@Chicago Bulls

Is the Alex Caruso-Josh Giddey trade a precursor to more moves for the Chicago Bulls? | CHGO Bulls

Is the Alex Caruso-Josh Giddey trade a precursor to more moves for the Chicago Bulls? | CHGO Bulls

all right back here segment uh two of the all NBA show and now we welcome in the goat will gotle from our chdo Bulls show so will first of all welcome in and second of all when this trade happened everybody on the timeline everybody in the basketball said well what else did Chicago get so I have to imagine you were thinking the same thing and I’m just curious what your impression was when it came through that this was a one for one trade well I guess my first impression was like wow this actually happened I mean I had reported a couple of days earlier that the Bulls were you know passing up on these big offers for Caruso at the trade deadline they had an opportunity to get multiple protected picks they had an opportunity to get a pick that actually ended up in the top 10 of this draft and they wanted to remain competitive they wanted to make a push for the playoffs uh ultimately fell short of that and I think that kind of got them to the point where they can say Okay um as our tourist carova said after the season it’s time to make some changes it’s time to start to look for other options here and so um ultimately pulled the trigger and yeah I was like okay what kind of draft Capital are we talking about here because Oklahoma City Thunder have like 6,000 picks in the next seven years um this is a great opportunity to like give the Thunder a guide that really fits with where they’re going can really help them um and now you get a good young player in giddy who I like I think maybe a little bit more than consensus but like and and a handful of picks here I mean this is going to be great and then nothing comes in nothing comes in and so it definitely was surprising I think a lot of the reaction is based on the potential for what they could have gotten if they made this trade earlier I don’t think Caruso would have had quite the same value but like you know it seems that Urus was very focused on giddy he likes Giddy and wanted to bring him into the fold and so as soon as you start trying to kind of Target guys as opposed to letting the best offer come to you I think that does drive down the price a little bit so obviously less than what I would have thought what it sounds like the rest of the internet would have thought um but I am appreciative of the fact that they are kind of picking a direction to go a little bit younger here and start to build towards the future which is something that they’ve needed to really Kickstart for the past two years now so will walk us through then how you feel like Josh giddy or how they feel like Josh giddy will affect their current pieces in what way is he going to make those guys better and what you know to what extent are they most excited about what Josh Goody’s bringing to the table I think the big question is what are the next pieces because this to me indicates that there’s going to be further change I think there needs to be right now they’re kind of in sort of a standoff between like can they trade Zack LaVine in order to create the space to bring D rozan back if they can’t trade LaVine does that mean dzen is gonna walk for nothing or or maybe you pull off a sign in trade or are you gonna have to attach picks to get off of LaVine in order to bring back D rozan I think all those answers are the wrong answer I think they should uh either facilitate a sign and trade with d rozen or just let him walk if you can’t get anything positive or at least just salary dumped LaVine bring him back try to rehab his value and move forward from there because uh to to your question Tim like I think giddy you know he’s not really somebody that can put a lot of pressure on the rim and create offense that way but he is a very good passer I think he’ll help guys like Kobe white IOD asumu Patrick Williams if they bring him back to just be able to get easier shots and not have to work so hard to like create for themselves um I think all those guys have shown that they can do that at times but they’re all at their best when they are playing off of guys that can force help um and draw two to the basketball and spray it out that way so I think having a guy who can get it up in transition just create easier shots in the flow of the game will go a long way for the development of some of the young guys my concern would be okay now you’re going to bring back dear and continue to kind of pound this thing into you know a square peg into a round hole and like continue to try to make the play in continue to try to be competitive when this is really an opportunity I think to take a step back you got this pick going up to the Spurs next year top 10 protected you keep that you get the 11th pick this year you got a crop of decent young players now you can really start to build something but I think it really kind of starts with putting the ball in giddy’s hands not bringing D rozan back to to take it out of his hands and just seeing what you have with some of these young guys to be able to grow forward because I do think that you know they don’t have to me like a number one option or a guy who who profiles to be one but I think you’ve got a nice young core that you can build forward with and you just kind of have to see where they can take you this year so I can get on board with this trade if you can convince me of one thing and that is does he help Kobe white because I love the ball in kobby White’s hands this year I thought that was that was part of it and sometimes he needed a long time to get going he’ll run a screen he’ll run a rescreen get the ball back and run another screen and and he was just Dynamic at eventually finding a way in giddy is best with the ball in his hands he can play the connector role so can you can convince me that this is actually good for Kobe white I can try I mean I’m trying to convince myself same thing uh you know it really does come back to dzan dzan was like a 33 usage player in the second half of last year so the ball does need to kind of you know they need to spread out the usage a little bit and I think if you do move off of D rozan if you do move off of LaVine I mean giddy he’s not going to be a 30 usage player so even still I think Kobe has a chance to have the ball in his hands a little bit more but you put him in actions where he’s coming off of you know double drag screens maybe they run some floppy for him just get him on the move a little bit more to where he can get the ball going downhill with an advantage I think that really benefits Kobe I think you could say the same thing about Patrick and IO so um this does make a little bit of sense to me but I think the real question is like now what do you do about putting pressure on the rim because giddy he can like get to that little floater he can get in the paint but he’s not really like putting pressure on the rim on a very consistent basis maybe you find a guy who can do that in this draft I like topic I like Isaiah ker but it seems like drafting another guard is like maybe not the move for them so uh we we’ll just kind of see how that plays out but I do think that just getting younger getting faster creating a little bit easier of offense can help Kobe but I also see Kobe getting a little bit of a bump in Usage Now if d r rozen leaves um and so like the cap ramifications of this of this I think are kind of the most interesting part is like can you afford to bring back D rozan can you afford to get off LaVine without attaching assets to do so can you put the ball in those young guys hands and then giddy’s contract I think is the other big kind of red flag with this trade is like you’re already on the clock with making him uh an offer or you know signing him long term does he play out the final year of his contract do you get something done how much are you paying him um because I think a lot of what they could have used Caruso for was to offload Zach and so now you’re not able to do that can you clear out the salary in other ways to be able to really reset this core around the young guys if you can do that I like it I think you know they maybe could have still gotten more but I like the direction that they’re heading if that’s the direction that they’re heading but I my questions about that just based on the last couple years of really kind of blindly going for the playin you you you and I talked about this a couple times this season it like you’re just we were all expecting it okay once the LaVine you know rumors started it seemed like okay they’re going to head down that road and it wouldn’t be the worst thing to not win a ton of games next year with Cooper flag sitting out there the following year in the draft I will I will throw my two cents in there what is also does this say about uh what’s going on with Lonzo ball I know he’s got a player option for this coming season is you know with his just his physical status he still he’s still there he’s a guy that makes people better when he’s healthy but it’s been so long really since we’ve seen him there let’s just give us the latest on him and like where where does this leave him a move like this yeah la last time Lonzo ball played a basketball game chgo did not exist yet so I’ve actually never covered him in person uh which is a shame because those games that he played he was amazing um but I think it kind of indicates and W even put it into his tweet kind of adding some color to the actual deal that like this is a replacement for Lonzo ball I think the Bulls are going to try to see what happens with him try to allow him to get back on the court but it does to me show that they have some you know skepticism about whether that’s going to happen he’s been very outspoken about coming back he’s said uh you know on his podcast and just in you know off-handed Media stuff like that he has confidence that he’s going to be able to come back but I think when you’re making a move like this as a team with like replacing Lonzo ball in one of the headlines I think that that has to tell you that like they’re looking for other options um and whether they you know feel like Lonzo can come back or not like he is expiring this year maybe he does get back on the court and play a little bit but like he I just have a really hard time seeing a guy coming back from three surgeries two and a half years um you know a cartilage transplant for him to get back to like the level that he was I think would is just kind of out of the question at this point if you can get him back and maybe sign him to like a minimum and and he looks good and he can come off the bench that’d be awesome but I just don’t think you can really plan for him to be back anymore and so it seems like this is kind of the new plan here with kidy in an ideal world you’re building now around you have three pieces that you’re sort of building around in my opinion maybe there’s more but you’ve got Patrick Williams you’ve got Kobe white and you’ve got Josh giddy if you talk about rounding out a starting five a Championship starting five where do those guys rank one through five in terms of your best players like do you have a number one are all of those guys in the 234 range how do you how would you view that yeah I think that’s really a great question um I think You’ probably throw IO dumu in there too and the way I’ve been thinking about it is like how do those guys mirror the starting lineup that had worked well in 2021 because I think arura still really believes in that um and and even just the verbiage of replacing Lonzo ball tells you that they want to put giddy in that Lonzo ball rooll maybe Kobe slides into what Zack LaVine did uh Patrick Williams is Patrick Williams maybe IO is that kind of Caruso fixture defensively Off the Bench but who going to be your your D rozan and your Vu and I think those are maybe the two and the three I think you know even at their best D rozan was probably not like the best player on a championship team so that’s why there is this huge importance of hitting on this 11th pick and getting another contributor but then also getting back in the top 10 I mean you mentioned leg Cooper flag but VJ edcom uh you know there’s just like there’s gon to be a lot of really good guys and then Cameron Boozer the following year there’s there’s guys that I think over the next couple years if you can keep your picks could turn into that one and two because I agree with you I mean I think it’s it would be wishful thinking to to see Kobe or giddy become the second best player on a championship caliber team so if you’re looking at them as like three four and then IO is five or six Patrick is three or four I mean that that to me makes a lot more sense but obviously the hardest thing in roster building is finding the one and the two so that’s really where you have to kind of put yourself in position I think the the number that you get Gideon here and keeping your pick 2025 become a huge part of this deal and if you can do that I think it starts to make a little bit more sense I think it starts to look a little bit better um but of course like there was missed opportunity there too uh in not getting this deal done sooner and maybe not looking for picks and so you know that I think that criticism is totally valid as well all right will got Le GM I’m GNA put you on the spot let’s go over the next month for the Chicago Bulls you’re the one making the calls you’re the one that’s making these decisions starting with not necessarily a specific guy in the draft unless you have one that you like that you think might be available but in general maybe what kind of player that they’d be looking for there and then some of the moves that we’ve been discussing sort of debating will they won’t they you’re you you are the guy pulling the strings show me what the next few looks few weeks look like for the Chicago Bulls yeah I think it starts with the draft um I like Devin Carter that’s a guy who’s been uh rumored to be linked with the bulls and I think he makes sense as kind of a Caruso replacement um but I think part of the giddy deal is the fact that you know it really does seem like our tourist was targeting him and I think that comes with the understanding that you’re probably not going to be able to like get a guy you really like for Zack LaVine or for Demar dzan so at this point if I’m making the calls here I’m either facilitating a sign in trade where wherever dzan wants to go get whatever I can back for him whether it’s like you know late first draft capital or second round picks even but the priority would be clearing cap space and then you look to do the same with Zach if you can get off of him without having to attach an IOD to sumu a future draft pick I would do it um just because I think you get a lot of resolution from moving on um because that that sort of marriage is it’s time for it to end um so if you can’t get if you do have to get yourself you know attach an asset to Zach I think it probably makes more sense to keep him right now uh you can’t really enter a rebuild or a retool in a situation where you are down draft picks so I would not do that I would not attach IO to to move him um and I would just try to let him get to point where he’s playing a little bit better and and try to move him at the deadline I think you could say the same thing about vich but to me it’s like you move on for from the older players you put the ball in the hands of giddy Kobe you bring back Patrick Williams I think you know I’d feel comfortable up to maybe like 20 22 million which sounds like a lot but in a year or two that’s going to be like average starter High mid-level exception type of money but I think keeping that young core together um and then just adding around them in a s in a you know scenario where you can help them put help put pieces around them to make them better whether that’s adding three-point shooting and defense Rim protection uh like this defense is gonna be really bad next year without Caruso can you put a backline defender in there maybe it’s a kle wear in the draft or you know donon Holmes one of these guys and you can just like protect against the defense really suffering uh but but I would be okay with having a down year next year um clearing out the books and then you know really starting to move forward with cap space and young players from there I I’m sure you would be guil uh uh will because I tuned in during Kobe White’s playin incredible game I tuned in to chgo there was almost disappointment from our guys daavid and PE as great of a game as that was they were hoping to fall in the draft not rise in it uh but every year it seems like you’re right there in that playin Zone will thank you so much everybody go follow will at chgo they do a great job covering all things Bulls five times a week uh thanks so much for joining us thank you guys appreciate [Music] it we all s like the May

Will Gottlieb joins the All NBA Podcast to discuss the Alex Caruso for Josh Giddey trade between the Chicago Bulls and Oklahoma City Thunder. Are the Bulls picking a direction towards a rebuild? Is this the precursor to a Zach LaVine trade?The GOAT breaks it all down.

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  1. It's refreshing to be in a space where ego takes a backseat to the pursuit of truth. It fosters a culture of mutual respect.🧡

  2. I'm not sold on Patrick Williams being part of this young core because of his health issues. I don't believe Jerry Reinsdorf is concerned about winning anymore championships. I don't see any major changes coming. I like what Will Perdue said on the show yesterday, you could lose your job based on acquiring a player, based on "potential". Jerry made Zach the highest paid Bull of all time and the other Klutch Sports client, on the team hasn't played in two years, go figure.

  3. Could of gotten SAC 13th 1st rd pick for AC, i like Giddy but that deal is terrible when look at it, we could did the deal Sac and still gotten Diddy at the last trade deadline

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