@Los Angeles Clippers

Paul George Free Agency: Clippers, Sixers, Knicks & More

Paul George Free Agency: Clippers, Sixers, Knicks & More

we’re talking about this is the summer of Paul George so let’s focus in a little bit more on Paul George and the Paul George sweep Stakes here because the nine time Allstar has until Friday to decide if he’s going to opt in or opt out to test the unrestricted free agent Market the PG averaged 23 points five rebounds four assists in 74 games last season for the Clippers and the 34-year-old has only hit free agency once throughout his entire career so we’re now going to welcome in our Clippers reporter om young Muk so om hopefully we’re getting him in here in just a couple of minutes we’re having a couple of issues communicating with our audio department now so I’m just going to talk to you a little bit about this so here he is there oh thank you so much for joining us here on NBA today where do talks currently stand between the Clippers and Paul George as the clock keeps ticking down toward the optin deadline Malika I thought it was quite telling that at last time that reporters talked to Lawrence Frank at the end of the Clippers postseason run Lawrence Frank referred to Paul George and James Harden as they’re going to be free agents which told me that it was very likely the team was not going to be able to come to an an extension agreement with Paul George now as you know Malika Paul George is one of the nicest guys in the NBA but let me tell you something after they came to an agreement the team with kawh Leonard on that three-year $150 million extension Paul George said he was very optimistic that he too would be joining Kawai and getting an extension done but as talks began to pretty much I think break down and disintegrate because Paul George was not getting what he wanted to hear or what he wanted you started to see Paul George become more irritable every time he was asked about his contract status and before the playoffs started he was asked where did they stand he would not even answer the question let me tell you this though Malika one thing Paul George has to factor in and I do think he really loves this about playing in Los Angeles is that he’s close to his family his parents come to every game his mom is in the wheelchair but she’s able to see him courtside he’s not going to get that if he goes somewhere else that is something that he really has to factor in and one other thing Malika all with the Domino Paul George one guy who’s waiting to see what happens is James Harden because he wants to see if Paul George remains how many years Paul George gets because he wants to align himself along with Kawhi Leonard and Paul George Well if the Clippers and George don’t come to an agreement we know that there will be plenty of suitors right Malika and I may or may not have witnessed the start of it based off of what we’ve seen especially Malik when you think about the situation with Paul George and so when I am looking at this outcome clearly it’s going to be fascinating because again I said before he is an exactor he is someone who has options and I do think the patience has worked in some ways because now I know that they were lining up when you were the Clippers the opportunity to make this come to fruition but the fact that he’s been patient I think this will serve him because if you think about the Clippers lineup he probably was one of the most consistent out there overall and he was someone that really just his game is very complimentary so not only is he attractive to the city that he’s currently in he’s also very attractive to every other destination so to me that is a major winwin overall and I think you know now that we’re thinking about the Clipper side of things and Paul George should we think about another side right and so we need to think about who potentially could be interested could be Suter here for Paul George so I want to bring in our reporter Tim bontemps into the conversation who covers all things Philadelphia Tim do you believe that the Sixers are positioned to go all in on Paul George Well Malik the Sixers have been positioned to go all in on this free agency cycle going back to last summer when they did not extend Tyrese Maxi who they believe in and they’re going to give a Max contract this summer in order to have as much salary cap space as possible and om just talked about James Harden when the Sixers traded James Harden last fall ultimately to the LA Clippers they did so getting back draft picks and expiring contracts because they wanted to make sure they would have Max salary cap space this summer to go after whoever they can get on the market and obviously as you guys have laid out Paul George is quite clearly the number one player available this summer and if you compare him on the wing with Tyrese Maxi at the point with Joel embiid at Center you’d have a guard a wing and a big it’s exactly what you’re looking for in the league it’d be a definitional big three to have Daryl Mory the president of basketball operations for the Sixers has long been someone as we all know that has chased stars in every way possible possible and certainly the Sixers are as well positioned as anybody to strike and get James get Paul George in free agency assuming he does opt out of his contract and get to free agency on June 30th because you know we all saw when Joel and be join our NBA Countdown set during the NBA Finals Paul George was also on the set that little side eye that that he gave so I don’t know if that’s where things maybe started there but Tim another team that has been in the East that was kind of knocking on the door the one who sent the Sixers home packing the New York Knicks New York has plenty of trade chips to sort of push if they want to how aggressive can they be in going after a guy like Paul George well this is the other side of things bik because we just talked about if Paul George opts out right that he could go to the Sixers as a free agent They have Max cap space they could just sign him if Paul George opts into his contract this week like James Harden did last June then all of a sudden I think you start to look at trade scenarios and that’s where the New York Knicks come in the Knicks as you laid out have a ton of draft Capital that they can trade they’ve got a bunch of movable contracts that they could trade and the Knicks have been waiting for years now to strike on a big time player in trade to bring to New York now after making it to the second round at back toback years for the first time in almost a quarter Century they’ve got Jaylen Brunson they’ve got Tom Tibido they have this team that is really on the asceny in the Eastern Conference it’s obviously the talk of New York City and if you drop a star player say Paul George say somebody else that comes available onto this team you might be talking about a team that could really go go to- totoe with Boston at top the East we’ll see what the Knicks do over the next couple of weeks here what they ultimately decide but this is a team that could have traded for Donovan Mitchell a couple years ago and didn’t want to overpay because they wanted to make sure they were ready to get the right guy down the road we’ll see if that happens over the next few weeks Tim thank you so very much for that information Los Angeles New York Philadelphia there are plenty of ways that the Paul George Extravaganza can play out I want to bring in Tim legler into the conversation because Tim is the team that gives Paul George the best chance at winning a championship is it the Clippers or is it somewhere else yeah look I think it is probably Philadelphia because you’re talking about maybe the most dominant offensive individual scoring force in the league in Joel embiid another legitimate star in tyres Maxi who’s about to get his max deal himself Paul George certainly represents a major upgrade for the Philadelphia 76ers at that spot now that Tobias Harris is finally off the books but here’s the thing if you’re Paul George you got to ask yourself a couple of questions in that situation one are you going to be left caring carrying an unfair burden at the end of the season if Joel embiid is once again hobbled in the playoffs and if that’s the case you now become a guy that’s looked at as the Savior to bail them out if you get to the postseason in a very difficult town to do that in there’s an immense amount of pressure when you play in the playoffs in Philadelphia media scrutiny fan scrutiny you name it that that city is desperate for an NBA title uh and so many different things have gone wrong wrong for them in the Joel beat errow once they get to the postseason Paul George would be the guy that everyone would look at as getting them through that hurdle closing the Gap with the Boston Celtics and with Joel embiid’s health history you don’t know what that’s going to look like at the end of the year and then how does that experience play out for Paul George I think there’s a lot of things to consider there for him I do have to wonder chenet being teammates with James Harden who was on the Philadelphia 76ers if he has said anything to PG about what his experience was like there if that swayed one way another to me I think it’s more about what PG brings to the table and I’m looking at these three teams the Clippers the Knicks and the Sixers and I look at it as a puzzle and he is a piece that can fit probably best per se when it comes to Philly in my opinion they they need someone else that can carry a load that is excellent off ball his skill set is very different than tyres Maxi and Joel embiid you feel like that three Dynamic all over the court would bring something that they have been waiting for versus the Knicks do you really need another off ball Creator when you have a heavy ball all dominant guy in Jaylen Brenson and then you’ve just seen like we picked the Clippers at the start of the year yeah and it feels like you know we were let down in some ways sometimes that repeat gets old and so I do see Philly as a place that maybe it’s a fresh start he can be his best self and he can win and I think what’s concerning if you’re the Los Angeles Clippers is you look at Paul George and kawh Leonard and they played the most games they have played in a Clippers uniform they were healthy for most of the season they were able to be out there and still when it came down to it Kawhi Leonard he missed several games in the first first round and they ultimately were sent home by Luca donic in that first round that’s not what they want but they’re also looking at opening this huge big expensive Arena coming here and want stars and a good team where fans are going to want to come out and see that so they have a decision to make too on how much they want he’s sitting Co on his couch right now exactly [Music] [Applause] [Music] here Paul George this Paul George that free agency is set to begin soon we got the draft in a couple days but the main fish is Paul George as of right now right you have James Harden you have Demar de rozen dearen Fox not opting into his extension not signing it and uh yeah a lot of uh big pieces here in there Thompson might be on the move to Orlando we don’t know 100% Jimmy Butler what is Miami going to do with him all these in a future video but the main deal here is the main piece is Paul George now the Clippers they could have signed him to an extension like they did with kawhai Leonard and you know you think that Clippers would have done that by now you think they would have actually signed him by now cuz you’re going to sign you signed a guy by the name of qu Leonard who always injury-prone and you sign him to a massive long-term EXT not not long-term but an extension and Pa Paul George he’s much more you know available to the Clippers organization and you don’t sign him right so that has to say something Clippers don’t believe that Paul George is worth that money because if they did they would have signed him by now they didn’t so now you have people knocking at his door you got the Knicks we’ll talk about in a second the Warriors we’ll talk about a second and the Sixers the main three pieces those guys uh fourth runner up would be Orlando Magic cuz they got the space they got the room they could just flat out sign them to a big lucrative deal now Warriors let’s talk about the Warriors Warriors they want to make a big splash right rumor has it they they are contacting everybody KD Lori marinan Jimmy Butler and of course Paul Paul George signning trade is most likely the case I don’t know if they’re going to do that with um uh the Clippers organization cuz they’re in the same field right or same conference so you know the most likely here is if Paul George opts into his contract that means a trade is coming so will he opt in to the Clippers organization and force a deal out there to be to be you know existed so my thing is this if you’re wanting to maximize your potential to win a Championship right why would you opt in and get a trade done and get all those pieces the main assets for that Future Organization coming back to the organization that you just left so in this case if Paul George wanted to trade to the to the Warriors right he opts in and the the Warriors send I don’t know kaminga Moses Moody uh couple other pieces Klay Thompson’s contract or if he opts in I don’t know you know um do you send that to the Clippers organization I don’t know right I don’t get that piece if I want to win I want to actually maximize those chances right like let’s talk about uh the Sixers organization Sixers they have Tobias Harris now Tobi Harris is on the rumor that if Paul George opts in and requests a trade to the Sixers organization Sixers would send Tobias Harris back now that kind of boggles my mind because you know Tobias Harris is is is a good player but he’s nowhere near Paul George right then you got to send pieces back to the Clippers organization they have the room to do so but what boggles my mind is how this rumor is legit because people talk right James Harden who hates darl M who hates darl mury must have obviously said something about darl mury to Paul George and Paul George is on the record saying players talk so does he really want to trade to the Sixers is that going to happen I highly doubt it let’s talk about the New York Knicks New York Knicks is the best fit I think for the Paul George sweep Stakes because Paul George is a dynamic two-way player I know he’s obviously aged here and there kind of thing but he can still you know make stuff happen and if you go to the Knicks who do the Knicks send back in return right because Paul George he wants his money he wants to get paid and if the the Knicks actually grab Paul George without ass signing trade and they just flat out sign him they’re obviously going to be over the cap and will James Dolan actually cough up the money for that if it’s a straightup signing I doubt it right cuz they got so many CBA restrictions now it’s incredible you want to sign OG and anobi to a deal as well so you know there’s a lot of pieces out there OG an anobi is the missing piece obviously what you saw in the Nick’s uh playoff run he was very vital unfortunately he got injured with his hamstring we all saw what happen with that but OG an anobi I would prioritize as one of the features for the Knicks if you want the Paul George thing to get done you also do Paul George as well you got the money you got the draft assets so maybe if you want send you know um picks here and there I have a feeling that Julius Randall could be on the Move Julius Randall could be on the move to the LA l or LA Clippers we don’t know there’s a lot of stuff in play but the people the teams that can outright sign Paul George without sending any of their draft Capital back or any of their pieces you have the San Antonio Spurs the Utah Jazz and I don’t know I think it’s like the Washington Wizards or something all those and Orlando Magic all those teams Paul Jorge does not want to be a part of if he wants the money go there if you want the money go to those four places but if you want to win you go to a contender and the most talked about contenders right now as of right now or Paul George I me the Warriors the Knicks the Sixers possibly the Orlando Magic cuz they did play well in the first round of the series in uh again I think it was against the Cavs they did fairly well imagine with them with Paul George and actually imagine them with Klay Thompson as well if they can get those two pieces done that’d be incredible but at the end of the day these are just rumors and expect more Paul George news to come out in the next 48 hours this is very very hot rumor we don’t know what’s going to happen we don’t know people are saying that he could return to the clippers but if he was going to become a Clipper it would have happened by now so leave leave a comment in the comment section tell me what you guys think where will Jo Paul George end up in free agency leave a comment in the comment section as always Jag from jagy Sports

Paul George Free Agency: Clippers, Sixers, Knicks & More
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Credit – NBA Today

Welcome to Jaggy Sports! In today’s video, we’re diving deep into one of the hottest topics of the NBA offseason: Where will Paul George go in free agency? 🏀🤔

Paul George, one of the league’s premier talents, is entering free agency, and the speculation is at an all-time high. From trade rumors to potential team changes, every basketball fan is on the edge of their seat waiting to see where PG13 will land next. Will he stay with the Los Angeles Clippers, or will he find a new home to pursue his championship dreams? Join us as we analyze all the possible destinations, the factors influencing his decision, and the impact his move will have on the NBA landscape.

1. **Paul George Free Agency**: We’ll break down the current situation and what makes Paul George one of the most sought-after free agents this offseason.
2. **Paul George Trade Rumors**: From whispers to serious discussions, we’ll cover all the latest trade rumors surrounding Paul George.
3. **NBA Free Agency News**: Stay updated with all the latest news and developments in the NBA free agency period.
4. **NBA Offseason Trades**: Explore the significant trades and player movements that could influence Paul George’s decision.
5. **Paul George Team Options**: Analyze the teams with the best chance of signing Paul George and what they have to offer.
6. **NBA Player Movements**: A look at the broader picture of player movements in the NBA and how they affect team dynamics.
7. **NBA 2024 Free Agents**: Insight into other key free agents in 2024 and how they might impact the market.
8. **Where Will Paul George Go?**: Predicting the most likely destinations for Paul George.
9. **Paul George New Team**: Potential new teams for Paul George and what he would bring to each roster.
10. **NBA Player Trades**: How potential trades could shape the future of the league.
11. **Paul George Signing Rumors**: The latest buzz around where Paul George might sign.
12. **NBA Offseason Buzz**: The excitement and speculation that define the NBA offseason.
13. **NBA Team Changes**: How teams are retooling their rosters in anticipation of the new season.
14. **Paul George Future**: What lies ahead for Paul George in his career.
15. **NBA Player Decisions**: Critical decisions that will shape the upcoming NBA season.
16. **Paul George Next Team**: A deep dive into the teams vying for Paul George’s talents.
17. **NBA Trade Speculations**: Speculating on potential trades and their impact.
18. **Free Agency Predictions**: Making predictions about the outcomes of this year’s free agency.
19. **NBA Roster Changes**: How rosters are evolving during the offseason.

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