@Toronto Raptors

Nets-Knicks Blockbuster trade has major Raptors implications

Nets-Knicks Blockbuster trade has major Raptors implications

welcome to pensar basketball live a little bit of a late session and a really quick live and to those of you who tuned in to our 4our one and you’re like yo you’re back again yeah well that’s what happens when you have a major blockbuster trade that happens in your conference while I did have a bit of a reaction I do think that sometimes instant reactions are not always the best reactions so we got to talk about this New York Knicks trade Mel Bridges going to join the Villanova Boys in New York and what does it mean for ogan anobi well if you’re listening to Twitter if you’re listening to Reddit what it means is your favorite team has got OG anobi and if you’re a Toronto rap fan you’re probably thinking oh job’s gonna be Raptor and if you’re a Mavs fan you’re like oh job’s gonna be a MAV and if you’re a Golden State Warriors fan apparently Klay Thompson is going away and OG and no’s coming back OG and anobi has become the free agent of free agents because people don’t understand opt-ins and opt outs apparently okay there are some real real Raptor implications here and I think that they start with number one there was real concern at least on my part that there would be some know competing teams for playing spots next year I apologize right now if the internet is a little bit laggy and I get cut out I’ll have to cancel the stream but I’m on one bar right now so if I’m super laggy or if the audio is a little bit laggy I apologize I do not understand what is going on with the internet but nevertheless the real implication here for me is two prong number one the Nets were supposed to be better than you next year I don’t if you agree with that certainly um but if we did a preseason poll prior to this Mel Bridges trade with Mel Bridges there with potentially them getting some guys back getting some guys better with how underrated the Raptors have been um bro biggest re I don’t understand this huh they need to make OG to the Mavs happen somehow where is this rumor coming from that’s what I want to know I would love to understand where OG from the Mavs came from anyways the longest story here is that you have real competition being just wiped away if you’re the sh Raptors first you had the Chicago Bulls trade away effectively one of their best bro’s biggest red flag is that he can’t wait until a reasonable time to do his live sure okay well I have to sleep at some point I got to stop responding to comments the Chicago Bulls were better than the Raptors this year the Brooklyn Nets were better than the Tron Raptors for most of this year you can make arguments as to why that was supposed to be and and it doesn’t really matter to be honest um I genuinely think that right now with the Josh giddy for Alex cuso Swap and potentially demaro Rosen leaving the leaving the Chicago Bulls maybe I’m exploring Zine trades Etc the dysfunction is that organization there’s a very good chance that the tronto Raptors are definitively better than the Bulls that’s four easy wins then you have the Washington Wizards that’s a lot of easy wins then you have the Detroit Pistons I’m assuming if the Raptors just take care of business they’re going to clean up about 22 easy wins you have the Charlotte Hornets the Washington Wizards the Brooklyn Nets at some point you might just make the playin by default because the Nets and the Bulls were really the only teams in the way of that the Nets the Bulls the Atlanta Hawks right all you need is for one team to fall out of your way at this point you’re going to be 10 seed by default whether you win 20 s games or 29 games you’re in the playin congratulations so that’s the first bit of in terms of implications right MJ saying unfortunately the implication is their Center hardenstein is a sacrifice not OG they will Target centers in this draft I’m hearing that I’m hearing that I’m hearing that they are going to look to package 24 and 25 and they’re going to try to move up and try to get Zak or east Mei or someone else I get all that maybe K where they’ll probably Target Z Zack Edy because Ed is probably the closest thing to a readymade serviceable who can actually contribute next year um Billa w k can you break down the Houston Brooklyn and Phoenix swaps all of that was really confusing sure so the general over you know the general theme there is that the Houston Rockets would like the trade for Kevin Durant they believe that the most appetizing thing to be able to trade back to Phoenix in an exchange for Kevin Durant trade which would naturally spark a rebuild in Phoenix would be to give the Phoenix Suns some of their picks back the Nets were the team that had Phoenix pick due to the Kevin Durant trade so in this trade swap exchange whatever Houston acquired some assets they believe will be very desirable for Houston sorry be very desirable for for Phoenix and the potential Durant swap effectively you got to look at it like this if Tres Kevin Durant likely they are signaling being bad okay they’re already going to be bad frankly but because of that uh at02 saying unpopular opinion but I think hardenstein is more important to the next OG you’re probably right that is a very unpopular opinion um look I don’t know what this means for OG and anobi I am the pioneer of the ogan anobi is coming back to Toronto Bay the OG Noby to NX is not locked I pretty much started this on the internet um correct me from wrong I don’t think anyone in the world question this unquestionable ogan anobi Leon Rose’s son Alliance thing and now it’s like he’s absolute free agent everyone thinks that they can get him I don’t necessarily know if that’s true the way to view this if you are a fan of another team is to say did the Knicks get the all clear from OG before making this trade that’s Devil’s Advocate right you could say they make this trade because OG agrees that he’s willing to come back at at a reasonable amount they think hey uh Mikel Bridges is an incredible you know asset at his price so let’s grab him at that price you know 2122 million a great deal for Mel Bridges was pretty much a role player when Robert Sarver and the very cheap Phoenix Suns signed him to that deal and so you look at it from the Knicks perspective they just swapped buam bonovich for a really good player in Mel Bridges and they gave up a lot of draft assets to do that and if mon Raptors had decided to trade off of OG and anobi three years ago this is probably the type of return you would have gotten for OG and anobi three four first round picks plus a pick swap I think that’s fair value this is the other side of it that’s the other side that the Knicks looked at OG and anobi now everything was Kumai out with OG according to you know some people they said hey you know the Knicks are this dominant this is their defensive rating OG has the highest plus minus etc etc but then there were Rumblings coming out coming out of the Knicks organization that he doesn’t like to play hurt you know again you got to ask yourself when wi horse or Adrian war is tweeting about OG and anobi not wanting to play through pain I think you have to ask where that’s coming from is that coming from the next organization because we certainly didn’t hear that OG anobi didn’t like to play through pain when he was with the Raptors but now that the organization that is managing his pain and managing his Medicals is leaking this out I believe that maybe there is some sort of buyer remorse on the Nick side once OG let it be known that hey I’m looking a test free agency I want to you know I want to I I know I said maybe I was willing to come back for 2728 but I’m not really so sure about that right now I would like to get more I think maybe they could have looked at this and said okay it’s time to get some insurances here right and Mel Bridges is not g to get moved twice in an off season allegedly the Houston Rockets were also making a strong competing offer for Mel Bridges bridges has a known um Mt saying you and the Raptors fan guy K killed it thank you so much appreciate that man so if Mikel Bridges was going to go to Houston he probably was never going to come back to the Knicks maybe the Knicks paid an extra draft pick in order to get the deal done now they probably did overpay by a draft pick I think the implication for the Raptors is simple you just cleared out one of your competing teams in the Eastern Conference in the Atlantic division in the Brooklyn Nets the Brooklyn Nets are probably not going to be competitive next year with Ben Simmons and God knows what else on their roster I’m not saying it’s four easy wins or anything like that I’m just saying there’s a team that’s going to probably be a lot worse than you next year I think that’s worth it um in terms of the OG and anobi thing as I said it can go two one of two ways either they got the all clear from OG to do this okay and now they’re envisioning a front court with OG and Mel Bridges paired with the back court of Dante de venzo and Josh Hart uh sorry Dante de venzo and Jaylen Brunson with Josh Hart coming off the bench as a utility Guy Mitchell Robinson is a starting center maybe OG is a small ball Center in lineups where they go super small against the Celtics Etc maybe they’re looking at Mel Bridges eventually being the replacement to Julius Randall now this was always going to be the plan initially this plan was supposed to be for Donovan Mitchell did something happen did they look at Donovan Mitchell and look at their core and say hey Mel Bridges fits better with who we are we already found our Donovan Mitchell in Jan Brunson maybe that’s certainly possible because this what they just gave up for Mel Bridges is rumored to be what they were initially going to offer froma Mitchell the five first round picks four first round picks all the picks that they held out of the OG deal so they did get their star some people will probably say it wasn’t a real star in Mel Bridges but Mel Bridges prior to last year was a hell of a player he had a really good season in 2020 2021 in Phoenix where he was all a hell of a player so there’s a chance that you could say hey maybe you got the perfect complimentary piece to Jaylen Brunson some people could argue he’s probably an upgrade on ogan anobi at least offensively and he does a lot of the same stuff defensively I think they fit really well together and personally right now if I’m a betting man this means that the Knicks will make whatever offer is necessary to bring OG and anobi back um Shadow Warriors saying Bridges is more durable than OG fact sure yeah he is the most one of the most durable players in NBA history and it is the ogob antithesis and maybe this isn’t so much ogn anobi leaves us in free agency insurance as this is OG and anobi is going to probably miss some time next year so let’s just make sure we still have this super versatile defensive wing on a roster and hey we have this opportunity I’m not sure and the reason that I think a lot of this talk about ogan anobi is going to jump ship now that Mel Bridges is there is premature the only way it makes sense is if you really really buy the whole OG anobi wants a bigger role on offense and now Mel Bridges is there taking more shots away from him Etc look someone was always going to come in better it be Mel Bridges than it be Donovan Mitchell right from the perspective of the Knicks they have traded away 2025 2027 2029 2031 2029 and 2031 in and 2027 those are the real implication ones for me I don’t have a doubt that jayen Brunson is going to hold up as UND guard and be really good Josh Hart is approaching 30 really soon it’s like 28 29 he’s close so he’s going to be fairly paid on the other end of that deal none of these guys are spring chickens they’re all in their late 20s early 20 like mid 20s to late 20s they’re all late 20s actually so you’re batting away the future unprotected 203 this this this deal could be stupid as soon as 2027 so you’ll survive next year and the year after but anything can happen after that you can be you could be in Capell uh you know Jaylen Brunson OG and anobi Mel Bridges any one of these guys could have an injury you know touch W want it to happen but I’m saying it could happen there’s a lot of things that can happen from now until forever so you don’t make this type of win now move unless you really believe you have a a championship window I don’t know if you have a championship window without ogan noi did they just sacrifice their ability to bring back Josh uh you know Isaiah hardenstein sure sure they did but I don’t think this means that OG and anobi is gone so Tony G saying OG to Philly looks really good based on what OG and anobi going and playing with that you know uh guy who turned his back on not one but two countries Joel embiid I don’t see I don’t see it man I I don’t get it I I thought Paul George the Philly was was far closer to a sure thing and then that kind of fell apart so it’ be interesting to see the you know the Sixers kind of falling their ass here if you’re looking at the East next year for the Toronto Raptors who are you competing against right you got the Boston Celtics at the very top and they’re going to stay at the top then you got the Knicks okay and whether OG andovi goes back or not do think that um why do you think the Rockets would throw away a path they headed on for a win now PA that would what would Katie really bring to Houston I think KD would bring legitimacy um I think he would bring a very blunted very weird very incomplete title window um I think he would bring veteran mentorship in in theory I think it would be a mistake I don’t think they’re anywhere close to competing but you know you have fed van you have you know Dylan Brooks there if you put OG on anobi and you can parlay some of those young players um and draft picks into depth you have enough you have enough to be competitive I don’t think you have enough to win a championship but you have enough to be good Donovan was tweeting about the Nets Yankees game which I thought was weird and out of character so I wonder if something fell through with him at the very last minute yeah it would be really interesting at this point if the Knicks turned around and traded the rest of their drafts with Julius Randall and tried to get um you know Donovan Mitchell that would be Insanity I don’t think that’s going to happen though I think they gave up too much in this deal to retain anything else for the other deal I also think maybe Donan Mitchell has sort of sold himself in a long-term uh future in Cleveland provided they’re willing to move off Garland Daniel saying yeah I think Houston is rushing the rebuilding process yes well anyways so I realized the internet is probably very laggy and this is probably a very frustrating live to listen to although no one is complaining so I have no idea if that’s true but I’m assuming that you know one bar it’s one bar uh thank God I finally figured out the lighting in the studio it has been a complete Whirlwind of trying to figure out the lighting even though I’m a cinematographer and completely messed it up um the trill is saying do you think OG is a sixer nope nope not at all I do not see that at all um no I think I think um OG like if I were to build a pie chart on OG um it’s not lagging on my end your camo quality is quite poor though well that’s the lag my friend that’s probably what it is um anyways I appreciate 136 of y’all in here at 223 can’t sleep before the draft day that’s pretty cool um OG the net that will never happen no no no no I think I think the Nets are fully going tear down mode they got some of their picks back here so they’re happy to you know tear down and um the Nets wanteded five picks for Mel Bridges early in the year they got four not not bad at all they actually got five so they got four unprotected and then they got the Milwaukee protected so they ended up getting their asking price of five first round picks um they all got a pick so that would be technically six first round picks or five and a half if you want to cons consider a pick swap five and a half so look I obviously think this is an overpay for Mel Bridges I think if you’re the Toronto Raptors you have to think of this from a long-term perspective in the very short term this helps you because if you did have this you know we want to get OG back we’re going to make an it we’re going to make a pitch to him I think the pitch is a little bit easier right now especially if OG really does prioritize his role on offense right so you can make a case that the Raptors have an easier path to maybe convincing OG to say all right you know um again I have no idea if the Knicks have even made up their mind on this right but I think that the Raptors have an outside shot uh they’ll get the meeting with OG if nothing as a courtesy they’ll have the inside route in terms of understanding him as a player and they don’t have to sell him on what life in Toronto will be like he already knows I don’t know I always thought OG um was a guy that prioritized um pattern and routine he always struck me as a guy who could get used to things you know what I mean like quickly and and I wonder if he misses Toronto too um so all in all I think the Knicks may be bed you know again you could take it take it both ways as I said you could look at it as the Knicks got the all clear from ogi I’m coming back and said this is our title window let’s go for it now the East is wide open other than the Celtics let’s be the second team let’s see if we can beat this team at their own game let’s get another versatile Defender let’s flip Julius Randle for something you know let’s flip him for something I don’t know what you’re going to get for him let’s flip him for something of value and let’s unite the Villanova boys with ogob with Mitchell Robinson hopefully healthy with you know some of these young pieces like dece McBride coming up off the bench let’s H let’s make this happen or if they bulked at the idea of paying a guy 40 plus million dollars potentially you know for 38 to 40 million on a fiveyear deal apparently if he’s seeking it and also not being sure if he’s going to play through injury right if if there is a culture disruption there Bill a wall saying I’m a Ms fan and I just don’t want OG on the Mavs okay well that’s that’s you I don’t think your front office would agree with that at all we draft a big tomorrow and we bring back OG and I say we can compete too sure look if you’re the Chon Raptors you’re going to have to start getting competitive at some point I’m not saying you should you should be happy that you can make the plan almost default at this point but you know if you can string together a 36 win season that should Kickstart something that you can build on for the following year this is always going to be a multi-year process I think Messiah and Bobby Webster have been pretty clear about that in their communication um so I think that with the other teams around you tearing down and we we are we are not even in the off season yet we have not seen what free agency looks like we haven’t seen what the draft looks like there’s sure to be at least five trades tomorrow if not many more okay so the draft is going to be busy so when if you start seeing Chicago tear down some more at the draft tomorrow if you see them start leaning into long-term prospects and you know um Tony G KO where to the Ws please God no I’m not I I will not be a fan of that move so whether you’re going to start this process this year or next year you’re going to have to do it at some point and again if Scotty is the player that you think he is at some point you’re going to want to get to the playoffs you’re going to want to be competitive and better sooner than better sooner than later and right now you have two teams really that are in your division that’s the Nets and the Knicks the Knicks potentially if this OG thing doesn’t work out for them they lose him then you have M Bridges and you have lost this boatload of draft picks right and a lot of those draft picks have been Consolidated in Brooklyn now a team that notoriously does not know what they’re doing you know a lot of the times I don’t think they have necessarily the Great track record or the office and so you know maybe things have changed right they they’ve they’ve hit on some later picks lately um Deon sharp has certainly been good DQ Whitehead I believe in that pick you know um some of this some of these trades are showing some smart management but ultimately I think that the pathway for you is clear next year and then potentially when you are looking to be a title cender a lot of the teams around you will be aging out specifically the Knicks you know with Joe and Brunson probably edging Clos to to the 3031 everything about title Windows everything about you know NBA everything about competing is giving yourself the largest window possible to compete for titles you want to compete for titles you got to Mach out correctly and sometimes you know a generational you know situation or Prospect or a free agent signing just puts a kbos on all your planning I think the Sacramento Kings built perfectly sha and Kobe were too much right I think um the Orlando Magic you know had some very good ideas around Dwight Howard and rard Lewis I think they had some good plans there with J Nelson and hedo turku it just so happens that they bumped into better teams right I think um you know a lot of teams in the Western Conference built well but you know when KD decided to go to the Warriors it was like throw out the book so sometimes you can’t control these things but control what you can control give yourself a large enough window give yourself multiple cracks at it just like the Toronto ravish did time time again the Raptors give themselves from 2014 all the way to 2021 to for championships they won one okay that’s what you want to do you want to have a seven-year window and you want to build it with Scotty Barnes and probably Midway through that window you’re going to have to convince him that this is the best situation for him when he comes up for that next extension my point is next year you can start the building process now I I think this would probably be a good incentive for the Raptors to Zig while the rest of the East is zagging you know um go and be competitive you know keep yaka purle develop RJ Barrett develop man Al pray on this young core and got to be what Orlando was this year which is a young upstart team you know develop young players obviously no one is asking you to bring back the Nick nurse policy of letting young players rot at the end of the bench while you run your starters into the ground naturally you develop all you win rebuild the culture the same way you did it last time that was a blueprint under Dwayne Casey and this time hopefully your star player is a little bit better than Kyle Lowry or you know demard Rosen and that no shade on Kyle obviously Kyle’s the legend but severely limited and if Scotty really does end up being that top five top 10 type of player in the NBA well then you’re sitting pretty and you know again the larger implication for the Raptors here is two division Rivals to conference Rivals did some major moves today one of those moves could backfire I’m not sure right now to be completely honest who helps you win more next year Isaiah hardenstein or Bridges if that’s been remotely debatable for you then it’s a move laterally right cuz this move makes it almost impossible for them to bring back Isaiah hardenstein if they lose OG and anobi as well as commonly stated they basically Trade It Away RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley and five first round picks to get Mel Bridges that’s a lot especially if you’re not bringing back pressure the CH us so I don’t know man I’m not seeing like the huge upside for the Knicks I understand they’re going to be at 55 to 60 win team I just don’t see them winning a championship necessarily I really like that team I really enjoyed winning for them this year you got to do something but if you lose OG in this process because he’s unhappy with you know how you know how he’s going to fit into the offense or whatever I’m not really sure you’re better and what I do know is that you’ve lost this entire Coffer of draft picks and I think that it’s worth noting the Knicks do still have five first round picks over the next three drafts so they’ll still have some flexibility to move off of that Julius Randle contract overall I’m curious to see what I’m going to say on players choice tomorrow I’m not entirely sure yet if I’m going to be super bullish about this trade after I get some z’s in me but we’ll see all right guys I’m gonna talk to you later but yes overall I think the Raptors win this trade because again two division Rivals make some big moves you consolidate two competitors into one competitor I don’t think the Nets are going to be competitive next year the Nets the Wizards the Hornets the Pistons the Bulls that’s five teams 15 team conference man 15 team conference and there are five teams that I can make a very very solid case are going to be worse than you and I don’t know if any of them are going to Pivot into okay let’s go win games but could I see a world in which we’re better than the Hawks yeah it’s hard to believe but yes there is a world in which you could be better than the Hawks there’s a world in which you can be better than a lot of these teams but um Jimmy Bob Lee saying hardstein to the Raptors yeah I don’t know about that uh are you still doing the 11 am. thing on the other channel yes I am so I have a writing assignment I got to do the 11 am. thing and then I got to set up our live and I got to figure out what the hell is going on with the internet because I cannot have two bars and one bar on the internet going while and yo you know what the worst thing is I just threw out my 40 foot Ethernet cable so there’s going to be no wired connection either I don’t know what what I’m doing here all right I’ll talk to y’all later I wish this live was a little bit more coordinated and a little bit more succinct instead of 27 minutes of me rambling 15’s over I don’t know maybe this is like uh one of those jcole things might delete later you know what I mean there’s a reason the Sixers pulled out of the Paul George option hm we need some more shooting and defense in the starting lineup should we trade for cam Johnson and Dorian finy Smith since Brooklyn is about to have a fire sale that’s a really interesting I like cam Johnson a lot I really do I am a little bit worried what they would want for him number one like fire does not mean every player goes usually um I feel like someone’s going to be able to beat that offer and I’m not really sure I want to compete with it um Dorian fny Smith yeah I mean he rotation piece I’m not I’m not sure about the health of Cam Thomas like I sorry cam Johnson like I really like him as a player like I really do I’ve always enjoyed him as a player I just think the biggest thing with him is health I wonder now what this means for the Nets bringing back Nick Claxton does this open up some more space for him does he become a free agent you know I mean like there’s a lot of implications here um again like I’m not I’m not willing to just say okay the Nets are like the worst team in the league next year but they certainly could make two moves and they’ll probably get there real fast to me I’m hearing they want to be bad right they don’t believe in the score they don’t think they have an ascending franchise player on their team cam cam Thomas ain’t it uh DQ Whitehead ain’t it Nick Claxton ain’t it Simmons ain’t it so you know Mel Bridges wasn’t it and had they not held their picks they would have had no incentive to tank but now they got some of their picks back so now there is a full incentive to tank and there’s two drafts worthy like two drafts worth of really high upside high-end Lottery talent that they could really you know suck themselves into and I have a feeling that they will they will absolutely try to Bott him out so yes they might have a fire sale I don’t think the Raptors going to be the best bids for it but if somehow the Raptors could end up getting cam cam Johnson and they believe that he’s be healthy yes he fits in beautifully with what the Raptors like to do he makes too much rather have the other cam to replace Gary Trent Jr um cam Thomas will need to be paid at some point too you know why don’t the Bulls do the same thing as I mean they kind of are I mean if you if you look at the Brader implication of the East right you have fron Vagner right and Jaylen Suggs you have Kate Cunningham Scotty Barnes Evan moley all these players extension eligible now we’ve heard the news about Scotty Barnes if if and I don’t believe any other guys max players I gotta be honest I I think fron is probably the one that’s closest Evan Moy is close I don’t think jayen sugs and and and Kate Cunningham are there if if Kate Cunningham gets paid like that whatever dumpster fire is the Detroit Pistons they will continue to be that right so again like I don’t changing coaches is to change the trajectory too much for the for the Pistons they’re still going to be pretty bad next year I believe they’re going to be pretty bad so again there’s probably someone in Detroit making a video right now just like this saying oh look the Raptors are crap the Wizards are crap I’m sure a lot of people a lot of casuals in the NBA put the Raptors in the same tier as the Pistons I should they’re are not I think the Raptors just became the 10th best team in the East should I have said this and and just ended this video in a minute probably that’s probably what I should have said I think the Raptors are now a top 10 team in the East after this trade with Mel Bridges moving on Dennis Schroeder and whatever the hell else is left in Brooklyn and them show showing a clear that they one tank same thing with and look there’s other teams that are on this pathway too where’s Miami if Jimmy Butler gets moved where’s Miami if Daman Lillard and Yannis sanmo continue to age out at that rate what is that team’s future over the next two years if you are the Toronto Raptors and you are eyeing 2025 2026 which is the year after this year as your opening to Championship window or contention window where you want to rebuild you want to build to a championship if that’s the equivalent of kowry gets a block a shot blocked by Paul Pierce in the you know as the Raptors had home court advantage in the playoffs is the thirds if that’s that equivalent year then next year would be the year to make the plan and try to be competitive do you know what I mean so I think that that’s it and also I mean Joel embid is approaching 30 and has a lot of questionable history with injuries right um is anyone super scared of the clev Cavaliers you know what I mean like like what are we if if Scotty Barnes and Grady dick and Emanuel quickley and RJ Barett work out for you the way they’re supposed to and you build around this thing the way you’re supposed to I could see I can see the Raptors being a top six team very soon um Don veto saying I heavily disagree the Raptors will be worse than the Pistons next year cool yeah um I don’t think so but hey if we are worse than the Pistons hello Cooper flag you know it’s it’s clear sailing ahead we’re going to be positive about that I’m not saying you know Positive Vibes or whatever but hey man at least at least we are not swimming in the fear of having to give up that pick anymore right so the Raptors have ultimate flexibility I’m just saying it’s going to be really hard to be worse than some of these teams next year um thank you I’m not sure if that’s been a compliment but thank you I appreciate it all righty guys I’ll talk to youall later and I hope that this internet thing will fix itself out we just did a 4-Hour live where I don’t think internet was such a laggy issue but the minute I started this one it suddenly started to get real laggy and I don’t understand why that is because you would think that at 2:40 in the morning almost none in the world would be using internet but who knows man maybe this is the time when people are up doing crazy stuff on the internet wow you you like this comment so much you wrote it twice hey should we bring back JV is a backup Center to purle no I mean for what 5 million sure maybe but but not for anything more than that um but he is familiar with the city yeah all right I’ll talk to you’all later and yes at 11:00 a I will be on players choice we will be talking about uh the NBA draft we’ll be talking about this trade we talking about a whole L of stuff so if you want to get my opinion again in a different setting with a whole bunch of other people um are you being throttled by your provider I don’t know but I’m pretty anti Rogers so I’m sure I’m getting throttled by them to some extent I hope we sign quickly soon so I don’t understand why people are wanting for us to sign quickly soon I think um the minute you sign quickly your cap space is gone now first of all you cannot really sign him until July 6 anyway so it doesn’t really matter but hey Rob are you investing in gme stock no no I’m not uh for I hate Rogers too for mirative reasons yes we should we should form a group called The Rogers sucks um anyways I’m sleepy my larger Point here is that I think that this trade should not be viewed as oh my God it’s obvious that OG is is leaving the knck I think there’s a very good chance that it can go either way right um and I do think think that like as as this person said oh the Pistons could be better than the Raptors yeah there’s a couple of teams down there where I’m like okay if everything breaks perfectly for the Pistons or the Wizards well not the Wizards let’s be let’s be real about the Wizards or the the Hornets I mean at some point these teams are going to get good right Lonzo ball and Brandon Miller and potentially miles Bridges I don’t know there’s Talent there I just wouldn’t bet on those teams being better than the rappers and I certainly wouldn’t have bet on those teams being better than the Nets and the and the Bulls had they stayed intact I think Alex Caruso going to the west and Mel Bridges going to the Knicks makes those teams worse so it removes two teams that were ahead of you that’s what I’m saying like I’m I’m viewing this from a very strategic Lego building perspective right there’s there’s like seven teams sorry there’s like 12 teams ahead of you in the East if you’re the Raptors right you got to beat two three of those teams in order to make the top 10 that’s simple math right so I think one of I think three of those teams just walked out of your way for you that’s what I’m saying you know so we’ll see anyways I’ll talk to youall later this one bar is really freaking me out I’m I’m scared to look at this live back and see how bad this the lag was but anyways I’ll talk to you’all later and definitely tune in at 11: a. if you want to give your boy some support on players choice all right peace

The Toronto Raptors watched on Tuesday night as two division rivals chose a direction; the Nets chose to rebuild, re-acquiring their draft picks from Houston while getting a ton of draft equity back for disgruntled star Mikal Bridges, and the Knicks chose to go all-in on their quest for relevance, thinking that Bridges joining the Villanova Knicks gives them a shot to upset the Celtics next season.

There are real winners and losers beyond the three teams involved and one of the clear winners are the Toronto Raptors whose path to the play-in tournament just became a little bit easier.

With aging rosters like Milwaukee and Miami, expensive rosters like New York and Boston, and suddenly tanking teams like Brooklyn, Chicago, Detroit and Washington, Toronto’s path to playoff relevance in 2025-2026 is looking clearer and clearer by the week.

And then there’s the OG Anunoby part of it…

#Raptors #Knicks #Nets


  1. I think this is a sign that OG is close to staying. But the upside to this is maybe the Nets are now alot more willing to let some other pieces go. Or even Garland might be alot easier to get now. I'd be picking up thw phone if I was Masai especially for Garland.

  2. Wow the Knicks just protected themselves. If OG leaves Brides is as good or better 3 and D as OG. They are probably #1 and #2 in the league. Plus he only makes $25m a season for two years. Plus many Knicks players are taking less to stay there and OG doesn’t fall into that category. I was thinking his contract would mess up their team chemistry.

    Then add the fact they are less desperate to keep him and the Sixers might not target him if they go for Paul George which is more of a Morey move than OG could find the money dry up. Forcing him to accept less from the Knicks that he wanted or going to another team like the Pistons or even back to Toronto.

    I honestly am impressed with this move the Knicks made. This is high level moves. If the Knicks have both OG and Bridges they are championship contenders for sure.

    Great start a day before the draft. The trade market is officially wide open. Maybe we will see a bunch of trades at the draft.

  3. Put some Ethernet cable on your Amazon wish list. Doing a podcast on wifi is kinda wild.i dont game on wifi and thats just for fun. If this is a serious money making venture for you it should be a hardwired connection.

  4. Put some Ethernet cable on your Amazon wish list. Doing a podcast on wifi is kinda wild.i dont game on wifi and thats just for fun. If this is a serious money making venture for you it should be a hardwired connection. This is the worst lag you have had on a pod so far. Just got to the 27min mark where you said tossed out an Ethernet cable. Bruh

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