@Detroit Pistons

HEATED DEBATE On the Detroit Pistons Trading Cade Cunningham

HEATED DEBATE On the Detroit Pistons Trading Cade Cunningham

speaking of NBA basketball Isaiah Stewart let’s talk about Isaiah Stewart to uh to kind of uh get back on the rails a little bit all right there’s rumors that the Pistons are uh are evaluating the market for Isaiah Stewart and I’m going to go to you first Sam stick day is Isaiah Stewart somebody that the Pistons should keep or look to trade I don’t care there’s nobody on this team JY there right no as long as Jay iy on the team you don’t give a [ __ ] huh I love Jay iy and that’s no joke but to go back to um was it Joe dummer’s days there are no sacred cows on this team when you set the franchise record for losses everybody can get it everybody can go cuz y’all contributed I don’t care what excuse you give to your favorite player on how they contributed and what they didn’t do what they did do it doesn’t matter everybody on this team is disposable at some level now do you want different returns for certain players of course but beef stew love you tried you didn’t work got to go I’m sorry and whatever we can get in return for him I’m happy for loved his attitude when he got here I thought he was going to be uh a poor man’s Ben Wallace he turned out being Jason maxal okay that’s a little aggressive it’s about the same no it’s not it is no it’s not little Isaiah Stewart shot 38% from three this past Jason couldn’t do that 4 okay that’s fine but he he actually Jon maxil didn’t try to expand his game and go beyond the three-point line which is where you were not needed he is needed there he is not needed there anybody the Pistons if you say that the Pistons don’t need a shooter then you don’t know ball no the Pistons need a shooter they don’t need it from Isaiah Stewart that’s the difference they need aoo they need lots of Shooters they could use 12 Shooters on this team CU they don’t have one shooter on this team yeah but if he’s going to be there he can at least use that as a benefit and oh by the way he’s not a bad Defender I don’t need Isaiah Stewart shooting threes I don’t need that I don’t need that I’m I’m almost more bullish about keeping him than Jaylen Duren a lot of people AR like that that’s fine you could be bullish about keeping anybody I’m just telling you all of them can go cuz all of them were here for the worst season ever like look back on the Tigers when they had 119 losses who did they hold on to to make it to the the World Series was it Don Kelly was the only hold over the goat yeah right so what what about the 0 and6 Lions who was the hold over when they finally went to the playoffs Dan Campbell no I’m talk [ __ ] nobody like I’m sorry man this team was rotten this year and you got to gut it and so if you get a good trade offer for anybody I don’t give a damn if it’s the water boy we’re taking it no and that’s fair if you can get a good return for Isaiah Stewart I’m not an idiot of course you take it I’m not married to Isaiah Stewart being here I’m just saying that he’s one of the few people who last year actually shot pretty well from three that’s all I’m saying but yeah it’s a completely Fair take to just say that nobody on this team is ex is like inexpand I think Kate is personally I know you disagree but pretty much anybody else no I think Kate is your biggest bargaining chip that’s why I think he’s Expendable because you’re going to get the most return for him that’s that’s J iy is our future leader so that and that’s fine with me because I’ve seen Ivy start as a rookie and the team had better numbers win percentage wise than they did this past year and you guys whatever you want to say about he had better players around him and whatever excuse you need to give Kade for him leading this team this year but Ivy is fine with me Kade is worth more on the market you can get more in return so you go use your biggest bargaining chip to get the most you can to start this rebuild over again what’s what’s up what’s up uhoh not this [ __ ] again why are you why is trading Cade like such a vendetta for you it’s not a vendetta it’s the smartest thing to do when you have an asset and you’re the he’s really your only major asset and the rest of your team can’t get you a return you trade that asset for multiple assets to hope to build your team it’s happened with Jerry Stackhouse here it’s happened with Grant Hill in Detroit once again you’re young you don’t know this stuff go back and learn your Detroit sports history go back and learn your Pistons history see how they’ve built teams in the past this is how they’ve done it they traded Jerry stack house they got a Rip Hamilton they traded Grant Hill they got Chucky Atkins and Ben Wallace those were the best players on those teams at the time and when they traded stack house I didn’t believe it I thought it was stupid too but it seeing the result of using your biggest asset to get multiple decent pieces in return to help fill your roster if you get two shooters that are Elite shooters for a cade and a couple first round picks I’m not turning that down because I know you may not want to hear this kg but I have Ivy who is a ball handler who can distribute to those Shooters as well our future franchise or just keep handing it to Kade and let him turn it over League leader now yep here it comes that’s not a real coming out that’s not the real that that’s stats man like Kade it’s his usage rate is exem high Kade I wanted him at number one I want Kade to succeed but he hasn’t and the fact that you guys think he has has is mind blown iy has are you [ __ ] we talking about a 23 Point per game guy guys but Ivy has that’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said on the show ever if you think Kade hasn’t succeeded but Ivy has that’s idiotic and I love Ivy has shown me as much leadership and as much win potential as Kate has hey you tell you talk about this trade value we would get back on what trade value would you get back on I of potato why you needing contract as well and that’s why having five three to four players is better than having one five and the rest twos or this is what I’m trying it’s about building the team it’s just what we were talking about earlier with kachuck he’s not the most talented guy but you know what he does he fits the system he’s part of what they needed going forward so you guys can concentrate on who’s better I’m talking about who can help us win I want wins you guys want flash that’s fine wins you didn’t get him you didn’t get him with Ivy either you got more than you did with Kade oh we talking 10 there better players around Ivy at that point you got more from Kaden his rookie season oh by the way in that rookie season in which he was third in Rookie of the Year voting Jeremy Grant missed 35 games did you know that you probably didn’t but you now know that that’s why I’m oh I didn’t watch basketball what are you talking about flannel Sam just because you could read that some dude was out for 35 games doesn’t mean nobody else was witnessed to those stats what are you watch the G I’ve watched this team I’ve understood I’ve watched Ivy I understand what he is and I’m comfortable with him leading the team if we get better assets for well I’m not I’m not a CLE if you want to tr ball if you want to trade Kate Cunningham and get whatever assets and pair them with assar Jaylen Duren and Jaden Ivy Good Luck Good Luck sinking your franchise it can’t go lower than it is with K like how can you we have cap space so we can improve this team sink below franchise low how just tell me tell me Sam how do you how do you get better with the same you’re going to get more you’re going to make moves in the offseason exactly you’re going to make moves and Jay iy going to be one of the moves probably and that’s fine with me if they get a good return because I’m not married to some dude like you guys are like oh K’s the only way that the Pistons will ever be successful throwing away a 23 point game guy is crazy we need a point on a Los Ricky Davis got doubles when he played for the cavali only play years but I’m saying stats on a bad team mean nothing Jaden Ivy had stats on bad his papers bro he and he had he had better stats less turnovers as a point guard he didn’t no he didn’t yes he did he did not he had five [ __ ] assists per game that’s nothing he didn’t have he didn’t have less turn turnovers Sam so what turnovers is that’s normal man Russell Westbrook averaged like 10 turnovers a year and how many championships did he get it don’t matter he’s a dynamic player or was a Dynam but let’s not talk about him being like the the Apex of point I’m just saying turnovers ain’t the the biggest stat to be complaining about it’s not when it’s my point guard I James Harden I can go the list that have a lot of turnovers yeah and I and I tell me how many championships they have hey just remember stick in those in the first three wins of the 2023 season Kade played in two of the games he outscored Jaden Ivy in one of the games he scored one point less but had six more assists are we really going off a three game s not a whole going off a season season play so that’s three games that Jaden Ivy didn’t win by himself automatically three other games where Jaden Ivy scored double digit points I mean single digit points and in those games averaged four assists per game five of those games your leading scorer was sadique Bay who Kate Cunningham did not have this year he had James wisman instead all I’m saying is there’s a ton of context and it’s people like you who just say oh count the winds count the wi yeah yeah cuz wins don’t matter hey but why do we play the game we play to win the game but also we don’t play for your little stupid he put up 28 points per game on a team that won 10 games you’re also arguing 10 more wins than we had the the year previous 10 it’s 10 win over over 80 over 81 games that’s a pretty large 14 to 25 okay percentage wise you know the difference that’s plus 100% wa wait wait come on stop stop we argue it over wins it wasn’t 10 wins it was three oh wow it was three it was three more oh wow don’t say 10 wins it you’re right hey and you know what else it was more that that meaningless rookie season that Kate had according to you they won over 20 games with Jeremy Grant missing 35 games that’s pretty [ __ ] impressive but you think that that’s meaning and his numbers have improved every year you think that that’s meaningless well I don’t think they impr his three point percentage has improved they have improved his three-point percentage is now 36% which is a good three-point percentage and to Kate’s detriment and to his credit he wasn’t good at it in the beginning and he’s gotten a lot better great still our most valuable asset and if we can get more for him see you and I got I got something to say uhoh uhoh Premier Pet Supply Premier pet suppli is hands down Michigan’s best pet store [Music]

Flannel Sam and the rest of the BDE crew get into a heated debate with Sam “Stick” Day on the value that Cade Cunningham brings to the Detroit Pistons. Stick thinks Cade shouldn’t be excluded from trade conversations, but the rest of the crew think he should stay. What’s your stance? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. If your biggest complaint of stew was shooting 38% from 3, you have a stupid argument. He was asked to move to a new position and he somewhat filled it. Our SHOOTING guard in ivey shot worse. Played defense worse. Such a dumb thing to say

  2. Losing respect for Woodward sports. It's probably time to shut it down and put in a classic country music channel.

  3. Trading Cade will not endear goodwill to this organization. Other big time potential free agents may see that as a betrayal and may not want to come to Detroit. I really don't even want to trade Ivey, because he has a heart for Detroit. For whatever reason, it seems like this franchise has difficulty attracting free-agents. Let's not make it more difficult.

  4. cade is trash and ok with losing he doesn't know how to stop the bleeding and get to the free throw line when teams are on a run against us all he scores garbage points when we were down by like 20 points and teams have relaxed their defense HE'S NOT BUILT FORD TOUGH

  5. The level or lack their of basketball knowledge on this program is astounding. Grant Hill didn't get traded because the Pistons wanted to trade him. He signed a FA deal with Orlando that forced a sign and trade. This dude has lost his mind. All of these dude are wrong.

  6. I actually understand what Stick is saying. Obviously Cade is a better player, but at our current state of a roster, we would get much more back and a chance to have a more improved roster along with the cap space we have. I agree that Ivey needs to get better with shooting, however, you cant ignore him being in the doghouse with Monty this past season. At this point, i just want to become a perennial playoff contender again and we've got a long way to go regardless.

  7. I can understand his point but u don’t trade a player that has the potential that Cade does without seeing him on a competent team. He’s a 3 level scorer who is amazing passer and damn near halved his turnover rate the last half of the year. He’s solid on defense and has shown to be able to take over games late in the 4th. If u put an all star level player next to him and sign acouple quality bench players ion see how Cade doesn’t take the next step into that 25+ 5+ 8+ range

  8. No. Don Kelly wasn't on the 2003 & 2006 teams. But the following players were: Craig Monroe, Brandon Inge, Omar Infante, Ramon Santiago, Jeremy Bonderman, Fernando Rodney, Mike Maroth, Nate Robertson and Wilfredo Ledezma. They weren't All-Stars, but they all played roles.

    You've got to start with a base and from that base you've got to establish an identity. I haven't watched the Pistons in years, but from what I've read and heard, you need at least 1 of those guards (I'd prefer having both) and Durren to be the base of SOMETHING. I'm not a big "find a bunch of shooters" guy – I think all the 3-point shooting is one of the worst trends in sports history. It works when you have Steph Curry and Klay Thompson. It doesn't work when you're shooting 25% from the 3-point line.

    Beef Stew doesn't strike me as a player with a good role for this team going forward.
    Actually, why can't Cade and Ivey play well together? Perhaps a new coach or a new scheme is what's needed?

  9. This is beyond goofy. Saying you don’t need stew shooting threes when damn near every PF or C in modern basketball can shoot threes tells me everything I need to know about how much you, 1 Know about basketball and 2 how much you actually watched the team this year. Stew was one of the few good players we had. You put him on a playoff team I guarantee you won’t see people complaining about him shooting 38% from three. Lmfao and for the love of god, stop talking about TRADING CADE. terrible terrible terrible, do better. And the 03 tigers team you brought up, brought back a good amount of those same players.

  10. You guys are talking about fitting a system… what system do we have yet? We have no coach, what if Cade is the better fit than Ivey, then what?!? Also, youre talking about a guy who is 3 years in the league and 22years old, saying hes not successful.. maybe he hasnt been what you want yet.. but its year 3

  11. Also the problem with “sports” guys, is that they all think their take is always right.. there is no consideration for others takes

  12. People need to understand that trading a player on a rookie contract will probably get you 2 draft pics and a salary matcher….if you have to trade cade it need to be in year 2 of his max extension where you get players to make the money match i.e Carmelo Anthony trade James Harden trade, Anthony Davis trade when you trade a player on a max have the flexibility of 3 and four team deals Cade is a bad idea

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