@Indiana Pacers

This man is on crack

This man is on crack

by Frenchy-__-


  1. coreyp0123

    I’ve seen so many mock trades with mathurin in there this summer. Dude is a cornerstone piece. We aren’t going to trade him for a defender that barely plays.

  2. pimpron18

    I don’t think this is the year they move either. They’ll let both of them ride out for at least the 24-25 season see what they have unless a ridiculous trade comes through.

  3. darthfracas

    Can we get a “Bleacher Report BS Trade Offer” flair for posts?

  4. Mathurin has become so underrated. Don’t worry, he’ll remind people who he is next season and everyone will pretend like they didn’t forget about him.

  5. pimpnastyodb

    Cocaine’s a hell of a drug


  6. LordQuest1809

    We’d only trade Benn and Jarace for a legitimate proven talent.

  7. CommonerChaos

    I’m so sick of B/R, man. At first these were amusing, now they just piss me off. I haven’t seen a *single* B/R trade where we don’t get fleeced.

  8. I’d venture to say Mathurin and Walker are virtually untouchable. No one will offer the value it would take to send them off.

  9. My_Pops_Son

    This is purely rage bait.

    Even reposting it is ridiculous. It’s like digging through a dumpster just to say “Hey everyone, look at all this garbage. Gross, right?”

  10. erithtotl

    Isaac is really good but he’s only good for 18 min a game.

    If he was sure 32 a game this is not crazy

  11. Gethsamane

    I love JI’s game. I think he could have potential to be DPOY, that’s how much of an impact he has on the court. That being said, guys knees are a ticking time bomb and his minutes need to be restricted. The Magic have also been so invested in Isaac through the injury rehabbing over the past few years I don’t think they do this trade either lol This trade gets declined by both teams

  12. Psyren1317

    We wouldn’t move either for Spicy, we sure aren’t moving them for Isaac’s and a couple mid round picks in an awful draft.

  13. EntrepreneurOk7860

    I love Jon Isaac but geez this is a TERRIBLE trade lol get tf outta B/R

  14. GoApeShirt

    As a Magic fan, I can tell you how inaccurate this assessment is.

    The Magic definitely aren’t banking on last season being an outlier for JI. It’s the exact opposite in fact. The Magic have invested the last 3 years in JI.

    The Magic FO lives JI. And he has loyalty to the organization for sticking by him.

    From what I’ve seen from the outside, the Pacers really like Mathurin—for good reason.

    BR is clickbaiting hard in this one.

  15. FunkmasterFuma

    Trade two talented former lottery picks, including one of our best ISO players, for a late pick in a historically weak draft and a QAnon-adjacent antivaxxer with a history of being injured. That’ll surely get the team over the finish line.

  16. HeyItsChase

    A healthy Jonathan Isaac is an incredibly useful player. Obviously that’s a huge overpay but moving whatever picks we have and a guy like Shep (kill me thinking about it) for a dude that big and defensively talented is worth consideration. We don’t have floor time for any picks anyway.

    Of course health is his big issue. But the dude is exactly the type of defender we need.

  17. Saintsfan707

    This shit is actually insulting. I think a Jim Irsay high on enough ketamine to kill a horse wouldn’t even make this trade.

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