@Oklahoma City Thunder

The OKC Thunder Just STOLE Alex Caruso…

The OKC Thunder Just STOLE Alex Caruso…

the OKC Thunder the Oklahoma City Thunder just got even more scary they got even more dangerous and we we talked about the OKC Thunder all season last year how they’re the number one seed and they’re youngest team this isn’t that old etc etc and now they just got somebody like Alec kuso on their squad Alex kuso so we most of you guys know Al kuso on the Bulls but if you really know Alex kuso you going to know him for the Lakers and his impact the impact he made on the Lakers as kuso on the 2020 Lakers 2021 Lakers I’m pretty sure it’s a different person man Alex kuso a comparison I can give him to like a player is like he’s literally like a don’t don’t like i’ say he’s like a Drew holiday for he was like a Drew holiday for the Lakers in that whole era Alex Caruso is the type of player that you could put in with a good like with a good team like the OKC Thunder and make them even better for sure that’s the type of player I think Alex kuso is so the OKC Thunder did I think they ended up in the yeah they ended up in the one seed and they played the pelican they swept them and then they went ahead play the Timol next round and the Timol took care of business and they they was just young man it was inexperienced and I feel like this off season this is the good part about the off season cuz teams get to make changes and when teams get to make changes when the right they make the right changes it becomes scary that’s a good first move by the Oklahoma City Thunder they did get rid of Josh giddy but I think the Josh giddy Alex kuso trade definitely OKC one out Alex kuso will fit in the system more than Josh giddy did for sure and I feel like Josh giddy could find his spot on could find his role for sure on the one of BS easy so let’s talk about OKC system like their game plans their systems OKC is the type of team who runs their offense through Shay Shay is the most consistent play arguably the most consistent player in the league for the 2023 2024 NBA season he barely had games when he had under he had a couple games when he had under 35 25 excuse me and other than that it was B 30 25 plus he’s he’s consistent he’s just a bucket getter like it’s hard to stop him you can have a game plan to stop him but he’s going to just find a way to put the ball in the basket he’s that type of player he’s just a bucking gu so okay is obvious OKC runs their offense to so now the thing is where does Alex kuso com in here so let’s talk about Josh giddy Josh giddy was another he was bold dominant he was a playmaker type of player and which for like when he was playing good it was it it helped OKC not going to lie it helped OKC when he was playing good but he was the way I seen it he was too inconsistent to be B dominant if you know what I mean so like with him being another B dominant guy in the startup IEM Shay Gillis Alexander played off the ball which works sometimes but if you’re going to if you have a player like Shay Gillis Alexander on your team and you haven’t played off the ball for somebody else I feel like they have to be the most consistent player at what they do cuz sh Gill is was in the MVP race let’s not forget so in order for putting him on The Bard you got to be really a consistent player at what they do you got to be a consistent playmaker consistent you got to get bugging too like like son he wasn’t consistent it was games where he would barely put up even put up even a numbers and Alex kuso I feel like he’s a good addition while you take um while you take uh Josh GID out do OKC under the lineup because Alex Caruso is not a bull dominant guy he’s a guy who that gives OKC two defense two menaces on defense a lud dor and Alex Caruso of course and Alex Caruso he’s going to put the ball in the basket too he’s just he just fits in the system like I keep saying he fits he’s a guy who fits in the system he’s not going to do too much he doesn’t ask for the ball on offense he just gets what he gets he’s definitely going to play defense and I feel like now on the defensive end OKC’s way more versatile cuz they got ludor and Jos and um Alex kuso on the perimeter possibly guarded two uh star players from either teams teams like the Phoenix Suns who got KD Devin Booker and brle Bill I feel like oy can counter a team like the Phoenix Suns so easily now while you have two perimeter two amazing perimeter Defenders like Alex Caruso and L Dort you have sh hen in the back C the paint which is amazing cuz 72 with like the who knows what Wings span it’s crazy going to be hard he’s a good shot blocker amazing shot blocker and then you have Sher with length like the def OKC is going to be up there with the top defensive team next season for sure they have a lot a lot of Firepower offense too let’s not forget of course OKC they did make it to the playoffs at the first seed last year and they just got even better so we’re definitely going to see what has to come for them next season and they’re definitely going to make more moves as the finals finals just ended so they’re we definitely going to be making a lot of videos on teams who make act like the trades feel me contract extensions all that we’re going to be discussing them so hope yall enjoy definitely tune in I’m going to be posting that sh every single day man make sure y’all tune in see y peace

1 Comment

  1. When I first saw he substituted on Lonzo during that summer league in game in 2017, then dominated, I knew he was destined for great things. Watched him in the G leagues in South Bay. This squad is gonna win next Championship in 2025. Let's come back to this next June.

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