@Toronto Raptors

[Lewenberg] Raptors assistant GM Dan Tolzman on Rich Paul suggesting that Toronto could be interested in Bronny James: “I think all these players are guys we’re looking at. He’s in the mix… Every player on the board we’re looking long and hard at and I wouldn’t say we’ve ruled anybody out”

[Lewenberg] Raptors assistant GM Dan Tolzman on Rich Paul suggesting that Toronto could be interested in Bronny James: “I think all these players are guys we’re looking at. He’s in the mix… Every player on the board we’re looking long and hard at and I wouldn’t say we’ve ruled anybody out”

by The_Living_L


  1. NBAball05

    In other words we have heard of him but most likely not thinking about drafting him

  2. kpeds45

    Diplomatic response. Not going to throw Rich Paul under the bus, whole saying “yeah, we are looking at everyone”.

  3. TraanPol

    Not gonna lie I didn’t think he was on our radar but ever since Lebo Jawara I want him just for the memes

  4. _iTurtle

    We could draft him, we also could not draft him 🤔

  5. New_Drop_6723

    Draft Bronny just out of spite for all the years Leborn tortured us. We all know how much they love coming here. lol

  6. iamwearingashirt

    Ask Tolzman about any guy with a hint of being in their range and you’ll get the exact same answer.

  7. CanadaBBallFan

    He averaged 4.8 points in college and has a congenital heart defect. I think it’s safe we don’t draft him.

  8. coniotic

    Translation: Our roster has so many holes to fill right now. We’ll take anybody!

  9. KayPizzle

    What a sick response lol, thanks for the report on this one Josh.

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