@Charlotte Hornets

it’s over….

it’s over….

the end of the season is finally here [ __ ] congratulations to the Boston Celtics your 18th Championship when the world wanted you to lose for a decade you finally won good for you enjoy this while you still can Boston fans because it’s not going to get any easier let’s cut to the chase this season broke me as a Hornets [Music] fan the heat the heat I’m not doing this I’m not doing this I’m not doing this [ __ ] this bro oh Massie the hor have been bad since the beginning of time what makes this any different because because I believed I actually reluctantly bitterly believed last season I had to force myself to believe go watch the old videos go watch them watch my old videos they were scripted I’ll tell you right now they were scripted and you could tell because I have forced myself to react to the horn because I didn’t believe year before that I didn’t believe we were rebuilding we were rebuilding I believed in some players but the T no and the year before that and the year before that but this year this year this season IED these delusions didn’t come out of nowhere okay our head coach who has been in the league for 13 years been miserable for 12 of them came into this season saying that it’s a good team he believed after the NBA draft after the summer league but everyone was saying Brandon Miller was a horrible pick over scoot Anderson I believed by November I was still believing new types of coping coping you’ve never seen before through injuries through off the court issues with Miles Bridges I was still believing I believed so much that I went to a game in Orlando the whole team was healthy and available for the first time and I got to see it everyone was healthy and together for night 19 minutes for 19 minutes in the entire season they were together and I got to see it firstand for 19 minutes believing paid off the rebuild was over for 19 minutes out of this 82 Game season beautiful basketball was being played beautiful but one the one through five positions solid even the bench even the bench was good but on November 26th after B Carol clumsily falls on lamelo Ball’s leg five to 10 rows in front of me in front of me lamelo is slow to get up can’t get up on his own I stopped believing I’ll tell you the bigger crime though the ones who really did not believe no not me or the fans but the players the veterans the leaders there’s a myth in sports that success starts from the top and while that’s true to an extent I mean the GM and the owner are the ones who make the signings and the trades and the draft picks sure but let’s start from the bottom do your players even want to win most players in the NBA understand it’s a business it’s a job most players on that second contract are only playing to stay in the NBA [Music] most players on that first contract are just trying to make it to that second contract only like 10% of the players in the NBA actually care about winning and 100% of them are psychopaths because they care so much to a fault this season showed me who really cared this season showed me who really believed I’ll give you a hint they’re no longer on the team I got to give credit to new owners I really do most new owners for an organization they take like a year or so to evaluate the talent the Personnel the staff to really get a feel on who’s the loose end who has to go this new ownership needed 4 months 4 months to clean house to figure out who’s really here to win and who’s not and I’m all for it I could show you five games before the trade deadline five games and you going to be able to tell the difference unless it was the Jersey they all they would all play out the same they would all play out the same great effort for three quarters pick any but then quit and one and one stay neet to neck against teams until the last three minutes of the first half before they [ __ ] the bed every game tried being an owner of a team like that how much of that could you take huh how much of that could you take if the NBA was truly scripted I got to talk to the writers room about this because every game was the same let’s talk about the people that we traded all of these guys had something to say about the Hornets and they they were gone Terry Rosier said that losing was in our DNA that when we lost it was okay in the locker room compared to Miami with their heat culture oh my God Here I Go Again heat culture heat culture oh my God next guy up PJ Washington couldn’t recall the last time we had a 4game win streak oh and uh let’s not forget that IG live when need went to NBA Finals W you know it’s a perfect way to celebrate go to NBA Finals just shut on the Hornets okay okay you earned it gor Hayward he was more than happy to leave to OKC more than happy normally I don’t have issues with former o Hornet [ __ ] on the team I know the Malik monks and Caleb morens have every right to [ __ ] on us I don’t blame it at all it’s noise it’s always been noise what are you going to do about it they earn they right we misuse them oh well but for three starters three huge chunks of minutes coming out and trashing us three players we have sacrificed resources and move mountains for and they’re saying this three huge chunks of minutes to make an impact and you’re talking like this as if it was the organization’s fault no love Terry love PJ love Gordon but in case you didn’t know you were the leaders complain about everything that you want complain about everything you want you made this don’t go in the subway saying the sandwich sucks when you made the sandwich that’s past I don’t want to talk about them anymore because now we have people here that want to win that want to be here yes yes we lost a lot towards the end but at least a sole effort at least I saw the will to win they came up short but I saw four quarters of effort start to finish look and the rest of the season was was rough and I had to look I had to once again look forward to the future and that sucks that genuinely sucks because with any new ownership come new people in the front office and the coach and because you know they what their people their claimed to fame saying they hired these people these players and the only people that I like on the Hornets were on the front office and the coaching staff honestly honestly I like the few hiccups but a lot fewer than the past regime I like them and it’ll be sad to go because because they would be leaving for things out of their control truly but then this new ownership did something that caught me by surprise they promoted them I didn’t even that was such a thing Bravo they were going to help them look for their Replacements too oh my God continuity too that’s that that’s huge oh that’s huge let let’s let’s talk about their Replacements now Jeff Peterson the new vice president of basketball offer operations wow okay he was formerly the assistant GM of the Brooklyn Nets he was also the director of scouting for the Atlanta Hawks before becoming the assistant GM for the Hawks as well I’m not going to front with you just like any GM I don’t know much about them even after extensive research this is my research yes he was the assistant GM and scouting director but we don’t know which picks were his uh we don’t know how much influence he had on the decisions made so as the assistant who who knows but one thing is for sure despite what his role was he knows what good management looks like he was on the Hawks for the Luca for Trey Young trade and the drafting of John Collins he was on Brooklyn for the KD trade and the Kyrie Irving signing and the selection of Cameron Thomas my favorite upand cominging Hooper and the maau bridges trait like you seeing it he’s seeing it enough as well as the James Harden arrival and departure 2 many coaches agree that he’s also a great manager and quing our C head coach I feel comfortable with this one truly I I do it’s a new face I I enjoy so far he’s saying the right stuff and doing doing the right things which his first move was hiring Charles Lee I got to be honest with you this head coaching search was exhausting as a fan I can only imagine how it was being in the front office the horns casted like a wide nck which I like you know don’t leave any stone unturned for this coaching search if you want to get it right they look at sarono King’s g- lead coach lindsy Hardy which I liked uh it was really interesting and then kept getting even more interesting they’re looking at JJ rdit oh okay what no what listen you see bias aside and I’m saying a lot of bias aside I’m trying here I don’t think anybody wants this rnba of a head coach to to just take over this franchise this poty franchise that would actually send me over the edge luckily they did not hire him it’s that they got Charles Lee the assistant coach for the now Champion Boston Celtics and man wow any other fan base they would be excited for this hire they would but what I heard the news ptst kicked it because in case you don’t know War Lord two years ago we also hired an assistant coach to a team about to win the NBA championship the Warriors and after they won the championship he said you know what screw that I’ll to stay with the Warriors and left us with our tail between our legs days before the NBA draft and that’s how we got to year so I heard that news I started sweating I could not sleep but so far so far he has been committed I’m sure they offered the whole truck of money to make sure he doesn’t leave if he did oh I wish oh I [ __ ] wish he would try oh but but but seriously but seriously Charles Lee looks promising uh his story starts with the Hawks where he also worked with Jeff Peterson and where he also worked with our current owner it’s all connected oh my God and all serious hit his resume he comes from the like goon hols or uh coaching tree he was with the Hawks when they went to the Eastern Conference Finals and then he would go to Milwaukee with Mike boser where he went a championship as the assistant coach and then would go to Boston and also win a championship again so he knows what he’s doing we have some real winning experience in this organization now I can’t wait to see how this group this regime tackles the future so let’s talk about the future I will make a separate video on the off season and my predictions um but I’ll just give you my Surface thoughts start with the draft oh my God the draft holy oh the wars had the bottom three record also the top three highest chances to get the number one pit and they got the number six pick I want to say we got robbed but Detroit exist after the season they just had so I don’t want to so then I let them have it like and anytime you think you have something worse you just you just got to know that someone has it worse I feel for you Detroit fan like I really do this draft is said to be very weak however I don’t think that’s the case that gives me 2020 VI with there wasn’t a clear distinct number one hit I think you need to have the proper environment and conditions for this class for them to thrive I see a couple Superstars here and there um but again the conditions just have to be really right there isn’t no Zion or Wendy like you going to have your [ __ ] right like I said to be honest with you I think this stat class is fine they just didn’t get as much hyp as last year uh because there was college wom’s basketball great season but it just eclipsed men’s basketball that’s that’s all but speaking on environments for these players to succeed the horns are building it but I just don’t that they have it right now for whoever they picked so kind of eerie on that but I want to point out something though this order what do you see what what I know why I’m going to be showing it but what what do you see one and two are our division Rivals Mass divisions don’t really matter anymore they do in the regular season when You Face these guys a total to six to eight times so yes they do kind of matter and if I’m Charlotte I want to get in the mix with them tough time to be Atlanta right now to be honest I feel bad for them because now they’re forced to make multiple decisions do you you keep straight on get rid of the and uh go to war with this number one kid or do you get rid of both of them just blow it up and then build with that number one draft pick do you get rid of the number one draft pick to please your Trey young andw what do you do if Aqua wants I want to force their hand same thing Wasington as well these guys are trying to upgrade the NBA is just about upgrading all right every team and their fan base going take each season and says oh my gosh we upgraded oh my gosh we upgraded every team upgrades it’s about how much more did you upgrade than the next guy if I thought War I seen this I want to get the mix I want to force their hand and make them get so at least leave it an asset from them I will be hitting up Houston to try and get in the mix they fumble at number two number one I want to be there to collect immediately okay last thing last thing this thing is going on for a while free agency right now all we have is Miles Bridges as our key free agent on our roster and right now we kind of go into this bird’s right trap John Hollinger my favorite riter at the athletic coin in this phrase because it describes our situation to a te one rival team that gets a wild hair and falls in love with one of your players can blow up your roster or your salary cap structure in minutes and you can’t do a thing about it the Hornets all over the salary cap right now looking like what negative 5 6 million letting go with Miles Bridges freeze up 30 million okay it’s kind of hard to replace miles brid’s Talent no matter how much you hate him kind of hard to replace that but rather get rid of him than overpay and start you know getting into salary cap issues because there’s a new CBA and if you’re over the cap oh my gosh you’re handicapped you are handicapped there is no more staying over the cap for so long there’s no more dynasties with this new CVA and I think free agency dies with this new CVA I think most deals will be done through trades no longer trades so I say we let him walk for 30 million find some studs get some trades going on get some Assets in return okay I think I’m over State my welcome I got more videos coming out in the summer all right to your boy Massy summer thanks for watching all the way through make sure you like And subscribe [Music] now

A season recap of the 2024 NBA season as a Hornets fan. This has been one of the seasons of all time, thank you for embarking on this journey with me all season, I hated it.

For more of the birds right trap, please check out the article below by John Hollinger of the Athletic!


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