@Detroit Pistons

Would the Detroit Pistons REALLY SIGN OR TRADE for Them?

Would the Detroit Pistons REALLY SIGN OR TRADE for Them?

[Music] what up though welcome back to the world heavyweights live I’m your boy e joined by SP Rex Young Chris Nicholas Koff AKA microwave Mario let’s go we’re also joined for the host the bully ball you actually put out a great article today too thank you very much yeah catch up with us real quick what what you been doing by the way this is aric joining us what up uh yeah uh last time I was here at premium sport uh premium X update I was uh trying to get assassinated check again it’s w Sports now I got a red dot my back to W Sports oh it is we are it’s back the name is up there and the ad is up there okay we are do you have a profile inal stages of get okay okay um yeah last time I was here you practicing that line in the car in the I swear to God I was I had that ready to go I had enough time in traffic um yeah no I I’ve been just busy I’m I’m um I run bullyball which is like a Sports media Outlet where we discuss a bunch of things but mostly we try to tell stories through the lens of athletes while also still covering it so today I put out an article predicting uh Tran langan’s first offseason uh in Detroit it had mixed reactions which I think is pretty expected just because the way I’m expecting this offseason to go will probably have mixed reactions but yeah I I take pictures uh I do writing video you name it pretty much I do it so uh we’re we’re kind of getting our feet off the ground a little bit and uh yeah it’s cool oh yeah we appreciate you joining us you know you’ve been a veteran of the heavyweights now a couple times on yeah man on the heavy weights some of the uh how long did that last uh how long did that last that was like a almost they definitely kept the receipts cuz that was a while ago yeah that was like that’s like we were like two years ago yeah probably 2022 was the last time I was here yeah yeah getting into it with Kings fans man let me I to this day to this day to this day I still get I still get I still get stuff for that on Twitter so shout out shout out to the heavyweights he’ll never be forgotten shout out to the uh Sacramento heavyweights um speaking to get their feet wet Tran lingon uh one of the first rumored first moves to be making was the Tobias har stuff it was that the Jazz and Detroit Pistons are the serious contenders assign him I’m not going to lie I definitely was enjoying myself last night uh kill the fifth my boy Chris Shout Out shout out all right didn’t you know didn’t take me where else took me however I I think there’s reasoning behind it right like we this ownership group has dealt damage to me as a Detroit business fan and I’m a Detroit business fan that grew up on the 04 pistons and you know the going to work pistons and the the the five straight Easter Conference Finals after that there’s been so much nepotism in the the pass and just knowing that like the past with Michael tellum and arm tellum and contracts like John lure how much is is Tobias Harris going to get paid in a situation where we’re not going to be winning games for a minute and you just told us you’re taking on expiring deals and salary dumps for assets why are we grabbing cap space or salary cap dumps on the open market so it’s kind of like one thing I had compared the Piston’s current situation to was kind of like the Jazz the last few years where if you looked at them they’re they’re kind of threading the needle between like developing a young core while also still trying to get veterans that fit the pieces they have and while they yes are going to go out and get acquiring assets looking at Tim Hardway Jr um or I’m sorry expiring assets uh big contracts where they get like maybe a pick a young player etc those are things they’re looking to do but with every single move they look to do this off season it’s with the intention of getting better like I know maybe a Tim Hardaway Jr I don’t know Tobias Harris and like name a guy easy give me give me a guy what just like an expiring deal yeah like or a a contract LaVine something like that like it might not something right like it might not be a sexy off season on paper but the pieces that they’re going to look to acquire yes maybe big contracts that other teams are trying to get off of but it’s with the idea that these guys are going to come in contribute on the court and then also provide veteran presence because like I mean it’s no secret like between the last two seasons the Pistons have a combined 31 wins which is just ridiculous right so they’re they’re looking to get better but they have to start somewhere and I I know me and I kind of we didn’t get into it you know we we I for here yeah yeah um I think what you’re stuck on and I I don’t blame you and like I this the thing I don’t really blame any Pistons fan that initially does feel upset about how things might go this off season just because of how things have gone right like like I said 31 wins in the last two seasons like that’s unacceptable however I think if you look at things as a stepbystep process versus the bigger picture it’ll make a lot more sense like you you mentioned Houston um last night on Twitter Houston was a team that I think you brought them up they signed veteran pieces but I just said they had correlating pieces in place already like like guys that kind of fit like who and then like well I think green fits nice obviously they finally got their point guard in Thompson right yeah you have S goon who can stretch the floor for you obviously Jabari Smith they’re hoping that thing works out as it goes along those pieces were already in line looking like somewhat promising for damire better with the Pistons had it made sense to sprl in some better pieces there I’m looking back at situations like coup and I don’t know if it’s on the same podcast with you but I’m I’m listening to you know people kind of going at Troy Weaver for making a Jeremy Grant signing instead of taking on those assets I’m sorry taking on expiring deals along with assets and building the right way I mean you’re looking at teams I brought it up when you before you came here but you’re looking at okcu who’s kind of transforming organization time and time over again through draft picks right acquiring assets and you know whether you’re drafting players with that or using those assets to go and get a shay gilders Alexander you’re using those draft picks you build your team from it the Boston Celtics similar situation too a [ __ ] ton of draft picks like do it that way but then how are we I guess mocking Troy for going making that signing for Jeremy Grant but now here we are in the same situation restart and now we’re like yeah let’s bring in Tobias well to be fair I I lik Jeremy Grant signing at the time but I did like Jeremy Grant too but it’s because of the timeline the the Pistons were literally just starting a rebuild back in 2020 when they signed Jeremy Grant Mason plumbley all those guys they were literally just starting a rebuild still had guys like Blake Griffin on their team guys like Derrick Rose on their team where it was kind of a a mix of just a bunch of random things if they had gone out and acquired assets they probably wouldn’t be in the position they are today where the Pistons if they wanted to make like a move for a Brandon Ingram or somebody like that they can’t go out and trade one of their first round picks because they’re all locked up in protections due to a trade they made that same first year on the job where uh Troy Weaver took over so right now Now you kind of have to start from Ground Zero but at the same time you have to get better and Tobias Harris is a piece that helps you get better I think Tobias is someone who yes has a bad reputation because of how he played in the playoffs but I like Tobias though basketball wise it makes sense yeah exactly what I’m saying it makes sense basketball-wise and you want to talk about like fit with the team Tobias fits with the team you know like the the team really needs someone who can kind of be like that stretch four or maybe even a a three if they want to play him there who can provide spacing he doesn’t really get injured often he he’s he’s usually pretty available and he provides a lot on the offensive end while also not being a complete defensive liability looking at like a buan bonovich last couple years right so I I think you’re just improving where you can while also making someone like Cade’s life a lot easier on the daily you know so like Kade doesn’t have to go out and pray for one of the guys who aren’t their games aren’t suited to be Shooters to just catch a catch a ball in the corner and you know shoot 35% from three on like high volume like that’s that’s not how winning basketball is played so if you can get someone like Tobias Harris to be that guy who can catch a ball from Cade when he’s driving kicks it out that’s exactly what he’s coming here so that’s what it is you’re you’re seeing it as I I just want to know that the contract what you expect the contract to be is it going to be a multiple year thing where he is a part of this this team for the long run even though Tran langon just said like that’s not what we’re going to do we’re going to bring in expiring contracts or do you expect it to be a couple year deal you bring them in you have them run with the with the young guys for a while and then try to ship them at the deadline for more pieces I think it might get confused a little because like traan did say yes we will look as an option to take on big contracts but that’s not like the only thing they’re going to do you know um and as far as like his contract number um on the article I had put out today bully um I had put it as a three-year deal $90 million total which would leave it at $30 million annually however I have it as a team option for the last year because I really do see this basically as the exact same signing Houston made last year where they went out and gave Fred Van vet a threeyear deal with a team option for the last year Fred Van Fleet though NBA champion like I like I like Tobias and again I think that the fit makes sense basketball wise but like my man’s almost coming up like $250 million yeah no all team defense no no NBA no no Allstars no championships zero points in a playoff game last year like and I get he has leadership I look at as it if they bring him in as an experiment to see okay if we’re truly going to commit to Cade let’s give him the pieces that we envision him with like like that stretch four and stuff like that we’ll see if he’s able to deliver on that end to make you know the investment fully on him because now it’s being teer toted around and I don’t believe it’s happening in the organization maybe it is cuz they have to evaluate everything at this point right but like some people talking about moving on from K people talking about moving on ey of you like you got to I look at it as that but at $30 million that’s an expensive [ __ ] experiment it is but Tobias isn’t really much of an experiment you know like I for what he is you know what you’re getting from him right I know that but I think the experiment like okay they want to make sure he’s worthy of investing like these type of pieces in I mean you got to start by giving him NBA players and Tobias is an NBA player so if you go out and you get a Tobias Harris it’s just taking pressure off of Cade that’s really all like that’s all it is whatever they do this offseason will be catered around their franchise player who is Kate Cunningham who will be getting that extension by the way yes um so anything they do this off season whether it be acquiring a big contract like a Tim Hardway Jr who is someone I know that Kade has looked forward to playing with since like I think his rookie year um that’s kind of been known guys who can shoot guys who can take pressure off of him offensively and then whatever else they do is around the margins also fits the identity of the team so it’s really just kind of building an identity right now is what they’re doing and again like I said like it’s not going to look sexy on paper right like they’re not going to go and get like a Brandon Ingram a Paul George one of those guys but I do expect them to get better and I think Tobias Harris does make them better what does that mean for the rotation in the Log Jam because you’re going to have to move I I talked about you know needing to move off two of the five pieces of assar ivy St the fifth pick and and uh Duren like you probably have to move off two of those five pieces whoever they are if you bring in Tobias then you have assar and or and Stuart and Tobias all in that Log Jam for four Wing you know the four position the wing minutes what happens with that so I feel like to bring in the best veteran you should move some of the young guys is my is my thought process rather than just giving one 30 million I I mean yeah I don’t think the entire ire young core will still be here at the start of the Season like I know they’re interested at least based on what Tran said in his introductory press conference it sounds like they’re interested in seeing what they have in the young Corp yeah but that also means picking the guys right now that you see okay let’s try and build a roster around these guys and whoever doesn’t fit that Vision let’s move off of them and get assets while we can so I don’t I couldn’t tell you like who exactly they’re going to move off of or who they see as as keeping besides obviously like Cade so it’s it’s hard to tell but I I I I can’t imagine they keep every single guy because if you keep the entire young core that’s almost a 10-man rotation right so that there’s just no way they run it exactly back yeah you you can’t do that with a 14- win team you can’t run back the entire rotation but one thing you spoke on that I want to that I want to hit on is a tra is a Tran press conference how much of that because I I’ve seen that kind of conversation playing out right where how much of that was kind of GM speak and how much of that do you think was him actually kind of showing his cards cuz we’ve seen organizations say one thing and do another or you know or hold the cars close to their vest the big takeaway from the press conference was that Tran’s looking to uh take on bad contracts acquire assets do you think that was truth or do you think that he’s holding the cars close to his chest and there’s a there’s a little bit more at play I mean I definitely think there’s an element of truth to it for sure but traan strikes me as someone who’s very calculated in the things that he does and says so I wouldn’t be surprised if he says one thing and then kind of goes out and makes a move that maybe doesn’t exactly correlate with that you know so I couldn’t tell you exactly what his plan is but I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t showing all of his cards to me he seems like Tom Gore said he was a his CEO the CEO of the Detroit Pistons now a CEO isn’t going to tell you exactly every single thing he’s planning on doing with his business because that’s just not a that’s not a successful business strategy right like you have to keep certain things close to the deck or close to your chest and I think that’s kind of what’s Happening Here like you even look at someone like Tim Hardway Jr if they do end up you know making this trade yes he is a I wouldn’t even say he’s really a large contract it’s like 16 million it’s it’s really not that large but you’re you’re taking on a contract that Dallas doesn’t really want and then I assume they’re going to acquire an asset with him as well sure that that aligns with yes we’re going to acquire big contracts but that that might just be the extent of acquiring big contracts you know so they could just look to free agency for the rest of their Improvement or they could look to to make moves that include a young guy um in getting better so it’s kind of hard to tell and that is what you know Mark Stein put out there was Tim Hardway Jr to the Pistons potentially quitting grind going to Dallas in that in that move and that’s what I felt you like you’re not just giving up Quinton Grimes just for Tim Hardway Jr straight up you’re going to be receiving something back in compensation for that is that a move you would like to see them make or you’d be happy with because I feel like that’s kind of a linear move is to get up Quinn Grimes for Tim Hardway Jr I mean right now Tim Hardway Jr provides you way more offensive reliability than Quinton Grimes did and he also provides you more availability than Quinton Grimes did cuz I think Grimes only played like six or seven games with the Pistons after joining at the deadline I personally really like Quinton Grimes as a three andd Prospect me too I loved them I think he has if he stays healthy he could have a long future in the NBA the question is is he healthy and the other question is do you want to pay him next summer because next summer he’s he’s going to need a new contract uh so I can’t I can’t disagree with the mentality of moving off of him although I do like him as a prospect I I don’t think it’s as linear if it was like Alec Burks for Tim Hardway then I’d say yeah it’s linear but when it’s Quinton Grimes who really wasn’t available for a lot of games and then when he was he his shot was not falling at all outside of like that one New York game yeah I I would say it’s actually an improvement and then you’re also acquiring assets to improve at that position I also just see like if we you know we’ve had all these Grand delusions of Brandon Ingram and all these other players that could potentially and if we bring in Tobias Harris and Tim Hardway Jr that’s just buan bogdanovich and Alec Burks in different jerseys buan and buan and Burks from Gucci is what I you know um three four more wins like but the difference between Buon and Burks and Tobias and Tim Hardway might not be like huge right but Tobias is someone who is going to be available and with Buon in both seasons he played availability was like a huge issue CU there’s no secret right like he’s like 34 35 right now and like his calves are dust right like that’s just they’re they’re they’re not there anymore so if you have someone like Tobias who’s consistently giving you that offensive production while also being able to help out on defense that’s still an improvement is it like Leaps and Bounds better no but also you have to consider like okay you have Tobias you have Tim Hardaway and whatever else they do in this offseason you’re going to put that in a new offensive system with a coach who might not start Killian Hayes for half of a season right over an an actual NBA player because I I I really do think coaching does play a factor do I think changing a coach without changing a roster is going to change anything no not really but if you make moves that make basketball sense because that’s really all it has to be this offseason make moves that make basketball sense that fit your main player Kade Cunningham if you make moves that fit his play style not drafting Jaden Ivy all right like okay I I know we we we’ve got over this for a couple years I I’m not ready to say for a certain whether him and Cade fit cuz like I mean you know we all know what happened this this last season right like where a lot of things were were going on where Ivy was in the rotation and then not really in the rotation and then they would stagger their minutes but then they wouldn’t stagger their minutes and it was just the whole thing I would like to see what what comes out of this season if they do Cho chose to choose to hang on to Jay iy if it if it still if it still looks shaky I’ll give you your flowers I’ll give I’ll give you but look shaky as now we’re Green in that part at least yeah it looks shaky right now but I I I wouldn’t completely write it off either you know like I I I don’t think they’ve really had a fair shake at things because Ivy now will have his third coach in three seasons kade’s going to have his third coach in Four Seasons technically three seasons played mhm it you can’t really build chemistry and you can’t really build a system when there’s constant things changing in how you play so I I think you really have to see but if you have to stagger him to make it work is that really a fit I mean yeah cuz if if you if you have someone like P together you know being effective at the same time if you if you have Kyrie and Luca in the in the playoffs I’m not saying they’re Kyrie and Luca but you know that you know what I’m saying like you you have to stagger those minutes if if you have two dominant guards you can’t just take both out at the same time cuz you you you need one in at so I wouldn’t call it a fit if you’re staggering them if if you take them off the floor to alleviate the other one well you always stagger your best players yeah that’s that has nothing to do with Tatum and brown don’t stagger they play well together yeah they do they there’s definitely minutes there’s definitely minutes every not on the court all the time at the same time for this to be effective it has to be a staggered situation I I think that’s applicable to like anything though because like yeah like he said Tatum and brown like Tatum and brown are not always on I’m on your side with this but they’re not stag the same like this would have to be like yeah you may have like hey take over for a minute he needs a break but they still work on the floor together in a a a winning a majority of their minutes is on the court at the same time yeah not they’re not staggering the same way it’s crazy they should play together don’t get me wrong they should play together but I also think if one’s off the court you probably do need one on the court at the same time cuz those are your two best guards so if you have one of your best guards on the court most of the time you’re doing pretty good Fellas they work best staggered well I think we’re inred that yeah this is kind of leads up to my question about this core 4 that we’ve heard so much about between Ivy Duran assar and Cade and my question to you would be which one do you think the most likely is to get moved out of that core for and which one would you personally move off of if you’re getting a positive NBA starter in return Nick’s got his finger crossed for one name I don’t this is a straight non-bias in this question who did you have in your article today as a Young Piece is to move off of I actually kept um pretty much everyone outside of Grimes actually and uh I think that was it I think I I I held on to now that’s not saying all of them are going to have the same amount of minutes or even be in the rotation but I think adding veteran piece for them to learn from that actually can provide presence on the court not just guys who are kind of like skeletons of what they used to be I think that that that adds a lot but if I if they had to move off of one I feel like it’s Duren and I I like I honestly just as a basketball fan not just as a someone who’s always around the Pistons I like all of the players in the Pistons young core like even if they hadn’t drafted Cade I liked Cade same with Ivy same with Duran and same with thear I love the Thompson Twins but with Duren with him being as much of a defensive liability as he is right now it’s pretty easy to go out and get a center who can kind of give you similar offensive production while also being able to hold his own defensively so if you had to move off of one right now it’s probably Duren do you see where I’m coming from on the on the Tobias Harris though no I that’s the thing I totally understand like anyone because pretty much everything that I’ve heard and that I’ve been seeing reported about this team and people reacting to I understand why you wouldn’t like it or why you wouldn’t want that to happen but I’m just saying like take a step back first and like no I get the basketball part of it I never I never like I’ve that’s no no I totally get what you’re saying he is I said it before you came here the Keegan Murray pick that I wanted like he is the guys you know 6 foot s s the quarter knock down some threes stretch the floor all that stuff like that but I just think we should be in a mode to be acquiring assets and I guess I want to touch on that do you agree to that being a philosophy of building something successful especially going off of like this Boston Celtics run I know they just now finally cash in the championship but they’ve been there in the dance for I feel like ever since you know Tatum and brown got their feet under them and no they aren’t staggered Chris I think yeah acquiring assets is like a huge part of team building especially when you’re building from scratch and like especially when you’re not starting off a rebuild with uh Paul George trade a kg which I think was what kg Paul Pierce and um no it was uh don by LeBron Jason Terry Jason Terry there we go uh when you’re not starting off with like a trade like that or Paul George Russell Westbrook Etc you you have to kind of just take on bad contracts that’s part of the game yeah the Pistons didn’t do that so they’re in the position now to do that with their cap space however that doesn’t mean that’s the only thing they can do you know what I mean so I think whatever happens with this Tim Hardway junr deal is taking on not necessarily a great contract for his for his value while also most likely acquiring Assets in return and I think if I think the draft also is a perfect example of how to acquire assets while getting something you want because I’m fairly certain the Pistons will be trading back tomorrow on especially with the amount of interest there is in Donovan kingan if he’s there at five there’s going to be a lot of teams that are going to be interested in trading up to five to get Donovan kingan so that’s where you collect some assets some maybe additional first round picks whatever whatever it may be that’s where you do that and then you also get a young player that you like at whatever pick you trade for Cody Williams please I yeah I think that’s very plausible so and that’s also what I put in my article on Bully check it out um but I I I just I think it’s not as black and white as it seems you know like I think yes you can acquire assets but no you don’t only have to take on bad contracts in order to acquire assets I think those two things happening if they do end up happening are both good starts at acquiring assets and picks and I I do want to get into the draft in in a second but yeah back to the toas Harris thing for for just one more question my whole thing with it was nobody willingly will come play basketball in Detroit unless they are getting a [ __ ] ton of money to do so and Tobias Harris is a guy who a lot of teams would like to have as a part of their rotation he could go play and he’s already made a lot of money in his career so he could go play in Milwaukee he could stay in Philly he could go play in Dallas somewhere where he has a chance of winning a championship which he won’t in Detroit for the next 10 years now the only reason he would somewhat be inclined to come to Detroit is if he is getting a lot of money and that’s what I just can’t I can’t dude like paying for overpaying for a guy is one thing if you are right there and you’re ready to go but to overpay for a guy to still be a lottery team is just not something I would be a part of I understand that but I would also say like you said it’s no secret nobody really wants to come to Destro right like I I think James Edwards reported that they had trouble bringing in certain Prospect ects for workouts so it’s gotten even to the draft now where guys are like uh Detroit I don’t know if I really want to you know waste my time certain guys would even work out with us that’s exactly what I’m saying so if guys don’t even want to work out for you and you have a guy who is proven as a reliable 3 andd guy who you know what you’re going to get out of who’s not like old as [ __ ] right and is still able to provide the court in the locker room and just overall have a great presence on the team and he’s got a little chip on his shoulder from catching a lot of [ __ ] in Philly CU you know it’s Philly yeah so he’s he’s gotten a lot of [ __ ] the last few years and he had a rough playoff experience this last year where I think he does want to prove something and I think Detroit is kind of like that perfect place where yes he could go to even Utah and get the same money but he’s interested in coming to Detroit yes it’s reported he has family here and stuff like that but I think part of it is this team nobody really wants to give this team a chance nobody really wants to give me a chance I know he’s not a young player he’s not going to all of a sudden turn into an All-Star but I think having that type of attitude is the right type of attitude you want in this locker room in order to turn things around because you really have to start at the very ground level of changing the culture and having a veteran like Tobias Harris who’s still in his prime who wants to be here who wants to teach these guys while also being like you know like screw everything else like I’m still good I’m going to show everybody that I’m not like what you make me out to be I think that’s a good combination of things and it’s exactly like why I brought Fred Van v up last night as an example of what Tobias could be for Detroit [Music]

Zariq Xavier with Bullyball joins Spencer Raxter, EZ and the rest of the Heavyweights crew to discuss the most realistic additions for the Detroit Pistons. Would they really go for Tobias Harris again? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. I'm grateful for the opportunity to engage with such a diverse and intellectually stimulating group of individuals.🍓

  2. Yeah we need ageing players on this team lfg! Or you could get the maybe guy from Ignite and then trade a player to move up or something and steal Bronny and hold the Lakers feet to the fire. Were not the dominate team in the East i grew up with we have to take some chances and make bold moves to get back there. I don't know if Joe D is still around but if he is I hope Langdon listens to him or calls him. We have to do something.

  3. Zariq is very good! Sign Harris is like gathering "assets", if some team wanna trade for him at the dead line this season or next season, Tobias will fit that… and again, we extract assets from that team trading for him…

  4. I don’t mind taking on bad contracts but I wasn’t looking to take on THJ🤦🏽‍♂️

  5. Tobias Harris plays soft and has no heart whatsoever.Tim Hardaway jr. Can shoot but past his prime.. Neither one is a good option for our sorry ass Pistons.We need grinders and shooters on this team ASAP.

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