@Boston Celtics

Marcus Smart on the Celtics championship: “Shout out to Jaylen, Jayson and the Boston Celtics on the championship…I’m proud of them…I know everyone is expecting me to be salty.”

Marcus Smart on the Celtics championship: “Shout out to Jaylen, Jayson and the Boston Celtics on the championship…I’m proud of them…I know everyone is expecting me to be salty.”

by Brad-Stevens


  1. NotFabMelo

    Smarf will forever be loved & trusted in Boston. Idc what anyone else thinks. Hope to bring back the 36 back home someday.

  2. Holy shit he’s back to his rookie cut again.

    He said all the right things, right in the feels, damn.

    Will still hold out hope he can come back when he’s done with his current contract

  3. Vegetable_Ice_6203

    I am in tears. My all time favorite Celtic. Can’t wait to see him back in green someday.

  4. paicer96

    Marcus will always be one of my favorite Celtics ever, and for sure my wife’s favorite. Wish he got to experience winning the chip with the Jays, but I’m still holding out hope he comes back to us in the future!

  5. NotDukeOfDorchester

    I don’t think anyone was expecting him to be salty

  6. StarScourge7

    I would never expect smart to be salty, that man was the heart and soul of this team for many of years, it’s a damn shame he couldn’t have been with this team for this accomplishment but wish him all the luck in his next endeavors.

  7. Normal_Bird521

    Miss him! Such a good dude for having this reaction too.

  8. sofresh247

    Does Marcus look at reddit?!!? Got dammmn! Reunion time!

  9. iAmTheRealLange

    I wish he was still here for this. I’ve got his autographed jersey hanging up on my wall. Hope he pulls a Horford and comes back

  10. kevkev87

    Bring him back in 6 years on the vet min to help the Js get their 7th ring

  11. Lorddon1234

    If Cs can’t resign Wnite, then bringing back Smart could be an option

  12. Billybaja

    Keep an eye out for the Grizzlies next year. They’re gonna come back STRONG. And they have a high draft pick. Excited to see Marcus play again.

  13. Landlord-Allmighty

    I always thought it would be the trio brining in that trophy. Nothing but love for Marcus.

  14. Laszlo-Panaflex

    Nobody expected him to be salty about it. We all wanted him to be here.

  15. bah-blah-blah

    Not quite the same level but add Smart to a similar category as Nomar as far as being traded before a championship

  16. newsocksaresick

    We need this man back when Jrue walks eventually.

  17. Jazz_Cigarettes

    In ten years, I hope Marcus is one of those familiar faces we courtside during big games.

  18. Sm0k3inth3tr33s

    When dude imitated Marcus I fucking died, that’s exactly how I pictured him reacting in my head hahaha

    “good job fellas….. FUCK!”

  19. xxiii1800

    Why be salty? He build this team along with Brad from the beginning. He’s a big part of this banner.

  20. Drawing_The_Line

    Not sure people expected him to be salty, but the lack of a public display or message certainly gave credence to that feeling. Considering lesser former teammates like Grant made overt gestures, his silence in the public domain could have been construed as salty. Happy to hear he’s not as he’ll always be a Celtic

  21. I hope Smart knows how much we love and appreciate his time here. Would love to see him back one day, if only for a retirement tour. I’ll be sure to give him his flowers.

  22. Av-fishermen

    Bring him back on the veterans minimum…hehe

  23. I_Set_3_Alarms

    I’m actually expecting you to become a Memphis villain by forcing a trade/buyout so you can come back to the Celtics. Pls

  24. KyrieLS777

    Some comments saying he sounds salty, but he does not sound salty to me. Like Marcus said, it’s bittersweet because he was in the trenches with them. But I believe him when he says he was screaming for them when they won.

    Boston will always love you Mahcus Smaht.

  25. christofir

    Marcus! If you are reading this, Boston LOVES you. You ARE a part of this championship and we are forever grateful. Come home when you are ready.

  26. Affectionate_Ad8508

    He has so many wins with the Celtics he should be given a ring at least or a Rolex if he hasn’t gotten one from Stevens

  27. Efficient-Berry-6862

    I was really hoping someone would shout him out after they won. I knew it was unlikely and wishful thinking but man… he contributed so much over so many years to this current window. Feels like it could’ve been appropriate even though he’s no longer here.

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