@Detroit Pistons

Dennis Lindsey Is Coming To The Detroit Pistons To Work Under Trajan Langdon?!!

Dennis Lindsey Is Coming To The Detroit Pistons To Work Under Trajan Langdon?!!

hey guys what is going on Anthony here with pistons stock hope you guys are having a great night so far got to react to this news from Adrien Orosi you guys Pistons are filling out their front office they’re bringing in a lot of new faces Michael Blackstone RJ Holden Dennis Lindsay is going to be the newest addition to this new era of Detroit Pistons basketball so we do have a tweet from Adrien wowski we are going to read it says the Detroit Pistons are hiring Dallas Mavericks executive Dennis Lindsay as a senior VP of basketball operations sources tell ESPN Lindsay constructed the Utah Jazz era of Donovan Mitchell and Rudy go now goes to Detroit to join Tran langan’s new group wge also had a couple tweets to follow up with this it says Lindsay spent the past year in an advisory role under GM Nico Harrison in Dallas also goes on to say langon and Lindsay who spent years with these spurs and Rockets before building a perennial playoff team in Utah bring the Pistons a significant track record of success in player Personnel now what I wanted to do is kind of talk to you guys for a little bit because if you guys watched any of my videos when the Pistons were going through this poo search president of basketball operation search if you will Tran langton’s name came up venis Lindsay’s name came up John Hammond others right I was very vocal about wanting Dennis Lindsay and you guys know this it’s very well documented on this YouTube channel I thought Dennis Lindsay was the most qualified candidate that the Pistons interviewed I thought given his track record starting in the Spurs front office and then having over 10 plus years in the Utah Jazz front office he had a very impressive track record to become the next president for your Detroit Pistons now obviously the Pistons decided to go with Tran langon and I’m not mad at that hire I think it’s a good hire he seems like a very smart guy he seems like a guy that um has a plan actually has a plan right um loved his press conference I’ve talked about it on this YouTube channel we did a podcast with uh zar last Sun Saturday if you guys want to check that out but we dove into the press conference Tom G all that stuff but I honestly think that this is really rare and the reason why I say rare is it’s very rare you see two guys that interviewed for the same job work together in the front office because Lindsay is going to be a senior VP of basketball Ops he’s going to be working under traent Langton and and I was listening to James Edward’s podcast about a month ago and James had reported that Lindsay and Trent langon were the two finalists for the job right that’s wild man that’s so wild that they both applied for the same job Tran got the job and then Lindsay’s going to be working under him um did kind of want to dissect what w was talking about he worked in Utah now Utah for what it’s worth they were a playoff team they wouldn’t the NBA Championship no but they were a playoff team drafted good players um I like this hire I think Tran is the type of GM or he’s not a GM type of president if you will if he’s not really comfortable or confident in a certain area we’ve seen with all these hires that he’s going to bring in people that he trust like I’ll talk about Michael Black Michael Blackstone is a cap space guy he’s really good with numbers andig figuring out contracts Tren knows I need someone like that to help me in that area so he brings in one of the best cap space guys in the NBA and Pelicans fans told me that like they they were really upset that they lost Blackstone jarra Holden J Holden used to work for the Pistons for like a year or so but has an high for talent uh International Scout a really respected Scout around the league langon goes out and gets one of the best Scouts in the NBA assistant coach what did the Pistons struggle with this past year shooting the Pistons hire Fred Vincent who is one of the best if not the best shooting coaches so langon is getting guys that can help him be successful having Dennis Lindsay in the front office having a guy that has that much experience with a new GM that’s not even 50 years old yet like Lon is very young I think this is just a home run hire the Detroit Pistons are building just a uh super team front office if you will you got a cap space guy you got a scout that has an eye for talent you got a guy in Lindsay now that uh has a really good track record uh with drafting players signing players a good contracts uh built Utah into that playoff team that they eventually did tear down and started to rebuild but they did have success there so I’m actually really excited for this hire I really am um I’m still just kind of taking a back that two guys that applied for this job are going to be working together in the same front office but wanted to update you guys on this news I know I’m rambling a little bit it’s really late at night I’m very tired but I did want to force myself to make a video for you guys and we got the NBA Draft tomorrow you guys I’m so excited about the draft I’m nervous I don’t know who they’re going to pick uh my gut tonight says they’re going to try to select kingan if he’s there at 5 but let me know what you guys think of this hiring of Dennis Lindsay former Utah Jazz former San Antonio Spurs executive uh to the Detroit Pistons to work under Tran Lan I will talk to you guys down below in the comment section like always you guys I hope you’re staying safe take care and I’ll catch you guys in the next video peace [Music] o [Music]

Today I reacted to the breaking news that Dennis Lindsey Is coming to the Detroit Pistons to work under Trajan Langdon as the Senior VP of Basketball Operations

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  1. Man I hope we trade the pick. I’m more than fine with the current young core. We need to bring in win now players who can help develop young players and develop a winning culture.

    If someone slips to us at 5 that teams like we really need to explore the market.

  2. This is boring I like the faces but let's get some trades or moves. I know these moves in the front office are important but the Nets and Knicks out here making moves. Langdon needs to the party started. Just sayin.

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