@New Orleans Pelicans

PPR NBA Prospects Breakdown: Guards for the #Pelicans in 2024 Draft!

PPR NBA Prospects Breakdown: Guards for the #Pelicans in 2024 Draft!

you are now listening to the Pelicans postgame report anyway we can go to the guard play I mean let’s talk about it man I know this uh step on we know Castle from Yukon is not a guy that you know he could be a guard off that D awesome right just put on Devin Carter’s another dude that’s drawing a lot of work Rob dillingham’s another dude that’s pretty Talent he’s are very tal talented players we had one time he had nicoa to topic that was much talked about guy that’s supposed to be a top three guy he slid down uh considerably but who do you like DC in terms of the guards man that’s out there be available when the Pelicans pick at 21 um if I had to pick one guy let’s see who you who you think’s gonna fall that’s I’m looking at this and I’m like damn who that I would want to have because I I like I like the kid from Colorado but they talking about him being top five now man I like delin tette but now he he’s moving into the top 10 it’s like man um wings uh really had a premium bro like um C Cody Williams I like him from Colorado I like Ron Hollands you know I’ve been doing a lot of looking at um bigs that’s primarily what I see the pals doing if not uh big I see them taking a guard uh jacobe Walter is another dude but he’s not really a guard I kind of like him Tyler Smith definitely still could fit in that SM you know I guess that would have to be my number one guy just realistically looking at who could be there because the draft from like five to pretty much every position before us man it’s just filled with wings you know uh one of them could fall out if I had to pick one of them out of everybody I think it would be amazing man to see uh Ron Holland you know uh fall down to us if we were to get a win that would be my favorite guy he’s the guy in the draft with the highest upside and dude’s still 18 years old you know uh he’s another defensive stopper I like his uh like his attitude his aggression man um very athletic he plays both sides of the ball with a lot of passion um he’s a dude that can pretty much do everything Q would except what except shoot he need a little work on that shot but uh would I really see Ron Holland falling us that would be pretty much the only Wing I would be happy about getting just because the other guys I don’t think Cody Williams will follow us I like him you know what I’m saying very solid player you know uh you know whose brother this is right OKC Thunder right will I remind you I like him I don’t think it’s any way in hell that he falls to us though not you know um I don’t think k conette d connect I like him a lot you know uh this is a dude that can pretty much do it all offensively q and he a sharp shooter you know what I’m saying can shoot on the move can pull up he hit him in the clutch you know uh okay Defender not great you know he is 23 years old so he’s right up another old player he come in got a rooll you know what he about to do he getting busy you know what I’m saying but it’s it’s been a lot of talk about him being connected to the Spurs now I don’t know if he falls to so I named a few guys bro I’m not really big on the wings because I really don’t see the pals draf in the wing um what we what we doing and they trying to get rid of wings you know we got that ain’t playing on the win enough minut but if we do get rid of dice and we lose Naji and we lose B yeah yeah I can see we definitely would have to get a win from somewhere yeah and and the guards I know the guards a lot of people uh like the guards man some of the guards I know the Pelicans ultimately we know we looking for Bigs here we have Dyson Daniels and Jose Alvarado but things could change based on how how the trade look because I know obviously the bi trade is something uh they’re looking to do so if it’s bi might be in the package with somebody else they might move him so if you’re looking for guards there are a couple of guards you made you mentioned KJ Simpson from Colorado who’s a pretty good guard averaging almost 20 points a game five assists shooting over 43% from downtown uh he’s a pretty good one if you’re looking for it a lot of people thinking that he’ll be available late in the first round uh AJ Mitchell from UC s toar is another dude he’s a junior got a mean game to him as well aage 20 points a game almost 40% shooting in downtown four assists per contest also hustles and four rebounds he’s another dude that’s a good finisher around the rim another dude that’s interesting uh as well and plus he’s like a six Street size guard and we talk about guards guys we guarding the guards now now yeah we just talking guards we gotta mention One Wing I just left him off because I I like him a lot I think he’s possibly in our range but probably not about him going higher too I just thought you was gonna talk about Jason Tyson so I left it if if we draft if we drafted awing but I mean he kind of to me we probably would haven’t played the TW I mean he’s 6’5 uh 21 years old average 19.6 points a game 36% from three almost seven rebounds a game almost four assists a game 3.5 assists man uh this dude carried Cal man I think he’s really a good Defender too that don’t get talked about at all he was that guy you know taking all the tough shots so his defensive game you know took a little bit of a hit because of that two three level score you know um projected on here at 33 so this is somebody we could see uh possibly dropping to us maybe but man if only thing about bot Q athletically I wish he would have a little more gifts just don’t have Supreme athleticism if he did man me this this dude probably top five you know um I ain’t seen nothing I ain’t like about him um you know he he he shoots off the dribble he attacks the paint viciously got a lot of post moves he can play the two all point guard you know even though he’s listed as a forward um this dude is awesome man and and he was the guy you know carrying the team and I thought he played as well as you could in the situation he was in over there Cal man very good rebounder it’s like every way you look to play basketball you know this dude doing something and he does it pretty good you know it’s not really a lot of holes in his game other than him um sometimes you could say maybe he lag consistency you know but he was the guy carrying the team you know what I’m saying he shot 55% his true shooter percentage which I don’t think bad 36% from three on almost five ATT a game um you know sometimes he had some turnovers get a little reckless and stuff like that but I think this I would be happy like if we didn’t get a big and he faed us a 21 and we drafted this guy I would be happy I am concerned a little bit of him not being athletic especially after what we been complain about with v right so uh that would concern me a little but everything else I seen it was it’s just too good to pass up at 21 I think that would be a good spot to take him so um Jason Tyson man and we worked him out it’s one of the guys we worked out yeah yeah he is man and uh I was watching film on this guy this guy’s actually pretty slick man watching his game to be honest with you uh and um I mean it’s a pretty good chance that the guys one of these might be one of the guys that we we might end up drafting DC to be honest which is some of these guys that we work out good chance yeah we don’t take a big I could see that’s draft to him it will make a lot of sense he can play three position he can all right let’s move forward I’mma hit you with one more big DC OC let me talk about OC a little bit more man igora I thought you gave up on h no I didn’t bro but I I think that osie uh could be a guy you know like I said he was a scene he play the majority of his time there um in terms of you know all those years he had a chance to develop I think the another knock on OC is the fact that he’s undersized you know he’s what six 69ine 69ine and a half uh I guess if you compare him to a I mean he has the potential to be something much more depending on where he goes I don’t know about him with the three-point should have to look up his three-point shooting percentage in terms of being a big that can do that because if you’re talking about El hawford hawford can occasionally uh stretch the defense and then pull up and take a shot at the top of the key so if you know that has to be a part of his game I have to look up his three-point shoot percentage because I don’t remember him being a high rate three-point shooter I remember most of the times he’s a non shooter Q he’s not even good at sh right so see that’s the I don’t know why they hit you with the the shades of el hord [ __ ] I don’t know alord guy that can actually do more than shoot threes man [ __ ] he that’s a big part of L’s game man is that he can hit that three man he stretch he he stretches those defense but but uh OS man 13 points seven rebounds uh three assists per contest can run the floor really well um Can screen pretty good he’s a very strong screener there uh and he’s got a little got some hustle in his game as well so wingspan DC 611 so I mean it’s just amazing he’s 22 years of age and there’s a lot of upside to OC’s game so I mean he’s a player that potentially I know he’s definitely a guy that they’re gonna have uh penciled in in the second round so you gotta player if you can get OS man you can work with him man and kind of develop his game uh to the level because I know a lot of these guys when they move on to the next level they have to be able to learn how to at least start taking that three-point shot that’s a big part of doing what they do all right so anyway let’s going to cover a few more of these guards and then we’re going to end the stream on our some of our prospects another uh bouncing back to some of the guards a lot of guys to talk about was tan Shannon Junior uh the senior from Illinois he played really well guy that averaged 23 points a game of for the alii on 36% shooting from downtown he’s 6 foot6 220 pounds very solid uh has a good Wings SP where where is he ranked on the board Q uh number 23 oddly enough number 23 four rebounds per contest very very good dut he good in in and got a good Pace to him good in transition uh can handle the ball um he hit almost 80% of his free throw shots he has some really good athleticism to him and and he’s a pretty damn good player like I said good size solid player 66 220 and and uh like I said said but his age he’s about 24 almost 24 years of age so coming into this Terence Shannon JR could be a person that a lot of if if you’re looking for a guard a big guard that has the ability to maybe play a little three every now and again uh Terrence uh could be a guy that you could ultimately look at he’s a very slick uh Defender too very good Shan Shades a Tyreek Evans Tyreek Evans yes and if you watch the game man you put the tape on the Terence sh Shan dude dude is a solid player I mean he got the NBA body and all that man you just you just can bring him along all right so DC any other guys you want to talk about in terms of the guards Isaiah ker is another dude man I was watching film on Isaiah ker he’s a bit he’s about 62 but uh very solid player they call him you know they call him the tank built like a tank ah I don’t know man I see some I see something there but with Isaiah ker I just uh just how Dynamic he is far as uh attacking but he can’t shoot it’s just I don’t know man just something about him turn him off I think he work for me because I think his shot will take a while to come because he’s able to kind of get where he wants and do what he wants you know with his athletic gifts and I don’t know man if if he does wound up being able to shoot though I to see him tur into a very good player I just don’t think this will work out very well for theel I don’t know what it is I don’t think he will work out well for the Pelicans I’m not I’m not a fan of any guards that that can’t shoot at this point he shot 34% from downtown and he shoots almost 56% I want to say 56 57% from the field but you know like I said a lot of his thing is he’s below 70% from the free throw line bro like I don’t I don’t need a penetra can we bring up your boy from the G League then you talking about uh uh CBR CBR come Daron right here brother that dude I mean this dude he got something to him bro I just I don’t think we would be the right position and give him what he needs to turn into what he could turn into and I don’t think it’d be a good return for us but I see somebody like Ryan Dunn That’s somebody retake and be able to get something out of him not saying that’s what I want us to do but if they picked Ryan dun at 21 I almost would be shocked if let’s say we pull off a trade before draft night to get a big and uh you know we don’t have no good backup rotational big there we want I could definitely see the Pelicans taking Ryan dun Ryan Dunn is basically the modern version of her Jones man I mean you got a dude oh he’s going steps forward man it’s crazy some people list him as a guard that’s why I didn’t mention him as who’s a forward this dude is 2.3 blocks a game see has a small forward he’s 66 and he gets 1.3 steals a game on top of that defensively man he do everything you want do if there was this hypothetical trade because I hear all this stuff would you trade her but would you not or whatever and we got some Superstar or whatever we got and we traded her I could bet your bottom dollar with 21 roller Rock would be drafting Ryan dun um he looks like him we worked him out too you know uh he’s very athletic uh getting to the rim you know what I’m saying getting out on the break he does all of that but guess what Q you know what his problem is Right can’t shoot running theme here tonight can’t shoot he can’t shoot yeah can’t shoot not very good shooter at all but outside of that I mean he does everything else I mean literally he does everything else good rebounder you know what I’m saying good team player he got a little bit of facilitation ability nothing crazy he’s a very good cutter you know what I’m saying just can’t shoot cannot shoot man he would be a special player to pick up if if Freddy V was still here you know so I mean but you know you’re talking about uh what’s the guy that’s in the like the top top 10 Carter yeah Carter man if if this guy had Carter’s offensive ability in shots got another top five Prospect yeah we can say that about a lot of these guys you know being honest man he want taking Mitch Match parts of that game you can U you can say that but uh what about uh Tyler khik Marquette uh the point guard they got him listen as a pure playmaker man ranked at 21 so he’s ranked right at 21 how would you feel about him man dude averages seven assists game Q 38% from the three-point line 15 points a game on 60% true shooting but he’s 61 and that’s the he’s 61 and he does not fit Willie switch all system because he ain’t playing look defense at all no no he’s a he’s a player they got Jaylen Brunson and Goran d up there and i’ and I’ve watched uh I watched Tyler I don’t know if I see I don’t see Jaylen Brunson doing him a lot of I don’t know how he get hyped like that I did think he was very good though but I I don’t see Jay brons he don’t have athleticism one Tyler kak he he has uh good B he got a good basketball IQ uh yeah he’s very smart very smart and and you have to to be if you’re 61 playing among the Giants but you know he’s 61 about 200 pounds uh you know he makes some really good passes I remember seeing him passes play a team guy as well he will hit the shot if you know he will he had no problem if you give him space he will hit the shot he will take the big shots if you need him to but like I said yeah the de the that shot is slow though got get that shot a FAS at 61 and true true but he shoots almost get it off it’s going in yeah he he shoots he shoots well 39% from downtown eight rebounds a game five assists in true and he shoot 60% from the field so he knows how to play the game it’s just you know the athleticism is another thing but he gives you everything that he got it’s a full out effort dude of Tyler kak but kak will pull up and knock that shot down he will drive and distribute the ball has a high basketball IQ sees the floor really well so you know I don’t know he’s the guy I don’t think if the Pelicans were in search of a point guard I don’t I I mean I don’t know there are other better options but I wouldn’t be mad if Tyler was a guy that you picked up for your for your basketball team I mean he he is yeah he can set the table you know um and you know usually when you look at who’s the next big European sensation you know and a lot of people had this this uh he’s he’s supposed to be the next Prodigy man that’s what a lot of people are saying know that’s the buzz on it you know that you know he shoots almost 31% of contest 14 and a half points per game put that it’s the Euro league though Q so you can’t trip off their percentages over there but it’s a lot harder how they play that’s what I’m saying so I I don’t know I don’t know I mean I never was big on the cola topic but uh I think I think he he could be he he could be whose point guard he better than J he better than Jos GID I I don’t know about all that no I’m just say I think he can be a starting point guard in the league from what I saw uh his his defense obviously you know with with a lot of those European guards that’s always the issue right but uh offensively man it’s a lot to like about him bro um he seems he looks like a kind of not quite a pass first point guard but he’s extremely balanced and passing first taking a shot um I seen him hit some awesome three-point shots off the dribble catch shoot I know he shoots 30% but I it’s kind of deceptive from what I saw tape um he gets in the lane man he can finish around the basket you know he finish it with both hands I don’t know man uh his it’s it’ll all be all about how he transitions to the NBA man I actually like uh Nia topic I’m hoping a team like the Thunder doesn’t draft him but but that’s probably exactly what’s going to happen that’s why he got rid of Josh giddy but if some reason he did slip down the board you would be upset about the pals because he did he does have a I think he tore his ACL or MCL so he’s probably G have to sit a while before he’s able to play would you be upset about the pal drafting him if he was sitting there at 21 uh well I I wouldn’t like it to be honest with you because we need we need some uh we need some help uh protecting but in terms of his potential as a point guard who can shoot Theo and distribute the ball I I wouldn’t be too too terribly upset with that I mean you know he does feel a need if if they don’t pull off a trade for a established guy it’s not it wouldn’t be the the look that you’re looking for if you trying to pair a superstar with Zion you know that’s a whole another thing but I’ll be look I would rather them to go big here then again like if you can get uh ni coola topic like I said I’m not very big on topic but he is very talented to be honest with you he is a very talented player so I guess I wouldn’t be too mad I wouldn’t you know I wouldn’t be too mad on it but Shan Sharman shyan so he’s he’s ranked it as uh at 31 man uh versatile shooter who can drain threes from pretty much a lot of different places Beyond how you feel about uh he could score um got good size 66 uh I seen some film on him uh in terms of like his uh defense I don’t know I don’t know about his defense but the dude can he can I remember seeing some footage some limited footage on him but he can shoot he can distribute the ball but how his defense is is not all that but you know like I said it’s uh don’t I I don’t know you saying at 21 getting this guy bayor at at 21 I don’t know yeah the knock on him is that he’s not very pretty much another shooter that we wouldn’t use yeah and Willie wouldn’t play him anyway because he can’t play defense defense is not but he can shoot the ball and he can pass the ball you know but in terms of him playing defense nah this dude wouldn’t see the floor well I think uh maybe maybe doc O’s uh philosophy is if he can get rid of all of Will’s defensive guys except for a few and Surround him with a bunch of offensive guys he won’t have a choice with the player I don’t think he doing will gonna run a seven man rotation better for him just to just to just be honest and just tell Willie listen man need better than what you are you don’t think he did I don’t I don’t know not well enough DAV G came out and said we’re extremely high on Jordan Hawkins he can be and do and you don’t think David Griffin was campaigning for Jordan ha to get more minut he if he did what he was supposed to do Jordan Hawkins would have got those minutes so I don’t I know David Griffin is Willie Green’s boss and if David Griff we did win 49 games so I could see the man taking hands off a little bit because we mean were for the most part winning so you don’t think that winning could have played a part in that equation of him not uh pulling a trump card forcing him to put J HW yeah that’s that’s part of it because that’s what it’s all about with David Griffin is collecting enough wins to to uh to keep doing what he doing I mean there is I mean are are could the Pelican Nation could be really asserting that the Pelicans are actually making moves that will put them in a championship I mean that’s the whole thing like if you competing in in the NBA and all these other teams are literally pulling off trades midseason to acquire Talent so that they can improve like what Dallas did Dallas made a series of mid season trades to change what they look like at the start of the Season move like they are a team that has like 16 17 18 championships on uh trophies on their mantle I mean they have no sense of urgency in terms of putting the correct team together to to compete for a chip I think just basically what David Griffin is doing right now is just he operates with this with this energy like we’ve got it figured out and they have a lot of stuff going on so like I said there are a lot of prospects out there uh that can help this team but you know like you still got to be true to who your head coach is you can’t pick players that coach is not going to ident identify with and you shouldn’t be picking players period without your head coach The head coach should be the guy that’s making the decision on what players that he wants to play in his team not David Griffin that’s the problem we had with Kyro Lewis dream when we blew that pick you know that kind of crap that can’t be gone man we can’t be having that kind of nonsense we have to they have to let Willie Green up in there and let him pick the players that he needs to to operate the system that he needs to operate you know and of course Willie Green has to improve as well so you know that’s my take on it but right DC Let’s uh what about uh we gotta talk about uh news and wrap that up and I’ll give you one more player but it ties into what if the tra Pelicans actually trade and get to pick their te or pick three uh will we take a guy depending if we got our big back will we take a guy like Rob Dy I’ve been hearing a lot about him particularly dropping you know out that top 10 slot maybe into the team somewhere um I don’t think a team like San Antonio would pass him up but I could see it if they did draft like Reed Shepard I could see them not draft both of those guys obviously right but um I definitely see San Antonio picking one of them because he’s projected to go eight I I mean you think Papa pass him up but if he did you got a dude here three B all handling man 44% from three-point line that’s on five attempts I know 60% you know 5.2 points a lot of people compare him they say his Chad of Lou Williams and Bones Highlands I see Kyrie Irving a little bit not saying he’s the next Cary but I could see that comp more than L Williams could me um he talking about a dude who just his athletic chips are crazy man the game this D can figure out how to slow the game down and actually slow down and use his speed more he’ll take his whole playmaking is SC to a completely another level um he’s got a flu in the game um he can he can hear from behind the heart moving um definitely uh has some facilitation to him as you would want from a guy being point guard obviously but him and Reed Shepard shared those abilities so it’s curious to see how much further he could go with that without sharing the back C with another amazing player like like Reed Shepard um everything about him I like other than the fact that he’s 6164 pounds you got the whole Allen Arison thing going on um very very good player man offensively but gonna get picked on on the defensive end you got that whole issue there with having small guard how would you P feel if PS traded up and this was the actual guy that we took man uh Rob dillingham’s game is awesome man I mean like you said um I mean he’s phenomenal just electric electric in the bottle his game um most dynamic player in the draft to me yeah he is man special and you you mentioned Alan Iverson with his with uh I don’t know if I would say body type body type I’m play like no no no I I I see because I see his crossover game his his um his change direction he could pass he could take you off the dribble pull up shots falling away curk in his body um you know when I first seen uh Dylan ham play his his game reminded me of another point guard that a lot of people forgot about uh when he first came in the game and it’s so much of his game reminds me of Brandon Jennings like how smooth and how really right I think he’s a little more electric than Brandon Chen no no no his his offensive game reminds me of Brandon Jenners now you talk about him explosive D dunking on people that’s a different element all together but he’s the straight smoothness of how he scores he’s not afraid to to play among the trees but yeah man I I like a lot of this kid tough kid and listen got a big heart doesn’t back away from a challenge and like I said man it’s just the dude is awesome man 61 got uh uh ups for days um shoots the three inside outside game is is is phenomenal and like I said uh 61 164 and that’s pretty much with Jennings with Jennings was so good when he before he got drafted remember they you know they he went and played in Europe for year and then uh when that was over with they drafted him at like top I think uh he was either third or fourth Milwaukee took him and he he was just an explosive offensive player and Shifty quick but Dillingham is more physical than than Brandon Jennings but I do like the fact that the kids is is awesome I he would bring excitement to the to the point guard position for the Pelicans he would excite things and I wouldn’t be up upset at all if Dillingham would be the guy uh that that that they pick I wouldn’t be upset by that because you know what you’re getting with this kid this kid is from Flo to FL DC gets buckets fast he Ste the ball and he’ll be one of the fastest players on the floor he would be everything that you wanted Cyra to be that’s that’s what Rob Dillingham would be he was everything that you wanted Cyra Lewis Junior to be you wanted Kyra to have heart this kid have heart he takes the shots he’ll shoot in the guy you know he pill up shots in the guy face cont talking his body Falling Away hitting shots getting you know taking it among the trees difficult shots uh running up against guys and and and looping the ball up under them for layups and all this kind of stuff and then getting to the foul line hitting the shots and like I said he was electric for Kentucky last year and he’ll be big for the Pelicans so I don’t see Rob Dillingham falling out of the top 10 to be honest with you because he’s a phenomenal talent that if he falls to the Pelicans at 21 or like you say if you move up to a certain area to go and get Dillingham I would not be upset if the Pelicans couldn’t land the point guard that they wanted and this would be or they decided hey man this guy could be the guy because we want to get away from Jos Alvarado we want somebody like this guy like a guy that would just cram it on your head and dunk and do that type of stuff that would be pretty cool to have man to have a point guard that could be able to do that you have Zion over here and all this kind of stuff it would be pretty cool at Rob Dillingham I just don’t think it’ll happen but I I like the kid a lot man special player subscribe now and stay up to date for All Things New Orleans Pelicans

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Join Big Q & DC as they break down the top wings and guards in the 2024 NBA Draft and explore who the New Orleans Pelicans might target to strengthen their post play. With the draft fast approaching, can the Pelicans find the right bigs to help them take the next step?

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