@Miami Heat

Bam, J Will & Rio Share Their Craziest Heat Stories + UD Shares His Unfiltered Finals Reaction

Bam, J Will & Rio Share Their Craziest Heat Stories + UD Shares His Unfiltered Finals Reaction

w [Music] welcome back to the ogs we are on the road but we’re still here we’re going to jump right into it UD it is our boys at Morgan and Morgan it is too easy easy yeah speaking of too easy then Boston Celtics May that look way too easy bro talk to him way too way too damn easy think they had some voodoo dolls or something somewhere that’s too goddamn easy man I don’t like it I don’t like it but but congratulations but I don’t like it the one thing about you big dog you ain’t gonna hate on it they did their job we don’t I ain’t no hater I ain’t no hater let them enjoy it you know what I’m saying it was a little gloomy at the parade it almost rain Dam well I saw I saw boy our boy Jason Tatum talking about us too like every time he came down to Miami I loved your response though I thought it was great what happened of course I mean once again congratulations to the Celtics I ain’t no hater I actually like Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown I I didn’t mind seeing the maturation of them as basketball players because I was there you know what I’m saying from the beginning I was able to send them home a couple times so I saw that pain and I know how that pain drives you I know how those sleepless nights keep you going and keep you up so I understand you know what I’m saying what they was feeling inside and I understand how that gets you over the hump so congrats to him but he had to be drunk there’s no way he still drink he still drunk from the parade there’s no way there’s no way he don’t godamn well that they sweet down there in the 305 he know what time it is you know what I’m saying the last four or five years it’s been us a off you know what I’m saying yeah Milwaukee got in there but it’s been it’s been between us and Boston so a healthy Miami Heat team I would have loved to see how that would have went yeah the good thing about it is like anything else you you win it once and it’s on onto the next year already so it’s but it was too easy they ran through that pretty easy this year I mean once again they were the best team you know what I’m saying you look at what they did last year and most teams when they get to the point where they got to last year you know what I’m saying they run it back they but you get a chance to go and bring in Drew holiday as champion a two-way monster you know what I’m saying probably you know one of the best X factors you can have and then you go get porzingis obviously you know what I mean he got hurt but you know the the impact that he had game one you know just coming off the bench you know what I’m saying knocking down shots and playing the way he played you know he had two good games I think he did his job for the finals even though it was only two good games I think he did his job for the finals so you know when you talk about what they had man you gotta not just give them credit but you also got to give Brad Stevens credit you know what I mean no doubt most teams most teams run that back you know what I’m saying oh we got to the Eastern Conference Finals oh we got to the finals the year before most teams keep running that back you know what I’m saying them boys got better so a person like me who’s sitting at home watching the moves that they made I’m cringing you know what I’m saying cringing because I know what a Drew Holliday does when he comes to your squad you know what I’m saying we all know you know what what the ceiling is and what porzingis is capable of you know if he’s healthy you know what I mean so you know congrats got you gota you gota give them credit you’re right I mean they didn’t they they didn’t say Idol that made the changes that needed made from top to bottom they they know what their expectations was and you talked about it many times this podcast like hanging up divisional banners and Eastern Conference banners is not what they do in Boston that’s not what they do in Miami so they made the changes they needed to make to make the championship and they made that look too damn easy Morgan and Morgan shout out to the damn Boston Celtics we got to give them their flowers man y’all enjoy this show man we we going to get him some crusty ass dead ass flowers but we going to give him the flowers hey y’all enjoy this show appreciate y’all tuning in to the OG’s as always man UD you’re a legend love you killer love you brother we’ll holl at y’all one thing about the two for show JJ don’t play no games man JJ be kick you in your teeth man listen you remember that he we had that remember that time we was upstairs playing pickup and I ain’t going to say no name but somebody on our team called JJ a [ __ ] JJ say in the lock room listen in the lock this JJ say hey you got see me out the practice everybody say everybody say you know that that’s the that’s like man stall him out man stall him out man hey JJ was already his mind was made up he said Hey listen let me tell you something someone tells you they got to see me after man listen Hey listen let me tell you something that listen JJ is the only person to call me he was the first person to start calling me like 13 yeah cuz he told me he said man until you passed the conditioning test you ain’t going to get your name so at that point I already I was like man he different yeah I said he he people with neck tats you know all right here and all that I said yeah you off the CH You Off Your Rocker anyway let me man listen that man called that man a [ __ ] I looked at I said man JJ don’t do that he said man listen stay out of this stay out of this bam I said let me tell you something and let me tell you something like I say we Hunger Games y going to Hash that out and that’s it after this man listen we don’t this ain’t going to carry on for two three days I bet a long rest of practice for that guy about what going do oh man listen man no man hold on man cuz I watched this the funniest part about it dog JJ in the balling beat this man up like he ain’t got no kids no that man up quick man listen tow fly you know our equipment manager Rob shout out Rob man shout out Rob man rob get in there hey man get away from my towels you messing up my towels and I’m just looking at this man falling this man up and I’m like Dam bro listen JJ got done he said you all right and it walked out walked out this man crying sniffling they hugged it out they hug yeah they hugged it out they whooped his ass and hugged him and left we that’s that’s hey TR to the show OG that’s realen first of all we ain’t calling nobody no [ __ ] around here we don’t do that ain’t no [ __ ] in here so we ain’t going to do that and secondly if the man say you got to see him he want to hold you accountable listen he want to hold you because if he don’t get you today he going to get you tomorrow so I might as well just let y’all get this out got it out the way we moved on you know what I’m saying but uh J I was sitting I was s you know you peek around the corner man I was sitting there I was like damn he whooping his ass he LP that boy up good where was it in the lock room in the locker room Jack it locker room well not the locker room the the other locker room where the shower where the shower was at yeah so it ain’t no carp in there so he hitting the ground he he ain’t getting up boom I’m like oh D listen that they say by JJ real real that man up quick real so this how I knew I won’t going with that man so one day we in practice and somebody you know you get a widgie like they so the ball get stuck in the side of the rim this man said hey 13 watch this remember man this man did some Sumo kick man kiic the ball kicked it out the rim Y and landed on his two feet I said nah man I’m cool off you Kung Fu theater on Sunday when I used to grow up and watch that on TV man you you ain’t nobody doing that 225 68 doing that yeah I said yeah man I’m cool man you got go get that thing for JJ you got I’m leave youbody JJ yeah I Ain man you get mad enough I’m cool he breaking all he snapping necks doing I’m talking about Bruce Lee moves like that but once again we ain’t for everybody you might have went somewhere else and called somebody a [ __ ] and got away with it you can’t do that here listen you can’t do that here you got to see that man you got to see that man that’s how we work out here say consequences repercussions yeah man we don’t conform to the ways of the world Listen the ways of the world people got Twitter fingers and say all kind of ain’t no consequences prevents piss P performance piss P performance promotes pain pain Now list got some pain pain man I’m telling you man I went around that corner man I was boom boom boom boom I around CU said damn he whooping his ass dog man I’m sting there a real a real question though what was the bounceback for the dude that got his ass who the next day in practice he show he show up like he it was yeah we left that right there it’s over with well he probably leave that right there he probably was making a plan on how he was going to get his ass back do what get his ass whooped again hey that ain’t none of my business no I think I think he did the best thing he could was left that low man listen I don’t know man you whooped my ass like that tow I’m talking about tows flying you shoes going there jacked like Tas made and devil you in the Tas devil lock room real fast about 15 good minutes listen man that’s when I knew I was like yeah that’s going to be my teammate for life he ain’t going to never be on my bad side man remember he was going to get that uh old buddy Toronto oh yeah he ain’t want none B was it bambo no Serge Serge man Serge thought about that didn’t JJ swing he might he might have try to catch him real quick no JJ swung and was F to hit his ass with that left and I forgot who grabbed it somebody grabbed him like this and I was like boy listen yeah that left with a left cuz it was a it was one of those you know how when you you see him like sometimes JJ be like he be playing around like acting like he be but you know we don’t be with that cuz I be like JJ go ahead man cuz you actually hit me we you hit somebody for real yeah cuz you be playing too much man listen when that man got live it went for and that left went I was like oh my I’m sitting on the bench like oh so after that you know JJ short circuit so he can’t let stuff go yeah man I’m working on myself this that the third I’mma beat his ass and you know you got to walk past you know when mother telling you they working on their self you know but you know in Toronto they dang at half timee you got to walk past everybody yeah right past everybody you got to walk P we have four security guards around this man everybody on their bench like this want none of that they want I’m talking everybody just standing there just walking him go p man listen I was like cuz you know you getting a little scuffle like that you know teammates going to say something n you ain’t going man ain’t nobody say one word to JJ when he walk past that man went straight past them I said yeah they don’t want none of that Smoke N I was watching that man leave I said power I don’t want none of that either they don’t want none of that they don’t want none they want we had won the championship the year before and they sent out memos for everybody to be in shape and to be back in the arena two weeks before training camp y showed up the day before training camp not two weeks before and was was out of shape like so we already started that season off behind the eight ball got merked by 1 ring Night by the bull man I listen we did not have Championship habits we was we was I was here because I lived in mi so two weeks ahead was easy for me but GP Antoine Walker POS all them dudes talking about coming back two weeks before to start getting in shape Earl bar Big Dookie remember ear Big Dookie what up boy yeah he in in the Scout scouting team when we was playing the Mavs that year in 06 when we beat him he was uh Dirk on the uh Scout that ain’t what we called him n we called him dark dark dark nisy dark nisy oh my darkis yes sir hey so then after that the next day so now that fast forward Jay will and R go through they little and Jay will I ain’t never seen nobody foul off on R so they F off back and forth then Shaq and Rous get into it that’s when I just said you know what Shaq going to kill this old mother let me just try let me hey big fell you hurt this man Shaq push me out the way man man like a little shouty man I just walked away and went to shoot free throw like with dwade I said man I ain’t getting into that man I ain’t with that I ain’t never had no man man handled me like that before in my life man I’m a grown ass man man you was not going to be y I ain’t going to hit him me out the way I was like yeah I ain’t with this but that’s right that was a particular day that all this went left you know what I think started at is I came in I came in that day and there was a note on my locker said Rous wants to see you in the office a and uh uh by the way by the way y back at home that’s a note you don’t want that’s right that’s a scary that that man some some of you don’t want it some of some of us don’t want that’s like the that’s I’m saying some of us are built for it some of us ain’t you know what I’m saying no um I don’t want that’s like the not on major league when you ass get Major League the movie where they had that in your locker and you go see that in your locker just get your going on home don’t wor about Ron C was the one that wrote the letter R that’s right one the best best trainers ever it would tape your so tight your KNE a swell up that’s right that’s right they would so he wrote the letter right on there BM I’m usually the first one that practice down there every day usually so I’m like man I knew that wasn’t R was rri so I’m like I’m not going up there you know what I’m saying if if if I’m grown ass man dog if he want to talk to me he comes hey you know come see me but and I’ll gladly go up there so I ain’t know I’m up there up there shooting and rs don’t ever come out on the practice court till like 5 10 minutes before this start he out there 50 minutes before walking around walking around the circle like oh you’re ready and I already know man I’m like oh man F to go down I wish I wouldn’t have done it now like damn why could I this would have been over with but here we go man so we bringing in blah he brought us in you point he pointed right at you you can leave Shaq was like No And I was like that’s when it started when it started Shaq said don’t go no so I’m I’m you know I’m like what I’m I’m me I’m like who am I like I got to go that’s P rally I got to go he told me to go I’m F to get my ass up out of here so I’m walking musling on over there it’s a it’s you know that big old big old Square thing of bubble gum one Wheels I’m like I’m so mad I’m going to pick this I’m sling it right at everybody over there I’m going to pick that [ __ ] up that [ __ ] weighed 10 million pounds I’m like whoa so now I’m like now I’m kind of embarrassed like what so I just push the [ __ ] over gum go flying everywhere like everywhere so I’m just down in the show I’m in the sh right now I doing my thing and all hear is like a herd of elephants like coming down the stairs like are they coming to whoop my ass or what now they like come sh no get your clothes on you ain’t leaving L you ain’t leaving and they done went through all this he done talking about he done slung you up out of the way excuse me sir get up out of Zo big zo like no yeah big zo [ __ ] get on next thing you know big zo and and GP down there playing horse with buddy yeah listen ain’t nobody want nothing big fell no nobody big you know want some big fell like was with the smoke was with the smoke SLA sh finger out of my I said you going to kill him going to kill him but godamn it Pat Riley would have died that day fighting he God and that’s that day when I realized I had the most I already had respect for R but that day I was like okay all of it he went all he with the yes sir I ride for r i ride for R today’s episode is proudly brought to you by our guys at Morgan and Morgan it’s America’s largest personal injury Law Firm they started out here in Florida 30 years ago and now are helping people across all 50 states Morgan and Morgan is always for the people and have your back when it comes to fighting to get you full and fair compensation as athletes we have faced our fair share of injuries that’s why we know how difficult it is to get back out there after an injury the team and the support behind you matter and submitting an injury claim with Morgan and Morgan is free and easy it just takes eight clicks or less from the comfort of your own couch to get started if you’re ever injured you can check out Morgan and Morgan their fee is free unless they win for more information go to slthe ogs or dial pound law that’s pound 529 from your cell phone that’s thee ogs or pound law 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price guaranteed I got another story about you D I ain’t gonna say no name this man tried to beat this man up in his towel I did I tried to whoop somebody after the game somebody I was mad talking Talking Crazy M I was mad and you know you change whatever man I’m sitting there and now that I know I’ve always been an innocent bystander to lot of this I’m sitting there man cuz I didn’t play obviously I’m sitting there warm up fresh I I’m deba on I was like man do I even need to shower at this point man somebody get to talking at the mouth W what you say what you say y w and I’m like I’m telling my man F to beat him up in his towel now everybody else is dress you D probably the first person to get changed he running that first person change bo bo Boom by the time we do the by the time we do the meeting and and get done he in the shout this man in his to wo I’ll whoop your ass this down the Third and I’m just standing like hey man and this whole time I’m just registering like is this how the league is like [ __ ] in tow that’s how the heat is I’m like dog we beating up in towels I seen a man kick a ball out the side of the rim dude got bald up like it was a lot of that was going on in my rookie year that like I really had to translate like I had to look at the good out of it and I was like so what was the reason and in my mind I was like what did he do to make that man that mad like what did you say over there to get this man ready to whoop you in his towel I just wanted the best for the young fell what did he say I just wanted the best for the young fell that’s what you wanted the best for at that time you wanted the best just wanted the best for the young what he say sometimes I got to crack you whip you in the you know what I’m saying sometimes I got to whip you in the shape so I just you know it’s one of those things where it was a game before where you know what I’m saying this particular player didn’t play well so I had a conversation with with him about you know the way that he should be playing the way he’s capable of playing playing to his level you know what I’m saying so the next game he played well which I was happy for him I was excited but I could just hear him sitting in the locker talking to another guy and he’s saying yeah acting like I ain’t really about this life I ain’t really trying to get this out the mud like everybody else is so I said who you talking about man talking about me man you talking about me but I whoop your ass the crazy part about it m it’s like get nothing out the mud you can get it right now I’m I’m on the other I’m over here so is somebody is him dude he talking to and is UD now clearly I ain’t thought this through cuz I got my towel on I ain’t thought it through I’m we get rumbling I’m live to be slanging out here man I ain’t thought I ain’t thought it through you know what I’m saying what’s I ain’t thought it through I started through all I heard that say they act like who theu is they talking about me lost my man they got to you know man done stood up the man ain’t got on first of all you know you know all NBA away team slow ain’t the best this man tows be by the size of that piece of paper towel I had right there man listen he ain’t give no it was it went straight from you talking about me to Boom man 0 to 60 man I’m talking about everybody trying to clip chairs out the way spoke running in there trying to see what’s I’m I’m looking at SPO like you ain’t going to help this man no he’s going to help he could helped him would have been nobody that can help him so by that time I was like man dog I gota I got to rethink a lot of as a rookie I’m like dog like every all this is happened in my rookie year came in in that transition D way had just kind of left and and it was a it was I was like the only guy that had been there you know what I’m saying so I was a guy that kind of had to like set the standard what the culture was about I might have went a little too hard I might went a little too hard but they got it and my mind you go back to like yeah man most professional clean cut woo and I’m like people don’t even know this man trying to whoop a man in his top man listen man that’s OG for you they got it they got it they got it all the years of the heat being whatever they thought we were and when the season ended we always end up what people consider overachieving which we already thought we could do it anyway it just take a while but they get it you know what I’m saying man do listen that was some funny I’ve heard there’s a rumor there’s a rumor going on that you’ve never been beat one-onone in your entire life no ah you and just cuz his name right there you dirty that’s the only beat me Bam Bam wow that’s crazy I didn’t know the only I don’t know how good bam is oh I know how good no you don’t I do know bro that that bam y’all getting that Miami Heat and that and and that’s all respect to him cuz the BAM y’all getting instead of1 million $200 million bro I know the I know the tell Sports man listen when n like bam a point guard stuck in that big ass body yeah I know like I tell him all the time by the time he retired he goingon to be playing the point how I tell her that all time like bam my only thing and to you Heat fans and a SPO it’s Blas Blas Blas Blasphemous damn I can’t talk right now that bam ain’t taking 30 shots a game now I’m telling you he put so much pressure on the rim he’s so goddamn good and he’s so willing to pass that we can see a like and not even a selfish 30 shot cuz you he can’t even play like that but dog you watch him play his elbow work is so nice dog like just through the offense it’s like eight more shots out there for him yeah you know what I’m saying that’s just just me watching on some Michael Beasley like got to run a play for me I’mma find them [ __ ] you I’m saying like I’mma find all them he told you like hey he SP tell me like bro just want to play like I seen you feel me but just within the offense bam capable like bro skill-wise and he got the light bro if bam take eight more shots a game bro he be all over 30 a game easy 30 on 50 50 shooting like come on SO Bam’s the only one that’s beat you one on one who who’s tried cuz I’m everybody tried everybody tried the whole everybody tried everybody tried I ain’t seen no everybody try I don’t lose when you came when you came to the heat all the stuff obviously you heard about how we work and obviously accountability work ethic coaching all that when you first got there was it what you expected the workouts your your pre-drive workouts and everything was it what you expected when you got there 100% I cuz we ain’t for everybody people got to understand for everybody was it what you expected I seen a lot of dudes crumble listen I seen a lot of dudes crumbling there man they walk in there think it it’s sweet and they be like we do this every day like every day yeah yeah it’s don’t stop but it was like for me it was just a transition from me at Kentucky to me just that means that means does his job yeah it was It was kind of it was kind of cool to me I was like I’m in a space where Kentucky you got to work to keep your spot you get to the heat everybody undrafted it’s wild right you get you get one or two picks and everybody else undrafted we working so for me it was easy cuz I was like I’m in an environment that works like we want to work we want to we want guys to get in the gym you know our coaching staff want guys being in the gym like Hunger Games we yeah we we doing Hunger Games my Rick year we was doing Hunger Games and five on five scrimmaging in the middle of January like I’m talking about going at it like everything is a competition man everything’s competitive there’s a winner and a loser and if you lose you going to hear about it man and then you running you you oh I used to remember that Bo every time you get start practicing knee pads up mouthpiece in you’re like knee pad you know what it is suppos be like knee pads up mouie pie in time to battle ales in there yeah I’ll never forget man I I I had a like a tour my I had a sports Heria and I and I have it that’s why my back was so jacked up and the first time I come back they put me on the bike you know I mean you got get that bike I’m riding that bike I said man I I’d rather go out there and practice and tear everything I got to ride that bike you rather practice I told him I said I told Coach R I said R man listen I’m I’m not doing that again no yeah put me out there let me fall maybe Mr Potato Head put me back together what Pat used to call it play pin s nothing about that over there but it builds that toughness though we’re talking about cuz it’s like even when you guys go to like the the bubble and you’re the eight seed right and you end up making an NBA final like that’s the type of toughness it builds though kicked out of tities I never got kicked out of tities Ral found out yeah he told me don’t go no more this this mother now mind you you know how long it took me to create that pipeline you know how hard I worked to create that pipeline up the back stairs without being seen straight to the VIP rooms and right back out how the hell did R find out I want to say it was during the day shift like we had uh we we we used to experience the day shift that was our thing like you remember yeah we be in we’d be out by 6:00 killer at the had an amazing time feet up rested get ready for practice next straight from practice straight to the day shift you got to get lunch how the r find out and what did he say honestly I don’t know how he found out but R called me he was like yo I heard you was uh such and such you had U two sips of a a Jack and coat and couple hours chicken Godfather was the greatest of all time how you know all this he’s the greatest ever he’s like bro I know everything in Miami yeah he knows everything he does too Li yeah he said you can’t do nothing in the city without me finding out n and since that moment I was like all right cool like I ain’t got nothing to hide shut that down quick we Ain go back D we did not go back I ain’t go back that boy R was scarier too I think everybody was scared of R I told people my first two years I just speak you inated I was definitely intimidated R what was your intimidation why cuz I ain’t never been afraid of no man in my life my intimidation was because I pissed him off early yes you did with the rookie transition so so that’s like yeah so my my my Fe came from like damn he I’m already on his bad side and all I’ve heard were stories about how Pat’s The Godfather Pat run the NBA Pat do such and such you know what I’m saying so and he does you hear them stories you like damn I’m on this bad side like so I got to walk the straight line now and you know for me that’s D near impossible to work the straight line so for me so I I was struggling but yo the thing about pat pat understood me and Pat was like I’mma let you be you but you know don’t go overboard and that kind of let me grow into my stuff grow into my own and that that really happened when like bees got traded dayquon was gone it was just me and Doc and then all y’all so all y’all was the vets and it was just me and do young guys so it was kind of like I had no choice but to grow up to hang out with y’all y’all wern’t hanging out with no like we weren’t going for all the Reckless you was doing back in the two years we got real going on so it was kind of like all right like I got to grow up like for my teammates to for me to be in that that level to be accepted I got to grow up that’s when that Reckless Rio had done really took off what y’all doing tonight we call you we’ll call you that cuz it was nobody to hang out with so I’m just sitting in the house playing the video game like bro having fun I’m just sit here like let me I promise I won’t get no trouble BR I promise I’ll be on my best behavior one time he put me in the game or something and I didn’t shoot the ball or something he was yelling at me or some he took me out and then he put me back in and I had a I’m swear to God I was like the soon as I stepped on the floor the ball came to me and I had a wide open shot I was like man SC boy that went through RS man I hey I wouldn’t do that again if I if I had a chance I’m right back out and halftime you know how he go back in his office we’re sitting out in them chairs sitting back in his office he come out with what about 10 on the clock talk to us then we go back out whatever it about 2 on the clock he ain’t came out yet I think this was what it was the started then the next day in practice when he came out with a paper brown paper bag breathing in got right my face I remember that you make me hyperventilate I’m like what bubs what I’m not so sure what you want me to do like and then he went to kick you know how the doors in the locker room got the little flip down on the carpet he went to kick the jump to meniscus so now it’s all J Will’s fault all this is J yeah kick that W see R for two weeks I said where R he had to have surgery that’s right that’s right bro all CA of me cuz I didn’t shoot the ball though but he should have he did something to make me mad though R I don’t know what it was but I’m sure it was something you remember that night we was out on the beach oh God which one oh buckle up the night when we didn’t start no trouble and we wasn’t bothering nobody and somebody started something somebody I had I had that thing on me yeah I remember that oh God yeah killer I used to live a different life so we used to go in this little hole in the wall it was on the beach called three fingers nah that was in the city okay what was that we used to go to on the beach that little hole in the wall was it soie so so so live shout out so live that was the hood on the beach so we used to go to this little spot called soie live by the way great marketing hood on the beach yeah it was a hood on the beach we used to go to this little spot this is part of my this is part of my my Evolution as OG is to figure out how to show you how to go to all the spots and hang out and still maintain your Independence and be who you are still be alive but stay out of trouble stay out of trouble and keep your face clean out here your face you know what I’m saying so we out here on the beach we standing outside in front of the club chilling you you laughing funny we chilling standing outside I’m minding my business I’m minding my business too white girl come by and grab my ass oh my I immediately I immediately I immediately immediately grabbed up by the hand and say look here don’t do that cuz if I grab your ass I’m going to to jail don’t do that to me if I I felt violated if I grab your ass I’m going to jail secondly we hanging out in front of the beach well in front of the club you know the let out can get a cut the let the let out can get a little feisty yeah let out can get a little fight I used to always tell them man listen we don’t want to be here for the let out that’s my OG advice we want to be out of here before the club let out and all the goddamn crazy go popping off and acting all crazy they don’t want they want to catch the let out hey we shut it down we want to be the last one they want to shut the club down now I got to be OG I can’t leave them that’s right young puppies that’s your drink that’s y gota be careful hey man what’s wrong with I got be careful talk about the let out man I got be careful so we at the let out man everybody coming out the club man I don’t know what happened or what the what did y’all get into what even it wasn’t y’all it was bees what did bees get into I don’t know like I said I was minding my business I was standing by you I was standing on the wall next to you and all say you hear a big commotion be got an assum one thing I know about real is that’s half truth right there no I was standing next to you D know he was with me that time but this tell you what kind of OG you got here what kind of vets you got here I ain’t understand what the was going on I ain’t understand what bees did I ain’t had no question but all I know is I had that thing on my waist oh Lord I had that thing on my waist and I let them boys know Hey listen here we all together he said this ain’t what you want yeah this is not what you want me dog we all together this ain’t what you want you know what I’m saying like we out here chilling we hanging out so just understand my first group of of like young fellas was these guys and I was still ref around the edge of my that was the blind leading the blind half the time it definitely was that was the blind lead and the blind half the time with the we used to do hey that’s what started the Reckless cuz when UD gave me that pass in Miami in the hoods of Miami a what I’m everywhere I ain’t tell him to do what he was doing this is what I show I showed him how to I showed him how to get the tussies and not how to get there cuz you can Google address I showed them how to I showed them how to get there get there how you get in without Nobody seeing you how you get out without Nobody seeing you who to call who to talk to all this like I gave him all the game that’s was when I was living a different life K see I don’t live like this no more but all that like that like I had all that on Lock and that was my thing for these guys cuz when they came to this team like I want you to feel comfortable I want you to feel like you at home I had met Rio’s parents you know what I’m saying I had understood so I felt the obligation to make sure that this mother stayed out trouble and he was safe now when they went to NBA Camp when they went to NBA Camp they was on their own they was on their own yes and what happened out there smoking them left hand cigarettes but that’s the crazy smoking them left cigarettes in the goddamn NBA Camp tell that story do when these came back from NBA Camp I felt like everything I had done they let you down they let me down hey we went through hell coming back from that camp uh I don’t know what bees went through but like for me it was like I got that phone call from Pat the next day like what the is wrong with you and I’m like Pat it wasn’t like that man okay well explain how it was explain to us how it was I keep it real keep I was bored so I invited you know I take the blame it was my friends I invited the chicks over it wasn’t no weed I mean it was some weed but it was garbage so there was no weed but there was because it was garbage weed it was garbage so it was garbage weed so ain’t nobody really smoking we threw it away we threw it away so ain’t nobody was really smoking like that I wasn’t so I’m only talking about me here I don’t know who else was there so anyway so yeah it was my friends I set it up we got in trouble I took the blank but the crazy part is the other person that got in trouble was D real Arthur and that was my roommate in college so I took a lot of the fall for some [ __ ] that happen in college cuz for him so the whole story is when they knock on the door we was in in his room they knocked on the door I hid behind the uh I hid behind the shower in in the bathroom but I pulled the curtain so if you look behind the shower yeah if you look you ain’t going to see me so mind you mind you da Shady Shady 69 2240 at the top he hide behind the door and you push the door so as he opened the door he the girls walk out and they like oh we was just some groupies we just found a room knocked on the ROM door so they told the whole story so the NBA was kind of like believing them so they walk in the room they try to push the bathroom door open this man right like this on the bathroom door so the door ain’t moving they like come on bro bro sit on the couch 684 try to hide behind the door so he’s sitting down on the couch and they talk to him like who else is in here he said nobody at first cuz they look in the bathroom they don’t see me so last thing I know bees was walking out the room so that’s all I know about bees he walked out I don’t know what happened after that so once they once they look in the bathroom they don’t say nothing they go back outside to talk to the girls and Shady sitting on the bed still Shady get up come to the bathroom like yo Rio we caught come on say that again for the people in the back God damn yo Rio we caught come on I’m like I’m like I’m like bro I’m like bro just just take just take the fall you know we we we’ll pay your fine just take the fall so he go back and sit down dude come back in there he like start talking to him dude walk back out he come back again hold on a second before we go so you’re behind the shower curtain yeah the whole time like ducked in the corner but he said he said they can’t see him they can’t but the shower curtain had feet you know the you know the shower so you pull the shower back you don’t you ain’t going to look all the way back to the wall cuz you don’t think a typical NBA player can fit back there I think that’s one of those situations where you put that in your head that they can’t see you no he didn’t see they can’t see me you they can’t see me you standing bro like you could ask uh you ask the dude that found me he was like bro I didn’t see you at all only reason I knew you because I seen him come keep going to the bathroom oh God so the second time that the dude walked out Shady came back to the bathroom like yo real we caught just come on dude like yo who you talking to Shady pulled a door like him right here oh damn I a’t know that’s how it went that’s how it went down so dude dude pulled me out he started talking to me I’m like yeah bro whatever I’m shook I’m not I’m not gonna lie I’m shook I’m scared I think I my whole NBA career just being goofy so we go through that we wake up the next morning David Stern call us out and it’s like uh he great David that’s the last phone call you want too right so he pissed he like we got some guys that you know think they could beat the system whoopy whoop so he sent us home so the whole story was going around that we was in there smoking I’m like bro I wasn’t smoking so when I get back cuz it bad weed yeah cuz it’s baded so when I get back from the heat I got to do all these drug tests with the NBA like I got to do four random test all this to to prove that I wasn’t smoking and so I don’t have to go in the program so I passed all them test cuz I really was you know really wasn’t at that time and then I knew so not going to incriminate myself but I knew what I had to do to you know what I mean to be clean so I did what I had to do I pass all the drug test and it was just like boom I got through that but it’s still that stigma still stayed with me through my whole work still to this day like people still talk about it but that stayed with me and it was just one of them things like I could have waited two days to get home to get back to Miami it was like like try to beat the system bro you not bigger than the system like you can’t you never winning that one Co nah nah that was a Learning lesson for me you know that was that was one of my welcome to the NBA moments you know did did Beasley really beat Brown in practice 1 V one the answer is um that’s that that story whoever whoever the reporter was told that story um let me see let me see how I want to say this uh is some truth to the essence of that story U me and Braun we ain’t never played one-onone in front of people you know so the story was one day we was in you know remember when I first got here I was on BR ass like and not on no like I think I’m better but like like BR like Bron the first one called my mom about you know understand like when I found out somebody was big as me doing what I’m I told you I a have to be a sinner so my first time playing with him even my first time meeting him was weird I made it weird because I’m awkward but cuz I’m awkward I I used to just D I used to be on his ass in practice everything he did like I’m guarding you I’m guarding and you know one day he came you know I think it was you know off the back or something you know we had back he was tired he just yelled out like Mario Thomas is guarding me today look me dead in my face and I I hear and I got in my defensive stand and he looked at me Mario Thomas is guarding me today and Mario came and brushed me to the side and I just I just went over there and God the CB like you know so the reporter told the story wrong you understand so the essence of the story is kind of but me me and brown we play one-on One never in front of people though no nobody was ever s ever there see us play one on one you know so um that’s the narrative to that story I mean we had a lot of what people don’t understand is we had a lot of one-onone battles with with guys like and that’s the thing about it guys like dwade and Braun and when we had Joe and you know the Jimmy buters and you know the the the Michael Beasley those guys were never afraid to iron Shar iron after practice so now we got a two-hour practice and now we F to go another 20 minutes and we going to go spots and we going to push each other and we going to test each other that day we G to see we used to give out the we used to call it the Chevy award who got the Chevy for the day you know what I’m saying so got the Chevy who got the Chevy for the day you know what I’m saying so we was never afraid to push each other and challenge each other in that way it was only iron sh IR people making each other better you know what I’m saying nobody was scared of the challenge nobody was scared of that smoke everybody got it you know what I’m saying that East was nasty back then was Indiana was good about to say as a Pacer fan I got to talk about this you know what I’m saying I understood you know what I’m saying y’all won those series but I would like y’all to speak like how was those series cuz like those were really good series I know it’s a Pacers people don’t talk about a lot but that Pacers he especially for those two years that was a real rival like y it was a really good basketball series listen that was honestly who we worried about every year worried we worried about the Pacers we did it was always they was always like one or two or we were one or two and then you have Boston in there you know what I’m saying but we always worried about the Pacers David West big ass Roy hbert Paul Paul George Ranger Lance like we we did worry about them and the first time we beat him we had homec court advantage so we kept reading in the paper that they were saying next year if they have home court they can win it they have home court all we needed is home court so that stuck in our head that stuck in our head the whole season so next year they got what they wanted they got number one seat and we had number two and they got home court and we made personal cuz we had just remembered that they were saying that it made it seem like the only reason we won cuz we had home court it like if we would had home court we would have won next year we get home court we G to win okay now y’all got home court now what y’all gonna do y’all team was cheating though let’s keep it real I remember when Braun came to Miami the everybody was like a this weak I ain’t gonna lie we I I didn’t give I was in my what third year I was like I don’t care I just want to hoop I’m trying to get paid but I he I remember Joe I was at Joe Johnson house and he was just like why would they do this he’s like weak man Bri he weak for that then I got older and I seen KD do it and I was like why the he do this weak but when y’all came together that was crazy and I thought you was leaving I was hyped as hell I was going to leave I was hyped I’m like they ain’t got the glue I was they ain’t got nobody they Ain had no money I know because of him but you got it back see how I get blam for everything but you always get blame for getting that money and I you know what I’m saying he still get the money man oh yeah what what I would say about that team is we all had to go through a process of nobody want to step on each other toes everybody wanted to make everybody feel comfortable we had that um that training camp on the army base I think that’s when that Braun went at D Way D way went at Braun I went at CB everybody went at each other and I think that kind of helped smooth cuz I really hate each other then though cuz they had on TVV I was watching I was like damn look like Remember the Titans bro when they was I ain’t gonna say I hated Joe I hated Norris Cole and Mario Charmers cuz I was like damn and I think Pat B was there yeah Pat B was I was like they lucky than a mon like Dam but I didn’t know like be honest to re on them they job was probably harder right so talk about that bubble I I I wasn’t involved you they thought we was crazy they thought I was crazy about the bubble that was the hardest Championship to win in my opinion just because you in there literally 15 15 15 deep plus coaches staff whatever you need like training staff other than that it’s you your thoughts in one room boxed in like and correct me wrong yours were the e seed right F we was the eighth seed last year last what was it Fifth fifth or sixth yeah Fifth Fifth cuz we had play four five match up four five match up y’all had some epic runs yeah but like dog being in that bubble it was literally you your thoughts and your teammates that’s it I a I ain’t talk to nobody listen I ain’t talk to nobody from the other team it felt like you was it felt like you was gang affiliated when you was in the public yeah CH I chose myself Lakers got on purple and gold we got on black the Bucks got on they green like and nobody was walking by they self like like it like alpha males like I’m talking about you go to breakfast we sitting in the back corner the Lakers going to sit on that side it it wasn’t like nobody like trying to really like oh man we going to kick it and we won’t even so I’m his Pro today so like at this point that’s my best friend in the bubble yes sir man we we like this was like we walking we ain’t speaking to nobody I’m talking about it was like was walking around like mad at everybody got to flip back that reminds me of the Memphis story with Bon Wells reminds me when he the playoff game when he walked in yeah poor bons man that’s my guy he is the best he’s the greatest we had an awesome team by the way we did we had a lot of talent what was that game four was it when when he came in there yeah man I don’t remember that far back though what happened to Bonzi that was wasn’t the time when he came out uh and and Pell always was standing up there on on the court anyone sitting his seat boy bonsa came out sat down in his seat in Pell seat yes sir yeah he just felt like trying him yes sir about 8 minutes to go in the quarter for tell didn’t even come back down there not now time the rest of the half he stay way down there time out and all just stayed down there talking to the wrest yeah he just felt like trying him so then come back out in the second half bonsi didn’t play bons figured out he was going to go in so we’re sitting there for tell done call the timeout this the playoffs by the way tell done call the timeout sitting there to here bom like this time out bonsy watch this took your headband off damn yeah but look after the game come in there guess what it’s all about Jay Will’s fault goddamn it Jay will this Jay will that I said I didn’t throw no headband at you dog like what are you doing you mad at me like just because I’m small too but you just CU you small you want to pick on somebody small out of here dog you know so yeah forell forell wasn’t a guy man he wasn’t a guy he wasn’t he wasn’t a guy that can control like 12 grown men yeah I think he’ be a great middle school coach bro swear like you know what I’m saying like really his ex and those I think a lot of people take that for granted I mean you can draw up on a pen and a paper you could be great with exes and old yeah but if you can’t manage personalities and if you can’t manage the locker room right and if you don’t got the respect of your players right you what is your welcome to the NBA moment man Lamarcus all just bust my ass my R Year dog listen when was it it was like kind of like our first three games of the season after preseason so we have shoot around we about to play cuz that’s when he was on the Spurs him and him and pal yeah we about to play the Spurs and I think h w playing so in my mind I’m thinking I’m not g to play that’s right you play wh side pre preseason I didn’t play I got maybe four minutes in preseason total out of five games so I’m think I’m not going to play SPO not going to play me I’m walking to the I’m walking to the door hey young fella turn around and SPO come here you starting tonight all right we in the game there man I’m going over Scout I’m nervous I got bubble guts I’m in my apartment stressing cuz I’m like dog I can’t I can’t that’s how they do you I’m like like cuz he just throw you in the fire like first of all it was no war this was after shoo we don’t went through shooting round we don’t went through prep I’m on the sideline I ain’t done one drill list I ain’t done one drill hey young fella yeah you starting tonight all right so you know before the game we we line up at like 35 what what they used to call it platoon up yeah platoon up yeah platoon get in the platoon man we platoon up we start going going through obviously his Tendencies this that and the third I get in the game before I know it I look up he got get fried man listen they don’t go for up fakes first thing I do he upake that I jump through the roof and one bucket so then my homie J Rich like hey man just stay down this down the third I’m like all right bro I got it man he like my you know La got two moves yeah turn around jumper turn around jumper or he sweeping to the middle man listen I ain’t never felt so babied in my life yeah dog it was just like he was just like you it was kind of like he was like young fell come here man it’s going to be a rough night but I’m I’m going just talk all these buckets today I look up man that man ended with 41 and 10 yeah I wanted out yeah yeah I had one bucket the whole game it was a lot I went in there after that game I was like damn bro this what the Le I’m F to get my ass Fro I’m shook I go to cuz you know at that point I go I go to my condo I’m just sitting on my bcy like this I’m like dog cuz you know at that time you know one and done you 14th picko man this man cook me I got two points let and that was before social media really fire your ass up so now we got all this AI where they got like people on their self you know they post your stats I a have to go through that tell you something there’s some organizations where you walk in that building every day and it’s damn near like a country club you know and then there’s some organization like I when you walk in that and you immediately on edge once you hit the door as soon as you hit the door you are immediately on edge man like that we are one of those organizations that I walked out after that game I said man I ain’t going to play no more coach ain’t going to play me it’s over I said H got his spot I said man we good and they don’t understand that when you’re coming to a league that mental fatigue where the physical fatigue man I like I don’t think I slept that night La don’t know this I’m going say it now bro I don’t think I slept that night man cuz cuz you just through the whole game you just rerun everything that you did wrong and some of that I was like I can’t even control that but it was just like get at the bucket I’m like damn he ain’t even touching n bro man oh he was that he was a bucket though no he was a bucket that’s that’s when that’s when I’ll be scared to look at the sideline cuz I’ll be like man SPO going to just take me out I ain’t even going to look at him I’m going just go over he score I just go like this I just jog down this way on the other side won’t even look at SPO I was saying like damn bro man don’t worry I got a couple of those buckets too killer it’s all good it is what it is it is what it is but yeah I got thrown in the fire man SP was up for that that’s tell us you said he have a good Ant-Man story tell us it so I was coaching a uh a uh High School uh High School allstar game in Atlanta when he was still in high school his senior year and I don’t know none of these kids man these young kids I don’t know I’m just coaching like just just to be there I know what time it is with me now just show up that’s all we want you to do so I’m there coaching and ants on my team jump ball ant’s on the bench I don’t know who ant is but jump ball soon as the other team get the possession I I swear but didn’t take two dribbles I get a tap on my shoulder oh yeah oh it’s the director of the whole whole tournament why ain’t number two in the game I’m like I don’t know is he supposed to be yeah he’s the number one player in the country but time out time out hey a go in who you want me to get coach whoever you want bro go on in he a come out the rest of the game figured out how to coach yes sir Brown said X and those give me jimmies That’s Right One play in the country time out get on in there ain’t no rules for Playmakers dog yeah ain’t no rules for Playmakers not at all especially in an allstar game like that kind of VI n come on man get on in there hey you said Curry Kyrie KD that’s exactly what I said and Dame L that’s exactly what I said I didn’t disagree well damn I disagree what he said before we came on here when he said Duncan Robinson and Tyler hero I was like oh so you went at him okay so it’s about you what you disagree with ah I don’t I don’t how are we doing this competition like what is what are we doing excuse me guys can anybody tell me what hero is shooting from three right now graay all shooting 50 right now but you ain’t goingon to put him up there Grayson all ain’t no starter why isn’t he I mean he is a starter but he’s not he’s not a guy who you going to for buckets like that like he’s he’s Tyler is a little different Tyler different boy if you want some players for Grayson Allen you goingon to be sitting next to me hey the you talking about I am not disagreeing Tyler her Tyler hero is a dude he’s a dude he is but I’m just saying no disrespect to Grayson all but he’s a Jag he shoo just another guy he’s not my top five he’s not my top five Shooters you talking about don’t you do hero like that I dive all over your ass compare hero to Grayson Allen I didn’t percentages I don’t give a [ __ ] about a percentage we talking about a guy who starts and takes hey so so if he’s saying that then I don’t agree I put Klay Thompson up there if we ain’t talk about percentages right now you can’t talk about you can talk about percentages Rio but there’s a certain number I’m sure Grayson Allen ain’t shot as many shots as he ain’t getting clutch shots no you know what I’m saying he ain’t getting ran from we all know it’s a little bit easier when all you got to do is be in your spot and be ready as opposed to when you got the guy that got the ball hand I was one of the most clutch players on the heat and I didn’t get them shots either yeah but guess what the ball was in your hands either you had to get it you had to get it pass to you from braon or dwade I did okay that’s let me create him own and guess what hero ain’t doing that hero creating his own shot he Ain got BR and D way it don’t matter and I love Ty you know that’s when all my 10day that’s all so you saying to me it’s easier to shoot a higher percentage when you got to create your own shot than it is when you just got to be ready to shoot no I didn’t say that okay so then that’s mean hero should be better because he creates his own shot he shoot 50% from three it’s a different team it’s a different player different position all I said was they both shooting 50 from three I just looked at the percentages I didn’t say Grayson Allen was better thano yeah but a 50% when you out there checking the temperature and frying chicken is a different when you got the ball in your hand and you pulling up from three on the break because he’s allowed to gron can’t do that with KD and Bradley B book stop the is he talking about stop what’s he out there doing out there frying chicken and smoking cigarettes waiting cuz KD is going to draw three books GNA draw four and Bill GNA draw five so when B when that get the ball hey you and I both know that’s let me wash my hands they got chicken grease on them you and I know that’s hard to do Tyler hero ain’t got to do that Tyler get okay so that’s the difference between Tyler hero and Grayson out and that’s why I’m going Tyler listen I’m going Tyler hero too but Grayson Allen Grayson Allen making those wide open threes is hard to do though no I’m not knocking Grayson all I love I lived it but that’s swing yeah you got to make love over here over here down here I love all’s addition to that team I do too to everything that they got going on when they looking about looking for different what’s he doing though who he’s he’s smoking better than Tyler hero let me go ahead put that out there I’m not saying that so if Tyler is not on that list Tyler went on his list that’s all I said and I told him he’s crazy as he went out my head first of all he a had no white boys on his list I don’t know what the he was thinking what white boys are shooting in the league right now like that besides T hero Duncan Robinson too got a ratchet he he do [Music] I’m Grayson all you just you just downplay Grayson Allen no I said Grayson Allen is not Bing a tile hero I never Couldn’t Shoot but they’re not top five Hero’s not top five no what he’s saying what he what he would y’ please tell me what he shoo from what he’s saying really is 40 what he’s what he’s really saying what’s Rio highest three-point percentage for his career that’s what we F to do 41 that’s what the don’t do that 41 so 41 what he’s really trying so if he shot 40 you shot 41 then you was only 1% better than him you shouldn’t be on the list either I’m not on the list but I’m a way better shooter would you put yourself on the list hell yeah you get L with 41 he can’t get on with 40 because 41 is higher than 40 right 1% 1% better that’s what we be on there with 38 uh uh what what Steph shoot 39 or something so Bane and Steph should be on 3 39 Steph got the record so that’s that’s no no no you just said you just said percentages you just said percentages are we talking about career percentage or we talking about this year’s percentage right now okay then they shooting horrible cuz if you’re asking I think real so let me let me ask you this you gonna take uh Tyler hero over Steph Curry shooting percentages we’re not talking about percentages I can get both we don’t we need five we talk about we talk about a wide open shot you got the ball and you draw you draw and you see two people coming at you you got Steph Curry and Tyler hero who you going the issue is not taking Steph Curry or Tyler herro off we need five hero is on my five you’re saying he’s not on your five so who the is your five I agree with Mike’s what Killers five I got KD up there okay Shooters Steph or scorers shoo the man average four threes a game five but he does four no no no no don’t round6 4.6 yeah round up no no no we can’t round down we can’t well don’t round it all don’t round it all at 4.6 so leave it at 4.6 five sounds a lot better than 4.6 so people at home is 4.6 Ain five but here here’s here’s what I’m GNA say about that KD could go get nine threes a game he doesn’t have to easily this is not about KD but I’m saying but I can’t I can’t deduct him from that I can’t deduct him from that he’s shooting 47 Shooters Mike Miller’s top five Shooters Curry Kyrie KD Dam and Desmond Bane I’m taking it I’m taking over Desmond Bane huh I’m taking clay over Desmond bang of all time yes but not now I just believe in clay I do too he got the prettiest Jumper in what the Prett jumpers Desmond Bane not is not far out the he’s in my top 10 B boy so you’re not putting hero you’re not putting D heroes in my top 10 you’re not putting Duncan Duncan could be my top 15 I like Duncan but it’s just Duncan reminds me of JJ Reddit like how because they just catching and shooting no that’s not the dun no that’s not last year dunan it’s a whole different dun I haven’t seen a lot of dunan this year I haven’t lot of dun ret dunan Robinson dun Duncan Robinson right now is in contention for most improved player the way he’s playing the game of basketball he is not just a shooter anymore I haven’t seen it so check that out but we are talking but we are talking about just specifically Shooters why is he not on your list for shooters that’s my list I got to wear that one he said dunan ain’t on his list either for Shooters cuz I got clay about top five if you put so if you put CL on there who you taking on Desmond P okay that’s your five agree to disagree that’s what makes it fun I think both of y’all is dumb damn I’m dumb I think both of y’all are Dum listen got who y heat all top five I can go with that top five but you not going to tell me Tyler hero is shooting 40 % shouldn’t be on this list it’s a Shooters list 4 right now yes that’s pretty good it’s a Shooters list it ain’t a best player list it ain’t a basketball list it ain’t a globe TR list it’s a Shooters list strictly Shooters and this just said he won’t put ducking over because all he is a shooter the listed Shooters I said my top five but you said you wouldn’t put him on cuz all he is is a spot up shooter the listed Shooters what is it Shooters top so why the are you telling me you won’t put ducking on cuz he’s only a SP shooter he’s not top five one more time one more time what’s that list he’s top five not top five bro listen let me tell you something dog who created basketball James nay Smith nay Smith will roll over his grave for you saying that Duncan Robinson Duncan got a F this one of the bests I ever seen what you say about Duncan he got a ratchet clip so he’s still not top five yeah I I listen I got on mine either but it’s hard and I’m disappointed let me ask you this let me ask you this is Duncan Robinson top five in heat history in shooting yeah if like if you him up hell yeah who’s your top five yeah who’s your top five dunan Robinson over you if that’s what you want to know you going to pick anybody over over ain’t going Pi anybody over you everybody over youbody Ain going to take everybody over you but I’m taking over your ass first hey last 10 seconds of the game who you going to pick Robinson mik no last 10 seconds now you in my top five last 10 seconds you’re in my top five but once again Shooters it ain’t last 10 seconds Sho say category duck Robinson Mike Miller Ray Allen uh Tyler hero and give me one more James James Jones champ champ argue with my five we gonna wrest argue with my five we going to wrestle now pick one of them you can out shoot I out pick shoot all of them you ain’t out shooting this one over here all I out shoot all them you a not about to give me your camera talk about I’m losing to nobody I’m out shooting killer I’m out shooting Ray I’m out shooting anybody hey you remember what I told you remember what I told you I already lost the mic a couple times too right remember I told you don’t be playing Cs on that table don’t be shooting in the Gil with the table I already lost the mic a couple times cool you D really left all right so I’m out of pocket for D way James hard yeah that was crazy hold on we we G to touch on that we ain’t letting that slide we got to talk about that but I I I understood from the perspective of when these kids go to the court they want to get in they bag for sure boom boom boom D way was more I’m going to get to my spot and I’m going put this pullup two in your face or whatever it is and if you could guard it good luck but mother I’m get to my spot and take my shot so most of these kids most of these kids ain’t doing that no more got a whole bag and another bag in the car walk at you bubble gum but he could dribble his ass off and do all the drills he see on TV so I I I understood that perspective I wasn’t disrespecting D I think he’s a so the question is at Carlos Banos at Carlos Bank does Jeff still think ringless foul Merchant Harden is better than Hall of Fame dwade I didn’t write the question that’s a loaded question like that is a loaded question crazy listen I I think James Harden is the number three shooting guard all time me just like watching his game going against him competing against him like it was real life scheme like you had a scheme for D way too but James hard when he was by himself in Houston bro they was going to the Western Conference finals every year they was doing all this stuff and he was unbelievable averaging 358 eight he’s one of the easiest scorers there’s been like it was Ard he was unguardable and no offense I mean like I ain’t trying to disrespect D way when D way before Brun got there no disrespect to you too Miami was D near y’all was competing with us the Hawks like we was going back and forth yeah we wasn’t like that then Braun came different Stratosphere FL he was nasty I wouldn’t there he was Nast wait wait what what what I ain’t going to let you do is I ain’t I know I know no no no no no no but I ain’t going to let you do it act like we ain’t won the championship before Braun got there no the braids the braids you did oh God the yeah fresh shot fresh shot fresh shot you f straight back yeah fresh shot to F I got you yeah you ain’t going to let that yeah that you ain’t going to he brought them back recently you what’s up you got back that UD right there was fighting for his mother life that UD a had no money that a had no money that UD watch what Dirk did in the playoffs to mother anonio and Tim Duncan him that UD was fighting for his mother life and I had my homeboy hey let that cook you boy you would never heit the end of you talking about a had a edge times 10 n fact he ain’t gonna let you do no and no disrespect y’all was nasty D way he was a goat he was n ugly after that we but after that yeah yeah it got rough it got rough we had some rough patches I see I see had some R patches and them C I see Joe Joe was having moments I’m over there not enough talked about IO Jo Jo first of all one of the CEST listen buddy talk about easy score Hey listen didn’t you have to guard him in college yeah yeah I don’t know how that went for well I know we won we won we beat the ass we beat the ass dead nice no he’s a bad boy he cold but I knew like when I used to watch the game he still does the same stuff that’s how good he was yeah you going to watch him right now he was going to rock you to sleep yeah but I I agree with everything you say after you after that I agree with that I was like I don’t know about Miami it’s fun to go there though hey hey I’m going to tell you right now that boy dwade is built different though nah he nasty big big moments and stuff but I used to see him and Joe I’m I’m talking like blocking shot but I’m saying like you can say offensive package wise I get but like just impacting games dwade was unbelievable for sure defensively big steals Big Blocks like he just like like as a teammate as a teammate you walk out like oh we got this that and that’s why I would take dwade over him it’s because of the the impact on the game the impact on winning that’s what I’m going to say not just game the impact that he has on winning but when those years were sour in Miami James Harden when he had those same type of teams he did more with less and and didn’t win that’s a fact didn’t win but they it looked good let me let me ask you this let me because this this is a good conversation then I like this is James Harden better on worse teams yeah so if you put him on good teams oh damn that’s not that’s not a good thing to be I’m not saying he looks he looks really good with the Clippers he looks really good good with the Clippers I ain’t saying he was on worst teams but I’m saying when he had his teams they always was winning like he never had bad years like he won 50 games a Year yo okay bro but what did did they win I’m just saying they never had bad years it was a time when y’all was in Miami where it was like so so what we doing we bad y’ got Mike be you’re right you’re right I I give you that we had we we had a tough year we went down D never had a bad year at the end of the day there’s only one Champion I feel that so y’all was Rick Bobby say mother you ain’t first you laugh I don’t about all them numbers I don’t give about all them numbers it’s qu game c don’t matter to me did you win at the end of the day that’s all I want to know what you average what you did I want to see if you won some James Harden listen James Harden is really unbelievable we talking about two legends like two maybe or four there’s no disrespect to James James I love to watch James this game is amazing skill set unmatched that’s that’s skill that’s where we had the conversation earlier skill vers what’s God given [Music]

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00:00-04:10 Too Easy
04:10-15:52 Best of fight stories
15:52-18:00 Ad break
18:00-22:35 Fight stories continued
22:35-43:03 Best of Heat stories
43:03-55:07 Best of NBA stories
55:07-1:10:28 Best of NBA arguments

#nba #miamiheat #heat #udonishaslem #ogs #mikemiller #bamadebayo #jasonwilliams #mariochalmers


  1. Love watching this podcast, MIA all day baby! (side note.. Mike, don't chew tobacco with a camera to your grill bro that shit's nasty 😆)

  2. Mr. Udonis, Haslem,congratulations on your new TV career, another 20 seasons, met you at Boca Mall, 10 years ago, you had a group of kids on a Tech purchase shopping spree,,,WORK ETHICS

  3. Haslem da REAL OG GOAT 🐐 of all NBA VETS N Beasley He prolly 1 the best 1v1 players that was in the league love the podcast keep it up

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