@Atlanta Hawks

Alex Sarr doesn’t want to play for Atlanta? The Atlanta Hawks need to get this right!!

Alex Sarr doesn’t want to play for Atlanta? The Atlanta Hawks need to get this right!!

[Music] what up yeah what got beat going don’t I know what the hell I guess oh I know what’s going on I had the YouTube on hey technical difficulties my bad man hey man just chilling man just chilling man on this uh on this Saturday night at this point I was going to say Saturday evening but man Saturday night at this point man but it’s birthday badge weekend in the city of Atlanta birthday bad weekend birthday bad weekend birthday bad weekend man the first time ever the first time ever that uh female has headline birthday badge and that would be none other than Lotto man lot Big Lot man yeah shout out to her team man that gonna be awesome I think they say she got like 15 different guests coming oh yeah so so that that that should be crazy man but what’s up what we talking about tonight hey man so you know the the draft is G Wednesday and Thursday coming up man and as we know we talked about it earlier the Atlanta Hawks got the number one overall selection first time in um Atlanta Hulk history I mean I think we had in 75 we got David Thompson but you know since I’ve been since I’ve been a haulk fan first time in history I’ve seen the Hawks have the number one overall selection um and I I you know when I first when we first found out I went through and looked at the prospects and I was excited about Alex SAR and now I’m hearing Trey that his his his his um his agency represent don’t want him to come to Atlanta because Jaylen Johnson plays um power forward and they feel like he’s a natural power forward instead of a center so I that’s rumors I don’t know if this is true so I wanted us to talk about this today man talk about the Hulk draft the the the the the players that we’re looking at and you know we got to get this right man we can’t keep messing up bro I mean you know it it it would have been good to have you know or it would be good to have his height you know to go along you know his height and his agility and his athleticism that you see that that you see I’ve never really I’ve never really scouted s so so I’m not speaking from a um I’m not speaking from a highly educ ated uh area when I’m when I’m judging him on what I think he could bring but I mean look like it could be a good Prospect to have beside jayen Johnson to have on the court with Trey um I I don’t expect um for the Hawks to come into the season with uh DJ and Trey uh to me that that would be shocking uh but who knows who knows I mean but if if it was both of them I think s could have been a good addition but if he doesn’t want to come to Atlanta what what are the hwks what are the hwks to do if he if he doesn’t want want to come it’s time to move on you know what I mean and you go and you start working out the guys that do that do want to come or you could just draft him and say figure it out figure it out yeah you know what I would do Trey right now what I’m thinking right now I want sorry I want them I want them I want them but I’m looking at the three prospects that that the uh ESPN top 100 um how they have ranked the best available okay um they have um number won the the kid from France um who’s alongside alexar I forgive me if I say his name wrong but I think it’s Zachary R AR okay they have him um small forward 69 out of France he says a versatile Wing whose ability to shoot on the move competiveness and versatility defensively and overall feel for the game helped them stand out so they got him ranked number one okay um number two they have Alex SAR um seven foot 224 pounds out of France um both of these guys are 19 years old okay has a n 9 foot two standing reach okay that’s crazy that is then the third person is Donovan Clingan the guy of Ukon seven two time two time Champion two time Champion 7 foot two he has a seven foot seven wing span so those are the top three prospects from ESPN and my question to you is which one is the number one overall we really don’t have a a a uh a consensus number one like last year with Wim wimy um you know like with Zion and LeBron we don’t have one of those this year which one can pan out I’ve been looking at some past drafts um I’ve been looking at that and you know I kind of looked at you know the last couple years drafts let’s let’s let’s look at um let’s look at 2023 I’ll tell you the first three picks man it was um wiim Biana Brandon Miller and Scott Henderson those were the three in the 2022 Trey they had um forgive me if I um butcher his name but um he came from duke um um Paulo banero banero yeah banero and then number two they had Chad Hol green and number three was jaari Smith Jr so out of that 20 2022 out out of the 2022 draft out of the top three who was the best pick uh I mean right now the one that one that’s showing like real star is uh is Paulo and bener down there in Orlando man to be honest uh once they added him to that team and some of the young pieces that they were already grooming that team is started so I mean they made the playoffs this year you know what I’m saying so shout out to that organization like he came in and he helped the team started start to progress like he definitely man was a good Prospect definitely man definitely all right and then and then in round one in 2021 the top three was number one was Chad Cunningham number two was Jaylen green and number three was Evan Moy out of those three who you feel um was the best pick Trey jayen Green all right jayen Green Man down there in Houston I’m talking about putting up highlights every time you turn around you putting up crazy crazy highlights man crazy highlights dunking on folks like he look like he going to be a really good player like Jaylen green like he he’s an explosive player an explosive guard um small forward type player man explosive Wing like man he really like he’s he really progressed like man like you always saw you always saw some highlights with him man oh we got a comment from Michael Owens coming from Facebook he says the Hawks been terrible since John Drew Dan ryfi and um Armen Hill ner I’ve been going to the game since sweet Lou Hudson okay all right then before I go to the upper room go hey man hey Mike man hopefully you don’t go to The Upper Room bro Esmond Patterson on W what’s up he took it back hey Michael I can tell man you um old school man I haven’t heard W in so long I’m glad you’re a Hawks fan I never got a chance I mean I remember John Drew growing up in damn Roundfield growing up but I became a Hawks fan when Dominique was on there with Dominique Spud web. Rivers John Battle John conak that that that group um so you kind of like been a Hawks fan seems like before me um what do you think Michael um the we got the top pick what should we do you know I don’t know if you got a chance to hear who the prospects were on for us this year I’ll read them again um number one es this is from ESPN which I I kind of like ESPN the number one U on their their the way they have them graded the number one is um Zachary Richard from France then Alex SAR then number three is Donovan kingan um one’s a small Fort the first one Zachary’s a small Fort alexar is a power forward Center and Donovan is a true Center um look go Trey let me let me step in and say like I’m not a scout so hey who knows who gonna be the best but one of the things that hwks have been lacking have been lacking size HW have been lacking size now I I don’t know what what Donovan cling offensive game what it would look like in the future I don’t know you know what he will progress into I don’t know how his game will grow but you do know if you get him on the team you get 72 73 280 pounds you get defense immediately he can pass the ball so you can you can run him in some of the action he can make good passes to people cut to the basket I mean now as much as as much as I think the Hawks need a wing as well I don’t know man you might not now if you able to keep Trey say ca ca cuz all this is is predicated also on if they’re going to move Trey DJ some of that now if You Gonna Keep both of them in my opinion like if we know that Trey and DJ Gonna Come into the season man go ahead and take if you can’t get SAR can’t get that Prospect man go ahead and get the center go ahead and get the center that’s gonna give you the defense like capella he can but he can finish around the rim better than capella can now I mean he now not going to give you what the Joker’s going to give you so don’t look for the Joker or look for MB you know I mean but but if you can get somewhat defensively what Rudy you know what I’m saying go be can give you but he has better passing I say go ahead and go with the big man and then figure out the wing okay figure out the wing all right you see me adjusting my head I’m put my GM head I’mma tell you what I would do if I was the Hawks I would trade DJ I trade him to New Orleans and get the um get the kid that was drafted by the Lakers um yeah H hold on just hear me I get him you know Brandon have a solid small forward then what I would do is I’ll trade the first overall pick to Toronto get number four and I get um Donovan the big um the big kid from um Yukon and what I’ve heard they he had a good workout try they said he could pass the ball showed very very good instinct to that and also has a little touch on the three can hit the three so I was I was real surprised to hear that so that that’s what I would do Trey I I I would get Brandon Ingram bring him on in I I I I would trade the number one pick get the number one get the number four pick and get one of our assets back that we traded to San Antonio a number one and have more to build on for next year keep Trey young show a solid commitment to Trey young and build around that team so you so you’d have you know and and get rid of capella for something for for a solid Off the Bench guy that could contribute a solid six-man starter you know six-man type of starter type of dude um that that’s what I would do man that I think that would be I think we’ll be we’ be cooking I mean it would be but you know me I don’t like talking about trades that you can’t predict if they gonna happen like the Spurs gotta want to trade like I I don’t I just don’t like talking hearing the Spurs want um they want RAR they’re looking at him or they want one of the point guards but I don’t think they’ll take one of the point guards on first but they want they want they want the richar kid that’s a playmaker they come in and play with on wimy that’s what I’m hearing I mean if they go man if they go Zar and wimy that’s crazy stupid and no but I’m but but that don’t mean they gonna want to trade up they they may say they they they like like I said I just don’t like talking about hypothetical trades that we don’t know if the other team is willing to make that they may look at it and say you know what we we like the richar dude but hey if we got four there may be another Wing that we feel like could could could play and play alongside womy and instead of us giving them asset so I’m I’m just trying to that’s just me I like talking about it okay so let’s not say we’re not gonna trade all right Trey we’re gonna keep the first pick who are you picking man you picking s rich or Donovan now now now if you gonna go ahead and pick SAR and and go ahead and force him and say okay you want to go to Washington all right I pick SAR Now give me assets for S Washington I mean if you want to play that you want to play hard ball but me but me if they just going to go ahead go turn in the pick and go straight to the podium and you if You Gonna Keep Trey and DJ if you have both of them on the team man go ahead get the 73 Center go ahead and get the 280 something pounds you hope that they can help develop him more on the offensive side bring bring more size in bring more defense in and see what you can do with that I mean yes yes we we we can get another Wing player R sh could be another Wing player but at the same time like we still going to let defensively man the Hawks been putting up points the hwks put up points last year put up points the year before they give up more points H give up a whole bunch of points man and as as we saw you know um defense this year um Dallas had a good defense um um Minnesota had a good defense and so they did it with defense so we definitely need to address the defensive side of the ball because we can score with anybody the hwks can score that’s that’s no problem but they also give up a lot of points so putting up points a’t a problem stopping the opposition I see is what wins championships and that’s what Boston did Boston stopped they stopped um Dallas Dallas didn’t have enough offensive power to overcome that and and that’s what woned and and and what I really like and and looking back Dallas two stars they were drafted number three overall both years in back to back you know jayen Brown was number three was number three and was homegrown so you know um Trey Young’s homegrown um you know Jaylen Johnson’s homegrown and and and and whoever we pick up now if we’re keeping the number one pick I’m gonna want SAR um um I am intrigued now today after doing more research on Donovan um the tall 72 Center out of Yukon I am intrigued by that um to see what he can do um because they won two championships so he is a winner that’s not by accident but you know I like the upside and I like the experience the the the the the two French boys got you know they they played in some big games over there and and looking overseas it’s a lot of pressure you know looking at looking at those crowds looking at those the players they’re playing against and you know as we see in in the Olympics you know overseas has gotten better that’s why they got the pros going over there when they used to have the college kids they were spanking up on our college kids yeah I don’t know man like the Hawks are in a tough position tra it’s not no clear I wish I wish it was wimy bro I wish we had wimy man of of course of course because like so because you we’re in a position now to where where thing things are kind of up in the air on if you’re GNA keep the current franchise player you have right now right yeah like and this is not stuff made up by me made up by you or anyone else like at the end of the day there are discussions on will they be able to keep the franchise player they have now so of course we would love to have a prospect like womy who could come in as a franchise player and you already know like okay man we got a franchise player now Trey can feel like he’s playing with another franchise player or if for some reason we lose him we still have a franchise player but let ask this so but but let’s say they go ahead and go with 69 small forward RAR let let’s say they pick him can shoot the three and can play can can play defense like we got a Wing defend yeah but how how do they still address the defensive Wes that they still have like like I don’t think one player is gonna come in and they still will have a side I mean I like big old I know everybody be trying to say Big O gonna be bam I ain’t gonna lie I don’t see bam I don’t I don’t think Big O is gonna be bam I Like Big O I think he’s gonna be a good player I don’t see bam maybe he maybe if he had Miami developing him maybe he could but I I don’t I don’t think he’s ban but capella I mean big old that’s still your centers you still lack some height you still lack height and you got you got a six foot 61 point guard then you have a 64 other point guard who’s out there who’s playing the two when the two of them out there together man you lack some hype man you lack some hype what I would do Trey is I would get rid of one of the point guards which I don’t want to get rid of Trey because I think Trey has the exciting fact that he put butts in the seats I I would I would um I would I would take Murray his stocks high he can play he showed what he can do when Trey was hurt he can win games he can take over a team and he has and and and and and the guys like him he’s a likable guy he’s a team he’s a players player I would trade him for some for some um for some height for some defense you know for a good power forward if we get rich sh we get a power forward or a center I mean I I we already got a power forward though we got Jaylen Johnson we got J yeah I like Jaylen Johnson um J Jaylen Johnson plays play I just want him to stay healthy I think he he he’s a he’s a building block to build behind um yeah we you know what Trey I don’t know is is is is um is Murray could could we get the number one number four pick for him no Spur’s not giving up the number four pick for for for Deon no no that would be that would be a dream come true no they’re they’re they’re not going to do that they’re not GNA I mean who who knows what can happen on draft night yeah um I mean if they could some kind of way pull a trade back and get some more pcks that would be cool and still walk away with a d been clinging who I’m hearing the who I’m hearing the coach love and I’m sure anyone else out there that’s a Hawks fan that’s paying attention I’m sure you’ve heard the same things because we pay attention we read you know up on the team and they’re saying that the coach really loves dunov and they say that that he W them in the workout now the whole team went to uh France to see ret you know what I’m saying did good too so they they they believe in him as well I mean he he is 69 I mean it’s not like he’s he’s a small you know what I’m saying Wing player like he’s not he’s not just 67 like he’s 69ine close to 610 and uh how how old is he how old is our Rich say 19 yeah 19 and sorry 19 who knows he could do what Jason Tatum did after he came in grew another GRE another little inch or something like that so who who knows what what he could be um man I just want them make the right decision man we got we gotta make the right decision we got to get this right the Hawks have to get it right I know you guys see us um put a lot of Clips out of of of of the Hawks making mistakes and and the Falcons making mistakes and we’re going it but like we’re true Atlanta fans at heart you know um so we want we want to see the City win we want to to feel the positivity we want to root for them but you know it is it is what it is like being Atlanta fans you know our franchises have done some dumb [ __ ] so I just want us to get it right um you know I know we was clowning um Fields I don’t really know much about Fields but I want him to get it right man I want him to prove us wrong and and to say see I told you and and and and I don’t mind I don’t mind um eating CW on that but look but look though let’s let’s let’s get back to how this initially started right this comp this this particular live here tonight why why we chose to jump on the live for a few minutes tonight yeah man cuz look we wanted to talk about not just who the Hawks might draft y’all we we didn’t want to just talk about who the Hawks might draft that’s good we wanted to talk about why why do you think Alex SAR why do you think his Representatives don’t want him come to Atlanta is it is it because of Jaylen Johnson and they want to play power for it is it they don’t trust the HW organization or or hey man when s was down here playing OT te man this saw hit the wrong woman up in the DM’s man and he got hit by the Atlanta scam he got hit with an Atlanta scam bam boy might have got hit by but Alex scar might have got hit by an Atlanta scam okay okay hold on hold on hold on let me give and then I want you to do something so you’re telling me it’s possible that SAR was in these Instagram models DM he could and and and they he got into some stuff and he just said he told he went back to the agent and was like I don’t know if I want to come to Atlanta hey man I’m telling you man look okay hit somebody saw hit somebody up in the DMS they were all nice they were all sweet I mean he loved the pictures she said you know what hey come on out my folks having a video shoot cuz you know you know it’s the city of the rappers come on out come on out and kick it my folks having video hey man so s went out to a video shoot looking at Kiki he probably even took a basketball with him because he real tall he want to he want to show that he really you know what I’m saying but but when he got there Bo one no cameras one no cameras they told him to walk in one no cameras it was just scammers when no Camas it was scammers man s got banged up for some bread sa got sent back home sick Big 7 foot one in his bed cry oh girl then set him up for the scam bam man for for for the Atlanta scam bam and so I said you know what never again you know I’m saying it’s not enough JJ fishing chicken it’s not enough jjj’s fishing chicken with all that tasty ran season they put on there or American delies that can get this man to come back to Atlanta keep your hookah bars keep your Instagram models keep your scammers man hey man keep your water keep everybody he told them to keep her he said I the water boys down man water boys so I ain’t fooling with none of them man you silly man you silly s say he a coming back s say he ain’t coming back I’m telling you man that’s why s don’t want to play down here man okay all all right so I’m tell man same thing gonna happen to him same thing gonna happen to uh to him in Washington though when he go up there for real though like what is it man like why why wouldn’t this I mean they’re saying because turmoil with the with the ownership is not a clear leader I’ve read something about that um I read something like I we said earlier with the Jaylen Johnson being a power forward they think SAR is more of a power forward than a center um man listen I I I hope I hope whatever we do um looks like it may be Donovan the more and more I hear about it um hopefully we could trade down get Donovan and some more assets um I just hope whoever we get is the right person and and it’s it’s going to be a solid contributor for the Hawks to make the playoffs to help Trey out to get where we need to go and um I’m curious to see after the draft what we do with Trey and um and Murray I’m really curious man of course of course they are concerned about the leadership and who’s running the team I mean they got the GM from Ike like they literally hired the man from ik you know what I’m saying here on 17 Street hey man I’m trying they hired the man from ik but no but but look all all seriously right like the gimm kind of came he kind of came out of nowhere you know what I mean like like like Landry Fields man he kind of came out of nowhere and there were there were already rumors that he just being put in as a yes man then they tried to give us KY cor and they tried to tell us like you know KY Cory is the development guy you know try to make us feel better about it and now they have brought in someone who was with the Warriors organization maybe they can help oversee it maybe he can uh help steer it in the correct way but like I I just don’t know which way they’re G they’re going to go I mean who what so last year was Landry Field’s first pick right yes first time pick and they got Kobe buffkin they got Kobe buffkin we we didn’t get to see enough of Kobe to really see Kobe spent a lot of time as a 2A player spent a lot of time in College Park I wish I would I wish I would went to see him a lot you know what I’m saying so I could really have like like a better idea on the type of player he might be coming into year two um but they they’ve been needing to get a backup point guard uh so if he can turn out to be a good player they need a backup point guard whether Trey stays or not they need a backup point guard but this is the first top 10 pick that landre Fields has ever had in his career it’s coming in a year when where everyone says there’s no clear favorite I think a lot of that just be talk and Bs like I was telling a friend of mine there will be a couple of Allstar players uh in this particular draft like it it is every year now I’m not saying it might be a peral Allstar but there will be one or two players that’s going to make an Allstar team and it’s Landry Fields job coming in he got to make this this first overall pick his first top 10 pick first number one overall pick and and they have to get it right and they have to also try to get back some of those assets that they gave away in the DJ trade they they don’t they don’t have a first round pick next year they they don’t have one next year so so so that’s why you and I go back and forth on who who should they trade should they trade DJ or trade Trey and I said as much as I love Trey if you gonna trade one of them man you got to get assets you gonna get more assets for trade if you got to trade if you have to trade one man to me it has to be Trey young if they have to trade one it has to be Trey young because that’s the one that’s going to get you more assets Trey Trey might get you three first round rounders back he might get you two first rounders back you know what I’m saying where you can’t continue to build in the future I don’t I don’t want to lose Trey but at the same time like they got to make up for that mistake you know what I’m saying that they made you like giving up what they gave up for DJ like that’s why slank that’s why slank was as much as I didn’t like Travis slank I felt them on that Travis slank was correct about that they gave up too much for DJ yeah yeah well um we got to get it right Trey gotta get it right man so anything else you know we gonna put positivity out there man you you see you see see hold hold on right quick man you see the see the picture behind me man so the same HW hat I was wearing in that okay okay okay yes yes man so so so we G we going We R we gonna tap the Hulk three times for good luck one two three man there we go man there we go y’all there we go man the Hulk gonna bring us good luck the Hulk Hulk flying in right now I put on for my city I putting on for the city right now man they gonna do a good job real quick man I would love to hear from some of you guys I’ll leave it open for a couple seconds for you guys to U mention something in the comments about what you think if not we’re gonna go ahead and call it a night I just really want to come in and just wonder understand why doesn’t alexar want to play for Atlanta that’s that’s that’s the rumors yeah I hear I hear what Trey says y’all agree with him could be some Instagram model stuff going on that man got hit by the Atlanta scam B the the scam pack yeah with a scam pack man hey but but you know it’s it’s it’s kind of crazy that we hear that right and I know people say he has the same agent as Luca uh Luca didn’t want to play here the only person that I the only place I’ve ever read that and never heard that was tryon’s father say that I never heard anyone else say that Luca wasn’t gonna play anywhere else but Dallas I’ve never heard any I’ve never read it anywhere if you guys have you guys tell me I’m not saying Tryon daddy ly but I’m saying something smell like a fish restaurant it’s fishy I’m not telling you he telling the truth either you know what I mean so but so I don’t know if it’s the same representation saying they don’t want their players to play with the Hawks but either way they got to make the pick we know it’s gonna be between those three players if it’s not sard then it’s down to R aret and it’s down to Donovan clinging you got you got 280 PB Center and then then you got a what like probably 200 four pound win yeah hey Trey on Instagram we got CJ white out he’s saying with the H go for one of the bigs from New York Mitchell Robinson uh he said the organization has been half stepping so you know he he definitely U left us a message on on Instagram okay man Mitchell Robinson I mean that that give you a little more defense you know what I’m saying like I I think the hwks will move on from from capella I mean I like capella but capella cannot finish around the rim I’m sure everyone like as much as he gives us in rebound and I respect capella but he cannot finish around the rim it’s a lot of bunnies and a lot of close shots man Trey Trey’s assist would go up at least two to three more per game if capella would just make some of those close Point Blank Range bunnies you know you know what I hate capella does capella get an offensive rebound and he’ll try to go right back up with it and every single time it don’t work kick it back out bro kick it back out like your percentage of getting an offensive rebound and scoring is very very very low because he can’t finish that’s what I’m saying yeah man you’re exactly about that one bro but man you know you you never know man the the draft next Wednesday night uh hey man it’s gonna be interesting I’m g go ahead and speak as much as we’ve talked about the hulks and as much as we’ve said we’ve laughed and had a good time at uh at Landry Fields expense and and and even Tony wrestler’s uh expense and and and wrestler Jr are J you know what I’m saying as much much as we had fun at their expense we’re going to speak that Hawks are going to get this right man you see that see that Atlanta Hulk man hwks gonna get it right this pick will be a pick that will last for some years I wish it was a wi B um I wish it was a LeBron type player my god do but doesn’t every team wish it was a LeBron level player you know what I mean uh the HKS going to get it right though man I feel it I feel it man do we get comments man anybody say anything anybody want to talk Instagram um n CJ CJ ain’t got nothing more to say we don’t have any more comments so hey man we can call her tonight man any anything man we got like 33 people in here shout out to everybody that’s in here that’s still in here right now we got 33 people watching man shout out to y’all rocking with the live man what are the hwks going to do let us know man hit us up in the comments man and uh yeah man we gonna continue bringing y’all good content man thank y’all for rocking with us and we out

Alex Sarr doesn’t want to play for Atlanta? The Atlanta Hawks need to get this right!!


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