@Utah Jazz

Who is the win for the Utah Jazz? What players have the best skills

Who is the win for the Utah Jazz? What players have the best skills

for over two months we’ve been discussing the NBA draft and it’s been two of us most of the time myself and leaf to lean so we get together to decide what the answers are for the Utah Jazz next on locked on Jazz you are locked on Jazz your daily podast C on the Utah Jazz part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day how are you I am David lock radio voice of the Utah Jazz Jazz NBA Insider this is locked on Jazz your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz Lea two lean’s gonna join us Justin xanic said it yesterday you gotta find what the guys can do not just what they can’t do at this time of the draft you start only talking about what they can’t do so Lea and are going to open up talking about what they can do is Cody Williams really just the win for the Utah Jazz in this draft and if he’s not available what do you do if it’s topage Carter Holland or Saloon wins at 29 and 32 too many guys can’t shoot I know I just did it I said can’t we’ll get to that with Leaf to lean all coming up as I mentioned this is locked on Jazz your daily podcast in Utah Jazz me Insight expertise geeky numbers and hopefully making it way better to be a jazz fan each and every day thank you so much for making lock on Jazz your first listen of the day we are free and available on all podcasting apps as well as on YouTube give us your thoughts and comments on YouTube while the show’s going on hit me at delock 9 or hit him at Leaf tolean let’s do it he’s been caring the show frankly more than me he is leaf to lean thank you very much for all your work you’ve been great and it’s actually gonna become a habit because frankly your draft analysis is better than mine particularly your pronunciation of all the players names is way better than mine as we get I don’t have to pronounce them correct my I don’t have to pronounce him correctly until October um I’ll get him in October uh all right maybe let’s do it let’s start with what Justin xanic said yesterday I thought it was inter it was one of the last questions I asked him at the press conference and I basically said like this I said to him this draft to me is a bunch of guys but they all have a butt statement behind them Reed Shepard’s the best analytical player I’ve ever seen but he’s 61 Ron Holland is amazing body and his athlete but he can’t shoot right everyone got a butt statement about them and Justin kind said that’s what drives me the most crazy at this point in time criticism is the only thing you hear about any of these players the fact is you got to find what they can do so Leaf let’s start there who have got the best can do skills in the game right now I think the best individual skill in this draft is Ryan Dunn and he’s not probably not going to be a lottery pick but what he does do well is he defends like crazy he is a 38 and2 inch vertical 69 Wing who played at Virginia if you watch any college basketball Virginia plays a packline defense and plays at the slowest Pace in college basketball and yet he accumulated two blocks per game over a steel per game playing a small forward how do you get two blocks in a steel playing 52 defensive possessions a game and and that’s ridiculous and not only that he’s also the guy that no one wants to drive against so his productivity his metrics his defensive ability I think is the best individual skill of anyone in his draft yes he’s maybe not the top 10 pick the Jazz won’t take him at 10 should he be there at 29 or 32 or if the Jazz consolidate move up a little bit like rumors suggest I absolutely would consider him there despite the glaring flaw like you said there’s butts on a ton of players he’s not a good shooter but I would absolutely consider him there and then offensively if you want a skill I think Rob Dillingham has the best individual ability to put the ball in the hoop of anyone in this class I got I got an I thought about this I thought it was great what about Zack Ed’s offensive rebounding yeah I could get behind that right I mean you start like looking like okay what can they do like what is the skill what is the thing that they do super well it gets like you know Reed Shepard shooting frankly I’ve got six years worth of data I’ve never had someone in the 100th percentile for the year and spot up 99th percentile and catch and shoot and 99th percentile and jumper off the dribble like that might be the best touch I’ve ever seen he he can really shoot it and the craziest thing is I’d argue Kentucky used him incorrectly he only shot four threes the entire season off of a screen four what’s the biggest weapon for guards like you Hammer this home all the time if you can dribble behind the screen and shoot you open up so much more at the NBA level well he didn’t do that Rob Dillingham on the other hand was excellent at doing so and I think both of them are some of the best Shooters we’ve had in recent classes not just this class at shooting the basketball they just both happen to be small Rob Dillingham by the way uh is just to give you one thing that’s interesting on Dillingham by the way pretty good transition percentile for a small player and very good Rim uh and his Rim is his Rim is not as good so that’s a little bit concerning like that’s where the height but his his shooting that leave his time about 97th percentile 998th percentile catch and shoot 82nd percentile jumper off the bounce like if we start looking at spot up Shooters and off the bounce guys that have shot at that level over the last few years here are the guys that were in the last five drafts sheeper and Dillingham caliber like 90% or below or above excuse me Payton Pritchard DeAndre Hunter Cade Cunningham uh Wendell Moore which is interesting by the way I might go take a flyer on Wendel Moore who has not played at all in Minnesota because all of his numbers were so good that when they quit on him this year if I’m somebody I’m grabbing him Julian Str had a pretty good year this year in Denver we’ll see if it pans out Kobe white PJ Washington DQ White whad didn’t play last year or didn’t really get much time coming off injury last year poed jky uh Sasser sensah AJ Griffin Chris DTE dwarte who was old and old guys screw up my numbers Ty Jerome who was old and screwed up my numbers cam Johnson Sadiq Bay Tyrese halberton Jaylen Johnson and Aaron n Smith maybe not all stars but not there there’s not really a b bust there’s one or two busts in there like your your success rate on guys who’ve had a AC and shoot percentile over 90% pretty fabulous yeah absolutely I mean shooting is the prerequisite to get into the league right now and there’s not many players that can survive without being able to shoot that don’t play the center and so that’s why you said at the outset there’s there’s butts attached to all these players well the best athletes in this class H tend to be pretty poor Shooters you look at Ron Holland you look at Matas buellis who despite be being kind of gangly he shoots terribly wor than Holland yet he’s less criticized for it uh even though his numbers throughout high school and at the G League ofite playing on the same team as Holland were worse uh you look at Cody Williams shot 42% from three now this one’s a little weird because he shot really well but his volume was was Tiny he shot 1.6 threes per game and that that’s not enough to tell you he can really shoot like my theory is the best Shooters are the ones who shoot the most because their confidence of the coaches and their teammates say that they can shoot like Jordan Hawkins to me was the best shooter of last year’s class by a mile because he shot nine per game on a team that was excellent and so I don’t know I mean maybe maybe this is the type of class in which you just Bank on those traits that and it’s however you prioritize your traits does size matter to this team more than shooting or does shooting matter more than size and that’s what’s going to be really interesting to see how it unfolds especially once you get to picks four through seven if you heard zanic in that conversation yesterday I thought he kind of said his third to last answer is the one I asked him is when he answered this but he also says in that like he runs through like it was clear to me the one thing he you know he kind of alluded to the one thing you can’t teach his size right like you can’t fix someone’s height you can fix their shot you can do a bunch of things which is what makes this which makes this super interesting by the way one note on Ryan Dunn because I thought this was interesting the The Narrative on Ryan Dunn is like he simply you know he again we’re getting into the Cs so sorry sorry Justin but his his spot up percentile just on spot up shooting was in the 32nd percentile of all College players here’s why I think this is interesting okay because bouas was in the 29th per of g-league players Holland was in the 30th percentile of g-league players Castle’s in the 28th percentile of college players it’s worse than duns Bob Carrington who I actually really like is in the 31st percentile uh Saloon is in the 29th percentile of his League Ryan duns as we mentioned in the 32nd like somehow Ryan Dunn right now is the one guy that’s really being being being kind of curtailed for his inability to shoot where everyone seems to be making excuses for all the other guys who can’t shoot yeah there’s like conjecture telling telling us oh well buellis because he’s so coordinated and he’s tall and he can dribble uh therefore he can shoot like there’s this there’s this assumption that’s not there fun fact about Ryan Dunn Dunn came in as a better shooter and grew at Virginia and he he told like interviews about Tony Bennett’s defense which for those you don’t watch Virginia they play defense defense defense defense let me pause one second for those you who don’t watch Virginia are all the luckiest people on the planet I just want to point that out if you don’t watch Virginia basketball you’re better for that okay sorry go ahead they literally had a game this year was like 1412 at half time oh it was brutal Colorado State first four game that was horrible so but Ryan Dunn came in as a freshman and he was kind of a corner three guy who’s a slasher about 6 foot seven well he’s 6 foot n now and he’s become this monster defensive athlete and he said in an interview that confidence was the biggest thing that was shaken because he became such a good Defender he was so tired and then once he started missing he lost confidence shooting and coming into Virginia he was a great shooter and an average Defender so there’s part of me that believes maybe that’s PR but there’s part of me that believes that he can shoot because like you said I’ve dug into these numbers those weren’t shocks to me that you just rattled off about the inefficiency of the shooters that are projected to be in the top 10 I have a hard time thinking dun really escapes the top 20 because of the in individual amazing traits and then there’s a little bit of hope he can become a competent shooter and then you have Jaden McDaniels like that’s the type of comparison you may have on your hands there should he shoot at all competently all right I’m confused by one thing here and that is that Justin anic told us we had to talk about the skills that we liked about players and we did not jump and say anything about rash rashash we did not say anything about SAR we did not say anything about castle we did not say anything we did the opposite about we did not do anything about connect we did not say anything about kinging you did Dillingham I did Shephard Cody Williams top like of the top 10 players in this draft that are projected right now in the ESPN mock draft we only mentioned two of them you like is that the essence of this draft is that it’s that flat because these guys don’t have that skill that makes you say wow yeah I think I think they’re incomplete players there there’s glimmers of Hope but not complete players and the other skill set would be topit is pick and roll he’s 89th per that’s the other one that I was going to mention before I got off on a tangent but he just tore his ACL see there’s the butt there no the butt there is he can’t shoot that as well 88 from the free throw line shooting the flat shot by topage I mean it’s really flat really hard to look at that’s far more bothersome to me than the ACL like if he’s available at 10 and the Jazz pass I’m going to guess it’s because of that not because of the ACL he’s Leaf to lean locked on NBA big Big Board also fill in for locked on Jazz I’m David lock we will continue here is Cody Williams the win for the Jazz he probably’s not gonna be there so then if it’s topage Carter Holland or Saloon or I’m making my case for my guy again I really like ending up on Jared McCain Island here more than I ever planned I like building houses putting in plumbing and all sorts of stuff on his Island we’ll talk about that as we continue it is locked on 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lot of fun to watch those odds at lockon David lock along with Leaf T here for your locked on Jazz today all right uh by the way for your second listen today locked on NBA Big Board it’s got to be take a second Listen to Locked on NBA big board or lock the NBA they get you ready for the draft Leaf is jazz get Co Cody Williams slide something funky Happ it’s not not outlandish that something weird is gonna happen in the top 10 I I don’t think we have the top 10 projected the way it has in some other years there’s just too much gray area with these players and lack of differentiation so if Cody Williams is at 10 is it a no-brainer run to the podium go get that done I I believe so he’s my preferred pick I I said that a couple days ago for the everydays uh Cody Williams and tjon Salon I think are the two most desirable picks that are feasible for the Jazz and I like Cody Williams because he’s the most well-rounded of those type of players he’s got the ability to shoot well he shot 30 42% from three and he’s played the point guard he defended the best player on the opposing teams he’s pick and roll his repetitions are high enough even if the numbers weren’t amazing and so I think he could give you something both immediately and the long term and he he at least gives you a little bit of Versatility and I I think role versatility is important as opposed to being a specialist in today’s League I I think too many three and Ds are pigeon hold into either being good on offense or defense shooting or on ball defense and then they’re a NE they’re probably a negative on the other side he’s going to be a slight net positive on both in my opinion and this draft like we’ve talked about there’s a lot of detriments holding people back I think that’s a positive and that’s a win in of itself I doubt he’s there at 10 though I haven’t watched a ton of them you’ve probably you’ve watched far more than that but the three games I watched there was a play or two where he actually had a burst he actually usually frankly if I’m being totally honest he usually turned it over after the burst like he just doesn’t have quite good enough handle yet but he had a little bit of an explosion and a speed and a getting through traffic um I don’t think he has the strength or the balance yet to then finish the play but that burst leads me to think that Cody Williams could become something more than the three and D kind of player you’re talking about and he might have a little wiggle which I’m not sure some of the other Wings have I I agree with that they he actually did some athletic testing and Jaylen Williams his older brother came out as a 21y old so he was more physically mature all these things well they actually when he Compares as a 19-year-old to Jaylen as a 21 in their pre-draft process their movements are nearly identical as measured by P3 and uh that’s just like a very nerdy draft place they work out and I I caught wind to this uh he he shoots it better than Jaylen did coming out freshman versus freshman I think jaylen’s a more Twitchy physical athlete Cody’s more of a long Strider but they get the same places at the same speed according to those metrics and I like you said I think the biggest reason for his turnovers is strength I don’t even know if it’s necessarily balanced I think it’s strength because he gets bumped off of the spot and and in the college basketball was getting older like there were some college lineups that were older in the OKC starting lineup this year and he was playing in a league that was a veteran oriented Pack 12 and so I think if he puts on strength a lot of those turnover issues maybe not passes being slightly late finishing issues that he had even though he was an okay finisher I think are corrected with strength and that’s why I think he probably doesn’t fall to the Jazz because because a lot of people can see that being the the fixable thing that makes him better at all the other things where he’s got question marks but like slight positives to they could turn into large positives and in this draft you gota you gotta sign the waiver for that yeah he’s the one player I’ve actually watched who I I guess Stephan castle if he could shoot but I’m not a big I I’m not you know fundamentally a believer that you move from non-shooter to Shooter like I know everybody loves to say that’s the skill you can add and everyone wants to go Kawhi Leonard and it’s okay great you got me one example in like 15 years like find me you know um and even the guys who you know someone said to me well Stephen Castle’s Marcus Smart and I was like yeah well Marcus Smart can’t like he’s still shooting below 40% for his career and 33% from three like he’s still not like um so you know I do think Castle’s got the body and the makeup that makes you think he could do it if he shoots Williams is the one who to me is the closest one to having like the burst that could actually be like a real the the surprise All-Star player in the top 10 draft if B gets all the things we talked about all right tell me uh TJ Salone is is interesting um I mean he makes me really nervous um like he’s at basketball Without Borders with no Pro contract 12 months ago he’s signs his first pro contract I think 10 months ago like it feels as though this is like the year Lindsay Hunter got hot because supposedly Jerry West liked him which is before year time but there have been these guys all the years I mean last year was kabali it might have actually turned out to be right um but there’s all these always these guys that kind of get the vibe there it’s like the unknown you don’t want to miss them it seems like it happens more now because after Giannis um like oh you know and there’s like this fear as a GM that you might miss out on him so then he gets hot like are we sure on this I I would say I’m not sure but it’s funny you mention B kabali Bal kabali was on a better team more noticeable because he had Victor wanyama well salon’s bigger he’s younger at the same stage shoots better has more has more rebounds per game and energy is comparable and kulab bali’s best trait was energy and defense salon’s a little more raw as a Defender but he’s bigger which allows him more positional versatility so at least there’s the pitch there but the thing about Giannis is is the truth you you basically see one pick transform the way people draft for the last 10 years because in that draft Anthony Bennett went won the best two picks were Giannis number one to Rudy goar that was 13th and 27th so now who are you looking for the guys with the craziest traits because Giannis was super thin but had long arms and you knew he was raw Rudy same thing and so now who’s the player that most resembles Giannis of this draft class well it’s clearly tjon Salon in terms of measurables is he a safe thing absolutely not is he more refined than Giannis was coming in yes because everyone’s kind of like if you have any sort of skill set you’re found at basketball Without Borders and all of a sudden you’re a starter on a team that makes it to the quarterfinals of the French league and he scores 19 points 10 in the fourth quarter in an upset Victory and all of a sudden he’s stock F rises from 17th to eth and I think it’s makes sense but it is a dangerous game to play to hinge your future on trying to replicate Giannis I mean he’s 69 he’s got the 71 Wing 72 wingspan he’s 210 pounds and so he’s not a bean P he’s thick like his lower body looks thick um when I’ve watched at least on film he you know he’s playing with men and he looks like he fits um so it’s in you know it’ll be he doesn’t shoot it great like but I’m not sure actually to the to the Justin zanic comment like I’m not sure what he do like I’m not sure what his skill is right like his skill is his body I guess at this point and maybe at 10 in this Draft when if you’re suddenly choosing between toich with an ACL that doesn’t shoot it great Devin Carter Ron Holland and saloon maybe that’s what we’re doing he plays with great energy and then his shots 33% in the pro league as opposed to Ron Holland who’s also in a pro league and Matas buzel who are sub 30% Shooters in in a pro league and then you look at Castle who’s not going to be available at 10 for the Jazz he won a championship in Collegiate basketball but he was sub 30% as well so of those guys even though you describe him as perhaps the most raw his numbers bear out the best from three and then he’s got the biggest body like I know him and buellis have comprom measurables well Salon I think it’s going to put on 20 pounds in the course of his professional career and I don’t think Bellis can put on that weight all right wins at 29 and 32 we hit those next with Leaf to lean on today’s edition of lockon Jess Baylor shyan is the only one we talk about right it’s got to be is there is it can he really be at 29 no he’s he’s going to go top 20 all right then let’s address this for a second you have 29 and 32 I don’t know if it gets you there do you do we think that 29 and 32 can get you into the 20s in this draft I anybody who wants two of picks in this draft the sun’s at 22 because they need non-g guaranteed contract but but they want kic and the Jazz like kic so although I’m not sure I’m supposed to say that about kic oh um the son all right so this gets me to an interesting player and I think there’s like this draft is really fascinating to look this draft is G be as interesting a draft ever to look back on and for two reasons and I actually asked Justin about both these yesterday I think this draft is fascinating for two reasons there’s a bunch of players who got in really bad situations this year the g-league being one of them USC being another and then there’s a bunch of guys that are really old because of covid yep and kak’s one of those connect’s one of those shyan’s one of those I mean they’re 23 playing 18y olds that’s the equivalent of a senior in high school playing an eighth grader no kidding they’re kicking the crap out of him hey I’ve played grader beating up on a fourth grader like what are we doing this is ridiculous I I had that experience I played on the varsity team in eth grade and you got hammered yeah it wasn’t fun right so little of this I find like I mean I’m super scared of the old guys I’m not like as much as I like Baylor shy and everything he’s doing like I I watch him I like him and then I wonder if everything he’s doing is because he’s 23 like at some point it’s just because you’re 23 playing 18 year olds all right with that said Isaiah Coler and Ron Holland are the two that to me get really interesting they’re the number one one and two high school players in the country and zanic said well you got to figure out if the things that they they don’t do well now they didn’t that they need to do well they didn’t do then also um or that their skills but Isaiah caller to me I mean I did see him take a three-point shot that banked and didn’t hit Rim okay I mean when he misses he misses by a mile y but you want to talk about our first conversation like downhill skills get to the rim might be the best in the draft yep if he’s really going 22 23 to the Knicks I don’t think he will where do you think he’s going 15 all right if he really goes 222 23 of the Knicks should the jazzz go get him absolutely I I have him 12 on my board so I I’m a fan of Collier he reminds me a little bit different player of Maxi in the sense that Maxi shot horribly at Kentucky but everything he did was like wow that dude’s differently athletic like he’s Lightning Fast he gets wherever he wants he’s just missing Collier’s not the shooter nor the athlete that Maxi is but Maxi went 21 just because he didn’t shoot well Collier doesn’t shoot well but he gets the rim at will even though you know he’s going there so if refine some things that’s a top 15 player so I mean in day and age of five out offenses like you that we saw in the NBA finals for the most part like Coler if he can pass out of it which at times he threw the ball in the third row like but if he’s if he’s got someone one-on-one he’s he’s getting to the rim he’s collapsing the defense he’s getting an advantage for everybody else yeah I I’d be appalled if he falls to 20 okay there any reason you should take him a 10 if he’s going 15 uh the reason I would hesitate to do that is because I think there’s more value of the Wings traits of Versatility than Collier because you don’t know that he’s going to be better than George and at least at the wings traits you cover more positions but honestly I don’t have much separating the the players that we have at 10 versus 12 like I have Collier ahead of Devin Carter and one spot behind connect so I like Devin Carter I think he really plays the game smart he understands it comes off the pick and roll snakes it moves it does all the things plays off pin Downs plays really really hard physical I love guys that are willing to touch people I’ve talked about this all week long like it’s one of the first things I watch about a player is is he actually willing to touch someone like Dalton connect I watched for two games he never touched anyone it makes me really scared like maybe he was told not to because they play such good defense who knows but like are you willing to actually like get hit get touched get beat um so I really like Devin Carter am I crazy that I would take McCain over Carter no because he’s young and he’s a better shooter and those are things that are valued in the NBA I the thing about McCain is you have to really believe he’s a point guard and I know I know you you brought that up yesterday in our brief conversation but I would hesitate because watching him at Duke he didn’t I mean he was fine on pick and roll but they also had better athletes than everyone and that gives me pause yeah I mean he’s 63 maybe maybe 6’2 so he’s got to play point guard he was in the 93rd percentile in 69 picking rolls which isn’t a lot but it’s it’s good right like Reed Shepard we all think Reed Shepard can play point guard I think maybe you don’t he’s 93% on 80 pick and rolls right there aren’t that many guys that had 100 pick and roll I mean there aren’t like it’s hard to find right like Bob kington at 193 pick and rolls I I would I would consider bub at 10 I don’t think we will but for the same reason I don’t think they will for Collier but I would consider him because he is a pick and roll Savant his team was terrible and he got good shots for them all the time and his mid-range jump shot is great and I know his three-point percentage was low as his percentile is bad he went 22 of 25 shooting like 25 Footers off the dribble at the combine um that’s interesting because I will admit that when I watched I don’t know who I watched but I watched Pittsburgh play somebody and wasn’t watching bub Carrington and Bub Carrington popped out on the screen like five times for me to the point where I wrote down his name and his first name wasn’t bub it was something else Carlton carlt Carlton and then I couldn’t find him anywhere because there was no Carlton Carrington in any draft books because he now called bub like so I’m I actually kind of am with you on him in that sense he’s he I was I was early on him like I I had him at like 14 early in the process then everyone was like he can’t shoot at all and he was at 31 and I I kind of just kept him there and now I think he’s gonna go in the lottery okay let’s talk about shooting for a second okay like this is the story to me of this draft and it’s going to be a story of the retrospective on this draft so when I’ve gone through the history here are the guys that in the last six years years uh 23 25 years who were guys that might play on the outside whose catch and shoot was below 30% tile okay shenon book Knight kaminga zier Williams Jang Oklahoma City pton Watson Killian Hayes Josh giddy Isaac auro I mean yeah not one of them can shoot yet okay here’s your outlier and he was at 20 % Tyrese Maxi nazer little Romeo Langford Patrick Baldwin Dyson Daniels Marshon Bo champ cam reddish Isaiah Stewart precious Chua that’s it Jared Culver 34 jayen Hino 32 huh I said that was a terrible pick for coer but I mean like okay wait a sec like I just gave you yeah over the last five years I just gave you 12 names one of them I I’m I giving you 20 names one of them panned out right yep okay spot up percentile guys that are are not were below 30% uh book Knight kaminga Jen Watson Hayes little Daniels below 40% Bo champ reddish same guys auua Hood chafino Anthony black Josh Christopher Patrick Williams ironically enough Victor weany haime hawz haime hawas got through it okay this year pick and roll or spot up Shooters below 30% bouas or below 40% was it Holland Castle Carrington Oso Saloon dun um Coler at 43 but that’s not topic is at 44 okay catch and shoot guys that are in the danger zone Sim similar names bazus Holland Castle topic like maybe it’s too simplistic but if you told me I’m drafting one of the guys on the previous list I just gave you like every single one of those other than tyres Maxi right yeah would go down as being like an a mistake pick yeah other than like pton Watson just because he’s so good on defense sure and he was a 30th but he still and we’ll see if he turns maybe he’ll turn out to shoot he was a 30th pick but like Hay’s mistake I think giddy you can say was a mistake like Tyson Daniels like yeah I I agree with you I mean it’s G to be really interesting to see whether or not any of these guys kaminga is the best shooter of that whole group by the way and I’m not sure you think J that Jonathan kaminga is really a shooter yeah he’s I don’t think he is I mean Maxi’s pretty Maxi’s done it by the way I heard I heard a Dillingham to Maxi reference by the way way that figured you’d like since you’re Dillingham lover I don’t think they play similarly because he doesn’t pressure The Rim the same way but I I do the reason I like Dillingham is like what I said yesterday about like Lou williamses scoring is rare and if you give him the ball he’ll score 20 it just won’t be on a good team all right what are your wins at 29 and 32 nicoa jurisich Isaiah Crawford wait wait who Nia jurisich who’s this I’ve never heard of this guy 68 why you’re on the show yeah 682 Guard from Serbia shoots the ball well shows flashes as a secondary ball handler and where is he projected 25 30 okay and then Isaiah Crawford’s about 3540 on some people’s board I gotta go I got a good stat for you on this one okay it’s a seven I don’t know if his is 72 but there’s there’s five players in the NBA with 72 wingspans 10 and a half inch hand size and 67 height or better Kawhi Leonard tar een Patrick Williams uh who am I asking OG anobi and then he would be the fifth okay I heard you mention this stat because I listened to all five episodes of lockedown jazz I would have if I was in the chat room I would have asked you who are the players who had that that didn’t make the NBA right like I get that you understand my question yeah like yeah I got it if you have those things and you make the NBA then you’re great but it doesn’t those aren’t the only five players who’ve ever had that stat right I’m guessing like I’d like to go through the combines if they are the only five then let’s take him but I’d be interested who the other five or the other 10 are that might not be in the NBA I I would have to research that further that’s a that’s a good question but the the stat itself on the positive spin I think is unique enough you take him off traits okay and that is that is Isaiah who Crawford he also shot 39% from three the issue with him is he’s 22 Yeah old guys making you nervous but Baylor siren’s really old too and we love we love him yeah uh I like KJ Simpson I don’t think he’s a good point guard okay I’ve watched a lot of Colorado he’s really small I actually might like everybody in Colorado because they had the big 300 pound fat guy in the middle of the lane and therefore they couldn’t do anything and so I’m just assuming that all of them’s lives will be better you called me one time at uh I was at March Madness my first year working for the Jazz and I told you I was going to be there so it wasn’t like I was in trouble or anything but I I couldn’t hear anything you were saying and everyone was chanting Eddie Eddie Eddie because they went to overtime because he scored 18 and and Eddie hit like a game tag shot so I’ve loved him ever sense okay all right thank you very much for your work uh filling in for lock on Jazz I think everyone has enjoyed it thank you for your time today and uh we’ll be back with you on Wednesday for a little I will be solo for just a final recap but this is your kind of final draft all the stuff you need giving you 36 hours before the draft to actually take it in and listen to it so thank you very much to Leaf we now send you the first ever 247 National Sports channel locked on sports today if you’re on YouTube if you’re on audio go check it out plus there’s a new show search big six and 60 and see what you find

David Locke and Leif Thulin do one final run through on the NBA Draft breaking down who has the best skills, who is the win for the Utah Jazz, what do the Jazz do if it is Devin Carter, Ron Holland and Tiajne Salune.

Thulin and Locke have been breaking down the draft for the last 10 weeks and this is one last run through who the players are and where the Jazz can come away with a win. Plus, who are the steals at 29 and 32.

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