@Detroit Pistons

Breaking Down NBA DRAFT Prospects For The Detroit Pistons!

Breaking Down NBA DRAFT Prospects For The Detroit Pistons!

Koolaid yes sir were we going to talk about another were we going to talk about Stephen Castle too or another Prospect or hey I want to talk about Cody Williams a little bit we could talk about Stephen Castle as well um but Kyle Anderson Trevor arza yeah real quick and I I just threw this at you what what tier of type of player could he be is it gonna be a Kyle Anderson type that’s Zachary race it it’s a good comp I I I believe that his ability gives him the opportunity on the highest of potential ends I know kg hates this to be a type of taan Prince type of player 69 similar weight class similar catch and shoot ability similar ability to finish at The Rim he can defend he uses his length as well but that strength got to go the one thing that we knew about tan Prince when he hit the league was despite the fact that he had a smaller frame taesan Prince was wiy strong from day one as a rookie he was able to go and defend the best players in the as a rookie he was defending players like Ai and tmac so it’s like when you’re looking at a guy like zachar a do I have the same sense that he will step in day one and have that type of effect I don’t and that’s where maybe it is more of a Kyle Anderson type more of a finesse type guy who can uh defend the wing very well but at the NBA level I don’t know how versatile he’ll be able to be defensively on that perimeter I don’t want Kyle Anderson at five I don’t want him I know right I’m good you’re talking about the floor then that’s probably what you’re talking about I’m seeing Austin day comparisons in the chat I see that too man I see that what you Austin day comparison he’s much better defensiv than Austin he’s much better defensively than Austin dad at least at least from the film I was a beli I was oh atin is gonna work Amir Johnson gonna work didn’t he go to uh Country Day I I believe he went to Country Day that’s how I first heard about him I don’t know yeah but man I I was a believer of Austin day as well Mercy all right well tough days I can’t wait to see the new top five tomorrow the final top five I should say so you want to go Cody Williams or Stefan cast hey you know what and I know that these are two players that actually JB is pretty fond of I wanted to get your a quick takeway on Cody Williams as well let me talk about him real quick because the Pistons did have reported interest and it could be multiple things we talked about this before you can mean that maybe this is the position that the Pistons are looking at trying to fulfill uh fill in uh the draft or free agency or it could mean that they’re looking to trade back unless Cody Williams is just shooting up everybody’s draft board um but right now I’m seeing him being mocked anywhere uh in the lottery from like pick nine to pick 14 but I have heard that if the Pistons feel this is their guy you go get your guy at five if no proper tradeback opportunities present itself so Cody Williams 68 190 lb so now you’re talking about a guy who weighs a little bit less about uh 14 lbs less than Zachary and an inch shorter but he has some of those attributes that kg is is hoping to see you talk about a guy that kind of has that dog mentality to him on both sides of the Court sir I like what Cody Williams has especially in half court offense one of the things with zachar s that kind of concerns me is his inability to be effective in the half court offense as kind of the the the the person uh with the ball in his hands as the point of attack on the offensive side of the ball yeah with a Cody Williams you do not have those types of issues if he has the ball in his hands you better make sure that his feet do not touch any in that paint because his athleticism will take over and there’s not a lot of people going to match up with that at least in the college arena in the NBA things can change but like I told people with Jay and Ivy and we’ve seen this come true when you kind of hit that paint area it’s like a trampoline to guys that have that type of speed athleticism and that quick twitch that ability to just off one foot mid dribble get up and bang straight up bang you we talking about satisfying our like button he’s banging that like button that is Cody Williams and on the defensive end I do like what he brings to the table let’s talk about his stats 11.9 points per game three rebounds a game 1.6 assists per game for Cody Williams he can shoot and finish at The Rim well 70% field goal at The Rim so it’s a little bit better than reash and that’s why I said with Reas you’re talking about potential with these guys Five and Below you’re talking about guys who have proven themselves in the college game and probably their games will translate to the NBA a little bit better but people believe that players like Cody Williams Stephen castle that they have a cap ceiling yeah which I don’t quite agree with the more I look at Cody Williams the more I understand how his name started to pop up he’s really good as well with the floater game soon as he gets into that mid-range he’s a guy that has nice touch it’s a good skill to have it’s yeah and you can tell because it translates to out behind the arc where I hope in the NBA if his volume increases I’m hoping that Cody Williams’s efficiency increases as well he did shoot 52.2% from the field on uh 8.1 field goals game nice and 41.5% from behind the arc which is really good but the but it’s the volume only 1.73 per game okay so but but it’s something he was a threat he was a he’s a type of player who when he catches it behind the arc if he gives you a little punk and a little hesy for some reason the players respect that three enough despite the volume not being there that it allows him to get into his bread and butter into that mid-range where he can really use his floater game where he can really use his footwork where he can use his ability to kind of get around Defenders and get to the rim as well so I like a lot of what Cody Williams brings to table I hope that with the development with the strength and with the shooting they’re able to as his volume increases as his workload increases keep his efficiency up and like I’m going to say about a lot of these guys in this top 10 you got to get your weight up you got to get your strength up at the next level playing against uh NBA competition rather than college or overseas competition so I really like Cody Williams but JB what about you man talk to me about Cody Williams it’s definitely a name to look out for and they keep a watch on he’s a younger brother of uh J Jaylen or Jaden I think it’s Jaylen William Jam J OKC yeah yeah he’s this younger brother of him one thing you are going to have to watch out is the injuries because that’s what kind of hampered him in college he had a wrist injury then an ankle injury so as long as he can stay healthy during a regular NBA season then you’re golden but he’s definitely someone you should keep an eye on I’ve seen him go anywhere as top three as his ceiling his FL probably late first round but he’s still an excellent Defender and plays on both sides of the ball that you definitely want and need on your team as well too slasher attacker he plays aggressive a nice finish at The Rim as you said as well too but he’s not also just that first step mindset as well too he’s not just going to go and attack the rim he’s going to attack it but also see and focus on his teammates as well too that he can dish that ball out to so he’s not just going to just sit here and just throw up anything but I definitely think it’s someone you need to keep an eye on but I don’t know if five is going to be an option for him that’s just saying hopefully the Pistons can trade back and maybe pick up another draft pick or another piece from another team and then pick him up as well too but he’s definitely a bigger option that I would like he is going to have to get in the gym though cuz he is very linky and skinny so you’re definitely going to have to bul up once you get in this league but they’re also comparing him as well too to uh Jeremy Grant so if you can have another one like that would you be willing to take he got to get he has to get the weight up man he has to get the defensive chops to that to that same standpoint um and Jeremy Grant proved he could be a volume three-point shooter when he got to the Blazers as well as keep that defensive efficiency up and he kept his offensive efficiency all improved as his usage rate went down if he gets the weight up I I do like kind of the shades of it but uh he’s not quite a jery grah he’s more of a perimeter kind of oriented player whereas Jeremy Grant was starting perimeter but his whole his whole game is downhill getting downhill into the paint maybe posting up doing some turnaround uh shots as well some turnaround uh Fades and things whereas Cody Williams he likes more to put pressure on him from a floater standpoint uh rather than putting his back to the basket and getting more physical yeah so Cody Williams I love players that have NBA DNA in their DNA you know you know I think it’s Ron Holland we did talk a little Stephen Castle um earlier in our breakdowns but it’s Ron Holland who we didn’t talk about got who is one of the more intriguing players I told you guys there’s a couple of intriguing players to me Donovan kingan is definitely one of those guys but Ron Holland of the of the G League at night small forward 68 208 pounds this is a guy who he got the volume I I want to see him shoot better so I’ll just start there 23.9% from behind the arc it’s not going to necessarily cut it but you want to talk about a volume guy 18.5 points per game 6.7 rebounds a game 2.8 assists 2.1 steals 2.1 blocks that’s 3.2 stocks per game from your small forward position that’s really good and overall 47 almost 45% from the field on 15 and a half field goal attempts per game that boy was gunning dog he was sh so it’s like I I like the I like the confidence man I like the fact that he’s stepping out there on the court and it seems like the only aspect of his game that really got to get right is what he’s doing from behind the arc so that’s the biggest issue that’s the biggest issue but in terms of other things I do feel like this is a guy who’ll be able to step on the court and help the Detroit Pistons out right away as well so Ron Holland we talked about effectively three three in D wings today that’s zachar a that’s Ron Holland that is Cody Williams I think Cody Williams though might be my favorite of the three that we discussed is he the most NBA ready of that group he’s a I mean Ron holl play in college might be you know he played in the g- league ignite he has some strength man like he’s he might be but I feel like Cody Williams has more upside yeah he can shoot would you put Stefan Castle in that group like if you add Stefan Castle into that group of three so you got Castle Holland um re and Cody Williams who’s number one of that group does ston Castle move up or I think Castle is the dog of that group yeah absolute dog a group on 66 215 lbs um Absol dog I love the player it’s just the shooting is the only I love the player I hate the fit with the Pistons yeah like I love the player that’s the theme of this draft though yeah there’s just like man because they need so much more when we talk about like the Tigers and their lack of bats and I say hey get them one or two bats and you guys all yall baseball like Kool-Aid they need more than two backat it’s like the Pistons need so much more than what this draft can provide that you’re hoping at the very least if they do pick you know one or two or three players in this draft that they’re depth pieces that they pieces like yo these young players now they’re not coming off our bench they’re no longer the players in the top five that we’re we’re in a position to where we have to depend on them you got to go out there in free agency and make something happen even if you strike out and can’t get two stars get at least one star level player and a couple more vets you can add to this rotation so that kage’s running with NBA players and not like you guys have alluded to these development players and am I wrong for at this point thinking that if we do draft one of these young guys they have to shoot more than 34% from from three-point rank like we can’t be working on 23% man that’s not going to cut it the defense can be great but then we got another assar Thompson so it’s just like I I don’t think this this team can afford to bring in another young non shooting player I just I I don’t see it yeah yeah I don’t I don’t see it either like I like I said the only way that I can see them doing something like that is if they’re trying to align the windows and that’s something that Rob beard he kind of put me on he said look at how they do their contracts and how they do their Windows it kind of gives you appear and that’s why call we call it Windows it kind of getes you appear into the moves that they might make for not just now but for the future as well so I could see them like it’s kind kind of like the proverbial drafting stash how they used to draft a player and then put them overseas yeah I got I can see them going and taking a player and saying you know what we’re going to we we’re not depending on him right now we’re going to make sure we go and kind of fill some of these other uh positions of need as well but we do believe in two or three years he might be the guy true but at least you’re not taking somebody right now and saying like like if they took Kade and said you know what we’re just going to shove him for two or three years and just let them develop no you’re not in that position at that point in time right now you’re in that position where you could do that with one of these draft and I I just think about what Tran said during the press conference he mentioned spacing he mentioned getting more Shooters on this team so if you want immediate impact I just feel like you can’t take a young kid that can’t shoot that’s why dton connect and Reed Shepard despite them not fit in the three and D aspect they’re more shooting guards with connect 66 uh re Shepard 63 those guys can just shoot and it doesn’t matter who’s defending them it doesn’t matter where they are in the court it doesn’t matter if they’re running off a screen like these guys are doing like Rip Hamilton style plays from like two and three steps behind the arc bro not in the mid-range behind the arc and when they catch it and they release it’s just pure yeah period and the the defense this is what I like about them more than really a lot of the other prospects the defense is like scared of wherever they are in the court at all times you see them doing boxing ones you see them hedging second and third def people like con re because you can’t you can’t trust these guys with any amount oface you can’t trust them when you’re playing great defense to miss the shot yeah so it’s like those to me if I’m taking any player who I think can come in right away and help this team with some discernable skill right now for as much as we took assar last year like you said for the defense where we thought he could be he can he can be a number one at locking up the wings you got to go out here and get one of these guys that has an elite trait and I think dton connect Reed Shepard those guys present Elite shooting capability for you and I do believe that in terms of 23 years old connect might be that guy that just kind of slot in right away and I’m keep saying it man be a more defensive minded a little bit better defensively but that’s that’s that’s like white sadique Bay with a better shot that’s my guy correct man correct that mistake s get that Sadi Bay DNA right back into the Detroit pons organization like I said a little bit better defense little bit better shooting more mature play I’m a Sadi Slappy they never should have traded him man I was they could have developed him into something good man they they really could have but yeah and I don’t know how much you hear the player comparisons of a white player to a black guy I’mma do it I’mma do it he’s a Hooper man Hooper the Hooper is all I see exactly we got people wanting to tank for Cooper flag oh my gosh and they might not have to tank to actually be in a race for Cooper flag this yearas we shoot for the fifth worst record don’t it jump up it does not this is why the the most important decision this offseason probably will come down to Who the head coach is yeah to me this team’s got to improve on defense but I don’t think you draft for defense like you got to draft offense and develop defense you got to get a coach who can coach defense if you play defense in this league like the worst offense in the league I uh um who was it 105 points a game like if you could hold a team under a 100 which obviously no one really did like you’re winning the NBA Championship like like figure out how to play some defense in today’s NBA defense is is good to have but in terms of you want your team to be able to outscore the other team if you got to choose one you would more likely want to have a team that can outscore the other team I and you got to honestly in this NBA you got to have a mix I think that’s what we saw when you saw the Celtics and the Mavericks kind of match up and I get it that’s at the finals level the Maverick had to get there but the Mavericks got there because defense was was was humming yeah it it definitely was we saw their offense we saw luuk and Kyrie put up some games in the finals true but it was the defense ultimately of the Celtics KY a much better Defender throughout this like I didn’t used to think he was even a good Defender he became a I’ll call it a good not a great he became a good Defender he has all the tools it’s it’s an effort thing Luca sucks at defense they that wasn’t they calling card in the playoffs they played better defense than they had played all year but that that wasn’t really they calling card though you want to build like the Celtics right right what up what what up up though JB no I just wanted to show you this potential lineup that I seen online shout out to Jack Kelly I hear that smirk in your in your voice he does he does amazing work online check out his YouTube channel Pistons fan all the way in Australia he works for the NBL oh yeah in austo I wanted to show you this lineup that he put out here what do you guys think about this so you got Kade you got Ivy you got Simone fonio Tobias Harris is back and Nick CL good I would I um I’m actually okay with that lineup if that’s how the the summer ended it’s not two stars but I’m actually okay with that lineup ain’t the biggest deal that jayen Ivy and K cam can’t really play on the floor together I think that’s our biggest issue don’t just like treas Landon I don’t believe that I never believe that at their Peak K Cunningham has some of his best moments off ball with Jay and Ivy on the court okay when they had some stretches of games this year where they did pretty well it was with Jay Ivy and K Cunningham on a court at the same time yeah I like what I saw the flashers I want to see them we talk about what a coach can do for a rookie yeah what about what a coach can do for second and third year NBA players who have extreme Talent yeah I’m okay with them in the back court together that’s just me personally I if the Pistons want to move in a direction def different direction I’m not I’m not mad at that is this an improved unit do you think this unit gets you more wins I mean 100 Tobias Harrison ni good additions they went 100% be the best starting five we’ve seen this Pistons have this Pistons team have since Dwayne Casey looks like a 30 win team like like a ceing of a 30 win team which you know after 14 wins would be nice but you’re not it’s not the core of a 50 55 win team yeah like I see two Shooters I see two well let me show you their I see Tobias he’s the midrange go back back I’m talking three-point shooting mid-range we’re talking spacing spacing he’s a vet yeah don’t get me wrong Tobias hits the three had a pretty good clip he’s getting long in the too though that’s that’s my only thing with Tobias it’s like he’s a retread he’s kind of getting long in the tooth so I just don’t know about his consistency going forward but I mean h i don’t know and do do you want Simone at the three it I would maybe prefer him to be a pseudo four but I think he plays better at the three though in pinches defensively he’s not like the best if he if you got him at your wings no he’s he’s pretty good defensively when we did the breakdown of his trade that was one of the things that actually stood out to me is that he can handle his own on the wing because he has really good footwork good lateral speed he’s really good in the back pedal as well so from the wing I thought that that was like his better position defensively okay though offensively I thought he performed better when he was matched up with Force CU he was able to utilize like mismatch of speed his ability to cut um he he reacts very very quickly to plays as well and so it’s like I’m not saying that I want this lineup but if you if I’m asked do I think this would be a better lineup than anything you’ve seen yeah I mean these are NBA players yeah so this other one is the bench the potential bench the Pistons could have so you got Marcus Sasser Quinton Grimes assar Thompson Maz buellis and Isaiah Stewart I mean if you’re seeing these both of these you see durren is nowhere on here yeah so durren got traded and then my only problem with this is that they’re under siiz with this with this bench lineup I you’re running small like the whole team’s running small pretty much yeah except for Nick Claxton that’s your only real true big so I like it if that was a summer it would it would be kind of a to me personally a let down but it would be a better team it will be a better Foundation it will be a better start than what the Troy Weaver era was but that’s also understanding that trer Landon is starting um at a place where TR where Troy Weaver already had some good work in place free agency cap space money uh young assets that trade which in this scenario they’ve taken advantage of all that they traded to J uran they took a top five draff piic they used their cap space so it’s uh I like with you guys overall I’m like I wouldn’t do it in terms of is it better if we have to break down what this is it’s a better team but it’s not a team that moves a need for me [Music]

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