@Sacramento Kings

The NBA Draft is tomorrow! | The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross

The NBA Draft is tomorrow! | The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross

a two hand rip a brilliant pass from dearon Fox khtk Sacramento K ymx ht2 Sacramento s Sports the carmichel Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at 916 339 11:40 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason r e e is kind of showing tell with me that’s my wife’s line is she goes uh she’s she’s the talker and she’ll go you talk for a living put a microphone in front of you and you for a living that’s right and then you don’t really talk here but she talks she but if you put a microphone in front of me that’s yeah and she would that’s right yeah and the you talk for a living that isof that is verbatim maybe there’s a handbook or something look at and I often and that’s what I say look man I got to F four hours a day it’s the job it’s the job and look no one always have to say this we’re very aware of our job and very aware that there’s harder jobs out there and this isn’t you know no name five I I can name three maybe Roofing barely always there what do they do what they roof uh but but and I’ve told her I’m like look I told her the same thing I told aspiring uh broadcasters always what can I do next time you’re in the shower grab a shampoo bottle and just just read it just yeah just read the ingredient rinse and repeat pick any subject your favorite subject the one that you can know like the back of your hand that you could talk about all day long and just set a timer you have to have like something waterproof I guess to do that and just talk for talk for five five minutes just talk for five minutes straight on that topic on that top the best top the one you’re the most interested in the world doesn’t have to be about sports anything your kids yourself doesn’t matter whatever that 600 pound naked afraid garbage show you’re watching don’t care see how you feel at the first off see if you can make it five minutes because usually they can’t secondly see how you feel after that now now do that for well not four hours but 3 hours and 15 minutes with commercials and by the way it’s not always about topics that are that are you know the number four hitter in the the baseball line right there you know you got to talk to some eights and nines um so I go home and that’s the thing she’s like I don’t ever know I don’t know why I do that voice I listen to you on your show and you you talk about me then you come home and it’s like I gotta pry everything out of you and I don’t ever know what’s wrong with you you’re having enough because sometimes I’ll be like look this is a tough well how am I supposed to know it was a tough day you don’t share it and it’s like I just I just like listening like I want to hear about your day I want to hear about the kids you know I want to hear all that just talk to me absolutely none in no way do I want to at all but I understand that that’s part of the process and she’s you know with the children all day it’s like Avery’s drawing some mural for school and she showed me it’s like oh it’s a great mural uh what the hell else I don’t know what that Mason volunteered for some Camp yesterday and he had to stamp people’s hands and that was exciting and I don’t know you’re probably around the kids as much as she is almost right um I mean you’re not not these days she’s spending a lot of time around the kids guess I mean are they getting up early in the morning on right now out of school so they’re uh I pretty wake up when they wake up no wake up when Daddy gets home that’s usually when the wake up happens unless it’s after you go to bed then maybe there’s time we got afternoons and evenings for for the most part after I I I take the nap but you know I mean it’s Daddy’s nap time daddy’s taking a nap the door is closed so last night was a tough one and I understand a lot of people haven’t eaten breakfast yet but this is going to be one of them conversations you should like all take deep breaths like I apologize in advance but this is just let me put it this way I’ll give you the I will give you the headline I literally let me see if I’m going to click this article okay let me see what would be the good headline to the story make it clickbait because we’re trying to decide whether we’re gonna no I hear you Carmichael Dave nearly and repeatedly almost loses Consciousness last night oh I’m clicking that 100% right and it’s true I’m and then it’s true but I need I need to hook pretty early in the first paragraph or two but I’m clicking for sure okay so I gave you the headline yeah I’m clicking Let me give you now now so there’s a big headline here’s the sub headline do we have a picture maybe car Michael Dave nearly loses Consciousness multiple times last night click uh the lead sometimes the simplest of tasks end up being overwhelmingly physically difficult and in this case local radio host Carmichael Dave nearly bid off more than he could show I’m reading okay we’re g we’re good you got me the subject and I’ve talked about this before because I did this a couple months ago the subject is ear irrigation you now you gross but I you got me with the headline and the first paragra first sentence but I’m like oh boy it’s better be good I had gone swimming over the weekend and is this related to the jump in on Friday it it might actually be but this had been happening for a while uh too much information here but uh way too much information not in a gross way when I was younger when I was a kid shockingly I talked back one time well I talked back a lot but one time in particular I talked back and my dad went to smack me in the head and I moved and his hand cued my my left ear and gave me a perforation right he feels terrible about it it was a total accident I get it yes I know don’t hate your kids anyways it happened so I’ve had trouble with this ear sometimes and naturally wearing headphones you know your ears you have headphones on for four hours a day it’s a very humid you know you got to handle your ears man so I had knocked out my right ear a few months ago and IID showed you and I actually I believe I sent you pictures on the text line it was pretty awesome this one was far more difficult and got to the point where at least yesterday I could not hear so if you’ve never done this before you put these drops in your ear in the morning or when you’re ready to do it you let them sit for about 10 minutes like this peroxide that’s supposed to loosen everything up then you take a bulb syringe all right by the way I do this is not medical advice please do not follow this at home please follow the instructions or see your doctor what I do is then I fill a big tupperware bowl filled with warm to hot water as hot as I can handle it and you suck the water in the syringe and you as as you you put it in your ear hole or near your ear hole and you squeeze and the idea is is that eventually whatever is impeding your hearing will loosen and will fall out now the problem is this is not an exact science number one number two you have to lean your head on the side of the sink so that you’re at an angle where you’re actually putting the water in and up your ear canal the problem with my sink is that I can’t get on my knees and just rest my head because the sink is slightly too high I have to squat 47 straight minutes of doing this and and and the problem is is that you only know you’re making progress by the water that is you can see hitting the white sink and you can see what’s in or what is not in the water that gives you a hint that you’re making progress many squirts there’s clear water but every once in a while if you see some stuff there you know okay you’re loosening stuff there’s you haven’t gotten and there’s inevitably a big something that is going to fall out of your ear canal and splat onto like a bird like if you take your pinky and from the knuckle to the tip and that c circumference something like that that fills the ear canal it is disgusting and it also makes you wonder how you heard anything well the problem is apparently when you haven’t eaten since like 10:00 a.m. and you’re kneeling squatting and your head is turned in a 90 degree Direction you tend to I guess get dizzy but I couldn’t stop because I was getting so close and if you stop everything tightens up again you have to start the whole process over Dude I will tell you the amount and I’m by myself I got the door closed nobody wants to see this the amount of times I looked up in the mirror and my face is pale the only color on my face let me tell you is on the left side of my face where there’s leens because it’s dripping down your face and into the sink right super awesome when you find dislodge the thing it sounds like there’s a drum beat in your head and Rapid succession as it dislodges from the canal and it creates a sense of vertigo unlike anything you’ve ever faced unless you’ve had vertigo before and I literally like fell back and landed on my butt and I caught myself with my hand because I and I was like I’m yeah Chris is giving the look here so I’m I’m squatting I’m over the sink I lose my balance from the vertigo I fall I fall back onto my butt on the floor and I would have gone back further but I stopped myself with my hands that make sense yeah yeah I did not send you guys a picture this time because it was too much for even me to share just to give you an idea what’s going on but I will tell you the good news I just heard Pat and Tom’s last segment while we were doing this show that’s how good my hearing is I have superum hearing and I would suggest to anyone now this isn’t for everybody but if you’re having any sort of issues where you’re in the pool your your ears are plugged up if you’re waxy if whatever man first off go to the doctor and check it out I’ve done this for a long time so I kind of know what I’m doing but get it checked out buy a kit if they say it’s okay get it done don’t give up don’t ever give up I mean it is like the great Jimmy ve man you go to you got to stay on this thing but the results and I don’t know you guys don’t have that issue you’re in radio too I think it’s just a genetic thing like you guys don’t have as far as I know issues although maybe you do maybe it’s one of those things like if they really got irrigated you’re like whoa that was in there yeah that’s the that’s exactly it’s like how did I hear with with anything with this plugging my ear up so I think we’re good I feel great I did almost lose Consciousness a couple times but I slept like a damn baby how quickly after the irrigation did you feel better not just your ear but like your color and you gain your your equilibrium and your balance I went downstairs and I was wearing one of my house shirts which is a ripped up old like usually it’s a ripped up old sleeveless Affliction shirt that I don’t care about from from the night show days and I go down right exactly my wife’s on the couch I’ve got a towel around my neck and she looks at me and this is how great she immediately pops up from the couch and like oh my god Set the screen set the screen are she’s like are you what is what is wrong with you were you cleaning your ears again yeah no she didn’t even catch that at first and I’m like it was like I was a boxer that like I’m my shirt’s all wet I got sweat everywhere I’m like just Jeff knocked my ears out and and she’s like oh God she just sits back down she like why do you even do that it’s weird bottom line is yeah everything’s great took me maybe 10 minutes hopped in the shower cleaned my face amongst other things and uh that’s a public service announcement to everybody who’s probably at some point going to eat breakfast but so now you can’t swim again uh now I can’t I know well I should have with my unathletic jump into the pool apparently which is what I got off the taex line uh checking in by the way hello how are you uh AB says my favorite things this morning so far is our guy AB one of the first texts I saw pathers for the dub took me a second I honestly did not know what he was saying at first Panthers it was Panthers but pathers P pathers those are the people that redo your driveway yes pther manman that’s a by the way um Jerry pathers as the beaver oh my gosh that’s right but it was Mathers right or was it but you’re I’m trying mhm I just I had a thought about usual The Usual Suspects but then I forgot it I just somebody I know somebody I know told me recently that they hadn’t seen the movie but some friend of theirs ruined six sense and Usual Suspects like in the same conversation I was thinking about how like tragic that is yeah 20 something years old no I know you seen the usual suspect yes yeah great reveal was just on one of the like recently I mean it’s been making the rounds scoop through it for a few minutes yeah uh draft week continues Frankie Carter selli will join us today as Brendan did uh yesterday he will join are you a pizza guy yeah he is he is as a matter of fact Frankie clicks at 8 A.M uh we also had of course Sam never breaks news here so you know he had his athletic article yesterday and everybody needs to just calm down okay are they going crazy everybody just needs to chill all right ygc you gotta chill we’ll talk about that and I got an idea I’m GNA float at 7:30 I think I thought about this last I got an idea I want to float when it comes to makes me nervous yeah yeah it comes to the whole a in Sacramento thing it’s really spending a lot of time on this Turf got you or turf conversation turf wars man got me I want to I want to talk about that at 7:30 but in the meantime it is draft week leading off is next the NFL’s leading rusher plays here got a hand off to mcaffrey Walks In The End Zone hand off to MCA takes it right down to the goal line he does his thing again mcaffry goes in motion right backwards pass led by yek a block there hurdles a man 10 five touchdown c m you can hear all of Christian McCaffrey’s touchdowns on your home for 49ers football sack toown Sports it’s the ride everybody wants to be driving and elro Kia has him in stock right now I’m talking about the 2024 Kia tell you ride and my friends at elgrove Kia can get you behind the wheel of a 2024 tell you ride SX for only 419 a month plus taxes and fees whenever I see one of these driving down the road or next to me at a red light I just stop and admire it because the Kia tell you ride just looks iconic and not only is a k tell your ride beautiful it’s got room for the whole family there’s a seating capacity for up to seven passengers plus it’s loaded with tech so is the 2024 Kia tell you ride the right ride for you and your family come on down to elro Kia and El gr bottom all give it a test drive and just a heads up when you’re here at elro Kia you’re going to be treated very well you’re not going to get this kind of car buying experience in Roseville vonville Sacramento or Davis that’s why El gr Kia has so many festar reviews again check them out in the elgrove auto or online elgro 24-month Le 0 security deposit 20 cents per mile over 10,000 mil per year $4,999 to it signing based on approval credit VIN number 50185 in June 30th 2024 let’s do it leading off the three top stories in the morning huge news this is very important here’s cut number one we’re still a little over 48 hours away and we don’t know who exactly the Atlanta Hawks are going to take with that number one pick there’s a lot of belief that they’re leaning towards Zachary rishe the French Wing 69 great skills on the outside but Alex SAR the big man from France is an interesting situation here because he has refused to work out for the Hawks trying the league believes to force his way to Washington and two but the Hawks are sending out a message today that they are still willing to take alexar so let’s see how that develops over the next two days where this draft is going to really begin people believes at the number three pick with the Houston Rockets Donovan kingan out of Yukon is a player that some teams may be willing to move up for and if he is not picked by the Hawks or Wizards it’s possible the Rockets could move this pick they’re very deep at Center they would not be interested in necessarily doing that uh but they have they have made it clear that that pick is going to be available and they are listening to offers what guy look I’m not gonna lie know Windor talks and plays at the same time on the keyboard I had wouldn’t that be great if he’s just sitting there just banging away on the keys talking yeah that was hey so much to sample that yeah so much easier when it’s Victor wanyama and you’ve got the first pick and it’s yeah we don’t need five minutes and we also don’t need a cool beats behind this it’s a great draft this is going to be a ride yeah uh and and honestly this is one of those time I’m honestly thinking Jason I won’t do it but really would be a good time to put the phone down be a great time to put the phone down get on you know and and and maybe just maybe just tweet about pick reactions but I don’t want to see WJ or Shams this year because it really is like oh my I want I want to be surprised real time CU it sounds like there’s should be a lot of surprises real time yeah I um yeah I mean I guess unfortunately I’ve gotten used to that which is a sad because it that the it really bothered me at the beginning I’m like well I don’t want to see that but wait everybody else knows right so I guess I you know and some of the times it’s like wait they’re on pick on TV pick five and they’re telling us who’s going seventh and I’m like wait we haven’t even done they haven’t even announced five or six um but in the rare occasion I love the story from the the bag Le year but it was when it was Denver’s pick at 12 and they were stuck and they were stuck and they were stuck they didn’t have it and all of a sudden they announced that they draft like in real time it was Michael Porter Jr that’s right they probably took all that like this was one that was truly unknown which hey we’re all in this together for a change uh I’m looking at the 19 I just picked 1993 out of great out of my butt uh Chris Weber number one oh yeah um so here’s the thing though was Penny too Penny was three three who went two or give me the team uh the Sixers that’s not helping me oh wait yes big man BYU Sean Bradley that’s right okay that’s right I wasn’t even gonna help I knew you’d get it uh Chris Weber was a sophomore weirdly enough Sean Bradley was a freshman Penny was a junior Jamal Mashburn was a junior then you go senior senior senior Bobby Hurley senior Vin Baker junior senior senior senior senior senior senior senior senior junior senior senior junior senior and you get the idea dinosaurs today 100% dinosaurs now look I’m not trying to make a statement on big big just changed I’m simply saying it has changed so much and honestly it’s hurt the draft not not the players not the NBA I’m not getting into that’s fine I’m saying when you got to know I think it’s heard college basketball that’s what I’m talking about you got to know these guys for two three four years in college basketball what wondering what would what will they be liking the pros how would they work for this team oh look at this guy look at how he’s grown since his freshman the the only ones that went freshman or sophomore were like the super duper studs you stayed in for your senior year I still remember wasn’t it I think it was wasn’t it Corey mget God why do I have this in my head like Corey mgti was the first underclassman to leave one of shashy’s teams or something like that and promis that he’d go back and get his degree like that used to be a thing now it’s like if you’ve made it past a freshman at Duke for example then you’re probably not very good yeah the draft has suffered because of that just because tonight for example look you might have four hall of famers and 17 allar dude I know like three of these guys and even then I barely like I know Zach Edy from March Madness yeah I don’t know who the hell Zachary reash is I don’t know Alex SAR I I literally could not pick the two of them out of a lineup unless it was a lineup of normal people and they’re like the seven foot guy but if they were standing against six other seven Footers I have no idea yeah and the year like who Atlanta won it right they had a low odds to win the draft they win the draft lottery which always feels like you’ve done something that’s nice right but of all years it’s like I think they are so G to be under scrutiny because when you pick first much like when the Kings picked second look they didn’t get it right but that kills you when you don’t get it right so right there’s a lot of pressure and if there’s not that much separation with a lot of these picks and the sixth pick is the best player in the draft and you missed that hurts you and that’s why simultaneously people are like well these picks aren’t worth much also these picks are worth a lot right because you 100% could get the best player in the draft at 13 Yep this is that you weren’t doing that last year no you could one all right number two please cut number two one it’s like how many how how much better can we get as players who are here you know what what could happen as far as trades or draft or or what may happen um I mean I I I look at what we have and I think what like what could have been what could what could we have done better uh throughout this season and obviously there are things you know if we make our free throws you know we probably have 51 wins like it’s it’s small that start to add up and start to Snowball Effect um into a season and now we’re looking at it like damn we didn’t make the playoffs we weren’t that good of a team uh which could be true which could not be true um but what can we what can we do next year um to put us in a a better spot and uh those are obviously we have to look ourselves in the mirror um as players what what could we have done better and then you know obviously the front office you know what what do we bring in um to be a better team to compete in this hard conference and uh that’s pretty much it that’s dearen Fox uh we will talk about this quite a bit and it’s explosive kind of article from Anthony Slater and our friend Sam am well both our friends uh the paragraphing question is this Fox’s future Looms in the background as League sources say the All-Star guard has decided to not sign an extension this year in part because he wants to see how the roster takes shape for the Long Haul and the roof blew off of everything the Malik monk Feelgood Vibes are gone uh Monty and VC have screwed things up again and where will de and Fox’s next team be that’s that’s where some people are at we’re going to have this conversation we’re going to calm you down if you’re one of the people that needs calming down everybody just take a freaking deep breath there is nothing to see here when we get back uh we’ll take a look at part of that article as well not the dear and fox part the Alex Caruso part we’ll talk about that next our first year as the radio home of the San Francisco 49ers is one we will never forget going deep down the sideline for our you he’s got it and he’s gone 10 five touchdown San Francisco congratulations to the 49ers on a terrific Year and thank you for so many wonderful memories I’m Ken korak with your green and gold report brought to you by Xfinity mobile connect to the most reliable 5G Network Nationwide well Major League Baseball going to birmingham’s Historic rickwood field for the very important important tribute to the Negro Leagues is also a reminder of the A’s history in Birmingham the 1967 Birmingham A’s won the southern League Championship is considered one of the greatest minor league teams of all time and feature the likes of Joe Rudy Tony larusa Raleigh fingers 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Jason Ross call or text at 916 339 1140 on sack toown Sports uh so this is weird it’s raining outside both Jason and Verla like immediately turned their heads like puppies like go to the window now when I say raining I mean water is falling from the sky I would say it’s technically more of a drizzle but I went outside to go get my uh my little neutr grain bars I left in my car and I smelled something funny which is really normal for here yeah and I got to my car and I realized that funny smell was like that Desert Rain smell and my car as it’s yours by the way that’d be weird if it didn’t have a lot of raindrops on them keep in mind it’s going to be 99 degrees today according to the weather report that’s really cooling down uh yeah it’s gonna be it’s going to be a fun humid day today in fact MC I just said hey I uh I miss humidity well you’re gonna get it today I do not I I this isn’t really humidity no no not the not God no no no it’s not you’re right and and New Orleans is humidity Florida is humidity Mexico humity or Tom and Cody uh just got back from me uh Nashville Nashville humidity was brutal yeah for here though for all the dry heat Californians yeah yeah I don’t know how you miss I hate humidity so much it sucks when I’m in it I don’t the only thing I ever hear people say as a positive is it’s good for your skin that’s but I don’t think of that when I’m like I’m sweating that’s what I’m saying the second I I haven’t done an activity step out the door oh and you’re just sweating is it because maybe your pores are always open so therefore they can’t like I don’t know they’re always clean I don’t know I uh either way if you get a chance I it’s one of like top five like on Mount smell Moore I think summertime rain when there hasn’t been rain for a long time is like right there with bacon and cookies I would go like bacon cookies is it the black top is that the the because I feel like it’s from the street yeah I feel the same way but I don’t know I don’t quantify that it’s like everything it’s like uh like if you ever like have dehydrated you know Peppers or something that and you as soon as you hydrate them like there’s a there’s but like now imagine that but the the world is dehydrated and everything is like the grass and the flower and the bee and the black top are all like ah we’re breathing we’re breathing again and then you go it’s me uh one of the things in the athletic article uh we’ll get to the dear and fox stuff at the top of the hour don’t don’t don’t you worry kids uh is Alex Caruso and the idea that the Kings quote were close to a trade for defensive Ace Alex Caruso last week according to League sources offering the number 133 picked to Chicago as the key chip this is interesting I could be wrong you can get really dangerous when you start playing Guest The Source but I find it interesting that the only thing in this article has been the number 13 as the key chip notice that there’s not any other players that gen generally means that the source is team related because you don’t want players reading that they were almost traded for X Y and Z if you have to you know share a bunk with them so sounds like like sounds like this might be coming from the Sacramento end number 13 pick to Chicago is the key chip uh the Bulls instead opted to send carusa to Oklahoma City for Josh giddy I’ll start by saying this Jason I would have been like okay so you know they say like over the moon I would have been like over Jupiter wow yes you have been way up there so far up there it’s rul had we got an Alex K so that’s the exact no matter the potential other player could have been or players or maybe it was just the pick you never know you mean like potential other players we could have gotten in the no no no like like the draft no the 13th and oh well I mean I mean I’m assuming it wasn’t within reason yeah was bonus right right right right within reason but because it probably wouldn’t have been had it been no it probably wouldn’t have and I don’t know you know again we don’t know who was part of the deal doesn’t matter yeah but I believe Caruso makes just under 10 million Okay so so assuming and I know that’s you know you and me um but maybe it was a maybe it was a Davon Mitchell Chris dting com maybe it was uh Kevin Herer and then the Bulls sent something else back could have been Sasha could have been Sasha what short uh I will say this short of Keegan uh obviously Fox sabonis and monk yeah which I don’t think it was any of that I’m pretty sure I would have been Absol over the moon with 13 and that’s the pick yeah and when you’re a you’re not asking but if you gave me a choice between Zack LaVine uh uh Kyle kosma Brandon Ingram and Alex Caruso I’m taking Alex Caruso this team okay that would have been better than any of the other names I’ve heard that have been realistic for what this team needs and then now if we you know we got to do this to be fair if I’m Chicago yeah I would do G I would do the I would that’s the other thing is why didn’t the kings make the well because you have another team right and if they had this other offer I personally as a GM of the Bulls would have been like oh no I like this deal better and I don’t blame them yeah and and you know say what you want about Josh giddy’s off court stuff but he would I I don’t want to say he was cleared he will not be charged with anything by that he is he is free and clear of that from a criminal and suspension standpoint and and it that leaves it up to everybody else to make their own decisions but in this case you’ve got a guy in Josh giddy that is I don’t I don’t even want to say just full of potential uh he’s reached some of that potential now there’s holes in his games don’t get me wrong in his game don’t get me wrong but this is a guy that is still incredibly young he will not turn 22 yeah keep in mind we just read the 1993 draft in which about three quarters of the players were 22 when they came into the league for the rookie year Josh giddy won’t turn 22 until October and last year you could almost throw out because it was such a goofy ass year for him uh with everything going on I shouldn’t say goof it was obviously he was mentally struggling whether self-inflicted or not allegedly I gotta be careful here with all the stuff that was happening on the periphery but the year before Jason as a 20-year-old 16 and a half points eight boards six assists on 48% shooting from a 20y old right yeah I’m taking that deal too yeah I’m and for Oklahoma City by the way holy crap right and for as many times as I’m guilty of this and others are will read a deal oh man why didn’t the Kings get involved in that so maybe they were you just don’t know well here at least according to reports they were involved in something like this with Caruso it just it takes two to uh to tango here and it’s it’s it’s tough man because would have been a good fit well now you’re looking at the Oklahoma here’s what’s crazy Oklahoma City is now going with a back court of Shay gilis Alexander who led the league in Steels wait no he didn’t dearon Fox did NOP Shay gilis Alexander led the league and steals it’s one or the other it’s you can have fun with this I think it’s either guilis Alexander had more total steals than fox or Fox had more total steals than but yeah EXA so you have the Steels leader is at point guard you have an all NBA Defensive Player in Alex kuso that’s your back court now to go with lugan Dort at the three who say what you want about the dude is in every poll you see like that last player poll they put out one of the toughest defenders in the league Chad holen who’s 7 foot 90 and then Jaylen Williams they haven’t even used like they still have all their picks mhm they still have they traded a player for a player they they still have everything Oklahoma City is a scary ass team man and Sam presty is I need to do a shrine to him in my house like Ben Simmons move over Sam presty is now the guy but for the Kings Jason bridesmaids again who I think over the last three years have led the league and we almost got that guy and at some point we’ll talk about this in uh in three for madness Jason I instinct ively am really pleased that the kings are being aggressive yeah at some point though is it a results based league and do you say well can you guys just not close the deal because this is now multiple multiple trades that have not happened that were almost there sakam sakam and Caruso uh kuso and kman Russell westbr budy yeah um and those are the ones we know about by the way and I don’t know we don’t know all of what was offered in the others officially I guess but in this one again I I’m taking Chicago side on this going yeah I do the deal that they made but can they find a trade where like they’re the only ones working the phones for this player right instead when you’ve got competition they haven’t been able to win the and I think they’re trying to get to The Sweet Spot of not disrupting the core four let’s say of Monk Fox sabonis and Murray um keeping cap flexibility and getting quality in return like that’s a really tough needle to thread but I think that’s what they’re trying for well and you could turn around and say hey look I I think the easy way to go and I’m not saying it’s the wrong way to go Jason but the easier way to go is Guys West money get it together figure it out make it you know let’s get over the line here overpay but that’s the other way is or do you you know remember we talked yesterday about like the young kid sports car you don’t care care what the payment is you just you just do it so you could turn it around and say well we’ve got a couple of guys in Monty and Wes that they’re not they’re patient yeah and they’re not swayed by the moment and you’re not just GNA boil them blow them over because whatever obviously I prefer that you prefer I I do too I think that’s more measured but I mean I’m I think everybody’s getting a little impatient right or wrong both can be true I’m happy that they are patient also everyone’s getting impatient you got to figure it out you don’t want to say I had a better deal two weeks ago no you don’t but you also I mean look even if they made what you and I if there was an announcement a w bomb and we both went oh kind of trade is that doesn’t mean it was that kind of trade but that’s our reaction it’s like oh well they made the trade but I don’t like it I don’t like it even if it worked again totally unfair it could work out to be brilliant but at the moment you’re like I don’t think this is a good deal and and and and here’s the thing and we’ll take a break here this is this is where it’s really dangerous having part of the story this is a very let me present to you a fairly feasible situation um a Oklahoma City had Josh giddy on on the table and Chicago calls Monty and says okay look uh it’s not going to work for the 13th P but we’ll do it for Kean Murray no we’re not happy about that as much as you want Caruso it’s like no no no or uh we have giddy on the table we’re going to take that deal unless yeah uh we’ll give you Caruso LaVine but you’re going to need to take LaVine in contract multiple first rounds you’re giving up it’s like whoa wait whoa whoa whoa we don’t that’s the problem is we don’t well the deal didn’t go through well why but why didn’t it now if it was like well Chicago would have done the deal it was gonna be for uh it was gonna be for Sasha V zov in the 13 and then they asked for Davon Mitchell and the Kings turned him down then I’m like ah yeah but you don’t know no offense dve on we’ll take a break when we come back safe or out Max sherzer the Phillies and Aaron judge what do they all have in common they play baseball duh we’ll talk about them next did you miss any part of our live local shows don’t worry you never have to miss them again check out sack podcast Page and Play our shows when you want the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys plus other podcasts like Return of the Empire return of the Roar The Stingers up Podcast and Golf to go with Frank LaRosa they’re all available right now on sack toown no one knows the importance of a great assist more than Lowe’s and Leo Messi that’s why we’ve teamed up to give mil L’s rewards members 10 times the points when Messi makes an assist during conob Copa America USA 2024 activate this offer starting June 20th so when Messi assists you score shop the day after an assist to earn those extra points not a mil Low’s Rewards member join for free today visit messy for more details something amazing is happening in data management even though storage needs are constantly changing companies are only paying for what they need now that’s because CDW customized a Pure Storage Evergreen 1 slad driven storage as a service solution that delivers Enterprise grade hybrid cloud storage that is effortless efficient and Evergreen simplify storage 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single line post paid unlimited talk text and data plans offered by team- mobile and Verizon January 2024 18 number one countless ACM and CMA Awards sold out world tours and now Dirks Bentley is coming to Sacramento for Country in the Park two September 28th at hard health park at Cal Expo with Cary love you the way dasel hard and more plus line dancing food trucks and more tickets available now at citb brought to you by Bonnie electrical inir and the US Marines safe or out it’s time to go around baseball three pitches three swings it’s safe or out on the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross yeah then my wife said that’s exactly the type of thing you’d say welcome back uh isn’t that a little scary when you say like I can’t see myself doing that or saying that and then someone else is like yeah you 100% did that oh you did that and I have like no my memory it’s just the I don’t understand it’s so fascinating how the memory works there are the dumbest things in the world that I remember that I have no idea how I’m pulling that out and then it’s like no we had that conversation on the air last week for an hour and a half what I think that happened yesterday I have no memory of the conversation we had on the air it’s why it’s great working with the two of you because I’ve worked with the two of you most of my so you guys like Chris yesterday he had an example of something that happened right around the time of the night show I didn’t remember it there’s a great memory Chris will recall a lot that’s the problem I can’t wait for Chris to get just a little it’s never our Shining Moment it’s no you know what never has Chris been like oh you don’t remember like it was the second year of the night show we were out at Play and comping you took there was this one kid that came up he had like he didn’t have an arm and he dream right and you helped him regenerate an arm you regenerated the arm and then you gave him $1,000 and his mom started crying like that’s never what Chris say do you remember that I do remember that happened so I was like hey man remember when you kicked that one kid in the face and you’re like remember when you broke needles his nose okay see if what you know that s it was an accident mostly not what he says sa for out question one please Max Scherzer was spectacular in his season debut on Sunday he was safer out this is the Boost the Rangers need this is the Boost the Rangers need baby the AL West uh the Seattle Mariners remember when they had a 10 game lead it’s five and a half now that was incredibly incredibly incredibly quick the Astros shockingly have won five in a row they are now fully in second place uh they have won seven of their last 10 weirdly enough the Rangers have been the ones struggling they’re four games under 500 by the way the Astros are also two games under 500 and they’re that it’s not about the a uh you know the A’s are playing they’re in the division they are in the division and uh I think uh well they’re still in third place if you go by alphabetical order of the team name that’s how I do it it’s 100% how you do it yeah I I look Max sherzer was insane like I think he tired 13 of his first 14 you’re coming back off that kind of rehab now he did have a sore thumb and that was something his rehab he was pulled from rehab a while back re a rehab start sounds like he was like you know in rehab uh so you gotta watch for that thumb but given Bruce Boi matchers are then golly G if they can get uh Jacob De gr back yeah that’s that’s they need to get going I mean the Champs are you know I guess they just have to get in the mix but that’s one of those teams like even if they don’t win the division they get in the wild card and they can get in or let’s say get in a series and if you start those two yeah I mean I don’t disagree with you but the first thing you said was they need to get going and honestly my first reaction was they got they’re not even halfway through the 78 games we’re almost there I know I Living on a Prayer even halfway through I feel like baseball’s been going on for six months what getting judged to 60 homers let’s go can we just give it to him but Jo the season I would be give him 80 yes and I would be all just shorten the season but give him 80 I’m all in on that God 7 like seriously baseball is like it’s like sports herpes dude it just never it’s like there and it feels like it never goes away and when you completely forget about it yeah it comes right back right back as soon as you think you’re over it comes right back oh god well at least that’s what Jason told us question two that got him why did that get him just just like Jason sitting us down and telling us guys we have to have a little talk I’m gonna give you a little advice hey show conversation remember that you know you always want to do the show oil wrestling and I say no there’s a reason why Family Talk sit down guys the Phillies turned a 135 triple play the first since 1929 seefer out triple plays are one of the most uniquely cool things in sports I say safe hey raise your hand if you’ve uh accomplished a unassisted triple play Dave Hi how are you what was your uh well I guess it’s not is there any proof uh I mean mean I like is there a video yo back probably when you played they had newsp some sort of publication oh uh you mean like uh perhaps like a newspaper what would you need like a a picture or something maybe a headline or well even if there was it’s not like I would carry something like that around I don’t even know if it exists or not but um I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll see oh never mind it’s right there that’s not you that is me you can tell look that big fat what team are you on um on the Giants see you can see like the little curse of giants by the glove Little League what’s the headline uh little leager turns unassisted triple play uh oh you didn’t trust your teammates uh I did not like them and it’s my ball it’s mine recreate the play uh all right what position were you playing I was playing third Hot Corner first year third base on first and second uh there were uh the I believe it was just Runners yeah wait hold on uh no yeah uh Runners on first and second as a matter of fact the pitch line shot a diving 7-year-old Carmichael Dave Nails it just catches the ball towards the back line or toward towards the line so I was playing kind of off the bag a little bit so allowing doubles my momentum will yeah but well but you made the play we were baiting them because they knew they wer I catch the line drive my momentum takes me I’m already going that way kid was off a third heading home already oh so there b so so you know what you’re right the bases were loaded uh so boom boom first out was catch yeah second out was stepping on the B which was boom boom I had two outs within a second and then I look back kid you know you’re seven years old or six or whatever ignoring the stop sign so kid’s already like a foot away from me and it’s like at that age I’m not thrown to the second base even he was closer to me so I just I ran after the kid kid had to stop turn around tried to run back tagged him right on the little kid butt boom don’t isolate that triple play unassisted and I believe and then you let off the next inning with a home run probably uh yep the eight-year-old fourth grader at uh at deing Elementary in Carmichael there typo here it says trickle trick TR r i CLE e never forgive him for that uh during a t-ball game between his Giants and the Yankees back on All Dates Friday the 13th of April yeah that’s right uh let’s see the son of Jack and Barb wow parents got in there parents got in there well it’s probably because my mom was telemarketing them to put it in the paper slow Newsday uh quote I didn’t realize what I had done at first I was being humble even at eight being humble the youngster admitted after I tagged out the runner from second I just went over to uh this this a foggy what year was this this was uh I was eight seven eight I think I mean but you know 19 it was early 80s no why I was thinking you bumped like oh and by the way other news the the you know Greg van and whatever agreed to bring the Kings to Sacramento but let’s lead with the Triple Play Kings weren’t even here yet but you know they have to get here I think actually talks I think they preempted an hourlong special edition of Captain Kangaroo for breaking coverage so by the way you know they say I don’t we got on this this tangent but if you know they always say like oh well these Sports guys they love to talk sports they don’t know how to play there’s literally proof I child prodigy Phenom yeah whatever you want to say just I give all the credit in the world to my teammates and my mom for absolutely telemarketing the Sacramento Union Jack and Barb even a photo in the paper come on man some could say that’s where the media career uh started right there we’ll take a break when we come back the athletic article from Sam and Anthony Slater that that makes it sound like they’re married Sam Amic and Anthony Slater we’ll talk about the fox no there’s anything wrong with that we’ll talk about the Fox extension the Caruso trade and the bridesmaid Kings maybe we’ll uh talk about your guy Aaron judge too or maybe we’ll save that to tomorrow because I struggle with safer rout we’ll do all that right after this Harrison Barnes plays here Harrison Barnes drives it hammers it the Black Falcon soaring into the light sky on a Monday evening in Northern California Sports is your PR home of the Sacramento Kings I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I didn’t think I’d survive but I did ask for help and Covenant House was there for me one in 10 young adults will experience a form of homelessness this year for these kids who didn’t ask to be put in this Unthinkable situation Covenant House is there Covenant House helped me break the cycle of homelessness in my family they gave me the love that I needed over 2,000 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is because it’s a private message but hi Dave listen to your guys show in the morning love you mentioned something about a kit for cleaning your ears would you mind providing any information on that kit you used I’d like to try it out thank you for your time and that you know when they talk about going live and local yeah when they talk about uh Bonville values yeah I feel like that’s community help right there now reaching out to the community and I responded and I gave him the link to the thing but I also said Jason please be careful and consult your doctor you got to consult your doctor man don’t just you got willly nilly I’m a pro not willly nilly not Billy nilly not anyil not Milly vanilly not no not Millie nor vanilly wait one of them’s gone right yeah yeah R Naked and Afraid uh that’s an inside joke um that was on the show that was on the show you’re right Sam will join us on Thursday and we’ll do a draft postmortem or trade postmortem or both and we’re obviously going to talk about this article that he and Anthony Slater put out yesterday uh there’s a lot in here we’ve already talked a little bit uh about the uh the close call with Alex Caruso which God would have just been enough for me like you reup Mike Brown you reup Malik monk you added Alex Caruso like at that point I don’t care it’s a great off season don’t even care that’s that’s the type of move we need to make so that that’s disappointing all right uh one of the things that caught a lot of people’s eyes uh was dearon Fox um there’s a a segment in here that says that that fox future Looms in the background as League sources say the All-Star guard has decided not to sign an extension this year in part because he wants to see how the roster takes shape for the Long Haul Fox who has two seasons left on its current wants to win at the highest level and could also qualify for a significantly larger max if he makes all NBA that part that part and the thing is look I want to say something but I want to couch it first by saying God hates Sacramento it’s something I’ve said a billion times I understand from a Kings fan point of view why you always think the worst thing is going to happen why there’s usually worry and ringing of I get I totally I totally get it I’m not blaming anybody for thinking this way and by the way maybe Fox is gonna leave like I can’t tell you he’s not but I’m old enough to remember when everybody was ringing their hands as to whether or not Mike Brown was going to sign an extension they were going to get it done I’m old enough to remember when everybody was ringing their hands over whether or not Malik monk was going to stay in Sacramento I’m also old enough to remember how many people uh in part didn’t like the halberton trade because damont sabonis was going to leave Sacramento and not sign an extension does dearon fox want to see how the roster takes shape sure does dearen fox want to win at the highest level absolutely does dearon fox want to hold out and see if he can make an all-nba team this year so that he can sign a contract that is many tens of millions of dollars higher than if he s let me let me put it a different way way there is absolutely zero incentive for dearen Fox to sign an extension now other than well God forbid what if there was some crazy injury that happened here’s the thing though Daren Fox is already generationally wealthy we’re not talking about a guy who’s made $15 million in his career and this is his big you know look Malik Monk Is that’s a lot more surprising sign for only $78 million but Malik has kind of had to work his way through the league not that dear hasn’t but he hasn’t made near the money dear fox has made dearen Fox through his his deal he’s got right here is I think somewhere approaching about a quarter billion dollar when it’s done you’re talking about a deal that’s going to be what did I I want to say 375 400 millon something crazy like that I got to find the numbers there’s no incentive for him to sign right now none it makes no sense so yes I’m not I’m not going to sit here and and deny of course he wants to see the roster of course that his agent is not an idiot obviously there’s there’s no point so use a little bit of Leverage keep a little bit of input if you want make sure you got people on their toes and could dearon Fox leave yeah by the way could the let me put it like let me put it a different way Jason I can’t come on the air nor can you and say well the Aon Fox is definitely a resigning extension I will say this I am more if I had the whole $250,000 bet we use if you told me one of two things is gonna happen dearon Fox will leave and not sign an extension or the Sacramento Kings will trade him at some point I would put the money on them trading him I don’t think either’s gonna happen by the way I’m just saying I think that’s more likely yeah so and by more likely I mean 5% chance to 4% chance or something like that so it just just calm down on it yeah I I mean I’ll take the article for exactly the way it was worded and say again we like to say this phrase both things can be true that’s it like to me I would say in priorities his agent I’m sure dearon himself would say it makes zero sense to sign an extension today yes because I’m gonna play next year and if I’m all NBA I am getting with a guarantee more money so I’m going to bet on myself that part right and then okay now let’s go it doesn’t go that way he doesn’t become all NBA and they win 40 games sure and they’re the 12th seed and then he has another year of the contract and doesn’t get all NBA right doesn’t sign the extension and they win 40 games and they’re the 12 seed he will have given nine years to this organization that’s right at that point he would be gone yeah right yes but that’s going down that road or to actually your better like maybe they’ll go we we gota we we got to reboot we got to trade them that’s not today that’s not tomorrow that’s way down the line if things don’t go in place but right dear’s really good dearn continues to get better I would say the odds of him becoming an all NBA player are probably pretty good not a lock but pretty good and if he does that means the team is also winning he’s probably happier they’re probably a playoff team and that’s the Rosier look like that’s a very legitimate path but if I’m dear in his Camp there’s no way I sign an extension and I’m not saying this isn’t a story but I think you’d kind of like also put a little pressure on the they know they’re trying to win right so it’s like I think de’s happy I think he wants it to be here but yeah Roots yeah and if it doesn’t work then that’s the real like let’s try something else if you’re wondering about the numbers by the way so far in his career through last season he’s made just over $92 million in his career he has three years left on on uh this deal he’s in right now and it’s worth about 105 million is what he’s got left coming to him so basically when it’s all said and done he’s gonna be when this contract is over Darren Fox will s at a quarter billion He he’ll have made about 200 million and then if he signs this extension that would put him again if he gets the big one I think it’s 375 378 dearen Fox when his career is said and done will almost certainly have made a half a billion dollars isn’t that incredible all here likely right and if he plays this entire year here which I believe is going to happen nobody Davis ever played eight full seasons as a Sacramento King is that true nobody so like the year like when Demarcus and Jason Jason Thompson has the most games played yeah uh and fox has missed some games so but if Fox plays I want to say about 75 to 80 games this year he’ll he’ll pass Jason Thompson that’s crazy not Demarcus not Weber NOP nobody’s ever played so he’s played seven years here this will be season eight wow that is incred and going this this eighth season coming up that is crazy as a Sacramento King The King overall there’s yeah like Sam I’m looking right now so Sam Lacy is the alltime franchise leader at 888 is there any Sacramento King in that there Jason Thompson is number eight at 541 Paige at 518 Mitch at 517 so you said 541 for JT 541 for I think dar’s at 460 something let me look here that’s I did not know that Jason Ross that’s actually really cool and there should be like a uh there should be a that deserves a video that deser that that deserves a video uh so uh yes dear fox has played 4 69 games so that would put him what did we say there that would put 469 which means by the end of next season assuming he plays let’s say 70 games oh my God he’s gonna P he’s gonna be the all-time leader next year you’re right yeah absolutely he will pass Jason Thompson as the alltime leader in games played and then he’s only got another 340 to go to be the franchise leader so that’d be a good sign though get up to those numbers six more seasons yeah plays his entire career for us he’s our Kobe Bryan he our Larry Bird he’s our Tony Gwyn he’s our uh C J those would all be really good signs yes I think things would be going quite well what’s the moral of the story there’s always a chance look you could walk out right now and get hit by a bus nobody can say anything for sure that’s the moral of the story the moral of the story is you could walk out right now and get hit by a bus we’ll take a break that’s but but you so you you you can’t say absolutely he’s reigning but all signs point to that it’s definitely not something to worry about but I know and you know and we know it’s going to be this undercurrent thing that’s going to be well you know I mean Darren Fox it’s on the horizon you never know what’s going to in it and honestly with all the other stuff going on on right now trust me when I say we don’t need to expend the energy on any of that especially you can switch to full-time electric and save on that energy with our good friends at American Energy heating and air now let me uh tell you a quick story kids have you recently had a technician diagnosed your HVAC system and you were surprised at the cost of the repair you know who did my dad did something seem off about their quote you know who thought there was something off about their quote my dad so what did he do he picked up the phone and called 916520 9990 and had the folks in American Energy come out and give him a free second opinion that’s kind of true he texted me a bunch of times and I gave him some advice and he there was a big H and he and I went you got to do but eventually they came out to the house gave him the second opinion and what do you know shocker they were able to beat it I’ll to schedule your appointment right now at 916520 9990 work with a company in American Energy Heating in air that has a A+ rating and A+ rating with a Better Business Bureau has been doing this since 1981 and can now say have proudly served my father there you go American Energy tell carael Dave senta 30 second break everybody we come back with three for Madness next on the Move got somewhere to be take Sacramento Kings basketball with you a sack toown Sports app will let you stay connected to your passion never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with the sack toown Sports app three questions three answers it’s three for madness on the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross here question one all right in 15 minutes I have an idea about the uh A’s I just want to float it okay G give you a floaty floated idea okay I’ve uh not discussed this with anyone is it lineup related no switch around that middle INF field they just I feel like there’s a Sol there’s no solution that’s going to make everyone happy that’s realistic that kind of idea okay but I feel like I feel like there’s something else here that could happen I’ve been trying for a long time to look at the chess board and I I feel like I saw it’s like in uh I don’t know if you saw the uh what was that what was that what was the The Queen’s Gambit it’s good show on Netflix I watch it every day oh it’s it’s very rewatchable I feel like I saw something on the board here like a light bulb yeah [ __ ] okay you know we’ll see i’ be curious maybe it sucks maybe you’ll shoot it down what are you talking about what you happen in the Queen’s Gambit in the meantime three for bad this question one are we dismissing the idea that JJ Reddick could actually be a good coach I think so I think we are because we’re interested and rightfully so in dunking on the Lakers and in dunking on JJ reick and in dunking on Lebron James and just dunking on Genie bus and the whole situation and that’s very fair like yeah we should also JJ reck might be a really good coach I I I I I have no reason to say that he’s going to be um I have no reason to tell you I I have nothing to go on but Steve Kerr had no previous coaching experience Mark Jackson who say what you want about Mark Jackson thank God he’s not here with the Kings instead of Mike Brown but Mark Jackson got that franchise to did a wonderful job with the Warriors to hand the Baton off to Steve Kerr Larry Bird was phenomenal in three years for the Indiana Pacers uh even Steve Nash’s record was with the exception of the last year where I think he was like two and five uh but I think he had 50 something wins and damn near if Kevin Durant’s foot was a size shorter might have had a championship there is precedent for players to come in and do really well with no coaching experience also regardless how you feel about JJ reck he’s an incredibly intelligent player I enjoyed listening to the podcast not the other garbage but I said it on the air back when it first started hearing him he and LeBron James breaking down plays to the science I could listen to that all day long that’s that’s nerd food I I I enjoyed listening to that you’re obviously dealing with a very bright young player who understands what the modern player wants and needs having played with most of these guys I don’t think it’s going to work out I I don’t think it’s going to work out largely because of the situation he’s in with LeBron and Anthony Davis and the whole way the the organizations run but Jason I I do think it’s fair to say but it could work yeah I think you’re right that’s that’s an angle that I don’t think is appreciated enough because I think more people to your point if unless you’re a Laker fan but that’s a team that you a lot of people root against right and so then you’re in a situation like okay wow they almost had Dan they they kind of botched that right and now they’re back back to reic like what are they this is going to fail I think a lot of people want that to happen but that’s unfair to JJ like he has coached the game he he might be awful he might be terrible but he might be great and how do we know it’s like the draft terrible pick is it we don’t know let it play out and so uh the one thing I will say is with the amount of people trying to dunk on them there might be kind of a reaction by them like oh no we’ll we might give them a longer leash because we don’t want to be proven wrong and the players might also love thatc in the sense of okay well let’s show them what’s going on yeah also incredibly important to see the assistance thats with what did JJ have to say by the way you know it’s it’s been a really interesting uh six weeks or so um just in terms of uh you know being part of the engagement farming uh industry you know it’s been really interesting um however I I I don’t really have a great answer for your uh question because I I really don’t give a like honestly I want to coach the Lakers I want to coach the team I don’t want to dispel anything but I mean for example like if the Clippers got Jeff Fundy as an assistant if there was an announcement that the Lakers I think that lands differently and probably as a better light but I don’t know would reic is he going to do a better job than I we don’t know wait you’re saying what if the Lakers have gotten Jeff and Gundy to coach as the head coach like he goes to the Clippers he’s back he’s going to be an assistant under tyoo I bet there was probably more of a narrative like wow that’s a coup for the Lakers because he’s coached before because he’s coached and he’s had some success I guess yeah but that’s again at one point who was Jeff Van Gundy right also JJ reick has never lost an NBA game as a head coach go that’s a fact yeah number two please question two how did you feel when you learned the kings are super close on Alex cuso well I channeled I just spoke about him I channeled my uh and her dad exactly um look I don’t blame the king I don’t as we talked about at length earlier Jason I don’t know what the offer was I would have taken Josh giddy over uh the number 13 pick and whatever filler the kings were offering if that’s what it was and I’m we don’t know what the Bulls asked for in return but I’m almost certain it was either a player the Kings didn’t want to give up like a Keegan or more likely wanted to say okay you want Caruso that’s fine you have to take Zack lavine’s contract and again I had said this if they were able to get LaVine and Caruso and not give up their big four well that’s that also would have been great but we don’t know that that was on the T um so it sucks I wanted alexo really badly I think that’s the exact type of move this team needs back to the drawing board yeah I think he’s a fit player look there’s better players in the league but you go that’s the that’s a winning player that you add when you when sometimes we say that move like add around the edges that’s around the edges but an impact player as opposed to wow they landed an All-Star that’s exciting but that’s more of a name like in this case Kus is just is a good player and I think what he’s going to make a lot of teams better I mean the Bulls weren’t great but he was a good part of the bulls and he’s going to be good for OKC would have been great here God he would have been so good here he really would have been so good here fans would have loved Alex Fuso yeah or as uh my kids called him super baby pigeon Jor because they used to call uh uh uh oh God former King uh Costa kufus oh yeah was uh was super baby pigeon cuz my daughter said he look like a with the hair Alex they think Alex Cru looks like Costa Kus his little brother that’s what goes on at our house Jason number three please question three does it make you feel worse knowing the Kings have been close on trades or better that they’re obviously very active I I feel better that they’re active I that’s better than nothing um we know they’re out there and that’s why when we say like well I don’t think they’re going to keep the pick well if they do keep the pick it’s going to be because they’re just they not from lack of trying they just didn’t like what was out there I still don’t think they’ll keep the pick I still think they’re going to make a move and I I appreciate the fact that they’re they’re not sitting there going well we want to stand they obviously know that they need to make a move or moves and by the way another reason why I think it’s going to happen is at some point Harrison Barnes Kevin herder especially maybe you we’ve already heard the yay or nay from VZ zenov but these guys are gonna be like look it’s obvious you’re shopping us find us a home because this just you know no offense but it’s a business and we get it we need to be somewhere that that we’re you know we don’t want to be the bridesmaid here so yeah and you know I think about the move the alleged move where they’re in on SE yakum and you know that sometimes I want to get all of the story when you hear the reports that seak like yeah if you guys trade for me I’m not going to resign wait why because now we’re getting a Malik deal where it’s like I’m gonna I’m staying I’m probably taking less like that was a Feelgood where seak was like he’s a heck of a player it’ be great to add him wait why wouldn’t he resign right what’s the story what do you not like about Sacramento so you know if that trade was made that would have been really exciting but also then we go man does he did they just rent him for the two last two months and you know so it’s all parts of this and I do like the fact that they’re involved though I I I think that’s still overall more encouraging at least reportedly involved right I will tell you that no right and I’ll tell you the two things that have kind of stuck in my head about the whole SE remember Sam came on last week and said that got back to siakam’s people that there were some questions in the front off you know about his play whatever not whatever to Sam whatever yeah but am I is it safe to say based on what we know that the Sacramento Kings tried to acquire Pascal cakam from the Raptors and ultimately it was siakam’s hesitance that spooked the deal and put him into Indiana that seems like that’s the common knowledge so here’s the thing that I wonder do you see a scenario where the Kings could have acquired Pascal seak without giving up Keegan Murray because I don’t I wouldn’t think Toronto would do that but I don’t know what was a leg oh no no no I’m I’m saying it would have been Keegan and but my my point is this does that mean that our front office was willing to trade Keegan Murray and that’s interesting to me because it was thought that he was an now I don’t know that for a fact but I find it hard to believe that anyone outside of fox Monk sabonis and Murray plus let’s say three first rounders Harrison Barnes and Kevin herder and three first rounders getting it done for SE yakum is put any combination you want together with three first rounders or would Toronto were they offering up Malik monk like I would love to know exactly what that trade was going to be from our and yeah I think that that speaks to a lot of commonly held beliefs around here that may or may not be true yeah anyways we’ll take a break when we come back all right I got one of my ideas just hear me out it involves the AES it involves Sacramento and involves I I feel like I feel like I can solve this thing if everybody can just cooperate which will be super easy we’ll get to that right after this Kevin herder plays here it’s hder he’s been hot he fires he’s still hot Kevin herder from downtown has a 15-point first quarter sack toown Sports is your proud home of the Sacramento Kings Sacramento weather is brought to you by Roseville Automall I’m tamber Berg in the kcr3 weather center it is Tuesday we’re looking at plenty of cloud cover as we start out the morning that leads to a mild start as well chance for a few isolated showers possible but many areas remain dry it’ll stay warm today with highs in the mid90s get the latest forecast on the kc3 news and the kcr 3 app Auto where you’ll find the largest selection of vehicles in Northern California with unbeatable deals and amazing financing options there’s never been a better time to drive away in 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carich Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports all right Frankie Carelli Sacramento Kings Insider along with Brandon Nunes for saon sports he will join us the top of the hour so what you got I had a Moment of semic clarity last night I was sitting outside watching the uh Stanley Cup Final was this pre or post post ear irrigation that’s where I think the clarity came from friend was just I could I I could hear clearly some stuff around in there I did maybe knocked the a brain Celler too loose okay so I I’m gonna do a one of my patented big lead inss here because I this is this is a sensitive topic for a lot of people and understandably so I have fully Fallen love with the Oakland A’s fan base and what they’re going through and it is no small part because of what we went through with the Sacramento Kings there’s no doubt that there’s a kinship there and I believe the Oakland A belong in Oakland full stop no but I want to make that clear the Oakland Athletics belong in Oakland John fiser is a snake and has no business owning any pro sports franchise he owns the San Jose Earthquakes of the MLS of MLS not the keep doing that they’re happy with him there too oh no but I get your point they’re not they’re routinely at the bottom of attendance they’re routinely at the bottom of payroll at or nearer he has run the earthquakes I think slightly better than the A’s in the sense that he hasn’t run them completely into the ground they’re just like on the surface of the ground he doesn’t belong in Pro Sports so I I I lead into that by saying the idea of franchises moving sucks and the more and more I get into the whole thing and learn I don’t know I don’t know that there is feasible path for the A’s to stay in Oakland and ultimately for the earthquakes to stay in sose that’s another thing that’s kind of Brewing if Fishers in or out so I thought well okay what if we look at this from a completely different angle I don’t think Vegas is going to happen I’ve said that from the beginning I don’t think Vegas is going to happen that thing is is is on on sh Shaky Ground if there ever was one there are funding issues all over the place they still don’t have the 325 million we’ll find out this summer if they’re going to get that or not there’s a lot of political backlash on that now that’s been building the appetite for the A’s in Las Vegas is next to nothing that’s coming not just from fans out there but from the media guys we know that talk to them every single day they want an expansion Club they don’t want anything to do with John fiser they want their own team and by the way they have the Aces and they have Raiders and they had the the golden knights which own that town and oh by the way it’s Vegas they have a lot of other things John fiser has been trying to raise money to take care of his part of the stadium by selling Equity shares in the team but his valuation is reportedly somewhere near $3 billion dollar when the team itself is in the one billion is range and oh by the way that’s if you get controlling interest again not to get too deep in the weeds with you guys but if you’re selling the Sacramento Kings for $3 billion that’s three billion that’s the price for controlling interest shares of the team if you don’t have control of the team you’re in effect an investor in the team the Sacramento Kings have a bunch of minority owners Vex the the chairman there’s a there’s a you know 10 15 20 I can’t ever keep track owners underneath I’ve heard many times you know there’s a saying amongst a lot of the minority owners that they are glorified season ticket holders they have no input they have no say they have no there there there is not a counsil like The Fellowship of the Ring when it comes to the Kings it is VC and that’s it doesn’t mean they don’t have meetings doesn’t mean they don’t have Capital calls where they need to raise money to buy the thing to do the this that they’re business partners but VC controls the team 100,000 trillion i%c that’s worth $3 billion being one of the glorified season ticket holders that’s worth significantly less I say that because John fiser is so out of line with what he’s reportedly asking for for these Equity shares it’s a reason why you haven’t heard like well Fred Smith has bought in for blle why not just kill off the whole thing at once why not just swoop in and go to John Fisher and say dude listen just take care of this you don’t want to be in this business man people hate you they straight hate you we want to buy you out and we want to buy you completely out of sports we want to buy the A’s and we want to buy the earthquakes whoa want to buy them both now is there a city somewhere that has no major league baseball team and has no major league soccer team keep in mind the MLS team is actually a big reason why this this could be incredibly interesting the World Cup is about to come here in the next year or two year two two years right Chris 2026 2026 the last time the World Cup was in the United States basically launched MLS it it there is a huge huge which is why I couldn’t believe they signed the deal with Apple there is a huge influx of soccer fans you if the World Cup bounce man it happens valuations for the MLS teams are about to absolutely go crazy and you already have I think one I think lafc is it is worth a billion dollars is in the billion dollar club they’re about to be the majority a billion or above so if you have the ability to go to John fiser and say hey dude I don’t want the eggs I want the whole thing and you go okay where are you gonna put them well if it was my choice I would say put the A’s in keep the A’s in Oakland keep the earthquakes in San Jose but that’s not going to be the incentive the incentive would be if you were putting together an ownership group to do that would be bring them up here the earthquakes become the Republic the Republic gets their entry into MLS you don’t have the territorial issues you would have had anyways you don’t have to put up the billion dollars and in Sacramento there is a necessity we’re already looking at one outdoor stadium that is I know Republic fans hate hearing this but this part I know this part I can speak on all this other stuff and let me be very very uh uh transparent by the way it is public knowledge that I work with some people that do things like this this is not I don’t know anything this is me spitball what I can speak on is the outdoor stadium that Kevin Nagel has been working on forever is on the head of a pin ready to go and I know it’s been that way for a while but I’m just telling you I’ve seen it it’s it’s that it’s that close now if you were able to take for example The Rail Yards which has been there forever drv is the the company that owns it Larry Kelly his son Denton and those folks good people and you’re able to say okay we’re going to take the Rail Yards we’re going to pop two stadiums in there we’re going to make an entertainment in sports District we’re going to build a baseball stadium we’re going to build a soccer stadium we’re going to put them both which by the way they would fit on that rail yard’s property and part of that is we’re going to partner up now I’m pretty sure there’s at least one University in town that would love to have a place to play their football games Stingers up and I know that there are some people in this town with resources that have very close relationships with sax state especially with their new president whose late brother by the way rest in peace was one of the figureheads that nobody knows or unless you were involved you don’t know one of the leading uh uh uh guys behind the scenes when it came to uh think big and playing to win and that whole thing with the mayor’s office was saving the team so these everybody kind of thinks that way I think there’s a a very I don’t know if you remember in The Avengers when uh uh Benedict Batch’s character held up the uh the the the number one to Iron Man saying this is your one chance out of whatever it was I think it’s like I think I think there’s a possible opening here I think John Fischer’s vulnerable well that seems true I think he has been bopped around like a pinball these guys don’t even have their social media open for comments they don’t show up the Persona nrata and they’re looking at Las Vegas and they’re going holy crap nobody wants us there either we’re in limbo right now now they don’t have the money they’re not getting the money they’re not getting the political support and if you remember the playbook for the Mals it was it’s rats trying to escape the maze cut off their exits keep cutting off their exits and eventually they’re going to throw up their hands remember the kings were never for sale until they sold to Seattle so I feel like this is an opportunity here okay kill both birds with one stone bring them here get John fiser out of the sports business and you’re good last thing and then we’ll we’ll we’ll I got questions for you I will because this is a Whopper I will finish this way I am 100% aware one trillion per aware of the perceived hypocrisy in saying the A’s belong in Oakland oh by the way the San Jose Earthquakes have a ton of they have fans die hards yeah I’m just saying there’s people that yeah yeah and saying oh we’re going to relocate the both of you up here haha I I only care about them moving unless it’s just Sacramento I hate that plee I started this monologue by saying the A’s belong in Oakland and that’s what should happen what I am saying is I also think that Santa Claus should be real and uh I should have married Charlie Sten it didn’t happen no was if the A’s are not going to stay in Oakland if the San Jose Earthquakes are going to continue to toil in obscurity and lameness because John fiser owns them I would like to think if you pulled A’s fans and you said here’s the choice you can lose the A’s outright to Las Vegas or Salt Lake City and John fiser takes the A’s and everything with them and goes or the A’s move whatever 80 Mi East up to Sacramento you have a new ownership you keep the uniforms you keep everything you’re going to be driving up here the same way we drove down there and ultimately and I know this seems kind of cheeseball but I would absolutely and if that means that you do some sort of hybrid where they’re not the Sacramento A’s where they’re the Northern California you do something to to I know I know I just I I I feel really sensitive about the a fans this is only a viable option if you get John fiser off the chess board and you’re and it’s a choice between Sacramento or Vegas Salt Lake that’s what I would present to a stand some of which would honestly say I don’t care if it’s not Oakland it’s nowhere and I get it but I would like to think that a majority of the fan base would say I don’t like them leaving Oakland at all whether it’s Sacramento or anywhere else but if you had you had to have choose between Sacramento and brand new ownership or Salt Lake or Vegas and John fiser I’d probably take Sacramento and new ownership if that’s the only play left on the board to keep them close to Oakland I say you take a look at it and San Jose Earthquake fans that’s an entirely different topic we’ll get into we’ll take a break when we come back Jason you have questions I totally get it I guarantee you I don’t have all the answers I’m thinking out loud we’ll talk about it next subscribe to sack toown Sports on YouTube and watch the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys live Monday through Friday from 6:00 to 6: plus view archive shows and exclusive content subscribe at sack toown Sports there is a different vibe at night at the Hagen Oaks range powered by top Tracer it’s more relaxed with golfers and newbies side by side enjoying the technology used on televis golf tournaments play a variety of fun games play Pebble Beach compete against friends at the Hagen Oaks driving range or treat 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start with what I love love love love love well the Fisher part right I mean yes I think um I was not even thinking about the earthquakes and apologies to them because in their fan base that like that’s also a fan base that’s not being treated well right terribly I have been best I have been thinking about the A’s whether they stay in Oakland whether they’re in Sacramento shortterm longterm or end up in Vegas which is whatever the general plan is the future has to be without him yes right so I love that part at least what you’re spitballing out there I love the potential of a multiple stadiums because to me my thought is if the A’s come here and if or a baseball team let’s just say a professional Major League Baseball not minor league comes they they need a new stadium like they just do whether and I don’t think they do that if it’s a fouryear three to four year run but if it’s hey there’s a chance or it is happening in the buyout that you’re talking about and and let me inject interject super quick I know that sounds crazy but in in in talking to people that know things about that stuff the fact that they would be on the same property The Rail Yards actually makes it a lot more feasible and cost effective because a lot of the the the the finances going into it they’re shared I know people are thinking oh my God we you going to get a billion plus for two no if you’re building them next to each other all the infrastructure all the roads which is by the way generally the bulk of the cost of building these that’s shared between the two so you’re you’re getting almost like not a two for one but a two for a one and a third basically um I of course I’m intrigued selfishly to on the sax state a few people there talking to them over years you know they would like a stadium preferably they would like to be on campus if they ever work something together with the Republic you know could it be on campus and the Republic with that they would probably rather have it downt so well these conversations have happened already we talk State and the Republic the outdoor stadium that’s already the brown work kind of been laid there but you know everybody always can’t get what they want like if it’s a choice of a brand new stadium that you’re going downtown then I’m sure saak state would do that so all that stuff I like here my here are my biggest question so um there’s a lot of questions yeah and this is just when you said it I wrote a few things down so let’s start with the smaller ones um because you said in your mind earthquakes what they just become the Republic they basically you’ve got and that’s the MLS that’s MLS so so the earthquakes relocate up here the franchises merg and now Sacramento has their MLS so a team leaves technically it’s whatever however you define it there’s one team but it’s a net equal to MLS okay so same thought A’s come whatever version that is are the rivercats gone not that this is the because at that point if we if we if it’s locked in new ownership they’re coming to SAC they’re staying yeah I think that team goes I agree with you okay that’s not the biggest issue but those I think I think they would that’s VC’s I don’t know and in this whole process I don’t know how much VC is or isn’t involved obviously there to be some well would well because you said ownership group so let’s go to that question whoever that is that that part but okay now let’s play what Sacramento’s had a complex with before Seattle had more money than Sacramento so if this even is a possibility how do we win against the bay so I I that’s that is the question is okay well who has those Pockets say know no you’re right who has those Pockets whose pockets are that deep who whose Pockets because even you suggest the best win is to stay that’s right so if their pockets are at big or bigger and John fiser ultimately might be served best by spinning them off separately um and maybe the play is just MLS or maybe the play is just baseball for us I you whatever but I think there’s an opening if you because nobody’s done this yet he’s gone to John Fischer and said hey dude let’s just get you out of the sports business entirely let’s make you a lot of money uh you don’t think anybody has I don’t okay I don’t I I I do I know for a fact of course not I don’t know but not a deal that’s made him go okay I can’t turn this down that that type of stuff you it eventually leaks out you’d know somebody would have leaked it out somebody would have said we’ve we’ve you just like the whole lake him has a standing offer like these things that’s true what’s they offer right they come out I as far as you know it’s like with buying the Kings Sacramento didn’t have the money remember it was Mark mastov and Ron burkel not Sacramento and then it was ronad went away yeah not not Sacrament now the minority ownership group was a big part of it there’s nobody here locally that has those Deep Pockets so you would have for your so you would have to form an ownership group but possible here’s the thing that’s not that hard I’ll tell you why really it’s I’m gonna tell you why it’s not it’s not as hard as I think people think and I know I’m getting a lot of eye rolls right now but hear me out and they’re buying both these entities you would say or Fisher out which is both okay got it businessmen and women are in it to make money Chris would you agree yeah course okay they’re in it to make money they see green dollar signs also there’s a little ego involved with being the owner of a sports team all you all they do all day long these people I’m talking about people that have money at that level they get presented with decks presentations charts for Investments nobody thought $535 million in Sacramento was ever oh my God that’s a record flipping price 10 years later everybody that bought in to the Sacramento Kings is now looking at a minimum of five or Sixx their original investment over 10 11 years look at the graphs for baseball valuations baseball teams look at the graphs for MLS valuations you’re presenting this to people that have money who care where they live and you’re saying how would you just think of a sports team as like a mutual fund hey how would you like to invest in an entity this mutual fund that happens to be baseball and MLS here’s their performance levels over the last year three years five years 10 years oh by the way you’ll get certain subsidies from cities no we’re not going to do a public private partnership the city doesn’t have the money it’s going to have to be private but look at all this help you’re going to get for your business you don’t get that for Applebees you don’t get that for Ikea usually you don’t get that kind of stuff so cities help fans are beholden to your business they love it we don’t have this type nobody’s sitting here and go I mean maybe not nobody but hardly anyone’s like oh I got the Walmart’s leaving I love that Walmart I got their Jersey I took my kids to Walmart 40 years ago we have all this history with the Walmart no they attach themselves irrationally to sports teams I’m telling you because of the past present and fure future performance of the asset and the investment and that’s how these people work it’s not as hard as you think to get an ownership group together you just got to know the people and get on their call sheet what will my extra $10 get me $10 now probably worth $50 in 10 years Jason Ross I’m in one of the problems I see is you keep comparing it to Sacramento staying and how they got their ownership group together but the biggest Advantage was the kings are already here correct possessions 9/10 of the law you’re absolutely right that I can’t if they go if the A’s are for sale there’s going to be a huge push from people in the bay to keep them in Oakland which is why it’s almost like let’s talk about let’s go let’s finish this out let’s round this up with a with a Malik monk comparison the Sacramento Kings were 100% incentivized to sign Malik monk now as opposed to an a couple weeks when he hit the open market if the A’s and the earthquakes hit the open market you’re 100% right the trick here is to not let them hit the open market just like by the way the Sacramento Kings didn’t hit the open market remember the Kings had a deal with Seattle out of the blue there was never a bidding war Somebody went to the mofs and said guys we’ve got your golden parachute here you go and you go well but how did that work Dave well I’m pretty sure John fiser doesn’t have the back door claw that the Mal had allowing Oakland to bid much like the Mal had with with Sacramento you go to John fiser very quietly except for what’s being said on this radio show publicly and you say I’ve got your golden parachute let’s sign a binding deal for both we’ll take care of the rest just get out of the way it’s that simple it’s so easy but if money is the most important thing to Fisher he’s gonna want to hit the open market yeah you’re 100 perc right there no no no I mean that that’s absolutely that is that is the single-handed biggest hurdle in this whole thing is can you get John fiser to be incentivized a you don’t have to deal with this anymore B you don’t have to worry about any of this investing any of this crap C you don’t have to have a prolonged drawn out bidding war D you’re going to be incredibly profitable off of this whole thing and we’re gonna take both yeah both of your entities but I think we’d also be fighting against Vegas too I don’t think we would if he is putting the baseball team up for S they’d rather have expansion well isn’t that just the same thing as expansion bu the A’s from them but then what happens to the A’s name the brand now they have the pressure do we want to have the A’s in Vegas or do we if you own the team you could change the name no you could but then what happens to the Athletics they that that whole thing just dies until there’s expansion in Oakland I mean it’s a much cleaner thing not to have Fisher or the A’s involved in a you’re plus you’re not stealing a team we just I’m saying we meeting Vegas we want a fresh start we want an expansion we want to start from scratch we didn’t take it from anybody we don’t want these damaged goods lot more conversations to be had again I’m just thinking out loud at summertime don’t listen to me we’ll take a break when we come back hey let’s talk to Frankie shall we listen to him uh Frankie Carelli shman Kings Insider for sack toown Sports coming up after this the only place you’ll find Keegan Murray is sack toown Sports H to Keegan Murray straight way for three in pass down the tripol hey Sacramento it’s Keegan Murray and you’re listening to the home of Sacramento Kings sack Town Sport your local sports leader I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I didn’t think I’d survive but I did ask for help and Covenant House was there for me one in 10 young adults will experience a form of 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Public House downtown serves up creative American food all day long lunch happy hour dinner and even weekend brunch Public House downtown food beer Sports want to see the menu or plan your visit check out their website at PhD find your crew and find your fun at Public House downtown K HD k m HD1 Sacramento K ymx HD2 Sacramento from a power business technology Toshiba Studios this is It’s sewn Sports the carmichel Dave show on microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he did it yes he did call or text at 916 3391 1140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports all right halfway through it is draft week we’ll be having draft coverage all week long we had Brandon Nunes on yesterday tomorrow Bobby draft kits draft kits also known as Bobby Gerald he joins us tomorrow uh Sam Amic on Thursday and uh today we follow up with our good friend Sacramento Kings Insider for sdown sports and uh a lot of the videos you see being put out there uh on social media with our content all nice and edited up is also because of this guy works very very hard yes he does here and at the gym look look at this guy look at guns not as much as Allen Styles I’m not not quite on Styles level trying to get catch up a little bit but uh really I think I’m pretty much there Allan’s a dw1 athlete man I you know one point per game in high school you can find me on Max Preps I’m not not quite you got Allan’s on baseball reference he’s very proud of it is he yeah you can go find it out there also MC at uh the Republic games yes Frankie Carelli good morning Frankie good morning guys it’s nice to kind of hop back on and get back into that midseason feel it’s nice to get the juices flown and tomorrow we get some action hopefully I mean obviously some things have kind of popped up here and there and some almost trades which I know we all love the the almost but it’s exciting uh to kind of get back into it just want to show you um I I’m just putting this out there if you follow this uh draftking sports book has just reported that the odds on the Warriors acquiring Paul George have gone from plus 3,000 yesterday which means if you put $100 down and he signed with the Warriors you’d get $3,000 which means heavy odds against 30 to one right they’ve gone from huh 30 to1 yes yes they’ve gone from plus 3,000 to plus 600 overnight whatuh what’s going on there I just really wonder why the Clippers would want to bring on the entirety of Chris Paul’s guaranteed 30 million I understand you get draft assets and capital with it but is it really worth it for a swap they have to have a better deal out there somewhere else George the only thing I can think I I agree with you and by the way the Clippers are still the favorite to retain him it’s important to say that the only I’m not agreeing with this Frankie I’m just saying if you’re the Clippers is it okay I believe Chris is on a what 30 million expiring yeah okay so this week I think Thursday or Friday the 28th yes so you get Paul’s contract which is expiring rather than give Paul George what would it be 300 million I don’t know what it would be quarter billion 300 million and Paul George you get off of both Paul George and eventually Chris Paul and you have that money I I don’t know I’m just saying that’s all I can think of Jason yikes okay I don’t know why those odds change that much yeah it’s funny how we have to work our butts off and get lucky to resign our own player in Malik Monk and we can’t make deals happen because of God knows what but the Warriors who are not only on the apron they are the whole tablecloth they have the highest payroll in the entire league but yet somehow the Warriors oh and by the way the Lakers who just that was also a leak during the break that they’re willing to offer up the number 17 pick for Jeremy Grant which by the way I just want to say 13 is greater than 17 yeah do that deal yeah how do these teams keep making moves well the wor playoff it’s interesting the one that I think we were talking about during the break Jared Vanderbilt that was the one that really had me and I mean a lot of other guys that were around you know the media table kind of confused I mean it seemed like just why are team’s helping the Lakers I mean it it was I can’t remember I think it was a second round pick for Jared V who’s a great player and who would have fit well on this Kings team but uh it does seem like teams like the like the Warriors Akers of course we’re looking at from a King’s Point of View but they get bailed out whatever you want to call it it keeps happening but you have to wonder when the kings are going to get a break yeah are they in your mind right now so we’re a day away basically from the dra do you think they’re picking at 13 tomorrow if I had to to make just an educated guess you know no Source or anything I I would guess they don’t I think that they’re pretty motivated to move the pick I think it makes sense for them to move the pick they’re not really in a position I think Sam was on with you guys saying the same thing and I’m kind of going to Echo that you know same sentiment that they’re not really in a position to draft right now they’re not in a position to bring in a project and hope it works out if that’s the the the case where they’re back into a corner and no deals happen they’ll pick the the player they think is best available but I feel like that there will be a deal out there it’s just what does it look like what is the return and will it be one that will make the team take that Leap Forward but you have your kozas and your Lavin and whatnot and I think that for draft Capital purposes I don’t think that the LaVine deal would involve the 13th pick but uh does ausma make the kings that much better I mean that seems like the name that’s been circulated the most over the past couple of weeks and personally I would think so I think that if you were to bring in Kyle kosma and it would cost a 13th pick and maybe another matching salary whether it be Barnes or herder or one more player I think that would be better than any player you draft a 13 team for right now we don’t know what that player is G like in two three years but do the kings have two three years to figure it out not really if you want to maximize the potential of this group kosma Ingram LaVine taking everything into account well first off let’s say they all make a dollar a year who’s the best fit yeah they all make $1 a year $1 a year forget the salary part is there a player you like out of them I’d say Brandon Ingram all right let’s say they all make a dollar a year and they’re all guaranteed to play 82 games next year does that change your mind Brandon Ingram okay now that you factor in Kyle kosma is I feel like we have the same reasoning here the reason why kosma is probably the preferable out of all of those is he may not be Brandon Ingram but when you factor in the declining deal it makes more sense yeah I mean that’s pretty much it I mean the kings are they’re pretty close that first apron at they I think they’re five or six million underneath it and that’s that’s rare territory for this team to be in and bringing in Brandon Ingram would be great but also the reports of Brandon Ingram wanting just that massive extension I think he wants over 200 million can’t really make that work and of course the fact that has he’s been relatively healthy but not all the way and and and I think that Kyle kumman is someone that first of all he matches the Kings as far as being an interchangeable forward he can play the three and the four uh maybe he can carry over that success he had against the Kings it seems like he scores 30 against the Kings every time he plays them so uh maybe he can car that over too but no I do think that KY kosma is someone that could if he’s if he’s the version of Ky kosma that a lot of people Envision to be which might be more towards the Lakers kyak kosma that’d be up to him to kind of take that step back and not be that 20 you know field goal attempts per game player that’s not what the Kings need him to be they need him to be someone that can hopefully provide more than he has on the defensive end as he did in Los Angeles he’s taken a step back in Washington can he get more engaged on that end we’ve seen Kings players like Darren Fox Keegan Murray they’ve gotten more engaged over the past year plus on the defensive emmma working with his coaching staff can he buyback in on that end provide you three-point shooting be a versatile scorer and it can be a guy that you can go to if you need scoring and a pinch the Kings we’ve seen them if dear Fox and Malik monk don’t have it going it’s very hard for this team to generate offense and as kak kusman you know top you know level score no but he’s a 20 point per game guy he can knock down threes he can knock down mid-range he can get to the basket and he’s cheaper like money does come into account here the Kings can’t afford to go it’d be great if they could trade for Paul George and maybe they can maybe they can find a way to make that money work and figure all that out probably not though they probably are going to go for guys that match more of that salary that $20 million range where they can trade the guys that that they do have like Kevin herder Harrison Barnes or match other guys like Chris Duart T Sasha fenov who might be better in better situations that’s more realistic to me and I do think that adding Kyle kman to this team does make them better how much better I don’t know but I think it does make them better yeah I’m kind of warming up a little bit on like when we’ve debated the three names that at least are most linked between LaVine Ingram and and C kma I probably would put kozma last as far as player but that contract part is important and I think because it’s descending uh my thought Frankie is if if kozma becomes part of a deal that’s not the move like I think it allows you to do more moves and maybe another move or two on the edges that completely could change a team whereas if you got Ingram and had to do an extension or you got LaVine it’s kind of it like that then I think you’re like that’s the team and is that the team that’s good enough to get out of the west or go far in the west that is kind of the interesting thing if they were to trade for kman you do have I’m assuming a all of your draft Capital that you have available right now I don’t think it would take uh you know more than one first round pick you’d have a couple more to play with but I think that that’s an interesting caveat too what else could they do with the other salaries in their team could they could they find their matching deal to trade Harrison Barnes like let’s assume it takes Kevin hder in the 17th pick which may or may not be enough I’m not sure what you guys think if that would be enough to in the 13 or 13 sorry talking we the Lakers 17 on the but what do you you think that would be enough to get I mean I do yeah I think herder or Barnes it’ be their their choice but yeah one of the two and the 13 because some have I’ve talked you pushed back on that a little bit which is which is surprising to me I think that that’s a fair pick 13 and and herder which I don’t know how much more the Kings would be comfortable giving up than than those two things or you know swapping Barnes what have you but that’s what’s interesting to me what would it take and what would that return look like because you don’t want to empty the war chest on on one player entire like to your point Jason I think that if the kings were to make a trade for LaVine that would be that big swing Gamble and is that the player that you want to for this group to Hitch their wagon to and say here’s our big swing for the fox of bonus Murray group you probably won’t have a chance to make another big move in the next two three years if you’re bringing on that contract so personally I think that Zack LaVine if healthy would be a solid fit for this team but that that’s a big question I think it’s at 50 plus million over the last couple years and that’s he’s Ed almost 150 over the next three and you have to pay ke Murray during that during that deal you have to assuming dearen Fox is going to sign that extension in two years or maybe next year after a strong year this year it it’s just we’re looking like at like you said the Warriors territory we’re looking at the Kings will be the whole tablecloth so I I don’t know if that’s quite the the move the king should make it doesn’t make much sense to me from a financial standpoint there should be players and Deals out there that make sense I can fit with this core and you know I I have faith in the front office it has been two years since his front office has made a notable move and by keeping Malik monk that’s a notable move for for sure but before that that was the last big move they made was signing Malik monk to a free agent deal they haven’t made a big trade or big signing since then so it’s time to punch a time cards and we’ll see what happens if the Clippers call you as we talked to Frankie cardelli second the Kings Insider for sack toown Sports Clippers call you and say uh Barnes herder Lyles and Mitchell in three first rounders and we’ll give you Paul George which by the way the money works on that exactly does an extension come with that as well probably almost certainly I just don’t know I mean at age 34 that deal I’m assuming takes him through age 37 38 and probably 50 plus million per year that’s right I I think I think it made I’d be more open to the a two-year situation which is not going to happen for Paul George but I feel like you really want to have someone that fits the timeline and I just don’t know if that’s if it’s worth it to me from that much from that standpoint I mean again who knows you have Paul George for a year or two can make the Kings a very good team well just for fun Fox monk George Murray sabonis there’s your starting five it’s a good lineup very but I hear everything else that’s that’s a that’s probably a top six seven salary in the NBA yeah so yeah without um players in mind so I’m not attaching a player to this what would you say is the biggest need this off season where do they need to improve the most I really think adding on their forward to the mix and again Harrison Barnes has been someone that has provided the Kings with with a good andad I mean and of course after sign that extension last year he was under more of a microscope and and as he should be starting for this Kings team that’s trying to make that next step but I think bringing in a forward that can be slot in that starting five provide you more of what Harrison Barnes provided you in that spot and I think that if that means you trade herder in the 17 and you somehow can’t find a deal for Barnes and you bring over kosma bringing Barnes Off the Bench maybe not the worst thing in the world but I think that was a move that a lot of us were kind of waiting to see last year if if the Kings could upgrade that spot and if if that meant Barnes wasn’t included in those deals bring him off the bench I think if you had Harris and Harrison Barnes a player Off the Bench that changes the perspective the the money he’s making obviously I think people will still criticize that but I think the value of having a strong second unit you see those teams around the league that have had success in the postseason it’s very important and you have to pay for that it’s a premium we’ve seen the kings of Blake monk whether he starts or comes off the bench next year he got that contract by being a valuable bench player can Harrison Barnes be more rep positive Off the Bench if the Kings do find a deal without him to bring another forward that’s what I’m looking at but I’m looking at interchangeable forward that one that can hopefully provide more on I’m looking at the offensive ENT I think the Kings have proven with with a a not so talented defensive pool on their roster they took a step forward during the second half of the year I think they were top 15 or maybe even top 10 yeah in defensive rating the final half of the year I think that Mike Brown and his staff are capable of doing that how that staff looks without Jordi Fernandez and and who obviously a mastermind on the defensive end with that group that remains to be seen but I think that if you can bring someone in that can provide you more on offense because surprisingly enough the Kings took a step back on offense last year of course the old MB the whole league took a step forward but the really did struggle to find offense in certain pinches and I think that that’s an important area of to upgrade in my opinion well what if I told you there was a player available uh probably uh fairly cheap um that last year averaged 21 points a game seven plus boards he’s 26 years old he’s incredibly athletic plays a position of need the three and was incredibly getable probably I mean honestly you’re probably looking at a a oh and by the way he’s making uh under 8 million this year on an expiring I’m talking about miles Bridges is the elephant in the room and we’ve talked about it before from a straight there is no player I mean I don’t like to say absolutes in my opinion there is no player available for the the thought of price with that kind of future that kind of number that kind of fit and that kind of salary there’s nobody on the market that could possibly that’s going to compare to Miles bridges for what you’d have to give up but and it’s capital b capital u capital T what is this fan Bas and by the way and the Kings have been publicly linked to him whether that’s true or not so if they’re kicking the tires that means somewhere in their brain that’s a possibility what is this is it is the reaction from this fan base as bad as it seems like it would be I think it’d be very bad yeah uh just based on a lot of conversations I’ve had with a lot of different fans from different areas you know not just my friends that no people that I’ve talked to at the arena people I’ve talked on social media uh backlash I think would be significant I think that there’s going to be a team that’s probably going to give him a chance we’ve seen teams give people chances for for for similar situations in the past I just don’t think it’s something that the Kings should bring on right now to a situation I think right now is the healthiest it’s been in a very long time I mean we’ve all been watching fans of whatever you want to say about the Kings for a very long time and I can’t remember a time that there was this much there was just not there’s no toxicity right now around the Kings right I mean the Mike Brown extension an opportunity for things to go bad nope extension Malik monk healthy enough for Malik monk he turned down more money to come back he wants to be a part of this environment this atmosphere this fan base this organization I think if you bring in someone like that that’s a very polarizing player not for on the floor again if you could if you could take the talent away and you know make it somebody else yes that would be an incredible addition for the Kings but with everything else that comes with it the headache the the fan backlash the potential backlash in the locker room we don’t know how guys in the locker room would feel about this that’s another Dynamic to it all we don’t know how guys in locker would feel about something like this and and I just don’t know if it’s quite worth the gamble to bring in i’ ra I’d rather have the Kings sure the Kings would probably rather make a a financial gamble on a I just want to add one thing in and and let me be clear I agree with you 100% I’m just playing devil’s advocate here but I agree with you 100% let me be clear and also I don’t like getting in the business of comparing things as serious as the what happened with Miles Bridges off off the court but I think it needs to be said this fan base was fairly accepting a Terence Davis when he came in and look at the Terence Davis charges and look at the miles Bridges charges and again it’s very slippery slip when you compare the two but both very serious charges involving assaults and kid and the whole thing the Terrence Davis thing I mean granted I guar I’m sure there were some fans that were like I will never watch with Terence Davis but I think we can all agree fan base got over the whole I wouldn’t say got over the fan base learned to deal with Terence Davis fairly quickly and Terence Davis by the way not miles Bridges when it comes to on the court either I know it’s a slippery SL I feel gross even talking about it but I I I think the question has to be asked it’s one thing to say you don’t want miles Bridges and all the baggage that comes with that beforehand but two three four games into the season some great games does this fan base react the same as they did with Terence Davis or is it different well that’s the thing I mean do you want to put your fan base through that test and say okay we’re g to make this move we feel this is the player that’s going to lift us into not just being a playoff cont end but hopefully beyond that right if that’s what the front office believes yeah they might not care not not care I’m not going to say they’re not going to care but they might say it’s worth the risk and the gamble of saying we’re gonna make some fans uncomfortable because we’ve communicated with this person we feel they’ve been re rehabilitated we feel that that second chances are necessary I mean that’s up to you everyone out there do you believe in second chances for something like this it’s it’s a little more it’s a complicated question it’s a very complicated thing and that’s a position that the fans might be put in for something like this and they have been before and to your point yeah Terence Davis and Miles Bridges I think that Terence Davis was a was a not very well-known name a French uh you know bench player at the time that he came from Toronto he had the situation where in the bubble I think he cut a a slit in his his his mask I mean there was a lot of things that were happening with him that I think when he first did come over here there was backlash and fans got used to it that does seem to be a trend with players that have gone through controversial situations in sports me Michael Vic came back after everything that went on with him there’s a lot of scenarios that have people have come back it’s an uncomfortable conversation but it’s a necessary conversation oh for sure and again I do think that there will be a team whether it’s the Kings or someone else that’s probably going to take a chance whether it’s the Hornets bringing him back there’s going to be a team that’s probably going to roster him next year for the kingso I just would say the biggest question is is that the player you’re willing to roll the dice on and bring all that comes with it not just a financial implications of it all but the the offc court situation as well I mean you have to be very sure that this situation is not going to happen again and you can’t be it’s impossible to be sure that’s going to happen not just for him but for anybody I mean human beings are unpredictable right so it’s a hard question but like you said necessary but I still think that it’d be a move that in my opinion wouldn’t be worth the uh the gamble for the Kings I’m trying to think in the history of of the fan base here and it’s probably not unique to Sacramento but Dave I don’t know if you agree with this I feel like um King’s fans have been more accepting of an infraction that’s happened while they’re a king as opposed to as adding someone that’s coming in with a label right like going to like arest I was thinking arest had a domestic but he was a king it’s like guy like yeah CIS and our test had baggage coming in here too obviously by the way but yes you’re I think you’re right when it happens and again we’re not supporting like it’s the guy we know them like hey you know this this it’s a it’s a weird it’s such a gross conversation but I’m glad we’re having it because it needs to be had if people want to jump on it they can jump on it I think you’re 100% right and I think there’s something to what you said like when players come here I think I think a lot of this fan base automatically the same genetics or chromosomes that how you feel about your family I think we apply a lot of those those to the team you know well my brother Billy has all these issues and da D but he’s my brother and I love him and I think some of that illogically by the way transfers over I just simply don’t I really don’t know part the cynical part of me the cynical part of me which is probably honestly the correct part thinks if they traded mil for Miles Bridges they be part of it I I it’d be gross I think we’d all say what we what we need to say and what we feel about the whole thing I also think if the kings are 13 and three to start the year and and they’re being led with uh you know dearen and and demontis and oh my God miles Brides has been a revelation he said all the right things things I don’t think that that I just if I’m a betting man I don’t think that uproar lasts all year with the vast majority of the fan base different situations different people yeah like you said I think that they have to be entirely sure it’s it’s it’s a gamble no matter how you slice it but um someone’s gonna give him a chance if it’s the Kings we’ll see what happens and how the how the reactions go and how the team plays but uh to me I still think it’s not worth the headache well you know what buddy you never give us one but you’d be worth the headache with that insight and uh here just just a good-look young kid muscles the whole deal nice guy sweetheart Texas hey I got your video out I’m doing this other stuff I’m a team player I just want to make sure that a fans don’t come for you you know that’s I appreciate that I appreciate the context and also I’m willing to say it because of his stint today I was thinking about this and I thought you know I’m gonna wait till the end of his segment to really make this decision but I woke up this morning as I said with Clarity because I irrigated my ear uh Frankie I’m ready to forgive you for the whole pizza thing wow yeah I know it’s a big step I know this is a big day almost your pizza I that’s why I’m ready this is a big day it’s a really big day it’s draft week you’re still our pizza guy we love you for it Reed Frankie and all the stuff he’s doing not just on Twitter but of course uh one of the uh one of the guys behind the scenes here with all the wonderful content you see at Sactown and you want to check that out all week long both the Twitter and the website set your alerts and all that stuff anything breaking anything developing you know Frankie and Brandon and the rest of the team will have it thank you Frankie we’ll see you soon thank you guys we will take a break when we come back the latest NBA news not Kings related we’ll get to that next trying to find out where to catch your favorite team’s games are you a fan of the Kings ners and the NFL well sack Down Sports has you covered touchdown s Frisco it’s all on his shoulders lock he Fires for the win he’s the triple catch all your kings Niners and NFL games all year long on sack toown Sports and Sactown let me tell you about sack legal my friends here over at the law offices of Jonathan Gonzalez if you ever need representation you want to be prepared right you don’t know when that time will come but maybe that time will come and are you ready you have someone you know someone you trust someone that’s going to go to bat for you well that’s why I’m telling you about sack and the law offices of Jonathan Gonzalez you’ve 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the testosterone booster with TV ads with Frank Thomas right are they still giving out complimentary bottles yes text radio to 321321 right now for your complimentary bottle of new genics increase leads and get more customers we create tailored digital marketing strategies that deliver results on your next campaign aim higher go to aimy and get started today ay ma Chevy saves you 12,000 off MSRP on every new Hampton Silverado LT turbo Max in stock after rates always buy to choose from exclusive all in stock pricing at together let’s trve for details [Music] 724 car Michael D he has very good sources and he he just kind of tells it as it is and gets to the point Jason Ross he has a lot of pretty smart things to say he’s good at what he does on sack toown [Music] Sports welcome back thanks to Frankie Frankie I’m a pizza guy yeah um couple things caught my eye during the break real quick number one somebody said we don’t don’t talk about Kenny Lofton enough do you think we talk about Kenny Lofton enough I would say no I would agree with that that’s a fair statement I kind of agree with that yeah I I I I feel like Kenny Lofton should be thought of more I bet on former GI show we have talked about Kenny Loggins more than Kenny login I guarantee you Kenny loggin Loggins and massina probably Kenny Kenny Loggins is amazing I is Kenny Loggins the Undisputed king of movie soundtrack still I feel like he is I’m not talking about like Han Zimmer or any like I’m not talking about scores yeah I’m not talking about uh who’s the guy John Williams no no I’m saying like songs for movies obviously you got Foot Loose oh I’m all right CAD Shack Danger Zone Danger Zone Meet Me Halfway from Over the topy huh bill yeah yeah but okay but but did Ki forgive me did kti do anything I say anything other than rocky which is a world classic but wasn’t he just Rocky I didn’t he do you’re the best around did he no you don’t think so no it was like Fred Johnson or something random it wasn’t no I let me look it up I don’t oh I I don’t know I’m not sure you’re the best around hold on it wasn’t Joe espito was best but it was supposed to be for the Rocky movie but it was written by Bill Ki what was the other one Kenny Loggins the volleyball video that we watched It’s so funny oh for the boy or uh I don’t remember the with the boys play with the boys hey you know another great song off the foot list let’s hear it for the boy we don’t talk enough about Denise Richards or Denise Williams or her what you were blow my mind can I just say we don’t talk enough about Denise Richards I agree Foot Loose I mean when you look at I’m I’m I’m I’m looking at Kenny loggin top five on Spotify Foot Loose danger zone Meet Me Halfway playing with the boys which was uh from the Top Gun soundtrack and this is it this is it oh yeah that’s a great song you know that of course you do I know if this is it from huie Le you don’t know this song I’m sure I do oh God yeah come I know that song his best is uh how about heart to Heart uh Heart to Heart [Music] right you know what this you know what though I’m telling you right now if I didn’t know this song and you just played the intro and said who’s whose song is this I’m like this is 100% Michael McDonald yeah that’s 100% of Michael McDonald’s intro return to poo Corner which is what I did last time that’s why I last M enchiladas um okay but this is kind of my point hey what a Fool Believes with Michael McDonald here’s the point we don’t talk about K we don’t talk about Kenny Lofton enough and and we just tried to talk about Kenny Lofton and it turned into Kenny LOF and we don’t even include like loggin and M don’t really care about them but one of Kenny Lin’s greatest songs is even though we ain’t got money I’m so in love with you honey that’s a great song but okay we’re gonna have to do it if you did a mount kennmore is Loft and on it Rogers and loggin for sure Rogers that been a great man Rogers Loggins Thomas Kenny king former Raider who came and visited me when I was in Oakland Children’s Hospital there’s a picture in everything Kenny maybe he is Maine oh Kenny I feel like my best friend growing up K Kenny keing Kenny wasn’t that a shoe company Kenny oh k e n n e y Kenny Kenny or Kenny okay Kenner used to be that’s who made the Star Wars movies or uh toys yeah I think you’re right about Kenny I think it was K N NE y yeah he might make Kenny no he can’t Kenny Lofton isn’t on Mount Kenny Moore there’s got to be Kenny Lofton unfortunately would be ahead of our Guy Kenny Thomas I think I think on a national on an international scale for sure I know we are forgetting a major ma uh oh Kenny from South Park killed Kenny did he ever die did they ever really kill Kenny I think that one point they that he I think dead for a while yeah I think at one point they legit killed him now they stopped killing him which’s crazy is I think they stopped killing him like 20 years ago is that right because I mean that was the whole thing at the very beginning and dude I will never no you killed Kenny you bastards I will never forget the first time I ever saw it was when I got out to uh I think it was I got out to Minnesota and my brother had it on and I remember walking in like what is this cartoon he’s like dude you got to watch this sou this kid’s getting an anal probe and sure enough that’s the first one sat down why that had what 95 96 uh it was 97 or later I will say this I’ve said it before I’ll say it again I think South Park might be the smartest show in the history of Television wow I honestly believe it is shade at Jeopardy the things that they have done and tackled somehow how how have they never been cancelled well then I would I would counter with uh Always Sunny in Philadelphia is it the smartest show in the history of TV yeah wow I you back to the 90s I I I feel like that’s a garbage statement on your part wow also I’ve only seen like one episode so I can’t comment instinctually I think that’s a garbage statement though I I think that’s very verian but I could 100% vodan slip Kenny Kenny ainson hey hey hired by the Cleveland Cavaliers um here’s my analysis I don’t know does it hurt the Warriors um any uh Katie’s asking me if uh I think that it’s smarter than the westwing Well the West Wing is my favorite TV show of all time but I would just say the stuff South Park is tackled with impunity is it just doesn’t get enough credit for being a smart show it’s just little kids saying swear wordss to a lot of people and The West Wing is really stupid you’re you’re stupid it’s for loon Scotty Barnes we talked about it yesterday Florida State Scotty Barnes picked up to check he is the uh the centerpiece of the Toronto Raptors and OG anobi has opted out of his deal oh does that mean that could have happened with Sacramento true but we maybe DOD a bullet there or does that mean we’re signing him can’t we can’t sign him well we should too many aprons too many aprons too many options we’ll take a break when we come back who’s hot who’s not we’ll go streaking oh did I get to six whoa we’ll find out in just two minutes did you miss any part of our live local shows don’t worry you never have to miss them again check out sack Styles and Watkins and the drive guys plus other podcasts like Return of the Empire return of the Roar The Stingers up Podcast and Golf to go with Frank LaRosa they’re all available right now on sack toown power business technology is proud to be 100% independent locally owned and managed Toshiba C your dealer local ownership cuts out the red tape allowing ourselves to never be too busy to personally answer the call when our clients meet us recognize for excellence in service execution training and customer service we’re proud to be named a 2022 Toshiba promaster’s Elite dealer contact us today for all of your business printing needs at 844 power bz that’s 8447699880 [Music] makes over 300 Styles flexibilities and sizes of pain relieving arch supports with 26 bones 30 joints and over 100 muscles tendons and ligaments in each foot a lot can go painfully wrong so there’s a trained arch support specialist at each good Feed Store to give you a Precision Fit come in for a free fitting and test walk no appointment necessary Good Feet arch supports are HSA FSA eligible the Good Feet store in Sacramento Roseville Vacaville online atg shop fom Lake Kia for special offers right now I’m coach Doug Christy urging you to visit my friends at fom Lake Kia and save big on your next new or certified pre-owned vehicle right now visit fom Lake hey basketball fans the draft is coming up and you don’t want to miss it join stown Sports 1140 for a draft watch party at Public House downtown corner of 16th and now Street on June 26th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Draft Day decisions and delicious eats with sack toown Sports award-winning country sensation Lee Bryce is back [Music] Friday June 28th 7:30 p.m. the venue at Thunder Valley Lee Bryce special guest Abby Anderson the venue at Thunder Valley for tickets visit don’t miss Le Bryce live what’s hot and what’s not brought to you by American Energy he in air making the uncomfortable comfortable head to American Energy to find out more what’s hot yeah hot real hot and what not it’s not good brought to you by American Energy heating and air Sacramento’s complete Heating and Cooling company and second opinion partner is hot that would be the Red Sox Jaron Duran yeah last night the Red Sox 76 win over the Toronto Blue Jays Duran was three for five with a double two runs and a game-winning RBI single in the ninth inning o that’s pretty good he is kind of come on the scene hasn’t he yeah he has um some have said that he’s the biggest surprise of the baseball season have some said that some have okay I’ve heard them was it Kenny Lofton who what are people talking about on the um I don’t want to get into this did some did draver do a bit yesterday where he said that uh Drake is LeBron James is that right I’m just going off what everyone’s saying I don’t know I’m in the dark on this one I think I heard something of Draper saying that he was the LeBron James of the stadium oh he’s the LeBron James of the stadium the stadium incredibly Mercurial wants to control things behind the scenes why no I love Draper what are you talking about who’s not the Toronto Blue Jays I love everybody got quiet they are currently on a seven game losing streak they have been outscored 44 to 24 in those games their opponents are averaging 6.3 runs a game and they are in last place in the AL East yeah um I don’t know man God I hate baseball so much right now I was looking at looking at the Giants won yesterday right nice little walk-off beat the Cubbies and uh they are 37 and 42 they have lost seven of 10 they are 11 and a half back of the Dodgers and they are well now they’re three back of the wild card but the fact that they’re three back of the wild card at 37 and 42 I’m all for ex I’ve always been like more playoffs more that’s the best baseball I feel like two I feel like three is maybe maybe they went over a little bit there what if the giant sneak their way in go to the next round play the Dodgers and then beat oh my God that’ be fantastic it would be the like one of the best seasons ever I I it’s an even year it is it is an even year who uh I I I can’t I want to give them credit I honestly can’t remember uh I can’t remember who said this it was somebody in media but I know we’re not all I know you guys like you’re probably following baseball more than either of us Jason but just in general we’re aware of it what what currently can the Giants hang their hat on positive their team like legitimately like I’m talking pitching hitting what uh uh minor leagues uh uh assets uh youth uh vet leadership that I I’m saying like give me and with no jokes no no puns I’m I’m being dead serious what is their number one positive calling card of from the team yeah I it hasn’t developed this year I would have said before the year web and Snell that onew potential Snell’s been awful and injured and then even Robbie Ray was a former s who’s coming back so that would be it but that’s not happened to this date it’s not happened well I would I would agree I would agree like I mean you’re going broader than or more specific than I was even saying like Okay what’s their number one thing Logan web that’s their number one thing in the whole but I’m saying broadly speaking oh well you know what they’re they’re bad at everything but they’re young you know what the whole team sucks but they’re minor leagues I that’s what I’m saying I want to say I saw a stat where they have the most wins as like a complete franchise than all the other teams in baseball like considering all their over history right no no no like this season with like all of their minor Leaguers uh oh really oh that’s interesting if that’s real yeah take that with the great of Sal if that’s real Sabrina oh do we have that do we have I can grab it in a second grab it in a second I thank you for reminding me of that Chris I had a feeling you wouldn’t you wouldn’t uh I had a feeling you wouldn’t forget uh let’s go streaking real quick that’s the it’s time to go streaking we’re going streaking who is the Nostra doas of MLB who can keep the streak going it’s time to go streaking what the hell are you doing we’re streaking all right we’re going to go in reverse order today because Dave there the drama is around Dave right now oh yeah as the streak leader the big five with five Chris and I had zero but you might have if you listened closely to who’s hot Chris gave us jiren Duran that’s who Chris picked yesterday so Chris goes from zero to one because he got five plate appearances and got those three hits in the walkoff yeah so Chris is at one way to go Chris him out well done let’s see if I can join him because I was at zero trying to get to one and I picked from the Philadelphia Phillies Trey Turner hey Trey Turner hey Trey hey Trey he got up five times yeah oh that’s a lot they got a lot of hits and a lot of runs then he had to have had I’m gonna say over under on hits one and a half I’m gonna say you’re wrong he went under but he got one hey all right well everybody’s got a hit so far so far but the pressure is not on us no it’s on you yeah what was the season best before what was your season best excuse me like seven or eight yeah I think so yeah your career best I think is 11 11 and then you just pooped on it I returned to poo Corner yes you did you were at five trying to get to six but you were relying on adley Rond the Baltimore Orioles I was four plate appearances yesterday Carmichael Dave and adley Rutman got one hit oh my God you misdirected me on that one I absolutely thought I was screwed adly adley Rond awesome so you’re at six I’m at one Chris is at one I call him ad rock my guy a long time he’s been long time so now the I mean you start to get to Seven like this is a you know people the streets start talking so the streets have been talking a lot lately about this it’s crazy let’s go like hey Dave stre really all right wow pressure to get to seven today and if you need more time I’m going to go first go ahead from the New York Yankees who are playing the New York Mets Alex Verdugo Alex Verdugo up to the plate and hopefully get a hit for yes okay uh Chris rot I’m taking shoh Otani never heard of I’ve heard he’s good you know what give me Frederick Von Freeman hoofer it’s not a real name hey he says you Fred e Freeman eer yes absolutely H yesterday you guys have two Dodgers who are they playing uh the white socks yeah they let him use a te don’t they the white socks they like they know if they win a game they get like juice boxes they still have a powder Gatorade they’ve got to right yeah I don’t know that I’ve seen seen that but they have to you got to think the old fil up a cooler throw the powder of Gatorade in there big old kilo a Gatorade drop it in there where if you’ve last seut G right absolutely oh oh oh God you just reminded me of something oh hey kids or anyone else out there here’s a uh tip remember earlier we started with irrigate your ears mhm if you ever come across powdered Gat Gatorade under no circumstances should you snort it which is unfortunately what myself and about four other Del Paso Eastern Little Leaguers did and I gosh that’s a buried memory right there I think we were eight and the whole thing we weren’t even doing like a drug it wasn’t even a drug thing before after the triple play well let me tell you with an asterisk come on come on come on come on what happened was the newspaper article hit next thing you know man it’s women and media and Paparazzi everywhere and it just got to me I thought you learned from Len Bias I developed it developed a serious Gatorade problem no we it wasn’t even like we didn’t even know uh don’t even tell me what he did with big is that why they called you Daryl strawberry we didn’t even know it was a drug it wasn’t a drug thing it was like literally like we’re stupid kids Let’s uh because I think somebody had like uh had said that they used to snort a pixie stick oh fun dip right F yeah and so we were like oh or and it was orange I’ll never forget this has been a repressed memory and man we all did it at the same time and we didn’t like not to get too deep but we didn’t like it didn’t look like we were I mean I guess it did look like we were doing dreads but it was just like it was just like stick the straw in a pile of it and just go oh my God it hurts it was the worst like I eyes tearing like it just it had to like dissolve in your it was the worst thing dude stick to chewing big leag chew high on electrolytes when we come back we got just this is why my wife says you don’t talk at home that’s why we we have the latest Kings news we’ll wrap all that up with the uh article in the athletic and yes at 9:13 we’ll get to JJ reic audio we’ll do all that right now Sacramento Kings play here he’s got the triple Sacramento takes the lead outstanding ball Movement by Sacramento every triple every Jam every Kings win saon with the jam over the Joker he’s got the three-point shot get your kings fix all season long right here on your home of the Sacramento Kings new are Ste by Fox the Breakaway he’s got the rip with the left hand sack toown Sports at sown I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I didn’t think I’d survive but I did ask for help and Covenant House was there for me one in 10 young adults will experience a form of homelessness this year for these kids who didn’t ask to be put in this Unthinkable situation Covenant House is there Covenant House helped me break the cycle of homelessness and my family they gave me the love that I needed over 2,000 young people will sleep safely in a Covenant House bed tonight when youth who are experiencing homelessness have a hot meal a safe place to sleep medical care and love they 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you into a new vehicle it’s what we do online at Lo or in person we’re right off 99 in the kettan or we’re open till 9 every night and Sundays after [Music] church visit us at Lo khtk Sacramento kymx h 2 Sacramento take it on the local level live in local 6: a.m. to 600 p.m. Monday through Friday from the power business technology to sha Studios Sports the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or texted 916 339 1140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown [Music] Sports L people during the break were [Music] uh on the the the the back of the whole Gatorade Fiasco going over different things they did as kids that were stupid and uh somebody said they uh was pet a b up there no almost getting gored to death by a bulll was not up there that’s yours somebody mentioned eating paste I could be honest you did a lot last week it was so good we’re figuring out where all your sinus and stomach problems are coming man excuse me I know right that the pace dude I’m talking about like okay so you know those little red rectangles that are in the uh uh the cheese and crackers that uh you open up the you take the wax off of it yeah no like you open get like a little red stick get a little red stick oh sorry of course I’m talking about the the Elmer’s paste not the glue the squirty the like jar of paste that had the like red Scoopy in it and it was like this refreshing minty flavor and I didn’t just like check it out though I now remember like this is about K first grade second grade I didn’t just like try it one like I was legit like I need a snack I’m gonna I’m I’m just pounding the paste man since we’re getting this all out here I would say as a probably three or four year old I would just swallow pennies I did too I did too I had to go to the doctor once they took an x-ray and I had a bunch of pennies in my stomach dude is that a thing is that a thing they did oh I wish my mom I wish I could get my mom on the phone right now she would back me up man they had to take a whole x-ray I don’t know if your mom would want to back you right well and I I don’t remember much about it but I think the doctor was basically like well they’ll they’ll eventually find their way out okay uh before we there we go we’re Penny eaters uh before we go can you make change I think I did at some point like a piggy bang clink instead of at the arcade where the guy with the Dave just shoot pennies again I need to roll a qu give me a second before we get into the let me get the pace down first I got Pace pennies snorting Gatorade have a mess dude um do you have the Audio I wanted real quick this was uh our good friend emeron pilotti yes uh he does his card show uh over the weekend and uh he’s fantastic we love him to death and another guy we absolutely love is uh our our good friend a meal for go so he’s not a snack he’s a meal and uh he’s one of our good friends he’s one of the great contributors here and again I I like pointing this out we all make fun of ourselves so we’re of course going to make fun of other people uh it’s one thing to be wrong it’s another thing to be aggressively and openly wrong and I heard this clip late yesterday after the show and in this episode of dragging our colleagues here’s a clip of uh froso correcting which is his job correcting our guy em pilatti over the weekend on a pronunciation I posted or I’m about to post a Sabrina incu incus incus Inus there’s no s at the end yes um yes there is anus I’m pretty positive Chris hey I didn’t hear a comment from Chris how’d the date end on that one Chris I think I was like H there’s no us but you opted to not say anything let him stew in it yeah I should have if I was good I should have be like oh no I think you got it wrong totally no it’s esus I ancus I like that if we hear it again like it’s no it’s an esus and then but then there’s like I’m pretty sure no incus let’s react that I posted or I’m about to post a Sabrina incu incus incus incus there’s no s at the end yes um yes there is incus I’m pretty posi Chris he doubled down and then hit us with the I’m pretty positive icus incorrect what was it you said yesterday like remember Michael Jan yeah Jan Jan I’m pretty sure it’s Jordan pretty certain all right that’s that sounds like a colog from georgo Marty ask oh poor meal we all do it buddy hey I said I introduced Pete Rose as the Home Run King we’ve all been two Pete Rose shut up Chris yes two Pete Rose we lost that too didn’t we God dang it that’s the best clip ever P I really want you say something like I really appreciate the ciment thank you for having me but I think Barry Bonds have an issue with that I knew he was the hit King I mixed it up it happens it happens do you have a worst ever for yourself because you’re pretty on it yeah but I mean of course I’ve screw I I I don’t oh I know yours mine yeah oh yeah you probably still have that I would have to find it oh wait are we all thinking the same thing is it the one we can’t play but that wasn’t Jason’s fault no no no oh was that one that’s the one when I wasn’t here and a a song a song accidentally started playing at the really wrong time was it Jason’s fault oh yeah yeah no I was I was a part of that that was the that was a big part of that I guess I don’t think we’ve ever played that nor should we we have that was the no we didn’t play the full thing we just played the music on um that was the show yeah but we didn’t did we play this yes oh we did yes you did of course you did it’s almost like I don’t even know by I thought we just played the music as he was talking okay it’s never good thing when you leave the audience out so I’ll do the best I can with this Jason’s on opens the show there was a very very serious thing that had happened we didn’t even open with the open it was like this just happened this is terrible news and please keep in mind this is why and everyone’s done this so don’t judge but like it’s the worst thing that could happen ever probably when you’re doing something like it was was it a shooting or something I think I believe so and our own hares like we went right into his comic thoughtful and in incredibly thoughtful perfect classic Barnes just right and like this is how serious it was that’s how the show opened yes and and so Harrison probably better that you weren’t here it was a lot better oh my God it was better that I wasn’t here and Harrison saying whatever profound amazing thing he was saying about this incredibly serious thing and here’s what happened overnights we play like what was it Fox Sports Radio or whatever it was CBS sports radio and it comes in on satellite and so on our board on Chris’s board you turn up the volume on that you pot it up which in this case was Jay which in this case was Jay Mars Jay had forgotten to pot it down no it wasn’t even it was like a freak thing that happened it’s supposed to just turn off on its own and for some reason which never happens so all of a sudden out of the blue while Harrison is talking about I can’t stress enough the worst thing ever all of a sudden I believe it was the Damon and Menara show that would rejoined and so you hear I’m not gonna like imitate Harrison pars I’m just going to say let’s say it’s me you know what happened was it was incredibly uh sad the tragedy of it’s just a Good Vibration and the whole like the worst song there was like pew pew pews and sirens and stuff they’re coming C it’s a celebration and my favorite part of this horrible thing because I I because Chris of course sent me the clip immediately you’re the one that told me about it oh that’s right J me the Chris wasn’t even here that’s right and was your fa because I have the Panic of looking at like it’s happened to you like the board like what do I have up what is playing and I’m thinking I hit I didn’t hit a button I thought just something from Twitter from the computer was playing and like you can’t do anything you don’t know where it is and I shut everything off I’m like not me but and then Jay’s looking at the board like he wouldn’t have put something up what was your life it’s like oh that’s not what we wanted to play uh oh yeah that that that one’s not a Shining Moment no that was I felt the pain through and it’s like look it’s a funny moment because nobody did anything on purpose and it’s like it’s one of those like the worst things that could possibly happen but I know which other one Chris was talking about what uh Jason confused Jason said his favorite Janet Jackson song was uh Opposites Attract yeah just had a total brain fart I don’t see the problem what no just totally totally butchered that I don’t know why had I don’t know why I confused that oh did she seeing oppos was I think it was something like oh it’s MC skat yeah because it was like what was it yeah it was like a concert the night before and I’m like oh you know hopefully did you know was MC SC cat there did they see Opposites Attract and I was like No And then it was like a look I’m like what right oh my gosh wait why did I say that but then you list to Paul Abdul’s Rhythm Nation exactly uh no everyone um know everyone you cannot get a link to that sound that sound is under lock and key it’s gone it’s gone and Jacob wants to know Chris can be bought Jacob says I mean this in a very respectful way can the audio engineer please put a limiter on the mics I’m constantly turning the TV up and down that mean like we get loud and quiet and then it’s really loud and quiet who was that uh it was Jacob on the chat he’s been very respectful so I thought I’d share that hey Jacob what hey sorry about that yeah it’s okay we’ll be better yes we will all right we why do we have a show I don’t know uh the kings were reportedly close to a deal with the bulls on Alex kuso we’re sad about that isn’t it kind of like Charlie and Lucy with the football at this point like oh we’re gonna get I don’t feel like we’re totally Charlie Brown at the moment we’ve been Charlie Brown we’ve been Charlie Brown many years Charlie yeah a lot of Charlie Browning going on uh the kings are still reportedly being aggressive with their 13th pick think they have to be I think they do too I think all all signs to uh Point towards uh they’re going to move the pick but takes two to 10 but you have to be ready to make the pick if that’s the case and again I think if they don’t make a trade and they make the pick I think I just don’t think this team is going to be entirely that different going into the Year this is this is the chance to make the team different yeah I think so I think that yeah this is it I mean hopefully for the better that’s the obvious yeah I do not I not a fan of them making the team worse that was a really bad trade that was a horrible trait oh God what if yeah put the 13th pick in the draft the Sacramento Kings draft John Salmons why not I do hate that they can’t change it but like technically um let’s say we even hear a report tomorrow day of the of the uh draft and they’re saying oh yeah all Intel says the Kings and you know pick your team are making a deal it’s going to involve the 13th pick and so we already know it it’s like oh wow and and you kind of hear the framework of the trade but it doesn’t really happen there and with the 13 pick the Sacramento King select so that person’s going to put on the king’s hat and we’re like they’re getting traded to whatever Miami and it’s like but by Theory you know like bismack bomo was drafted as a king well he wasn’t a king or Zack Collins drafted technically as a king he was tra like what if it ends up being something like the Sacramento Kings have traded the 13th pick in the draft for the 2025 top protected pick of the Charlotte Hornets what if it’s that what if it’s some other team wanted to another lottery pick they they want to know where it is or or they they like who’s there yeah like we’re at the 12 pick nothing’s happened it’s the the kings are on the clock and then boom that team that wanted that player sees that it’s available at 13 it says we’ll give we’re a bad team we’ll give you our lottery pick next year like on the surface that’s like a that’s a great value deal Pro but for next year it’s better draft reportedly and and you’ll probably have a higher pick but it’s almost like I’m gonna give you a box of goots for Christmas this year but I’m taking them back because I’m going to give you three boxes of Transformers next Christmas it’s a better deal yeah GoBots are like the great value of those types of toys you know Great Value two Christmases ago that’s exactly right but you’re like oh God it’s a better deal but I have to wait a whole year I can wait you could wait yeah you could handle that just saying be prepared for I’m not saying it’s gonna happen I’m just saying I’m sure they’ve got a bunch of different levers they could pull we’ll take a break we’ve avoided it all show JJ reck was introduced in Los Angeles yesterday he said a bad word gotta watch that he said some other things as well well he’s got to watch it there’s kids listening we’ll talk about that next you never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game out of Keegan going for another triple man is he feeling it Kean can he do it yes there’s number 11 Keegan Murray Keegan steps back he just knocked down his 12 three-pointer a king franchise record he’s got 45 points never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with sack toown Sports and the sack toown Sports app it’s the ride every everybody wants to be driving and Elk Gro Kia has them in stock right now I’m talking about the 2024 Kia tell you ride and my friends at Elk Gro Kia can get you behind the wheel of a 2024 tell your ride SX for only 419 a month plus taxes and fees whenever I see one of these driving down the road or next to me at a red light I just stop and admire it because the Kia tell you ride just looks iconic and not only is the Kia tell you ride beautiful it’s got room for the whole family there’s a seating capacity for up to seven passengers plus it’s loaded with tech so is the 2024 Kia tell you ride the right ride for you and your family come on down to elro Kia and the elro bottom all give it a test drive and just a heads up when you’re here at elro Kia you’re going to be treated very well you’re not going to get this kind of car buying experience in Roseville Vacaville Sacramento or Davis that’s why elgro Kia has so many festar reviews again check them out in the elgrove autool or online elg grov 24mon Le 0 security deposit 20 cents per mile over 10,000 m per year $4,999 doit signing based on approval credit VIN number 50185 Z in June 30th [Music] 2024 the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross call or text at 916 339 1140 on sack toown Sports continue the chat with the conversation on the chat um and we’re going to get into JJ reic here you but when I when I mentioned that GoBots were the generic version of Transformers like another great comparison would be like hyro as like the GoBots of Oreos funny fact though fun fact I should say Hydro were actually introduced in 1908 yeah they’re older than Oreos Oreos 1912 what happened Oreos are better but are they like if you did a blind taste test Oreo and not no you’re and no screwing around with like double stuff or the flavored ones I’m talking about the OG make that a uh Friday funny games blind taste test oh yeah I think so okay like look dude you can see Hydrox on there but yeah but you can’t that’s an Oreo right is it the filling I think the Oreo cookie is better than the Hydrox cookie I agree interesting all right maybe that’s that’s this week’s Friday funny games Friday funny games can you T what else can I do like uh I want to do like the Limes like a seven up Sprite and uh what is that star yeah because there used to be slice is gone right uh I think slice is like Star now I don’t know if they’re the same but yeah like slice is gone now it’s S I think also be fun would be uh I’ll help out on this um should we each bring one yeah yeah yeah I’ll okay I’ll do this I’ll do the water so like Rand what I’m saying is like a bottle of Fiji Water which is is probably the most popular tap and then like Crystal Geyser some Walmart brand or whatever like three and which is which right um although I’ll tell you if one of them was smart water that one I could pick out of the L I don’t care give me 20 waters I’ll pick Smart Water dude smart water has a very unique tinniness to it I do not like Smart Water you want to tell bring in smart water then all right it’s more like dumb water all right so uh you’re doing the cookies do you I’m I’m gonna I’ll I’ll take care of it do you know where to get Ro see Hy Ro JJ reck was uh hired as the Lakers had coach and he said a lot of things including H motivation I have never coached in the NBA before I don’t know if you guys have heard that my motivations for doing this uh it starts with a very simple Foundation uh of service um I think about the greatest moments especially towards the end of my career was about helping players um and so it starts with the desire to serve players to serve the Lakers organization to serve our fans um it’s also about competition and performance collaboration leadership uh these are the things that that drive me and uh they will all be important as I build out my staff uh as we think about the people people we want to draft and get in free agency uh and as we think about Player Development well there’s one thing we know about JJ reic he’s gonna be the master of the press conference he’s he’s he’s gonna sound good and he’s broadcastyoutube irrelevant to coaching I who’s the guy the E and serani Nick sani’s First Press confence I oh my goodness is he gonna make it through you know whatever noise he hears first right like just shiny object over here right and then he wins the Super Bowl he’s like is this guy stinky I don’t know you have to wait and see but he um got it done right I mean that guy for a year plus has been pretty good did JJ Reddit collude with LeBron James on becoming the head coach since they have you know a podcast together he didn’t provide any advice um LeBron and I did not talk about uh the Lakers job uh until Thursday afternoon uh about 30 minutes after you know what what because right when I heard that I go that’s not true and then you hear what was that your dad in there what was that hold on go back into Thursday afternoon uh about said LeBron what was said we did wasn’t there R he said we didn’t talk yeah braon and I did not talk about uh the Lakers job uh until Thursday afternoon uh about 30 minutes after I was off for the job uh and that was very intentional on both our parts um you know I knew I had an understanding that he did not want to be involved in this and for me I didn’t want to go down the path of hypotheticals uh with someone that I consider a friend and someone that I have great amount of respect for so for for for us it just came down to literally Thursday afternoon and and I talked to him for about 15 20 minutes and got off the phone that was it that’s all I care about I didn’t even pay attention to anything else who who said the bra uh until Thursday afternoon uh can someone help us out we’ve been doing this show for four hours has this been sused out was anybody has anybody that’s first off credit to J J reic for not pausing yeah what was that was that that was that could not have been a media member that had to be a I mean was it I think it was the thing I was thinking it could be is like someone working in the back and like spilling something or that and was my was that my dad was my dad at the press conference what are we doing wait play that again the Lakers job uh until Thursday [Laughter] that’s the best part of the press I didn’t even know yeah that’s amazing let’s see if it keeps happening what about expectations sitting in this seat I know what the expectations are Lakers fans have some of the most passionate uh fans around the world the expectation is a championship and so it’s it’s my job it’s our staff’s job it’s Rob’s job it’s all of us to to deliver a championship caliber uh that’s what I signed up for all right okay you don’t believe that he didn’t talk to LeBron my butt right that’s why I feel like that’s a medium member ah right well you think a Medi no i f look maybe you’re right I I hope you’re right I also feel like if that was a media member he would have stopped and looked like what are you doing or and or we would have heard like Jason Stark from the BL BL BL said der derp and it’s a thing and he’d be on the show I hope it was I was just a random fan in the background Genie bus he didn’t talk to him that’s C ramus here’s JJ reic saying a bad word you know it’s it’s been a really interesting uh 6 weeks or so um just in terms of uh you know being part of the engagement farming uh industry you know it’s been really interesting um however I I I don’t really have a great answer for your uh question because I I really don’t give a f like honestly I want to coach the Lakers I want to coach the team I don’t want to dispel anything I don’t I want become a great coach in the NBA and I want to win championships and I want my players to maximize their careers that’s all iing care about okay okay I heard and I love that I heard a clap I heard I love that okay so was there a an audience were there some fans because people definitely reacted to the first F bomb yes but then people like there you heard more after that I heard a clap yeah tonight’s Lakers press conference is brought to you right what is going isn’t it this is how stupid we are like he saying all these substantive things and we’re supposed to be breaking down we’re like who is the m guy and what are they saying well you figure it out for yourself I didn’t I have never coached in the NBA before I don’t know if you guys have heard that my motiv well that wasn’t it huh is this one he didn’t provide any advice um LeBron and I did not talk about uh the Lakers job uh until Thursday afternoon uh I have to know what that was someone getting shocked back there I did not talk about uh the Lakers job uh until Thursday afternoon some that’s the noise you make when you see you got a parking ticket I a that’s the what if the press conference was brought to you by Budweiser and they’re bringing back the what up uh until Thursday afternoon about 30 minutes after I was off God I hope that’s wrong I hated those commercials when we come back what to watch and then we’ll have cross talk with uh Chris Watkins and stop coming up right after this you never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game Kean going for another triple man is he feeling it can he do it yes there’s number 11 Keegan Murray Kean steps back he just knocked down his 12 three-pointer a king’s franchise record he’s got 45 points never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with sack Down Sports and the sack toown Sports app SA weather is brought to you by Fon Lake Kia I’m tamber Berg in the kcr3 weather center it is Tuesday we’re looking at plenty of cloud cover as we start out the morning that leads to a mild start as well chance for a few isolated showers possible but many areas remain dry it’ll stay warm today with highs in the mid90s get the latest forecast on the kc3 news and the kcv 3 app shop Bome lakeia for special offers right now I’m Coach Doug chrisy urging you to visit my friends at fulam Lake Kia and save big on your next new or certified pre-owned vehicle right now visit bom Lake at Fisher Investments we may seem like other money managers but we’re different are you really that different than the rest of us we are as a fiduciary we always focus on what’s best for our clients what services do you 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House downtown food beer Sports want to see the menu or plan your visit check out their website at PhD find your crew and find your fun at Public House downtown [Music] waking you up with the best in local sports they just make it interesting you know it’s the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports job uh until Thursday afternoon uh job uh until Thursday afternoon uh job uh until Thursday afterno [Music] I put it out on uh social media that’ll figure it out who was the 1920s gangster that was in the background reacting to JJ Reddit saying he hadn’t talked to LeBron job uh until Thursday afternoon we’ll see Cubs at Giants tonight if we get a reporting on this breaking news we will let you guys know who that was in the background of what that was all about also A’s at the angles of Anaheim of Los Angeles that’s happen tonight and on this day in sports history Jason Ross Yes not as good as yesterday where we had amongst other things Ben Simmons uh sir Ben Simmons still like to call him the number one pick in the draft uh Texas Rangers shortstop Toby Hera did not handle a Fielding chance in either game of a double header on This Day in 1976 what a chance a shortstop doesn’t have a play in two games 54 outs that’s ridiculous that’ll never get broken yeah what was go was it all lefties and was the pitcher throwing 10 miles an hour oh know that is weird what a lazy bastard yeah what did you do did you did he get paid what I want to know is what did he also have like eight errors and they just went through his legs uh speaking of the Lakers uh now all you hear about the Lakers is until Thursday afternoon but on this day in 1979 also a classic Smashing Pumpkin song yes the Lakers with the with the number one pick in the NBA draft the Los Angeles Lakers select Irvin Magic Johnson it’s pretty good pick that worked out then they went a was that the one they won the coin flip to get or was that for James Worthy there was something about a coin feel like it was James Worthy that does sound kind of familiar hey remember we were talking about KY Lofton earlier and how the guy said that that we as a society don’t talk about KY loft’s career enough do we not talk about Magic Johnson’s career enough anymore like I I feel like if you talk about Magic Johnson it’s he’s his his silly obvious takes on Twitter sure uh his business and ownership stuff yeah the fact that he’s still going incredibly strong after being diagnosed with HIV uh I don’t know other things the talk show yeah but do we talk enough about the fact that like Magic Johnson is one of the greatest players ever and was like an insane point guard and the million-dollar smile and the advertise like Jordan gets all the credit I get it but like magic was a dude yeah and there was this was before even working in in this industry at all but like magic was my favorite player growing up sure that was one I was defending for I’m like Magic’s the greatest of all time he’s better than Jordan and then over time I like yeah all right I guess I got I got to change that but if at one point I thought he was the greatest of all time and then Jordan passes him why wouldn’t he be two three four like he’s still way up there gotta be in the conversation sure my goodness and on this day in 1997 ding ding ding with the number one pick in the NBA draft the San Antonio Spurs select out of wake four Tim Duncan Tim Duncan who will forever be underrated even though everyone like no one says anything bad about Tim dunan nobody says like oh that Tim Duncan he was he was but why wouldn’t he be considered one of the greatest of all time when you ask for example and I know you ask this a lot uh when you ask for example um like who’s the greatest power forward of all time well Tim Duncan had five NBA championships three finals MVPs won the MVP uh of the NBA twice uh was a 15-time Allstar 10 time all NBA first three NBA second two NBA third teams and oh by the way eight time all defensive first team seven time all defensive second team put those two together that’s 15 years he was on the first or second team oh he was Rookie of the Year and I believe yes a oh a bronze medalist e what are you doing um Tim right and Tim Duncan he was how’s that work he was born in the US Virgin Island so he’s an American right is that how it Tech yeah because he played for the US and uh yeah but getting us a bronze good job good effort why do I feel like Tim Duncan was a swimmer he was wasn’t he is that a thing that was a thing he was like a really good swimmer and I to say he was doing that representing the US Virgin Islands what is that you can’t double dip yeah you can no you’re an American citizen do they have their own Olympic team yes what what they have their own Olympic basketball team but what do they have their own Olympic team for if they’re uh America I’m asking shouldn’t they be Puerto Rico has a their own Olympic team that’s a great point right there why if if there I’m just saying I’m not against it just saying that’s weird I feel like that’s weird like I’m an American but then I’m not but I am but I’m not but then we have two teams but we shouldn’t but we should and it’s fine but really is it you think you feel I’m getting the look that you do not fathom why I possibly have a question no I don’t know what the rules are no right like I because like then why is like England and Scotland and Wales why are they all under Great Britain right they’re all the United Kingdom right but like they have their own like uh I don’t know why this is how I remember it but like uh who was it it was Ryan Giggs used to play for Manchester United and was like England England but he had to play for Wales because that’s where he was from why couldn’t he play on the England team I mean Tim Duncan could could play basketball for America but then swim for the US Virgin Islands I don’t think he was able to do that oh I think that was like when he was in college and then he had he had to like make the switch yeah yeah gotcha okay well that was almost a controversy right there almost we dodged it we we’re honestly if you look back at these short three and a half hours we have covered a lot we have redesigned the sports landscape of Sacramento true we’ve talked about snorting Gatorade and eating paste hyro pennies huh and pennies we is doing a lot of lifting there that’s yeah well you hey you at whatever Penny eaten yeah Pennywise isn’t that Lon Richie song Penny Lover you don’t know that one she’s a Penny [Music] Lover whoa here she comes she’s a penny eater Penny eater in my heart that was a beautiful song too we’ll take a break when we come back who knows you’ve been waiting for it it’s happening cross talk Styles and Watkins and we will finally settle this beef once and for all right sure okay you don’t want to go away fireworks coming up next subscribe to sack toown Sports on YouTube and watch the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys live Monday through Friday from 6:00 to 6:00 plus view archive shows and exclusive content subscribe actown Sports thanks for calling discover this is Gabby hey Gabby it’s Jennifer coolage hi um I’m so glad I reached you at 2 am oh of course anyone with a Discover card can call and talk to a real person 24/7 now how can I help yeah I used my Discover card to buy these yellow pleather pajamas and I’m just not sure I’m pulling them off 247 us-based customer service it pays to discover limitations apply learn more at credit [Music] card no one knows the importance of a great assist more than Lowe’s and Leo Messi that’s why we’ve teamed up to give mil Low’s rewards members 10 times the points when Messi makes an assist during con Copa America USA 2024 activate this offer starting June 20th so when Messi assists you score shop the day after an assist to earn those extra points not a Milo’s Rewards member join for free today visit ./ messy for more details Michael Dave here for Capital 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brought to you by the Hagen Oaks Golf super shop here’s Frank L Roa any golfer would be thrilled to listen to Jack Nicholas talk and I had to tap the enthusiasm breaks a bit when I had a chance to interview him but over the course of 40 plus years Nicholas wrote enduring words in Golf Digest Magazine Max Adler compiles some of the best Nicholas says when I putt I hold my breath before initiating the stroke to keep my head and body still about putting he said I visualize the putter shaft as being extremely limber almost as flexible as a length of rope which means the only way I can get the club head to swing truly is to stroke putts very softly he said the harder I want to hit a shot the slower I try to begin the swing about the game he said the key to playing well is to understand who you are as a person and then manage that I’m finding now more than ever that the game of a lifetime can give you the time of your life without ever striking a shop sounds pretty much like life itself 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good morning good morning good morning there we go good morning hey like I’m back in school right good morning good morning let’s try that again ice breaker we uh hey we say hey we got a meal earlier on the uh on the incus thing what how’ he take it uh I don’t know I haven’t talked to him yet we just aired it yeah we just aired it oh we haven’t talked do we still have that by the way Chris yeah we uh we liked his hesitation in there but then he doubles down yeah yeah it was uh while Chris is bringing that up by the way guys do you have any insight on this job uh until Thursday afternoon uh who is in the background of JJ reck press conference when he’s talking about LeBron James job uh until Thursday afternoon uh kind of sounds like you right that’s something I would do I need to know who this was because it sounds like what do we say 1920s gangster but like is said a media member n you talk to LeBron right that’s how I think they tried to people were writing it yeah like a media member said cuz I didn’t believe he had talked to LeBron that’s what I was thinking but I made the audible noise not going to go ah ah yeah was it TMZ it always is you the same person who was moaning at Lucas’s press conference there was somebody moaning remember that oh yeah I thought those were players yeah that was strange what you don’t remember that like which press conference it was I think it was in the Conference Finals searching LCA moaning and that was probably about oh yeah there you go oh wait here it says someone played the moaning prank playing stff straight from Twitter I hope this dangerous oh this is really dangerous hold on just our shining the ball and our energy was great okay all right is that what we were talking about you guys know about that I did not know wait that’s real that’s his reaction I’m afraid I’m afraid to play the what do you [Laughter] think okay that so best thing I’ve ever seen L that was his best F his appearance I think everything I said about James back that was great what would did they Crack the Case what happened I do think eventually uh somebody is crack the case but I I it was occasionally you’ll find on Twitter it’s like hey check out this soccer move and you’ll see it and it’s like a soccer thing but then there’ll be like this loud moaning so that’s how they get you sky that is the best you know speaking of iisus and Chris and I hold on let’s play the audio here real quick I posted or I’m about to post a Sabrina incu incus incus incus there’s no s at the end yes um yes there is pretty positive Chris Chris yes I yes I that’s part is he just doubles yes there is there actually is dude Chris I I was gonna bring this up and you know we’re just kind of throwing them under the bus but Chris yesterday when we were doing our our breakdowns of the the trade targets were you getting a a Pat conington from Nate or were you getting con I don’t know I didn’t hear that I was getting at conington close enough remember that guy used to play for the kingso Turk glus yes he was amazing turkey glue it’s like one of the earliest like that doesn’t seem right it is tasty though oh God people used to randomly throw a be into Pia’s last name too where what oh at first I thought he instead of [ __ ] that’s just an excuse wait how would they throw a be in there St oh that way no the one that always bothered me is because he’s one of the great Jason knows where I’m going he’s one of the greatest of all time but Kevin harand never got Pia’s name right it was sakovich the whole time Paia played it was Paia sakovich and it’s like at some point can someone please ifb the guy in his ear be like it’s sto it’s not Ste I found some other audio from the archives that we were talking about earlier oh God the Home Run King himself Mr Pete Rose Pete it’s Dave Katie and Nate thanks for joining us how are you uh I’m doing well today and I I appreciate that but um actually Barry bond is said the Home Run I hadn’t heard that in a long time I forever so bad we were going over um did you find the other one no yeah of course you did uh we were going over bad moments on the air of which I still think even though it was 100% not his fault Jason has the worst but that was typ of deflection is that no no that’s like a that’s not an insult to he knows what I’m saying like it wasn’t his fault I know you guys just heard some trash yeah but that was that was self-inflicted obviously that was 100% my fault like I obviously knew he’s the he’s the Home Run King I know he’s the hitting King yeah the hit King but it’s just like brain whatever and that happened Chris you know which one I made me think of now um and you probably have it somewhere the update from Don’s God voice no oh I have that somewhere that’s got to be somewhere or the show that was on before as he would kind of he would talk he he they did modulator so he would click it he like all this is God it was one of those and so I followed the show and the first thing I was doing an update remember and I can’t I can’t fix it I’m like and then I’m laughing and it’s everything’s funny but I’m like I don’t know how to fix it who i s crazy oh the K that’s not how it’s supposed to be oh my godere worst thing that’s ever happened to you that you worst mistake you made on the a you I can’t say it I can’t say that means you have to say it I have to play it for you after didn’t Eric hassle drop an MF on the Raider report one time when he was driving back I I know that’s true it was early in the morning and I think he was hung over and he called in and he dropped an MF I think live on the air yeah yeah sounds I know he’s done he’s told this story before but instead of taking and now I’m got to be careful for basketball taking a shot oh we played that on the night show all right so cele birthdays by crumble cookies uh meant to be spent with family and friends now then bring family and friends together crumble cookies happy birthday today guys to dmbe Mato I didn’t even know oh dmbe not today not today uh dmbe Mato is 58 I’m actually yeah I’m going to say he’s a little younger than that I’m doing the math in my head I’m going to say he’s 54 what 61 oh that’s what I was gonna say 60 we have a correct answer that’s gonna be hilarious if that and it belongs to Carmichael dayve 58 for I was assuming he was 28 when they were in the finals and I was 11 you assumed wrong so he was a little older IUS happy birthday Ricky Jes why don’t we do the guessing oh it’s the one thing uh oh this is a good one I have no idea Ricky F jerv Ricky jerves is you know who that is 62 but he could be 52 I don’t know I’ll say 62 who’s this Ricky Henderson 59 what was your guess 62 62 59 59 uh I’ll say I’ll say 60 is a Ricky The Dragon ste4 yeah very good uh no correct answers but the closest is Carmichael Dave 63 you’re one off he’s hot it’s my day hey hold on hey ladies and gentlemen hey it’s [Applause] Nate to be fair Nate there was a mistake on the schedule because Nate no listen hear me out because Nate today is Tuesday and Nate accidentally looked at last week’s schedule he wasn’t on Tuesday so he wasn’t going to come in today except he was on last week’s schedule on Tuesday and Nate’s just just one of those lovable booger eaters that we love so much I say that he did starting to wonder if that’s true at some point you got to pick yourself up by your bootstrap that’s a great Point happy birthday Dell Curry yeah Rogers o uh D Curry is 63 how well he was 62 last year my thoughts I think he he’s 68 no way dude he was on my fantasy bask I want to go higher uh 61 6 68 and 61 are completely different what did you say Chris 60 we have a correct answer you think it’s you huh no chance it’s the youngest guest of all when did he have when did he have Steph could have been 27 what’s Steph 3 34 so 34 years ago is when he 26 Steph is not 34 okay then it’s 35 oh 25 years ago oh my God Del Curry was 25 when he had a kid Phil with 11 what what’s coming up on the show today no time for that Styles Watkins coming up next byebye the only you’ll find dearon Fox his sack Down Sports spins away from the defender in the paint soft loader that’s a great play by dear Fox hey Sacramento it’s dear Fox and you’re listening to the home of the Sacramento Kings sack toown Sports your local sports leader I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I didn’t think

On today’s Tuesday edition of The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross:
– The NBA Draft is one day away!
– Sacramento nearly trades for Alex Caruso
– De’Aaron Fox is waiting to sign his extension with the Kings

That and much more!

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