@Golden State Warriors

END OF AN ERA!😦 Ramona Shelburne CONFIRM Klay Thompson LEAVES Warriors | Golden State Warriors News

END OF AN ERA!😦 Ramona Shelburne CONFIRM Klay Thompson LEAVES Warriors | Golden State Warriors News

the question is about Klay Thompson he had another down year at least for his standards right with his third lowest scoring average second worst three-point shooting of his career you can see the numbers here but we are talking about a group that won four championships together so Ramona what should the Warriors do with Clay I I think they will try to hold him or they will make an attempt to hold him but I don’t know that they will and they they will try to hold him in the sense that he’s part of an institution he’s part of the the Splash Brothers I think they will make an offer at some point right now those negotiations are not exactly popping okay they’re sort of Frozen because the Warriors are being very aggressive from what I’m told around the league and trying to upgrade the roster around Steph Curry around Draymond Green you know Jonathan kaminga is virtually untouchable right now but if name a free agent out there name a trade Target The Warriors have inquired they’re being very aggressive trying to build another championship Contender cuz if you’re going to spend as much money as they’re spending you better have you better not end up in the playin tourn you said this they’re going to be the most expensive they were the most expensive playing tourn playing tournament team we’d ever seen and that’s not exactly no that is not acceptable and so I think they’re they will come back to Klay Thompson at some point but they have five other things going on right now and whether or not they come back to him before he finds another home it remains to be seen what do you think Tim look I think hold him on this one this is a tough one I think a lot of this has has to do with what Klay Thompson wants because I think to Ramona’s Point some some players because of their lifetime contributions to an organization right and what they have done they’ve earned status to the point where you know what you’re you’re going to go ahead and you’re going to try to keep them inhouse but if Klay Thompson feels like he has an opportunity to go somewhere and be a missing piece on a team that hasn’t been able to get over the hump and contend that’s going to be a better opportunity to win than what he’s going to get in Golden state if they run this thing back I don’t think as currently constructed just running it back is going to give the Golden State Warriors a chance to contend in the remainder of the Steph Curry era if that’s what they do if they want to jettison off parts and try to get somebody else that’s Marquee to play next to Steph and make a run at it with the level he’s at that’s possible but I think it’s really up to Clay Thompson here and I think that’s where the organization have to have great lines of communication with him right so if and it’s a big if this is the end of the road they will go down as one of the best trios of all time one of the best trios ever winning four championships together as a group however this organization’s goal has to be singular and that singular goal is maximizing the end of Steph Curry absolutely so how do they do that sh look I’ve been saying that is the priority and I’ve also said that this is the natural course of events big perk Ain on the show he wanted to break it up before it probably was necessary but these things are already happening I’m going to be honest I do think it’s the you try to sing it end of the road I think we’ve seen Klay Thompson’s hand already through social media I think it’s fold them see I was going road going I really I know right I I do think we’ve seen the hand in the sense that you know though it it does not it’s not an easy thing to remove memories and I do think that you’re seeing that process start and this was probably by Design to respect the process and he probably wants to respect himself he’s going to have the opportunity to look at a deal and if he feels like he can do more elsewhere he can go there but I do think we’ve started to see the signs whereas before we didn’t see them well also he was better on the bench last year sure and that’s not the role that he sees himself and and we look at this too with with Clay where there are other options for him he may not make as much money I he’s not going to make 43 million okay but there are other options and situation he’s got a lot left he’s still a very good shooter he can still play pretty good defense now is he an elite Defender like he used to be no but he’s still a very good Defender but what are the options for Golden State who makes sense look name a free agent name a trade Target they have made calls on them okay they are being very very aggressive okay like most of them Kevin Durant call on Kevin Durant Lori Markin call on Lori Markin Paul George call him PA Paul any name somebody out there they are being very aggressive now can they actually turn anybody can they actually bring any of those guys in I don’t know they tried to get Alex Caruso he ended up going he ended up going to Oklahoma City the only sexy uh notion is to our producer condis Lori marinin I think we just witnessed Chris steps for zingis impact that he had as a stretch big on a Celtics theme that up their upside I think Lori is going to be a fascinating look too for any team moving but do they even want to trade it yeah no they they’re looking they’re being aggressive calls that golden state is making and is going to be over the next several days something else that’s several days away you know hey could the Celtics be the next great Dynasty before we get to that let’s talk about the most recent one we’ve seen the Warriors potentially losing a Cornerstone franchise piece in Klay Tom son who’s looking for a new deal somewhere maybe still in the Bay Area take us into that situation there’s nothing tougher for a team Gary than walking the fine line between giving a franchise Superstar a proper for well and knowing when to let go negotiations between the Golden State Warriors and Klay Thompson have gone nowhere as of late Warriors do want to back at the right price but we’ve seen no progress yet Klay Thompson is 34 years old he hasn’t been the same since his last knee injury especially on the defensive side of the ball where I thought he’s one of the best perimeter Defenders on the NBA I understand weird side of things they want to avoid the second tax apron and they are facing a tough decision I also understand Clay’s side of it potential suitors for clay might be the Philadelphia 76ers with their ample cap space Also the Orlando Magic but our clay team exceeding what they think of their Market you know that’s a different question but as of now Gary I really think we might be heading to the end of an era in Golden State I wouldn’t assume that I think he’s negotiating so they tried to get a deal done so um they there was a couple other guys on their team that you know had won championships there who got new contracts Draymond Green and Andrew Wiggins where they lowered the amount of money they were making and then added a bunch of years on I think four years in both cases and sort of set the standard okay clay now is when you will take a pay cut and we add years on they triy to get something done before last season they couldn’t agree then clay went out and didn’t have a very good year um he had a good year by your average NBA player standards he averaged 18 points and shot 39% on three that type of production would probably get you 20 to $25 million if you were just saying I deliver that to you know teamx in the open market clay was making like over 40 million last year so they wanted to come down and wherever that number is that they wanted to come to and the years not just it’s not just the amount of money year it’s also the number of years he saw Draymond and and Andrew Wiggins get four I don’t know exactly where his negotiations are but if I were him I would ask for 42 so I don’t know if it’s the whatever the amount is or the years are but clearly even after a year of talking about it they’re not in a good place and this to me sounds like a negotiation um I find it hard to believe that clay would walk and go to a place like the Orlando Magic um but I guess it’s possible one other thing you know and again I’m not up to date on where these negotiations are but knowing clay a little bit I wonder if it’s not all about money obviously he wants to get paid something that he considers Scotty Pippen situation I I’ve been talking about this for a while Wendy I’ve been talking about this for a while when he was golfing terribly and he was getting it just chewed apart and he had his own Klay Thompson brand on and I was like I’ve never heard of that I don’t know how many people are buying that I hope people buy that though to support Klay Thompson I started inevitably thinking is Kay Thompson going to be bitter towards Steph Curry and this entire thing in the future like is history going to look back and be like Steph Curry is the reason why this entire thing and forget about Klay Thompson and then he unfollows him is there a chance that Klay Thompson is a little bit bitter about how this is all gone with the Golden State Warriors and Legacy because they’ve done a lot together for him just guys you guys have won a lot there’s a lot of things that have happened together for him to unfollow you let’s not get ahead of ourselves this could end up being still a happy story but I would say that remember last year like clay was getting benched at the end of games he lost his starting job at some point so part of this may be and I again I do not know exactly I’ve been covered the finals I do not know exactly the status of negotiations but part of this may be what’s the role going to be like you know I want to get starter money then I want to be a starter you know something like that so it’s definitely a signal to the rest of the world he knew exactly what he was doing that things are not going well and if I was interested in signing clay which there are teams definitely want to do that I would have seen that as a green light when June 30th gets here with that is when you’re allowed to start talking to them they can still come to terms between now and June 30th I will just say a few years ago this happened with Andre Iguodala they had won a couple of championships with Iguodala and he was a free agent and he wanted to get taken care of and basically wanted to be kind of overpaid and he took like a free agent tour and I remember Steve Kerr telling the story that when the Warriors actually went in to meet with him in this boardroom that Iguodala had left like nick-nacks and pamphlets and brochures from other teams like as hey just so you know this isn’t my first meeting and Iguodala did that acted like he was going to go to the the uh Rockets who were their Arch nemis at the time and at the end of the day he got resigned and he was sort of at the same stage of his career as Clay is so I agree it doesn’t look good but would also say don’t misjudge a negotiation for you know you know a statement of finale okay well I hope that’s the case because Splash Brothers were awesome to watch there for a while so fun and then obviously the whole conversation was Klay can’t hold up his end of the bar that’s seemingly what the media started saying while Steph continued to make shots and Clay seemingly didn’t now I think there was injuries that happened which is always a part of the entire Grand conversation but it’s like I hope Klay Thompson and we as a Sports World don’t forget that like hey CL you were a massive piece of that you’re you’re a massive piece of that whole thing and like the reason why the Golden State Warriors are such a nationally recognized brand at this particular time is because of something that you helped build over there the future they’re weird like let’s say clay isn’t there and then you talk about how great the West is Steph Curry’s still out there right Steph Curry’s one of the biggest stars in basketball still or yeah for sure he’s still a top I haven’t seen him play basketball a long time long that’s what the playoffs are interesting thing the interesting thing that they got going on is they’ve got Chris Paul Chris Paul has a non-guaranteed contract for 30 I think it’s $30 million he is no longer a $30 million player you would you would assume that if Chris Paul um you know if Klay was resigned that they would actually doesn’t doesn’t even really matter with Klay that they would sort of release him from his contracts because they don’t want to pay him $30 million but one option that they have is if clay were to make it seem like he was going to leave they could trade Chris Paul with a draft pick or two or a young player or two and that contract becomes like a piece that you use in a trade so that’s something that you know that they can sort of maneuver and say okay well clay if you want to walk we can always use this Chris Paul deal as a as a trade now I’m not saying that’s what they’re doing but the Warriors have maneuverability there you know it’s not just being left high and dry and they also have young players you know the guy they drafted last year Brandon psky was a very effective playing alongside uh step Moses Moody their top 10 pick a couple years ago just had his best SE season Jonathan kaminga just had a good year Big Year I if I had to to wager I would say that they figure something out with Clay although I admit right now it’s probably not in the best hello dub Nation we have an important update on Klay Thompson on the hoop collectives podcast which is the e PN insiders podcast with Brian Windor Tim bontom and Tim McMahon recently the Warriors offered clay a 2-year contract although exact numbers have not been released we know that the contract offered is for 2 years let’s analyze what was said on the podcast and discuss other moves in NBA free agency and how it affects the Warriors Warriors fans rumor and trade season is in full swing we’re a week away from the draft to two weeks away from free agency and summer league and the Olympics are right around the corner don’t miss anything subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications to stay up to date with everything that happens in the Warriors Universe let’s talk about Klay Thompson as I mentioned he was offered a 2-year contract before NBA free agency we know that this offer is $48 million that is24 million per year however before the start of the 202 24 calendar year clay rejected that offer wanting more than 24 million there are reports that he could fetch more than 30 million per year on the open market with possible offers coming from teams like Orlando Philadelphia and San Antonio who have salary cap space Dallas is also interested but would need to make some moves to create space Additionally the Lakers could be an interesting option as clay has roots in Los Angeles and his father played there Monty reports that clay wants a contract of at least 3 years he is eligible to resign with the Warriors before becoming an unrestricted free agent on June 30th due to a new League rule that allows teams to negotiate with their own free agents however it appears negotiations are facing some hurdles as clay has unfollowed the warriors on social media which could be a negotiating tactic Stephen Curry and Draymond Green Clay’s longtime teammates have long valuable contracts Steph has a 4-year contract and Draymond signed for 4 years with a total value of $100 million considered a discount for being a home player if clay sees himself at the same level of importance he could be seeking a similar contract perhaps three or 4 years for between 25 and 30 million per year however this could complicate the Warrior’s salary situation the team is already above the salary cap limit with 174 million committed close to the first level of sanction Gary Payton to opted for a 9 million contract which is part of that 10074 million Chris Paul’s 30 million contract is not guaranteed and is a team option Clay’s contract is also off the books for now one factor to consider is Kevin Looney’s contract whose value of 8 million becomes guaranteed on June 24th depending on when you’re watching this this situation may already be resolved only 3 million is guaranteed so if he is waved the Warriors could save 5 million helping to increase the offer for clay Looney has been a faithful Warrior but his role has diminished with the rise of Trace Jackson Davis additionally if Chris Paul is released before June 28th when his contract becomes guaranteed the Warriors could save $27 million giving them more flexibility to resign clay or make other moves Paul could be interested in other teams like San Antonio which needs a point guard or Philadelphia in the NBA the movements are intense Alex Caruso was tread to the Thunder while Josh giddy went to the Bulls the Thunder which already had one of the best perimeter defenses became even stronger Malik monk who would have been a great addition to the Warriors decided to stay with the Kings for 4 years and 78 million these movements show how heated the market is in short the Warriors offered clay a 2-year deal but he’s looking for something bigger with the current salary scenario and possible movements there is still a lot to be decided but what do you think do you think Klay Thompson is really done with golden state or is there a chance the front office will give him what he’s looking for remember they didn’t think he was worth a three-year contract before this season and before he performed poorly in crucial games it’s time for the Warriors to consider a risky move for years the Warriors played conservatively resigning their veteran Stars while using draft picks on young prospects that was the two timeline strategy Champion by Ona Jill lacab while it brought them victory in the 2022 NBA Finals it proved inadequate to sustain their Dynasty the upcoming offseason emerges as a critical moment for the Golden State Warriors ready to reshape the franchise’s trajectory will they commit to one last attempt at winning the championship or will they opt for a financial restructuring Mike dunlevy Jr and the front office face a series of daunting choices leaving fans eager to discover the team’s next moves expectations surrounding Golden State’s future intensify before you finish make sure to subscribe to the channel after all as we said before we are producing Warriors videos almost every day thanks for watching we’ll see you tomorrow on goldblooded news in conclusion the future looks uncertain for the Golden State Warriors with the possibility of losing and adding players to the team and the various trade options available the Warriors are well positioned to continue to be a force to be reckoned within the NBA stay tuned for more updates on the Warriors and remember to support by leaving your feedback in the comments section below don’t forget to like And subscribe to the channel turn on notifications to know when I will send new news thank you for following goldblooded news a hug and see you next time we’re gold blooded go dos

END OF AN ERA!😦 Ramona Shelburne CONFIRM Klay Thompson LEAVES Warriors | Golden State Warriors News #goldenstatewarriors #goldenstatewarriorsnews #goldenstatewarriorsnewstoday

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  1. GSW should keep Klay…he’s now in great health and will performs his best again for another championship run…he’s a Warrior

  2. Klank Thompson shudda left after the '22-'23 season & been offered & taken a face-saving front office job with the Warriors franchise…: 'VP of Community Relations', or 'VP of Charitable Givings', or some other kind of PR position. Or sailed off on his boat into the sunset somewhere. "You can't win championships on sentimentality

  3. GSW in panic mode now. They should have been prepared for this instead of relying on old knees to win a champions. Warriors bck in rebuild for the next 25 years. The run is over

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