@San Antonio Spurs

Talking San Antonio Spurs on NBA Draft 2024 Eve

Talking San Antonio Spurs on NBA Draft 2024 Eve

hey it’s NBA draft Eve let’s talk about the Spurs the day before the big day you are locked on Spurs your daily San Antonio Spurs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey welcome back to lock on locked on NBA network I’m your host Jeff Garcia Spurs beat rider for Ken 5 San Antonio glad to have you back thanks for making lock on Spurs your first listen every single day subscribe at YouTube pick us up on iTunes Spotify you know where to find us do that right now today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as the sports season continues the sports uh continue as well on over at FanDuel FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a bonus or a boost daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer you want to visit lockon to get started what are we talking about today well you can see in your screen right now uh we’re going to be discussing the Spurs on Draft Day Eve some final comments some rumors the latest and greatest regarding your silver and black in the draft getting some lock on Spurs fan comments as well but first uh I’m going to show you a video that me and Casey Vieira did for kins 5 TV where we also talk about the draft uh he asked me who I’m picking with number four and eight and then we kind of just you know have a quick uh chat about tomorrow night’s big day so that is coming up next and uh just want to share that with you before bringing our guest James pler yes ler will be joining me in just a few minutes and discussing the Spurs on draft day e so without further Ado check out this chat that me and Casey did over at Ken 5 TV remember where you were that went down where were you I was in Michigan okay Mich yeah yeah uh Jeff Garcia might recognize his work on got us all taken care of on the Spurs front so of course that’s what we’re going to talk about I’m going to talk about the NBA draft just a couple days away Wednesday Brooklyn New York and nobody knows what’s going on no not a soul no and that’s part kind of the fun thing about it because everyone says it’s a mediocre draft Yeah but the unpredictability is actually pretty good so that said let’s start front and center number one whether the Spurs will have it trade up or it will be Atlanta right now who’s going number one I’m going to go with kingan okay I think kingan will go number one yeah I think he fits Atlanta better and uh personally I like that a little bit of shakeup why because I think the Spurs are sitting at a good position no matter what happens with picks one through three if they don’t trade up right um I think the Spurs will get a quality contributor whether it be a guard or a big or a swing guy I think the Spurs would be fine so I always ask this Casey what in this Draft when does the draft begin like I know everybody says number one but seriously when does it begin when does it really really begin it’s like now it begins yeah yeah but uh no but I think I think um I think c will go number one but I’m really interested to see what Houston does CU that could really see what very much so very much so and kind of piggybacking off that point you hit on a little bit of spur Spurs of course have picks number four picks number eight going in this thinging a lot of chatter of whether or not they will move up to that number one spot but we’ll operate under the assump under this assumption for the sake of the conversation Spurs stay at four Spurs stay at eight in your mind who comes to San Antonio I got Castle I think he addresses exactly what the Spurs need a point guard that can that a big point guard you know just look at the spur history from trying a big point guard last year soan didn’t work out then going with Malachi didn’t work out and then look at their draft history Josh Primo beig guard going to work out I think the Spurs will go with the castle and at eight that’s a good one that’s when talk about when it starts that’s when it really the Spurs yeah if I’m the Spurs I I I think I would trade it I would trade it you know who who’s open for business you know let’s let’s let’s see what we can do here bring in a quality uh veteran you know I think that will work but at eight yeah yeah I on my big board if Dalton can is there I want D to connect okay mhm it’s noted the man said it yeah make it happen written down right there and then all right so NBA draft Brooklyn New York Wednesday Ken’s 5 will be in attendance our Nate Ryan and what’ll be a very fluid fun evening and listen obviously last year number one was a lot of fun but we knew he was coming here from the second that ping pong ball drop absolutely not the case so if you’re looking for good TV Wednesday night is the place to be Jeff Garcia locked on first check out the podcast always keeping us held down online thanks for hanging out with us anytime hey but first I want to talk about FanDuel I love sports I love them so much that I never want them to stop but as a sports season continues uh those 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Sunday so we’re not take up too much time and let him go back on his day here so James first of all happy happy NBA Draft Day Eve and I got to tell you the rumors are flying the latest one is from Draft Express supposedly the Spurs have interviewed and have expressed interest in a big man yes not a guard that they need not a not not a Swingman but Donovan kinging out of Yukon now the report from Draft Express did continue to say like no that this is not an attempt to pair WBY with kingan it’s more of an attempt to let other teams know if you want number four and kinging is there let’s talk turkey let’s talk some business what are your thoughts on that I mean that’s what it should be um unless you think kingan’s the best player in this draft then take cing like I’ve told you a million times in the NBA draft you you take the guy whoever you think that guy is go get that guy don’t get cute because there are so few of them in the NBA draft Yeah and we’re talking about a weak draft in general if there’s one of those guys you don’t get too cute with it um I I think it’s smart business for them to like hey yeah klan’s great he does well maybe we like him maybe we don’t uh if you like them make it pitch to get up here yeah uh pler that would imply obviously them trading away the number four pick what would you think would be ideal for some sort of package if the Spurs do want to trade number four would it be to trade down would it trade out how would you like to dispers to handle that number four pick I mean it would be trading down but also you’d be acquiring future assets because okay you’re moving up into a premium draft position into the top four um I know it’s not the strongest of drafts but the the value of the pick is what the value of the pick is depending on what the team has valued of the player they’re going up to get so I mean it would more than likely unless somebody’s moving up from five to four yeah you would be getting a future first for that yeah absolutely yeah and you know look don’t get me wrong a 7 fo4 and a 7 foot2 I mean that’d be just incredible if the Spurs were to do that but you know some mock drafts do have kingan being around that four area you know when the Spurs are on Deck uh so yeah you’re right don’t be cute about it if kingan is the best available guy you get him and then let the chips fall where they may uh what have we heard over and over again Rish and SAR and uh Shephard those are the top three picks right so I mean if that’s the case that does mean that kingan is there now the problem is if you think if you have any whatsoever thought that Stefon Castle is that dude yeah don’t mess around I unless you’re moving back that one spot like I said so someone can get clinging like you take Castle don’t mess around with it don’t get cute with it don’t overthink it if you have any inclination and this is where you know you GMS can kind of outthink themselves trying to get cute too cute with the situation acquire extra assets and still get your guy and then you lose your guy getting cute with it so whatever you do make sure if you there’s a guy that you love in this draft make sure you don’t miss your guy yeah you know this is not the only rumor to pop up ahead of draft day which is tomorrow Mark Stein again pleaser if this is a case where there could be smoked there’s fire Mark Stein reported recently that yes the whole spur is trying to get to number one spot packaging 4 and8 it’s still out there it has not cooled off that keeps popping up would you be surprised if the Spurs do make a deal for the number one spot yes and no a lot of it depends on the cost to go up to one I do not want to go up to from 4 to one if it means giving Atlanta any of their unprotected pick back don’t care to do it right those are going to be too valuable with what we know that Atlanta is possibly about to become right with them trading away possibly both Murray and young Tre young yeah so there’s no a there is no need to give away any of those picks if that is the case I I look at the situation where because are gonna be extremely valuable right right in this situation though for me when I see them trying to make it a well if the reports are true they’re trying to get to number one who’s their guy and I I think they know we all know it’ probably be Zachary ret we get that but pleaser he Zachary Rish is not a point guard the Spurs need he’s not a big that can extend the floor like the Spurs need but why him he knows that they’re targeting him he knows they’re scouting him it’s not a secret you know this is a guy that doesn’t fit any role any needs that the Spurs need right now and the crazy thing about Zachary ret is like the incredible jump he’s made up the draft board because it’s a guy that averaged what nine points and then agressive playoff run and he’s kind of skyrocketed up draft boards because of that nice playoff run he had so part of me is like you know sample size like I understand you know the potential cealing Factor there but that doesn’t sound like a guy that’s going to come in and give you any kind of immediate help the only thing it potentially does potentially does it say shates wimy that’s one of wimy guys right yeah it is yeah yeah it is definitely one of wimy guys I talked to Zachary re recently and he told me that you know they’re boys that they know each other you know they came up together out in France so there’s that but the thing about it too is you look at with the Spurs and and you know all eyes are looking at if well I mean let’s put it this way pleas I’ll give you an example the this these mock drafts are all over the place that in our locked on NBA Mock Rish fell a four and I grabbed him you know so and then kingan went number one so and and that’s that’s just one sample you look at any other why my other thing like I I I know you’ve seen the the mock as well as I have right the Spurs are willing to move up to one to get ret but if the Hawks stand Pat at one they’ll take Reet that makes no sense to me how so like does that does that add up in your book so the Spurs moving up to get I mean the draft Yeah that’s what I’m saying like that’s the part of moving up to one that doesn’t make sense is I’ve heard through you know the underground sources and everything that the sper moving up and their target would be Z right yep I’m correct in that correct I’ve also heard that the Hawks if they stay at one would take Rish that doesn’t make sense to me well that just tells you just how freaking all over the map these reports and mock drafts are I mean nothing makes sense you know I was thinking about this recently and I’ve know I’ve asked you this before on your show Extra Innings you know when does the NBA draft start you know they always say there are ones that go there you know one two we know who they’re going to go in my opinion I had time to think about this I think the draft maybe starts at three after Houston because Houston could be their wild card in all this if if Houston picks oh yeah kingan Clingan for the Spurs that’s Reed Shepard possibly on the board do you take Reed over Stefan yeah which they yeah they definitely could and Reed adds value to the Spurs there’s no doubt about it because what if we said the Spurs need they need to surround wimy with Shooters Reed Shepard is a shooter like he is one of the best Shooters in this draft him and probably uh Dalton connect are the two best pure Shooters in this draft so it it tracks but I still think the Draft starts at one because we don’t have any clue What’s happen there either re could go one to Atlanta and change the fortunes of the next three picks yep yeah I mean everything yeah this ISE just the sheer uncertainty that we have in this draft boggles my mind no it it really is it’s all over the place you got the Spurs trying to get to number one then your point about ret being there at one regardless um that you got you know uh you know so many the rumors it’s a wild and what that’s what makes this draft kind of intriguing because yeah you know you know maybe this is the first time in a long time where the draft really starts at one that’s when it really starts like all intents and purposes one there’s no wimy there’s no Zion there’s no LeBron there’s no Pao banero it’s we don’t know we don’t know we don’t and look the only draft I can even equate to this would be the what was it um Anthony black was when he went number one to Cleveland OH Anthony Bennett no Anthony Bennett that’s the that’s the closest thing I can think of in terms of a down draft or what but even then we all knew they were toing taking Anthony Bennett at one by the time the draft rolled around like that wasn’t a shock at this point there isn’t a pick I think outside of like Reed Shepard going number one that would really shock me I I could see SAR going one I could see rishe going one I could see kingan going one I could even understand Castle going on like all of those feel like that could happen and I wouldn’t be shocked by any of those prospects going number one overall all and the fact that we haven’t narrowed it down to at least one or two and it’s still kind of wide open just boggles my mind it it tells me either a this draft really is that bad and nobody has any clue what they want or B this is the best job GMS have ever done in terms of playing their cards close to their vest yeah absolutely he is James pler with San Antonio sports star follow my next at I am Pledger James before we switch gears and talk about the lockdown Spurs fan comments uh what is your final uh picks if the Spurs keep there at 4-8 who would you like to see the Spurs bring to San Antonio at 4-8 uh if they keep it I would love to see like to kill two birds one stone or with two stones I guess um because you see a lot of double ups with like castle and Dillingham four and eight I understand the thought process if you miss on one maybe you hit on the other it’s kind of two swings at the same tree um but if you feel good about a guy like Castle take castle and then you know hopefully a connect or a Matas Falls to you and you can add either that defensive Wing or sh for that connect with me yeah yeah you pretty much hit mine uh we did our our um locked on NBA draft recently and I told everybody like four was Risha Shay and then at eight I took connect I mean if that’s how the Spurs draft ends up I won’t be mad in real life if that happens I would not be mad at that he is James pler with San Antonio sports star follow on X at I am pler up next we got your comments we’re going to keep it the draft tone here what are y’all talking about on NBA draft Eve right here on lock on Spurs this is Emily swallow and you are listening to locked on Spurs with Jeff Garcia and we’re back by with James Pledger of San Antonio sports star he is on X at I am pler host of Extra Innings over at the star 94.1 he’ll talk about that in just a few minutes now during the break Pledger reminded me there were a couple other rumors that we need to to talk about and the first one is Garland now it’s not too too new we know there’s been reports about the Spurs looking at Garland but what’s the latest the the latest was the fact that they have shown interest they have called and placed calls but the fact that Cleveland is unwilling to move him at least at this time apparently is the latest that came out of that so all those Darius Garland dreams that we’ve had floating around you know which makes Castle even more important important to me in the draft in terms of this isn’t a if you can’t trade for a Garland or a point guard of that stature this isn’t a great free agency for a point guard either so why not drop your guy the that too and then also Garland you know the only thing that worries about me is not his fit but how what’s the assing that that worries because you know they’re going to try to pull one and they’re going to try to get one you know another rumor you brought up uh brought up was about your guy marinin what’s the latest with him the latest with Lorie marinin is the Jazz are making players like him and and Colin seon and Walker Kessler available as the D Draft Day approaches and there have been talks of fits with different team being one of those teams in terms of Lori Marin and now the question much like Darius garland would be what’s the price to acquire set player is Utah looking to build on top of what they have with him or are they looking to shed salary and build from the draft up there you go see James is always on top of things look at that covering all the bases here making sure you all are well informed about what’s going on the latest and greatest with the Spurs look I get it Jeff look we are the Spurs are involved in Far More rumors and Rumblings than we’ve ever been used to having so kind of putting all of those ducks in a row it’s kind of hard when you’ve never had this many ducks to take care of exactly yeah yeah I mean I the garden one slit my mind I thought we were tal well on a lockdown s we talked about Garland I’m like oh there’s new stuff but yeah I guess that is new yeah looks like the Garland may not be available for a trade now you know and that’s you know before I get into fan comments I was going to bring you this to your attention so on the lockdown Spurs mock final NBA draft at number eight I took do what do you think yep yep I remember you took uh re and kette you know I wasn’t far off from you with my you know perfect draft scenario like re terms of of the fact that you’re satiating when to me I’m satiating the team and wmy as a part of and Stefon Castle could with what he does and everybody talks about Jonathan kingan defense when they moved Castle to the point guard defensive percentage with both of them on the court was 98 percentile it was dropped into like the 83rd percentile off so Castle was a huge part and the fact that you know for every person that tells me they don’t want Trey young because he’s awful okay there have been a bunch of bad Defenders that have been mased by somebody else like Wy is an eraser but if you truly want defense castle and Matas those are your guys those are guys that are locked down Defenders absolutely all right let’s get into some Spurs fan comments you’re all leaving over here have the lock on Spurs YouTube page pleasure this first one’s from Jeff mclanahan he says I wouldn’t mind trading both first for a starter no particular position and a first pick next year Spurs can only pay so many Rook so he wants to trade for an established starter right now in the NBA regardless of position and he’s focusing on next year’s draft I wouldn’t mind that I think next year’s draft is a lot more enticing to make deals and maybe this games your thought do you think that other people would be willing to start with next year’s unprotected pick like everybody knows next year yeah everybody knows that that’s the year the thing is the Spurs got Atlanta pick because they did this four years ago they saw beyond the curve of the earth they knew 25 that and that is why they asked for 25 and future uh uh picks like I think it’s going to be hard barring trading for Star like giving a star to somebody yeah to get next year’s draft picks from yeah it’s a good thing but again if some team is willing to do that you know I can see a team that’s desperate that maybe want to do that like a phoenix or a Brooklyn they have like no pick like just to get going in their rebuild if that’s where they want to go get things started now you know but outside of that yeah it’s going to be tough to tell other teams that are in the thick of things as far as the draft hey give us your first round picks for 2025 nothing going on in that year come on it’s a weak PA yeah there’s nothing I mean it’s very weak we’re not even yeah yeah there’s some guy named there’s some guy named Flag I think they got a confused with Rick flag uh from the DC Universe it’s it’s it’s a different flag yeah exactly all right yeah horrible pick yeah the next comment it comes from Rolando Ariano he says oh you’re gonna like this one James and I put like in quotes um bring dejonte home and send the pcks back to Atlanta and Charlotte uh no I’m gonna say that right now Rolando no your thoughts look I I like deante I don’t like him that much I yeah if I’m giving those picks back unprotected picks by the way I’m gonna need something I’m gonna need more than just a sh in return uh for you to get the exact pick back for me to take on more salary with less years like it got the math math and the Spurs got over on Atlanta good for them don’t give everything back for nothing like and dejon is obviously not nothing but those picks are probably the most value valuable they can pop you right now knowing hey how close Atlanta is to tearing everything to the ground in the first place and be just looking at what they may be over the next few years like when Atlanta traded those picks to San Antonio it was because they were supposed to be competing for an NBA champ those weren’t going to be worth a by the time they conveyed right turns out they’re going to be worth a lot more than what we thought they were and that’s a great job by Brian wri but at the same time make sure you’re getting your values worth when and if you give them back I am I understand the fans need and want for stars and for uh just you can do that during free agency there’s going to be some Avail uh if you want Stars be careful how you go about building your team because as we’ve seen whether it was the Brooklyn Net or the Milwaukee Bucks this year or the Phoenix Suns this year throwing a bunch of draft picks at at Superstars and bringing a bunch of stars together and hoping they fit can be a Fool’s erand that can set your franchise back you got to make sure it’s the right guy that I’m I’m with you right there yeah you don’t want to do that there’s a lesson to be learned from the Phoenix Suns especially this star star talent but they mortgage their future they have no draft I don’t know how many and the Spurs can’t afford all the that the Clippers give off out too oh my goodness I mean OKC is stacked right now for Paul Jordan exactly what did all the picks that the Lakers gave a mount nothing a bubble title yeah bubble title title no no James James James they got a playin title I mean come on I mean come on they got the play in title tournament you’re right I’m sorry I forgot about the inse tourament but that’s what I’m saying SE tournament there bunch of teams like milwauke Milwaukee was a disaster they fired their coach halfway through the year after acquiring got they have no dep left like trading for stars can set your franchise back and I get that you’re trying to say she a star to make them happy like janisan suumo you just got to make sure it’s the right he is James pler with San Antonio sport star follow my next at I am pler tell tell us about the star the blitz your show Extra Innings what’s all cooking well as you know we uh get you started right and early with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson on uh the morning huddle 6: to 10 uh we’ll transition into Greenie for a part of the day Jim roome and then at two o’clock the blitz with Jason Minx and Joe Ryan eel and myself producing we’ll take you all the way to 6 o00 then of course extra Ang with pleasure from 6:00 to 7:00 get you going through IND your night and and we’ve got all the latest on what’s going on whether it’s with the Spurs Draft or the latest on the Dallas Cowboys and Texans or anything going on in the World of Sports absolutely 94.1 everybody tune in or just go to the YouTube page that’s so I watch it I just go to the Stars D it’s easier there you can see all the fans that’s the best way but if you’re driving like pler is put it on 94.1 also shout out to Mom pleasure thank you for being part of the show Mom pleasure we appreciate that as well so for James pleasure I am Jeff Garcia hey by the way already happy NBA draft Eve we’re going to put a lock on this episode of lock on Spurs [Music] n [Music]

On this episode of Locked On Spurs, host Jeff Garcia and KENS 5’s Casey Viera host a quick chat about the Spurs ahead of the 2024 NBA Draft.

Then, San Antonio Sports Star’s James Pledger joins to talk all about the latest Spurs rumors before the NBA Draft and answer some Locked On Spurs fan comments.

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