@Denver Nuggets

What’s at stake for the Denver Nuggets in the 2024 NBA Draft? | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

What’s at stake for the Denver Nuggets in the 2024 NBA Draft? | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

night before the draft the night before the draft how are we going to sleep fellas I’m not going to sleep what is everybody welcome to the dmba show let’s go there it is live from the Toyota Lounge you guys know we love Toyota offici vehicle yes it is brought to you by your Front Range Toyota stores great show you lined up because it is the last show before the draft we’re going to talk about two prospects tonight uh or today um our last two that we’ll preview before tomorrow’s show we’re also going to talk about what’s at stake not just for the Nuggets but for all the teams around the NBA should be a good one over here brenon votes here he walked today oh yeah thought I’d change it up and walk to work shout out to our Serbian viewers who may be looking to be slightly more entertained than that match very sorry very sorry it keeps going that way for you folks out there yeah Serbia loves to qualify for things big events and then not make it out of the group stage which is a tough that’s a tough bet for a fan it’s tough man it’s tough so our our thoughts are with you friends uh then over there Harrison win yeah a 0 draw or so sorry a nil nil draw in uh a competition like this is tough to stomach that’s tough it is tough guys we are 24 hours away from our draft show we’re going to be live it’s going to be phenomenal but more importantly come down to the bar and watch it with us we’re going to have a camera set up downstairs uh we’re going to have audio from this show playing downstairs so it’s not like you’re going to miss the show in fact you can even like send us notes there might even be opportunities for you to come on the show or be on the set before the show it’s going to be a good time we have food specials drink specials more importantly our cam downstairs I’m really hoping we get a lot of booze when the Lakers pick it doesn’t matter who they pick right Boo that guy talk [ __ ] yell scream I didn’t even know who Kyle kozmo was until they drafted him then I hated him immediately say some [ __ ] about JJ reic which’s awesome really whatever you want no such thing as a wrong draft night take you just get to say whatever you’d like and then time passes so true we’re all wrong together we’re all wrong together actually you know what I’m declaring a new theme night for tomorrow it’s random Jersey night that’s what they do at MSG right it’s always like it’s like summer league where you have to wear your most random Jersey if you got most random Jersey you have do you have one I’ve only got three jerseys I don’t think I have any jerseys actually have four NOP five I have a a yic and a Murray I’ve got a Melo I’ve got a Dwayne Wade and I’ve got a Team USA Kobe Kobe jersey never going to get a Lakers one but I got a Team USA Kobe wow selection there yeah uh I’ve also got a partisan uh georgevich Jersey that’s your best one 92 by the way when partisan played in f f Adam’s just very Discerning about who he wears that around and when that’s why you don’t see I’ve also got a red red star jersey actually too and on the crowd he’s with he’s ready all over the place I need to get a Serbia yoke Jersey oh I did you know what if anybody do me a favor somebody send me a link to where I can buy a Serbia yogic Jersey from this year’s Serbia right do we even know what it is yet I don’t know I have not seen the mockup of this year’s Jersey I’m going to Shell out so much money for that what about that video everyone tagged us and sent us this morning of yic doing the promo did you where where he the microphone fell off did he have a mustache in that I think that was a joic hadn’t shaved lately lighting hit him funny but it looked like he was rocking a mustache o kale pillow it up man see if see if you could find that check it on the on the dmvr Nuggets page it does your wind I think he has a mustache that’s the first thing I noticed about maybe it’s a team Serbia it could just be the lighting man I got to be honest with you guys that would be big news a mustache I just a look Yoles had the same look since he got into the NBA outside of obviously you remember how jarring it was when he put on a headband it was very jarring I’ve always thought okay let’s see it can you zoom in is there a zoom in look at that pause it pause it pause it might be a mustache you didn’t even need to pause it just zoom in are you able to zoom in at all I’ll zoom in as much as I can without get too blurry it can get blurry brother we can it could be lighting it could be lighting and the dimples I think it’s Li a mustache lighting and the DI mustach mustach mustache mustache or not what do you got that’s a mustache talk to us he’s shaven and he’s left the mustache he looks so much more Serbian with this mustache man and he he got a haircut he shaved and he left the mustache am I alone never seen this before I know we’re big on conditioning for our favorite players on the Nuggets this summer he looks good but is it okay if we I think yic should be allowed to smoke cigarettes if he wants if he wants to so you know when um Dirk was playing his hair went through a transformation during the season lots of styles he cut it before the year and he cut it so by the time the playoffs rolled around it was grown out right so we had like the Shaggy look for the playoffs um I could get behind yage doing something similar I I can’t I like haircut Yol I wouldn’t mind though him going to like the Mohawk or the Euro mullet like one of those looks I feel like I just wouldn’t mind a little more like Shaggy raggedy look okay once the playoffs come with I’m with you I like this a little more of a rough look the mustache is hilarious rough rowy the mustache is hilarious um I’m so excited for all of these updates by the way on team Serbia I’m just so in I’m more into that than I am into the draft waiting for the team Canada updates yeah haven’t really rolled in yet I was watching Team Serbia in the euros and I’m like oh they don’t have yic different sport I know but I still kept waiting for the yic appearance I wanted to ask the central question right off the top today though which is our headline question which is what’s at stake because it weirdly feels like a lot is at stake going into this draft and yet the it’s a 28th pick it’s not that important of a pick and a down draft it feels weird but as we just head into the draft I’ll start with you Harrison what do you think’s at stake and maybe who has the most at stake well it feels like there’s pressure building for the Nuggets to come out of this off seon with some momentum yeah and of course a lot of that’s hinging on what happens with cavius CW Pope is he staying is he leaving what’s he doing but if he leaves there’s going to be some bad vibes really regardless of how the Nuggets recover from it and what other moves they make if kcp stays I think regardless of what happens the rest of the offseason regardless of what happens in the draft the Nuggets had a successful off season I think you can look at it that way um but don’t you feel like the draft and it shouldn’t be this way but the draft I do feel like narratives will come out after that yeah because it seems like the nuggets are going to take somebody yeah in the first round maybe they’ll take two guys and you know the narrative out there right now from the fan base is we have too many young guys that aren’t going to be big contributors contributors next season why are we adding two more or why did we take anyone at all I I don’t think Calvin boo can win this Dre like in the in the way we’re describing it this context of the immediate fan reaction podcast reactions I don’t know if Calvin Booth can win this draft he can pick a guy that makes the team better in the long term or maybe even immediately if everyone you know if if God’s willing but if he drafts a young guy you’re going to say man they have too many young guys if he drafts a ready to play guy you’re going to think well where where does he play um so you know I think maybe a good Center pick people would be happy with even within that everyone has different ideas of who the good Center pick is do you think he could win the win the uh headline with Don Holmes maybe I kind of think yes I think so and it doesn’t make sense it’s only because it’s been built up do this lock to happen there’s a lesson in this is it a smoke screen or is it PR prep for the eventuality it’s the biggest irony is what if it was a smoke screen the whole fan base was hooked on it and then it was like no I told you the funniest outcome is he’s available they run homes and they don’t take it right I agree and they’re like we never even were interested on the board on the board fellas so I I just kind of think depending on how people feel about Calvin Booth right now before he even picks they almost kind of know how they’re going to react to what he does um I don’t so I just don’t know if that’s I agree with wi that kcp stays and you somehow if you want to win the serbs over just trade for Vasa I suppose but beyond that I think yeah you know any any move is going to be scrutinized until the Nuggets just hit the floor and win some games there is one way he could win the draft and that’s by trading the pick I I agree plus somebody else for something I agree with this actually um you know that’s how he could win it in the minds of the fan base um well it’s been interesting though is you’ve heard the Lakers say this you even heard Brad Stevens and the Celtics say this everybody’s kind of all of these good contending teams are actually publicly saying that we need to draft and develop guys in this new CBA right it’s been an interesting Trend uh Rob pinka said it yesterday Brad Stevens said it you’re probably going to hear other contending teams say it like good teams want to be drafting guys now can make the argument that the Nuggets drafted three guys last year um but you’re going to see more and more good contending teams focusing on the first round of the draft I strongly agree with that that Cal said a year ago what a lot of guys are saying this year and you can you know gripe about the execution but it is at least like more and more common now to say CU I know like good friend of the show good friend of mine Jeff Morton he’s been hammering this home you cannot win with this many young guys on a team and I think that he’s right traditionally you go back and look it is true I think one thing that’s going to happen out of this next CBA is the middle class might get squeezed a lot not even the middle class the lower middle class the eighth the veterans who would have been the seventh and eighth guys who usually those guys are pretty good players but it just might be that there’s no money for those guys and teams end up carrying a bunch now we’ll see how the smart teams navigate that over the next of the coming years but Denver clearly is going to try to kep navigate that by having lots of young players that they feel invested to develop uh and that could continue obviously into this draft I agree with you though if you let’s say you pick a player you really don’t like right after that filipowski you don’t like filipowski he’s really that bad on your board he’s not the like no here’s the thing here’s the thing and I can say this because I’m not a draft analyst okay filipowski seems like a very good player like he actually seems like a pretty high floor guy at backup center I just it’s not a pick that would get me excited though let’s say they draft Adam Bona okay like something like that with a 28th pick a guy that’s just not really a guy we’ve really gone all in he’s not that that exciting and then five minutes later it comes out that the nuggets and kcp are agreeing to terms or something like that that’s how you could win the draft too like nobody cares about this guy he could draft Adam Mars at 28 yeah there you go hey man I’m just saying no I can make his many threes z zek um so that so to me that you’re right before you uh reworked your form or after I need to rework my form actually you guys want to tell some tells I got to I got to should I wait till dev’s here wait yeah yeah wait till he’s here just bring it on him when he’s here I’m going to on the draft show tomorrow I’m just going to like bang him over there in podcast disloyalty is the theme just so you’re if you’re wondering and horrible horrible something I would never do to my triflin worst best friend um I think that there’s a lot at stake for Calvin Booth I don’t think it’s totally fair um what you were saying I think it’s fair to judge him for the offseason but there is this break this several day break between the draft and the rest of it and I do think that there is going to be a lot written about whatever nuggets do just because I don’t foresee an awesome draft yeah really quickly just kind of loosely rank outcomes as far as how well they’d be received because I think wi’s right that trading the pick is probably best received if you get something yeah if you trade it for yeah if you trade the pick and zagi for nothing for salary cap space that’s that might be even worse than taking Philip pal if like the pick in Zeke and Reggie gets you a point guard upgrade or something people would probably applaud that right I think you’re right that the second would probably be taking homes just I think it’s worked out whatever whether it’s a smoke screen or a pump or a PumpUp job I it’s it’s out there it would be a hilarious thing though is that the whole fan base to get behind Don Holmes because of a lie yeah and then be mad that they didn’t actually get him which would be kind of hilarious what do you think people would be maddest about Tak if he goes for the nuggets and then the Nuggets pick is a little underwhelming a tiny guard everybody just going to talk themselves into the narrative that yeah of course they wanted Don holes and they got uh OG and and noid they got Pome Dad yet like I’ve never seen anybody I actually kind of like him kind of like this guy intriguing very toolsy what about cam Spencer I don’t like him don’t like him all right cam Spencer then they take that’s you’re not taking cam Spencer at 28 you don’t know that you don’t know that at 28 I think there’s pressure on him I think the fan base will M well I think there’s a lot of I think the fan base will be uneasy tomorrow that’s kind of my prediction but as we were talking then we’ll go to break as we were talking it all came down to the Nuggets were so close to being in back-to-back Western Conference Finals literally moments away you could argue they were pretty close to being the back-to-back finals and you could argue they were pretty close to being backtack Champions all of those were right there and the kick to the gut or the punch to the gut that the nuggets season was for nuggets fans it can taint your perspective of what the team should do in a way that is not helpful right here here’s what I’m trying to say to everybody that is freaking out about the direction that the nuggets are going Calvin boot’s philosophy here if Jamal Murray gives you a Bev playoffs a b-level series against Minnesota you’re probably in the finals if he’s 70 % 80% of what he was in the playoffs last year you’re probably in the finals forget the bench forget Christian Brown Payton Watson forget the backup point guard if Jamal Murray just plays well in the playoffs you’re probably in the finals and nobody gives a [ __ ] about the bench project Dynasty the draft and develop timeline all of that’s gone I agree man I said it a 100 times at that and the conversation is totally different as soon as it started that we were going to and it’s not that it’s unfair now to do it it’s just the way that it works going to have a bunch of in hindsight conversations about process and every decision that was made and look the bench wasn’t great I do think that it to me it was sort of funny how much of a talking point that became it makes sense examining it from this wide lens but the starters got rocked like the starters just is good against Minnesota yeah the starters weren’t good enough against Minnesota and I so what now whether that’s the need to be changed up or you you put that on Malone or you put that on Jamal and Mike however you view it that really was the story uh and so I don’t it’s easy to go ifs SS or butts but 20 20-point lead you’re at least the first team in like half a decade to make it back to the Western Conference Finals after winning y so I don’t I I guess my point is it it’s not that anything is unfair off it’s just it it always the the Gap always feels so wide when you fall just short but it made still be that they fell just short and equally as important the draft is always a night of optimism and it and that’s what I’m kind of getting at is that the draft is usually fun throw a little Caution to the wind Channel your optimistic self and I feel like nuggets nation is not quite in that mode and I’m telling you get in that mode because you only get so many drafts in your life to watch and you might as well have some fun and and you know cheer and Boo as accordingly all right let’s take a break on the other side two prospects to get to today two prospects Tyler Smith teren Shannon guys vable as sports fans we’ve all had the thought what if you could buy stock in athletes now you can with vable it’s a new app firstof its kind Investment app where fans can invest in an athletes career and get paid a portion of the athletes income throughout it for doing so finally real athlete stocks that’s what you can do on vable hit that QR code right there on the screen download the app Baron Browning of the Broncos uh he’s the first athlete that they launched on vesal explosive dominant young pass rusher in the league definitely on an upward trajectory uh he’s in his rookie contract right now heading forward could be a big payday big contract extension so now is the time to invest 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name probably in the entire draft Tyler Smith Tyler Smith uh not stacking up to Adam Bona I like Adam Bona I know you do we should have a name’s ranking he’d be high uh Tyler Smith so 610 Center 71 wingspan played for the G League ignite last season that’s still a thing well it’s no longer a thing well it was a thing he was on the uh he was one of the lastic night yeah the last two IGN the last before that he played for overtime Elite Big Time Prospect um you know he’s been on the scene for a while and it’s interesting man you know he’s not a Calvin Booth type of pick 19 years old still pretty raw probably needs a little bit of seasoning but friend of the show Kristen Peak who’s been on this show great draft analyst over at Yahoo sports she’s been mocking Tyler Smith’s the nuggets on her last couple mock drafts so it’s worth talking about yeah um the skinny on him he looks the part this guy Tyler Smith looks the part as a modern NBA big I kind of get some Nas Reed Vibes with him he’s around that size he’s got a really good three-point shot he’s a lefty though um great athlete too can jump out of the gym lob threat at The Rim can Sky to block shots but the drawbacks are he’s just pretty raw pretty inexperienced you know only 19 years old um had a relatively good season in the G League All Things Considered averag 13 and a half points 48% from the floor 36.5% from three decent from the free throw line the shot is the best thing about him but you know some question marks with his defense and also he’s not a guy that you can slot into the rotation next year it’s a project like uh don Holmes or Kyle filipowski potentially so uh that’s Tyler Smith he is currently 302 on our big board so when you talk about like Cal guys the thing he has is festar recruit I know one thing he’s always said about pton Watson was this guy was the best player in La his senior year he was a five-star recruit you know all this stuff and then value got depressed at UCLA sounds like you can make a same case here so similar thing five-star recruit went to the g- league ignite which kind of ruined everyone how do you turn a l fist first into a lottery you take maybe next year’s Lottery guy in first before everyone else um maybe yeah maybe I mean look I do in general do you guys feel like if they draft a center you’re hopeful at someone who can play right away or do you view that as a as a pipeline sort of thing more pipeline more pipeline here’s another thing though this draft pick coming up is the last one the nuggets have for a few years I believe M so from that perspective you could say let’s not get the readymade guy let’s not get the hunter Tyson the strw the Christian Brown the guy that can come in immediately we’ve got those guys let’s put a guy in the pipeline that maybe has a higher ceiling but is going to take a little bit longer to cook right yeah um I mean look I I like again I’ve said all summer that it I was almost startled at how unathletic the Nuggets looked you know for a team that’s so capable of so much they don’t have a lot of that so investing in the backup center um you know just hope hulling hoping you can find a long-term option there buying in athleticism that I get but I am also hesitant of like a raw talent coming from a a team that hasn’t really really hasn’t put it all together as a developmental project as that team was I mean it’s been some bad basketball played there so it’s and you could pretty easily talk yourself out of it as well I I I would say I would say it’s a it’s too many question marks for me that’s what I was going to say this is a lot of question marks for this guy and it’s one of those things where it’s like I understand the what you’re saying about the future draft picks it is there is something to that of if you don’t have a draft pick next year and you feel like you already have enough young guys this guy does become the Payton Watson next year’s draft pick right so there is something to that but at the same time man we’re talking about being at critical mass of young players to take a guy that is a project that’s almost different than taking a guy that’s even less of a project a guy that’s a super project that’s tough man that’s tough so interesting Kristen Peak though mocking this to Denver that that is mean something this the mock drafts early on and when I say early on I mean everything before this week I don’t think they mean that much but they do start to form you know from the news Breakers she’s one of them where it starts to get more and more accurate not perfect but more and more accurate so I feel like that means something yeah I mean that’s why I felt like we needed to bring him up because he has been a guy Loosely tied to the Nuggets shades of Charlie vill NOA according to the ringer which is hilarious well his shot is his best attribute that is a hilarious comp by my guy KOC can I tell you something unbelievable comp New York Ravens Charlie Ville NOA unbelievable player New York Rens at the Adidas Big Time ah back I thought you were going to say Yukon my high school class I watched this guy he was unbelievable Curtis Sumter they had a super team man yeah Sumpter loved him um but yeah Tyler I mean his best skill right now is a three-point shot got a really good shot really good three-point stroke he’s going to be a good shooter and then the athleticism is is the other thing super athlete I think they won the big time actually all right let’s go to the other I mean with a big two like that Ville and NOA big too little inside outside game going on actually the New York Ravens was Francisco Garcia’s team uh oh yeah I mean New York’s own yeah and then Charlie v no was on the other team that beat Francisco Garcia one of my like early favorite players at Louisville dude you should he had a coach his aaou coach by the way that just screamed and talked [ __ ] the whole game and they were an incredible team I can see it those those top a programs are awesome freaking awesome all right what else we got moving on yeah let’s move on teren Shannon Jr okay uh he is currently 35th on our big board projected late first early second round pick he fits the mold a little bit more as a nugget recent draft pick um he’s older he’s 23 he’s played Five Seasons in college pretty much like a five-year starter kind of was at Texas Tech spent these last two years at Illinois he is a scorer teren Shannon is a bucket averaged 23 points per game last year from the guard spot he’s 6’6 good size for a two guard shot 47.2% from the field 36% from three 80% from the line projects really good as a three-point shooter for rebounds 2 and a half assists a steal and a block per game he is just a really really good basketball player he can score from anywhere on the court uh he can create shots for others ISO off the dribble dribble drive game he’s got it all on the offensive side of the floor defensively uh there’s some question marks uh a bit streaky as well and he also had some off the court issues that he did get cleared for but that’s something that’s kind of been hanging over his head for the last year or so he’s a really good college player and if you look at the Nuggets bench next to a Christian Brown who’s not you know the most offensively gifted guy next to a pton Watson also not the most offensively gifted guy putting shann in there who can just get Buckets is interesting to think about yeah maybe sort of the way we already think about Julian STW in a sense uh real quick on the on that board it said undersized as a as a weakness was that a mistake cuz I also feel like I think I think we talking no cuz I think one of the things I’ve seen about him is that he can’t guard like he’s not going to be switching on to Fours even though he’s a big guy he’s not going to be able to like I follow yeah yeah cuz the heights by the way cuz I feel this way a little bit I know it’s my guy but I feel this way about Jaylen picket like even though he’s small he’s strong Drew holiday is not big but he’s strong you wouldn’t say he’s undersized but there are players who are tall and undersized right so we’re just talking about slight really okay I got you understood I mean look on one hand you go where would some where would someone like this kind of insert themselves into the lineup right now uh you let’s just assume Murray’s staggering and whether or not it’s multiple starters he’s the backup point guard or the one that’s playing with the bench and Christian Brown’s already there so I guess maybe if pton Watson’s a four you can there there’s room here uh for either him or STW to kind of light it up Denver does does need some scoring Off the Bench absolutely and one that doesn’t necessarily need someone to set the table so if you want to talk yourself into it from that perspective there’s some fit here for sure yeah I don’t know what to make of this guy I mean obviously he’s a professional scorer you do kind of Wonder though he’s also a lefty and you’re just like isn’t this just what they are hoping Julian STW is next year yeah yeah I mean you’re going to find redund some overlap redund you’re going to find some redundancy pretty much anywhere but backup center I think right cuz even if it’s a point guard you can say whether you like him or not Pi pick it still there that’s true and he’s a guy who needs the ball in his hands so you’re going to run into some redundancy I think anywhere outside of Center there’s also this man like picket is a zero on The Proven scale I think don’t you guys think like there’s nothing Z like he’s a zero on a scale 0 to 10 what is Julian STW or I should say a one on the scale 1 to 10 let’s not be rude stw’s probably like a three or four four I was going to go four four is really high to me I don’t know if he’s a four he barely played and he didn’t make any of his threes I I think the organization rates him higher as in like I’m asking but what we’ve seen though I’m just saying like what’s the evidence cuz I think he looked if I feel like if we went back he seemed pretty comp competent in that role again I’m not I’m not putting him over five I’m not saying he’s cross the barrier to where he’s something I’d be curious to see like his numbers and Zeke naji’s rookie numbers side by side m i mean you can just use go with the eye test and also Zeke was pretty good as a rookie had a good college year this is kind of my point is I’m just saying that we would not say they shouldn’t take a good point guard questionable point guard of course like I think there’s you don’t want to have that but you you wouldn’t say they shouldn’t bring in a point guard because they already have picket but we’re saying that about strawther and I’m just like I don’t know I I just don’t know and I’m admittedly a little bit more skeptical of strawther I love him I want him to be great I just feel like I haven’t seen the thing that makes me say oh yeah that’s going to be it oh yeah I 100% agree um now Shannon is more just the pure bucket getter where I think strw you know deep three-point shooter has the floater as well but Shannon Shannon kind of has everything to his game you know he can score in isolation off the dribble he can break his man down in a way that I don’t think strawther really can so they’re a little different in that way um but also they just they also just kind of look pretty similar when you pull up both their highlights see him Malone guy I think he could be I think he’s a sounds like a Tim guy he is nice with the rock you guys considered that he’s nice with the rock well I love his comp of Tyreek Evans by the way one of my all time favorite players super rookie season the guy was compared to LeBron James well 25 and five only him and LeBron did only him and LeBron man and then it was like that was the peak him and Michael Carter Williams peaked I mean Shannon right now Kristen has him going 24th so before the nuggets and I mean he’s been mocked in that late first round range I he’s the type of player that falls though I do wonder he is the type of player kind of older established guy and also the off the court stuff like I said he had this whole investig not guilty but still that’s a thing that even though he’s not guilty teams still factor in totally a good point it’s a good point but I do think you know as far as on the court stuff uh as far okay let’s in the scenario that they do use the pick and it’s not a ready now Center uh if this if this fellow were to slide to 28 I I just think you can talk yourself into it more Intrigue here for me with him than some of the other guys we’ve looked at who I’ve maybe passed on quickly weirdly that he’s more of a mystery box it almost feels despite the fact that he’s played so much so and he’s so old but he’s ready to go though I think he’s ready to get some buckets and I mean if Denver like Denver’s we need buckets man yeah and you’re probably not finding this this wonderful uh playmaking point guard to change your whole life here to well unless you pick Jaylen Tyson then you get all that in one so I love our agendas I’ll talk myself into it if they take him yeah it would he we we’ve been talking about like bones Highland was the guy that could get into the paint off of burst is is he cuz Denver doesn’t have those guys even Jamal Murray is not the best at this would could he be one of these guys that gets it just a guy that collapses defenses with his speed totally but he’s looking to score every time right you know but yeah he can definitely break his man down and get into the lane there you go get to the paint make stuff happen all right let us know in the chat I’m curious let us know in the comments if you’re watching late cuz I actually am very curious what nuggets nation is feeling as we go through all these scouting reports and what you guys like so let us know let’s take a break on the other side we’re going to start running through the draft order and just talk about some early thoughts about the team’s picking and see if there’s any patterns we see guys it’s manscape time it’s officially smooth sack summer you know it dude I’ve been waiting officially here get set up with manscape the performance package sumale smooth stack summer he said smooth sack summer what are you you’re behind this trend brother kale it’s in the cofy yeah dude it’s in the read I guess we know who hasn’t been man I guess we know don’t be like kale get Man With The Wind in his balls sure the performance package 5.0 Ultra the ultra perform with package 5.0 the ultimate bundle to help you out during the summer join the 10 million men worldwide who trust manscaped with our exclusive offer 20% off plus free shipping when you go to and use the code dnvr um oh sorry use the code nuggets2 I don’t know why that does not say that up here use the code nuggets2 20% off plus free shipping with the code nuggets2 gets it up for the summer with the performance package 5.0 Ultra uh you get a pair of manscape boxers you get a shed travel bag you get some other stuff in there as well check it out 20% off with the code nuggets2 Infinity Park is a neat little gem here uh there a neat little gem going on in Colorado if you’re looking for familyfriendly activities and more Sports in your life because the American raptor is Colorado’s only professional rugby team they play there I was just hanging with our guy Colton strickler at the golf course over the weekend love that dude and yeah they have their big event coming on the sevens good transition because Colton strickler covers Colorado’s only professional rugby team he actually hosts the weekly dmvr rugby podcast here on the network subscribe whereever you get the rest of our pods follow him at colon strigler and our dnvr rugby account to keep up with the latest news he’s pretty good at helping the rugby players get what they’re looking for helping the Layman figure it out with the 101 stuff Sev is here in August we’re going to be going down there as a company but it is oh man that’s going to get Rowdy it is going to get Rowdy because one sevens is like speed rugby plays quicker and more Dynamic and then two it’s costume themed every single day there’s a western theme seen you remember what they were kale you seen what rugby sevens looks like in Australia or something it’s nuts man people die I want it to become a thing in the crowd I want it to become a thing cuz it’s like a festival and a sporting event in one yeah yeah and you can just join the city of Glendale for it’s like burning man but a rugby game with a rugby game in the middle exactly all day when the rugby matches aren’t happening Glendale is a very chill place to bring your family good segment join the city of Glendale for a fun-filled Fourth of July celebration on July 2nd at Infinity Park yeah Josh from Down Under knows what we’re talking about oh he knows Sev from Down Under the evening kicks off with a screening of the classic movie Independence Day hell yeah brother at 700 p.m. setting the perfect patriotic mood for the main event gates open at 6:30 p.m. so be sure to arrive early to secure your spot then get ready to be dazzled as the fireworks light up the sky at 9:30 p.m. I’m talking myself into this right now as I do the read fans will be able to see the show from inside the stadium and on Infinity Park Turf but please know that stadium seating will be limited as the capacity will be 4,000 people for this event it’s an evening you do not want to miss don’t want to miss it all righty we are back here guys we thought we’d go through the draft order and just kind of talk about some of our expectations I’m going to use ESPN’s mock draft because I feel like gavon usually again nobody’s perfect there’s misdirection everything else but you get a a bit of a strong idea the Atlanta Hawks with a number one pick and he’s got them taken zachari ryer did I get that right no no what is it R can we do R he’s French rash you know who R is clearly not he’s the French Michael Porter wow yeah man I’m in all night tomorrow I’m going to be distilling the draft down so even people who have never seen these guys before like you imagine what they look like I’m not scouting the number one guy in this draft for sure French Michael Porter French Michael Porter French Michael Porter so you’re in he shot 35% from three last year oh yeah we were vote that was at 19 years old in the French a league oh dude now that Michael Porter famously shot terribly in high school this is true in high school when he told us he shot 70% from three and and the tape backs it up by the way and then my yeah and I was like I kind of believe it I needed people to talk me out Nate dunan called Michael the greatest High School Prospect he’d ever seen shout out back surgeres yeah I mean I don’t know what the Hawks are really doing are they going forward are they trading everybody what are they doing I’ve heard dantry Murray has some strong interests from other teams in the west so but is that SAR doesn’t want to go there yeah Alex SAR the number two out for him who like did high school in Atlanta kind of that overtime elite doesn’t want to go to the h overtime Elite it is funny like those where it’s like you’re not really there you’re you’re at the school you’re not in Atlanta you’re just going to the school here I think here’s the thing I actually think this is an important pick and when you read about the top of the draft there are these like picks that can really determine how the rest of them go Atlanta I don’t think it’s as much the pick as it is the they are there’s a lot of Trades they could make this summer they are one of the teams that has the most wide range of possibilities and while it doesn’t always happen on draft night that those trades start happening it could and that’s why the draft they’re an interesting first usually the first pick it’s like all right we already know Zion going to the picans this is a year where it’s like all right man there could be some shakeups there could be some trades there could be some movement Reche yeah um number two Washington Wizards picking in their familiar spot number two spoiler alert they’ll be the second pick next year as well maybe the first if they’re lucky uh and Alex here so yeah I mean sar’s been the number one guy pretty much like the last 6 months or so he’s kind of a really raw jiren Jackson Jr defensive guy seven feet like you can you can see it you know to a good Prospect not a chance he works out in Washington that’s what we’re talking about here I mean this is the guy that has like the wide ceiling and floor you know kind of guy needs some lots and you’re like okay if you go to Washington floor I know it’s like I know the Hawks aren’t the model organization of the league but between uh the first or second slot dev’s here by the way uh like going from getting to play in Atlanta to having to play in Washington that’s a pretty steep drop off that’s that’s a yeah but hey may maybe that’s what he wants do you like SAR yeah um I can see the vision you know yeah like you just put on his tape and you’re like oh yeah you can see it but I think there are some uh motor work ethic questions about him I you never like those with the big man classic big men problem I know classic big men does he even like the game we’re not sure but he is enormous and was forced to play by his dad yeah CME me a river dude yeah much suck just he probably person the highest ceiling I would say that’s why I said it’s the widest range i’ probably say he has the highest ceiling like he’s the guy you take one and you’re probably not going to get fired immediately if he doesn’t pan out quickly because he just looks the part slow and patient with him yeah all right what else we got number three the Houston Rockets via the Brooklyn Nets and gavone has them with Reed Shepard the Rockets are another Super interesting team to meet actually tomorrow I know they’re actually really interesting the rockets by all accounts want to turn the pay they’re not interested in the slow rebuild despite the fact that they have tons of players we all love so they’re a team that could end up making some moves although the latest Intel has been that a lot of the guys we’ve talked about most even Jan Tate they don’t have interest in moving so who knows they haven’t had interest in moving him for the last 10 years uh Reed Shepard really good player really good player like 62 63 guard out of Kentucky um he knows the game man like he is really really solid he’s just a 6-2 white guy yeah reader T it seems like it’s it’s acknowledged that he’s very good at basketball it seems like a tough one to be staring at sitting at three like do we you know what I mean this is not a draft where people really love a lot of these picks to begin with and I just think if you’re really trying to accelerate your timeline between packaging some of the guys you have and this pick it’s all theoretical of course when you talk like that probably netting you a more like moving you more to the wind now Direction than drafting Reed Shepard to me that just yeah this feels like a pick you’re trading and I was going to say here’s my pick this is the first of the I don’t think you can take Reed Shepard and I think it throws the whole board off this is why I think tomorrow could actually be fun is there’s less consensus there’s less top players at the you know good great players or guys that you think are Surefire players at the top so I think you get trades and then by the way the Houston Rockets have so many young guys that to give them another one and read Shephard almost cannibalizes they almost have more young guys than the nuggets and like you have a lot of young buckets too do you need like just add like a younger smaller one you know I don’t know but he’s I’m not saying he’s a bad he’s a very good player who’s next San Antonio’s next and they have Stephen castle out of Yukon as one of the guys that they’re looking at here which is funny because I’ve also heard them connected to uh kingan the giant the Beast which if I don’t understand that really why well wanyama is your Center is he your Cent is he your Center I think he is wama I’m just saying he can play out on the perimeter he can shoot and if you said our team our team is going to be 77 and 72 with a 79 and 77 wingspan I just would say I don’t know that a team would ever score on that this feels like a classic Don Holmes type misdirection they should just anyway there’s rumors about them liking both guys and it worked out for the Nick the Nova Knicks the Yukon Spurs it kind of works out all right fine they should just take Zack Edy at that point too just be like you shall not if I’m the Spurs there’s one guy I really want in the lottery who is it if Nicole atopic the Serbian point guard he’s perfect he’s a classic spur 66 he’s injured point guard yeah just give him a red shirt year man two red shirt years for wemi maybe you get lucky and win well the Spurs have another pick too but they have eight yeah that’s what I was saying they I’m getting topic so you like topic do you like Castle yeah I don’t know like what his ceiling looks like but he’s really solid all around here’s what’s funny how I’ve approach these things when you’re a lottery pick on a team like Yukon I almost think well did the system help you you know like you were this or that but then when you’re a late guy I go like you know what though winter comes from culture culture you’re like a smaller gritty guard that came from a winner that that works that’s kind of how I look at the little I’ve looked at Castle uh the Detroit Pistons are next this is an interesting one because this probably a bust you don’t even have to tell me the name well I don’t know because Tran langon has Tak over there cleaning house and he has the pocketbook to do it as evidenced by paying 65 million for M Williams to get out of there he definitely has the but I know from him being in New Orleans last year and you know just obviously know some people in New Orleans talk to them he has been a guy that everybody has said he’s the next great GM right right he is a guy that everybody believes in he just arrives there clearly cleaning house to me they’re another wild card and by the way another feature of Tran Lon extremely introverted personality so not a guy that I think what’s that I don’t know that he’s going to be a guy that’s like oh everybody knows where that guy’s information come from he might be a guy that just doesn’t share it might be an arturus a bad GM yeah we’re we’re not we have to be sure Ur has opinions first of all just Urus I don’t think is texting wo you know like every thought he has I think tra L might be that so another variable I’ll I’ll tell you what I do know about they’re trying be good too the Pistons since we’re doing fun facts of that cap space big europop guy urist just so you know that’s what I happen to know well I mean Lithuanian yeah he sit you sit next to him for three hours you learn something that was the one thing um mates bazus I think this is a bust I don’t get bazus have you watched him mm I don’t see the appeal I know him mostly for incessantly calling out the French Michael Porter Jr to play one-on-one yeah as top he’s been calling him out that they should just play I assume is this guy Lithuanian is it Lithuanian he also played at the G like like uh uh kichic I mean bazel is like you look at him and you’re like oh 67 can handle the ball good athlete but I don’t think he’s that a lead at anything well maybe they take Dalton connect who’s the next guy on the board Charlotte Hornets have him going there yeah which is an interesting fit for Dalton connect spoiler I love the GU from my hometown yeah Colorado guy Colorado guy uh don’t love the fit and Charlotte but is this like Washington where you’re just kind of like default they never get the guys to connect he’s got a pretty high flooor it feels like maybe Charlotte could use like a a connective good player oh my God I think is he going to be a connector that’s what I’m just saying they’ve got some young flashy Talent did you see a little ball Dalton connection yeah a little connection maybe just a little uh floor ra Charlie could use some floor raisin I actually think here man I know this I talked myself I did this with legs earlier and as we were talking I talked myself into it cuz I actually like dton connect’s game Brandon Miller is good better than people thought he was going to be lamelo Ball’s good although a little crazy Dalton connect kind of a in that’s a fun young big three I don’t think it’s like a big three that you grow for five years and then win a title with but I think it’s one of those hilarious Darius miles Lamar odm Melton brand trios where it’s like man that was a sick Trio it’s like a Gilbert arenus Nick Young Karan Butler Trio too yeah I kind of like it Portland Trailblazers are up next they have until lamelo ball like what’s the equivalent of bringing a gun into the locker room for the no it’s just bringing a gun into the locker room just run it back Portland Trailblazers and cing in the giant Beast uh so this would be him slipping to number seven according to this latest mock yeah that’s slipping to the Blazers I would hate honestly so then you’re trading DeAndre Aon for what who knows they tried to rehab his value instead lost even more value a snow shovel Clingan I will say this another Giant rim protector in the W every team in the Northwest division is like all right two bigs we just got to get a bunch of giant centers that’s how we guard Denver where does OKC pick um yeah they’re probably not going to trade up for kinging right I don’t well you got ched at center it’s be like pocket change for them to trade up you know like how hard could the Thunder are another team that could get topit and you’re like God damn it let’s take a quick break Portland by the way getting cling and I don’t really think Portland’s so far away way that you don’t really worry about them but another Center I think Walker kler will be good before long does it feel like Portland’s kind of just drafting a fantasy basketball team all these rookies none of them are that exciting they’re just all really cool on paper but not actually that great yeah all right let’s take a break on the other side San Antonio’s next pick uh wera Credit Union guys founded in 1934 right here in Colorado nine locations in the Denver metro area they’re all about helping members financially Prosper education is their thing they were started by grate School teachers helping others is in their DNA they just launch an awesome new product smart money checking meet the checking account designed to help you earn unheard of interest on smaller balances with other great perks as well you can earn up to 6% annual percentage yield on your first $2,000 each month as your 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guys they’re fellas the these are uh whatever un used to say about the presidential candidates now that’s a guy I want to get a beer with all jokes aside everyone at Red Haw group is a guy I want to get a beer with uh also they’re big nuggets fans you might be able to tell from the color scheme and their logo maybe they’ll be out tomorrow I bet just text them I bet they would go out they would yell some crazy [ __ ] to that camera I bet they would come through fellas hail season is here so don’t wait to take care of any issues before the more big storms hit supporting your local teams also means supporting local businesses like red hog Roofing so if you are looking for a new roof over your home or business be sure to check out redhaw Roofing at redhaw or call 7277 18921 tell them dmvr sent you um number eight San Antonio gets their second pick Rob they need guards Rob Dillingham there well there you go rob Dillingham from Kentucky is that a good fit I mean yes but I like I don’t know what you know the total ceiling is with him um you know he’s kind of a Tyrese Maxi type small scoring guard that’s a great type obviously Maxi has worked out really well I mean those guys historically don’t I feel like but um no he’s got a lot of juice he’s uh he’s got a lot of juice to his a lot of juice really yeah okay uh he can score it you know ISO guy three-pointer can score from all three levels I mean the Spurs need guards you know they they need guys who can take little pressure off wemi so it’d be a solid pick Memphis Grizzlies up next picking number nine Cody Williams so they took Rody CSU guy you know they take Cody Williams man this would be tough they keep getting the Colorado guys I mean I’m a Colorado guy I’m a buff I would not draft Cody Williams this High we were talking about this ear him this he’s a project to me like in terms of his skill set I feel like he doesn’t really have an NBA skill set right now and also he’s just so skinny man he’s so skinny like he is way skinnier than Payton Watson was as a rookie so he’s just going to take a couple years and he also is a little injury-prone I feel like he gets these like minor injuries that build up they’re playing that note very hard by the way the the CU they’re playing the like he was injured all year and look what he he shouldn’t have even played this year well he is tough like he is tough he could have sat out longer than he did uh I probably just wouldn’t take him this High though they also are candidate to trade back by the way them uh what was the one earlier Detroit and them are the two teams that are like most I hear aggressive looking to move so another team that could throw off the entire draft Yeah Utah jazzz next topit seems to be their guy they’re a team that still seems on the Slow Burn so maybe what what is Utah really doing there rumors they’re trading Kesler that’s probably [ __ ] right he didn’t he didn’t play as much as I thought he was going to play this year though I know that’s the only reason I could see it being real are they trying to get good around marinin or are they trying to cash marinin in and that’s what I’m saying I feel like nobody knows what they’re doing yeah are they trying to like go for the play or they wanting the tank it’s Danny a man is he just keep the ball rolling Tony Jones who used to cover them has said that like they want to be good but I mean I don’t trading Walker Kessler doesn’t seem like a step towards that I don’t know sh back up Center there it is he’s good man I think Walker Custer’s good is good Chicago Bulls after that poor Chicago the 11th pick is the least sexy pick there is how does this guy fit next to Josh giddy Devin Carter well that’s what’s so funny Devin Carter another guard which seems a little bit strange to them you just traded for a guard you still have LaVine you still haveu still Lonzo technically Deon Carter he’s the ultimate connector at the guard spot in the lottery it feels like safe pick oh man Chicago is a sad one Oklahoma City Thunder via the Rockets they already have this one another Frenchman is this Salon Salon okay this guy I I’m giving you easy easy very like identifiable comps okay when you watch this guy uhhuh you feel like you’re watching the blurry grainy footage of Giannis a TMO in Greece even though this footage isn’t as blurry and grainy so he’s like Giannis he’s like an 18-year-old 611 dude 6 and shoes yeah would you take this guy might have some of the highest upside in the draft would you take the next Giannis at 12 it would depends do I have to pass up on Kelly Al linic first or can I um yeah I would do it watch this guy I’m telling you so you like him 69ine without shoes I mean sure hey he just called him yis I do like him I do like him yes I do like what am I supposed to make of this I do like called him ynis mark it down for the record I like him I like him guy reminds me of Michael Jordan ah he’s okay R rangy switchable Defenders you know what I think is funny every year [ __ ] 40% of the draft is described as rangy and switchable and then like four teams in the league have a rangy switchable guy like what’s going on this guy intriguing Sacramento Ron Holland do you want to do you have a take on Ron Holland yeah I I kind of think Ron Holland is a guy where if you slide far enough like where you’re picking you just take a flyer really he’s a flyer Ron Holland’s the sexy pick that’s like oh he’s actually top three on my board cuz he was used to be ranked higher but then he slid a little bit had the G League ignite Bad season so there’s an easy like are we but I I do think with players where that’s the question are we overthinking it when you get to a spot late enough in the lottery or just into the late teens that equation changes obviously honestly Michael Porter junior is a great example for Denver of like well hang on a second who are we really getting here and this guy has talent let’s give it a shot I mean he’s he’s really athletic and he can defend now uh and he’s at least a fun pick so I think for someone drafting this late you could definitely get excited about Ron Holland I was a little surprised to see Malik monk being retained there though I thought that was a little I thought he was for sure gone so for them running it back that way they’re another team that I just have my eye on I would not be surprised if they made a move yeah you know here in the next week including as early as tomorrow Portland Trailblazers once again via the Warriors jacobe walk Walter do you like him um I don’t know that much about him he’s just like a great shooter pretty pretty like projectable two guard good shooter good athlete six fo five out of Baylor I legler liked this guy a lot talked about him on the all NBA show today quite a bit he was he’s a guy I haven’t like looked at at all because he’s just not really relevant to the Nuggets um Miami Heat Zack Edy he Edy does not see like a seem like a heat to me you want so here’s another take I have about the draft the biggest sleeper in the draft I think is is Zack E I think everybody might be totally overthinking Zack e now he might not be good like that you can obviously see how he could bust he’s just too slow uh he’ll get abused offensively he just doesn’t fit into the NBA but in a bad draft a guy that was as dominant as him in college is everybody just kind of overthinking it a little bit or just what’s the point of letting him SL again it’s the same Dynamic I just describing at some point late enough into the draft like of all the guys you’re all these guys are going to have question marks so maybe you just want to grab the 7 foot 900 foot tall person that was a good basketball player in college you know it’s not like it’s not like he was good he’s the backtack player of the year that’s what right that’s what I’m saying though like sometimes you see these guys like well he’s he the meas the measurables are insane or whatever and he could turn into this like Zaki was a a very good player so like am I going to take Cody Williams who I need to wait 3 years to find out if he’s going to be anything I yeah I’m with you at some point in this draft I think you just take him and if it doesn’t work out it doesn’t work out now would I take him if I was a team no cuz I just feel like it’s it’s a distraction a little bit when you have a guy with the name power of Zach Ed and you’re like trying a distraction a little bit yeah huh I think it’s the same kind of thing when you take a guy like bub that was a little bit of a distraction kind of D distractions to me I think he’s a small but it’s a guy who you know the fan base is going to be clamoring for nonstop and he might not be good so I wouldn’t want it but from afar I’m like there could be something there Philadelphia 76ers Jared McCain we don’t have to talk about him we have let’s just roll through the first round here Los Angeles Lakers Tristan da Silva another Colorado guy yeah that one hurt a little bit that would hurt I like too you do you’re a pretty good big fan well I just thought like Cody Williams wasn’t very good yeah you know this guy was actually good man you want to know the worst name in the draft Orlando Magic Johnny fury because you get two types of f sound which is never good the and the pH you also know exactly what this guy looks like just by reading his name Fury Toronto Raptors Kon George bust I’m calling that all right Cleveland Cavaliers Carlton Car Carrington uh New Orleans Pelicans Ives Mei AES Mei really raw like 19-year-old big man I gotta stop saying the word raw just feels a little wrong that’s everybody Phoenix Sons Ryan Dunn oh I would hate that cuz that’s one of my guys I love Ryan Dunn he might end up being number one on my gu list he’s also just the type of guy Phoenix needs that’s be a great pick for the Suns but also maybe not I don’t know there’s also a part of me that goes He such a bad culture that everybody who goes there is just Flames out IM you not a Hooper and I just feel like it will end up getting to the playoffs where he’s the guy nobody guards in the corner and then Kevin Durant’s just like looking at him the whole time all the blame yeah Milwaukee Bucks Kyle filipowski this one might hurt wind a little bit by the way they’re rumored to be trading uh Brook Lopez so they might need a and Bobby poris they’re going to take a big man this is a potential Don Holmes landing spot as well Milwaukee look Philip palowsky is good I just don’t want him okay the Knicks via the Mavericks K you got Teran Shannon Jr also who we just talked about going to the Knicks Knicks get backtack picks huh right there at 24 and 25 that’s another potential Don holes spot Washington Wizards kle wear um we talked about him from Indiana and then Minnesota Timberwolves right forward in Denver Tyler KCK we love doing the you know Cal guys Malone guys but there is a Conley guy Tyler KCK not a Conley guy what not a Conley guy he is a Michael Malone guy he’s a Michael Maloney guy Tim that yeah Tim shows up that day with a trade idea no one’s heard yeah Tyler kic not a heing chance who is the most connley guy in the draft around that zone well it might be T Shannon might be tan Shannon maybe Shannon God they will take tan Shannon won’t they yeah he’s drafted some Buss out there by the way in Minnesota they’ve wend more bust yeah Leonard Miller too like there’s some guys might be good might might not he in he drafted him because he was at summer league and I remember cooking Denver and I was like this guy’s going to be awesome he had some Carl Anthony towns energy too he like weird celebrations so there you go those are all the players before Denver um it should be interesting guys mock to the Nuggets to Denver Don Ron holes of course I mean what surprise surprise can you give me the low down on him man I think it’s not him this is my new take cuz I think it is not him only thing is how easy it is to pick the field in a Ryan D you’re number one guy I’m not tomorrow tune in not evening it come to the but we’re going to need a number one guy for you too oh I’m I’m I’ll bring one okay I’ll bring one I love the draft show guys we’re live for several hours come down to the bar watch it with us uh it should be a great time Superstar Dev will be there firing off some takes you’re not going to want to miss it we got some super chats to get too bet dev’s asleep you siles Ventura watch yic make all his threes in the Olympics I’ll be so pissed shorter line I won’t I’ll be happy as hell I know but also pissed I’ll be like bring coach pesich in Ken Patterson where does Hunter Tyson fit into this team great question actually that’s a real question it is a great question um I think Hunter Tyson’s pretty decent it’s actually crazy we didn’t mention his name once this whole show I think he’s a gooder why would we this show I mean good player he could be in the um the Julian strawther role next I’m just trying to say I’m trying to to say I’m not it’s not that crazy he’s in the rotation for like a couple months then gets hurt I could see that all right yeah that’s probably the safe money like the Julian’s draw their type of season next year for him maybe Cedric Exquisite keep kcp and we get a great backup point guard we’re champs baby I made that last part up or Champs he said I get it PS no Adam please don’t get sarch get Looney or shrug all right okay I like would be great I like Looney uh Maka crew like Adam’s take on maybe the bench identity is I like Adam’s take on maybe the bench identity is not offense maybe it needs to be defense with yic let’s get Chris dun or Tristan Newton in the draft I kind of like it too man you know what you if yol’s on the court with Christian Brown Payton Watson dun and uh Michael Porter I don’t know like that like just one other offensive player and three defensive players guess what the other team has to adjust and throw their defensive guys out there still to stop joic so are you trying to mix up jokic’s sub pattern oh yeah he is I don’t want to mix up yices I want to mix up everybody else’s but I do think yoke playing more with pton Watson and Christian Brown is on my bingo card I want those guys tied to yoke next year I think it would be the smartest thing Josh Barnett down from down biggest rugby league game state of origin Fox Sports 300 a.m. players play for the home state not their top pro team Maas see the decider blue episode go blues that was a perfect Super Chat that really hit all all really everything got taken in there all right hit that outro music uh guys thanks for hanging with us the entire time when you see us next time it’ll be tomorrow for the draft show it’s going to be an absolute Banger set your watches hit the reminder button we’ll see you then we all sitting like the mayor

Who on the Denver Nuggets has the most to gain and most to lose? What is at stake for Nuggets’ GM Calvin Booth? And what do we expect tomorrow night for every team in the NBA? What are the biggest storylines headed into tomorrow night? Plus we break down prospects Tyler Smith & Terrence Shannon. Adam Mares, Brendan Vogt, and Harrison Wind come to you LIVE from the DNVR Bar to break down everything you need to know in this edition of the DNVR Nuggets Podcast!

Start – 0:00
Does Jokic have a mustache? – 3:30
What’s at stake for the Nuggets? – 6:30
Tyler Smith – 19:00
Terrence Shannon – 25:40
Draft Storylines (Hawks) – 37:30
Wizards – 39:45
Rockets – 41:30
Spurs – 43:30
Pistons – 45:30
Hornets – 47:00
Trail Blazers – 48:50
Spurs again – 52:00
Grizzlies – 52:50
Jazz – 53:50
Bulls – 54:40
Kings – 56:35
Heat – 58:00
Rolling through the rest of the 1st – 1:00:00
Superchats – 1:05:30

An ALLCITY Network Production





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