@National Basketball Association

Patrick Beverly on who throws the best pass: “James Harden, not even close… and Paul George is the worst. With Harden, you never had to fix the laces. The only thing you had to do was just shoot it. But with Paul George, he throws that motherf*cker.. it’s spinning the other way, you gotta fix it..”

from the Pat Bev pod

“James Harden, not even close.. But Paul George is the worst. The basketball, they got the lines on em' right? Usually guys like to line them up, put the fingertip on black and you just release it .With James Harden, you never had to fix the laces. They came already fixed. The only thing you had to do is just shoot it.

But with Paul George, he throw that motherfucker and you don't know how fast it is. It looks slow but you catch it fast and it's going the other way so you gotta catch it with a guy closing out on you, fix it, fix it again then shoot it."

this shit was hilarious lmaooo and after a season of watching PG and Harden side by side it checks out.

by CP3sHamstring


  1. crimsonconnect

    Pat Bev always tells the truth even if he’s lying

  2. dafire123

    Is that an actual thing where you can control how the laces go to someone??? Cuz if it is that’s cool af but I’m skeptical.

  3. TheyCallMeTheWizard

    Damn james is causing drama his teams even when he’s not doing anything

  4. Niceguydan8

    Something I noticed while watching a lot of Clippers games this year is that PG and to a lesser extent Kawhi’s passing accuracy is not great.

    Like they’ll drive and create an opening on the perimeter for a guy like Mann and then they’ll throw the pass at his shins and he can’t the shot up because of the poor accuracy.

  5. Well Pat only needed one pass to hit a lady in the head

  6. Vallerie_09

    I love bounce passes and Harden’s bounce passes in transition are a treat to watch.

  7. TeamPizza21

    The laces are irrelevant to shooting. You really can’t feel them at all. The only reason to want to have the laces lined up square before you shoot is to make a visual cue for your backspin and ensure it’s not at tilt. That’s for practice.

    I get that this is a joke, but Pat Bev can’t shoot

  8. BurnCollector_

    This quote is taken out of context. He’s literally only talking about how the ball is spinning on passes

  9. pomelo-mauve

    Pat Bev challenges Draymond as worst podcaster.

  10. Top_Permission82

    Who asked this fucking bum. PatBev is a bad human being

  11. Main_Extension_3239

    This is a very interesting quote. It’s just that Beverley’s burnt his credibility to the ground and this would mean more coming from virtually anyone else.

  12. Pat Bev throws the best passes at fans. Does it multiple times to spread the love. What a classy guy.

  13. simpledeadwitches

    Whi cares what Pat Bev thinks, not like his answers should hold any weight.

  14. LoWE11053211

    He plays with PG13 next season

    is he sill on the 76ers?

  15. I’d believe him, except for the fact that he can’t shoot. What does he know about lining the ball up properly? 🤣

  16. yetagainitry

    Like anyone’s passing a ball to pat bev. They don’t even trust him to put the ball on the rack at the end of practice

  17. realfakejames

    LMAO spinning the other way is insane, anyone who hoops knows Pat Bev was not just shading PG’s passing he must have hated his passing on the real

    Harden was always an underrated playmaker, Scott Brooks used to have him coming off the bench to play point guard to close out games, and he would average big assists even when he was scoring like crazy in Houston, Embiid even gave him some credit for his MVP season, I wish the Suns would’ve gone after Harden instead of Beal, that team with Booker and KD with Harden playmaking would’ve been tough

  18. CollectMan420

    Only people who listen to his pod pass good

  19. darkforestnews

    Luka is hands down my favourite passer in the league now. Joker a close second.

    A quick YouTube highlight of Luka passes are beautiful , through Brons legs , nutmegging people , behind the back no looks , skip passes from the corner while being double teamed , full court lobs. It’s a beautiful thing.

  20. James Harden is one of the greatest scorers and playmakers of all time💯

  21. Imagine sucking at shooting so much that you need to fix the laces lol

  22. No-Presentation6616

    Cp3 is great at this too, watch his passes they always end up in the shooters pocket ready to launch.

  23. AdeptTomatillo3829

    Harden is one of the few guys who gets hated on no matter what he does. He’s the best point guard in the league after Luka and Shai imo. Yes I think he’s better than Curry as of now.

  24. Kitchen-Story-7711

    Beverly is good at throwing balls too. Just not at players though

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