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‘A SUPER TEAM OF ROLE PLAYERS!’ Mikal Bridges’ RARE trade amps up Knicks! 🔥 | Get Up

‘A SUPER TEAM OF ROLE PLAYERS!’ Mikal Bridges’ RARE trade amps up Knicks! 🔥 | Get Up

back on get up with our top story of the day a huge trade between the Knicks and the Nets the first since 1983 Brooklyn is sending Mel Bridges in exchange for five first round picks beginning in next year’s draft to reunite him with his Nova teammates Jaylen Brunson Josh Hart and Dante dant chenzo so Nick fans are buying in to the bridges hype and so too is the betting Market at ESPN bet the Knicks went from 16 to1 to win the title and now they are 10 to one with only Boston having better odds to win it all among the teams from the East when you look at the odds changing so quickly Monica are you also buying into this trade making the Knicks the next team behind the Celtics to win the east at this moment yes I do think realistically you got to see what Philly does potentially in the course of this off season uh and I I will leave room for how will Milwaukee respond after last season right but I think right now what we just saw in the finals was you have to be able to defend the Celtics but you also have to be able to keep up in terms of scoring with them and I think the Dallas side of the operation will argue that their defense was solid but they couldn’t get their offense going okay so let’s unpack that a little bit more as hoopers they had to put so much energy in terms of Defending that they couldn’t score versus a team that is such a stout Defender versus the Celtics to me when you look at this yes immediately the athleticism the length and the defensive jumps out but then you think about the numbers when oan noi was healthy on the floor assuming he gets done with the Knicks you think about the versatility of Mel Bridges the way that Dante Devan chenzo shot the ball Steph Curry like numbers this particular season and Jaylen Brunson Bann fifth in MVP voting it would seem that you have a group that now has the opportunity to compete with the Celtics on both sides of the floor when you look at this so yeah right now I would definitely say it’s the next CJ we just finished a decade where everybody in the west was building a team to beat the Golden State Warriors it feels like the Knicks are doing the same for the Boston Celtics how much did did this close the gap between those two teams I think it definitely closed the Gap a little bit more you talk about the versatility you talk about the wings you talk about the depth that you need to go on a championship caliber run you look at what the Boston Celtics did in acquiring Drew holiday obviously getting Chris as porzingis Derek white how integral those role players were throughout this season obviously you need star power you need the jayen Browns and the Jason tatums of the world but championships are won with role players executing and stealing you games down the stretch and stealing you games in the playoffs and I think the Brooklyn Nets have built a super team of role players they have depth length athleticism timo’s going to play them 35 to 45 minutes a game and you have versatility with the ability to keep Julius Randle allow him to move on and to sign OG so I like what they’ve done I think they position positioned themselves well in the Eastern Conference Bobby was this the Knicks get over the top move move I think so and I think as we talked about there’s certainly work to be done but I think you look you go back to that Eastern Conference Finals game seven without OG anobi without buam bgd donovic without Julius Randall I think if you had male bridges in that spot there they’re playing Boston in the Conference Finals here so still work to be done they still got to build out this depth but when you can add a player who averaged 16 points a game for a player that finished the season injured in BD donovic it certainly puts them over the top for right now Wendy you think there’s one more move the Knicks need to make they’ve got a close a deal with oan noi let’s go down I95 a little bit here to Philadelphia you’re Philly you have watched the Celtics win the title you now have seen the Knicks make this move you have $50 million in salary cap space you need to worry about the Celtics don’t even forget about the bucks but just think about the Northeast if Oobi gets to free agency which would be Sunday before he he reaches a deal he’s a free agent now he can negotiate with the Knicks he can come to terms with the Knicks under the new rules before Sunday if he gets to free agency on Sunday you got to come in there and offer a huge deal to him to try to pull him out of New York you need to go after him and that is going to affect the way that the Knicks approach this OJ anobi is now an absolute must to have on that team and they know that the 76ers are out there lurking but the potentially offer up to the max OG is certainly aware of that that his agents are certainly aware of that so for the Knicks the next few days are about can you get a deal done with OG anobi don’t let him get on that free agent Market you get anobi locked down and you come out in a in a game against anybody in this league much l the Celtics with anobi and bridges on the wings and a top five MVP candidate in in uh in Brunson at the top of the key you have got a great chance and how the claw’s injury history could play into it kawi lennett is a superstar basketball player who is completely unreliable healthwise he misses 46% of the games he misses 60% of the playoffs since he has become a Clipper and he does absolutely positively nothing to market the sport why should Paul George stay in that situation podcast P wherever you are Paul George listen to me and listen to me good you should want to leave if that’s your teammate because you can’t trust his avail ability period what’s the latest you’re hearing on Paul George the the effect that Kawhi Leonard has had on Paul George is more his contract Paul kawhai signed a three-year deal to this point the Clippers have only been willing to offer Paul George about what they gave kawh Leonard three years at a little bit less than the max contract and Paul George frankly wants four years he wants a full out Max and there are a number of teams out there I am told that are prepared to give it to him who are are prepared to trade for him one of those teams potentially is up the coast in Golden State golden state is Big Fish hunting remember last last trade deadline they put a call in about LeBron James they have they are sniffing around big deals if Paul George is willing to leave they would like to be an option for him but any of these places that the Paul would would need to go via trade would have to get worked out with the Clippers and would have to get worked out by Saturday the Clippers I think are a position where they kind of want to call Paul’s Bluff that he would actually want to leave his hometown of La so that’s one of the most interesting things to watch in terms of staredowns between now and this weekend Bobby let’s talk Paul George options and which teams might be in play yeah I mean I think Wendy hit it right in the head I think Golden State for me makes the most sense when we’re looking not at a cap space team and I think what decision Paul George does with that $48 million player option if he Ops in that makes it more viable to go out and acquire him in a trade I think for the Warriors keep an eye on June 28th that’s the guaranteed date for Chris Paul he’s got a $30 million guaranteed if Chris Paul is waved and Klay Thompson is not brought back that gives them all the flexibility in the world with draft picks with that Andrew Wiggins contract with some of their young players to take that last big swing with Steph Curry still in his prime CJ which team put your executive hat on which team should bet the house on getting Paul George this is tough cuz I’m in the Western Conference and people were going to say why AR you talking about where Paul George should go because he’s in the NBA but if I’m Paul George and I’m looking at this situation and I’m from La I look at trying to stay first because Family Matters and you want to be close to the family you keep the family close but if it’s about spreading your wings and getting that extra year and getting your Max and still having a chance to compete for a championship while being in California the easy answer is the Golden State Warriors you got Steph who still can go Bonkers for 50 in a game you got Draymond Green who great screens give be your point forward Steve cerr likes to rest Steph a lot to start fourth quarters they like to kind of be careful with his minutes as he gets closer to 40 so this is a situation that could be very interesting for Paul George in the event that the Warriors can’t come to an agreement with Klay Thompson in the event that the Warriors do want to do something with Wiggins and one of the young players or some of the young players I think Paul George would be a seamless fit for the Golden State Warriors it seems like a lot of ifs when we talk about the Golden State Warriors Monica for you what’s the best spot for PG honestly I think he should stay where he is and I hear where Stephen A is coming from but as we continue to look at championship teams nothing happens in year one if this was I give you like three years ago with stuff and the window was a little bit bigger then maybe if this was I mean even in Philly year one is usually not when it happens and so there’s already been some progress made in the Los Angeles Clippers organization tyou is still a guy that We Praise on these conver in these conversations anytime we get a chance I I I I know the Kawai thing is a big swing whether or not he is or isn’t available but they’ve already started building so it would have to be a really really sweet offer in my mind for it to be better than what he’s already started working on in the Clippers organization Wendy when I hear CJ speak about PG to the Warriors it makes me think about Klay Thompson what have you heard about his deal going forward yeah so the Warriors have these big choices they have a an option pickup date on Chris Paul by the end of the week they have potential negotiations for other bigname players will they be will they be willing to put what’s necessary in a deal to go after Paul George for example there’s potentially other star players that they are also looking at and Clay is sort of sitting there on the back burner he whether or not I don’t know if he’s going to be able to get a deal done before he hits unrestricted free agency come this weekend what I think the Warriors are saying is they don’t necessarily believe there’s another option out there for play that he’s willing to go to that would be a better fit for him and they’re a little bit again kind of like the Clippers are trying to maybe call Paul George’s Bluff that he would actually leave I think the Warriors are in position where where is he going to get more money and and more years than potentially we’re going to offer him and that probably is upsetting clay clay I think looked at what happened with Andrew Wiggins looked what happened with Draymond Green they took less money in new contracts and were rewarded with four year long deals if you’re clay you’re looking at that saying why not me and if you’re the Warriors you’re saying well Steph’s under contract for two more years Steve C’s under contract for two more years that’s kind of what we’re offering you so you can see where that impass exists Bobby how do you see this yeah listen Klay Thompson’s made $270 million in his career I think you get a point in your career when money doesn’t mean everything it’s quality of life happiness will he go somewhere making maybe the non- tax mid-level exception perhaps so I I think certainly how they’ve handled the Draymond Green negotiation rewarding Andrew Wiggins Jordan P Klay Thompson saying what about me I’m still playing at a you know not an All-Star level but certainly at a at a high level here and and right now that hasn’t come to fruition I think this is tough I I think ultimately the Warriors are exploring Clay is exploring the relationship has shifted I think often times good things must come to an end and it really just comes down to where they’re at financially and where they’re at with Clay’s role they exper with him coming off the bench they did a lot of things that I felt personally were a bit disrespectful for a Hall of Famer who’s a top 75 one of the greatest Shooters of all time a guy who’s won multiple championships and if not getting hurt in that game probably would won another championship against the Toronto Raptors I think he has to explore his options um as Bobby said before he has to see what makes him feel safe and secure financially he’s secure but now it’s about role it’s about fit and it’s about proving not only to yourself but to others that you can still play at a high level which he’s done throughout this last season so [Music]

The Get Up crew react to the New York Knicks acquiring Mikal Bridges from the Brooklyn Nets and if the Knicks are now the biggest threat to the Boston Celtics.

0:00 Knicks acquire Mikal Bridges
2:00 Are the Knicks now the biggest threat to the Celtics?
5:30 Paul George’s player option
8:30 Best destination for PG-13
9:30 Klay Thompson will be an unrestricted free agent

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  1. Love this move but I can’t wait for Greeny to get back. I swear Ryan Clark tries way too hard 😂

  2. If your 3rd or 4th best player is mikal bridges or OG anunoby. Youre in really good shape

  3. Odds are set to pursade action.. idgaf where the bookie has them at.. they ain’t winning 😅

  4. Wait so the best team that just won the chip has to worry that the Knicks are now the second best? Lmao ok

  5. ESPN bias crew now jumping on the Knicks bandwagon with Screaming A Smith leading the charge.

  6. People act like these first round picks will end up being Jordan, Lebron, or Kobe. We don't know! We do know Bridges can ball and is an Iron Man that rarely if ever gets hurt.

  7. Chicago did the role player superteam a few years back when they added Derozen, Ball and Vucevic to Zach Lavine. It didn't really pan out. If they can resign OG and Randle though my god that's a lot of not quite superstar players 😬

  8. I had no idea all these guys played together in college but looking into it it's quite hilarious that Brunson was the best player on that title winning team in 2018 and the best in all of college as he won Naismith college player of the year and yet Bridges goes number 10 in the draft, DiVincenzo goes 17 and Brunson goes….. 33. And they are all the same age too so it wasn't a Brunson is too old thing. Even Hart who was drafted a year earlier managed to go 30th. Brunson is one of the most slept on college players ever.

  9. What is Monica saying. This made the Knicks go backwards in the long run. This is a terrible trade


  11. Love RC! Excellent analyst! Host?! Not so much … Elle, Hahn or even the rookie Andrya would have done better.

  12. I can't believe what the Knicks gave up for Bridges. This isn't in the intended spirit of the CBA. Are Boston and the Knicks playing outside of the intentions of the CBA? Will the CBA even matter? I can only think that Now York are counting their chickens before they hatch. As for Clay, it could be fun to see what other teams think he's worth.

  13. Randle is definitely being traded. It's no coincidence how they played better without him this year and Barrett also played better when Randle was off the court and played worse when they played together.

  14. No CJ, Klay wasn't the difference against the Raptors. It was KD!!! Jus cuz they swept y'all without Durant lol doesn't mean they would have beat Toronto. How is he even allowed to talk about player movement, isn't that tampering?

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