@Indiana Pacers

The latest Indiana Pacers offseason rumors — Jalen Smith, Jarace Walker, T.J. McConnell, more

The latest Indiana Pacers offseason rumors — Jalen Smith, Jarace Walker, T.J. McConnell, more

it’s draft week free agency is Sunday the off season is as swinging as it gets and there’s rumors flying about the Pacers what’s the latest does it make sense does it not make sense what will matter in these decisions and these roster building moves we’ll get to the latest on today’s lockon Pacers podcast you are locked on Pacers your daily Indiana Pacers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what up y’all happy Tuesday and welcome into another edition of the laon Pacers podcast where we of course talk about the Indiana Pacers as always my name is Tony East I cover the team for Forbes and SII and today we’re diving into the rumor mill looking at what has been said about the Pacers what they could could be doing this week the draft starting tomorrow when this comes out Wednesday night it’s crazy that it’s snuck up on us so much with a Pacers short off season free agency is Sunday and there’s a lot of key dates in between if you’ve been listening to the show you’ve heard it all summer right this week the contract guarantee date for TJ mcconell on the 28th Jaylen Smith’s player option on the 29th somewhere in there a qualifying offer will presumably be submitted so it will be top in the draft itself will happen this is all in the next four days that’s before free agency so a lot to get to today some of it regard guarding the players I just said some of it guarding some other guys a lot of the uh about some other guys a lot of it coming from the Sim reporting and we’ll dive into it all this week is going to be interesting so tomorrow we’ll preview the draft for the Pacers with Eddie Garrison looking at some trade stuff talking more prospects what’ll be interesting about the draft and then after Wednesday night we’ll see we’ll see what the Pacers did or did not do look at the best available guys ahead of Thursday and then of course after the Pacers do don’t make picks there’ll be a lot more to talk about then we’ll flow right in from that to the new guy to free agency as it goes but the two night draft is going to make this very a rhythmic to me we’ll see how it all shakes out let’s dive into some rumors you’ve waited long enough and a lot of this comes from my man Michael Scot who’s been on this show before finally got to meet him in New York uh during the postseason during the Pacers niick series uh and his Hoops hype aggregate mock drafts are the best because one it it puts together a bunch of mock drafts in one place but he also puts in his own Intel into a lot of these and the very first noteworthy thing here is he is the first person to report this at least that I’ve seen this summer Pato says quote there there is also an early belief that that forward Jaylen Smith will decline his four $5.4 million player option and enter unrestricted free agency this summer league sources told hoopy no decision has been made formally but this has been the early indication so of course that could change and I’ve talked about why the draft is sort of an interesting inflection point for Smith specifically right what does he know about his role answering next next season if Isaiah Jackson stol on the team come Friday which I mean OB that that’s what I would figure is the favorite by a mile but you never know what the draft if Isaiah Jackson still on the team come Friday and Smith is going to be potentially the third Center entering next season then his thinking doesn’t necessarily have to be about how much he’ll make next season it’s about his long-term Financial Outlook right can he make more maybe by taking a little less next year but then getting a bigger role so he can get paid more in the future or could he even get more over a three-year deal or a four-year deal as opposed to one year that’s what he has to decide but it could depend on the Pacers situation he could extend with the Pacers he could opt in and extend with the Pacers if he wanted he could opt out and resign with the Pacers there’s a lot of ways this could go and we can cut through all of them in a second but the early indication I do think that makes sense to me uh during the season again I I’ve always compartmentalized this with Smith when talking about him on this podcast on the radio whatever it’s like back in December January I remember this very specifically I was on quean company here locally you know midday radio on 1075 def Fin and they were we were talking about Jaylen Smith at his future and you know if he opt it out where could he go what could that look like and we were talking about like could he start on the Wizards you know this might have been February because they just traded Gafford like who who’s their center right he could start could have at the time been the starting center for the Wizards now he’s probably not starter level anywhere but he would still play a lot for a Washington or for you know a crummy team in search of front Court depth right so there’s probably a young team where he would get minutes and so if he’s not getting minutes for the Pacers can he get enough money that he’s okay to lose some salary this year in lie of guaranteed playing time because that is what I think Jaylen Smith has to consider with his player option now let’s be clear I would never insinuate that any team in the NBA does any tampering or talks to players early but if Jaylen Smith gets an inkling that he knows he has a safe landing spot or offer elsewhere and has already run through all of these mination in his head about the money the playing time whatever then he could opt out right and I think that right now I if I was advising jayen Smith without knowing what else is out there I would probably lean opt out if I’m him but it’s not easy it’s not easy it’s never easy uh he’ll be unrestricted next year but if he is a down year he doesn’t play much then who knows how much he’ll get so he’s in a very fascinating spot in terms of what he should or could do so what what should the Pacers want right because I think very easy to forget how good he was at his Apex this season because in the playoffs he was decidedly not that player um he was very much not an additive guy in that setting and that’s fine he does you know not everybody is he could be if they ran it back and did the playoffs again but he was not in this particular year Isaiah Jackson wasn’t stepped up but the regular season is the thing that matters and Jaylen Smith was you know a 10 and five and a half guy for 61 games this season and made 42% of his threes and improved as a Defender and is actually a good rebounder on a team bere of good rebounding right like that’s a valuable player and from the start of the Season until Christmas I’ll just make up Christmas for now maybe I’ll do a better cuto if I don’t like the number but from the start of the Season until Christmas scorching hot from deep hit that 70% of his threes till Christmas that’s not that’s not a mistake I just said out loud 70% of his threes dropped until Christmas through January 15th so right around this yakum trade he was still at almost 50% from deep but he cooled off to decidedly by the end of the year and he finished still at 42.4% but from Christmas to the end of the regular season he only shot only air quotes 35.9% from that’s still good 36% from three is good playing like Miles Turner has value like the Pacers clearly liked him he was the backup center all season but he got hurt a lot and then Isaiah Jackson played better than him in the postseason and I’ll just put the Nugget in your head that in the preseason game this is a preseason game not a reg season game but in the very first preseason game so the day the Pacers the only game the whole season the Pacers had to come in with no game data to say here’s what we think the rotation should be Isaiah Jackson was the backup five and Jaylen Smith outplayed him by a mile and then Jaylen Smith outplayed him for a month and then Jaylen Smith kept outplaying him and earned the backup center spot but like going into last season I would I would argue and I think that the action spoke for this that they had Isaiah Jackson head of sticks in the pecking order and then by the end of the season Isaiah Jackson was playing in the playoffs and Jaylen Smith was not so if they enter next season with Jaylen Smith third in the pecking order and they now know uh the Pacers that they have small ball options with yaka at the five or TOA at the five maybe they want to try jarus Walker at the five do they want to play a third Center that much who knows and so Smith has to decide with that information what he wants to do and if he does return if he does opt out the Pacers have early bird rights they could still offer him what it would take to keep him if they wanted him around um but I would not expect that I’ll get to that in a second they could extend his contract if he opted in um I would also not expect that he could get up to the nart extension the reason I would not expect that is because of the tax we talked about that already If he if he opts out they’d have 19 is million almost 20 away from the tax they could keep Obi topping and have wiggle room to like get a better vet um and and that I think would be a good offseason for the Pacers and then Obi toppin your third big nominally and you sign a veteran Center and boom you’re happy with that um because they can’t give him a raise and keep Obi or they can’t give him a raise and use non tax paramid level exception so if he opts out I would imagine his time with the Pacers is over unless he’s opting out to take like a three-year $10 million deal with the Pacers which why would he do that so in my head if I’m Jaylen Smith and I opt out I’m I know it’s because I’ve got an offer somewhere else that’s not Indiana that makes sense for me and I don’t know if the Pacers would be you know financially he’s a good player like he played well last year I think they’d be upset to lose a good player but financially I think they’d be they’d shrug and go okay we have to deal with this so we’ll see on that decision I truly don’t know I think Scot’s reporting is fascinating that’s the only indication and I do think there’s a way that a team that is Young or is developing could look at this guy and go this is a former top 10 pick who’s 24 and does not turn 25 until next march like he is still a young player he’s I think he’s still younger than Chris Duarte was when they picked him and that’s kind of a knock on duarte’s age at the time of that pick but also to just tell you how young Jaylen Smith is and this guy just averaged 10 and six and shot well from Deep like there’s a chance that that’s a $25 million player over three years I don’t know what he can get on the market centers tend to not make as much as people think but I’ll be fascinated to see where this could go can he get like a jack landelle contract somewhere I don’t know but I’d imagine that if he’s thinking about his long-term earnings or long-term chance to chance to maximize his long-term earnings opting out is maybe the best option but if there’s nothing available to him opt in see if you can weasel back into the backup center spot with the Pacers good reporting from Scot who’s going to be the focus of our next segment and partially the Third segment two before we talk next about TJ McConnell and a contract extension we have got to talk about FanDuel I love sports I love him so much I don’t want him to stop I just watched the Stanley Cup Final I never watch hockey that game was amazing as the playoffs wind down and all these Sports you get fewer games and sports aren’t sportsing like we want them to but FanDuel lets us keep the sports going whenever we want all you got to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime you’re in the mood WNBA MLB whatever you like going on in the summer you can hook it up on fandu will all customers get a boost or a bonus daily on FanDuel all summer long that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head over to lockon to start making the most of your summer on FanDuel that’s on FanDuel an official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball we are back here on lockdown Pacers thanks for making us your first listen today and every single day your second listen I’ll give you two options one should be locked on women’s basketball here Talia Goodman and Pat boand talk about the fever and I was on locked on sports today yesterday because I was at fever Sky talking about that game or going out of network uh kayln Cooper and I did another podcast this time for her page I believe that’s out today if it’s not I might have spoiled it sorry Caitlyn but uh we talked about so much stuff for her monthly mailbag free agency draft a lot of jerus Walker talk future of the team stuff decisions and minutes um we both talked about our own personal lives a little bit which was fun and interesting you get to see me uh nerd out about my favorite hobby for like 3 seconds it’s a good stuff uh back to the Pacers so report two talked about Jaylen Smith sometimes that was good 10 minutes another one that we’ve talked about sometimes here on lockon Pacers that Michael Scott reported on in his aggregate mock draft his first one his second one I have not finished reading yet his first one the first paragraph on the Pacers is quote the prevailing notion around the league is Indiana will look to resign forward Pascal seakan free agency check and extend point guard TJ McConnell I find that second one to be interesting of course the first one proved to be true if you Scot has been plugged in for forever if you’ve been reading him you know that but just to put the notion of that so what is the deal with McConnell’s situation fascinating one once again I mean again if you want to go back in time a year they did not view him as the 10 one of the 10 guys who should play on opening night last season and by the end of the year he was the best bench player in the NBA and like changed the Pacer season in meaningful ways he was Sensational 10 10 and 10.2 points 5.5 assists per game in the regular season career high in points and assists per possession um and now he’s eligible for the same extension is nard and Smith and lots of guys four years about I’m now estimating 80 million um give or take depending on where the estimated average salary comes in and it can be less than that in years it could be less than that in dollars but it’s if it fits within that parameter of the up to four years and up to 80 million it’s a legal extension and so what should the Pacers be thinking about there well if they’re already thinking about it and remember we heard Chad buenon tell us you know they really liked TJ in the season he had and then he was on jmv uh the early afternoon I guess uh show on 1075 The Fan that I mentioned earlier and he said there that he would like to have TJ as a Pacer for life right that’s very high praise and he does so the thing that T.J McConnell does so well is yes he’s an amazing backup point guard maybe the best in the league he could probably get that tus Jones like starting spot token starting spot on some bad teams right he’s a good player the thing that makes him valuable to the Pacers specifically is he can play enough like tyres halberton to keep playing the same style right he could play fast and in the open floor and get to the rim and make a defense rotate and play randomly enough he can’t shoot like Tyrese not even close right he’s not as good of at passers Tyro talber no one except for yices maybe Luca right but he can do enough in terms of the speed and Tempo element keep things moving that the Pacers can continue to run down your throat for 48 minutes and that matters a great deal for their style and identity and that is what makes him uniquely valuable to the Pacers among many things they’ve made decisions with him on the roster for the last you know six years now since they signed him uh so extending him makes some good sense he’s good and a longer contract would probably write this second make him more tradable right I think that is important to note with extensions if you sign a guy to an extension and they’re immediately less tradable what was the point of the extension unless the guy’s just no doubt gonna be on your team the whole time so McConnell I think there’s good sense in an extension because he’s good and there’s now a clear role for him the way the hierarchy has shaken out for the Pacers right last year at this time they had all the guards that we’ve talked about all season with you know halberton McConnell nart maen Ben Shepard all these guys were already on the team to start last season but they also had buddy heeld and they also had Bruce Browns you enter That season as T.J mccon you’re like dang there’s too many guards there’s too many perimeter guys now that is less the case they have the right number currently of perimeter guys so McConnell can play and he will have a role on the team next year especially with how good he was last year and importantly for a contract extension discussion and the difference between him and Jaylen Smith talking about long money mconnell was good in the postes right so you feel confident about your team’s identity on the biggest stage with him out there to his veteran that hasn’t been the case his whole career but was the case last year so the prevailing notion that they would extend him that makes a lot of sense to me because if the GM is saying on the record yeah we’d like him to be on the team for life and he was very good for us last year he’s a great culture fit if watching him play I can see that he’s a wonderful onc Court fit both stylistically and from an Effectiveness standpoint if his contract there’s no hurdles in meeting the agreed price um there’s just so many reasons that this makes sense assuming T.J McConnell would want to stay in Indiana where you know he’s been for the last however many years of his life I believe he has he has uh two kids I believe both of them were born while they lived here I’m not certain on that that’s just from social media posts either way thinking about what T.J McConnell’s life has been his foundation has been what his basketball has been Indiana makes a lot of sense for him is a fit and the Pacers make a lot of Pacers should want him given what he just was the question would be if you’re the Pacers if he it turns 35 or whatever pick your pick your age where you feel like he won’t be as effective you know is this like uh oh you know we got to be careful about the back end of this next deal he’s getting on the other side he’ll turn 33 during next season uh in March and that’s not a death sentence like Kyle Lowry’s been amazing through much older ages McConnell relies on some speed but he’s mostly just very trick and agile so I think he’ll age fine his IQ is very high but at his height you got to worry about that stuff so the what is the right contract to extend TJ McConnell because for McConnell it has to be a good enough extension offer that he doesn’t want to get into free agency instead because he could just play this year out and enter free agency next year with full bird rights from the Pacers and say no you know I’d rather just figure it out then I could get the full midlevel from someone so if he can get the full mid level from someone then any anything short of like 13 million as the starting salary of an extension probably wouldn’t do it but how much Warren then right he’s about to make 9.3 next year could they do like three years 40 million is that too much for TJ McConnell right now on a contract extension I don’t know uh three years 45 million I believe yeah I think that’s fits in the parameters of the early are the um the ex vet extension rules you know something like that could they get TJ McConnell on that kind of deal that would make sense to me good backups are worth mid teens now in salary and he is a very good backup um so that that would make sense but what does he think right can he make more than that on the open market or whatever the offer is or is this where he wants to be so much that if he can get the most money they’re willing to offer he’d be happy I don’t know but I do think there’s good sense in this be mostly because of the stylistic fit you can’t be certain that a different third point guard would fit in this way that said well the factor that makes any extension with a guard interesting is they have a lot of ball handlers there’s been reporting on them potentially extending inm hard there’s been reporting on them potentially extending T.J McConnell teres halber obviously is a five-year contract they already have like you know that is a lot of touches to go around and we talked about the usage rates with those three guards Caitlin and I did on the point guard season review episodes and I was befuddled I to do a lot of editing because I was spending a lot of time pausing saying nothing during that conversation now mine’s in the mix too and he also requires touches and should get some of them from other guards so how does that pendulum swing and if it does swing does it hurt T.J McConnell’s touches does it hurt his value to the Pacers specifically that’s where this gets interesting in an extension talk what are you signaling about your team and your back court by doing any contract extension because if they extend both McConnell and nard you know what happens if if nard takes off maybe you just trade the guy later which is why I mentioned the the tradable contract part of an extension but you don’t want to extend a guy just to think about trading him later so I I do think an extension makes more sense than it doesn’t for McConnell certainly and I think if they can agree on a price they should do it as the Pacers but they just have a lot of backcourt questions to answer and I think that those questions would become a little louder if they gave McConnell a contract extension and even louder more if they get did that and then also gave inured Mard an extension which we talked about in the last rumors podcast so that’s a good nugget from Scot very interesting I I would I don’t know I don’t really know what’s going to happen here but I would be trying to do this as the Pacers knowing that it might force me to make a different decision in some point in the future whether it becomes a painful trade or something like that couple more things to get through here the draft jerus Walker coming up in the rumor Parts here unlocked on Pacers back here on lockdown Pacers thanks for making us your first listen today and every single day for your second listen lockon Cavs coaching Carousel spinning Kenny Atkinson to Cleveland uh locked on bulls for the gidy Caruso trade or locked on Thunder JJ reck officially the coach of Lakers he had some stuff to say about Ric Caro at his press conference and dropped some f bombs lock down Lakers for more on that I mean every team’s going to give you something draft week coaches transactions are happening they’re all great but for the most recent news around the league those are the places to go more with Scot here thank you Michael Scot for giving me almost a full podcast worth of information um this one I’m not going to spend as much time on because the phrasing kind of dictates so um firstly he said Indiana the Pacers is looking to replace Pat Knight who was a scout for the team and recently named head coach of Marion University that is Bob Knight’s son Pat Knight congratulations to him uh Pacers need a new Scout I have no idea who in The Scouting world uh makes sense for them to hire I don’t know enough Scouts to say that but either way uh the Pacers are looking to hire a scout now Pat Knight is now the coach at Mary and the other actual roster thing in the paragraph right before that was this is from Mike Scot and Hoops hype in other Pacers news rival executives are monitoring whether the Pacers will keep forward Obi toppen and restricted for agency if the Pacers resign toppen several rival Executives believe jerus Walker could become a trade candidate and are monitoring the former number eight overall picks availability that is a lot of rival executive monitoring speculation stuff and I totally get where they’re coming from if you’re another team and you go and you look at the patient you go whoa they’re going to go to year two of jerus Walker and still not a role for him are they going to trade him are you gon to think like that and maybe they think back to what goa’s career looked like but if you’re the Pacers you’d say uh no we have a plan for him we’ll see where this goes we want to bring him along at our speed but we’re in a winning mode now um so that had enough not you know that had enough from other teams and monitoring okay like the Pacers are monitoring stuff to level of stuff I’m not going to dive into this too much what I will say is under the premise that this was reality right let’s just say that the Pacers resign OB toop and like well let’s trade jerus right the problem is what trading jerus just as jeris Walker would be very hard because can you could you actually get something that solves your problem because now some if you trade jarus for a good player now someone else isn’t playing who’s either good or Young on your team right if you trade jarus for a vet now who’s older who’s now out of your rotation that is good or young you come back to the same problem Maybe a lesser scale but you still have the same problem and if you trade jarus for picks what does that do for you as the Pacers right what do what do picks do for the Pacers right now and obviously picks can be traded again in the future but so could jarus right so I don’t get why the Pacers would want picks they’re trying to win right now so the the tricky part of that situation is there is a potential reason to trade jarus Walker at some point it’s not right now and it’s not just trade jarus because he wouldn’t have it would be trade jarus and this salary and this other young thing and maybe a pick to get OMG awesome player so I get why rival Executives would be monitoring the Pacers and they’re and they’re much depth and I’m not saying this to to cover this up or say like this isn’t a big deal maybe it is but what I am saying is the phrasing one makes me think that it’s just other teams speculating and two Scot’s my guy two uh what I don’t get the good of just like a jerus Walker trade period for the Pacers unless they get some value that would be unforeseeable to me at this point so that one less so than the first two passes to smell test uh but I again I get why uh rival Executives would think that in fact if I worked for another team that wasn’t the Pacers I don’t work for the Pacers to be clear but if I worked for any team and I was you know looking at the Pacers I would be wondering what they’re thinking and how they’re going to sort all this out with their combination of veterans and young Talent a very interesting spot um okay let’s talk about the draft for a second not a lot of of hubub about the Pacers draft ironically uh to this point and I think that that’s because of just where they pick in this draft 36 is their first pick and it’s not a good draft so there’s not going to be a ton of Buzz about the Pacers the other problem is they don’t have a lot of roster spots or obvious needs so it’s not like there it’s easy for agent to leak out that the Pacers really want their guy or the some other team to say oh the Pacers have been trying to trade up with that like they they don’t have a clear positional need they don’t have a need to add more depth for a young guy who also wouldn’t be playing right it’s just hard to really cut through and figure out what they’d be doing I think they are Prime Time pick the best player available team right whatever the position may be uh maybe you just take the best Wing available and you’re happy with it if you’re the Pacers or whatever but not a lot out there I I would remind people of last year for a second Boby Clinton played for Wake Forest and now played in Australia I hope I’m not saying his name wrong to be clear I’ve actually never watched him play uh he was rumored to be a guy the Pacers had interest in I I can’t remember who reported it but there was a report last year that said from the draft combine the Pacers were high on him from a reputable source so much so that I talked about it on this podcast and then a non-reputable source that I won’t say who it is said that he had a draft promise but did not say it was from the Pacers and then after that report came out about the draft promise he dropped out of the draft so clearly he didn’t have a draft promise which made me feel better about the non-reputable source part but it is worth noting that when two people report that there’s some chatter about a back Channel team potentially having interest in a guy that’s something even and uh Clinton went to Wake Forest two years ago he went to austral over to Australia to play last year and I bring him up because I was reminded of his name today reading through Christen peak’s mock draft in Yahoo sports where he was mocked to the Pacers at pck 36 so that is I guess draft Buzz about the Pacers a reputable Source last year was talking about them being potentially interested in him but that was a year ago right their Dynamics have completely changed he’s younger they might be looking for more experience or he can’t fit into their style as much as they would have known because of now how fast they play I don’t I don’t know what this even looks like as Dynamics change but that is something to know mock drafts kind of scattered all over the place K kha Johnson’s in a lot of them for the Pacers at this point Nikola durich has been in multiple for the Pacers I went through like the five or six biggest ones cam Christie’s in a couple the shooter from Minnesota but I think the fact that it’s kind of spread out says a lot about one how late they’re picking to the fact that they have no obvious positional like oh that should be the thing they want and I think that you know you’re going to see a lot of of of guess workor for black a better ter with the Pacers what they’ll specifically do is hard to say um Jonathan gavone mentioned them on a recent ESPN podcast with Zack low talking about you know teams that are late in the first round potentially thinking about getting extra seconds because of their salary situation to make future trades they do have three seconds this year I’ve said that there’s good sense in picking at 36 to get a young guy in the pipeline because there’s probably GNA have to be a young guy trade at some point in the next two two and a half years well if you can get into the late first round maybe that makes that a little easier how high they could get 26 if they traded all their picks something like that 27 I don’t know um that is something to monitor I haven’t I need to relisten to that quote I just heard it like 30 minutes before I started recording myself uh everything gon’s on is worth worth diving into he’s got a lot of a lot of good Intel from around the league the Draft starts tomorrow Eddie Garrison’s gonna join us on the show to talk about it tomorrow we’ll get into thinking about draft trades for the Pacers up out back whatever Direction you want to use you talk about parallels something I don’t know any Direction they could move we’ll talk about it we’ll talk about players to like strategy to consider are they just picking two a guys this year who knows who knows what their roster crunch what they could be thinking and Eddie and I will try to figure it out Wednesday is the first day of the draft if the Pacers don’t trade in their first round they’ll be done that’ll be it it’ll just be uh no picks for them and then they pick the Thursday afternoon and so breaking down who did get picked who’s the best left could the Pacers have done anything that’ll be Wednesday and then Thursday onward is breaking out the Pacers have done their new look team what it all means for their path forward so lots of good stuff coming and a lot of chatter about a lot of stuff we talked about today because McConnell’s deadline is one day after the draft Jaylen Smith deadline is Saturday for his player option stuff is coming and stuff is coming fast you’ll get it all here on the lockon Pacers podcast we’ll go seven days a week until probably summer league starts now because free agency heating up and the draft is here hope you guys enjoyed Today’s Show and learned something if I said something stupid or something that you disagree with let me know on Twitter at Tony R East or if you’re watching on YouTube by commenting down below can’t wait to uh see what everybody thinks about these prospects because I have not had a ton of time to dive into anybody I have draft takes all on Earth with Eddie tomorrow I suppose but they’re mostly about the top guys thank you all for listening today have a wonderful rest of your day we’ll see you very soon

The Indiana Pacers offseason is underway, and the NBA Draft and free agency start this week. What are the latest rumors about the Pacers summer and their team building? Host Tony East breaks them all down.

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  1. Jarace is truckload of versatile young talent. We do NOT need to trade him. Especially since we have not even given him courttime to show us some of his potential.

  2. Anyway of getting Grant from Portland? Sign n trade Toppin and Smith with draft capital.

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