@Phoenix Suns

‘HOUSTON WANTS KD!’ 🚨🗣️ Windy outlines FASCINATING Suns-Rockets Draft Day scenario | First Take

‘HOUSTON WANTS KD!’ 🚨🗣️ Windy outlines FASCINATING Suns-Rockets Draft Day scenario | First Take

and is interest in potentially trading for one of the sun Stars further context from our guy Adrien w narowski w saying this the implications of the Rockets Landing the Suns picks Houston wants to trade for Kevin Durant and that becomes far easier if they can return the Suns picks that they gave up in the Durant deal to the Nets suns have said they’re keeping Durant for now but that could change next season my goodness turning into a journey man but now Houston has the picks to make the Suns whole again wowzers Wendy what is the latest on KD and book potentially on the move this is one of the most fascinating trades I’ve seen in my career okay and because it happened on the bridges day it gets a little bit obscured this is amazing so I just want you to think about this the Brooklyn Nets have announced to the world they’re they’re tanking they have traded their best player they will trade their other best players they’re done they’re going to try to go into the next few drafts and rebuild wouldn’t it be amazing if you had their draft picks if you controlled their next two drafts like you’re you’re in a dream situation you’re you’re heading to the bar you’re ordering champagne you’re like this is just like what happened the last decade when when Boston had the picks and and the Russian oligarch gave up on the team and stopped paying for it next thing you know Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum were Landing in Boston’s lap you’re like this is going to be us the Houston can say we have a Victory lap we knew James Harden wasn’t going to work out there we took your draft picks and now look what we’re going to do it’s not what they did instead they gave the picks right back why would they give the picks right back why why would they do that and I I understand that they’re getting they traded one Swap and one first and they got two swaps and two first so two is more than one but those Nets picks super valuable instantaneously top five top 10 Assets in the whole league and Houston did that deal and not only that the Nets were like let’s get the league on the phone they did the trade last night this trade is official it’s been announced they didn’t want uh Houston have second chance they didn’t want somebody else to come into Houston and say oh my God wait a minute you’re going to make those Nets picks available that they’re going to tank for the next two years with these two drafts coming up no why because they got Suns assets this the the Rockets were sitting on that because they had made that Harden trade the Nets were sitting on those Suns assets because of the Durant trade and what they’re basically doing is putting a big giant piece of red meat out in front of the Suns and saying you want to get out of the Durant transaction you don’t think your team with these three stars under these new rules is built correctly yeah let us bail you out there’s all kinds of connections here the the Oka was Kevin Durant’s uh assistant in Brooklyn Royal Ivy Who’s On Em staff longtime very close associate former teammate of Kevin Durant the Rockets are willing to make a big move now they want to make the move now yes of course they could hold on to these picks they they go all the way out to 20 2029 they could just sit there and wait they could make a different trade but they if they were interested in making a different trade they would have held on to the Nets picks because those are more valuable they are setting a they want Durant I don’t think Durant and Booker have any issue with each other I don’t think Devon Booker has any interest in leaving Phoenix yeah but Phoenix has now at least got to at least look at this because the other thing is would Durant ever want to go let’s see let’s see let say one more thing dog I’m sorry I know it’s a filibuster tonight the Rockets have the number three pick in the draft this is a very important position because they could draft Donovan I want you to watch real closely when that number three pick comes I think it’s one of the most important things of the night if the Rockets take Donovan kingan they are basically saying we’re going to take a new franchise Center alarin shenon who is their very talented young Turkish Center who had had a great year last year he could potentially if they take lingan it makes shenon potentially available and If you have those assets plus shenon plus other assets that the Rockets have they can make a very compelling offer to Phoenix if Phoenix gets to a point where they would be willing to engage well first of all I’m not giving up shagon and that number three overall pick along with additional assets uh for for for Kevin Durant at this stage of the of the game for Houston Kevin Durant he’s phenomenal he’s great one of the greatest of all time we get all of that the flip side to it you have to ask yourself the question is Kevin Durant G to get us over the hump and and Elevate us to a title Contender how can I possibly say that when that same Kevin Durant has been swept in the first round two of the last three years I can’t do that I can’t do that when he when he got swept with Kyrie Irving as his teammate I can’t say that when he got swept with Bradley Beal and Devin Booker as his teammate and now you go to Houston potentially and it’s a Jaylen green as this shagon or whomever Jabari Smith Jr Fred Van vet who’s a who’s a real one we love Fred Van vet um I I I just can’t I can’t I can’t make that Proclamation I understand that eay and and Royal Ivy all of that all of those angles that you brought up Wendy you’re right 1,000% on point and here’s the thing leadership comes into play and I’m not getting on Kevin Durant I’m just highlighting everybody has their own different style Kevin Durant wants to play ball and go home he wants to play ball ball out drop 28 a night on you bust your living you know what be one of the greatest players in the world and go home Houston’s a relatively young Squad you need leadership you need vocal leadership you need an extended version of leaders ship that extends beyond the court of play that helps build a culture now emay OK is going to go a long way towards doing that along with his his his staff but you need help from players and so for me Kevin Durant at this stage of his career knowing what we know about him I’m not sure that’s the greatest situation for the Houston Rockets to be in you’re gonna get what you gonna get from him he’s gonna win your games you’re going to be relevant because he’s great but you need other stuff other intangible that he may not necessarily bring as far as Deon Booker is concerned I said it before and I’m going to say it again I never sat up there and said Deon Booker wants out of Phoenix to be a New York Nick what I said was is that he wants to be in Phoenix but in the event that they ever thought about moving him New York was a place he would want to be now if you’re the Phoenix Suns you may not want to lose him but the flip side to it is that what exactly can you get from him because what exactly have you won or all of these years he went to the finals against Milwaukee but that’s about it and he was a part of the team that got swept this year as well at some point in time you got to look at the assets that you have and ask yourself what can you get in return for them I would make a legitimate argument you could get just as much if not more for Devin Booker as you can get Kevin Durant and that’s how I’m looking at it so if I had the choice to pick between the two it depends on the situation the younger you are and Longevity is your issue you go with Devin Booker if you’re readymade now to go for a championship and you just need one more piece you go with Kevin Durant first off that owner in Phoenix he’s not trading Durant okay he’s on the record he’s saying that he wants to keep him together absolutely plus he just gave Bo hoser 50 million dollar to coach after he fired Monty Williams because they lost game seven after they fired vogle who won a championship because they got swept by Minnesota there is no way that owner is a pain in the neck he wants to win he’s not trading Durant and he’s not trading B Booker so I understand Houston put themselves in a situation where Phoenix fell apart again early next year maybe they can sort of entice but I don’t think Phoenix is going in that direction they’re going to run this back they’re going to give this a shot and that owner wants to win he don’t want to sit there and rebuild no way and Durant’s 36 years of age anyway so if you’re Houston you want Durant I’d want Booker if I was Houston I I wouldn’t want Durant despite what Stevie says I know how great he is but the bigger issue for me is Phoenix that owner they just gave boser $50 million now they’re going to trade the team on them I’d be shocked I think this is never going to why put themselves in that position if they didn’t have a shot exactly why would Houston trade these beautifully valuable super awesome looking Nets picks if they didn’t have a shot they obviously think that they’ve got a shot yeah the thing is the league is different now it’s different from when they even traded for Durant it’s just very hard to have three guys making $50 million where all three of them aren’t playing like at all NBA level if they if that and they can’t even get them on the court together that’s been the problem and so I I agree with you doggy I don’t think Phoenix is going to do it but I would say this there is a argument to be made that there’s a deal there for them that could actually potentially not hurt them and give budenholzer more tools in the toolbox I will say this too as far as Houston they have a mandate from their ownership Tilman fertita he didn’t want a six-year long-term rebuild he wanted right back up after they traded hard and that is his mandate that is why they went out and paid Fred vanet huge nobody was offering vanet that money last year they paid him they paid Dylan Brooks more money than anybody thought would give him because they wanted to get better fast they are totally fine with being in fifth place and if Kevin Durant can give him the fifth place next year that would make them happy that would follow their mandate uh doggy a couple of things number one when Wendy’s talking just look straight stop looking at Wendy because on the camera you looking sideways and the audience doesn’t see you they see the sideway steep a the camera follows him leave him alone let me do it you got to make me conscious let me do the show just admit that you miss us just admit that you miss us a teeny B try I’m trying no I don’t miss you Molly I’m sorry I just don’t I just don’t I’m I’m I’m not not not while I’m stuck in this closet sweating I’m not I’m not missing anybody right now want be with the crew want me to get you something from the c number two we saw the side of De a doggy’s face no we don’t need to see that number three um Wendy Wendy especially for you I am reporting I am reporting here uh oh pay no attention to what Phoenix is saying they want out of Kevin Durant right now that’s number one wait say that one more time they want pay no attention to what Phoenix is saying they want out of Kevin Durant right now wow that’s number one again why do the Rockets do the deal Molly that’s why I asked you I was like wow okay go ahead number two also so Houston doesn’t want Kevin Durant e may udoka may want him but organizationally they know that they are not there yet so their plans are more long range and they would prefer a Devin Booker who they know it’s a slim chance they’ll get but that would be their preference now I now I can do some not giving an opinion that’s but before you do your reporting can you explain something to me so they want to get rid of Kevin Durant but Houston doesn’t want Kevin Durant so like what does this mean Stephen A is saying that and I have no reason not to believe him I I’ll believe him but uh Devin Booker is fully committed to the H to the uh Deon Booker is fully committed to the Phoenix Suns that is where he wants to be and he’s fully committed to Kevin Durant by the way they’re looking forward to playing with each other starting next week when they get together for team USA they’re like they’re looking forward to playing their summer together like there’s no from what I am told there’s no issue between KD and Booker there’s no issue between the Suns and Booker Booker has moved his entire life to Phoenix he’s invested there that’s where he wants to be um but Rockets did this deal for a reason Stephen what Stephen A just said I will trust it as fact his record is what it is but the Rockets could have done this why did the deal have to get done now they could have done this deal with the Nets like what are the Nets going to do the Nets want their picks back the only people that had their picks were Houston Houston didn’t have to do it now they did it now for a reason there’s a reason there’s information there’s something that they want to do we’re going to watch it unfold but remember it’s not about not wanting Kevin Durant like he’s a problem it’s that Houston is recognizing that they’re relatively young so eay and his staff obviously feel the way that they feel about Kevin Durant because of their relationship along with his greatness but they have to look at the rest of the roster and ask themselves what’s the ideal fit and right now Deon B would be a more ideal fit than Kevin Durant but not because of Kevin Durant it’s because of the youth that they have on their squad and how it would have necessarily be an ideal fit at this moment in time that’s all I’m saying on the Houston angle on the Phoenix front on the Phoenix front you have a situation where they know what a great player he is they also know they got swept and this notion that you’re bringing in boen Ho a doggy because you gave him five years with all of this money and it’s about when now when now no yes you want to try to win now buen hose is a champion as a coach but the flip side to it is that you’re basically hiring a guy who you trust long range he’ll be here now and he’ll be there when they’re gone they believe in him he’s the guy the face of their franchise in terms of being a long-term coach that’s how they view him it’s not about just now Phoenix doesn’t can I say something Phoenix doesn’t get that benefit of the doubt Steve they fired Monty Williams after game seven and they fired vogley after one year now all of a sudden they fall I let me answer that let me answer that Monty Williams was there when new ownership came on board so he wasn’t their guy that’s number one all how about vog number number two well vogle was who they settled for because they wanted tyo but the Clippers wouldn’t let tyo out of his deal they had other candidat give vogo $41 million on a settle on a settle deal again again you don’t H but listen cuz look at the numbers that the coaches getting paid now 40 million was nothing why do the sons no longer want Kevin Durant because they feel like they can’t go all the way with him combination of getting swept and the other things that I’ve talked about again I don’t mean they don’t want him like they don’t love the Fantastic phenomenal player that he is but they understand where they were knew what their limitations were got swept by Minnesota see Oklahoma City ascending see Dallas ascending no Denver’s not going anywhere and looking at themselves and saying we’re not deep enough we’re not together enough to offset what those dudes are going to throw at us so we’ve got a great player and we know how great he is but we also know that we might be able to get assets to build upon in the future in place of him not to mention the fact that Kevin Durant I’m gonna say this and Wendy W everybody knows this Kevin Durant marches to the beat of his own drum he’s a great guy he’s not a problem in terms of causing trouble I’m not implying anything anything like that but he keeps to himself and when you got a young Squad sometimes they require more of you to be that vocal leader that steps out Beyond just your own greatness so you can peel it out of others that’s not what he’s known for he’s known for coming to work grabbing his lunch pill going on the basketball court busting your living you know what and going home that’s Kevin Durant teams particularly the younger ones need more more than that we agree from your star do you do you agree that he wouldn’t be a good fit in Houston no I I think he’d be a good fit anywhere I’m a gigantic basketball I’m a gigantic believer in his in his ability I I would just say the thing that I woke up today thinking about was not male Bridges it was those Nets picks those Nets picks these next two years are like platinum and the Houston Rockets let them go there’s got to be a reason why they did that all right other thing is De Durant who says Kevin Durant wants to stay there Kev rant probably wants out think about that yeah yeah all right interesting that owner that owner is not going to break up that team I’m going to stick with that I don’t care what I know Day free agency’s coming A lot’s happening [Music]

On First Take, Brian Windhorst explains what the Houston Rockets landing the Phoenix Suns’ picks means in the grand scheme of things in their public pursuit of All-Star Kevin Durant ahead of the 2024 NBA Draft.

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  1. SAS bro u be doing the most…like where do u be getting your information…like man 🤣🤦🏾🤣

  2. Laker fan complaint: If the Suns or Rockets were the Lakers this story would have a narrative swearing that the team has no clue what they are doing. Stephen A can explain Monty / Frank getting fired but not Ham/Vogel?

  3. Windy missed on the fact that the Nets didn't commit to tank and trade Bridges UNTIL they got their picks back from Houston. They would not tank if someone else had their picks. Thought he would have a better understanding before going on TV to demonstrate his lack of awareness regarding the situation.

  4. At this point KD and Harden are independent contractors. Giving them a contract of over a year is idiotic they will sign a new contract for 4 years and request to leave before they can play the first years game

  5. Book is the man. We're grateful to have him , he stayed loyal theough the dark days. KD and Book have zero beef. This is all smoke. We just hired Mike B. Mat Ishbia is not blowing this up now.

  6. Trading away Sengun is a no-go. I think people seriously underestimate the ceiling of that kid. Now KD + Sengun 👀

  7. Houston should not have given up the 2025 pick swap with the Nets. The 2025 draft class is a deep and talented pool. And KD is done. KD does not take Houston the the championship much less win it. Neither would Booker. What a disaster if the Nets end up in the top 3 lottery selection in 2025!

  8. Why All these clowns riding windy like a saddle. Windy thinks he is the last word on B Ball, HE NOT!!!!

  9. Houston is the best move for KD he gotta go asap and if Houston do draft another center they gotta keep one can’t give up both but they’ll have a complete team

  10. No way I’m giving a whole lot of draft picks for a 37 year old injury prone KD unless I was a top 6 seed last year and I think KD can get me a chip. It’s no way

  11. Windy excitement explained the situation was so funny.

    Bro was almost having an orgasm talking about draft picks 😂😂😂😅😂

  12. Stephen A literally praised the Knicks trading 6-7 picks for Mikal Bridges yet don't think KD and DBook is worth 4 picks on the same day is crazy

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