@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers 2024 NBA Draft preview: Strategy, trade up or trade down, targets, and more

Indiana Pacers 2024 NBA Draft preview: Strategy, trade up or trade down, targets, and more

it’s Draft Day partially the first day of the NBA draft tonight Pacers currently don’t have any day one picks what could their day look like what could their draft look like what should their strategy be trading up trading out we get to all V with Eddie Garrison today on the locked on Pacers podcast you are locked on Pacers your daily Indiana Pacers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what up y’all happy Wednesday and happy Draft Day welcome into another edition of the lockon Pacers podcast where are we of course talk about the Indiana Pacers as always my name is Tony East I cover the team for forbs and Si and today talking all things draft for the Pacers who don’t have a pick tonight right now we’ll see if they end the night in the second round still but it’s the draft there’s a lot of dynamics of it regardless of what happened happens with Pacers their Rivals teams on their trajectory players they could want all sorts of stuff could happen on draft day and we preview the whole draft for the Pacers today with Eddie Garrison talking about what their strategy should be specific players positions types they should Target in the pros and cons of all that then we get into the trade stuff that I haven’t had a lot of time to talk about this offseason trading up trading back is that even possible trading out all the merits of all that there’s not really a losing situation we kind of talk about one for the Pacers in this draft but there are ways they can make it more successful others Eddie Garrison from Pacers radio network at 1075 the fan and I break it all down today let’s get right to it Draft Day sort of kind of it’s weird it’s a two-day draft it’s the first day of the draft maybe not a day the Pacers will do anything but maybe they will we’re going to talk about all those realities could the Pacers move up into today what should their draft strategy be who should they target could they trade down could they trade out it’s a weird draft there’s a lot to cover thankfully I don’t have to do it by myself because Eddie Garrison from 1075 The Fan and producing stuff for the Pacers and Colts radio network is here to help me in his Seattle crack and swag Eddie before we talk Pacers do you like the two-day draft um I don’t know until it happens touche that’s a good answer um I think it’s a good thing for the front offices and I think it’s good thing for the teams but I don’t know if it’s good for um like NBA fans because yeah us too like especially since the fact it’s at 4 o’clock on Thursday like that that’s the part I don’t get um you know why don’t you no I don’t there’s a big debate that night oh the presidential debate that’s right they gotta get it in before that I did not realize that was the reasoning but I guess that makes it sound that you tell me so I think from like the product of the NBA if it means the teams make better picks that’s better for the teams and the players that’s a win right that’s good from a point of like let’s put this on ESPN this year with bronnie maybe they’ll get lucky but I don’t I don’t know that people are going to be dying to watch the second round at the NBA draft on TV might people watch all the NFL drafts so maybe I’m wrong but certainly viewership dies off after round one of that I think the time between the picks is honestly more valuable but they had to spread it out to two days to actually do that so tonight is night one Pacers don’t have a pick their picks are in Toronto’s hands and in Utah’s hands this year um but before we get to could the Pacers trade in trade out whatever do you have any idea of how you would have like you’re organizing principle of this drafty for the Pacers are you just swinging at best player available regardless of position are you trying to get someone young in to develop are you trying specifically to get a wing how are you kind of approaching this if you’re the Pacers this year it’s uh a little interesting for me because I think about when they selected Chris dwarte it’s like this would kind of be like the Chris dwarte year for me personally like they’re they’re a team that’s ready to kind of like win now and they could use a veteran or not a veteran but a seasoned player coming out of college um so if I had if they had an earlier pick than 36 I think they would go that route um personally but uh if it’s me I think with 36 you’re probably looking at a player for developmental purposes because when we talk about these teams like Boston and Philly and Cleveland that are all you know presumably supposed to be ahead of the Pacers in the standings this upcoming season you have to be able to find ways especially as a smaller Market team if you don’t want to spend like over into the luxury tax into that second apron like some of these other teams want to do then you just have to be able to constantly develop and overturn the roster year over year over year we’re starting to kind of see that a little bit with how they’ve been drafting lately with Andrew nimart and Ben Shepard um so I think they’ll go along those lines I don’t know if there are any uh Belmont Ben Shepards out there this year unfortunately so uh I would probably personally go if they stay at 36 that’s where I should start if they stay 36 I would assume it’s a guy that they like that has a lot of traits that just hasn’t been able to a either put it together or B has had enough um experience on the court to display why he would go earlier than 36 so the the team I’ve kind of thought about or a specific draft I’ve kind of thought about when looking at this for the Pacers is the Pelicans three years ago seems very random um but they had gone through kind of a rougher patch but they just had gotten Zion they had Brandon Ingram they fire stand van gunan bring in Willie Green they’re trying to win right and in that draft they drafted Trey Murphy II third and Herb Jones and I bring that up to say they were not a good team then huh home runs home runs nailed it but the reason that stands out to me in retrospect is those were older players right Trey Murphy was a multi-year college player herb Jones I believe also was they were both over 21 at the time and so in your head you’re like wow this team just won 31 games hasn’t made the playoffs in three years like they should probably be takeing big swings like they nailed it with experience and they made the PLS the very next season and push the suns in the first round people were like whoa here come the pals and I don’t mean that to say like it’s so easy to do that like every team would do that if they could do it but you know that that did work and that draft was the year the Pacers went Duarte Jackson which always stood out to me as like the opposite paths one player The Hope was like this guy’s going to play right away and to be fair to Chris DTE he was pretty good that year and Isaiah Jackson was the project so there’s lots of ways to think about this but I bring up the P say there are ways to do both of like get the experienced guy you hope can help you win now that also develops into something like herb Jones Trey Murphy are awesome the difference is in for the Pacers specifically if they pick a development player that’s fine I get that they should be developing players all the time they can’t offer minutes like at all right now right like they’re already struggling to offer everybody have minutes who probably is deserving so whoever they pick if they pick at 36 again we’ll talk trades in a minute won’t play so like their development will be slow and so that does make me think it’d be okay for them to pick a 19 20 21 year old whatever because they would have time to get that guy up to speed slowly as this team that they have now kind of wins and then when it’s time for that person to play whether it’s because they made a trade or they lost guys in for agency they could be ready so I understand both paths I don’t think there’s a wrong answer to this draft I don’t think there’s a wrong position like I don’t even know what the scenario is where I would walk out of this draft and go man the Pacers blew it right because if they trade up I’m sure there’s a reason they do it if they trade out it’s a crappy draft if they pick somebody I think that makes sense that’s what I’ve been suggesting they do but I would get not like it’s it’s really hard to find a losing scenario even though there are a lot of different ways that I would call it a win for them yeah at least um I don’t know how much your audience is familiar with the NFL just don’t be the Atlanta Falcons and you know you promise a guy a ton of money like they did with Kurt Cousins and they Dro Michael fix Jr yes that would be bad eighth overall don’t you mean you sign seak you’ve got Walker don’t sign another player that plays that exact same position but at the same token like you can’t have enough of those dudes frees and fours yeah in the NBA like when you look at Cleveland because obviously when they’re building the roster Kevin pitcher Chad Buchanan etc etc Rick Carl they’re looking at the other teams in the East and like how do we Stack Up and defeat them so right now that that primary opponent is Boston simply because they’re the NBA Finals yeah they’re they they are the team and they are um just got long dudes that are athletic one through five like they there’s no question about it so um the guy that I was intrigued by at first uh for the Pacers was Kevin mcculler um just because he comes from Kansas very good player very solid player all around um and he’s a fifth I think maybe a six year super senior this past season and he’s a winner like he’s won he won in college um so and I I think that kind of mindset that kind of mentality a guy who knows how to make winning plays who um has had the ability to lead a team in college can kind of have that leadership trait kind of like Andrew NIMH har um you know he was kind of the head of the snake there in Gaga he may not have been the guy in terms of points but he was the guy that had the ball in his hands until Jaylen sugs got there so that’s kind of like where I was thinking initially with Kevin mcculler but the more and more and the closer to the day of today and tonight I have no idea what I would do just because uh there’s simply not a lot of high level players but you’ve got to comb through like a bunch of these guys yeah we’ve seen Moler like he would was in contention for Player of the Year till he got hurt right if I yeah remember correctly and we’ve seen the Pacers this was a while ago but still we’ve seen Kevin Pritchard be willing to take the injured guy e bogu Edmund suner right in the second rounds before and so like Kevin mcll wouldn’t play Summer League I presume given his current injury status but that would be like a project type that makes sense to me of someone who once you bring him along slowly post injury could be more ready than some other prospects I suppose if I as I really think about it the L draft to me would be like trading up for Devin Carter or like someone who would never play behind n hard and hurn or something like that right yeah there’s just no actual path to minutes behind good players already but that’s just so like out of the realm of reality to me that I I don’t even consider it a thing I was gonna make the same comment about Rob Dillingham but I will now say on the record for the first time I think Rob dillingham’s the best Prospect in this draft so it would be stupid for the pit to trade up for him but he looks dang good um those are my draft takes uh we want to get to trades now or do you have anything else to add I was gonna say dilling him reminds me of Tyrese Maxi he reminds me of Tyrese Maxi too yeah he’s very energetic and he’s just that Twitchy dude that can score all over the place my cat make make an appearance here he just jumped onto the desk so I apologize if you are watching on YouTube um and you see my cat come through yeah it turns out being a very good shooter off the dribble and creating your own shots really well is a very valuable skill and he’s really tiny and will never be a good Defender but uh this draft sucks so I’m a Rob Dillingham fan hey all a short little break so we can talk about eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your R ey alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and leveled up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you will always find exactly what you’re looking for plus with eBay’s guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors your buring rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge wins keep your routed eye alive at eligible items only exclusions apply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers so I haven’t really dove into trades with anybody this year in the draft it’s a very strange one because trading up like if you like someone makes sense but it’s kind of the same problem we just talked about they pick someone they’re not goingon to play right so like I don’t the the value of it is I’ve talked about this too I would pick at 36 and I’ve said this before because at some point most likely your next big trade as a Pacers is going to involve some or many of your young guys they did the draft pick trade for SE yakum they still could do draft pick trades but their next trade would involve some of their young core and so having more young guys already on your team when that happens is valuable and the 36th pick could be that so in that in the same breath I would say if they somehow trade up to like I’m making up a number in the late but somewhere in the late 20s the same argument would apply like it’d be good to have that guy on your team if you traded other players away but is it worth giving up assets to do that for a player who will not be developed by the time that reality comes I don’t know it depends what it would cost or what the team would be what say you about possibly trading up this year and I do have teams that I think could make sense but maybe not we’ll see hang on after you’re done I don’t know because we’ve everyone not even just like you and me media wise but like um on quering company today we had Ryan Carr on and he we asked him like hey what do you expect come draft night he goes I have no clue like the aprons make it so weird now like it’s it’s gonna be a very weird year he said from pick one until you know whatever the final pick number is he goes I have no idea what to expect just because you know one team may like this guy another team may like this guy and you just don’t know where people rank these people like and you look at the mock drafts like nobody has the same Mock Draft when it comes to even like just the top three um so in terms of like trading up Partners I think it’s going to be hard just because we’ve talked about it already just kind of a little bit just how weak this draft class is is like yeah if there if it’s weak then why would somebody want to trade back and if you’re giving me you know a second round pick two second round picks this year what good does that do me if I’m like bad like a team that’s in contention or wanting to end why would I want to do that I should be wanting either picks for next year where it looks like it’s going to be a really good draft class in 25 or I’m looking for picks um that are GNA help me move up so I or or a player that may help me uh win now so and if the Pacers are feel are comfortable with running things back which I feel like that’s the most likely scenario just because of the success they had this year and I don’t think you can give a proper evaluation of how this team played because of the injuries that they had to overcome during the season and then obviously you defeat a bunch of teams in the postseason that were also injured so you don’t really get an accurate assessment of the team so um personally I think it would be very hard to trade up um but I don’t think it’s impossible either so to comment on this draft specifically the new CBA with the second aprons means a lot of teams are trying to get their money in order and are realizing the value of cheap contributors half of the lottery is teams that are already good or think they’re going to be good next year right Atlanta Houston Memphis Utah Chicago maybe OKC and Sacramento all in the lottery right so maybe they’re trying to trade around trade out you know it’s just very and it’s not a good draft in terms of quality like I’ve surveyed some League people about like in a normal draft the first pick in this draft would go what and I they answer some number between usually like five and nine so it’s just not a good misses that top end Talent so it’s a the Pacers can’t trade up into Lottery and probably shouldn’t anyway but in general I think all of these factors new CBA second round exception all this stuff will lead to some weirdness this year maybe it always happens the same way I’m going to caution people from saying there will be a lot of Trades because every year people say that and it’s never the case right you get to your pick and then you like somebody and they’re there but I do think it could lead to weird stuff not necessarily more volume of Trades so here’s what I think the most common question people ask me I’ll address this team first Phoenix is at 22 and people have said well well they need picks to trade in the future could the Pacers trade up to 22 with their picks in this draft this year no would be my answer because those picks are this year they still have to make them they would not have future picks to trade later if they trade 36 4950 for 22 plus that’s not enough for 22 to me if I’m trading 22 as the Suns I want like Utah has 29 and 32 like I’d want that for example as my package but the wrinkle that I think not enough people are talking about with the Pacers in this draft is they have a 2020 they have all their seconds in the not maybe I have to recheck they have most their seconds in the future they have an extra one for Miami next year if the heat stink they have Utah’s in 27 Dallas in 28 Portland 29 Sacramento in 30 um like that is that would be how you’d move around is using those if they really wanted to I’m not sure this is the draft to do it but to me that would be what a move up package would look like is a team maybe like Phoenix but maybe not even I I have actual example teams later but I think the more realistic way to move up should the Pacers want to would not be using all three of their second good they’d be using 36 and future second of of choice probably two or three of them honestly um or do what they did in the Aaron holiday draft where they traded Aaron holiday in 31 like Isaiah Jackson in 36 that would be what to me makes more sense if they’re going to move up if they move up in your eyes is there a player worth moving up for like there’s a lot of decisions be made with with Jaylen Smith so like the backup center spot’s a fascinating thing right now because I think there’s a couple cers that are going to be you know late teens early 20s that could be solid like backup cers for the careers and Kyle filipowski is one and then kle we from Indiana being the other like if both those guys are there in the late 18 19 20ish range would you be willing to move up that way you can get a Jaylen Smith replacement you you kind of bring along a little bit behind Miles because obviously you know you got miles on the one-year deal and you can’t negotiate till the end of the season um so I don’t know like is there anyone in your mind that would be worth trading up for like if you had to pick somebody or players I should say Isaiah Jackson won your deal as well right so y Jaylen Smith potentially not on the team in four days like a lot of uncertainty at the five right this is the first year in how long that drafting a center finally makes sense for Pacers and then one year they actually did draft the center anyway in that process so like I like Ryan Dunn I’ve talked about him a couple times I think a lot of locally like Ryan D maybe him you know but the the same kind of problem for him would be like how are you how much can you reasonably develop his offense if he’s not playing right because again even if they trade up this guy’s not playing most likely this year so I like Ryan Dunn I guess if if he was in an available range that would make sense to me and yes centers Philip palski and if they pick aoer I’d have to have a lot of trouble I haven’t had to deal with it yet in my time covering the team but KH one of those guys this Missy kid apparently is like pretty good I don’t know anything about him maybe but it you know again it have to be the right guy uh and I have spots but it the trouble is and the point I was going to get to is a lot of people I’ve talked to about the draft once again say like you could you could reasonably Define a r or a tier of players in this draft as like 20 through 40 right it’s like why would you trade up unless you love someone more than it’s just it’s a very unique draft and setup that the Pacers are in yeah for sure and I know they worked out the UCLA kid um yeah yeah I don’t know anything about him um and I know he’s probably you know a candidate for that 4950 pick I think he go higher than that you think so yeah I don’t know like like you were just talking about he can go anywhere like yeah you just have no idea it’s yeah it’s a weird year for it like there’ll probably again it’ll be a lot of weird stuff that happens in the next day because it’s our job we’ll all try to grade everything and it’ll just be like I guess this is a B minus people always do this they say why do you grade pcks the day after you don’t know a guy’s career for years my take on that would be it was Kevin pritchard’s job to grade the pick when he made it right so like true you know he he he has to do it right now so I also gonna do it right now okay let let me specifically names some some stuff Phoenix again I said I think is a little harder than people are giving it credit for unless there’s a lot of future stuff involved if I had to pick three teams that I think would make more sense as actual trade-up targets especially late in the first round New York is one that stands out to me they have a very full deep team already so fitting in first is hard for them and they consecutively pick 2425 so they could get a first and then trade the next one or vice versa that would make sense to me because they are going to be like the Pacers where like whoever they pick is not going to play unless they trade stuff away Minnesota has serious money concerns I wonder if they would trade think about trading out or back in this draft for that reason they’re at 27 maybe they would like to get the cheap lab of a first round pick for as long as possible but uh if they can try to dance with the tax a little bit maybe they they got to dance with second aprons and the other one would be Boston who’s at 30 the last pick of the first round they also have expensive team and no room to play a young guy would they be more willing to take 36 and future seconds for 30 um it’s hard to get a first-rounder with just seconds but those three team specifically in that like very back end of the first round make the most sense to me and like even in Boston’s case you would think they may want to stand on Pat because I mean their bench was so weak obviously that that starting five is going to consume so much of their salary cap as it is so you would want I would I would personally think that Boston would probably want to stay put and try to draft you know another developmental player because just because they need help on the bench maybe losing O’Shea opt it out uh this week who did they pick last year Jordan Walsh that’s right like in the 30s he didn’t play at all he didn’t do anything right so maybe they do want another guy with him or something I don’t know exactly how they’d be thinking but the the you’re you are right you want those development guys you probably want the development guy in Minnesota but when the second apron comes like you got to do everything you can to avoid it if you can so that that those are my trade-up ideas admittedly though it’s tough It’s a really weird year for any sort of stuff one more break here guys we can talk about FanDuel man oh man is there a lot going on in the Sports World in terms of the draft and baseball right now I love Sports I love them so much don’t want him to stop in the year round cycle but with the NBA Playoffs over the NHL playoffs over you 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only way you would trade down or as you put it on today’s show on the graphic trade out would be you simply love no one in this draft trade out as its own unique thing but yeah it’s weird it’s really weird yeah but trading down from from 36 would mean either the guy you want to got taken and you couldn’t move up or you’re getting an offer you can’t refuse where you’re getting a second from next year maybe like we were just talking about with uh with Phoenix and uh New York and some of those other teams um yeah I like there’s not a lot of reason to trade down like we were just talking about with uh with teams wanting be willing to trade down in the first round into the second or for the Pacers to trade up same thing could be applied here is like if it’s already a relatively weak draft why would you trade back even more like if there’s a guy that’s on the board that you may you know think may be available at 49 do you just go ahead and say you know what we’ll take him at 36 just to make sure we get him so let me float you two little bugaboos that will not make you’re still right about everything you said I don’t think trading down makes a lot of sense let me just float you two things thing one is if if you are thinking like what I just said about maybe wanting a roster player not a twoa roster player because they’re cheap and you have to think about the taxes the Pacers this offseason if you could get an extra second from the team picking between 40 and 42 for 36 I might do that right and I don’t know if any of those teams would want to move up or need to like Miami Charlotte Portland has a bunch of pcks this year so it’s not as easy for them Memphis like I guess but I don’t see a lot of reason for those teams to do that unless they absolutely love somebody who’s still there so that’s hard thing the reason I wonder about movement in the second round bronie James Ronnie James someone gonna I I want seriously there will be a pressure point I don’t know what the pick number is where some team says o is this too early for us to do this and eventually someone will want to do it enough that they will Pro possibly trade up for him I don’t know so that could just lead to some some fascinating value but I don’t think that that would influence the basers do you think there’s a team out there willing to take that ultimate risk that not the Lakers or the Suns to take bronny since a he work out for them I mean you you heard um I don’t know if you read this Rich Paul bronn’s agent on the record in ESPN very detailed this was awesome to see talked about Dallas and Bron’s relationship with Nico Harrison and talked about Toronto and Messiah apparently loving him so like I don’t I know they’re they’re clearly trying to steer him somewhere with only working him out at two places but one of those teams man if they love them you never know you just like yeah and if someone else wants to do it for whatever reason you they get the rights they get to decide you just never know not to mention you’re gonna get LeBron so like I don’t know if that’s actually ever gonna happen do you think that will happen maybe not this year I think that’ll happen someday but not this coming season that’s my take that’s a good take I mean they’ll for sure play together at some point and I think LeBron I think I at least I think and I hope he has the understanding that his son is not ready to be playing in the NBA to tomorrow yeah like no I think B’s underrated as a prospect but not first round level still so I don’t know I agree with you I think he can be a good role player yeah so the again the thing the reason I said the roster thing is I don’t want to get too CBA dorkey but a zero years of service player is as cheap as you can possibly get on a minimum contract so if you are if you are frightened of the taxes the Pacers like even cutting Kendall Brown and then using a draft pick instead saves you money like that actually could end up mattering and being helpful as they do the flirt with the tax thing but maybe they just have no one as their last roster spot uh trading out would make more sense to me than trading down it’s not a good draft they can’t play anybody this year you know if you can get like if you if you got offered an unprotected 2025 second rounder from any team for 36 you’d have to think about it just because of the draft quality change I mean maybe you’re moving back nine spots and it’s not worth it but I wonder if that would be enticing enough for if they would need two seconds how that would all shake out are there any teams like outside of the obvious choice of like Charlotte or San Antonio that if they offered that you’re like yep I’m don’t even have to think twice ah It’s Tricky you never know remember they had this pick last year the the Pacers did it was the worst of Utah Houston bad bad Houston was okay and then OKC and the Clippers and so they got that pick and I was like man this could be like really good you know this was before everybody knew what the Thunder would become and like the Clippers are always hurt like it’s hard to say what a pick’s going to be in a year because like the thought around that pick when they got it was like oh that could be pretty good ended up being the second to last pick in the dra first round so they traded it before it mattered anyway but I always think that’s kind of interesting one team I would I would think about I would think would be potentially a partner for the Pacers in a trade out scenario be the Brooklyn Nets uh they have no picks in this draft at all let me be clear the Nets who sucked last year and didn’t play a single postseason game do not have a draft pick that’s a very sad place to be I wonder if they would be willing to uh you know they have they have the Knick second rounder next year like would that would you just take that as that’s proba might be too bad but is there a way for the Nets and Pacers to figure something out or a two seconds kind of trade uh if not it’s a lot harder to just think of natural trade out Partners H I don’t know it’s really it’s really tricky but if you get that offer I think as a Pacers because 49 and 50 you’re either looking at draf and stashes two-way guys or just like just anything that helps you one game you win at that part so it’s hard to imagine trades happening there maybe they move up or down a few spots like they have in recent years but specifically with their best pick I do wonder if trading out is on their mind that very well could be the case I mean then again it’s just all it’s going to come down to like how many teams are interested like you mentioned Brooklyn but like how many teams are going to be willing and interested to be like yeah you you know yep okay yeah we can take these picks this year and then uh we’ll be willing to give you our second next year that for sure not a good draft maybe Nobody by the way I I I dropped Chris dwarte I feel like I should drop another name uh cashes Stanley oh man yeah that was fun that he he had a very un not unfortunate that’s not fair like it’s a tough reality for a rookie to be picked 50th but be the only rookie on a team because there’s like a lot he got like a lot of coverage that summer because he was the only rookie he was the only new thing yeah was he wasn’t good that’s like the kind of player I think they could like if he was in this draft like it would make sense for them yeah go crazy like but not at the time when um when they selected him he can really dunk he’s very athletic oh yeah I still wish he stayed another year at Duke like that was the one thing when he came out was like oh dude come on yeah he got a two-year pro career out of the 50th pick like I’m not going to lie that’s a win to me right like the my draft takes are very very different than the Public’s but like Kendall Brown at 47 a year on a two-way a second year on a two-way and then finishing on a standard deal that’s that’s probably like what you expect at a pick 47 right you hope for the best all the time but that’s like a reasonable outcome for that pick yeah joic is the outlier like oh my God will never be’s like amazing 502 pick like that was incredible yeah yeah that that’s how I so like 49 and 50 if you get like do you remember Brian Bowen he had two straight years of tways with the Pacers yeah he had one game it was the last day of his two-way the second season where he started in Chicago TJ Warren was out a couple other guys were out and he played okay and they won and I’m like that’s enough like that that is not a win for an undrafted signing he helped you win a game right like the bar it gets so much lower when you get back there so I I can’t really have a take about 49 and 50 because given I mean the Pacers already have a pretty full roster like those guys aren’t probably going to make the team maybe they’ll get two ways like Isaiah long did last year but they drafted Mojave King and stashed him already maybe Mojave King will get us tway like it’s very hard for me to imagine those picks actually having any serious impact uh soon or long term given their situation what do you what do you think of like a a PJ Hall dude he Syracuse correct uh Clemson oh that’s right orange I had the orange part right in my head that’s right yeah and he can score it uh I don’t know if I have any other opinions of him but to me on two ways that’s what you want is like e you either want somebody who has like crazy traits like Kendall Brown who you hope you can develop the skills or somebody with a crazy good skill you hope you can develop the rest of the game like Oscar sheway for example like cash of Stanley is a good two-way idea to me um trying to think of other Ben Moore I don’t know if people remember him he was a good 2 Alex pis was a very good one right he was a very flashback yeah he got and he got promoted off of it he got a standard deal from his I might be missing some other ones but that’s what I want if if I’m the Pacers with on two-ways and so like any one of that like cam Spencer can really shoot right can you build out the rest of a guy like that kind of game for example but he’s one of those uh six-year seniors though so it’s like 24 yeah he’s just as old as me geez I didn’t really as you were that young there’s a lot of like really I didn’t even think about this because I asked Ryan Carr about this like they had a lot of old guys in for workouts and I’ll never know because it doesn’t make sense for anyone to admit it but like was that because the Pacers want an old guy or is that because they have crappy picks and so they could only get you know older a Wars prospects to come in but whatever they had old guys in the draft so I asked about that and I forgot that the co years are still a thing for these guys so like a lot of them had the extra eligibility with nil to stay so they’re just they’re just older and I I forgot about that and you look through everybody come through I’m like 2000 1999 like what what draft year is this how old are these guys I think there’s only one 1999 birthday but still it blew my mind trying to think of other guys in that range that would make sense there is no outside of straight up selling a pick which I think is just like why you know I I can’t speak to what GMS are tasked to do in terms of owner finances but if you’re a fan I think I even think more so than paying or not paying the tax selling a draft pick is like the most insulting thing to do to fans it’s like we had an asset and we just said no someone else can have it we want money what can they do with like if they did so they can do whatever they want with the money whatever they want yep so they can spend I don’t know a million dollars on sounds for the PA system I don’t know yeah I guess I don’t know what a million dollars of sounds would sound like I don’t either but I I that is my interpretation of what cash could be the wire hits and boom you’re going cash considerations never played a game man unfortunately he’s been traded quite a bit buying good if you’re willing to do it um so like to me if you get to a spot where you’re like thinking do we just sell it just pick some Euro guy who’s not coming over like you have draft rights now that’s something that’s a tangible thing that has helped teams before do you have any else we should add to this draft I mean there’s a tomorrow I come on this podcast and say well they didn’t do anything here’s the best guys still available let’s in terms of like the roster when do they have to make the I guess okay when do they have to make their decision on the two-way guys so Isaiah Wong Oscar sheway and Kendall Brown okay so they are all potentially restricted free agents so it’s the same timing as Obie in terms of uh the qualifying offer which is the day before the end of the season so late later this week would be when we would find out about them going to restricted agency or not there there’s no like set date of like this is when they have to resign them or not resign them for example I’d imagine my G my guess right now is that none of them are back but Oscar maybe has a chance we’ll see you don’t think they’ll be they would bring kendle BR because he’s still what 22 23 he’s not on a TWA though remember he’s got a right yeah that’s right yeah and his deadline for guaranteeing that is until October so I doubt I mean maybe they just cut him now but I don’t think you’ll hear a ton about him no the stuff this week like the draft is tomorrow and then the very day after the second round is when McConnell’s contract is fully guaranteed which they’re not gonna cut him and then the next day is Jaylen smth breaking news yeah and the qualifying I’m not I haven’t even like checked in with someone on that it’s just like duh like there’s no no point um but on that that 29th Day is when qualifying offers are do last day for options to even be possible so you got anything coming out soon in terms of either like another Bleacher Report uh stream I do actually I have another Bleacher Report stream on Friday so talk about agency then fun I clicked on clicked on the alert I got I was like oh hey look it’s Tony bro I am terrible at live it’s way harder like an interactive chat we we’re off the rail so if you thank you all for listening we’ll have plenty more of fun stuff to talk about but live is way harder and I know you do it every day with radio but like dang man it’s it’s tough yeah next thing you know uh once you get that under your belt next thing you know you may be getting the call from us it’s a guest host I sincerely doubt it oh come on don’t roll it out uh if if it was three hours of basketball I could do it other sports would be little little tricky I can do baseball uh once my starts I’m not helpful it helps when your Phillies are good very good phenomenally good yes my Reds let’s not talk about that that’s crazy that that the team that won’t spend any money isn’t any good I can’t believe wow meanwhile the Phillies who spent a lot of money are pretty good I’m starting to notice a correlation between yeah me too between these two things it doesn’t work in the NBA though yeah it there are certainly wrong ways to spend your money in basketball that’s for sure yeah and the draft is why it matters you try to get the cheap labor first build your team and then sign those guys later as the Pacers will be navigating their next two three years depending on how this goes Eddie this was great thank you for the time thanks for inviting me as uh I get my like one every four months I appreciate it I should check our DMs I think my last five DMS to you on Twitter is just like links I was thinking when I yeah but we text we we have we we’re like that you know um so I have no idea what tomorrow’s podcast is gonna be because it depends what happens in the first round so operating on the Assumption the Pacers don’t do anything I guess we’ll look out the best top six prospects left because they’ll have the sixth pick of the second round and look at stuff they could have done if other teams did it that I thought they should have done and maybe if other news comes out we can get to that JJ reic talked about Rick Carla’s influence this week that’s something uh we’ve reached the end of me talking about previewing the offseason I’m glad it’s actually happening and yet they don’t pick the first day so we’ll see I don’t know what is what’s your plan Eddie what are you guys gonna do I have no idea no idea yeah it’s GNA be it’ll be something um that’s it obviously Friday talking about what the Pacers did who they now have and it flows right into free AG andc see which starts on Sunday so bada bing bada boom one more day of waiting to see what the Pacers team will net look like next year it all starts tonight Eddie thank you for the time where can people find you and the many uh the places you work covering all of Indiana Sports so my Twitter SLX Twix handle is my name Eddie Garrison and then it has an underscore at the end because there’s someone out there that stole just Eddie before I could get it so 1075 The Fan midday show you can hear Eddie Popp every once in a while including with great sound effects like Dustin doak’s last name oh that’s fantastic you like that that is frequently the one that makes me laugh the hardest yes uh I’m on Twitter at Tony R East Tony East is taken and Tony unor East is taken by the same guy unbelievable active on both accounts so I did you check Tony eastcore at the end I just use my middle initial and call it a day I used to have Tony 2or yeast that’s my Instagram still I shouldn’t have said that I don’t use Instagram for basketball but it is what it is we move um back tomorrow talking draft thank you all for tuning in today see you very soon

The 2024 NBA Draft is tonight. What should the Indiana Pacers be considering? Could they trade up or down? What about out of the draft entirely? Host Tony East is joined by Eddie Garrison from 107.5 The Fan to break it all down.

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  1. Hello, I hope the pacers consider getting Jonathan Kuminga. I feel he is a good fit for the team. I can see him becoming an elite NBA player and becoming one of the best wings in the league.

  2. Thank you Eddie and Tony, guess we picked good year not to have first rounder. I want our young guys to get more minutes

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