@Detroit Pistons

Pistons Show Up Hour Late For Their Own Press Conference Where Owner Was Grilled | The Daily Ticket

Pistons Show Up Hour Late For Their Own Press Conference Where Owner Was Grilled | The Daily Ticket

going on everybody Jeffrey eager another episode of The Daily ticket this one for the 24th of June it’s a Monday at 6:24 24 little fun with numbers that do anything for you yeah probably not I didn’t think so anyway I hope you had a fantastic weekend I am very sorry to report that I am no closer to finding out the future of the daily ticket today than was the last time we spoke like hopefully the daily ticket lives I’ll keep doing it twice a week maybe it dies like I’ve said many times it’s like we’re in Hospice we’re waiting to figure out if we live or die I do anticipate no matter what the future of this podcast is to do some episodes during football season even if we get canceled I have the power to come on every now and then and give you a podcast via the audience or through YouTube so I do anticipate doing some of that but as far as like getting back to an everyday Monday through Friday type deal I don’t know I hope that happens but not really holding my breath but we’ll figure it out anyway I do want to talk about the big news of the weekend though and the big news of the weekend was on Friday for the first time in months the Detroit Pistons decided to finally have a press conference for their new president of basketball operations trade and Lon and this of course was after Monty Williams was officially fired earlier last week Tom goris the owner of the Pistons paid Monty $65 million to go away and see this is why you don’t beg a guy to come be your coach I remember telling wjo who I do the radio show with when Monty was brought in that I’m not comfortable begging a man to coach my basketball team now exactly what it was Tom gorus I mean you can give him credit for getting the deal done but Monty was an awful coach here he was now I listen I understand he’s got personal things going on in his life and he’s a very nice man but when it comes to basketball last season they won 14 games they went on a 28 game skid it was embarrassing and Monty did not do anything to help himself in fact I kind of feel Monty was trying to get fired which by the way why wouldn’t you because he got paid 65 mil to walk away and he gets another 20 mil from the Suns when Matt ishia fired him as well so that’s 85 million dollars not to coach basketball but Monty along with the Pistons were awful last year how many times did the Pistons lead in a game that Monty brought in the old bench team the old bench rotation and next thing you know the lead was gone the Killian Haye Jaden Ivy Saga he played Hayes early on stunted the growth of Jaden Ivy it made absolutely no sense eventually they got rid of Killian Hayes remember Troy Weaver released him said he couldn’t shoot even though when he was drafted he said he drafted the kid because he could shoot like it was a total Fiasco last year was totally embarrassing and was capped off by the 28 game losing skid and yeah I mean listen Gores did what he had to do when he tells you no the first time and then the second time and then the third time and takes to the podium at his own press conference and says yep I came here for the money then maybe you shouldn’t have hired Monty Williams but I want to talk about the press conference of Tran Lon because it was embarrassing however let’s start with Monty Tom goris on buying out Monty Williams for 65 million how difficult was that decision take a listen $5 million yeah do you I mean any regrets there this is true uh but no no you can’t uh you know when you have to adjust you adjust this franchise means everything to me and so um it’s not like I didn’t think about it for a second but it it was uh the right thing has to survive you know and uh I think it was the right move for all of us including Monty and uh but it’s not like I didn’t think about it at all you know it’s significant we had H we have to hire new people um you know all that stuff so uh but I think we just always got to do the best thing for you know for the franch so that was Tom goris on buying out Monty Williams and firing him we still don’t know whose decision it was Tom says it was his I’m sure it was more than likely Tran’s decision to fire him and then Tom just pretty much told him paid him to go away and that’s where we are but the press conference was bad the Pistons were an hour late to their own press conference now it’s not like Tom goris as an owner hasn’t already been super embarrassing for a historical traditional organization like the Pistons that have three championships goris has run this team into the ground he bought the team back in 2011 for 325 million team is now worth an estimated 3.1 billion so he’s happy because his team is now a hell of a lot more valuable than it ever was but since gorus has taken over I mean this blows me away how many head coaches you think he’s hired and he’s about to hire another one we don’t know who that’s gonna be the answer is six Lawrence Franks Maurice Cheeks John lawyer Stan bang Gundy Dwayne Casey Monty Williams and by the way some of those were good coaches that totally failed here because I got to believe the fish rots from the head down and Tom goris is an awful owner how many Executives do you think Thomas higher five Stan Van Gundy Jeff Bower Ed stefansky Troy Weaver and now Tran Lon the Pistons under Tom goris have not won a playoff game the Pistons under Tom goris has gone to two playoff series the Pistons under time goris are 343 and 654 the Pistons under Tom goris have won less than 20 games the last two seasons 17 two years ago 14 last year it’s been an absolute utter colossal failure and embarrassment and the people of Detroit Piston fans they deserve a hell of a lot better than they’ve been given so now they’re thinking okay we finally got it right we hired a president of basketball operations in Trent LinkedIn and by the way everything I’m about to say has nothing to do with Lon the Alaskan assassin when he played at Duke I think Tran Lon came off as very professional and I hope Tran Lon can fix this thing but it’s gonna take a long time and he’s got a ton of work to do and I have no idea how he actually is going to do it but this podcast is the F failures of Tom goris and again if you want to set a new tone in Detroit this time they’re really different okay then maybe just maybe show up for your press conference on time it was unbelievable on Friday I was there and I’m gonna play You Some Cuts okay and I got to talk to gorus oneon-one as well but they called the press conference for 3:30 they didn’t show up until 4:30 that is utterly disrespectful to the people that actually you know showed up on a Friday afternoon like how do you not get fired up it just speaks to the incompetence that is the Detroit Pistons so did they even apologize when they finally got there and the media and employees of the Pistons were waiting for an hour here’s how it started I mean if this doesn’t tell you hey we’re really competent I don’t know what does take a listen good afternoon everybody uh first let me apologize for the lateness here um had a little bit of a traffic issue coming from a different place uh today uh gril despite having the retired fire chief in our Entourage uh still couldn’t beat the traffic around so apologize for for the lateness here and and uh you know appreciate everybody’s patience um let me get semi-organized [Music] here Mark didn’t expect an introduction sorry you did not expect an introduction no I did not expect an introduction he getting organized I’m going to introduce myself yes yes um let’s let’s do that I’m I’m Mark Barnhill I’m I’m Tom Gore’s longtime business partner so that’s how the press conference started nobody was ready to do a press conference they were an hour late apparently gr seal traffic was very very difficult to maneuver through you know it’s not like anybody there wasn’t caught in traffic or had to deal with traffic NOP the billionaire and the Pistons they were late to their own press conference by an hour I’m sorry you might not think that’s a big deal but I think that’s utterly embarrassing utterly pathetic but it got worse at least I think got worse because traan Lan I think can do a great job Tran Lon came off as professional say hi to Olive hi okay can I finish this and we’re going to go to the driving range maybe okay any message for the people bye poop great okay I’m kind of daddy that not you all right I don’t even know what I was saying all right so traan langon takes the shop and I wonder why he took this job I think he took it because it was one of 30 and he did mention it’s always been his dream to run one of these professional teams right so I’m not so sure he’s fallen in love with the idea of working with Tom goris or not he wasn’t really asked that not like he’s going to answer it but Tom gorish just kept going on and on and was rambling it was at times a little tough to follow incoherent maybe not the word but you could understand what he was saying it just didn’t make a whole lot of sense like it was ridiculous Tom talked for like 10 minutes before Tran got a chance to talk I just want to play you just a little snippet of that okay because by the way Tran Lan accepts the mic if you will from Tom goris does this seem like a guy that’s excited to be working with his new boss goris like I think Tran Lon thought to himself I can do this job the only problem is a hurdle is gonna be Tom goris because everybody else has failed under gorus I hope Lan is different for myself for you for the Piston fans everywhere but man oh man that is a massive hurdle to jump over while you’re trying to rebuild a team that is in shambles but this is a a little bit of a taste of goris handing the mic over to raan langen and by Lan’s response do you think he’s really impressed with his boss Tom Gores take a listen um I’m very excited to have trun he has all the qualities that I look for not in a basketball man but as a leader I think Tran can do basketball no problem I think Tran also has the skills to run a steel company you don’t have to I don’t want to so Tran and ladies and gentlemen I’m very very proud to announce our president here introduce our president I know that’s a hard work I’ve said it to you five times I look at your face but the president of basketball and your family Tran welcome thank you thank you very much well Tom I’d have to admit I’ve never had an introduction like that before so thank you thank you very much and um thank you for your confidence and your belief in me um I’ve also never ended a interview or a meeting at 4:30 in the morning either so thank you for that too that was a definitely a test of my will and confidence so Tren langen literally looked a tad mortified like this is my boss so again this isn’t anything negative about Lon to be given a chance hopefully he’ll do a great job he is literally undertaking a very difficult situation but I have no idea why this continues to happen why do they allow Tom gorus to say anything gorus talked about how his own daughter said hey Dad write a letter and just read the letter at this press conference and then at one point time gorus is like yep I’m off the letter now I’m just ad living so did you see the press conference did you listen at 97 won the ticket do you believe that was a real reassuring thing for a fan face of a team that has kicked them in the groin year after year and game after game I’d say probably not I mean there was a lot of dysfunction it was a microcosm of the dysfunction that are the Detroit Pistons but I got more for you so Tom goris I give him a lot of credit I give a lot of credit on one account unlike other owners in our city or even just around sports with the exception of maybe Jerry Jones Tom gor stuck around and answered every question that people had for him so I give him a lot of credit for that I really do so I had a couple questions for him I wonder how angry is Tom gorus how angry is he that a billionaire that has been successful in every other facet of his life for the life of him cannot succeed in the NBA as an owner of the Pistons and furthermore the team has been an embarrassment since he’s taken over so I asked him take a listen how angry are you that since you’ve been owner you haven’t succeeded and I mean different coaches and you guys lead the league in losing and your reputation around the league not your specifically but the team’s reputation is kind of embarrassing like like how how much does that anger you well I’m frustrated um if I’m not really angry I just um disappointed that I haven’t pleased the fans you know they deserve more more and I understand that so uh sometimes when I get frustrated I just work harder and that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to work hard and uh if you know me by now like I’m not going to give up and I think we have something here to you know build on so uh you know I just going to do my best and channel whatever frustration I have into the future all right so I give him credit he answered the question not angry but he’s frustrated but it doesn’t change the fact that so many people think that Tom goris is an absentee owner doesn’t go to the games doesn’t care about the team I mean look how he handled that 28 game lose game it took forever to hear from the owner and when he finally talked it was in the middle of the night on a Friday to just the beat writers over Zoom from his mansion in LA and he said stuff like yeah Troy’s going to get us out of this Troy of course is since fired he said stuff like we’re two weeks ahead of you guys we know what’s going to happen we’re going to try to salvage this season they won 14 freaking games the Boston Celtics that won the championship won 16 playoff games the Pistons won 14 regular season games tom goris at every turn has not handled anything right other than like throwing t-shirts to the fans that’s kind of cool I guess but it’s just been so bad the organization is an afterthought of the NBA they might as well be a college basketball team like a D3 college basketball team at that so I asked him about it he even said at the podium himself that people think he’s detached I think he is detached so I asked him take a listen you talked about uh some people think you’re detached from this organization at the podium MH could you share like just how passionate you are about this franchise that you own I think some of the fans wonder whether you don’t show up or you know people were chanting sell the team earlier and I’m sure you take kind of that like what are the emotions that go through you when people question I guess your passion for this no I appreciate the question um you know passion doesn’t always show up at like where you’re at the game and stuff like obviously I’m extremely passionate and it’s about doing the big things for the team when it’s necessary uh my you know meetings over the last month with Tran and also you know a whole SLO of Executives um you know I’m game time I’m game time when this organization needs me um so I don’t look at I I think it’ll be more understood when we start to win you know I don’t expect anybody to just think I’m great because I say I care like I have to put the results on you know on the table with wins and so on but I mean I’ll just tell you like of course you know I met I mean probably 50 you know we’ve had probably 50 meetings or so um just on getting the right person so um I’ve learned that you know people will think what they think and you just got to show some results and and go from there all right so there you go I mean I asked him the question he answered the question I don’t know if he is sway anybody’s opinion I don’t know if he’s convinced you that he cares about his organization it’s so bad when you look at how embarrassing the Pistons have been do you believe this signifies a change do you believe Tran lingon will be the guy that gets you back to Glory or at least to the postseason or do you believe like I believe that the fish rots from the head and Tom Gore is a bad owner and he might be an absentee owner too he might be a detached owner and I’m sorry dude we got 13 years of evidence a track record that undertime gorus the Pistons have been an embarrassment I’m sorry but I don’t expect anything to change I don’t but what about you Tran Lon comes with great experience he’s had success every stop he’s been at and now he undertakes the toughest job of his lifetime to bring the Pistons back to respectability you think it happens or do you agree with me that as long as Tom goris is the owner of this basketball team it won’t here’s the other thing wjo the guy I do the radio show with he asked Tom goris like who’s got the autonomy does Tran langen make all the basketball decisions and Tom goris said yes I’m not making the decisions but here’s the deal the one guy that is still in this organization and has been in this organization and by the way Tran Langan was one of his clients when when he was playing basketball is arum arum works for Tom goris and we’re led to believe that AR tellum is the voice in tom goris head he’s his advisor he’s his counsel and and arum’s son has a position with the Pistons as well in the organization AR tellum is thought to be the guy giving time so much bad advice and so much bad counsel and guess who’s still in the organization that’s right tell him so until he’s gone things might not change so maybe it’s tellum maybe it’s goris maybe it’s the combination but I expect as long as things stay status quo things will unfortunately be bad for your Detroit Pistons here’s the thing Tom goris said over and over and over again that they’re changing everything but they’re not because telum is still employed with the Pistons so what do you think are we going to start and winning basketball sooner rather than later or do you agree with me that you’re afraid it’s more of the same and nothing will change now will they be 14 win bad maybe not but how much better are they going to be and when’s that GNA happen so listen I don’t think it’s that’s a great first impression or at least a great impression that you intend to change when you show up an hour late for your press conference I can’t get over it so that’s the daily ticket we’ve already talk for too long today we’ll do comments on Thursday hopefully on Thursday I got some news as well on if the daily ticket lives or if it dies we’ll let you know all right guys bit of pleasure as well let me know in the comments section do you believe Tran langon is going to turn around the Pistons or will it be more failure by a Tom goris owned basketball team let me know

The Pistons officially named Trajan Langdon as their new President of Basketball Operations on Friday and things could not have gone much worse. Langdon seems like a really good hire and hopefully could be the man that can restore Detroit basketball however Owner Tom Gores once again stole the show in embarrassing fashion. Not only were Gores and the Pistons brass over a hour late to their own press conference, keeping media and team staff waiting, but Gores also didn’t seem to successfully sell the fan base on the belief that the team will be turning a corner anytime soon. Jeff Riger brings you all the details from the press conference on Friday and also had a chance to grill Gores about his passion for his team and if he’s angry with how badly things have gone so far in his tenure? It’s a brand new episode of The Daily Ticket!

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  1. I actually didn’t mind the pistons bottoming out to get a high lottery pick… the draft lottery has screwed us last 2 years… it’s better than picking 8-12 range every year and being in mediocrity which was the pistons… luckily I’m a Thunder fan too coz my mom is from Oklahoma so I got one good nba team

  2. Gores's most telling statement was last year were he touted his accomplishments as owner " aside from winning games". He speaks of all the meetings and such as proof of commitment. BUT. Cannot articulate a vision short term or ling term. He just buys stuff and tries stuff.

  3. I’m confused how you could be “cancelled”? How much does recording yourself talking in your home or car and posting to YouTube cost Audacy? If they pulled your budget, couldn’t you still record a 20-30 minute musing a few times a week?

    I’m not being snarky; I’m genuinely curious how the business of this works.

  4. Tom Gores destroyed the franchise. That press conference was all you need to know about this guy and why the NBA needs to strip the franchise from him.

  5. Day light savings time messes with the best of us,…oh wait time zones are a tough thing to grasp ,… ⌚ ⏰ 🐓

  6. Who cares?! There’s nothing to talk about so you make up something that you know is irrelevant

  7. Thank you for asking hard questions and telling it like it is. We need the pistons to be accountable and they have not been

  8. If the ticket doesn't wanna do it, start your own channel/podcast. We like hearing from you.

  9. Lions got it right, but it took new Ownership. However, it can be done under Tom Gore because he proved that he can swallow 65 million which shows he has a desire to win and put aside his pride as was somewhat evident in the Press Conference. The hire of POB Operations is huge, but he needs be the right man like Brad was for the Lions. I hold out hope he might be half as good.

  10. It speaks to the absolute clown that is Tom Gores, and as long as he's owner they will never get anywhere they are worse than the Fords could have ever been

  11. Weird that a podcast that doesn’t require any man power outside of you is even something that Audacy needs to make a business decision on.

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