@Phoenix Suns

Former Suns That Must Be Targeted In Free Agency..

Former Suns That Must Be Targeted In Free Agency..

we’ve been looking through all of the potential free agents and trade candidates that the Suns can get on little to no money to help out next season actually chasing a title and for whatever reason the majority of the names that keep popping up are former Suns so we decided to look into a lot of these former Suns players their current situations what it would take to get them back and what kind of fit they provide on this current duration of the Phoenix Suns s let’s start with Chris Paul the biggest name does he fit and could you see it happening yeah let’s start with Chris Paul now this all depends on whether or not he gets cut from The Warriors they have until the 28th of this month I believe to decide whether not they’re going to take on that contract for the upcoming season and so that has a timeline on it we’re going to see what happens I I had always asked the entire season how different would this team look if we had CP3 rather than Bradley beill cuz I keep comparing the two because because we did end up trading CP3 for Bradley Bill and we could have saved a little bit more money now we wouldn’t have been all the way out of the apron but we could have saved a little bit more money keeping CP3 rather than Bradley Bill and I’ve always asked that the entire season how different would this team look actually have a point guard uh we would have to worry about be or Booker trading ball handling duties we would have had a solid point guard the one thing that me and you believe that this team needed and I mean let’s be honest with the news coming out that’s what James Jones believed that they needed and so yes I do like the idea of Chris Paul coming back now me and you have talked about this before would he really come back to the Suns on a minimum because that’s literally all we can offer chances are I don’t think so probably not I think he would more than likely go to one of the LA teams the Lakers probably being the one that he goes to but as far as the prospect goes yes I know he’s 39 years old I know he’s injury-prone I know he has issues but still his leadership his headiness his ability to find the right player distribute the ball is all super valuable especially with this team the way it’s constructed now and we’re title chasing essentially so yes a player like cb3 could definitely help there’s no way that I could deny that the sons need Chris Paul’s Services I would hope that they could get him back on a minimum if he’s going to go anywhere on a minimum but it is likely that he’ll just Rectify what a lot of people think was a wrong that was done to him earlier in his career when he was denied the trade to the Lakers back when Kobe was there he’s lived in Los Angeles I believe he still has residency there his kids live there he spent a lot of time with the Clippers so la is really his second home or first home it’s just difficult to imagine him going back to the Suns after they moved off of him he does seem like he has a little bit of Av vengeful spirit and this is also all assuming that he’s forced to take a veteran minimum which someone might want him to come in somewhere the Spurs and give him just a little bit more now there are three other point guards that have us fascinated with the return if you could only pick one between camay Javon Carter and Aaron holiday which would it be and why between the three of those point guards that you mentioned obviously if people have followed this channel for the last three years know that I absolutely loved Aaron holiday when he was on his team I absolutely thought that Mighty Williams did not give him the uh proper playing time and or even a chance to prove himself M did all this talking about Aaron holiday being a holiday and you want that kind of guy on our team yet never gave him the time of day to show any minutes especially meaningful minutes in that playoff run which we both thought that he could help a whole lot when it comes between these three I’m going to go with Aaron holiday Javon Carter would have to be um a trade situation because he has one more year left and so I mean it’s not you can’t overcome like you could literally trade Nas little for him if you really wanted to the salary match basically so it’s not like a a stretch to go get Javon Carter but still it requires to move assets I don’t think it’s something that I would want to do especially when this team has to house 14 players on this roster at least you know what I mean and so that’s not a route that I would go anyway I’d rather just add a veteran player than trade one for one if that makes any sense to you then that leaves me with Aaron holiday and campaign now campaign we’re familiar with he played decent in Philadelphia but Aaron holiday also played decent in Houston and I would argue played a lot better A lot better in Houston in my opinion and so for me I like what Aaron holiday has to bring Eddie makes the right passes shoots from the three-point strip pretty well I think plays defense let’s talk about that because that’s going to be really important for this upcoming season and so absolutely Aaron holiday on a minimum is a steal for me and so that’s where I would leave it’s hard for me to pick which one of the three I want the most I’ll just say this and this may come across as greedy but I want two out of three I think that they should strive to get two out of three campaign for me is going to be the most probably the most important CU he is the best of them all offensively and then you get one of them because both of them are better on defense so you get the offense from campaign the familiarity of him having run the offense with Booker and then you get one of those defensive guys Javon Carter or Aaron holiday I mean hey I’ll take all three but if I can get two of these guys I would feel like the Suns have officially fixed their point guard problem because that’s all they need to do is get a couple of guys that can steady the ship I absolutely love the idea of bringing campaign and Aaron holiday both in to this team to this roster I feel like that’s a win-win it gives you two ball handlers that you absolutely could use how many many times you know especially whenever we had the injury issues with Beal sitting how many times were we like man we need another ball handler we absolutely need another one I think this will remedy that also once again I can’t overstate the fact that how familiar we are with campaign he already knows how to play with book that’s going to go well and Aaron holiday’s headiness again and defense great fits I did not like last year when we had to force Grayson Allen to bring the ball up the court or oogi to bring the ball up the court it just not good for us and I feel like these two players would definitely prevent that from happening now Gabe speaking of these next two former Sons now one is an athletic wing and another one would be a stretch four let’s just talk about Tory Craig and Dario sarage I hate to be that guy that wants all of those former Sons to come back or you know wants all of his former team players to come back because it’s kind of embarrassing it’s EAS to make fun of it’s like oh you just you know love former players but I do I want both of these guys back we’re talking about reassembling parts of a culture and team that did great things and these parts we’re talking about were working parts and it’s proven so you add these guys back in you add a wing Defender if you can afford him Tory Craig who can shoot the three you guys tell me in the comments do you trust Royce O’Neal shooting threes or Tory craigmore for me it’s kind of a wash and a guy that can play the four or the five another connector another really good passer in Dario Sark these are all guys that the Suns can afford and have proven they can win with so what am I missing exactly when it comes to toy Craig I’m glad you brought up the Royce O’Neal comparison because I’m in the thinking that you’re going to sign him back with bird rights right so my thinking is what’s the point of them bringing toy Craig you already have Royce and but after watching our season last year I’m kind of now in the mindset of you can’t have enough depth especially if you’re trying to make a deep playoff run or or run throughout the season or be able to win enough games to not have to play a a crazy match up in the beginning right you’re gonna need that depth and so now I’m thinking okay toy Craigs maybe not such a bad idea in case Royce goes down or maybe you just need another Wing like you said that always works out I was always in the thought that we had Joshua kogi we had NZ little that should be more than enough even a David Rody right I want to see these young guys and I still do want to see those young guys play more and see how they fit but at the same time you can’t have enough depth especially if the if what they say is true they’re looking for athletic Wings Tory Craig fits that as well and I’m kind of with you I don’t want to be the guy that wants to continue to bring back former Sons I mean I don’t even think it’s a competition Dario sarch Eubanks Dario SAR Eubanks you’re definitely going to take Dario sarch Dario has always been a better small ball five option than Drew EU Banks ever was tell us what you guys think in the comments and let us know are there any former sons that we missed in this video

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  1. Chris Paul on limited minutes would work for me because he still has game. But Give me Holiday and Payne as my 1st and 2nd choice.

    Saric as a back up big definitely, Craig also strengthen the bench. We still need youth that comes from the draft though.

  2. It all depends on the draft. If we draft Missi then we go get Cam P and maybe Holiday. If we draft Kolek then we get Saric and Craig. Knowing JJ he'll only get 1 PG tho..

  3. Craig was solid defense player and Cp would definitely help with ball movement, pace control, leadership, and he helps closing the 4th which we desperately need! Craig’s brings solid defense rebounding and can be a solid role player

  4. The only dude we should bring back is saric, Dario got traded for noooo reason. My guy was ballin. They traded him for Darius Bailey whom didn’t do nothing and we let walk…

  5. Suns limited to the bargain bin. So at least you are discussing players that are likely vet min guys. Too many unrealistic targets from fans.

  6. FYI, Jock had a slow start at Rockets due to injury but almost finished top in +/- there. Don't know if he's going to become available with the Adams signing though.

  7. This whats needed to make another nba finals run? Suns back in the nba finals again? Would love to see this again ?

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