@Indiana Pacers

Obi Toppin 2023-24 Dunk Tape! | Indiana Pacers

Obi Toppin 2023-24 Dunk Tape! | Indiana Pacers

[Applause] be knocked away top it heck of a half I mean that’s a don’t contest dop in a game steps back toing meets him out there and it’s tip forward and look out OB Jack great defense there they’re letting them play but really good defense yeah the steel and that’s going to wrap it up which is terrific but a good defens what a to that so we’ll see how it all plays out halber oh the pace he plays out offensively and then he’s guard stps oh to and goes between the legs the former sled floats it up Stein chips it out Deon chenzo couldn’t grab it shuffle pass topping with a highlight play Nicks now from three-point range two for 20 Al oh be topping the and the Bing game goes down up throw it down you need guys to you know make sure they continue bring the energy patience get to steal they lob it up and of course part of the Denver Nuggets who won the NBA title last year that s a 2year 45 million contract come here in made his coach look good scoring 22 career high he really just bow through his arm and you could tell we we talked about it basketball game of angles and that was not isson get up quickly and the in the first half and it’s away by halberg and to it Miami has not LED yet tonight Turner laughing and and here comes Indiana again the L to the left ales well listen you got to 11it turnovers and when you’re playing the number one team for the final shot as pin mention hbert the front court all the way to the basket Lo it against Turner lost the handle picked up by halber a look ahead for heel block for OB 14 for him first set up for Jaren Jackson J games with a right knee injury and played Thursday in Memphis for the first K it out to Haler he looking for this year rebound by Jackson there you go push it up yes [Applause] L rever McConnell McConnell on the swing is Jarett Walker shot clock at six shepher going up high active hands defensively as the Pacer generate the steel on ah head there middle of the Zone with shepher got and he stripped it away from Brown oh my so Shephard hits the three and now he comes up with a steal here’s a three on Williamson oh nice hesitation and then he’s been at the rim and blocked hbert in the other way Carter bounes it back to Joe stolen by m two on one Carter back alone this fires there 44% shooting for the Thunder the lava and the box out by seaka ahead to th the high steps back over toen jeopard rebound cono to to and runs the floor give me that very difficult shot to work for that halber back in a rush itch the guy who’s an Allstar playing that style of play there a huge basket there from con to Elliot to to topin gets inside and the Lefty slam nice job here’s Topp and he’s going to take it post to post and BR it down an impressive reverse potentially another opport comington trying for it it bounces to halber the no to top really work by the crew Alber looking for OB to he has TJ hooks it back topping WS up and slams it here’s Halton again Murray’s got him Tyrese into the paint gives it to to SCS the drive the step through take it away and toen is going to throw it down can’t shake buddy that’s for sure and a pass intercepted by McConnell TJ locks it up and top and slam intent on keeping his name off the table as top it off in Philadelphia and there’s TJ got it it can we get trying to find a way to get miles again miles picked up f that’s a solid they have success jayen Smith roll to the basket had been able to rehab so you don’t want him good tonight they really halberton shot B goes inside lost it but got it back top don’t it they do have l Mar T player well M out the ball oh to under 20 points a game this season Brown to something to cheer that block will be one of them and that’s block L of Atlanta artists prominent artists what does the phrase true to Atlanta mean to you what does the phrase what true to Atlanta mean this is nuts halber in the middle scops to to being between these two teams in the 50th here in [Applause] [Music] Indianapolis Alber he for three no rebound SL bench here in the first half heat ahead by eight just under 5 minutes left in the second quarter toping the Escape trip another steel turns it over slow to get up the other way field beat inside AAR Thompson behind them he has 14 Indi Washington here the early parts of the first quarter cber on the drive to the mentality of both coaches fi got into the passing Lane and once again it leads to a leak out getting a 45 here last year but the Pacers won 131 130 Topp it all the way to in this third quarter shot F smith top of the D second quarter where the Pacers have outscored the box they turn it over again off lard got away and his shot too strong pass ahead toing to to pick up the pace yeah because you don’t want to play against their defense cuz they they’re actually pretty good defensively zero turnovers they have just five tonight ball tipped away to some really good defense there by m m step back three short M chases it Down on the Corner look at the Pacers sacks in the rebound here’s mat lobs it up top oh look I’m tell stay stay good eyes nice nice number six HEI and Hower hbert nice move up and under care High 12 rebounds arin’s pass deflected look at toing an explosion and finishes OBS a lot of movement there OB topping on offense you can’t turn the ball over you have to take good shots lot more intense wow with the r mum followed Zion down the lane and a break out for halberton with a time off the window for [Applause] to th [Applause] out to fak the three he [Applause] T to miss the right back this time it’s Wallace Wallace right with him didn’t find on the p b c Burton had a for [Music] finds McConnell who gets inside and it making the right read he’s doing it Defenders on his back he can get inside doing well a little bit in Kawai with that pullback dribble but how he played forced you to have to be up Temple a lot more especially he was really good on the defense been [Applause] Rec Connell off balance and Watford poked away Wallace wide open to [Applause] got straight out of comp I think she’s going to give me a little NWA but I like the way you mixed it together here’s no call the other way the really wants this group to stand out defensively here’s to with the up fake and the two handed that’s what he has been known for but he’s added to three toen halberton behind the back n hard in the paint short has 24 points 11 rebounds CRP pass finds to to for the basket Damen Lillard making his return to the line of Aaron pass where he tried to pull it back he gave it away to he stuck through it they stuck through it with him as M gets the steel here’s Turner up top for first when you’re playing a team like the Indiana Pacers that plays as fast as they do and wants to pressure full court go clock at six halberton up top Obie toen takes the three goes down the lane the Knick still down 17 top and drives gets it fires up a three back of the rim Scramble for the rebound McConnell to toppen topping down the other [Applause] thiram wants the ball top goes back tou first oh toen suffix got caught there and OB to makes a three-point lead they topping once again in double figures [Applause]


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