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Who will the Celtics target in the draft? | Celtics Lab Podcast

Who will the Celtics target in the draft? | Celtics Lab Podcast

[Music] all righty welcome to the Celtics SL podcast brought to you by priz piix the exclusive fantasy basketball partner of the clns media Network and by game time tickets last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed I’m Cameron T I’m your host I’m joined by Dr Justin quid and we’re about to talk about the NBA Draft so let me give a time stamp because things move quickly this time of year it’s Monday afternoon on the East Coast and who knows maybe in a moment or two we’ll have a trade and all of this will be for not so we’re going to jump right into it and talk to someone who knows way more about the draft than uh really anyone in the business but quite frankly definitely more than me and Justin Brian Koski welcome back to the Celtic side podcast Brian what’s up how are you guys it’s good to good to see you both uh it’s always always a pleasure thank you for having me yeah last week last week was our busy week this week is your busy week how’s that exactly exactly congratulations to you and moose most importantly to Payton Pritchard uh my my favorite Oregon Duck alum in the NBA right now I would say so glad to glad to see him get his championship ring uh not a lot of Oregon Ducks with championship rings so um glad glad to see uh one of the rafter for for pton pit and uh cool for him to have a moment as well oh yeah I’ll tell you what um in the off season when we’re want for Content we do a lot of Evergreen content I’ll write you the Oregon Ducks who have won an NBA title for for our sister site rookie wire amazing amazing I uh I appreciate it um and yeah no I mean Payton Pritchard was a was a riser during the draft process played his way into the first round and I think that uh we’ll probably see the Celtics land kind of a similar archetype of a player in this year’s class so kind of a natural transition Point probably good segue um we have a little bit of news to get through but then we want to talk about the draft and the news is pretty light um but first Brian where do you come down on the Celtics title uh I mean you know I grew up in Los Angeles as a Lakers fan and um definitely uh have have kept a close eye on the Celtics and how many rings they’ve had uh because of that reason for for my entire life uh it’s always been in the back of my mind and um you know I think the The more I’ve covered the league the the more obvious you know certain things have come and uh ultimately for me um one of the recipes for winning a championship is uh you know top offense and top defense and it was very clear that uh the Celtics were the team that checked that box more so than any other team in the NBA all season and uh for the win and we ended up having to do our staff predictions uh I think the the the young Lakers fan and me uh wanted to be a bit of a an antagonist and pick the Mavericks um and I think that had other people on staff not already picked the Mavericks um I maybe would have done that just to go so that was a consensus pick of the Celtics but other people on staff had picked Dallas and it just became increasingly obvious to me as I thought about it for 15 seconds that this was Boston’s Championship to win um you know there wasn’t really an area in which it seemed like they had weaknesses they were able to withstand injuries they were able to show their depth and every since of the way um and I think that you know they they earn this one um they they really truly were the best team from start to finish and you know I think sometimes it’s rare uh to see a team start the season uh and end the season um as the clear and obvious favorites to win a championship and Boston was that team um you know and not only that but you know they were also the preseason favorites so to come in as preseason favorites and actually win it uh is very rare and I think that um you know they they were by by all accounts the rightful Victors and um you know it was a by and large a very boring championship for those not covering the Celtics because of that um you know they they kind of ran away with it and uh pretty pretty obvious um pretty obviously so so yeah it was it was fun to watch uh like I said pton FR get at that ring but but otherwise it it ended up being a little a little lopsided yeah the point about the preseason favorite Going the Distance and Landing the plane is an important one because as of this recording the Celtics are the favorites to win next year’s title too so let’s stress test how rare that is um quickly just a few pieces of news because we always start with the news first uh O’Shea Bret declined his option Justin why is it the case that he still might be back well he’s going to become an unrestricted free agent and that will allow him to test the market uh I would not be surprised if he finds a better deal in terms of money but who knows yeah it’s he didn’t really get any playing time so I can understand why he would say hey thanks Thanks for the Memories thanks for the ring but at the same time there’s no better place to compete clearly gets along with the locker room so um it’s not necessarily sayara which seemed to be the consensus the second that happened but we’ll see speaking of not necessarily goodbye for good Jaylen brown lost a ring at the parade says juice on it and again it’s Monday 420 on the east coast and all I’m going to say is Celtics lab is on the case maybe we have an update for you soon enough uh or maybe soccer is lost to the streets of Boston who knows um the parade let’s do the parade at the end just uh so we don’t run out of time how’s that but it was awesome I’m glad it’s on the news roster Brian the Celtics have pick number 30 and pick number 54 and I would like to ask you all about that but I was talking to Bobby Manning also seing us and he was saying that he has heard that maybe Boston would look to trade up I’ve seen that floated elsewhere have you heard anything like that and do you believe that that would be a strategy Boston would take even if you haven’t heard it um you know I think with with the way that the CBA is construction constructed uh and I’m not an expert on on that by any means um I would say that any productivity you can get on rookie scale contracts is one that’s going to be appealing to teams um I just published something 10 20 minutes ago about how this draft is maybe a little bit underrated and I think a lot of people um you know have called this a very weak draft for for many for many years you know for for a long time this was considered to be a very weak draft and I think at the top of draft it is weak I think you know Scouts that I’ve spoken to um have said when they’re doing their big boards they kind of consider this to be like forget a typical you know one through seven like the big boards kind of start at eight so think of the guys that go at one as a typical eight pick and kind of so on now if you go by that logic the guys who are in the range kind of in that 15 to 30 range um might have actually more value a typical 15 to 30 pick because they are more classically archetypal 15 to 20 to 25 picks um and I think there’s a a large range of them as well I think there’s a lot of guys in that you know 10 to 40 range who are pretty indistinguishable from each other in a lot of ways um and I think that realistically with the number of players who could go um between 10 and and 25 and 35 and what have you um there are many of them who could emerge as legitimate role players in the NBA for years and years to come uh and so if the Celtics feel that they’ve identified one of the those players who can contribute positive impact on that rookie scale contract but they don’t feel he’ll get to 30 um then by all means it would not surprise me one bit if they try to move up to get one of those guys um I don’t necessarily think that um they are the biggest player to move up I think that there are other teams who are going to be more aggressive in moving up um but I I do I do think that this is a year that you know there are plenty of Trades that could be moving up and down the board um so that you know if there’s a guy that people like uh that you know is projected a little bit higher or they know that a team picking five to 10 spots ahead of them likes a little bit more by all by all means it would not surprised me to have them jump up and try to grab them ahead of that one thing that I noticed uh our colleague Cody Taylor over the rookie wire does a great uh aggregation of all the reporting about who has worked out with which teams like I know in the past like when Scotty Barnes worked out for the Boston Celtics I asked you like what’s going on here I have noticed that there are not a lot of players mocked much higher than where Boston is expected to pick have you heard any rumors they might be looking at someone kind of up from where they are I can think of one and I I it’s particularly special for you um I haven’t heard of anybody in particular uh that is going to be um that that is being discussed as like somebody that Boston might be might be kind of targeting in that way um but I do think that um yeah I think that that that you know te teams tend to be you know fairly closely guarded around this time of the year um and so yeah I’m curious now what you what you think here well the only one I can think of and the only one who seems like he’s mocked slightly higher uh than than where Boston is anticipa well where Boston is drafting is Baylor shyman uh who you have in your four the win mock draft as Boston’s pick but I am seeing in a lot of recent mock drafts he’s in the mid 20s now uh and sometimes even as high as 20 uh so why should we be interested in him yeah I mean Baylor was somebody who I identified uh when he was at South Dakota State as a potential pick uh he had tested the waters um before and eventually decided to transfer to kraton um he’s one of those guys that checks a lot of boxes uh as just an overall contributor um who was able to make an impact uh just in a variety of ways on or off the ball um at kraton he he definitely elevated his game and uh you know ended up having a really tremendous season uh to put him even more firmly on the draft Radars than he did uh at South Dakota state where he was more of a French Prospect um but uh then during the combine he continued to to elevate his draft stock considerably to the point where he was uh definitely um you know a standout at the the five on five scrimmages um and that’s something that I think teams tend to Value uh is guys who not only you know choose to play but play well on that environment um because you know they’re always looking to find a winner and a loser from the scrimmages right and I think that you know we we’ve seen it before where where players who choose to actually compete in the five on five scrimmages uh can rise up on draft boards and Baylor ended up being that guy in a lot of ways this year um so I think that you know he he’s definitely one of the older prospects in this class um and I think that you know for for a team like the Celtics who clearly are trying to win we mentioned them being the preseason favorites for next season um and are obviously the defending Champions um Baylor is just somebody who’s going to be able to potentially slot in and actually play minutes um now I think that you know the other thing with the Celtics is that um know they could potentially go a different route as well and you know if if they considering they already have so many contributors you know could end up going uh the the route of somebody who you know could take the long term to to actually uh develop a little bit because I think that you know when you’ve got so many contributors on your roster as it is you don’t necessarily need to give um minutes to your rookies right away um and the Celtics are so deep that it might be hard for Baylor to actually carve out time um but I think that Baylor is somebody who uh you know a lot of the reporting has uh identified uh Baylor as a potential fit for the Celtics a lot of the mock drafts have um I know that you know for the most part most people think he’s going to uh you know be a first round pick and if he is most people say that uh that he’s not goingon to get past Boston I’ve had Scouts tell me that you know that that’s considered to be his floor at this point summer is here and that means MLB season WNBA and more are all Heating up it also means you want to head over to prize pick America’s number one daily fantasy sports app with over 5 million players prize pick lets you win big watching the next generation of stars unlike other apps prize picks pits you against the numbers you pick more or less on player stats and that’s it think Caitlyn Clark will drain more than threes tonight pick more you think Brianna Stewart will erupt for over 23 points pick more again it’s that easy with prize picks you can turn your intuition into big wins I recently turned $10 deposit their awesome 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I’ve actually interviewed both both of the Tylers um and uh they they’re both uh they’re both very interesting players for for very different reasons um Tyler KCK I think has a case to be the best genuine like point guard in this class I think that um when you talk about like Distributing point guards for General point guards like Tyler kak is somebody who uh really really stands out um I I think that you know we talked about pton fer a few times now but you know I think that kak is kind of someone who could be almost in that archetype of you know an older player who uh could jump in and um you know immediately uh you know help in a locker room and and and play real minutes as a as a backup point guard in the NBA um he is one of the players who you know stood out in a lot of metricks for uh passing obviously you know the the nation’s assist Le leader uh consensus second team All-American um somebody who just was able to create shots and um you know keep the ball moving for everybody on the court um among the players on the consensus big boards that I’ve tracked he he’s been the player who um has been able to create the most shots the most passes that that led directly to a shot um which I think is always a fun stat um just clearly somebody who’s able to you know create well for others and um you know I think that he’s somebody who I’ve heard could be potential uh potentially uh available at 22 um to Phoenix that’s some that’s that’s a team that I know a lot of mocks have had him at um but at the same time I think that he’s somebody who uh you know could go a little bit higher a little bit lower um I think that you know it kind of depends on um you know what teams are looking for on draft night but Phoenix is the team that comes up the most for him um but at the same time like I uh I definitely think that you know let’s say Fenix trades Epic from whatever win now guy like perhaps he slides a little bit or perhaps a team like you know Miami just like really falls in love with him like maybe he goes as high as 15 at that point so uh I definitely definitely love Tyler kak he was one of my favorite interviews um and and I I think that he was a just a real winning player who I think um you know isn’t going to jump off the page withf lism you know I don’t think he recorded any dunks last season but um you know he also was able to you know definitely definitely lead a Marquette team and be a winning player um and that’s something that you know I I really think that you organizations are going to like um and in a draft like this one where you don’t quite necessarily know what you’re going to get um you know he he’s somebody who is more of a proven commodity at this point after you know three years at at Marquette and then one year at George Mason um and he was you know under recruited and and now has that chip on his shoulder because of it uh Tyler Smith almost on the opposite end of the Spectrum in terms of you know age like he’s one of the younger players in this class whereas K’s one of the oldest um but similar in that they both have you know chips on their shoulder uh Tyler Smith um is some who actually so for the jie Gite they had a very disappointing season he exceeded expectations I think some of the other players on the team for the adite were considered to be a little bit frustrating at times and I think that Smith um was somebody who really thrived in his role um I think that he considers himself to be more of like a 34 than a 45 um but you know at a 3 four he’s he’s got great sides for his position um and you know I think that that he he says that you know a lot of teams have labeled him as more of a pick and pop big and I think that he he views himself more as like you know an oversized Wing um and I think that eventually you know he could be somebody who could put the ball on the floor a little bit um and create more for himself than we saw him do at the ignite uh but what we did see at the ignite was you know a pretty efficient season of three-point shooting for a guy who I think is listed at 610 611 um so yeah again not gonna necessarily jump off the page um with his uh uh testings or anything but at the same time like he’s one of the players who is able to you know create dunks and three-pointers at a pretty high level and guys who are able to do that tend to do pretty well um because if you can score at The Rim and score at the perimeter um you know those are two of the most efficient shots in basketball and he’s he’s able to do both of those you know already at 18 19 years old and was doing that as a pro um and you know was able to compete against some of the top players in not only uh this draft including Alex sar from you know the overtime Elite when they played together last or not that last season season before that um but also when they had the ignite scrimmages against um the uh the per Wildcats so that was uh that was cool for for Smith to be able to Showcase well against those games um and um you know play well you know alongside guys like Ron Holland and Matas wizel who are projected lottery picks but also against you know some of the world’s best athletes in the g-league um which is you know obviously increasingly competitive every year um so that’s where that’s where I’m at with Tyler Smith um and I think that uh he is somebody who I do think could be available in that 30 range or give or take five five or six picks one way or another so the way you were describing him sounds like he should also be a lettery pick but the wrap on him as far as I am aware of it that despite having a 7 foot one uh wingspan he’s not the greatest Defender is that true and like what’s what’s going on with it just age and in experience effort or what yeah I mean I think that you know he he definitely Prides himself on his rebounding his weak side shot blocking um I think that a lot of it is just kind of projecting what his role is going to be at the next level and you know he’s still pretty he’s still pretty young um and I think trying to figure out what it’s going to be and also just it was a it was a rough year for the ignite they literally shut down the program like it was um you know a lot of losing um and so it’s hard to figure out where that losing came from like was it in the players who were projected to be lottery picks and who who you know maybe still are or was it some of the Vets was it in the coaching it’s hard to say so I think that you know as things kind of become uh spread out with the blame like I think that everyone’s kind of hurting a little bit um I know in the consensus month that I’ve tracked um Tyler is somebody who has slid a little bit since last month um and you know I think that sometimes you know just as guys go up other guys go down and I think a lot of times with um people who were falling a little bit that’s that’s sort of a trend we see so pan uh first of all regular viewers of our program know that I have the most unstable internet in the Greater Boston area they’ve just been doing work on our street for like I don’t know any I want to ask you about guys who you know maybe there’s perfect storm or Boston jumps up seven or eight positions and guys dropped seven or eight positions but first just before I perhaps lose connection again I know the Celtics be pretty leak proof when it comes to inseason trades and things like that Visa the rest of the league how is it corresponding with the Celtics or trying to learn about what the Celtics are up to in preparing for a draft Yeah you know you don’t hear much about them like genuinely like what Justin asked earlier about something similar and I checked my notes and I was like am I forgetting something I obviously knew I was coming on the Celtics laob pod today and reviewed my notes ahead of time and was looking at um one Scout emptied his notebook for me basically a couple days ago and sent it all over text message and I was rereading that actually while we were on the air and I was like am I forgetting like any of the things he said and literally the only thing that came up about Boston and that entire like Scouts notebook was the name bayor shyan um which is not to say that that’s correct by any stretch because like you said Boston might just be keeping a tight lit and they might just be fairly leak proof but you know I was hearing other teams like floors and ceilings for certain players and the only thing that came up for Boston or for the Celtics was just the named Baylor shyan and that was listed as just like this is a this is considered the floor at 30 for for uh for for Baylor um and you know Scouts were wrong all the time these guys aren’t investigative reporters they’re not vetting their sources that’s just kind of what other teams believe but um yeah I’m not hearing a ton about the Celtics relative to the draft um I think you know as your Dynasty is grown like that’s kind of been a trend because they’re you know you don’t often hear a ton about teams drafting at you know when they were picking Jason Tatum and Jaylen Browns of the world maybe you know more things would come up in the rumor mail um but you know I think that for the most part you know you kind of the 30 pick is almost viewed as a second rounder and in this draft it’s going to be the last pick of day one right um so it’s going to be literally the marking the end of the night as long as they keep it so not a Ton’s coming up uh with with with the Celtics and when it comes to evaluating what they do I mean you know I think that um if you’re not hearing until yourself you know you’re reading other people’s mocks and seeing names that come up you I know you said Cody Taylor’s got a workout tracker I know Hoops type does the same um so you know I’ve looked a decent amount at who’s actually been reportedly working out with the Celtics I think you know the names will come up there Ryan Dunn Baylor shyan um Justin Edwards Jonathan MBO so we can talk about those names yeah let’s let’s let’s we’ll come back to those sliders real quick but while we’re talking about them there were two of those kinds of players that I did want to talk about who are coming up on other mocks uh Justin Edwards being one of them the last general manager of the Celtics really had a thing for top rated recruits would fallen for this or that reason I don’t know how Brad Stevens feels about that because we haven’t seen something like that but Edward seems like he’d be an interesting guy and then another guy I would like to talk about briefly is Adam Bona yeah definitely I mean Adam Bona is a is a really interesting Prospect um never really materialized as much of a huge guy at UCLA well he actually is a huge guy but a huge impact guy at UCLA um but you know physically imposing dominant presence who um I think you know physically tested really really well at the combine and also you know participated in scrimmages you got that competitiveness I think he’s one of the better and more underrated big men in this class slightly undersized for a true five and doesn’t have the shooting to really be a four um but I think that you know his physicality and his you know just uh General explosiveness should make him a pretty intriguing candidate for for any team drafting um and I think that you know just because you didn’t see somebody reach their potential uh in college doesn’t mean they’re not going to be a high impact player in the NBA you look at Payton Watson who you know also had fantastic measurables and um all of that who went to the same school and actually I think was maybe teammates adona for a year um and uh and pton monson’s been a really great player for Denver um and I think that you know perhaps it’s just one of those things where the UCLA system under MC Cronin um you know wasn’t necessarily showcasing guys to the best of what their abilities could be in the NBA but once they have NBA you know coaching and NBA uh systems in place you know they could actually you know be better players so um I think that Bono would probably be a g- league guy at first um I think a lot of guys you know projected in his range will be um that’s kind of the nature of how this goes uh I think he’d probably be a two-way guy um as well but um you know I think that at the end of the day like he is he is somebody who people are monitoring as somebody who who could exceed expectations um as a pro there is nothing quite like a summer day at the Ballpark electric atmosphere the sights the sounds is pure joy and baseball season is in full swing and this year it’s never been easier to get to the ballpark thanks to game time as an accredited ticket Marketplace for Major League Baseball you can be guaranteed to get safe and secure deals at the best price no more scrambling for tickets are getting stuck with hidden fees in times Allin pricing shows you the final cost upfront and their lowest price guarantee means you can always be sure you’re getting the 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pre-f process um I don’t know if that’s clutch kind of keeping him fairly close to the V to try to guide him to a specific team I mean Rich Paul went on record within the last couple of weeks saying that you know that’s something they they like to do at clutch um but uh perhaps that’s something that’s happening the again with Justin Edwards and we’re just not realizing it or perhaps he’s actually just legitimately fall in a little bit um and you know at the end of the day like he would not be the first you know highly ranked Prospect to go on the second round and and you know have to carve his way back uh that way but um you know clearly things were a little wonky at Kentucky this year um you know this was calipari’s last season for a reason I think that it was a you know clearly they needed to go a different direction and I think that um Edwards was one of the players who was not able to really stand out but he he did actually have some streaks and some moments and um he’s somebody that you know in the second round like you know if you want to use that Danny an school of thought of you know if he was great in high school like let’s give him a shot if you slide the second round to get that value um why not like I think that you know the Celtics are a team that could get away with it without it really being a massive problem for for the rotation or anything so Brian uh I guess looking ahead to the second round I can’t help myself I’m GNA sound like one of those awful aggregator sites but a lot of mock drafts had bronny James going to the Celtics at 54 uh I don’t really have a pulse on whether or not he’s a Bonafide NBA player but do you think that there’s any chance that if he was on the board at 54 Boston would take him uh I think I think that Brad would have to be a bit of a lunatic um to to to pick him not because of uh who Brony is just like a player but just because of the the sheer drama of that all exactly like just what one pick before the Lakers I mean that that’s spicy oh I didn’t I didn’t know about that that’s great yeah they the Celtics have the pick directly before the Lakers would um so if they if they convince themselves that um they actually want him like sure I mean I guess um I I I’ve seen I’ve seen rny play in person um he he is a us a legitimately good defensive player um you know like a more of a spot up guy than an on ball guy um he definitely Blends in um well as a role player he’s not somebody who you know if his name uh were not what his name is um you would come away from thinking like that’s a Bonafide draft pick um i’ I’ve stood next to him like he’s not um like physically like particularly tall like you could tell like in person like he’s he is undersized for even his position especially as somebody who’s going to be playing more off ball um but you know I think that uh if he’s got that hustle and he’s got that grit like I I mean I could see why teams would like him um he clearly knows what it takes to be a pro he’s been around it his entire life um I definitely feel uh that you know most people with his statistical profile and physical profile um would project more as on dra Ed free agents or or Collegiate returners um but you know I think that the idea of the Celtics picking him for uh this draft feels more like um bait to try to use uh use get the lers to trade up and give up an asset just to try to get him at 54 or 50 is that the P the pick 53 it’s confusing because I think one of the picks ahead of them is a forfeit pick I don’t know if that counts as actual draft not um like I don’t know what number draft pick they actually call that but either way um I I don’t know if that’s bait to try to get the Lakers to try to move up one pick to get him or or what that is but ultimately I I don’t see the cix using an actual pick on them as much as that would be kind of leaking it to try to faint interest to try to get an asset out of the Lakers in return before we do the second round stuff there were a couple of bigs that are mocked towards the latter half of the first round I’m wondering if there’s any chance that either Duke’s Kyle Philip Kowski or Dayton’s Don Holmes would have any chance or if they could be like worth moving up for yeah I so I think that they both have a chance of being available at 30 um and I think that they both are somebody that could be worth moving up for as well um I am pretty familiar with both of their draft situations uh I interviewed filipowski uh don Holmes has kind of kept a low profile for the last few weeks he’s become more of like a mystery man um and I think that uh that’s been um a huge part of the appeal for Don Holmes in a lot of ways is that um you know teams don’t necessarily you know uh know what they’re like what the situation is right now like did he get a promise from Denver like like why did why did he shut down some workouts what’s going on and Denver I think is at 27 so right for uh Boston so I think that a lot of the Intrigue has come into that that factor right there but for the most part um I think that both could be available at 30 I think that both would have interest um filipowski who I interviewed um I don’t think it’s a secret that he’s kind of Fallen a little bit during the pre-draft process um I don’t think that’s because of who he is uh or how he’s interviewing um or how he’s even doing during workouts honestly I think I mentioned this at the top of the Pod but uh ultimately like when guys are considered risers um other people just lit legitimately just kind of have to fall and it is weird that you know the All-American guy from duke um is one of the guy who’s kind of falling a little bit because you’d think that it’d be the other way around but sometimes you know it’s like that Family Guy thing with the mystery box like we kind of know what filipowski is like we’ve seen him he on TV all the time you see him so much that you almost forget about him whereas someone like you know I’m not going to name any names but somebody who’s maybe there are players who are rising who maybe have less impressed sort of statistical profiles or on tv less and are like oh well that’s intriguing um and you know didn’t have that same body of work that Philip howski had so I think that he he is legitimately somebody who could be considered as high as Number Nine by the Grizzlies who very clearly want a big um I know that they’ve been attached to Don mingan I think they’ve got interest in Zach eie you know I think if you look across the board just after that the next big one of them is potentially Philip howski depending on what your rating system is so you know in a situation where perhaps you know Clinton goes one or goes three or goes t one trades up for five or whatever the situation is and he’s not available for the Grizzlies and The Grizzlies aren’t the team that trades up you know Philipi is going to be one of the bigs that’s going to be intriguing but also not every team’s looking for a big so I think the Pelicans probably are especially with Jonas balunis potentially leaving um I think that you know if let’s say they decide they like e Missy who’s somebody who I have the Pelicans taken then at that point you know I don’t think every team’s drafting for need but not every team’s gonna be able to find minutes for filipowski and I think if you’re going to use a first- round pick on a player you ideally want to be able to at least have some path minutes and so I think that’s one of the reasons why phow is falling a bit I think he could be available at 30 I think that maybe he’s going to be available you know in that 20 to 30 range and maybe the cels want to attach an asset to move up to secure him over um Phoenix or another team that’s potentially looking at him um would not surprise me at all and Duron I think you know I have him in the top 20 um I think he’s one of the the the better players in this draft one of the players I feel most confident about um his game translating but he’s a little bit undersized for a true five and while he does shoot threes like I don’t think he’s really necessarily a four either um and so I think that you know he’s somebody who could potentially slide uh a little bit towards the back half of the first round which is kind of where he was projected anyway um and I think that 30 is it’s a a perfectly reasonable spot uh to draft donon Holmes at a great value um so you know ultimately even if he’s not necessarily in the top 20 where I have him going right now in my latest mock um that doesn’t mean he slid it’s just closer to where he kind of originally was anyway um and so I think that uh he’s somebody who you know a lot of teams will have interest in um and you know you might have to use a pi use another pick or use a player to attach to move up um but you know I think for for the Celtics who you know have Luke and have a viable backup but not necessarily like a Bonafide viable backup like Don Holmes is somebody definitely worth considering especially as Al Horford gets you know older and um you know increasingly close to his glorious end of his career although if you ask corporate it’s not next season it’s not next season but you know rookies rookie scale contracts in the first you know first round or four years so likely within the next four years I’d imagine Horford would probably be I’m not expecting Robert Parish career length out of him to be certain yeah I don’t know I don’t know he averaged 30 minutes in the finals R anyways uh Brian we’ll get you out here at the top of the hour so we can do the second round relatively quickly and Justin I will keep it on the Yukon side of the street because I know that’s what you want me to do um Boston has worked out Tristan Newton from Yukon what do you see out of him you know I think that in the consensus aggregate mock drafts and um big boards uh his placement is around exactly 54 um I think that he’s somebody who they can and will and should consider by every by every stretch um he’s he’s not necessarily one of my favorite players uh in this draft um like I don’t dislike him either he’s just he’s not somebody who um really stands out to me but then again like the idea of winning back-to-back national championships and being somebody who was a high level contributor on the court uh during those runs like should Intrigue teams um I think same thing for cam Spencer who’s kind of in that exact same range yeah I like him a lot more as a Yukon fan I think his game is gonna translate much more easily to the NBA yeah definitely and I think I think cam could even go potentially higher than when the Celtics are on the clock um I think that you know that’s somebody who who I would definitely um you know highlight uh if I were you know an evaluator especially an evaluator for the Celtics um you know I think that the back-to-back national championships uh for for Yukon you know all anything you can do to be a part of that winning culture um and be a be a big part of it is is important um I know that you know he was he had a successful career at Ruckers before he got to Yukon but really came into his own at at the Yukon um you know Championship run and I think that you know he he’s somebody who is just able to you know like Baylor shyan earlier like just contribute in a lot of different ways and you know be a hustle player coaches I think swear by him I know Dan Hurley was a huge fan I imagine if Dan Hurley got the Lakers job like the Lakers would have potentially picked him instead of bronny like that’s the kind of guy that that uh that cam spener teams to be so um yeah I think that uh both those Yukon guys are uh are people that um I I would definitely keep an eye on if I were uh the soux because um you know they uh they’re going to be um you know in that range um Antonio Reeves is another one that I probably uh consider if I’m Boston from Kentucky another guy who you know transfered into that program and um you know played pretty well and you know just an older player who can come in and potentially give them minutes even if it’s on a two-way um you know and most of the minut are in the G League like you know guys get hurt um The Season’s long you need guys who can contribute and I think that guys like trist Newton Cam Spencer Antonio Reeves um you know just kind of uh potentially you know like not necessarily High cealing guys but they are players who you know clearly know what it takes to contribute to um to to a real team and and make an impact at high major programs and I think that should translate well got two more bigs in that range that I am interested in one in particular the first would be Enrique Enrique Freeman of akan uh and then the one who really catches my eyes also igod of Marquette he’s been described as the best passing big in the draft and he I think he had the highest standing vertical also so you get a little bit of ORD you get a little bit of Al but maybe nowhere near as good but you know it’s still early in his career so who knows yeah I I Oso gadora is somebody who I don’t really understand why he is as low as he is right I I had him as a projected first-rounder for a lot of the year I think if I did a big board I I might have a first round grade on him um my mocks are more predictive um than they are uh what I would do and so that’s why um you know I’m not that’s why I had keep having you know oo as a second round guy not as a first round guy um you know I think Oho for him a lot of that comes down to size um I think that you know he’s not somebody who measures as a traditional five and he doesn’t have the shooting uh to you know really match up as like a a real four or in the NBA um he at combine he measured 69ine and a half without shoes um but you know he he’s somebody that really intrigues me uh for his playmaking um you know I thought that you know like Tyler KCK I think they had the two best players uh the two best passers at the positions um for uh that team at Marquette you know they had best point guard but I think they had the best playmaking big as well um so definitely a fan of Oso uh definitely somebody that I would consider and then Enrique Freeman has been probably one of the biggest winners uh of the pre-draft process uh he was not on any of the uh big boards or mock traps that I saw publicly um not somebody that comes up a ton um you know when you talk to uh T before before the uh draft process and now you know I think he’s kind of firmly found his way um into like a real draftable position um you know he he’s somebody who um you know I don’t think he’s got um first round grade by for for a lot of people but early second you’re you’re starting to see that a lot more um you know played well at Portsmouth you know played well at the combine you know it’s kind of doing everything right uh and just uh seems to be having a pre-draft process that um that you that you just you know you love to see what as a as an evaluator somebody who’s looking to you know find the next guy who could potentially be a sleeper um and he’s definitely uh definitely one of them um and just to confirm by the way with Oso yeah you’re absolutely right he actually tied for a best standing vertical leap uh for anybody in this class regardless position at 35 inches so um yeah that was thinking of uh a certain famous Celtic who wore number six who would talk about how it’s not necessarily how important how tall you are so much as how tall you play yeah definitely and you know I think that um max vertical reach plus height sometimes is a better evaluator just how tall can you really get um look when it really comes down to it uh than just your your traditional height because um you know that’s uh that’s that’s what you got to see on a court um like if you’re if you’re you know a certain height but you can’t get anywhere like doesn’t really necessarily matter as much so yeah definitely uh definitely like both those names uh definitely like both of them as uh as fits in Boston as well great anyone over um potentially Harrison Ingram as somebody who has worked out for them um and potentially Trenton flowers as well um Trenton flowers was uh somebody who I think would um be a real sleeper um and I think that you’re not hearing his name a ton right now but he I thought looked really good during the combine um kind of a point forward type who uh was committed to Louisville but ended up decommitting um because Louisville was a bit of a disaster last season for obvious reasons and um you know ended up playing on Australia as well got kind of limited minutes out there but had some stretches where he looked really really good and I’ve heard a lot of good things about his pre-draft process um and yeah I think that he’s somebody who’s worked out for Boston who I would keep an eye on that second round cool sweet well as these things tend to go we’re going to log off and we’re gonna learn that someone swung a big tree so make sure you’re following Brian G Broski on Twitter and for the win so you don’t miss any breaking news between now and the draft and you can follow me I’ll be at the hour back Center but I follow Brian he’s got way more insight are you going to is it at the Garden and then at Barclays one two no it’s just going to be at barlay for round one and then round two is going to be at the ESPN studio in um I think somewhere in Manhattan I’m not going around two though yeah that’s at um the middle of the afternoon the next day we’ll see exactly so I’ll be I’ll be covering I’ll be covering round two remotely but I’ll be at round one and uh we’ll be doing some red carpet stuff as well very cool sweet so make sure you’re following Brian and for the win so you don’t miss any of that otherwise this episode of the S podcast was brought to you by prize pick than exclusive fantasy basketball partner of the CLS media Network and buy game time tickets last minute tickets low price guaranteed Brian welcome back and or and come on down anytime dude thank you all right thanks for listening everyone we’ll catch you after the draft [Music]

The Boston Celtics are your 2024 NBA World Champions, but if they want to repeat in 2025 to hang Banner 19, they are going to need to avail themselves of every advantage ahead of the 2024-25 season, particularly the looming 2024 NBA draft.

For the vast majority of the team’s fans, this is one draft we have not been paying very much attention to, given the Celtics’ recent run to and victory in the finals. But securing low-cost rotation help will be key to making a potential dynasty viable, meaning Boston really needs to nail their two picks in this draft.

To that end, the hosts of the CLNS Media “Celtics Lab” podcast sat down with For The Win draft expert Bryan Kalbrosky to pick his brain about the prospects we know the Celtics have worked out — and several we think they should have.

Get up to speed on all things 2024 NBA draft from a Boston point of view in this episode.

0:00 – Introduction to NBA Draft discussion
1:20 – Payton Pritchard’s success and draft prospects
5:40 – News update on O’Shea Brissett and Jaylen Brown
8:21 – Potential trade-up for Celtics in draft
10:19 – Interest in Baylor Scheierman as potential pick
13:27 – Introduction to Prize Pick daily fantasy sports app
16:44 – Tyler KCK potential draft range
18:22 – Tyler Smith’s versatility and potential
20:44 – Tyler Smith’s draft projection and defensive concerns
24:32 – Evaluating Celtics’ draft prospects
28:01 – Game time app promo and benefits
32:29 – Undersized concerns for off-ball play
34:11 – Potential draft targets Kyle Filipowski and Don Holmes
37:31 – Filipowski’s draft stock and potential landing spot
40:34 – Cam Spencer’s potential in the NBA
42:48 – Big men prospects
45:39 – Evaluating players based on vertical reach

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  1. I’m confident Queta can play some minutes in the paint with the other four spreading the floor. Edey is that type of player, albeit maybe more lethal in there. Ware might develop a pretty nice 3. This is keeping with Horfords style. I’m pretty concerned about replacing Holiday. This guy is incredible in so many ways. His torrid defense and smooth offense and rebounding. His defense was incredible for his age all season. His personality is so chill. I definitely think his team play was underrated. When the Celtics got him I thought they had a championship incoming. No one mentioned Dunn out of Virginia. Can he develop a 3? Definitely plays defense, gets rebounds and makes steals.

  2. Pacome Dadiet is the real deal for the Celtics. He has tremedous offensive upside and I am sure that his defensive game will come around with proper coaching and development. Celtics would smash it out of the park if they could land Dadiet at # 30.

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