@Chicago Bulls

Could Zach LaVine End Up Staying In Chicago?

Could Zach LaVine End Up Staying In Chicago?

could the bulls actually now keep Zack LaVine there is some thought now that he could pair well with Josh giddy we’ll talk a little bit about that also Josh giddy has his introductory press conference with the Chicago Bulls we’re going to talk a little bit about kind of the insights and things that came out of that and then lastly it’s draft day are the Bulls going to make some serious changes we’ll see we’ll get into all that and more on today’s locked on [Music] bulls you are locked on bulls your daily Chicago Bulls podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for tuning in lockon Bulls member of the lock on podcast Network where it’s your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the Wy City Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 1000 I’m Hayes host and creator of Chicago Bull Central Chicago Bears centr YouTube pages and podcast Pat let’s get into it Casey Johnson set Chicago Bulls world on fire when he mentioned that uh Zack LaVine could pair well next to Josh Giddy and the Bulls could look to repair that relationship how do you feel about that here’s the problem right here’s the problem when Pat leans in with the series voices here’s the problem you know he’s about to cook go ahead Pat if anybody else has said it I would say there’s no way Casey Johnson don’t talk to hear himself talk KY joh and if you hear the podcast he kind of brings it up out of nowhere like not like they were talking about Zack LaVine but then it’s kind of just like all of a sudden he’s like well what wait a minute now hold on what if they kept them there could be there’s talk around the team about possibly bringing them back and like Casey Johnson don’t say stuff just to say stuff he’s the only dude there outside of maybe Sam Smith that actually has basically a pipeline to freaking arterus carner chovis and and Mark everley he’s hearing real things so I do wonder if one of two things one AK and Mark ever Lee have all of a sudden become the masterminds we thought they were in the beginning and they’re trying to drum up some hype around the Zack LaVine name to try and get the trade value up which I have a hard time thinking that they’re that intelligent at this point it’s is which is tough um or two they’re serious about running this back because realistically speaking and I said this over on the breeze today what we can’t you say running it back if we CH if we’re changing Josh gidy can we say this still running it back well not I guess I guess this is not technically running it back but well kind of no it would be like I guess if you swap dear you swap dear for Josh giddy that’s basically running it back and drum’s gone and and and kuso’s gone and and to’s gone let not running it back yeah but your core is 2third of the same and I think here’s here’s where my question would come in with that because in a perfect scenario the kind of player that I would love to pair with Josh giddy is a 38 plus percent three-point shooter and somebody who can jump out the gym and somebody who can get any shot that they want who can make the float from the mid-range who can knock down the corner but you know the problem with everything you’re the problem that everything you’re naming is all offense the person who also pairs probably next well to Josh giddy brings defensively because Josh giddy doesn’t so unless the Bulls just think they’re going to have this offense that’s going to outscore everyone which maybe they do offensively the matches sound I I there’s no holes you can poke offensively yeah the pairing works but that defensive aspects the defensive aspect has a little bit of concern there that’s all I’m saying well I think I I I would agree with you on that but I can I can poke H’s in the offensive argument as well because that player sounds perfect in a perfect world we don’t live in a perfect world for all for all my blue collar construction workers out there y’all know when the when the project manager comes to you and says oh yeah this job’s going to be simple baby all you got to do is run uh this pipe here you’ll be able to to to put this here pip here hey hey hey hey we we going into construction terms Now dog you gotta just you gotta just hold this uh run this pipe here gota just hold this you gotta hold it it is it is but you can you can make this move here make this Bend and and then all of a sudden you’ll be set it it should take you two days and then you get there and you go well yeah in a perfect world that sounds great but uh there’s a silo right here I can’t run the pipe through that because they’re not gonna let me and there’s a valve here I got to go around that and we got this building over here which means you didn’t count for enough pipe so I got to add a extra 250 feet it all sounds like a pause that’s just electrical work you know what I mean but my my whole point in all of that is if you show up to the meeting they say I’mma need more pipe bro you got ask for more pipe bro it is tough bro construction and Diddy terms do not go well together bro you know what I mean but my my point in all of that is right like that’s what happens in a perfect world versus Real World scenario that’s fact apply that to the Chicago Bulls perfect world Zack LaVine is the perfect player 100% there’s no question about it Heck if we really look at it he can play the defense we need him to it’s just will he right and so I think we don’t live in that world we live in a world where offensively the reason I could poke holes and everything I just said is because Zack laine’s been signed for two years how many of them has he been healthy one and the one year that he was healthy he was playing through injury that’s very true so he hasn’t been a healthy player he hasn’t been the Zack LaVine that we thought we were getting when we paid him that’s not a perfect world and so let’s live in the world that we live in here let’s not try to keep somebody around who we can’t count on to be on the floor and yet we’re going to make a major part of our offense moving forward I I I just I can’t live in that world yeah I don’t I don’t disagree with you I think ultimately I just don’t want the Bulls to think overthink this one um and find a reason to hold on not that and again I want to be clear because you got to say this because some people that just aren’t very smart if you have a conversation these guys hate Zack LaVine no Zack LaVine is not the problem but I’ll tell you there is no one thing that is the problem with this Bulls team and you do need to go in a different direction now if the Bulls ended up keeping in Zack LaVine to even if it is just in a hopes to re recoup his trade value it’s not necessarily the end of the world but you do got to realize that you are it is holding you back from truly changing your direction for the most part we’ll see what happens with it like when Casey said it it’s like all right I can see I can see what you’re talking about I can even see it happening but that doesn’t mean it should and that’s the thing that ultimately where we are right now yeah and I mean listen here’s here’s my thing my hope is that this is a smoke screen um it could very well be a hey these guys think we could keep them maybe we can actually get a little bit more done so and and I wonder if you pair that up with the news that we got from Adrian wowski that you know the Bulls are still looking to move up to try and go after Donovan kingan um as as well as other teams if you’re talking about trying to get the value up around Zack LaVine to maybe pair your pick to try and move up and go after him they’re trying to get up to five or six which is Detroit or Charlotte Detroit was the trade that we were talking before is there still a value even with the new GM and all of that in place to bring in a player like Zack yeah I think every time Detroit sees Zack they see the best version of Zack so they’re probably thinking s sitting there thinking like how we think when we bring players in like no this guy drops 50 every time he’s in the building we gota we got to get this guy on team so maybe there’s a little bit of that that plays into it as well if you can get a deal done like that and you increase the trade value and you can get it just Zack LaVine and maybe a pick I I get like that’s kind of the only scenario where I’m like this makes sense to put something out there like this because again Casey Johnson don’t talk to hear himself talk that’s what a lot of people in in the media do out here but very rarely do we see that from KC but when me and you get on do the post draft show is Zack LaVine and Chicago Bull here’s the part that sucks dog I don’t think they’re Geniuses yes I think they’re gonna try and keep them I think they’re going to try and repair the relationship I think they’re gonna wait till the ninth hour to try and keep Zack LaVine on this team I I yeah I think he’s a Chicago Bull BR it sucks cuz it’s just like it at this point like now you’re just you’re just like you know Jerry rydor is just sitting there like with his hand up ak’s backside just going yeah this is what we do here at the Chicago Bulls I’m the GM and this is what I’m I’m mimicking a puppet for the people who are uh who are on the podcast side because that sounds crazy if you have no idea what I’m doing on the screen like this is what we do we want to remain competitive and here we go you know what I mean like like at that point like I’ve got all the answers that I need all the stuff that we’ve heard this off season the move the subsequent moves that they’ve made I’ve got all the answer I need to know who’s you’ve got all the answers but the problem is that a can’t averly ask no questions well the problem is that the the the hand is up Acme’s backside that’s that’s where the problem comes in I don’t know if you peeped what I was doing there but that’s that’s the problem I and and here’s the tough part about it right like I literally at first I was all in Acme has no idea what they’re doing these guys are dumb and then I literally start started going through all of the lack of moves that we have made the subsequent signings that we have made and all and I literally just was like I can see how Jerry Ryan dorf would influence every single one of these moves bringing home Chicago kids going out and getting the undrafted guys on the cheap go the only thing that I think AK is legitim I’ll say Marco simonovic is is a AK move because he because he drafted and stashed him but I literally question and maybe un UPA team but I literally question a lot of the moves now as I went through him I’m like I could see Jerry being like no remain competitive you can’t make a deal here by the way Mel Bridges basically just went for the same deal that we could have got for Zack LaVine more picks though that we could have got yeah I mean with the I think what was it the Bulls was four picks no well no the Bulls one was four pickt was two picks it was two picks was it two pick two picks yeah it was only two picks um oh we got two players we we would have got RJ Barrett and no see if you’re talking so two very different deals so if you’re talking about the Nick deal keep in mind the Knicks didn’t have bonovich when we had they got bonovich at this trade deadline I thought you were talking about the Detroit deal uh but yes the Knicks deal was two unprotected first round pick and a protected first round pick so it was three picks and RJ Barrett and RJ Barrett yeah yeah Mel Bridges just went for a player and four picks and four picks yeah yeah but all right uh next up we’re going to be discussing Josh giddy’s introductory press conference with Chicago Bulls but before we get into that we got to get into a message from one of our sponsors and that is FanDuel I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t 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fand lockon and start making the most out of your summer as we already said all right Pat getting back into it Josh giddy had his introductory press conference today what not saying getting back into it and then bringing up Josh giddy what I mean we’re not standing outside of a high school bro we’re talk okay anyway we have too much power Josh gidy had his press conference with the Chicago Bulls man he talked about how uh you know coming off the bench how he wasn’t eager to come off the bench in OKC even direct quote this said I I I just said to him at this point in my career I’m 21 years old it wasn’t something I was overly eager eager to do and he completely understood and throughout the whole process we were open and honest with each other he got it we worked together through the whole process and he got me to a great spot yeah but other things like Josh kiny seemed very poised uh somebody who’s he talked very maturely you see sometimes with these younger players 21 years old they kind of get in these press conferences they don’t handle themselves the right way how’ you feel about the press conference p i mean listen it’s a press conference he didn’t say much right but the the two things that I thought that he did say right he wants to be the starting point guard he doesn’t know where his role is going to be with the [ __ ] but he wants to be the starting point guard and the conversation around I want my defense to get better and I can make everybody’s life easier not I want to make their life easier not I’m hoping to make their lives E I can make everybody on team’s life easier I love hearing that from Josh giddy as far as the player that’s coming in I think we know like when you tra you traded Alice Cruz over this guy he’s the starting point guard let’s not we shouldn’t even be sitting here like with any rhetoric like what is what what is I dumo gonna say at this point like you’re making him Alex Caruso so it’s it’s not like feelings should be getting hurt here and the people who say oh my God what is this gonna mean for iow that he’s no longer going to be starting I think that us as fans make more out of players starting or coming off the bench that I think some players do now there are some players that absolutely look at it but it’s more about minutes played Iowa is still going to play the same amount of minutes he’s just he’s probably gonna play more that’s true as well he’s probably going to be a 38 minute how many minutes did IO have last season uh 26 of them this off the top of my head I could look at it he’s probably about to get a 10 to 12 minute increase per game so iio should not be upset about anything heading into this season I think on top of that you also have to look at uh the Chicago 29 minutes a game for aumo he’s getting a minimum 9 Minute increase he’s he’s only sitting for eight minutes in the game yeah I I’s got a seven foot wingspan my boy he’s going straight from shooting guard to Center baby you already know now here’s the question I want to throw to you in this I know you said you traded Alice Cru for him he’s to be the starting point guard but for the nature of to look at the best of what’s what’s best for your team do you go into it with a for the for now the third year in a row do you go into training camp with maybe open competition for the starting guard row next to Kobe white because Iowa has a starter last year 37 games played as a starter 15 points four assists three and a half rebounds over a Ste over a Ste per game almost a block per game do you consider making that open competition or is Josh giddy just the outright starting point guard for he’s why are we assuming I’s coming off the bench this is the Chicago Bulls I very well could be if we move Zack LaVine our starting three so if if LaVine and dear are gone because that’s the only way I see that happening right there’s a potential for that and which the the latest we heard on the demard Rosen contract talks is they have stopped or they have Frozen there’s no momentum is the exact phrase no momentum and the Zack LaVine we we know what’s going on there unless they unless they I did say that they might bring him back unless all of a sudden they bring him back right like I I think that there’s a chance for I to be the starting two3 on this team because Josh gidy 68 they’ll just say yeah he’s kind of like the power he’s the he’s the small forward realistically we know he’s going to be the point guard and they’re going to run out there with the team that they currently have and say here we go and they’re going to add a rookie into it and like I I don’t expect these massive changes coming except for it rolls incase and that’s why to me why are we even having the conversation on who’s going to be the starting point guard here people for people that are like well now you’re gonna move Kobe white to two and he’s gonna change his role I dumo also had ball handling duties last season and I’ve been saying that literally since people brought that up I’m like yeah iio and Kobe literally split you remember it was the crazy Alo also had ball handling it was the crazy person that was like oh my god Kobe played it the reason why Kobe slump was because I play point guard out there sometimes and and that’s why Kobe had a slump and and it’s like hey just chill out but you had the list spin at the end he’s got a part-time list part it comes in as as his stupidity Rises the list get stronger is what happen it went from just being a nerd to Daffy Duck F I don’t know what just happened suffering [ __ ] ATT Billy Donovan what but I just I like here’s my thing with with all of this like you’re you’re sitting here and you do have to worry about the feelings and stuff like that but I would hope behind closed door forget us right like who cares if the podcasters and the radio guys and the TV guys know what the lineup is I would hope Josh giddy knows and he just was being a little bit koi in the in the press conference about whether he’s the starting point guard or not I would assume that if you traded him off of a conversation about not being the starting point guard where he was at he’s probably coming here to be the starting point guard and I love the fact that he was self-aware how many players are like no I just you know it was a Down Season I was dealing with some stuff and so that was on me but like I I I know I can be in that role Josh giddy was like I’m not an off ball guard like they played me off ball that’s a role I wasn’t used to I tried my best it really didn’t work and I’m glad to be here where I can be on ball it’s kind kind of crazy but it’s not it’s oh no that wasn’t that face wasn’t at that that face was me me thinking about fans reactions to this whole Josh giddy trade it’s just it it’s been fun to see it start like the roller coaster like it started off low and then you started seeing people started be like you know what maybe this isn’t as bad as what I thought it was well I think what people were most upset about is the the draft Capital aspect of it you couldn’t get a pick from let me finish my damn point you Patrick the designer like shut the hell up my go ahead go ahead you bastard go ahead there Cordo hey what we doing hey hey hey hey he G bleep it he GNA go through and edit it and bleep it now sorry I but yeah no no no I didn’t drop the last name I I do I do agree that it is the fact that uh the not getting draft Capital back paired with Josh getting how his finished in the playoffs those two things made this perfect storm of bulls fans the sky falling things like that it is what it is man I hope Josh giddy shuts up a lot of people me too uh because I think that he’s going to do what he said he wants to do he’s going to come in here and he’s gonna make life easier for guys like Kobe white for guys like alumo dare I say for maybe even a Patrick Williams we’ll see I mean unless Josh get any plans on open handing smacking Patrick Williams to get him to to play the way we need him to play have you seen the new bad boy movie yet I have not listen there’s a moment in that movie that it just made me think of Patrick Williams cuz Martin literally was like Hey and just smack literally just smacked well and it was just like somebody needs to do that to Patrick you got to sometimes just gotta smack somebody no listen here’s the thing what good point guards will do think about like a guy like Richard Jefferson Jason kid basically just told him if you run I will get you 10 points I think Josh giddy can do something similar to that where it’s just like I’m just in such a perfect oh no it wasn’t that wasn’t Richard Jefferson who said that that was Aman Shumpert said that he said I am right here I can dunk this basketball you know what I mean like I think Josh gidd is that type of passor I don’t know if he’s that level of passor yet but we’ll see man we’ll see uh before we get into this final topic where we got to talk about it being draft day 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today are you confident that the bull is going to make uh the right move do you think they’re going to move up move down how you feeling coming into draft day brother I think they are trying to move up I think that that’s still something that that’s on their their agenda um I think that that is I don’t know how at this point right like I saw I literally saw like the Bulls want to move up to five or six and I was like Zack and 11 like what are you moving at this point like not to say there’s nothing on the team that you but like all right at this point I dumu is a part of trade conversations right at this point I would assume Kobe white is not I’m trying to think of people on the team like is is is there some combination of niik lavich to a team that needs a veteran presence and some future Capital that’s on like I just I don’t know what the move would be to move up but I do think the Bulls are trying to move up and the Bulls are trying they they realize that there’s a player on the board that they’ve identified that they think for what they’re doing um allows them to compete early on this season and allows them to remain competitive in the Eastern Conference coming up this season now if it doesn’t work out I I think I may be on board a little bit with you now on if I had to pick one of the two give me khil wear over Kyle filipowski but I think there is some there’s some pieces at 11 that I would feel solid about that I would feel like the Bulls could take advantage of and they will probably not pick any of them because when’s the last time we were right I was right about P will and I didn’t like it the last time that I was right was window Carter that was the last time person that I was right about a draft Yeah I think P will was my last time being right in musell like dude you’re Savant how did you know this and I literally was like y’all didn’t hear nothing I said in this video I literally went literally went it would be a bulls pick to pick him but I hope we don’t listen the thing is is that the Bulls either need to go Wing or go Center and those are two of the deepest positions in this draft if the Bulls go guard in this draft I am literally going to need AK to walk his his his linky ass down to that pony and explain why in detail I need a th word you know why you already know why it’s going to be well you know what I mean listen we we feel that uh Josh giddy can play some uh some power forward and maybe some Center so uh we we official official pick who are the Bulls drafting officially give it give it give it who you want them to pick and who you think good say um who I want them to pick I mean we know who I want them to pick go get CH tan Shannon Jr at this point I would love to have tan Shannon Jr paired up with uh it come in as your three if you move Zack LaVine depending on what comes back um who do I think that they’ll pick I think they’ll probably go with the safe name and and pick Kyle filipowski at 11 because I don’t know I don’t know a huge reach now KY philos is mocked to go I mean I’m not I’m just for for context he’s mocked to go like more towards the 20s now in a lot a lot of mocks but um so you mean it would be an overdraft oh definitely it seems like that the [Music] Bulls so oh all right you know I keep hearing the Donovan kinging name you know they’re trying to get him to make oh yeah you you’ve heard it too much it’s been it’s been too much with Walker Kesler it’s been like three weeks now they’re definitely trying to get Donovan you know they’re trying to get him because they missed on Walker Kesler and that’s another thing that they do so who I want them to pick is khil wear who I’m starting to think that they that they’ll draft and mainly just because his name hasn’t been mentioned around the Bulls for a while I’m I’m booking it right now we’re going to walk out of this draft with with dton connect as a Chicago I I I wouldn’t be mad at that if he get to us if he gets to us I’m very happy with that honestly um I’m not gonna lie to you I and I I’ll say this out of all the pieces on this team and I’m just talking about fit right now I think Terence Shannon Jr has one of the highest ceilings in this draft but fit for what you have right now if you got to 11 and you picked khil wear Kyle filipowski and dton conect on the board I would feel like you missed because I think that dton connect’s going to come in and literally be the type of player that you need to pair with Josh giddy for Josh giddy to be successful no defense I mean listen I don’t think think they’re trying to play defense at this point we just need to embrace the fact that a city like Chicago that has always branded itself on tough all our teams when our teams are good we’re tough defensive teams this AK is going to look at this and we are going to be all we’re scoring over correction we’re scoring 135 points per game but giving up 138 that’s what next season’s going to look like I watch Denver be able to win a championship in a similar fashion and only play defense when they needed to it’s a lot different though when you have an you got yic hey you gotta fight yic yeah you got I watched I watched Denver basically do the same thing and only play defense when they needed to like um That season they won weren’t they top five defense that season in the regular season might have been but I feel like they were a team that also was consistently giving up a lot of points um what was I going to say are we are we overlooking uh the young man who was promised to be picked by the Chicago Bulls are we well they see that’s the thing it was said that there there was a promise made but and they they Tred to say that it could have been the Bulls but I don’t know if it if it’s necessar so the Bulls made a promise basically and we’re going to get Chandler let’s end this on so yeah the year that the Denver Nuggets won the won the title uh number eight defense in the league that regular what was their uh defensive RA in that year uh hold on let’s go back and look because that’s not de number eight I mean that’s that’s top 10 defense that’s good but like the Bulls were also a top 10 defense defense that year but as you said they the offense though as well with it being being able to put the points make a big difference yeah yeah I mean be able to put a point so if they had a defensive rating That season why every time what what has happened to the numbers here every time I go to it uh St Muse said you’ve looked too much listen they that stat Muse is definitely like 114 defensive rating yeah you got to put up 128 yeah they scoring points oh man uh listen I don’t know get it right you haven’t gotten it right through two years two three years well I guess you got it right I you got it right I think Julian Phillips is gonna end up being one that we look back and say it’s a second round pick though I think he’s GNA be one we yeah that’s exactly right like you’re you’re get get your first round picks right you haven’t gotten a first round pick right yet get get get the first round pick guys right like or listen AK just keep accumulating second round picks then if that’s just what it is bro is the Ryan pace of freaking basketball bro all right he can’t let’s go bro you didn’t brought up Ryan Pace that’s how we know what the show’s over for with that’s crazy but the second round he can find gy that’s hey man follow us on everything at lockon BO you can follow me on everything at pth the designer appreciate y’all tuning in and showing love and uh let’s hope when we uh next talk we’re better you guys follow me at CEO hay want to thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of Locked on bulls we are free and available on every podcasting app and platform form of your choice as well as YouTube for Pat to the designer this has been locked on bulls we out here y’all peace peace so if we do draft Teran Shannon J can we call him and and giddy the uh beat the case back court it’s nuts can he play on the team though we have a giddy with a junior [Music] the

Haize & Pat The Designer talk about the chances of Zach LaVine staying with the Chicago Bulls. The guys also react to Josh Giddey’s introductory press conference and get ready for the 2024 NBA Draft.

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  1. Knicks got Mikail bridges for a lot of picks. No way they resign og and harkenstein without going into the luxury right?

  2. The big problem is if they kept him, the young guns would take major steps back. I'm out on Zach simply because of how much better the young guys played.

  3. I mean if the choices are "keep Zach and hope it works" or "trade Zach and picks to move off his money" then fuck it, keep him. Might as well at that point.
    As far as the team being defensively weak, while that might be true the Pacers showed you can get pretty far by doubling the offense and playing half the defense.

  4. lets be honest the bulls does not know qhat they are doing now! i get why they keepi g zach but if im the gm ill get pick for him even though late first rounder or second why we need a fresh start the only problem is the bulls scout is dumb in drafting players! this team is garbage it hurts me to say that because this is my childhood favorite team but it is true the bulls are trash

  5. should have drafted Tyrese Haliburton instead of Patrick like people wanted. Should have drafted Michael Porter at 15 that yr and should have tried for RJ Barrett. Should have kept Wendell or Daniel Gafford. Oh well

  6. Giddy Will Be Riding The Oak Before We Know it.
    It's about Gaining and Maintaining Leads.
    He Knows Lonzo Controls The Game Defensively.
    The Coach Needs Guaranteed Wins, Every Game Matters

  7. Zach needs the ball – he does not play off ball – I do not see the fit – please explain – Zach will be a terrible fit like he has been for so many years – if Zach did not get hurt last year – Coby and Ayo would not have developed as far – I am a no on keeping Zach

  8. I'm pretty sure the Bridges trade just broke the NBA trade market. Like dude is 27, never been an all star, and just got the entire pick collection of the Knicks. This is Eddy Curry 2.0 as it comes to robbery.

  9. It's definitely running it back. The essence of the team is still the same. The same problems will exist PLUS WORSE defense. Team won't have more than 40 wins if they're running it back with Josh Giddey minus Caruso.

  10. They better not keep him. Nor vuc and demar. They keep those 3, and then our young players will take steps back because they will take way from their development.
    If we keep giddy, then our starting lineup should be
    1. Giddy, 2. Coby white, 3. Ayo, 4. Patrick Williams & 5. The center they draft.
    Focus on coby, ayo, and Patrick Williams as our young big 3 for years as long as they developed properly

  11. If the Bulls don't move Lavine? Even for a bag of Fritos…..and I LOVE Fritos…God help the Chicago Bulls. We're a freakin' mess! I been a Bulls fan a LONG time. Lord help me…25 years! And THIS is what its come to!? I'm DYING!😭

  12. I'm nervous, y'all. I just hope we draft good and finally picc a direction that all I want as a fan is some clarity. Facts and Blessings C Red Nation 🙏🏿💪🏿✊🏿💯

  13. Let’s get real… NOBODY is interested in LaVine and his horrible contract with an extra 15% trade kicker. IMO that’s 2 FRps to jettison LaVine. We all know the Bulls have needed to go young. Great start! But, LaVine will never be any answer. It’s fake news due to the massive cost it will cost to jettison him. But, IMO, pay enuthing to dump him! Go Bulls!

  14. I'm thinking if they kept Zach LaVine let him show that he's back healthy see where they are on the trade deadline some team might feel like they're one player away and the Bulls might be able to fleece them at that point. I need bridges from Brooklyn just got them buku draft picks

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