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NBA Draft Trade Rumor: Utah Jazz trading with the Detroit Pistons for Stephon Castle?

NBA Draft Trade Rumor: Utah Jazz trading with the Detroit Pistons for Stephon Castle?

it’s another trade rumor for the Utah Jazz let’s talk about it it’s the Hooper [Music] show okay guys this one’s got me excited if you know me if you follow this channel you know I am a big fan of Stefan castle and it looks like the Utah Jazz are too according to Jonathan gavone today he writes that several teams picking both earlier and later in the draft are trying to Peg where they would need to get in order to pick Dillingham he has the Utah Jazz in His Latest mock taking Rob Dillingham but he says teams say the Jazz are also exploring some trade-up scenarios that might end up Landing them Detroit’s pick at number five including possibly armed with their 29th and 32nd picks with their likely Target moving ahead of the Hornets at number six for Stefan Castle a scenario that could only come to fruition if Reed Shepard Falls to San Antonio at number four so it looks like the Utah Jazz are trying to get to number five it’s interesting that Dennis Lindsay former GM of the Utah Jazz is now in the front office with Detroit and already the trade talks are happening May it’s probably that they’ve already been talking and a lot of these things happen before the news actually even breaks so I’m sure this is something they have both talked about already but that’s interesting and there is a connection there and Utah has made moves with Detroit already so they already have a relationship the question is does does uh Reed Shepard fall to the Spurs at four because they’d obviously like him the question now becomes do the Utah Jazz just want to trade up to number three we just saw the big time male Bridges trade with the New York Knicks so that’s one less Poss possibility for Utah on the trade market now there’s even less on the market for Utah because what are you going to go get Paul George likely not signing with Utah are you going to go find someone else with the big game hunting that Danny a was talking about likely not so is it just smart for Utah to just go for a big time package from the Houston Rockets and get that number three pick and get Stefan Castle the guy they want maybe would the Houston Rockets be willing to give like four first round picks and maybe a swap to Utah like the Knicks had to give to to Brooklyn to get male Bridges because Lowry marinin is kind of that same tier of player as male Bridges I don’t I would argue they’re about the same level m is male Bridges better than marinin maybe he has a better pull-up game Larry marinan is a better catch and shoot three-point player and he’s a bigger you know he’s bigger better rebounder so whatever it’s sixes it’s a but that kind of sets the level of what the trade could be so do the do the Houston Rockets want to make a trade with the Jazz they obviously have some sort of idea with the Detroit Pistons what they might want to do so really interesting guys should the Jazz trade up is it time to just go for Cooper flag trade Lowry Markin and bottom out get a top five pick in next year’s draft build around keonte George Stefan Castle Taylor Hendricks you could just I can see it now it’s the key to the castle baby let’s make it happen Danny a Justin xanic Make It Happen by the way guys tomorrow night I’m going to be on the stadium show I’ll be talking with Sham chirania pretty excited about it so I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do live tomorrow I’m on national TV talking to Shams it’s crazy guys like And subscribe to the channel I’ll talk to you next time

According to Jonathan Givony, the Utah Jazz are interested in trading with the Detroit Pistons to get to the number 5 pick in the NBA draft to potentially pick Stephon Castle. It would mean the Jazz need Reed Shepherd to fall to four for the San Antonio Spurs not to take him so the Jazz could have the opportunity, but this would be a big time get for the Jazz who need to be adding good, young talent that could help the roster improve.

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