who knows if they’re correct or not or if they’re even a thing or whatever but I I wouldn’t be quick to dismiss anything he says because he’s Kevin ‘ Conor I mean as you and I both know Tori if you’re around long enough and talk about things long enough people just start to message you and people that you wouldn’t think would be interested in messaging you or people that you know that know someone stuff like that end up giving you information and like you mentioned earlier um you know there’s a lot of BS to that too and not every rumor ends up being correct in fact most of the things even the Insiders like Wan Shams end up hearing are probably end up being incorrect they just don’t tweet them as much of the the rumor stuff anymore they’re they’re more just once it actually happens type thing because otherwise you have stuff like what happens with the Lakers coaching search where um you know like it’s kind of a battle between who’s right and who’s wrong and then Shams looks like an idiot for a week and then ultimately ends up being right and whatnot um but uh yeah so I wouldn’t I wouldn’t just say oh it’s Kevin oconor we can’t discuss this like it’s no there’s no validation to it um but you also think like okay so the Blazers if they’re going after Edy it’s got to be a smoke screen right like they’re sitting there knowing that uh and gavone went on ESPN today and said that he thinks Ed could go as high as nine to Memphis and that memph really likes him and that Ed is the second best center in this draft and that uh that Memphis really needs a center and they’re probably if they don’t trade up for kingan it’s going to take so um is Portland smart enough to then like extract some value if there’s a guy they think they can get a couple spots later and they’re scaring uh Memphis into thinking oh you got to trade up if you want Ed um I don’t think they’re that smart like I can’t give them the benefit of the doubt that they’re smokees screening this because they haven’t smoke screened to this point yet like almost everything we hear ends up being true in regards to the front office right in terms of oh they’re not going to trade Brogden they’re not listening to offers on Grant um they’re G to keep the pick you know last year and all that kind of stuff like it it almost all ends up being not smokees screens right so um like I don’t think you can just dismiss that either so what I keep coming back to and chat tell me if I’m wrong here I I think I’m speaking facts but prior to the last couple months of the Season we all agree that everyone had legit concerns about DeAndre aton’s mental state and his mindset when it comes to basketball correct like that’s legit to have like that’s been the knock on him right up until that point right and then he has those good couple months and everyone’s like oh maybe he’s maturing maybe maybe he’s showing signs of leadership uh maybe uh you know things are better now for him maybe so the first thing Portland does like a couple months later is going to test that mindset by showing interest in these centers or like putting these rumors out there like it does it doesn’t make sense to me unless they’ve like told him don’t worry about this since there smoke screens or whatever but once again I come back to this organ this front office is not that smart to do that I don’t think so like I don’t think that’s that’s the case or what’s going on so what could it be do they think DeAndre aton’s the power forward moving forward like legit I don’t know do they Tori like I are they gonna play DeAndre and a power forward next year alongside like Zack edier or Donovan clink I don’t I think okay worst case scenario is edier cling comes off the bench next year behind Dayton and they might play a little bit together right but ultimately ultimately here’s what I think erck and this is just pure pure speculation okay I truly believe this is the Blazers looking at aon’s Contract thinking we can get a similarly impactful player on a much cheaper contract that can produce right away and they can save that money somehow they’re going to have to resign Aon in two years anyway if they can have a player that’s on a four-year rookie contract and is at least productive they can justify moving off of Aon there was stuff at the beginning of last season that aon’s attitude all the questions about it at the start of last season were correct the Jason quick thing that he got a ton of heat for was correct there were issues with Aon at the start of last season he got better credit to him I’ll give him props for that and played much better as the season went on but the one thing that he’s proven is you can’t consistently rely on him for an entire season he’s very up and down he just ended last year on a high note now maybe that’s him turning it around finally once and for all okay but this team knows the under eight better than we know DeAndre Aon at this point the Phoenix Suns knew DeAndre Aton better than anyone and wanted to trade him away for pieces that weren’t as good as him okay I truly believe the Blazers are not married to Aon despite how they might seem like they are and I believe kingan if they can get him comes off the bench behind Aon for a year they continue to give a in the ball um once that contract gets you know to one and a half years left maybe they can get some value left cuz it’s not a super long-term overpaid contract or maybe he can play his way into some trade value I think that’s what the plan is and I think that’s why they want Ed at 14 more likely or klling in at seven or are willing to trade up to get clinging they’re going to save money they’re going to get somebody that they can rely upon more consistently and somebody that can produce and it would give them at least a physical Presence at that Center Spot which Aon does not provide I don’t think that the Blazers are blind to aon’s flaws we talk about aon’s flaws all the time he is not a perfect player by any means and these rumors have made me wonder if the Blazers aren’t necessarily thrilled with the idea of Aon being their long-term starting center now that’s the value they could get back in the Dame trade the value they could get back for Yousef nkic and a little so it makes it it makes sense to take that chance I guess but they have to think long term of how they’re going to build this roster around their young guards and I could see them logically coming to this conclusion that getting a guy like you to getting a guy like kingan is the right long-term play okay I agree with everything you say but you just killed this trade value then like there’s no recovering from it because that’s that’s assuming he had trade value in the first place if he’s if he’s if he’s putting up 22 points per game next year with 10 11 boards then I don’t even if you have a young backup center and like it makes sense to trade him I still think he has value if he’s playing well enough I think ultimately it just comes down to how well he’s playing but if Portland’s looking to trade him and the season after the offseason after acquiring him is already looking to move on from him that’s the second team that’s dumped him basically or tried to dump him for you know attitude issues or whatever the case was I don’t think it has to look like dumping him though if you draft a center and say this was just the best player on the board and then you go into the deadline like we have this young Center you know we like Aon and he’s playing really really well for us but we have this young Center well I understand if we if we take a center at 14 it’s a little different but seven is our best asset this summer it’s basically our only asset this summer out outside of the veterans to improve the team this off season right or to like maybe get a future piece our best future piece from this off season because uh most of the trades are probably going to be salary driven and most of and you know pick oriented uh I doubt we’re getting like players back in some of those trades especially with our roster spot issues so um like I think I think it’s it’s a case where we’re kind like I don’t know like it just it seems like they’re just taking another stab and it it doesn’t really feel like they’re thinking things out thoroughly in my mind and um I think you had your only chance to do something like this was if you had a deal for already set up to where you could say oh well we had a deal for Aon already and then we brought in his replacement or whatever like I don’t I don’t know about what’s going to happen afterwards especially with a and himself like and the two Setters they’ve been linked to I just I I feel like we’re going to mess screwed up with all this stuff if if we how have because because of Ed or because of kinging I don’t see how that messes scoot up because in my opinion scoot needs a more athletic uh quicker big up and down the court and a someone who can run fast breaks with him and that kind of stuff and I think we need to get out and run more he so running is Reliant upon the big man that’s out letting him the ball though it’s not I’m just saying like why are we going for like slow slower centers like instead of quick mobile centers with sco like I I feel like that’s and also guys that none of them stretch the floor uh they’re all kind of mid-range uh so is I know I’m saying they’re all like aon’s this way too I’m I’m agreeing with you like all three of them so that we’re adding another Center who’s going to be like cling and Ed are like post and you know High post Specialists like they’re always going to be there so like we’re always going to have a center clogging that middle and that was an issue last year with Aon always being in the middle every time Scoot and Anthony drove there’s Aon right there in the freaking middle of the paint there guys right there they had like no spacing I feel like if we have those centers it’s going to create spacing issues that it’s going to be tough for scoot to avoid I I’ll be honest I think you’re looking at this wrong if you have Zack Edy in a dunker spot in a dump off spot he is so large that if you help it all it’s really easy just to get the ball up to him for an automatic two it makes guys second guess about helping off a dude that big if he’s hanging around the rim in a way that gives him space to drive to attack the rim and we know scoot can make a dump off pass can make a lob pass we saw it at times to eighton the thing is is bigs would help off Aon because Aon doesn’t go up strong with it or if there’s any defense around him he shoots a little finesse shot he doesn’t take the ball strong if you have somebody that’s 7 foot2 or 7 foot4 there 5T from the rim when their guy helps off that should be an automatic two from scoot every single time also Zaki screens Zaki might set the best screen in the league I don’t want to draft somebody at seven simply because they set good screens or anything but there is some value there that would definitely help scoot um I don’t think they would screw up scoot at all I do think there’s other big men that could be better fit fits for different reasons but they might not be as good of a dump off threat right um as somebody that’s Zaki because I think it would be something he drives the pain and anytime somebody helps he just gets it up quick to zachie bucket um but but it just has trouble getting there quick enough because scoots too fast I think he’s going to be I mean you can you can dump it back to him if you draw the center get the center in the air at all or whatever get the center below the rim helping whatever and you dump it back to Edy even if he’s 8 feet away that’s one step in a freaking Tomahawk like I so I think Ed’s screen setting would be really good for ay because he can come off those screens and Let It Fly scoot still isn’t I mean maybe he improves that a lot by next year but I think I don’t know I just I feel like screen the screen setting on scoot sky is a little less effective and if you have a guy that’s slower because that’s that’s what makes Gafford and Lively so good is they’re they get there like within a split second from the screen to the basket whereas guys like eating and cling and take a few seconds to get there and it it just slows the play down a little bit especially when you have a a a guy is quick a scoot with the ball who can get to the rim really quick I just feel like it would be better to have a center who can set a screen and then get to the rim quick enough for scoot to get like keep up with scoot’s uh kind of Rhythm you know I don’t think they have to keep up with scoot they just have to be close enough where it’s if it’s dumped back to them they can dunk it like take one step two steps dunk it because that’s the thing is I feel like we’re thinking of it from like a DeAndre at and youf nerk standpoint where Yousef nerkish is not athletic so if you dump it back to him 8T away from the rim it’s probably not going to be the best shot the defense is going to recover to him he’s not going to dunk over anybody it’s probably going to be some flip shot where if you dump it back to Aon 8 10 feet away from the rim he’s probably shooting a fade away mid-range shot where it’s different with kingan and especially Edy is those guys are so big that if you’re able to dump it back to them with them going downhill at The Rim even if they’re eight to 10 feet away they’re getting to the rim and probably getting fouled maybe and ones it’s just a different equation with guys like that so I don’t view it as like they have to keep up with scoot on the pick and roll they just have to be in the play and I don’t think it’s going to take them a few seconds for them to set a screen at the three-point line and then get to 8 to 10 feet away from the rim with momentum going towards it yeah well I also I don’t really like those guys uh klan’s a little better than Ed in my opinion in terms of passing out of the short rle um I just I don’t know man I yeah I don’t know I’m not as confident as you that they’re going to be that easiest scorers in the NBA there’s a comment that said Tory trying to convince himself we should take Edy not at all it’s like there’s prospects at certain picks that I don’t like but that’s not to say that they don’t provide value somewhere right like that they’re not bad bad at everything Um Zack Ed provides some value I don’t think it’s enough value to justify taking him at seven 14 still feels a little bit too rich for me and it’s mostly all on the defensive end I’m not worried about offense with Zach EDI uh I’m just not he’s going to help the Blazers be more efficient he’s going to put opposing big men in foul trouble like offensively if he was a good Defender I would probably be completely on board with taking him at seven it’s the defense of war that I don’t know if he can ever be a St and Center in the league because I don’t know if he can play good enough defense kingan it’s foot issues like I I’m okay if they take Clingan at seven um I don’t really want to trade up for him just because I don’t think he possesses enough upside to justify a trade up and spending assets on that but clinging at seven I think is okay and I want to touch upon something that you said earlier Eric but I didn’t uh respond to yet like talking about if this is The Blaze just kind of like throwing darts like just taking random shots with a lack of a plan I feel like if they were centers we like then we would maybe come around to viewing it as oh they have a plan they like this guy more than DeAndre Aiden right like if it’s alexar which alexar is above these guys for a reason of course but with when it’s alexar if we were taking alexar number one it’s like oh yeah long-term Aon replacement like he maybe plays next to Aiden for a year or two and then maybe they try and trade Aon or maybe they just let him walk and move SAR to the center position now SAR can play next to Aon but the point is is they don’t have to be married to DeAndre Aton it could be a part of their plan to move on from DeAndre Aon even if it’s a center that we don’t really like uh where they get drafted or how they get that Center maybe if we wish it was somebody more athletic I don’t think it necessarily means that they don’t have a plan it’s very possible that they don’t have a plan we’ve seen this team not have a plan I’m just trying not to get sucked into the negative bias of like oh it for sure means they don’t have a plan if they draft Zak at 14 or draft cling in at seven because I think it’s very logical and would be a good look on this organization in my opinion if they were not married to Aon and were willing to go younger and cheaper for a big man that might be better as a role player maybe in year one or year two yeah I mean you you know I’m not an aen fan either so like it makes sense to me but I just excuse me bless you thank you uh I feel like I mean it can all be true that there was you know they are still not sold on Aon but they’ve kind of like tried to get us as fans to buy in that they’re sold on a right of course of course so it just it kind of pisses me off now that we spent a year of them trying to shove eight and down our throats if this whole time they’re like oh no we’re going to get rid of him and get a better Center as soon as we have a chance to right so I guess that’s coming from it’s like it’s like that’s what makes me question their plan right because what were we doing this last year if this whole year was just to replace Aon and all this stuff about him growing and all this crap didn’t matter at all because they were behind the scenes like yeah we’re just going to dump him as soon as we get right so like I don’t like that that was their plan for this year if the plan long term was to get rid of him as quick as possible so like I I just for me it’s like that’s where I have the issue him I don’t know if it was longm we’re getting rid of him they could have gotten him like we’re taking the F on him we’re going to see how good he is next year um we’re going to see how end of the season were there after the end of this season where they were what they were propping him up how much he matured and but of Eric Eric they’re going to prop up everything that they do even if they don’t believe in it that’s my opinion I know I know but I’m saying it just for me it all goes back to that like I don’t think they have like it’s just like okay let’s try DeAndre and fre year okay he has have two problems let’s move on to someone else but now you’re stuck with this 30 some million dollar contract and like this is why like you and I got so much crap for this but we said we would have traded him for an expiring contract at the deadline and just been done with it and fixed our cat from right then it would make S much more sense to be tied to kingan or Edy um yeah yeah I mean but ultimately like they’re going to Hype up their assets they’re going to Hype up the moves that they make like um they’re going to speak well on their own players to me it’s like that doesn’t necessarily mean that a they’re married to them or B that they’re a part of their long-term plans it’s just kind of part of the game that a lot of GMS a lot of front offices play and Joe Cronin certainly plays that game we’ve seen him play play that game we’ve seen him go from wanting a Josh Hart at every position to trading Josh Hart and you know they had to cuz he wasn’t going to resign this that like things happen things change GM say a lot of stuff um you know I’m not one to sit there and excuse everything he says with GM speak but there is a level of GM speak to um the way he goes about things and it might have also been something where you know they thought Aon was long-term Center but now that they’re getting a look at clinging getting a look at Ed getting a look at other centers in this class they’re becoming enamored with these guys and they’re more willing to move eighton because of that if they can get Edy or kingan in the right situation with the right asset like if kingan’s sitting there at seven that’s the floor for his stock there’s a chance he goes number one so it could be okay we’ll take this over Aon but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re completely out on Aon at the same time I just I hear all this stuff about needing length at the forward positions and how that makes you have defensive flexibility and we’re just going to play smaller and get a bigger Center like I don’t know man it’s just yeah I mean listen like they could still get length long term at those forward positions it’s just you know well it’s it’s it’s a it’s a question of okay do they just really not like these forwards truthfully truthfully because do you want to segue this into the next topic well I just want to read off a comment real quick so Austin uh hazan says you guys don’t actually think they’re trying to get off aan already right they can’t be that bad and this is my point Tori like no one freaking knows what the heck they’re doing right like and I feel like they’re they’re confused on what they’re doing like do we need a center or what like and I just I don’t think cling and Edy you’re right it is because it’s those two that they’re targeting if that’s true that is my problem like I don’t think those are the the right centers to like dump Aon to get in and bring in um I just see see it’s just it’s just a disagreement on the value of those centers because if we liked kingan or Ed at seven or 14 we would criticize them for passing on one of those guys because of Aiden if they had a trade for like let’s say tomorrow they announced a trade Aon is headed to Charlotte or something and we’re like ducking the tax and picking up like a couple second round future picks or something and all that like I would be fine with Clingan I guess at seven I still would have an issue with Ed at seven like if we had no Center on the roster I still don’t think Ed is the right cuz especially with like war or donon Holmes or some where sorry not War uh where or donon Holmes or something at 14 like I just I think a lot of people agree that Ed’s not the right guy at seven Joe crin might agree that Ed’s not the right guy at seven like this is a you know who knows how much stuck to really put in this rumor right so it could be that they’re not completely crazy regarding regarding the value of clinging and Edy also uh I mean it came out the other day that uh Walker Kessler is available like I’d almost rather trade one of our picks for him instead uming or Ed I think cling or Ed are better than Walker Kessler long term maybe not Edy but Ed’s like if you’re gonna have a guy like an ed or Walker Kessler like i’ I’d rather have the dominant like bigger player I don’t think will be as good as Walker Kesler defensively but I think he’s going to be a little bit more unique as an offensive option which makes him a little bit more intriguing to me than just getting a drop big rim protector who doesn’t really provide you with anything offensively yeah I mean you know I’m not a super Kessler fan either Kessler is not more expensive he’s he was like the 203d pick or 22nd pick or something um yeah there’s a there’s a comment before we move on guys I’m telling you idot 14 is an option to work Aon into All-Star shape drafting Ed is not going to work Aon into anything like Aon has to be selfmotivated himself you’re not going to bring in a rookie to motivate Aon it doesn’t really make sense to me like um you’re you’re draft if you draft Edie you’re drafting Edy to replace Aiden you don’t draft somebody in the to not hopefully become a starter long term so listen Eric like I’m at the point I don’t like ediot 14 I don’t absolutely hate it like if you had to asked me which do you hate more edot 14 in this draft or Chris Murray at 23 in last year’s draft it’s Chris Murray at 23 in last year’s draft like pretty I can answer that pretty quickly you know um just because he does like provide something and and I don’t know I I do wonder if he can move a little bit better than we give him credit for and listen he’s worked out he’s worked out for them privately maybe he moved well like he worked out against other centers against other legitimate prospects like I didn’t see that work out of course unfortunately like who knows who knows there are worse picks they could go for at 14 than Zack rather have than phip in a heartbeat um okay so I know he measured or did the combine drills well some of that is just when you’re as big as him you have less steps and you can take like the the shuttle and Cone drills and stuff like that it’s when you’re as massive as him it doesn’t take very long to get from one cone to the other um well it doesn’t too long to cover ground then but we had we have all this film of him being slow like in actual games and so I don’t know man it’s it’s hard for me to say like a a couple drills at a combine erase all his game no no it doesn’t no no no no no no no not at all not at all but I just we haven’t seen him have to guard in the space he’s going to have to guard in in the NBA and I don’t have faith that it’s going to go well like I said earlier like defense is a big concern of mine and why I probably wouldn’t take Ed at 14 but I do wonder if maybe he might be a little bit better guarding in space than we give him credit for and we haven’t really seen him have to guard an NBA pick a roll 25t away from the rim and then recover to the rim he just kind of got parked under the rim so of course he’s going to look slow when he’s parked under the rim in college where there’s no defensive 3 seconds maybe gas because they run their entire offense through him he averaged 25 a game like um so maybe has to get in a little better shapee still but I do think he was a little bit quicker last year so if that’s something that he can continue to progress with like maybe it’s something that isn’t good at the next level but maybe it’s something where he’s not getting completely torched I mean the turny barely s like he played almost the whole game if not I think a couple of the games he played all 40 minutes um but uh yeah I just I feel like the Blazers have an opportunity to shape their team into a young exciting fast-paced team and instead we’re going to get a traditional back to the basket they weren’t fast-paced last year no I know I’m saying they need to be I don’t even know if they’ll be fast-paced even if they get five starters that play well in transition I know but that’s the current coaching problem that’s not necessarily the players problem you don’t but like you don’t want connect and he would be a fast-paced player yeah because he’s one end of the court in my opinion I think he’s okay defensively I mean he but if you want to get a guy that will help you get out and run like there you go he was really good attacking in transition I don’t know how much it translates but I think he can get downhill in transition and then filling the lanes as a shooter you want a guy to play off a Scoot and transition there you go he can also be a lob Target as a lane filler because he’s big enough and athletic enough so that’s where it’s like okay you want to pour the res resources in to an offensive player like yeah he’s just offense but so is Rob Dillingham you know it’s it’s but I don’t want Dillingham for the Blazers either yeah I just think ultimately the hope is scoot becomes an above average Defender right yeah he has a lot of work to do but he’s young if he can become an above average Defender if Sharp’s an average Defender then you’re fine with connect like I’m just not viewing it in terms of like oh our start our small forwards power forwards and centers all have to be good Defenders because we have Damon CJ like we’re kind of out of that it would be a problem if Scoot and sharp never developed defensively but we don’t know that yet the one thing we do know is we need shooting so that’s just where it’s like you can you can cross that bridge when you get there if it’s still a problem a couple years down the line and connect can be a bench guy too where you’re not making him guard starting threes yeah I I’m I’m not like mad if we draft connect at seven like I’m not pissed off I’m I just I feel like it’s I don’t know like you’re you’re kind of coming around on the idea of safe is good if it provides someone who’s you know talented or whatever which I get I just I don’t want him to be I don’t want him to be safe I just want him to take a risk and uh yeah so basically for me if you’re gonna take a big risk it has to have a big reward mhm or a likely reward and projecting the draft is like we always talk floor and ceiling but it’s like a range of outcomes in there that are it’s much more likely they fall somewhere in between right and that’s where it’s like okay High floor guys low sing yes it’s not risky but they’re more likely to be impactful on this team five years from now then that means something I understand want the guy that’s going to be the allstar wanting to hit on the next Giannis but the problem is when we talk about prospects like maybe they could be the next Giannis when they just are not capable of being the next Yannis is where it’s like that’s just like Dreamland to me yeah but I mean you’re talking about one of the best players in the league it’s there’s a lot you can go down until like there’s 24 allars or whatever um you know not all of them are Allstar every year so there’s probably like 30 to 40 Allstar Fringe All-Star level players uh here’s my question here’s my question then based off that if a guy if a guy’s ceiling is realistically like Allstar or Fringe Allstar but he’s very risky has a very low floor decent chance of maybe not even making it to a second contract or just being a bench player for their career do we value that over somebody that we have a lot more confidence and can become a good starter well I don’t I mean there’s a lot of gray area between bench player not second contract to Allstar level player too like um there’s a lot of different role players and things like that I look for qualities in players that I think could possibly lead to being a star cuz like uh like obviously Giannis has aete Elite athleticism and just uh just end up being a physical Beast right uh joic has you know one of the best basketball IQs best passing big men ever yeah and and same with LCA like he’s just it’s just incredible how they see the floor and and and espe especially uh I mean Luca you could see before he was drafted in his teens how well he could see the floor and there’s always guys like Ricky Rubio for example who showed those same things at a young age in Spain and then wasn’t quite as good in the NBA but I’d still I’d still probably take a chance on a guy like Rubio not necessarily over Curry I I like curry in that draft um but like uh I don’t know I just to me I still think there’s some there’s a little bit of it’s okay to fail if you see some things that you like because you’re not always going to hit but I’d rather do that than be okay this guy is for sure going to be uh a legit rotation player but I I don’t know but I mean I think you think connects going to be better than that so that that’s respectful I think I think connect has a chance to be a 20 point per game scorer yeah like high-end outcome um also the problem for me is none of these high upside guys possess a trait close to Lucas’s passing coming into the league or even close to giannis’s athleticism because athleticism more just it’s more than just how high you can jump It’s how fast you can change direction its shiftiness its footwork it’s can you put the ball on the floor make a spin move accelerate out of it and then you know jump to the side and get up still like there’s so much that goes into functional athleticism and there are guys where it’s like straight line speed yeah tjn Salon kind of looks like Giannis when he runs in a straight line but I don’t see the functional athleticism that you can go back and you can see in Yannis and you know maybe it’s hindsight bias this or that but like you can compare the way they move and there’s just a difference with the way y was capable of moving even coming into the league where if Giannis was a prospect he would be one of my movement pattern guys uh would be a guy that I really like and would like to take a swing on in this draft um so ultimately it’s it’s it’s this just I just don’t think there’s a trait that compares to the best passing big man of all time or Luca or giannis’s movement in athleticism in this draft for the record I I mean if you’re always comparing it to Giannis that’s never going to happen but I don’t think Salon is like a Yannis type player like he’s more perimeter based whereas Giannis is more power and inside um Randy pal says chomi has that functional athleticism no he does not I don’t even know if you would say chomi has the functional athleticism of Giannis coming into the league uh well the NBA come on man the NBA punctuation uh chart came out and uh according to that it’s shamsh um you haven’t even been does that drop him down your board yeah he’s uh he lost some of his AA no I’m just kidding um yeah sh is not quite as cool as Shi but um anyways okay so he doesn’t have the speed and athleticism of Giannis no but you watch him move his feet and I watched a video about him um well I was uh so I spent uh what what day is today I forget if it was yesterday or the day before but um one of those mornings and I think you ended up doing the same thing yeah I went through there was like 10 or 15 guys that I just didn’t feel 100% confident on about Wednesday talking about him or like uh you know someone else mentioned them and I was like oh maybe I should look into them more so I went through uh bunch of big boards and uh put like a list of like 15 or 20 guys that were appearing on a lot of these big boards but I had I was just kind of had dismissed at some point cuz I had watched them and didn’t really like him or hadn’t really done a lot on so I went through and watched it but one of these guys had a lot of really interesting videos um I just like the way he presented them I don’t even remember what his YouTube channel was called but it wasn’t one that I was familiar with um and he didn’t really have a lot of subscribers or anything but uh he had one on on Shay and I went and watched it just cuz you know it’s my favorite player and uh he talked about his soccer background and he he had play after play after play about him moving his feet and his feet pattern and it’s he compared it to a lot of players that um are Elite uh defensively bigs that can guard the perimeter and things like that and he kept mentioning his foot movement patterns and the way his footwork is and when you combine that with the fact that he’s been in a situation where it’s not really I mean he’s the youngest player in the draft by over four months plus he’s been in a situation where he hasn’t had the experience or the development that most of the other players in this draft have gotten I just feel like there is possibly something there to where he could pop not Giannis level I’m not expecting him to be an MV P or anything like that but I mean I’ve mentioned like a Serge abbaka type before I do think that he has that in in him and I do believe that he is starting out with a fundamental base in terms of basketball that I don’t understand how he has given his upbringing and his little basketball experience that once he gets in a place where he does get that experience along with foot work screen setting shot mechanics um just feel for the game already I do feel like he is going to eventually pop and that’s why I have him so high I mean you have to be you have to be capable of learning things to that extent it’s not just as simple as oh this dude hasn’t had the right development so if we put him in development he’s automatically going to pop and if you’re drafting a guy that’s multiple years away from making an impact a project might never pan out might never see a second contract just to hope he’s Ser Ibaka I don’t understand having him fourth on on a big board and then defensive footwork and offensive footwork to completely different things I I just I don’t I don’t follow it we’ve argued Chi a lot um ultimately he’ll be one guy we look back on in five years and it’s going to be interesting you can take you can take a like a a thwn maker or something and try to turn him into like oh this guy’s athletic and he can do all these things um I’m trying to think of a better example of that someone who is just oh basley maybe like Darius basley right like we thought you know this guy has the size the athleticism like he can dribble the ball a little bit it seemed like he’d be able to shoot um like but like that’s you know like we didn’t really know it was just like hoping that his size and athleticism panned out but I’m saying with with sha Shay I’ve seen things that I don’t think he should be able to do and if he’s doing those things at his age and his his experience level I feel like that’s a really good indication that he has something there that could be useful and isn’t going to be a bust but like I I understand that you don’t see those things but I I see something in him that leads me to believe that he is a lot more likely to reach a ceiling than you do yeah yeah um we’ll see we’ll see um anyway bro Eric just called you blind no I didn’t I know it’s a joke it’s funny it’s funny it’s funny spell my name right Matt I know he he can’t even spell your name right so um shout out pasty Zach remember for 25 months says I’d rather take a guard than Ed or flip at 7even oh ABS absolutely like I do not want Ed or flip at 7even bro it’s you know what drives me crazy Eric is like I’m a little bit higher on Ed than I was a couple months ago and there are some traits in his game that are good but because I’m not just purely hating on him it’s like oh you’re trying to convince yourself oh you love eating now you no like I’ve already said no way you take him at seven I wouldn’t even pick him at 14 I’ve said those things okay but there are some good traits of his and he does provide something unique he’s 7 foot4 in dominated college basketball that does not translate automatically to the league I don’t think he’s going to be a star but like there’s so much Nuance to these conversations there’s so much middle ground there’s so much gray area and I feel like people get in love or they hate prospects too much it’s like one extreme or the other um there there’s a few of you in chat no offense that get either completely in love with players or completely hate them where they can do everything right and everything’s going to turn out great and bl or they’re they’re not good they’re going to get overdrafted they don’t provide anything to the team so anyway shout out j po $5 donation says what do you guys think of Matas I kind of want us to trade up but it seems like there’s been no chatter on him to Portland than you J Poe um Portland I don’t think wants him I don’t think Portland wants him I don’t think he worked out too well when he worked out here um he has to get stronger he has some question marks I like Matas I would be completely fine with taking Matas at seven but I don’t think the Blazers feel the same way we’re going to talk about that next and then shout out T plays $5 donation says it’s not on the rundown can you please talk about the new assistant coaches maybe when we get to the end of the stream if we have time we’re going all in on drafts draft talk right now anyway so from what I can gather the Blazers are the Blazers like connect and the Blazers kind of like Cody Williams they don’t like Ron Holland they don’t like Matas Gillis okay apparently Ron Holland struggling in workouts we’ve heard that rumor I believe that rumor is true I don’t really know why I assume it probably has something to do with his shooting ultimately Ron Holland’s value is like high motor player right athletic um plays defense in a workout setting though teams are going to put him in positions to try and evaluate where he’s weak and his shot is a big issue um he was turnover prone last year that could be part of the issue with Ron Holland with his workouts I’m not really sure if he is struggling to workout I don’t know exactly what it is but that’s my best guess um connect is somebody that they that I’ve been saying for a couple weeks now is a guy that they might take at seven and basically this draft is going to come down to do they want to play it safe or do they want to swing for the Home Run we know what Eric wants so Eric what would that home run be then well uh so to reiterate what you just said real quick uh I’ve heard that and once again prefis I’m not trying to be an Insider don’t care if you believe me whatever take it with a great assault tell me I’m an idiot when it’s wrong whatever uh but what I heard was that they really like connect they have him raid over the forwards Cody Williams Matas buellis Ron Holland yep they will if that’s their choices they’re taking they’re taking connect is what I heard yep um and this is from the source that told me last year that we’re keeping the third pick weeks before the draft I didn’t want to believe in them um and and all that kind of stuff so uh like I don’t know man uh it according to him they are not enamored with any of the forwards that would be aail at 7 now if connect’s gone already that’s okay let me change what I just said they’re not enamored with those three forwards I just mentioned if they are going to take a forward because connect is gone or possibly if one person s uh like moves up past connect on their draft board I was told it was ton Salon was the one that they have rated or at least would take over those guys doesn’t necessarily mean they think he’s better right now it’s just so we’re at the opposite end of the spectrum Tory i’ I’ve heard it’s going to come down to connect versus salon at seven um however oh goad I was gonna say the only the only thing that I’ve heard slightly differently is Cody Williams is that they like him maybe not more so than connect but it seems like they like him more than Ron Holland and buellis at Le yeah I think if it came down to those three I agree that that would be Cody Williams and I think if any of them fall to 14 you have to take him even if you don’t really like him right I I just feel like you have to like um I dude I honestly think there’s a chance that Ron Holland could be that guy that falls to and I think there’s a chance the Blazers might pass on him I’m not sure it’s just kind of my speculation based on some loose stuff out there however Tori this is where it becomes very interesting that the Zack Ed rumor popped up today because I don’t know if they were really hoping he’d fall 24 or not but I believe in the last couple days Memphis is talking themselves into Ed instead of trading up for connect and now there was a rumor today that clinging for kinging sorry um there is a rumor today it’s funny because uh we had that stream right um last time it was awesome because we had the your vote my vote and Chad’s vote and we had SAR going to to the Wizards then right after that stream it comes out that SAR is like a lock for two the next day and then uh we have we we traded Memphis up from from 9 to three and then today there’s a rumor that that exact trade nine and smart for three is looking like a possibility and all that kind of stuff so that might are pretty good predictions right so it’s going to be really cool if like a lot of that stuff from that stream ends up happening mhm especially since that was like a week before the draft so we didn’t even have all the stuff that we’ve gotten over the last few days but I believe in the last few days they were strongly hoping planning I don’t know what the right word is that Ed was going to be their guy at 14 yeah and I think now they’re worried that he’s not going to be there at 14 and one of these forwards or someone could fall to 14 yeah so that is why I am not totally dismissing them taking idiot 7 if they think they could still get Holland or Cody Williams or Bellis I don’t think Bellis is falling that far but like if one of them they think they could get it 14 and just flip who they had that’s why I think it might they might take Ed at 7 like I don’t think they would overc connect or Salon but I think their plans kind of changed once they realiz that Ed might not even be there I mean that’s just dependent upon them feeling like they need a center though because if they have connect Salon ahead at Ed there’s still a chance that one of those fors might fall and it’s funny because in that prediction stream we were on the board with the Blazers at 14 and we were just trying to predict like who would they take between Zack Ed and Ron Holland since them since then I am much more confident that they would take Zach over Ron Holland right yeah like it’s it’s we would have made that prediction in 10 seconds if we did that stream today compared to you know when we did it last week um Ron Holland’s going to be fascinating to watch he has a chance to be this year’s cam Whitmore in terms of a draft slide um but also it just takes one team liking him enough for what he does well maybe it’s San Antonio at 8 who knows it’s just like we’re running out of spots for Ron Holland in the top 10 as we get closer to like having an understanding of what teams like which players because I don’t think San Antonio is going with them like maybe Charlotte at six but other than that it’s like Memphis at nine they want a big it’s probably Ed it sounds like this point or if that’s Houston at nine like who knows at 10 you got Utah like maybe that’s R Halland destination 11 chic Chicago there’s a couple of fits there OKC I think goes for a more like high floor ready to help them win now like Tristan D Silva or maybe even Don Holmes or um another you know another player in that mold and then you got Sacramento at 13 those are kind of the destinations for him there’s a chance Ron Hollands there on the board at 14 and if you take like connect at 7even Hollands there at 14 like I would love to take a chance on Ron Halland at 14 with connect and then you just have those guys as your threes you try and move Kamar to the four or that’s when you maybe talk about trading ant so you can have scoot sharp connect um Kamar and Ron Holland as your point guard shooting guard small forward players now you got to get back good enough value for ant you could always go into next season with ant still with connect and Holland and just have Holland play in the G League get him some developmental minutes he doesn’t have to crack the rotation right away especially if he has some flaws especially shooting that he needs to work through I just don’t think it’s I don’t think they should be of the mindset that they have to get a center they have to get Ed but I there is a chance that truly is what they’re thinking like I can’t push back on you at all with that um oh by the way yeah that show I mentioned I’ve listened to a few minutes of earlier yes they said we’re going to used our second round picks uh for the Rip City remix because our roster is full so I mean what do that even we need to f a roster on the remix so they’re going to be drafted for the remix so they’re going to be put on two-way contracts is what no it wasn’t even two-ways it was just so our roster is full so well if our roster’s full then our roster’s full I I don’t even know what the hell is going to happen trying to say like yeah that doesn’t even really make sense I know um but anyways uh yeah um yeah see I if it works out that way I’d be more okay with connect um I just hope yeah I mean I think the perfect scenario right now for the Blazers would be if connect is there at seven and Salon Falls to 14 yeah but I don’t happy with that dra know if that’s gonna happen so um because Salan is more like a four you know so I think I don’t know I think that would work out best but um I don’t know I don’t see Salon falling either and I think they’re really worried about teams behind them like I said Memphis with Ed and um San Antonio at eight with Salon I think they’re struggling with you know needing to pick their guy before they get them or whatever um so yeah it’s uh I don’t know if if things will change in the next couple days but as of right now I think it’s uh at 7 it’s either connect Salon or Ed my like I feel like it’s going to be one of those three guys I I think ultimately it’s connect or salon at 7even I think one of them will be there Ed is Ed is the third guy for sure there if you had to rank them one to three how do you rank them connect Salon Ed I agree I agree and I’ve been I’ve been saying connect for a while now man like yeah I mean they love it he worked out really well I mean that’s well apparently he just like surprising at all here’s the thing with Shooters and workouts like they will get these guys like gassed and then have them shoot like running down the court shooting just to see how they shoot tired in a game and connect was like lights out so they need shooting they need shooting and if they want to be more competitive next year so they get some fans engaged again you got an exciting scoring shooting small forward that is ready to help you right away it screams Blazers so does Salon cuz they took the shot with sharp two years ago right like yeah I will say this if if that truly is the top two players on the board I applaud them for like specifically going one way or the other instead of maybe like a more middling prospect that maybe has a high ceiling but like at least it’s Boomer Bust or somebody that has maybe the highest floor in the draft and is ready to help right away and has some sneaky upside in Connect yeah I person personally if I’m the Blazers I’m torn because they need upsid at a forward spot but I am not completely sold on Salon yeah and I really like connect I have them four on my board I have Salon 10th it’s just for the Blazers it’s a little bit more even between those two guys right um for a lot of other teams I like connect more it’s tough to say for the Blazers man I I would would not complain with either of those picks Salon truly does have upside and I’ve never pushed back on his overall ceiling basically where me and Eric disagree is How likely he is to reach it but I don’t think you can limit him necessarily just realize that he’s going to have a lot of growing pains and if people are as impatient with Salon as they were with scoot last year people aren’t going to like him a year from now in my opinion yeah but we’re also not going to have Cronin I mean I hope not he wouldn’t do this like say right away that his this salong guy is further alone than any other Prospect 18 or 19 and he’s going to come in and dominate the league right away and be an Allstar you know like he’s he’s not going to say that kind of Stu no I was you think yeah I’m saying like I would hope that cron is not that dumb to like put that kind of pressure on him geez yeah yeah um he just he needs multiple years in order to like actually be productive in my opinion and it’s going to take some patience and I listen I’m not as high on Salon as you but I’ll be sitting here with you when he struggles and people question him as the seventh overall pick I’ll sit here and preach patience with you just like I did this past year with scoot well I mean honestly there’s been a couple examples sharp for one and that Collins I think is this way like those were both guys who we weren’t expecting much in their first year and they they played a lot more than we thought I’m not I’m not saying Salon would do that I’m just saying like I don’t I wouldn’t necessarily put it out the realm of possibility that he gets in some games hit some threes uh is left open in the corners and stuff and looks okay out there yeah yeah I think I think the thing with salon right away is like there’s a little bit of a lack of coordination to me um like a lack of balance maybe it’s you know he needs to get his base stronger he’ll have impressive plays in space but like in traffic he’ll just have plays where he falls like he falls a lot um where in situations where it doesn’t seem like he should be HD in the floor so I still think he’s getting used to his body I don’t know when he stopped growing but that’s just what it looks like to me when I watch him um and there’s going to some growing pains with that like he’ll have some really really bone scratching turnovers also he Eric he needs at the next level to be a little bit more picky with the three-point shots he shoots mhm because he shoots some wild step backs Fade Away threes like dude had a shot selection that made me think that he thinks he’s Steph Curry in a 6 fo1 body and honestly that’s probably why his three-o percentage wasn’t better yeah he was 31% but he shot some he shot some wild shots so Salon connect Ed I would be surprised if they go anyone else at seven unless kingan’s there right we didn’t say kingan’s name but if King Falls to seven like yeah um I don’t think it will be anyone else because I don’t think there’s anyone else that falls to seven that the Blazers would take like if Castle was there at seven would they take Castle I don’t know he didn’t work out for him it’s it’s weird because there’s I mean kingan like you said could go one I I haven’t heard a single mention from the Blazers on Alex SAR Stefon castle like not one I just think it’s assumed that both those guys are going before seven yeah if they don’t want to trade up for him but if they were trading up and claiming like let’s say they have a contingent raid set up for three or something like is that just contingent on clinging they wouldn’t be interested at all in SAR or whatever if he fell there or they’re taking Reed Shepard or what I don’t know um that’s the other guy who yeah Reed Shepard Reed Shepard uh I’m assuming he’s off the board by 72 uh I mean I think the Pistons H have to take him at five if he’s there I think he’s too good of a fit other people didn’t like the fit as much but 3 four five like all makes sense Castle it’s 4 six Charlotte would be stupid to pass on him I know he wants to play point guard but he’s such a good fit next to lamelo and Brandon Miller and provides some point guard insurance with the Melo balls injury proness but I at this point Eric we could seg away talk about rumors I think it’s I think it’s ret one SAR 2 if I had to guess right now but I also think it could be SAR than ret or SAR than kingan than Reay I think Reay and SAR are locks top three I think kingan is a little bit more variable I think there’s a chance R could fall of four small small chance but small chance yeah maybe not a lock but he’s a lock top four at least cuz maybe Houston takes Reed Shephard instead that’s what I’m saying yeah um I think Shephard is 3 to five and then Castle is four to six okay I think those five players I feel pretty good about or was it four players Castle Shephard SAR and ret I feel pretty good about being off the board by seven kingan I kind of want to throw in that category but if he he falls past the top two I think there’s a very real chance he could fall to seven because you’re looking at Houston with sangun you’re looking at San Antonio at four and apparently they’ve become more intrigued with pairing kingan next to wemi but I just I don’t know do you really need to double down on rim protection when you have wemi like I like wemi better as a center Rim if kingan’s on the board at three then maybe Memphis does move up to get him and then we think we can get e at 14 so I mean yeah I’m just trying to I’m just trying to piece things together like kinging has a chance to fall and then everything else is just wild card connect might not be there buellis might not be there cuz I think Detroit’s either connect or bazis in that case yeah or Shephard yeah I’m just saying if Shepherd is off the board the question is which one out out of buis and connect do they like more yeah I don’t know about Detroit in this situation um but I do want to say something because uh people in chat I see this thing like well maybe since we haven’t heard anything about s or castle that means the Blazers like them and as other people were hearing about they they’re that’s why they’re throwing them out keep in mind this some of the things we talked about aren’t things that these people are reporting or being reported some of these things like the connect Salon thing there’s been no National reports or Insider information about those two that’s just what Tori and I have heard so this isn’t something they’re leaking out to people or want people to necessarily know so that’s that’s those kind of rumors are different than Ed is going to get drafted at seven by Kevin ‘ Conor like type of rumors uh that those kind of things aren’t the same uh if you’re trying to say well now that that’s out there public I mean they don’t care what two guys on Bo uprise are putting out their public you know yeah exactly nobody cares unless it’s because they uh want to hate upon anything that we have to say but yeah connect Salon clinging if he’s there maybe Edy I don’t know but I truly think ultimately most likely it comes down to connect vers Salon shout out check him $2 donation I don’t know if I read it but he asked what about salon and then we just talked about him so shout out to Jack yeah uh latest rumors and this kind of goes with draft predictions as well um other rumors that you’ve heard Eric I’m going to Google them right now because of course I don’t have them ready uh well now Atlanta’s saying that they would be fine taking SAR one even if he doesn’t work out I believe that’s all posturing um I don’t think they want to take SAR but they want everyone to believe they’re going to take SAR to extract value much like Boston did a couple years ago when they trade down pick up an extra first for going from one to three they get their guy in Tatum um and uh give up fols to Philly like that kind of thing so um I think that’s just I mean they could still take SAR I guess but to me it’s there’s just too much uh ret and uh Kling and Buzz and especially considering if you look at the draft odds like for betting um it just seems like they are just trying to maybe make Washington pay to move up a spot because they’re locked in on SAR hoping to get SAR um but I don’t really feel like they’re just going to draft SAR and keep him yeah supposedly Utah is trying to trade up Phoenix might trade down like 22 for 29 and 32 might make sense for both teams if you’re Phoenix you can take a chance on getting two guys that can factor into your rotation right away with their lack of depth Utah you know they got 10 maybe they’re trading up to 22 like if you could add a guy like Jaylen Tyson with somebody at 10 like a I don’t know a Ron Holland maybe Nicola topich there makes sense that’s a pretty good draft Hall um 22 I think is a really good pick to add somebody valuable it’s just Phoenix is only going to be in play for players that can help them right away whereas Utah can be more in play for best Prospect available um and then let me see if I’m missing any other rumors here that we can talk talk about chat if you heard any other rumors feel free to post them in chat as well well this is kind of draft related yeah go ahead uh the Lakers are using their 17th pick and are targeting Jeremy Grant with it yeah [Music] um if the Blazers could trade 14 and 17 up to Memphis at 9 maybe they do that trade so they can get Edy oh man um I don’t know like if you can get 17 in their future first I’d do that with like ruy hatcham sure yeah I don’t like I don’t think many of the players uh ru’s okay but I don’t think he’s got a ton of trade value so I wouldn’t take an offer of just 17 um I feel like that’s a bit too low especially in this draft so yeah I would rather have either a future first or both um but yeah I mean they have to match salary somehow um yeah we heard rumors about Dallas are the Blazers open to trading Grant though is the question yeah so for the first time uh since they acquired him uh I believe they are actually they’re not actively shopping him but they are open to the idea of moving him along with bronden and thel and it sounds like just based on Draft rumors that maybe they’d be open to trading eight and two or Rober Wills like yeah it seems like any veteran could be in play but outside of hopefully Malcolm Brogden they’re not looking to actively trade anybody i’ hope they’re actively looking to trade vable too yeah I just don’t think he has any value I don’t think it matters if you’re actively looking to trade him he’s just he’s such a he’s such an afterthought on this roster in rebuild mode yeah just I don’t see assuming that we don’t draft like two freaking centers or a center and a guard I just even if we draft a center in a guard like you’re going to have to have minutes at Perimeter spots I just don’t see how he factors into the next year so I agree with that much like we talked about all last season I’d rather just give those minutes to repair and let him figure it out even if we don’t draft someone in his position so 1,00% which is why it never made sense to match th’s contract there’s a question in chat that says does getting rid of th’s contract duck the tax yes it does yeah they just there’s no point to match him it didn’t accomplish anything and all that seems like a good point to mention this uh so I did do the Blazers offseason cap situation video Tori edited it edited and posted it yeah light editing right when we went live so um that is available to watch after the stream yeah also full in-depth Draft preview tomorrow stay tuned um let’s wrap up the stream let’s do a mock draft Eric and let’s we haven’t done this at all and now was the last opportunity to do it let’s do a mock draft where we take who we would take for each team all right we might have a stream tomorrow night or I’ll do a mock draft like which will be predicting what teams are going to do but today I want to I want to do who we would take all right I uh I spent a lot of time updating my big board yesterday yeah I’ve been updating mine I’ve basically this Draft preview view is a 60 to1 big board and then talk about every first round pick um and I’m spending like a minute on each player so it’s going to be over an hour so stay tuned for that let me open up Chrome Google Chrome instead of Microsoft Edge because Google Chrome is my window share F not going to leak my Twitter DMS again all right uh Mock Draft simulator okay let’s see are we good to go sorry I’m just getting this set up so I can take shami at seven you can do whatever you want I hate May roast you though yeah do you want evens or odds though is the question I don’t care bro why is Chrome not showing up man odds have the highest pick but Evans have the other three chat do a chat poll do a chat Poll for what should Tor be evens or odds okay fine and we’ll live with the results they’re gonna say no oh wait should Tor be or odds yes or no that doesn’t make sense no no got 100% should Tori be evens or odds okay evens odds they’re going to say evens I don’t know evens is good though because you I’m talking them I’m talking them into making me odds you know I know we’ll see now that I said that’s what I want though watch it’s gonna go down I’ll end it when you say end it by the way all right I’ll end it in 10 seconds don’t let Tory draff connect why are you such a connect hater Trevon grow up and respect connect man you know what give Trevon credit at least he has basketball opinions of his own this year yeah I hate them but sure all right 10 seconds is up I’m odds John Smith says wasn’t Grant born in Portland he’s never going to get traded uh he was born and lived here for what very short period of time he does he was like a few months to a year old when he was when his dad was traded from the players so we’re making roster moves based on where players were born I guess h interesting we probably trade him to whatever team he wants to play all righty uh we’re gonna get Klay Thompson then this off season nice hell yeah Ridgefield Legend right there and dtis sabonis all right number one this is ESPN’s big board by the way taking ree or not Reet SAR I was say isn’t this what we want to do I just looked at who was number one all right two Washington who you taking all right uh I am taking Rob Dillingham Rob Dillingham three is Houston um oh I don’t like the shooting with c Castle I mean they should go for upside too I’m taking Castle all right for San [Music] Antonio I am taking to Jean Salon Salon all righty where’s he at there we go salon at four Detroit’s at five you know what this this a weed pick gu yeah i’ take I know they take Reet there I would take ret at five here over buellis and Holland I just think it’s a better fit all right all right six Charlotte six Charlotte I’m taking uh Matas balis all right you’re going buellis seven Portland trevin’s worst nightmare I’m taking Dalton connect all right eight San Antonio Eric oh man um sensus San Antonio I am just going to take maybe the best passer in this draft and take topit chat’s hitting on my connect pick but they’ll love connect when he wins rookie of the year for us next year yeah I think he has a legit chance all right nine Memphis all right Clingan 10 is Utah I forgot clayon is still on the board because he’s so far down on my yeah he’s nine on my big board so there you go where’re to Utah yeah Utah well uh this is perfect for them read Shephard all right Chicago at 11 who who Eric are you ready for this guess who I’m gonna take uh who Trevin took I don’t know no no one guess one name nobody in chat is going to be able to guess who I’m about to take right now um I don’t know Jaylen Tyson no ter Shannon Teran Shannon okay all right keep them in Illinois all right damn you got some haters too in chat man for what for your picks I don’t know we didn’t take GRE shepher higher I don’t know yeah this ain’t going to be consensus which is the fun part 12 OKC um I like the idea of Cody Williams here cool playing with his brother I like Ron Holland at 13 to Sacramento they need defense and 14 here you go Eric Zach Ed is right there he is oh man this is who you would take I already know what the pick’s going to be we got connect yeah there is there’s someone else that uh I’ve heard is a possibility at 14 um uh this is like real life not this mck and you haven’t shared it with us uh yeah I forgot to mention it earlier well you might as well mention it now they do like Missy okay then maybe they won’t take EDS 7 yeah [Music] hoping so who you taking for Portland deer man I’m GNA get so much hate right now there’s we already know what you want to do no I’m not taking it’s too high to take him but there’s like three guys that are too high to take him anyway um I’m gonna take donon Holmes oh wow doubling down on the lack of physicality as Center I’m just teasing kind of I would have honestly I would have liked chomi more there I’m higher on homes but I would have I would have respected sticking to your guns all right 15 no but okay so just because I have a player rated High doesn’t mean it’s smart to take him like way higher than he should go until I take him and then Chi’s my guy all right fine 15 Miami Devin Carter I agree I that is a crime it’s him or Jared McCain for me from Miami like one of those two guys I almost took him at eight for San Antonio yeah but I wanted to go with a [Music] passer 16 you got Philly Philly um I am [Music] taking I’m going to take McCain all right you’re going McCain okay 17 the Lakers oh man I mean Lakers I’m going uh Tristan to Silva 18 Orlando Eric all right [Music] all right Orlando um I’m going to take take kware kware 19 Toronto oh man Toronto I’m going Pome do8 do however you say his name 20 Cleveland Tor You Love Ed so much I take do a over him um I’m going to take Nia jerus all right where is he on Wow 48th on the ESPN’s draft board kind of crazy 21 Pelicans uh bub Carrington 22 Phoenix um I think this is way too good of value to pass up I’m taking isah CER yeah do you think he fits right away uh I think you just tell him to run the show and use his passing skills I think has a lot better passing than he was able to display with poor shooting and stuff I think I think he step in and play 23 um Milwaukee needs Milwaukee needs a lot of things they’re moving off of Brook Lopez or potentially moving off of Brook Lopez so maybe they go a little more athletic at the center position I’m drafting EES Missy for them 24 New York Nicks all right Nicks um they’re probably kind of disappointed the centers just went off the board oh I forgot how did I forget Zach e no I forgot Jaylen Tyson still on the board yeah how I forget about my guy bro he’d be good for the for the Knicks I would have taken him maybe 16 oh I defin oh no you were you were evens h i don’t hate any of these picks over Tyson all right go ahead yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna use one of their two picks on Zack Ed you took Ed You Love Ed all right um just had to make it known should I pair Edie with Philip palski it’s just destined to be though bro take your guy I set it up for you to take yeah I don’t know if I like my guy on New York though yeah Ryan Dunn is the other guy yeah tibs would love himself some I’m taking Aj Johnson upside Aj Johnson yeah upside they don’t have a need for any other role 26 Washington all right Washington to Dillingham hey there we go what sh say all right finally there we go finally it’s not your guy Tes take that you’re just a Wizards fan that’s exactly what I do yeah all right 27 [Music] Minnesota next great Minnesota role player Jaylen Tyson all right 28 Denver oh man ah there’s a coup there’s three guys that I think are absolutely perfect for Denver here um which one do I want to go with uh I’m gonna go with jacobe Walter 29 Utah I am going with Jonathan mogbo I think he’s intriguing next to Taylor Hendrick’s long term yeah 30 is Boston really good pick for Boston I wanted to take mogbo at uh 14 yeah I think I know who you’re thinking of but I’m not going to take it I don’t think you do or maybe you do Jaya bridges yeah you actually do how’ I know that because I posted in the GC and forgot um I’m going to take Kean George who’s 31 Toronto [Music] um um dude I don’t freaking know they got quickly who’s an upside guy that I like Kean George would have been perfect here I’m gonna go with dude this is the toughest pick of this entire thing you know what give me Tyler Smith I really struggle with the draft from this point on yeah there’s some picks that are like pretty obvious and there’s some teams where it’s just like I don’t know what i’ do for them all right Utah at 32 um I took Reed Shepard and mogbo um I already know my next pick I’m gonna go Justin Edwards all right 33 Milwaukee I’m going Baylor shyan all right replaces Malik Beasley all right Portland Eric dang you get both olypics here I think he’ll be happy to know that uh Baylor shyan’s now in my top 60 just by default he should be he should be in your top 60 not by default he’s no PJ Hall you might have an equal standing reach to PJ Hall oh man this is gross yeah it is pretty gross bro you would maybe be surprised as to who I would take care for them bronnie no no um I mean who’s the top player left on your board uh someone that’s not I’m not going to take filipowski Fury GS um I’m gonna take Ryan dun I respect that actually actually yeah I think that’s the right pick 30 we got we got connect so we get go all defense all offense let’s go 35 you got San Antonio topic and Salon so they’re just swinging um you know what just get him another player that can pass and could maybe even H defensively next to topage it’s bad but you got wemi I’m gonna go Tyler KCK all right 36 Indiana all right um I I kind of I hate to do this and AJ is gonna get an inflated ego here but I’m gonna take Jaylen Bridges who’s gonna get an inflated ego AJ got him in our mock off season so he’s GNA be as the Pacers so he’s going to yeah I I like Jaylen Bridges I have a first round grd on 37 Minnesota AJ Mitchell oh by the way oh you like AJ Mitchell now I don’t dislike him I think he’s early second yeah um I just argued with people someone that had him in the lottery anyway I I heard that at 37 Minnesota could take bronnie and not because they want LeBron because they really like bronny that’s not a joke that’s not a joke honestly I I now have bronny in my top 60 oh let’s go by default kinda but like I don’t know I’m opening up to the thought of he could I don’t know be a specific type of role player that teams would like maybe I don’t know I think he’s draftable even if he wasn’t LeBron’s son but I just think he would have back to school if he wasn’t yeah um Nick here 38 I’m GNA take Johnny Fury 39 Memphis they took clinging uh you need a shooter uh cim Christie all right you got Portland at 40 Eric and Kyle filipowski is still on the board for you to take oh yes just what I always wanted I mean you got connect Ryan D donon Holmes Ryan Dunn is gonna shoot 10 threes a game for the remix yeah and make one of them oh man I’m gonna take a Demona yeah that’s what I was looking at for 34 too for them uh 41 Sixers they took McCain um that was a weird draft for the point yeah very hey Rich very Weir draft for the Blazers uh okay here I’ll go Harrison Ingram all right does filipowski go undrafted we’re some filipowski haters man for me it’s just tough on like who does he play next to in the front court because I don’t like him at the power forward so I want him to play with like a specific type of big because I don’t like him at power forward to Center I don’t know uh Charlotte I’m gonna take Tristan Newton all right um 43 Miami was giving Kevin Love minutes so I guess that’s where filipowski goes and he can be their Kevin Love without the rebounding just to get him out of my face 44 is Houston took Castle Miami getting Devin Carter and filipowski pretty decent draft man yeah a Demona and Grady dick Jersey swap uh I’m gonna take nafal Dante for them get them some toughness inside whoa whoa I don’t have Dante top 60 I think that’s the first guy I don’t have top 60 nice um Kings took Holland I mean I guess here’s where I bro I’m going to take Enrique Freeman all right 46 Clippers all right Clippers um Zach I don’t think any either of us are going to take PJ Hall I’m going to take Antonio Reeves for them 47 magic took kware um I’m going to take I don’t like this spot for him though I’m gonna take jayen Wells 48 San Antonio that’s see I probably would have taken for San Antonio next so good job thanks uh they got two point guards so guards doesn’t really make sense um I’m going take actually you know what I think this is a good spot for uh Naro okay this pick has been forfeited so I’ll just make the next pick we’ll just do every other vomir Vis there you go all right I got Indiana at 50 um whoops indana at 50 they took jayen Bridges I mean here is just value they got a lot of spots filled so I’m just going to take Clinton okay 51 Indiana again yeah it’s you now Indiana is set back to back yes they have back to back pit yes um I am going to take um let’s go Dylan Jones Dylan Jones 52 Washington I’m going to go Trenton flowers all right 53 you got Golden State you got couple of names left on the board they haven’t picked anyone yet no our only pick oh man I am gonna take bronny James bronny James to Golden State how could you you just ruined ESPN even more they have dreams of liing him I’m disgusted 54 d just needs to change his pants okay KJ Simpson at 54 55 you got Boston all right uh and this is basically 54 yeah um I’m going to take my color for them okay at 56 the Lakers are seething you just took bronny so I have to think about this pick now [Music] um I mean I could go minut could go man who they took the Sila I’m going to go with Jamal shed that’s what I would have taken for them 57 you got Denver Denver um I’m going to take cam Spencer for them all right 58 mempis took kingan and Christie I’m going to take Quinton post for them Quinton post is like if you were a younger and a college player nice I just made that up um 59 is a forfeited pick is Jordan ivvy Curry around there he is all right so you get the last pick Dallas qu PO he A Center on here yes he’s 1,000% a center yeah I was just making sure he was listed because sometimes it’s weird um okay this the four good a pick for Drew Eubanks all right last pick in the draft Dallas Mavericks one and only pick wait how is this possible I will take Germaine kard um I’m gonna take PJ hall for them e e I know You’ say that e we talk about like connect and his ability to play the three at his size and he has like equal standing reach to PJ Hall who I know is a Setter P Larson is somebody I need to look into not gonna lie um all right that’s our mock draft based on who we would take show it on the screen people look at am I not sh it I am showing okay cool I’m scrolling through it yeah I really like Terence Shannon Jr man I yeah yeah interesting draft Walter fell he feels like a Faller on draft kn um filipowski fell to [Music] 43 wild stuff wild stuff Fury fell to 38 I don’t like Fury neither of us like Fury or filipowski so that explains that anyway that is our mock draft gonna try and stream tomorrow maybe do an endp Draft preview we’ll see if the Blazers trade tomorrow maybe they will I got a draft stream or I got a Draft preview video coming out um tomorrow I’m going to try and finish that tonight and then tomorrow might have a couple more videos shout out to Devon for helping me edit a little bit um yeah draft is in what 40 40 hours so much 42 4 Hour 42 hours yeah 42 hours from now now little under that looking forward to it excited for it going to have a whole draft stream man 183 people watched my video instead of our stream man we got 300 people in here at 11:42 shout out to all of you hanging out with us um yeah I’m ready for the draft Yeah if you want a video explaining the Blazer’s current salary cap situation go check that out yep 100% and stay for that video tomorrow leave a like on our videos it helps us out leave a like on the stream it helps us out hopefully uh you guys are up to date with everything that’s happening with the Blazers and the draft and by the end of the week we’re going to have a lot of answers and maybe even more questions so I’m just excited to find out what the Blazers are actually going to do with these picks and I can’t wait for Trevon to become a Dalton connect fan anyway Adam Smith puts it best next era about to unfold a bit more looking forward to it did you see the scoot workout video Eric uh was there a new one today I think there was a new one saw I saw one today I think there is a new one I’m ready for scoot season next year nice ready for him to shut up his doubters hopefully he has a shooter that can space the floor for him that would be great anyway you’ll like it he was working on his ball handling good yeah anyway we’re out of here we will catch you live again either tomorrow or on the draft stream videos between now and then the Draft preview is going to get you up to date on every Prospect hopefully you guys enjoy that and we’re out of here we’ll catch you next time until then as always peace out go Blazers

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  1. I Have No' problem w/ that at all…. 7,. 10,. 14
    I believe he's going to be A LOT better than projected
    and a difference maker!!! 3+ blocks , 10 Rebounds,. 4 assists,.. 16 easy buckets
    and it's gonna = extra wins, we wouldn't get w/out a BIG Paint Presence & Defender!!!

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