@Sacramento Kings

NBA Offseason Rumors Don’t Involve the Sacramento Kings…Yet

NBA Offseason Rumors Don’t Involve the Sacramento Kings…Yet

I can’t decide if the fact that the Kings have not they they’ve I read through every trade rumor post this morning and there’s no Kings in there save for a mention about the Bulls front office being big fans of Kevin herder but in that same post that that was in reference to the Kings now being out on Zack LaVine after Alex Caruso was moved I wouldn’t I wouldn’t stress I don’t even know if that’s the right word stress too much about them not being the rumors right now no and that’s what it’s not it’s not stress it’s not because I am a big proponent big opponent of like winning the off season I think winning the off season is the most overrated thing that’s the kiss of death right there if you get hit with the you won the off especially in the NFL too if you get hit with the they won the offseason you’re cooked every time not a single person not a single team has ever been like wow winners of the offseason and then won the Super Bowl shout out to that Eagles team with Vince Young and them tough really tough shout out to the Eagles last year who got the two Georgia guys in the draft everybody’s like wow they’re I mean they’re not going to give up any points they’re not going to give up any points all year that was a fun night on Twitter and that’s not to say they they they pick bad players not to drag the Eagles or anything but it’s like yeah then look what happened like winning the offseason means nothing so anyways I don’t care whether the kings are involved in rumors or not they could be involved involved in every Paul George LeBron who like pick your F Brandon Ingram Jimmy Butler they could be involved in every single one of those and if they don’t land the players then it doesn’t matter right yeah so I don’t care that they’re not invol I just can’t decide if the lack of of of notes on the Kings should have me leaning toward oh yeah hey this pick that we thought all year they were going to trade and they’re just going to use it they’re just going to get a 19 or 20y old that they think they can plug in who’s going to be the ninth guy in their rotation and they and they feel good about about the depth Edition I will say I think I think Monty said in his office I think he’s actively trying to I don’t like I’m not I’m produc I’m not reporting anything or whatever but I do think he’s trying to trade that pick like I think he sees like what they were last season and all that and all like I think he’s actively trying to trade it yeah and if they end like if the deal doesn’t work out then yeah you use the pick but I don’t I don’t I doubt like the first thing they want to do is keep that pick right now no I don’t think they want to either I just don’t know if it’s like oh man it’s It’s All Quiet on the Kings front they must have something really Brewing yeah or is it hey it’s quiet on the Kings front cuz they don’t there’s no deals happening I can’t decide yeah we’ll see on Wednesday folks I was trying to I was trying to like parse through all the other rumors and try and like connect dots and read between I got nothing like you see the Kevin herder and Harrison Barnes like could be available and all but it’s not really other than that yeah that we don’t know already yeah and that’s that’s that’s what everything’s been I was happy to see that Hoops hype reported that the kings are out on Zack LaVine now because Alice Caruso is not involved the whole Zack LaVine thing now that we’re done and pass it that was terrifying to me it was really bad maybe it could be like maybe Zack LaVine just kind of like yeah like Plan D is there if we need it but so I think that all this is a funny NBA Rumor Mill thing because Matt Moore who was on our show go check it out on YouTube is a really good really good chat with Matt Moore from the Action Network but he originally wrote in an offseason notebook that the Kings and Bulls had had talks about Zack LaVine and Alex Caruso and on our show he basically said like yeah they had those talks at the deadline sometimes those talks rekindle you know ex not nothing like oh yeah they they were de in the but because of that post that then got aggregated anybody who wrote about Zack LaVine was like the kings are the presumed favorites I’m not going to lie I read the post too that after got AG hey like looks like the Kings might be Zack LaVine fellas and and so that but I think everything stemmed off of Matt Moore’s report yeah yeah I don’t think there was ever like other smoke because people are like oh there’s smoke out there to the like no it’s clear Jake fiser and Yahoo who does a who does a fine job he didn’t say League sources said he just said it appears the kings are Zach like yeah no he’s he’s going off of what Matt wrote so I I just that whole cycle I never got to the point that I was like oh man cuz nobody substantial ever but like oh yeah the Kings and Zack and the Bulls are in deep talks about Zack line so it never got but it was still the fact that it was out there in the first place definitely made me a little bit concerned see I was always concerned about the fact oh if Malik’s not here kings are GNA kind of be on Red Alert maybe Panic move or something like that that’s how I always saw it cuz you lose you’re so far behind after that and you almost have I know we did a whole Malik monk show the other day but dude I don’t think it can be understated how much that move means like just from a just from a pure team building standpoint yeah can you imagine because we’re sitting here today like yeah hey backup centers they need wings for sure like everybody knows they need guys who are 68 and taller who can play defense and knock down a corner everybody knows that they need size they need athleticism that was so clear last year Everything James and I talked about on the show everything you guys talked about on on DLo and KC everything kind of circled back to God the the Kings could really the Kings could really use more size and athleticism on the wings they just need better Wing depth and I think that’s still the case but if you then remove Malik monk from the equation where now all of a sudden yeah hey they need all this Wing depth oh hey and also they have to figure out their six-man situation need a leader as well they need to L this guy was getting 15 and five Off the Bench you got to make up that production and also you you got to figure out who the team’s going to turn to now as the new leader of the team that would have been a disaster well yeah think about like all the impact he’s had like his productive he’s he’s been only two years and just the fact that they could have they didn’t obviously or whatever but like the fact that they could have been gone after tears was insane but they kept him here good I was stunned dude I was too I’m not gonna lie I was too crazy I was back from walking the dog or whatever I was kind of scroll on Twitter or whatever and got to the top or whatever my dad calls hey you see the king sign Malik Monk and my mind like there’s no chance he signed this early or whatever you got house like they didn’t no way like there’s no way so I checked like oh what he did yeah I was shocked well I had heard from from the station basically that like yeah hey that offer’s out there from Malik yeah it’s kind of scary hours right now and then the next thing I get is the wge Tweet where the first thing I see is Malik’s picture and I’m like oh no this is bad news and he read it it’s like wait what is this I click on I clicked profile like making sure I’m not getting chatty off I’m like is it and sure enough man crazy shout out Malik monk shout out to Malik you don’t know what you did for the Kings you don’t know what you did for these shows too you have no idea 91699 1320 91699 1320 if you want to join the program Don you’re on with Kyle and Jesse what’s up hey this is this is Don uh I’m B’s cousin by the way um so uh Happy Malik day happy Malik Monday Malik Monday Malik Monday is great uh we got the draft coming up on Wednesday see there at Tom’s watch bar uh been talking about it for weeks and everything like that uh what would you guys say is going to be best case scenario Wednesday night drafts over what would be the king’s best case scenario in your guys opinion that’s a great question thanks Don zebo’s cousin pulling up love to see it Z’s a good guy does a lot of good stuff on social media oh boy does he um when Zeo is in my mentions I’m like oh no what’ I say what happened um he’s gotten everyone so far I Know I Know It uh shout out to shout out to zbo shout out to the chatos yeah best case scenario that’s a good question um I think best case scenario is they’ve traded their pick for Brandon Ingram okay I got a name but I’m gonna go Kyle kusma okay yeah I think KY kma I like Ingram but I love kma’s contract more you know what and I think hey I’m with you go ahead yeah join the Club yeah yeah I think I think for like I don’t think there’s much of a drop off with their production stuff like that I think kzo will come in be just as fine as Ingram and all that like I said the contract is just as good you don’t you’re not gonna have to give up much for kozma I don’t think that’s like Washington’s gonna be looking for expiring contracts just stuff just not trash but you know just stuff that they can re um not rebuild with but kind of using their restart yeah yeah and that’s where that’s that’s I think why I’m on board with you in my mind Brandon Ingram is better than Kyle kosman and I think I think in a vacuum he is I think he’s a better player I’d agree with that he’s he’s got more of a ceiling I think yeah a highering yeah for sure but I think with with kozma with where you’re slotting him in um he’s been more durable more available he’s cheaper just contract wise I think he’d be cheaper to acquire um you’re not going to have to Max him out the way you would Brandon Ingram next year so I think I think overall man well because I don’t think Cruz I don’t think that deal is like the 13th pick HP and herder for kozma like I think you can get away with the 13th pick and herder if you want or like the 13th pick and some expiring contracts like you could imagine you get kma here and you got HP coming off the bench like Harrison Barnes wasn’t great starting for the Kings last year but give you 10 12 Off the Bench with Malik like you’re solid I don’t know what his Market is gonna be Harrison’s no K yeah I don’t know if the king’s like like Brandon Ingram a Brandon Ingram deal and James has laid this out before the Pelicans are moving Brandon Ingram because they want an upgrade next to Zion M all due respect to the players the Kings have none of them are an upgrade over yeah no over none of the players that they’d be willing to give up in a trade you probably need a third team or something like that right and so that’s where James has looped in like the Hawks and made it a Trey young swap where Trey young goes to New Orleans Brandon Ingram goes to Sacramento and then a bunch of assets from both teams go to the Hawks which like makes sense but I think if if I think if if they got involved in the in the Brandon Ingram Market I think you’re competing with every team in the league is is going to be out there trying to go get Brandon Ingram too yeah because Brandon can help pretty much anyone in the league right now yeah man he’s gonna get 20 a night he’s 69 610 he gets his shot but again there’s a durability factor I I constantly I was talking about this with DLo and kcy the other day I and again this is it test I’m sure that there are a a I don’t watch like 50 Brandon Ingram games a year let that be very clear I watch a handful and I’m sure there are Advanced metrics that that would that would tell me this is wrong and that that’s fine I’m open to that but my just gut feeling right now today is that dude I am always underwhelmed by Brandon Ingram every time I watch him like man hey this is a guy that’s supposed to give you like 30 or 40 like this is going to be crazy and then he like 19 he’s he’s he’s got the tools and the potential but maybe like I metion he’s got a higher ceiling than kma maybe it’s a glass ceiling though is it the like dude Kyle kosma went 227 22 sorry hang on yeah 226 and a half and four last year it’s not like he stinks well I’m not saying yeah I don’t know and I don’t know where I don’t know where along the line it it reached a point that kma like isn’t isn’t good I think I think it’s the Lakers thing and the whole fashion thing I think honestly that’s it and stuff like that I don’t think kma’s really done anything where it’s like he’s a bad teammate or anything like that like I felt like once Brun Brun got there and all that he kind of played into his role and was a solid part and then went in a ring and all that yeah with the Lakers he avered 15 a night uh 15 five and a half and two then he goes to Washington for the 21-22 season and he’s averaged uh 27 and a half and four I think people look at kman like he said things before too like I want to go to Washington and try to lead them and stuff like that and people probably see like him in the rumors like well you had opportunities to maybe sign with other teams and go win a ring and people see that maybe as like he’s not winning isn’t his number one thing maybe okay maybe that’s how they see him I would I I think so to answer to answer the question I think that’s kind of the um I think that to me is the best Cas scenario for the king yeah if they use the pick I think I think they’re on worst case scenario watch yeah if they use the pick I think there’s going to be a lot of unhappy fans that night yeah cuz I don’t there’s there’s not a player that they could go get that I think people would be like wow yeah like consensus right like yes this is the guy oh my God can’t believe they got him I could get some people who were like yeah fired up new player love it and then you get the people who are like doesn’t really help it’s not Kyle kozma who got traded for X Y and Z well how much is a rookie like it’s it’s not Keegan Murray either you’re not Dro drafting the number four Pi at least probably not yeah so like how much is they really going to help this year I know Le the first couple years I don’t know that’s the problem yeah Don you’re on the Insiders with Kyle and Jesse what’s up good morning Kyle and Jessie Big E what up big e call screener sucks he’s does on the night of the Malik monk signing my buddy text me and as a long life Kings fan I read the text Malik monk sighing and I was like oh no where is he Philly like uh or and then I looked at it again and it said signing and I was like what and then two minutes later the W bomb dropped and I was at my night job and I didn’t care I shouted for Joy I was so happy that’s awesome and then yeah and then with theine once we signed monk I was like there’s no reason we should pay our third best player the most amount of money that’s all I gotta say on no doubt thank you guys thanks son appreciate it biggie I guess hey if you want to call if you want to call the show by the way it’s just going to ring until we’re able to get to you so have some p 91699 1320 91699 1320 if you want to join the show um real quick Chester in the um Chester Jackson in the chat throws who’s the guy who’s not available we think is the perfect fit for the kings that guy would be Michel Bridges he’s not available I don’t think not available yeah I don’t think Micha bridg is available but like so like any player in the NBA I yes like that’s the first thing that I came up to me because I feel like Michael Bridges has come up so much as far as like kings fans talking and stuff like that like if they could get that guy that’d be the one but like I don’t think Jason Tatum well that’s fair maybe jannis with the go with the B uh yeah of the players who could like realistically like conceivably come available where hey the Nets decide to pull the plug on whatever it is they’re doing yeah I think I think Michael Bridges is is the guy that’s the one like even over kman Ingram like he’d be yeah because he’s a he’s a he’s a overqualified like third option at that point maybe maybe even yeah probably third option at that point yeah um I’m not sure what Brooklyn’s doing those guys are dysfunctional Brooklyn’s weird there’s a lot there are so many teams this year where I just have no I have no feel for what they’re trying to do yeah like what is Brooklyn doing what are the Cavs doing Cavs are at a bit of a cross what are the Hawks doing I have no idea what are the Spurs doing we’ll talk about this in a bit I got a bunch of teams that I’m looking at this year in this offseason just don’t know I got nothing we’re going to figure it out yeah we better 91699 1320 Don you’re on the Insiders with Jesse and Kyle what’s up hey this is uh Fred I’m zabo’s Uncle zabo’s whole family calling him that’s tight what’s up Fred so I have a question little under the weather sorry um okay have a question so if they have to draft somebody if the Kings like are at the point where they’re still not in a deal mode do you think they need to go to do you think that they need to go big or do you think that they still need to look at like maybe a small forward or get a little bit more size for now perfect thanks BR appreciate the call um no I think if the if the kings are drafting a player it has to be that player that we’re talking about the a wing yeah size I don’t necessarily want to say defensive minded but plays defense plays defense but also like shoot the ball too yeah that’s the biggest thing for me if if you’re drafting a player you’re hoping it’s it’s what you said earlier you’re hoping that that player can give you like 12 minutes a night and be playable in the playoffs and like that’s yeah because I only you can draft a guy who’s like oh he’s great on defense but his offense is just not there right now like we can’t do that right now yeah but also at the same time you can’t draft a guy who’s a Turn Style because that guy is’s not gonna play yeah and and I know that this is this is not like I agree with Kenny you can’t ignore offense you can’t say hey dearen Fox and Deus sabonis have got this let’s put three dudes out there who were just non like it can’t be that you have to put the ball in the hoop that’s the point of the game we can talk about all the different aspects in there is there passing and rebounding and defense and all that but the point of the sport is to put the ball in the hoop yeah yeah I feel like it’s easier to work around a guy right in the league right now to who can’t play defense but can put the ball in the hoop rather than a guy who’s just matis stable yeah it’s so much of defense is just trying like does this guy try on defense yes or no and that’s and that’s that that kind of it yeah um but I think you can’t be a Turn Style but you you have to be able to to shoot it a little yeah and the problem is is while I agree with Kenny that yeah you need guys who who can who can put the ball in the hoop I don’t think Mike Brown is gonna play somebody who’s not going to be a factor defensively well that’s the thing too like point out Kevin herder we always do like he was already looking at Kevin her before the season even started yeah yeah and that’s that was all defensive base herder had a struggles shooting it this year but I don’t think there’s anybody in the league who’s worried about whether Kevin herder can shoot or not yeah it’s all defensive based and that’s that would be my so I think if they’re drafting a player um I think you’re looking at a a big Wing who at least tries defensively and get knock down a three yeah I agree with that so but again I’m still of the Mind there yeah shout out family for calling into yeah this is great uh don you’re on the Insiders what’s up hey Don hello yes Don you’re on with Kyle and Jesse what’s up oh I I didn’t get to D this is Stephen what’s up y’all oh hey sorry Stephen our call screener stinks what uh what do you got hey so um I’m kind of in agreement with I think the consensus is what it sound like to me that kma probably is our best option the way I feel like it’s going is that we’re at a big disadvantage from the sense that we have the 13th pick which has to be a part of the deal and we can’t make the trade until after we select a player they give somebody another team uh in the in the top 12 an opportunity to just you know basically Leap Frog us and do that and that’s kind of what has felt like has happened to the kings in a lot of scenarios where you always hear us in the rumor mill but we’re always they’re taking somebody else’s offer so what do you guys think about a scenario where we offer two first round picks and we get back Washington’s I think either 21st or 26th pick in the draft as well uh to kind of sweeten our deal to the point where we’re not we can actually land kman because I I think it’s it’s almost so obvious that it makes me doubt it’s gonna happen you know kma’s fit contract and everything else that he would really help the squad and give us that scoring punch and like you know kind of size length that we need at the position sure thanks Stephen appreciate the call um I get I get Stephen’s point about like seems like like a hey they could trade but like I’m looking at the draft order right now like Houston’s not trading for Cruz San Antonio Detroit Charlotte Portland San Antonio again Memphis is like the first team that maybe they got the ninth pick I don’t think I don’t think that’s what they’re doing I don’t think you’re tra the ninth pick for Kyle kumma you got Utah after that Chicago and Oklahoma City then you get to the Kings like are any of those teams like really in on Kyle kma you think like maybe maybe Oklahoma City needs another Center like they need another big Chicago’s not going to do that maybe Utah but Chicago might that’s true yeah Chicago doesn’t know what they’re doing so they might but I I don’t and and that’s the thing is is Chicago’s another team and we talk about I don’t know what their plan is are they looking at Kobe white and Zack LaVine and going yeah hey Kyle kzo would be a great fit with this Duo you’re saying out loud they might yeah right is that does is is Memphis going hey if if jaw is you know gonna have a setback with his shoulder maybe he’s not fully healthy right away can Kyle can Kyle kozma carry that offensive load until until jaw is fully healthy um Desmond ban has had some back stuff yeah this is good insurance I could I could see that for sure um but also this is the problem with the Kings missing the playoffs this year is they don’t they’re they don’t have the ability to just trade their pick the pi are tied up so the every everything they would do would have to have like dis asterisk where yeah hey it may not convey this year but the year after that it could become so I don’t know I don’t they going on stev call yeah I don’t think you should be too worried about it no I think the the ks will be fine I think the Kings have enough enough assets that if they have identified Kyle kumma as the guy yeah I also say I think the deal breaker like I wouldn’t give up two first round picks for kosma no I don’t think I I feel like that’d be a little too much that’d be overpaying I think I don’t think you’re going to need to do that for him and this is this is uh a little bit on the fly so I don’t have rosters in front of me but I also don’t know if the Kings can send over a pick in expiring contracts for kozma I don’t know what the Grizzlies and bulls have in the way of that that would that would make it enticing for for Washington yeah because Washington at some point you have to like pull the plug and say hey this isn’t Kyma is no longer on our timeline Kyle kma is 28 yeah maybe Jordan P can be on your timeline still because you’re paying him and he’s on the team and people probably don’t want his contract right now so maybe you could talk yourself into that but I I feel like you you have to move Kyle kozma for for something and if you can do that for a first round pick this year with expiring contracts that’s easy I feel like I would I I Washington you have to not you have to but you’re probably gonna punt the next couple years yeah did you see did you say they brought in Troy Weaver yeah Detroit’s former GM tyon winners I don’t know what this is why these same teams at the bottom right there are always stuck in that little cyclop it’s Detroit it’s like the Wizards and all this is why you guys don’t do anything like Detroit just fired their coach a week out from the draft insane I don’t understand it I don’t understand what they’re doing

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