@Toronto Raptors



what is up the finals are done we got to look ahead to a draft we got to look ahead to free agency and you know what guys we can start talking Raptors again it’s it’s been it’s been yeah it’s been it’s been a minute since we got to talk Raptors one second man Jason Tatum was the finals n got robbed he got robbed all right shame on you voters shame on you yeah that was like that was record time you like Jason Tatum I do MVP I I think he’s going to win finals okay well are we getting into this let get into it let’s do it I’m going with Boston to win the series there’s no way in hell that the writers will allow Jaylen brownon to get a second MVP trophy within weeks for this team that has been like led by the two of them together I mean look unless Brown completely outperforms him the 2024 Bill Russell finals MVP goes to Jaylen [Music] [Applause] Brown fandu took that market off the cuz everybody knew Fab was going to yell that very quickly um okay let’s talk some Raptors they got pick 19 in the first round they got the first pick of the second round like what draft being done on two separate yeah two separate nights is nicec what does a good draft look like for the Raptors what are we expecting um best player available best player available you traded Pascal seak ojan anobi two forward types that they love those the kind of players they’ve been you kind of drafting and assembling for years you traded them now you need guys like that back so ideally the best player available does do happen to fit that prototype but I think the Raptors are in no position to kind of nitpick I understand you have Scotty Barnes Manuel quickley is probably going to be a big Cog in the future but you need to get the best guy and even if he’s a project even if you swing and miss you rapping your boy Bruno yeah look a lot of Swing misses it happens everyone does it especially outside of the top like even outside of the top five like a team of devoid of talent across the board you just trying to add you’re just trying to add guys I think they need to swing for the fences and ideally he fits a forward type position the irony was that once they traded OG and Pascal that was the type of player they were going to have to then go get I’m still anti- trading OG because he fits he’s also a free agent we’ll get that a little bit but yeah those are the I agree best best player available you have to swing for the fences at this point because if you’re looking at you compared to the rest of the league as the Raptors you don’t have nearly as much talent as a majority of the other team so you have to try to unearth some type of you know home run swing I think because you need you need to upgrade your talent but does the Home Run swing have to match Scotty Barnes that’s a good question well Scotty Barnes is young enough that he should be prominent for a long time so even if this player at 19 takes a few years to develop into what you hope they might be that’s still a reasonable timeline I don’t think so at all because you said it at 19 you’re not getting like a you’re you’re a second best player in a championship team at pick 19 you’re getting hopefully a rotation guy so a if you’re a rotation guy yeah you have to f fit amongst everything if it’s I think if you’re a top five pick then it’s like oh we need to try to see if our parts fit but when you’re picking a 19 you just want somebody who can get in your rotation but are you trying to pick a 22-year-old junior or senior from college connect where you at 23 years old top 10 I know I know I know I know or are you trying to pick a guy who’s 18 or 19 and and hopefully they have some more upside yeah like I think that’s part of the question right now it’s like when’s Raptor’s Championship window five years from now right so I think the players will determine that right yeah based on the talent that you acrew like you know you I know you have you went you did your crack staff went back in history and did a bunch of research we did some looking but like you know raptors have had a history of drafting some you know really low floor high ceiling types like Pascal cakam out of I believe New Mexico State you got OG anobi Indiana who is hurt come draft time so they’ve un they’ve been able to create a lot of good value late in the draft so maybe they can do it again as a philosophy don’t you have to pick upside at pick 18 or 19 like pick pick 19 you have to draft an up upside is interesting right like is it old or is it like is it just based on youth so if he’s young then that’s look okay let’s use like last year’s example if you’re the Raptors and a haime hakz guy type guy is there the Raptors don’t need yeah you don’t need that right now that’s more for like if you’re a playoff team who’s trying to fill in I know he’s a good player you’re like he’s 21 like you know sorry I just me like an older guy like a 22y old okay sure but even then like 22 so like you know your title window let’s say it’s within the next eight years like I it’s an interesting question right I think to me who do you think is going to be the best player like overall in their future that is the the Baseline which I think you go at this you attack this that way I just think also it’s good to set the tone that it you know we talk about you know swing for the fence is high risk High reward deep in the draft like I don’t think we realize how many misses there are relative to the hits we all remember the Nicole the yices we all remember the Draymond greens all the big all the big wins right it doesn’t happen all that often man it’s really hard to hit it right so I I agree with you I think the Raptors are supposed to take a big swing here um I was looking more into what type of player builds or what type of position what position do players deep in the draft usually hit the big home run like for example you’re not going to find any like Score first guard you know top level shooting guy who’s going to lead your offense typically is this why you were talking about Michael red before we started was that was that that conversation was Michael red technically is still not even like a playmaker right he was a scorer pure scorer right so even him there’s flaws to how he fit as a you know Team USA type of player right so what point I’m trying to say is like I’m trying to set the expectations for anybody who’s like looking at the deep pool of players available in the second round you’re not going to find your leading score in the second round you’re probably going to find a ceiling Draymond Green a ceiling Center a ceiling kind of like three and D kind of guy that’s probably what you’re going to find well so let me I think you’re also kind of hinting at maybe it’s easier to find bigs that late and that’s a good transition to Edie I know it’s not really what the Raptors need but Ed a guy who could be I know all of your bets on him going as a lottery pick say otherwise but like I don’t know if you’re saying get the best player and someone like Ed is there at 19 he won’t make it to 19 I don’t think so either I don’t think so either I think he’ll be gone by then Jonathan gavone just uh I think he hinted at Memphis potentially taking if Donathan CL clingin off the board um yeah like you’re talking second round we’re talking like late first like somewhere this draft is not top headed right so it’s going to be a lot of dudes that you’re going to have to talk yourself into uh yeah I mean if Ed’s there you probably take him like you know 19 yeah I think for sure bed he’s the second best center in this entire draft based on value it’s a precarious situation for the Raptors because this is really their only Avenue right now to significantly upgrade their talent base and they’re picking 19th when traditionally teams who pick 19th are are are playoff teams right it’s ind’s pick well they lost their pick well that’s how it goes this is where we’re at man that’s what people wanted apparently like I’ll set the tone here let me show you in this Century all right the best 19th overall picks in the draft Tobias Harris is probably the best Oney you’re happy AG you’re happy if you’re Tobias Harris John Collins Zack Randol back in 200 oh Zebo Zebo the best player I’m just saying it’s so far back kind of tough so you’re saying the raps could get a Zebo type player at 19 where he comes from a bullies G but what I’m trying to say yeah exactly what I’m trying to say also fell because like I don’t know Michigan State he had he had off cour stuff even back then what I’m trying to say though is like at the 19th pick everybody’s going to dream big and they’re going to look back and say oh well you could have got this guy at 42 you could have got ynis you could have got all these guys look it’s if it was that easy everybody would get them at pick 11 Pick 12 much earlier but I just want to show you the ceiling Tobias Harris pck 19 that’s kind of you’re thrilled if you’re the Raptor you’re thrilled if you’re getting Tobias Harris in this draft at P 19 he gets a bad rep just based on how he played in Philly but yeah he’s a free agent man after the RS really want him thr the bag out him okay so like so the ceiling stuff oh man imagine Tobias haris a raptor Fab’s head what’s what’s a Tobias haris contract look like probably 30s easily go long like yeah maybe 390 30s I was gonna say like 410 like 4110 wow I think I think the new day could open up that room if they wanted it he probably do like a shorter term contract and bit bigger like kind of like a Fred type of so let’s okay let’s let’s get bronie James yeah let’s let’s put a bow on this draft and talk well actually wait one I’ll make one point on Edie and I’m talking to talking to talking to Jack Armstrong during March Madness he said one thing that really stuck out to me and it was the key to Edy is whoever drafts him you need to kind of know what you’re getting and how to make him work and there’s a lot of bad teams who we we often will joke they don’t really think things through and I just hope as a Canadian I hope he goes to a good team who’s really thought through how to use him and I feel like Memphis is a good example of that I think Memphis would be a good thing I mean like we already name dropped that earlier right so I think the best example just look at how much more effective jiren Jackson Jr was when Steven Adams was around it actually was it completely changed how they were as a team right Edy probably could fit and step into that role especially if you think about how similar their builds are right the difference is Ed is actually showing that he might actually be able to develop a little bit of a shot yeah from three-point and like that that could change things big time compared to a guy like Stephen Adam that rebounding screen setting like johnar like hey Zach a screen he also did that with Adam I think to me any team that knows how to like weaponize him to use him to unleash him not rely on him to play 30 he’s like an 18 to 22 minute a game guy especially versatility you can throw him on you know the opposing team’s big you know waste five six fouls like that like I think and he’s only been playing basketball for like what six seven years something like that so he’s his growth is going to be pretty exponential I ideally he ends up on a team that has the right system in place for him ideally a PR scoring threat yeah use him off the screen yeah I think it to your point he needs to land in the right ecosystem with a good coaching staff I mean even somewhere like th what with what they’ve done with their shooting on everybody what if he develops a three-point shot I mean he’s decent from free throw right so I think he can have a very productive career if he lands in the right spot because he’s still 7even foot4 he’s a rim he’s a rim protector I play for Canada he he was Unstoppable at the college level like shooting like high 60s field goal percentage like and they restricted him too like he wasn’t able to do specific things well the college defense is built towards stopping that too and if we’re talking about you know our friends at fand you will have odds on where Ed can get drafted and he’s plus money to be a lottery pick which dab in this in this draft where no one’s really standing out that much like doesn’t some team just say you know what let’s just let’s just take this guy right because how who are you really passing up on it’s also an interesting note too like the state of the NBA we see these wave abs and flows of what positions are val big man’s back big man’s are back big man’s are back and the reality is a team like OKC that’s what they lacked right now obviously they lost to Dallas that’s like so be it but if they faced Minnesota and Denver I think they might have faced even worse fate so they need that sort of kind of matchup to go against some of the best players in the end game if you’re going to bet Ed to be a l pick you’re praying for Donovan kingan to be taken early yes and then one of the and then if Ed’s kind of freed up around like six seven eight assuming cling taken before that top 10 would be crazy that would be awesome but that there is a chance that that cashes there is a good chance I mean like we talk about the state of this draft like it it rings a lot of Anthony Bennett type drafts right where like the Talon pool’s so weak that you it’s so I don’t think it’s fair to say you know what’s gonna happen anything Happ is that is that weak it’s just not topheavy okay looking at later in the draft then the name on everybody’s boor bronny James like most bet on so popular I I’ll start here like and I do we think there’s a chance is there a chance he goes in the first round I don’t see it there should not be a chance I mean there’s always a kid it would be really embarrassing if he does but it’s like it’d be the ultimate like chess move like oh we want LeBron we’re going we’re going to hold him something similar yeah so there there’s no other practical reason it’s just I kind of feel stupid talking about it to be honest this is the question we’re gonna ask Jack Armstrong Wednesday as well when TSN does his draft coverage if his last name wasn’t James if he was not LeBron james’ son would his Acumen his prototype his what he’s done so far would that get enough hype for someone like him to go for he’d be undrafted undrafted but now but here’s the thing though undrafted if there’s that morsel of a chance that you can get LeBron like if if if Philly but that was a question like is his last name different if Philly Miami are okay he draft him yeah then everyone’s going to be speculating like crazy say he goes late say oh someone trades up the last pick in the first round and it’s Philly it’s miam it’s okay I’m I’m not here to on prospects right like he I hope he does have a good career I think he’s got the DNA like the genetics of one of the greatest players of all as like as a casual college hoops fan who only will pretty much watch the tney now it’s hard to look at his USC stats and be like Oh yeah this is a first rounder 4.8 points per game 2.8 boards per game 2.1 assists per game shot 36% from the field 67 from free what about his intangibles boom intangibles what about his bloodline man exactly can’t measure that like okay going back Scouting Report great jeans inherited from father last name James yeah last name change come on man like that’s so disrespectful I think to me it’s like you know if you you’re saying the attached nugget to it is that LeBron will also sign with you so rich Paul pretty much poo pooed that already like he’s not signing for the minimum so teams like Phoenix that’s out the window so you’re gonna like if a team comes along that has the cap space to also sign that’s why I said Philly like what if think he leaving La JJ reck was announced as Lakers coach yeah LeBron is staying in La that whole thing was a job interview mind the game yeah that whole thing was a freaking job interview I think the important Point here is like considering his body of work you have to remember how many other hardwork athletic like talented players are at the college level it’s disrespectful to all these other people that work that hard to try to make it to the NBA right well he works hard no but look at his what he’s achieved so far I know I think your argument is one against nepotism no but you you get my point right like you’re saying like would he be drafted no he’s not going to be drafted come on like let’s be really realistic how’s that different from like a kid that was born into like Supreme wealth and then gets inherited like you know the CEO job they just and that’s why there’s so much Discord about this right it’s like there are all these other players in the NCAA right now that are so much more deserved life ain’t fair man well there you go and so but that’s fair too right that’s the point so then if you’re saying Fab’s convinced and I don’t know I don’t want to believe that LeBron stay yet but it likely is I think it’s like what is itus 400 on FanDuel 480- 480 on FanDuel to change um now if does that mean do we want to explore the team to draft bronny Market which I think you said the Lakers are plus 100 so 55th pick it adds up it adds up now you know what oh if you could parlay those FanDuel come on give us the bomb the Lakers I think it’s actually a very smart business move like you want LeBron you want to secure LeBron’s rights back into La draft his son 55th pick in the draft like you made you went on the whole you know tangent about like second round picks very few actually making you know why not I think it’s actually a prudent business move on their part I would draft him if I’m the Lakers at 55 hey at the end of the day you got to protect your most important assets why does the NASA yeah I was just going to say bro same thing there’s no there’s no harm if the Lakers take him at 55 yeah it’s like uh it’s not not like this but similar to when you know the Clippers poached kawhai from the Raptors right like you’re when you trade for Paul George you knew you’re also getting kaai in that right by signing him so it’s just one of those things where it’s like if you want LeBron to stay a Laker maybe maybe LeBron also doesn’t maybe he hired his podcast partner might as well draft his son too but they also tried to hire Dan Hurley though like didn’t they yes they did they offered Dan Hurley a contract and Dan Hurley said no kind of low balled him yeah well like not really though he would Williams got more Dan the dumbest coach contract in the history of coaching contracts you set it up okay that like I’m pretty sure that’s a fact now he’s getting paid 65 million to do nothing I’m just saying man yeah so speaking of bad contracts no Adrian wowski and his connection to the Hurley family had nothing to do with that but continue they still offered it to him and he still said no fair enough all right it’s an invitation fair enough so speaking of dumb money hey we got free agency right around the corner let’s go let’s let’s look at this from a WRA perspective first of all we were talking before we all think quickly quickly for sure probably 25 mil should 25 M year and he’ll be resigned we all expect Scotty Barnes to to be extended at some point eligible and what’s going to happen this summer um so from a Raptor’s perspective there’s that leaves pretty much one man who’s TBD and Fab you can the floor can be yours here on what they do with Gary Trent listen man I don’t like him I okay what what kind of contract are we talking about Gary Trent probably like what 20 25 so hold on hold on before we go there they have a decision to make on Bruce Brown whether to pick up his team option I think you have I think that’s almost automatic yeah you have to so you pick up his team option to deal him though yeah to trade him at the deadline potentially but but there’s still some value to keeping that guy around right with that then they’ll he was an important player on a championship team two like a year ago like people forget that if they keep him then there’s you know they’re going to have much less money to spend on others so you’ll be incentivized to keep some of your own so Gary Tren Jr is 25 years old free agent one of the best Shooters in the league what was that I I believe West touted unbelievable I feel so bad because I can’t reference who said it exactly but Gary Trent number one in the NBA in open threo percentage at 52% this season fact sounds like a guy I want to keep oh yeah that’s an asset I don’t want to lose what what value is there in okay do you think he’s a positive asset teams weren’t looking for him at the trade deadline who’s knocking on the door for Trent I think in the right situation you can you can find a way to make that work he’s listen he’s a great three-point shooter I think that’s it yeah yeah I honestly think that’s it I don’t know what else he does well he dresses really nice he’s not he listen he’s he’s a little bit small for a guard he’s not you know he’s not super athletic he’s not a willing passer he kind of gets cook defensively I’d rather just see minutes go to Grady dick at this point right so I agree with you but I’m going to play Devil’s of course so let’s assume like he led the league in steals a couple years ago under Nick nurse that doesn’t mean he’s a good defensive player but but in that Gambler system he thriv were able to get the best out of him in a system that plays to his strengths although we would say that a couple times he cost the Raptors late by making bad decisions but you know you live with that right I’m just saying that if you surround him with good Defenders like let’s say Orlando strikes out on Clay you’re yes you’re right in that kind of ecosystem I agree could be useful but the wraps aren’t built that way okay so you’re saying so this I think more of an argument against the Raptor’s ecosystem whether he fits now you just have another guy who’s relatively soft defensively who can shoot but you need more of a defensive structure for him to slide I agree but then Fab don’t we you don’t you just keep the asset though and then try to trade him and I know you’re going to say theyed move okay it depends if you think he’s a positive asset and on a a positive deal then sure you make the argument for you’re telling me you’re going to give this guy 3 years 75 mil is that a good deal I think that’s what it comes down to is what is the fair market value for what he’s going to be worth in and to be fair it’s a wide range of where it could go so like like I have no idea what what he even is supposed to be making I I I agree with hin it’s like if you get him on a cheap contract then yeah he is considered a positive asset so if we overpay then you’re in trouble right again we’re using these terms like cheap overpay like and I get that right 25 is probably fair market value the cap is going to sky rocket so a lot of these like20 million deals are going dropped in the bucket it’s not going to Skyrocket like it did Durant to Golden State it’s going to gradually go up year by if they could sign and trade him I think that would be the best outcome yes I just don’t think the Raptors are into losing assets for nothing so they traded Norm pal for Once Upon a Time I just don’t know if they let him walk yeah they W they probably won’t he’s probably back I think he’s realistically he’s probably back he’s back if you pick up Bruce Brown’s option you’re going to have just like the mid level to play with and so here’s here’s the only thing is if you don’t if you do let them walk what is the alternative with the The Limited cap space that you have there’s not much so they can do a lot of different things right so if they were to trade Bruce Brown have him opt in trade him right away they can do a lot of stuff you know pull up the graphic there are some players out there that I like that I’m actually intrigued by I think the Raptors you know we talked about it right the Raptors Pride themselves on being in the past anyway defensive switchable forwards forwards forwards they lost two of them in trades this season I think they need to kind of build back in that route I I think they’re a little weak defensively I think they’re oh they’re very weak right like they’re they’re they’re relatively they got got guys who can shoot more they have a little more offense but guys like Naji Marshall you know under restrict free agent probably gonna be a big market for him Isaac aoro restricted free agent in Cleveland I think he’s super interesting you have like you know Anthony Melton I know you’re a big fan of 26 years old back a bit of a question this year but injury concerns there but there are dudes Pat Williams out of I got a so I agree I think they need a little more iron on this team a little more scrappiness if you could lose Trent but free enough room to make a run at one someone like that in my opinion again this is only you know our opinion we’re not really we’re not saying hey msai do this but that’s did he’d listen you should like And subscribe say but like you know but you know what I’m saying like that that’s those are the type of players I’m looking at I’m a little you know my favorite player in the draft is Ron Holland because I think he’s a not favorite but like monster defensively I like those kind of guys I think the Raptors need some more Gump sh so just to real quick what does this mean though is next year a tanking year like it’s kind of has to be right so I think they’re going to go into the season trying to compete for the play and trying to compete for a playoff spot and then maybe something like what happened this past season if you are down if you’re like 10 games under 12 you just you flick the switch hey they were trying to compete this season yeah they were trying and then they and then they failed and then now and then they I think made the Right Moves you know benching guys you know guys got hurt I think that’s what you do again because Cooper Flags right there looks pretty generational in terms of like I’ll go all the videos the right thing to do would be to tank again that’s the right thing doesn’t mean that’s what they’re going to do but hardell give it a shot like you know you have you have Scotty you have Emanuel quickly got RJ Barrett full season darkar rakovich training camp knowing who’s on the te exactly and I said this last year when they made those deals is at the very least I need to see an identity formed with the guys you have like establish a style of play how you want to operate as a team do that at least and let’s see what happens with the wins and losses but you need to develop younger guys has nothing to do with winning this year like you said yeah it’s all about building see what you got see what you got and again like we haven’t really seen all these guys healthy for a long period of time right like you know purle got hurt last year now you got purle and Kelly linck right behind them pretty good pretty good as a five position but I athleticism though very much right so I think yeah if if he’s your back if he’s your backup big 25 minutes and like hit some I know but could the RS not use like a real Rim running type of Center potentially who can jump so but there’s but then there’s there’ll be a market for o someone will I like the OIC deal was nice I like the OIC deal I have no problem with that I just think you need some more tough forward types Isa aoro someone if you can pry him away from Cleveland three-point numbers are actually pretty decent he’s 23 years old I liked him at Auburn like I think he’s interesting he fits like kind of the it is a c certain profile that they could use yeah someone like that if they if you know if you’re going to lose someone like Gary Trent but can add a piece that plus the draft picks if they’re all these kind of forward athletic types I think that’s good and you go into next season with a pretty solid Outlook so now sorry go ahead W shout out Ryan Dunn That’s it like him too that’s all I’m gonna say like him too let’s let’s finish up then with I think the other big free agency Domino is just Philly Philly and what does Philly do to kind of H what what is Philly’s move and I know Paul George it seems like they’re kind of cooled there’s a lot of reports that they’re like they’re they’re who knows yeah I mean like Harden is Paul George’s teammate right so like he’s gonna tell PG about how how much he hates Daryl Mor like that’s a natural thing I don’t know man I maybe Paul George just opts in and they trade him so like you know Clippers get something out of that maybe they resigned Mar marks and low they were trying to do the math of Jimmy and Paul George and I think the numbers we’re so close but just second apron stuff Jimmy’s an interesting wild card that’s kind of floating out there because I don’t think he’s untradeable if you’re Miami Man jimy Jimmy to OKC would be so oh my God that would be that would be so nice rumbling that Miami is uh they’re they’re on the Move that’s interesting man I I think to me like what if Philly goes the route and says you know what we’re not going we can’t go big game hunting some of the big guys don’t want to come here we don’t want give up assets maybe they go hard at like calwell Pope they just get a lot of these the guys they’ve been linked to which I mean he would fit just anyone who’s just like oh let’s just surround Maxi and embiid with a bunch of two-way guys and that also gives you flexibility too that if you can go big game hunting for a trade later on you have the flexibility to do that they want to resign like Melton you know is going to be on a higher contract like you’re going to have to like how do you allocate all of this money now Nicholas Batum you have to resign him too like all of a sudden now you know that money goes pretty quick they don’t have many guys under contract at this moment so they can go many directions I do agree like I think Paul George is the ultimate Domino here he is by far the most prized yeah person in free agency like LeBron come on who dra Bron all right man all right that it is that it we done hey man I just I just want to live in a world where like I just want I just want one story of like he think that they can get LeBron and then I I’m I’m I’m back it would be fun we we’re officially back if we get that on that note uh we’ll be back probably talking Olympics mid mid July we’ll be back to talk Olympics because this Canada team is is is good enough to metal be yeah so we’ll be we’ll be back to talk some Canada and some Olympics mid July

Who should the Toronto Raptors be targeting with the 19th pick in the NBA Draft? Will Zach Edey’s collegiate success translate to the professional game? Who’s going to draft Bronny James? Chris Hein, Wesley Cheng, Fabio Lucarini and Michael “Hambone” Hamarneh discuss all things NBA Draft and free agency in the latest edition of Basketball Island.

@ 00:00 – Raptors Draft Outlook

@ 05:55 – Zach Edey

@ 11:35 – Bronny James

@ 16:34 – Free Agency


  1. Here's the thing to me, if you do draft Brony and Lebron is willing to sign in the 15-17 million range, we can create a winning team with Lebron at the 4. He still gets the calls and Scottie has the ability to pass the ball to anyone who plays hard enough. Can you get a guarantee from Lebron that he will sign in Toronto and for less then poetl.

  2. Sign and trade GTJ and 31 to the lakers for Rui and 17. We can then draft some like Kyshawn George at 17 and Missi at 19 and Rui can start and fill a hole on the wing we have. JJ Reddick during his press conference said he was AD to be the offensive hub and them to shoot and space the floor. Who better to add for them the the leagues best wide open 3pt shooter.

  3. Please, stop talking about basketball you don't have clue. Go back to hockey…..How's the maple laughs doing?…..clowns..

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